Anatomy & Physiology I, Skeletal System, Module 4

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What types of fractures are there?

1 - Closed (simple) - bone breaks but remains within the skin 2 - Open (compound) - bone breaks, but part of the bone shaft breaks out of the skin. 3 - greenstick - bone bends and breaks, but not all the way across 4 - comminuted - bone is broken into more than two segments 5 - impacted - one end of the broken bone shaft is pushed inside the other part of the bone

What types of synovial joints are there?

1 Hinge - movement in one direction (knee) 2 Ball-and-socket - allow movement in all places and rotational movement (hip and shoulder) 3 Saddle joint - thumb uses this to cross over palm 4 Pivot joint - rotational movement (cervical spine or neck)

14. Label the landmarks of the skull in the figure below:

1-mastoid foramen, L 4-Carotid canal 10-Carotid canal 11-External acoustic meatus

1. What is the function of the flat bones?

1. Produce red blood cells; protection of internal organs (skull protects the brain).

11. What is the purpose of the foramen magnum?

11. The spinal cord passes to become the brain stem

15. What is the function of the nasal conchae?

15. The nasal conchae act to swirl the air as it is breathed in through the nasal passages, helping to warm and humidify the air before it enters the lower respiratory system.

16. What are the only unpaired bones of the facial skeleton?

16. The mandible and the vomer

19. True or false: A typical spine is completely straight when standing vertically.

19. False (note the typical curvatures in a spinal column)

2. Describe the shape of a long bone and what its design allows.

2. Long and thin; designed to support body weight and enable movement

20. True or false: The vertebral body is located anteriorly and can be palpated along the surface of the back.

20. False (located anteriorly, but the spinous processes are the structures that can be palpated along the surface of the back)

The skull has how many bones? They are from the _________ and the ________ group of bones.

22; cranium and facial

23. What is the purpose of transverse foramina in cervical spinal vertebrae?

23. Passage of vertebral arteries and veins

3. Name the five basic bone shapes.

3. Long, flat, short, irregular, and sesamoid.

33. Why is the glenohumeral joint prone to dislocation?

33. The glenoid cavity is very shallow and much smaller than the head of the humerus. The humerus needs to be held to the shallow glenoid cavity by the rotator cuff muscles and other ligaments

40. Name the four bones of the distal row of carpal bones.

40. The distal row of carpal bones (from lateral to medial) are: trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate.

42. What bone is highlighted in the figure? (Left hand)

42. capitate

44. The coxal bones are connected posteriorly to the

44. The sacrum

45. The superior most region on the ilium is called the

45. Iliac crest

47. What bone landmark is highlighted in orange (center) in the figure below?

47. Iliac fossa

49. What are the main differences in the male and female pelvic shapes? Why?

49. The pubic arch is wider in females than in males. The pubic brim, also known as the pelvic outlet is shaped more like a circle in males and an oval in females. These differences are to accommodate childbearing.

50. True or false: The intertrochanteric crest articulates with the acetabulum.

50. False

51. What bone landmark is highlighted in blue, along the center portion of the shaft?

51. Linea aspera

53. What bone lies anteriorly to the femur?

53. Patella

54. The medial malleolus of the ankle is a part of what bone?

54. Tibia

56. What bone of the foot is highlighted in blue below (left)?

56. Navicular

58. Name and describe the function of the contents of the medullary cavity of bone.

58. Yellow bone marrow is a fat storage tissue found mainly in long bones. Red bone marrow is found primarily in short and flat bones, primarily to produce red blood cells.

60. This special type of cartilage is found at joint articulations

60. articular cartilage

61. Which type of bone is lighter: Spongy or compact?

61. Spongy bone

62. Which type of bone is usually found on the external surface of bone: Spongy or compact?

62. Compact

63. Which type of bone cell is responsible for removing worn bone cells?

63. Osteoclasts

64. True or false: Only children require calcium in their diet to promote the work of building bone.

64. False

65. True or false: Endochondral ossification is the ossification of long bones from hyaline cartilage

65. True

66. True or false: Intramembranous ossification is the formation of flat bones from connective tissue.

66. True

67. This type of fracture occurs when one end of the bone is pushed inside the other.

67. Impacted

68. This type of arthritis causes the synovial membrane to become inflamed.

68. Rheumatoid arthritis

69. What type of joint is immovable: Fibrous, cartilaginous or synovial?

69. Fibrous joints

70. Synovial joints produce what type of fluid?

70. Synovial fluid

71. The thumb has this type of synovial joint to allow the thumb to cross over the palm

71. Saddle joint

72. The clavicle connects posteriorly to the scapula via what ligament?

72. Acromioclavicular ligament

73. Review all shoulder ligaments

73. See figure in module

74. The_________ ligament attaches the femur to the ilium

74. The iliofemoral ligament

81. What ligament is highlighted in blue in the figure be

75. Iliolumbar ligament (left and right)

76. Review all pelvic ligaments.

76. See figure in module

77. What is highlighted in blue in the figure below? ( view)

77. Lateral meniscus

78. The abbreviation PCL stands for

78. Posterior cruciate ligament

79. Review all ligaments of the knee.

79. See figure in module.

8. What two bones of the cranium lie primarily within the skull?

8. The sphenoid and the ethmoid bones

80. This ligament connects the anterior vertebral bodies.

80. Anterior longitudinal ligament.

81. What ligament is highlighted in blue in the figure below?

81. Supraspinous ligament

82. Why can a herniated disc be painful?

82. Pain results when the damaged disk presses against the spinal cord or the spinal nerves.

83. Review all spinal ligaments

83. See figure in module.


Areas where the infant's skull has not fused together; usually disappear at approximately 18 months of age.

distinct markings, ridges, grooves, and holes in bones are called what?

Bone landmarks

Foraman, canal, fissure are what?

Bone landmarks that have round or oval opening through a bone to allow for nerves, blood supply, or a passageway

Sinus (bone marking)

Cavity within a bone, filled with air and lined with mucous membrane

contains many osteons (formerly called Haversian systems) in which osteocytes (bone cells) in tiny chambers called lacunae are arranged in concentric circles around center canals.

Compact bone

59. The center length of a long bone is called the


29. True or false: Anteriorly, the clavicle connects to the scapula


30. True or false: The medial border of the scapula connects directly to the neck of the scapula.


46. The ASIS is a bone landmark on what bone?


38. What structures connects the ulna and radius along their shafts?

Interosseous membrane

head, neck, condyle, trochlea, facet

Processes formed for articulation with adjacent bones

What is the difference between osteo and rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid is the inflammation of the synovial membrane as it thickens. The joint degenerates and becomes almost immovable. Osteoarthritis is when the cartilege disinitegrates. This occurs naturally over wear and tear. The joints become rough and irregular and painful to move.

31. True or false: The subscapular fossa is located on the anterior side of the scapula.


43. Do the carpal bones of the hand articulate with the metacarpals or proximal phalanges?

The metacarpals

37. What is the prominent bone that can be palpated in the elbow posteriorly?


25. What is the purpose of costal facets?

articulations with ribs

6. What division of the skeleton lies along the midline?


The _______ skeleton lies on the midline of the body and consists of the skull and what other four bones?

axial; vertebral column, the sternum, laryngeal skeleton, and the thoracic (rib) cage

external acoustic meatus

bone for the transmission of sound within temporal bone

All bones are storage areas for inorganic _________ and __________ salts.

calcium and phosphorus

fossa, sulcus

depressions in bone

process, ramus

elevations and projections in bone

This bone is part of the orbital wall and a component of the nasal septum

ethmoid bone

22. True or False: A typical thoracic vertebra has a bifid spinous process.


28. True or False: Ribs 11 and 12 have no posterior attachment to the thoracic vertebrae.


35. True or false: The lateral epicondyle of the humerus can be palpated on the medial side of the arm at the elbow.


5. True or false: A sulcus is a raised ridge in bone.


7. True or false: Fontanelles are present in adults.


9. True or false: The frontal bone is a paired bone of the cranium.


These bones form a roof of the skull to protect the brain. What is an example?

flat bone; cranium

frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital - where are these bones?

forehead, extend on sides, below the parietal on sides, curves to form base of skull

What are the large bones of the cranium?

frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital

Review spinal bones.

48. Review all bone landmarks of the coxal bones.

Cranial floor quiz

52. Review all bone landmarks of the femur.

57. Review bones of the foot.

41. Review all bones of the hand.

36. Review humerus bone landmarks.

39. Review ulna and radius bone landmarks.

Other important quizzes (5): Thoracic, shoulder, sacrum

Review skull bones.

55. Review bone landmarks of the tibia and fibula.

What do the nasal conchae do?

increase SA to better humidify, clean, and moisturize the air


inflammation of the mastoid sinus that can lead to deafness

These bones are varied in structure with ridges; give an example

irregular bones; vertebrae, pelvic bones like ilium, ischium, and pubis

bones that are scale-like, thin and lie between ethmoid bone and maxillary bone

lacrimal bone

humerus, ulna, radius, tibia, fibula, metacarpals, and metatarsals are examples of what type of bone?

long bones

thin, designed to support body weight and enable movement

long bones

26. Which region of the spine has the largest vertebral bodies?


lower jaw


17. What bone forms the anterior portion of the hard palate?


upper jaw


27. The line along the midline of the sacrum is called the - ________________.

median sacral crest

bridge of the nose bone

nasal bone

10. Which bone contains the foramen magnum?

occipital bone

sinus infection

occurs when soft tissues inside the sinuses became inflamed from a virus, bacteria, or allergy

carotid canal

opening for the internal carotid artery

posterior portion of hard palate and floor of nasal cavity

palatine bones

Trochanter, tuberosity, tubercle, crest, line, spine

processes or projections for tendon or ligament attachment

34. The capitulum articulates with a small portion of the


What do sesamoid bones do? What are they shaped like? Give an example.

reinforce tendons; small and flat; patella

small and cube-shaped bones; where do you find them?

short bones; carpals in hand and tarsals in foot

4. What term best describes a hollow chamber in bone, usually filled with air?


13. Sinusitis is an infection of the


This bone completes the skull and contributes to floors of walls of the eye sockets

sphenoid bone

21. The vertebrae fit together to protect the ______________ vertebral canal.

spinal cord

Forman Magnum

the hole in the base of the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes.

24. What region of the spine contains costal facets?


Bone that joins perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone to form nasal septum


cheekbone prominences

zygomatic bones

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