Anatomy And Physiology I Test IV

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How many bones are there in the body?


A motor unit is made up of _____.

a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates

The femur inserts into the pelvic girdle at the _____.


Another name for a wide, flat tendon is a(n) _____.


Inflammation of an entire joint is called _____.


The major muscle lining the cheek is the _____.


A closed sac within a synovial membrane lining is called (a) _____.


The act of moving a bone is such a way that the end of the bone or limb describes a circle in the air is known as _____.


Spastic and painful contractions of muscles that occur because of an irritation within the muscles are known as _____.


Raising a body part is known as _____.


Each muscle fiber is directly surrounded by connective tissue called the _____.


The layer of connective tissue that separates the muscle tissue into small sections is called the _____.


Kicking a ball is an example of knee _____.


Rib pairs 8, 9, and 10, which connect with the thoracic vertebrae in the back but do not join directly with the sternum in the front, are called the _____.

false ribs

Which term is the smallest subdivision in this group?


By morphology, the parietal bone can be classified as a _____ bone.


Nodding your head as in "yes" is an example of neck _____.


The movement that decreases the angle between two bones is called _____.


A rupture of the fibrocartilage surrounding and intervertebral disk is known as (a) _____.

herniated disk

Which of these factors is not necessary for normal bone growth and development?

high fat diet

Which of the following does not belong with the others?


The accentuated outward curvature of the thoracic vertebrae (hunchback) is known as _____.


Tough connective tissue structures that attach bones to bones are called _____.


The accentuated inward curvature of the lumbar vertebra (swayback) is known as _____.


The term _____ refers to dislocation of a joint.


The type of muscle found in the irises of the eyes and in the blood vessels is called _____.

multiunit smooth muscle

The segment of a myofibril that is called a sarcomere runs from _____.

one Z line to the next Z line

The movement that occurs only with the thumb and allows us to use tools is known as _____.


Which muscle enables you to pucker your lips for a kiss?

orbicularis oris

Moving your head in the direction to say "no" is an example of head _____.


The pectoral girdle is made up of the clavicle and the _____.


An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine, occuring most often in the thoracic region, is known as _____.


When the palms are facing upward, as in carrying a bowl of soup, the movement of the forearm so the radius and ulna are parallel is known as _____.


When standing in teh anatomical position, the hands are considered to be in a _____.


An articulation in which the bones are united by a thin layer of fibrous tissue is known as a _____.


Muscles that assist the prime mover muscles in performing movement are called _____.


The term _____ refers to the constant state of contraction of a certain number of fibers within a muscle.


Which of the following is NOT true of a synovial joint? (A) they have a cavity (B) they are enclosed by a capsule (C) they contain synovial fluid (D) they are united by a layer of fibrous tissue

(D) they are united by a layer of fibrous tissue

When a nervous impulse travels from a neuron to a muscle cell, what happens next?

Calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Why can cardiac muscle fibers contract for longer periods than skeletal muscle fibers?

Cardiac muscle is self-excitatory

Which of these statements is correct regarding muscle contraction?

The crossbridges bind to the actin and shorten the sacromeres

One of the following statements about muscular responses is not true. Choose that one.

When a person is fully at rest, none of her muscles are contracting

Moving a bone or limb away from the midline of the body is known as _____.


The neurotransmitter released by the neuromuscular junction is _____.


A joint is place of union or junction between two or more bones, and is known as a(n) _____.


The first cervical vertebra, which supports the head, is called the _____.


A decrease in muscle bulk, or a "wasting away of the muscle," due to lack of exercise is called _____.


Muscles that are not used, may degenerate or undergo a process of _____.


Smooth and cardiac muscle is under the control of _____.

autonomic nervous system

The second cervical vertebra, which acts as the pivot on which the atlas and head rotate, is known as the _____.


Which muscle is the strongest flexor of the elbow?

biceps brachii

Another name of the wrist bone is _____.


A condition in which the a muscle shortens its length in the resting state and remains that way is known as _____.


The main muscle used in breathing is the _____.


The shaft of the bone is called the _____.


Raising the foot up at the ankle joint is known as _____.


Rib pairs 11 and 12, which connect with the thoracic vertebra in the back but do not attach at all anterioly, are called the _____.

floating ribs

A soft spot in a newborn's skull is called a _____.


The articular ends of long bones contain a type of _____ tissue.

hyaline cartilage

The only bone in the body that does not articulate with any other bones, but is suspended by ligaments from the styloid process of the temporal bone, is the _____.

hyoid bone

An increase in the bulk of muscle cells that occurs as a result of exercise is known as _____.


The muscle that closes the jaw is the _____.


Another name for chewing is _____.


Which skull bones are not part of the cranium?


Another name for muscle pain is _____.


The crossbridges involved in muscle contraction are located on the _____.

myosin myofilaments

Inflammation of muscular tissue is known as _____.


Which bone contains the foramen magnum?


The formation of bone is called _____.


The cells that tear down and remodel bone are the _____.


Compact bone is made up of _____ cemented together.


The fibrovascular membrane that covers a bone is called the _____.


The outer covering of each bone, made from fibrous connective tissue, is called the _____.


Moving a part of the body forward on a plane parallel to the ground is known as _____.


The muscle that is developed when we do sit-ups and try to tighten the abdominal wall is the _____.

rectus abdominis

The act of moving the bone around a central axis, where the plane rotational motion is perpendicular to the axis, is known as _____.


Turning the head on a central axis plane is an example of _____.


The _____ are an invagination of the muscle cell's sarcolemma.

sarcoplasmic reticula

The biceps femoris is one hamstring muscle located on the back of the thigh. Which muscle is the other hamstring?


A congenital defect in the development of the posterior vertebral arch is which the laminae do not unite at the midline is known as _____.

spina bifida

The _____ of a typical vertebra projects posteriorly, and is the thickest and most blunt in appearance in lumbar vertebra.

spinous process

The parietal and temporal bones are joined by a _____.


The two pubic bones are held together on the anterior surface by a _____ joint.


Into what does the neuron release its neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction?

synaptic cleft

Joints that do not allow movement are known as _____.


Muscles that act to cause similar movements are called _____.


Creating a smooth gliding surface for opposing bones and nourishing the articular cartilage are the two functions of _____.

synovial fluid

The connective tissue bands that attach muscle to bone are called _____.


Which description of muscle contraction means that all of the fibers within a muscle are fully contracted?


The first seven pairs of ribs, which connect with the thoracic verterbra in the back and with the sternum in the front, are called the _____.

true ribs

The medullary cavity by the diaphysis of an adult bone would contain _____.

yellow bone marrow

The prominent portions of the cheeks are made up of the _____ bones.


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