Anatomy Chapter 7c Appendicular Skeleton

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Superior region of coxal/hip bone Auricular surface articulates w/sacrum (sacroiliac joint) Features: body + winglike ala, Iliac crests, Greater sciatic notch, gluteal surface w/3 ridges: posterior, anterior, + inferior gluteal lines, Iliac fossa, auricular surface, arcuate line

hand bones

incl. carpus, metacarpus, + phalanges

olecranon fossa of humerus

large distal posterior depression that accommodates olecranon of the ulna


(AKA palm) 5 metacarpal bones (I-V from thumb-little finger) Bases art. w/carpals + heads art. w/proximal phalanges

glenoid cavity of scapula

Name the structure. Articulates w/head of humerus

deltoid tuberosity of humerus

about midway down shaft; site of deltoid muscle attachment

Iliac Fossa of Pelvis

concavity on ala of pelvis

patellar surface of femur

femur bone that articulates w/patella

fibular notch

lateral notch on distal end tibia where tibia + fibula articulate

false pelvis

superior to pelvic brim

medial cuneiform

tarsal, distal articulates w/navicular

fibular head

top of fibula, insertion of biceps femoris

olecranon process of ulna

triceps brachii insertion Along w/coronoid process, grip trochlea of humerus, forming hinge joint both separated by trochlear notch

talus of the tarsus

true ankle bone carries most of the body weight

interosseous membrane

connects radius + ulna along entire length (also btwn tibia + fibula in leg)

trochlear notch of ulna

deep notch that separates the olecranon + coronoid process; articulates w/trochlea of humerus

arcuate line of pelvis

defines pelvic brim

ulnar styloid process

distal pointed projection; located medial to head of ulna ligament attachment

medial malleolus

distal process on medial tibial surface

anatomical neck of humerus

distal to head of humerus; visible as an oblique groove slight constriction inferior to head


formed by hip bones, sacrum, + coccyx Features: pelvic brim, false pelvis, true pelvis, pelvic outlet

lateral malleolus of fibula

forms lateral bulge of ankle + articulates w/talus

medial longitudinal arch

highest of the 3 foot arches Made of: calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms, + 1st 3 metatarsals arch curves upward

foot bones

incl. tarsus, metatarsus, + phalanges

pelvic outlet

inferior margin of true pelvis

true pelvis

inferior to pelvic brim; defines birth canal

linea aspera of femur

insertion of adductor longus muscle diverges into medial + lateral supracondylar lines

lesser tubercle of humerus

insertion of subscapularis separated from greater tubercle by intertubercular sulcus

greater tubercle of humerus

insertion of supraspinatus separated from lesser tubercle by intertubercular sulcus Sites of attachment of rotator cuff muscles

ulnar head

knoblike distal portion of the ulna

obturator foramen

large opening formed by rami + body of pubis

fovea capitis of femur

small pit in ball-like head of femur

radial groove of humerus

small posterior groove, marks the course of the radial nerve


7 tarsal bones form posterior half Features: talus, calcaneus, calcaneal tuberosity, sustentacular tali (talar shelf), cuboid, navicular, medial, intermediate, lateral cuneiform

intermediate cuneiform

A tarsal bone articulating w/medial and lateral cuneiform, navicular, and second metatarsal bones.

bimalleolar fracture

AKA Pott's fracture break in the distal ends of both the tibia + fibula common sports injury

appendicular skeleton

Consists of bones of limbs + their girdles -Pectoral girdle: Attaches upper limbs to body trunk -Pelvic girdle: Attaches lower limbs to body trunk

Acetabulum of coxal bone

Deep socket formed at point of fusion, receives head of femur


(AKA fingers or digits): I-V starting at thumb (pollex) Digit I: (pollex) has 2 bones: NO middle phalanx Digit II-V has 3 bones: distal, middle, + proximal phalanx

pubic arch

(AKA sub-pubic angle) formed by rami; main difference btwn male + female pelves


(AKA wrist): 8 bones in 2 rows Proximal row: lateral to medial -Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, + pisiform Distal row: lateral to medial -Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, + hamate Wrist Joint: only scaphoid, lunate, + triquetrum USE Some Lovers Try Positions That They Cannot Handle

Flat Foot (Pes Planus)

(or "fallen arches") may be congenital OR acquired later in life Causes: increasing age, obesity or high-impact activities Wearing proper footwear w/good arch support can prevent it (Orthotic shoe inserts may manage symptoms)

pelvic brim

(pelvic inlet): cont. oval ridge, runs from pubic crest thru arcuate line + sacral promontory

foot arches

-Maintained by interlocking foot bones, ligaments, + tendons -Allow foot to bear weight -3 arches: ▪Lateral longitudinal ▪Medial longitudinal ▪Transverse

scapula angles

1. Superior angle: btwn superior + medial 2. Lateral angle: btwn superior + lateral 3. Inferior angle: btwn medial + lateral

scapula borders

1. Superior: shortest, sharpest border 2. Medial (vertebral): runs parallel to spine 3. Lateral (axillary): near armpit, ends superiorly in glenoid cavity fossa (shoulder joint)

Phalanages (toes)

14 bones of toes Digit I (hallux, great toe): 2 bones: no middle phalanx Digit II to V: 3 bones (distal, middle, + proximal phalanx)

forearm bone

2 parallel bones: ulna + radius Proximal ends articulate w/humerus + each other Distally articulate w/each other @ radioulnar joint 1. Ulna: Medial bone in forearm -Forms major portion of elbow joint w/humerus Features: olecranon, coronoid processes, trochlear notch, radial notch, ulnar head, ulnar styloid process 2. Radius: Lateral bone in forearm Features: head, radial tuberosity, ulnar notch, radial styloid processes

upper limb bones

30 bones form skeletal framework of each upper limb 1. Arm: Humerus 2. Forearm: Radius + ulna 3. Hand: 8 carpal bones in wrist, 5 metacarpal bones in the palm, 14 phalanges in fingers


5 metatarsal bones (I to V from hallux to little toe) Enlarged head of metatarsal I forms ball of the foot


AKA collarbones S-shaped sternal end articulates w/sternum medially Flattened acromial end articulates laterally w/scapula Function: Anchor muscles + act as braces to hold scapulae + arms out laterally

pelvic girdle

AKA hip girdle 2 hip bones (coxal bones, or os coxae) + sacrum Function: Attach lower limbs to axial skeleton w/strong ligaments, transmit weight of upper body to lower limbs, support pelvic organs (less mobility but more stability than shoulder joint) 3 fused bones form coxal bone: -Ilium, ischium, + pubis


AKA shoulder blades thin, triangular flat bones on dorsal surface of rib cage, btwn ribs 2 + 7 Each scapula has 3 borders: superior, medial, + lateral + 3 angles where borders meet: superior, lateral + inferor Bone features: spine, acromion, coracoid process, suprascapular notch

pectoral girdle

AKA shoulder girdle Made of: clavicles (anteriorly) + scapulae (posteriorly) Functions: Attach upper limbs to axial skeleton, provide attachment sites for muscles that move upper limbs, offer great mobility bc scapulae NOT attached to axial skeleton + socket of shoulder joint is shallow + does NOT restrict movement

sustentaculum tali

AKA talar shelf medial projection on the superior surface that supports the talus

lateral longitudinal arch

Arch extending from the heel to the little toe low curve that elevates lateral part of foot

radioulnar joint

Articulation btwn radius + ulna and proximal ends Produces supination + pronation (pivot joint)

lower limb bones

Carries entire weight of erect body Subjected to exceptional forces during jumping or running 3 segments: -Thigh -Leg -Foot

Lower Leg (Below Knee. Includes Ankle and Foot)

Made of: 2 parallel bones (tibia + fibula, connected by interosseous mem) 1. Tibia: medial leg bone, receives weight of body from femur; transmits to foot (remember TB "the big" one) Features: medial + lateral condyles, intercondylar eminence, tibial tuberosity, anterior border, medial malleolus, fibular notch 2. Fibula: NOT weight bearing; no articulation w/femur, origin for several muscles, articulates proximally+distally w/tibia Features: head, lateral malleolus

medial and lateral supracondyle ridges

Name this part of the humerus

infraspinous fossa

Name this specific area of the scapula.

supraspinous fossa

Name this specific area of the scapula.

ischial tuberosity

Name this specific part of the ischium. receives the weight of the body when sitting

lesser sciatic notch

Name this specific part of the pelvic bone (ischium).

ischial spine

Name this specific part of the pelvic bone.

intercondylar eminence

Name this specific part of the tibia.

ramus of ischium

Name this specific region of the pelvic bone.

iliac crests

Portion of innominate bones that define most superior, bilateral aspect of the pelvic cavity palpable external landmarks that aid in evaluating pelvis thickened superior margin of ala (ends at anterior + posterior superior iliac spines)


Posteroinferior part of hip bone Made of: body + ramus 3 important markings: 1. Ischial spine 2. Lesser sciatic notch 3. Ischial tuberosity


V-shaped anterior portion of hip bone joins at: pubic symphysis joint Features: body + superior + inferior pubic rami, pubic crest lateral end: pubic tubercle, obturator foramen, pubic arch (subpubicangle)

medial and lateral condyles of tibia

condyles that articulate w/condyles of the femur

Female: tilted forward (adapted for childbearing), true pelvis defines the extend of the birth canal, cavity of true pelvis: broad, shallow + greater capacity, bones lighter, thinner + smoother, smaller + farther apart, broader (80-90 degrees), more rounded Male: tilted far less forward (adapted for support of a male's heavier build + stronger muscles), cavity of true pelvis is narrow + deep, greater + bones heavier + thicker, marking are more prominent, larger + closer together, angle is acute (50-60 degrees)

What is the difference between male and female pelves?

transverse arch

an arch which runs obliquely from 1 side of foot to other

radial tuberosity of radius

anchors biceps

Radial styloid process of radius

anchors ligaments

pubic crest

anterior border of pubis is thickened to form this

Coronoid fossa of humerus

anterior depression that receives the coronoid process of the ulna during forearm flexion

radial fossa of humerus

anterior depression that receives the radial head w/flexed forearm

coracoid process

anterior projection that anchors bicep muscle of arm

head of radius

articulates w/capitulum of humerus and radial notch of ulna

capitulum of humerus

articulates w/head of radius distal ball-like condyle

radial notch (radius)

articulates w/head of radius, forms proximal radio-ulnar joint

auricular surface of pelvis

articulates w/sacrum

ulnar notch of radius

articulates w/ulna

trochlea of humerus

articulates w/ulna distal hourglass-shaped condyle

cuboid (tarsal)

articulates with calcaneus; lateral

gluteal tuberosity

back of femur; bump above the linea aspera that is on the upper portion of femur, which diverges into medial + lateral supracondylar lines

intertubercular sulcus

bicipital groove

lateral and medial condyles of femur

bones of femur that articulate w/tibia

coronoid process of ulna

brachialis insertion Aloing w/olecranon process, grip trochlea of humerus, forming hinge joint both separated by trochlear notch

Colles fracture

break in distal end of radius Very common fracture, because person falling attempts to break fall with outstretched hands



carpal tunnel syndrome

can occur from overuse + inflammation of tendons (can compress median nerve, causing tingling + numbness) Median nerve + tendons travel thru carpal tunnel (formed by ligaments thru wrist


largest + strongest bone in body (about 1/4 of person's height) Articulates proximally w/acetabulum of hip + distally w/tibia + patella (ends in lateral + medial condyles) Features: fovea capitis, greater + lesser trochanters, intertrochanteric line, intertrochanteric crest, gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, medial + lateral supracondylar lines, lateral + medial condyles, medial + lateral epicondyles, adductor tubercle, patellar surface, intercondylar fossa

acromion process

lateral projection that articulates w/acromial end of clavicle to form acromioclavicular joint

intercondylar fossa of femur

lies between condyles on the femur

calcaneus of tarsus

makes up the heel of the foot carries most of the body weight

medial and lateral epicondyles of humerus

medial and lateral bumps of elbow region points of muscle attachment

adductor tubercle of femur

medial epicondyle bump on femur

greater + lesser trochanters

muscle attachment sites connected by intertrochanteric line + intertrochanteric crest

surgical neck of humerus

narrow metaphysis most frequently fractured part of humerus

anterior border of tibia

narrow, anterior margin of tibia that extends inferiorly from tibial tuberosity


only bone of arm largest + longest bone of upper limb Articulates superiorly w/glenoid cavity of scapula Articulates inferiorly w/radius + ulna Features: head, anatomical neck, great tubercle, lesser tubercle, intertubercular sulcus, surgical neck, deltoid tuberosity, radial groove, trochlea, capitulum, medial + lateral epicondyles, medial + lateral supracondyles ridges, coronoid fossa, olecranon fossa, radial fossa

suprascapular notch

opening for nerves

lateral cuneiform

part of tarsals, furthest distal from the foot

calcaneal tuberosity

part of the calcaneus that touches the ground


point of shoulder

tibial tuberosity

point where the patellar ligament attaches

scapular spine

prominent ridge posteriorly

head of humerus

proximal end that fits into glenoid cavity of scapula

intertrochanteric line

region formed anteriorly between the greater and lesser trochanters

intertrochanteric crest

region formed posteriorly between the greater and lesser trochanters

greater sciatic notch

sciatic nerve passage


sesamoid bone in quadriceps tendon (protects knee joint)


shaped like a boat; part of the ankle that looks like a ship

medial + lateral epicondyles

sites of muscle attachment in the femur

acromioclavicular joint

the joint where the acromion and the clavicle meet

concoid tubercle

tubercle found on the clavicle

medial and lateral supracondylar lines of femur

two lines that diverge from linea aspera and travel to their respective condyles

ala of pelvis

winglike, articulate w/body of the pelvis

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