Anatomy Ch 24

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right left caudate quadrate

4 lobes of the liver


accessory organ located in the upper right quadrant of the abdominopelvic cavity/ inferior to the diaphragm and has 4 lobes; takes waste products out of blood


accessory organ located on the posterior surface of the liver between the right lobe and quadrate lobe; stores and concentrates bile


accessory organ that lies posterior to the stomach; contains head, body, and tail, functions as both an endocrine and exocrine gland

goblet cells

cells in the small intestine that secrete mucous

simple columnar epithelium

cells of the large intestine; also contains goblet cells

simple columnar epithelium

cells of the mucosa in the small intestine

simple columnar epithelial tissue

cells of the mucosa in the stomach

endocrine cells

cells that secrete hormones secretin and CCK (cholecystokinin) in the small intestine

paneth cells

cells that secrete lysozyme in the small intestine

parietal cells

cells within the gastric glands of the stomach that produce intrinsic factor (B12 absorption) and secrete HCL

mucous cells

cells within the gastric glands of the stomach that secrete mucous

chief cells

cells within the gastric glands of the stomach that secrete pepsinogen and gastric lipase

g cells

cells within the gastric glands of the stomach; endocrine cells that secrete the hormone gastrin


contractions of the teniae coli gather colon into pouches called _____


does the large intestine also contains microvilli?


double fold of parietal peritoneum; binds viscera together; contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves


double fold of visceral peritoneum


during peristalsis; the muscles ahead of the food ____


during peristalsis; the muscles directly behind the food _____


each epithelial cell in the small intestine also contain microscopic projections called _____ along the surface

venule, arteriole, capillary network, central lacteal

each villus has a core containing these 4 things

pancreatic duct

enzymes of the pancreas leave via this duct

anal canal

extends from the rectum to the anus; opens anal canal to the "outside"

longitudinal layer

external muscularis layer of the large intestine

right colic flexure

first curvature of the colon

ascending colon

first part of the colon


first part of the large intestine


first part of the small intestine extending from the pyloric sphincter to the jejunum; C-shaped; wraps around the pancreas; contains major and minor duodenal papilla


floor of the oral cavity composed of skeletal muscle; contains papillae


fourth portion of the colon; S-shaped

intestinal glands

glands within the small intestine


hepatocytes produce this in the liver


how many deciduous teeth are there


how many primary teeth are there

gastric pits

indentations within the mucosa layer of the stomach; bottom of these contain gastric glands


inflammation of the appendix


inner lining of the small intestine also contains _____ along with plicae circularis; projections of mucosa

oblique layer

inner muscularis layer of the stomach

circular layer

internal muscularis layer of the large intestine

ileocecal junction

junction where the large intestine joins with the ileum of the small intestine


last part of the small intestine extending from the jejunum to the large intestine


layer of gi tract; most superficial layer; visceral peritoneum; simple squamous epithelium


layer of gi tract; superficial to mucosa; CT; functions for binding; contains blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels


layer of gi tract; superficial to submucosa; contains skeletal or smooth muscle


layer of the gi tract; inner lining; direct contact with the lumen; made of epithelial tissue

round ligament

ligament that connects liver to the anterior abdominal wall

falciform ligament

ligament that connects the liver to the anterior diaphragm wall

coronary ligament

ligament that connects the liver to the superior diaphragm


located anterior to sacrum and coccyx; extends from the sigmoid colon to anal canal; stores feces


located inferior to the esophagus and diaphragm; functions as mixing chamber and reservoir


located posterior to trachea; begins at the inferior end of the laryngopharynx

central lacteals

lymphatic capillaries that absord lipids (fats); contained within a villus

surface area

microvilli further increase ___ for absorption in the small intestine

circular layer

middle muscularis layer of the stomach

upper esophageal sphincter

muscularis of the esophagus becomes thicker in this area; composed of skeletal muscle; regulated food that passes into the esophagus from pharynx

lower esophageal sphincter

muscularis of the esophagus becomes thicker in this area; composed of smooth muscle; regulates food that passes into the stomach from esophagus; keeps stomach contents from reaching esophagus

greater omentum

omentum off of the greater curvature of the stomach; connects to the transverse colon

lesser omentum

omentum off of the lesser curvature of the stomach

circular fibers

one of the 2 layers of muscularis in the small intestine; inner layer; ensure unidirectional flow of food

longitudinal fibers

one of the 2 layers of muscularis in the small intestine; outer layer; directs food forward

GI tract

one of the two groups of organs that make up the digestive system; includes the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine

accessory digestive organs

one of the two groups of organs that make up the digestive system; organs aid in physical or chemical breakdown of food; includes teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder and pancreas

external anal sphincter

one sphincter of the anal canal; contains skeletal muscle (voluntary)

internal anal sphincter

one sphincter of the anal canal; contains smooth muscle (involuntary)

retroperitoneal organs

organs that get covered by peritoneum on the anterior side located on the posterior abdominal wall; ex. pancreas and kidneys

stratified squamous epithelium

oropharynx and laryngopharynx lined with this cell

cardiac sphincter

other name for the lower esophageal sphincter


other name for the visceral peritoneum

longitudinal layer

outer muscularis layer of the stomach

visceral peritoneum

peritoneum that covers some organs within the abdominopelvic cavity

parietal peritoneum

peritoneum that lines the inside wall of the abdominopelvic cavity

soft palate

posterior to hard palate; composed of skeletal muscle

6-24 months

primary deciduous teeth erupt between _____


produce bile in the liver

pyloric sphincter

region of the pylora made of smooth muscle that regulates food entering the duodenum


region of the stomach; most distal region near the connection to the duodenum


region of the stomach; most superior portion; located to the left of the cardia


region of the stomach; surrounds the superior opening of the stomach (around the cardiac sphincter)


region of the stomach; the large central portion

common hepatic duct

right and left hepatic ducts form this

hard palate

roof of the oral cavity composed of bone

50 times

rugae allow the stomach to stretch up to _____ its empty size

salivary amylase

saliva contains this enzyme


salivary glands produce and secrete ______ which cleanses the mouth and dissolves food

left colic flexure

second curve of the colon

tansverse colon

second part of the colon

5-11 years

secondary permanent teeth erupt between ________


skeletal muscle lined with epithelial tissue; food passes from oral cavity into oropharynx

surface area

small intestine contains modifications that allow for increased_______

epiploic appendages

small pouches of visceral peritoneum filled with fat and hang off colon within the serosa of the large intestine

greater curvature

stomach curvature that is located on the inferior and lateral border of the stomach

lesser curvature

stomach curvature that is located on the superior and medial border of the stomach

lower right upper right

the ascending colon goes from the cecum in the____quadrant and extends superiorly to the _____ quadrant


the coordinated contractions of the muscularis which propels food in the correct direction

common bile duct

the cystic duct and common hepatic duct form this duct which will enter the pancreas

upper left lower left

the descending colon goes from the _____ quadrant and runs inferiorly to the _____ quadrant

mediastinum diaphragm

the esophagus runs inferiorly through _____, through a hole in the ____ to the stomach

mouth anus

the gi tract extends from the ____ to the ____

smooth muscle

the inferior muscularis esophagus layer is made of this type of muscle

plicae circularis

the inner lining of the small intestine contains large circular folds called _____

ileum anus

the large intestine extends from the ____ to the ____

2-3 cm

the last _____ (length) of the digestive tract is the anal canal

upper left

the left colic flexure is located in the ____ quadrant

10 feet 20 feet

the length of the small intestine is _____ living and _____ in cadaver (length)

small intestine posterior abdominal wall

the mesentery connects the ______ to the ______

stratified squamous epithelium

the mucosa layer of the esophagus is made of this cell type

hepatopancreatic ampulla

the pancreatic duct joins with the common bile duct and releases contents through this; leads to major duodenal papilla

upper right upper left

the ransverse colon goes from the ____ quadrant and runs transversely to the ____ quadrant

upper right

the right colic flexure is located in the _____ quadrant


the second part of the small intestine extending from the duodenum to the ileum


the serous membrane of the abdominopelvic cavity; made of simple squamous epithelial tissue

lower left

the sigmoid goes from the ____ quadrant and runs midline of the body

peritoneal cavity

the space between the parietal and visceral peritoneum; contains a small amount of peritoneal fluid

skeletal muscle

the superior muscularis esophagus layer is made of this type of muscle

submucosa and serosa

the two layers that never change in the gi tract

teniae coli

thickened portions of the muscularis in the large intestine are called ____ that run longitudinally along the length of the colon

descending colon

third part of the colon

stratified squamous epithelium

this cell lines the oral cavity

cystic duct

this duct carries bile out of the gallbladder

ileocecal valve

this ensures one way flow of contents into the large intestine


this is atached to the cecum of the large intestine; plays a role in immunity; fill with WBCs


this is divided into 4 main regions with two curvatures in the large intestine; looks like a picture frame

parotid glands

type of salivary gland anterior to each ear that secretes saliva via parotid duct

sublingual glands

type of salivary gland inferior to the tongue

submandibular glands

type of salivary gland intferior to the mandible


when the stomach is empty, the inside wall contains large folds of mucosa called this

ileocecal valve

where does the ileum of the small intestine end

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