Anatomy Chapter 8

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Correctly match the term and definition: Movement of a limb toward the midline of the body in the frontal plane. Abduction Hyperextension Protraction Flexion Adduction


Correctly match the ligaments to their function: Prevent forward sliding of the tibia and checks hyperextension of the knee Anterior cruciate ligaments Posterior cruciate ligaments Extracapsular collateral ligaments Fibular and tibial collateral ligaments

Anterior cruciate ligaments

Correctly match the description to the structure of synovial joints: Composed of the fibrous and synovial layers. Synovial fluid Reinforcing ligaments Articular cartilage Articular capsule

Articular capsule

Match the following area with the correct term: Contains vesicles filled with acetylcholine. Axon terminal Sarcolemma of the neuromuscular junction Synaptic cleft Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Axon terminal

Match the following protein with its action: Troponin. Binds Ca2+ and starts the contraction cycle Changes shape during the contraction cycle Slides toward the M line during a contraction Covers thin filament-binding sites

Binds Ca2+ and starts the contraction cycle

Match the following joint type to its characteristic: Syndesmoses. Bony edges interlocked by short fibers Bones connected exclusively by ligaments "Peg-in-socket" fibrous joint Bones united mainly by fibrocartilage Bones united by plate of hyaline cartilage

Bones connected exclusively by ligaments

Correctly match the term and definition: Displacement of a bone from its normal position at a joint. Tendonitis Dislocation Sprain Bursitis


Match the following chemical with its function: Acetylcholinesterase. Released by terminal cisternae into the sarcoplasm to bind with troponin Cytoplasmic, calcium-binding protein Enzyme released into neuromuscular junction to break down acetylcholine Neurotransmitter released into the neuromuscular junction

Enzyme released into neuromuscular junction to break down acetylcholine

Gliding is one of the simplest synovial joint movements. Gliding movement occurs at which of the following joints? Interphalangeal joint Proximal radioulnar joint Atlantoaxial joint Intervertebral joint

Intervertebral joint

Correctly match the term and definition: A degenerative condition most common in the elderly. Bursitis Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Gouty arthritis


Match the following term with the correct description: Action potential. Propagation of an electrical current along the sarcolemma Depolarization occurring only at neuromuscular junction Restoration of the membrane potential to resting potential The initial polarized state of the membrane The time when a fiber cannot be stimulated until repolarization is complete

Propagation of an electrical current along the sarcolemma

Correctly match the term and definition: Ligaments reinforcing a joint are stretched or torn. Dislocation Cartilage tear None of the listed. Sprain


Which of the following lists all of the fibrous joint types? Sutures and syndesmoses Sutures, syndesmoses, and gomphoses Gomphoses and syndesmoses Synchondrooses and symphyses

Sutures, syndesmoses, and gomphoses

Correctly match the term and definition: A joint formed by fusion of two bones Amphiarthrosis Synostosis Diarthrosis Gomphosis


Correctly match the description to the structure of synovial joints: Secreted into the joint cavity and contains hyaluronic acid. Articular cartilage Reinforcing ligaments Synovial fluid Articular capsule

Synovial fluid

Of all body joints, what joint is most susceptible to sports injuries? The knee The elbow The shoulder The hip

The knee

The rotator cuff is part of what joint? The hip joint The knee joint The elbow joint The shoulder joint

The shoulder joint

Which of the following contributes to the instability of the shoulder joint? The depth of the glenohumeral ligaments The location of the coracohumeral ligament The positioning of the radius The small size of the glenoid cavity compared to the head of the humerus

The small size of the glenoid cavity compared to the head of the humerus

Flattened fibrous sacs that reduce friction between adjacent structures are called __________. ligaments bursae tendon sheaths fatty pads


Correctly match the following joints: Diarthrosis. Synovial joint Cartilaginous joint Fibrous joint

Synovial joint

Chewing involves the __________ joint. temporomandibular glenohumeral coxal atlanto-occipital


The role of synovial fluid is to __________. form the synovial membrane reinforce the ligaments of a joint strengthen joints lubricate joints

lubricate joints

Select the correct description of the voltage-gated ion channels for a region of sarcolemma that is undergoing depolarization. Sodium channels are closed and potassium channels are open Sodium and potassium channels are both open Sodium and potassium channels are both closed Sodium channels are open and potassium channels are closed

Sodium channels are open and potassium channels are closed

The epiphyseal growth plate is an example of __________. an amphiarthrosis a synchondrosis a symphysis a gomphosis

a synchondrosis

Osteoarthritis is considered __________. a type of arthritis, referred to as degenerative joint disease or "wear-and-tear arthritis" an inflammation of tendon sheath an inflammation of a bursa a chronic inflammatory disorder

a type of arthritis, referred to as degenerative joint disease or "wear-and-tear arthritis"

Match the following joint type to its characteristic: Gomphosis. Bones united mainly by fibrocartilage Bones united by plate of hyaline cartilage Bony edges interlocked by short fibers Bones connected exclusively by ligaments "Peg-in-socket" fibrous joint

"Peg-in-socket" fibrous joint

A slightly movable joint is a(n) __________. synostosis amphiarthrosis diarthrosis synarthrosis gomphosis


Match the following joint type to its characteristic: Sutures. Bones connected exclusively by ligaments Bones united mainly by fibrocartilage "Peg-in-socket" fibrous joint Bones united by a plate of hyaline cartilage Bony edges interlocked by short fibers

Bony edges interlocked by short fibers

Correctly match the following joint: Symphysis. Fibrous joint None of the listed Synovial joint Cartilaginous joint

Cartilaginous joint

Which ligaments prevent backward displacement of the tibia or forward sliding of the femur? Cruciate Popliteal Tibial collateral Fibular collateral


Correctly match the following joint: Syndesmosis. Cartilaginous joint Fibrous joint Synovial joint Diarthrosis joint

Fibrous joint

Match the following: Bones united by collagen fibers. Synovial joint Fibrous joint Cartilaginous joint None of the listed

Fibrous joint

Correctly match the term and definition: A movement permitted by the elbow joint. Rotation Inversion Plantar flexion Flexion


A twisting motion of the foot that turns the sole inward is called __________. inversion plantar flexion eversion dorsiflexion protraction


Which of the following is not considered a primary factor influencing the stability of synovial joints? Shapes of articular surfaces Muscle tone Location of the joint Number and positioning of ligaments

Location of the joint

Which of the following is an autoimmune disease that destroys acetylcholine receptors? Duchenne muscular dystrophy Myotonic dystrophy Muscular dystrophy Myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia gravis

Correctly match the following: Shaking your head "no." Rotation Elevation Depression Flexion


The joint that permits the greatest range of mobility of any joint in the body is the __________ joint. hip shoulder knee elbow


__________ refers to rotation of the forearm laterally so that the palm faces anteriorly or superiorly. Circumduction Supination Pronation Abduction


__________ refers to rotation of the forearm laterally so that the palm faces anteriorly or superiorly. Supination Circumduction Pronation Abduction


Correctly match the following: Bursa. Muscle to bone attachment Bone to bone attachment Synovial sac Fibrocartilage disc

Synovial sac

Correctly match the synovial joint to its range of motion: Multiaxial. One plane Two planes Three planes Gliding

Three planes

A ligamentous connection, such as that between the bones of the lower leg, is called a __________. synchondrosis symphysis gomphosis synostosis syndesmosis


The refractory period in which the muscle will not contract if stimulated occurs during __________ of the muscle cell. hyperpolarization polarization repolarization depolarization


The oblique popliteal ligament __________. prevents lateral or medial rotation when the knee is extended prevents forward sliding of the tibia on the femur and checks hyperextension of the knee connects the kneecap to the tibia stabilizes the posterior aspect of the knee joint

stabilizes the posterior aspect of the knee joint

When an action potential arrives at the neuromuscular junction, the most immediate result is __________. the formation of actin-myosin cross bridges the depolarization of the sarcolemma a rise in intracellular Ca2+ levels in the muscle fiber the release of acetylcholine from the motor neuron

the release of acetylcholine from the motor neuron

The presence of uric acid crystals in the joints is a hallmark of __________. gout bursitis osteoarthritis tendonitis


Correctly match the term and definition: Joint inflammation caused by the deposit of urate crystals in soft joint tissues. Osteoarthritis Gouty arthritis Lyme disease Rheumatoid arthritis

Gouty arthritis

Correctly match the following: Supination. Turning the sole of the foot medially Turning the sole of the foot laterally Turning the palm down Turning the palm up

Turning the palm up

Correctly match the following: Eversion. Turning the sole of the foot medially Turning the palm down Turning the palm up Turning the sole of the foot laterally

Turning the sole of the foot laterally

To what percent of its length can a ligament be stretched and not snap? 100% 10% 6% 50%


Which of the following movements is an example of circumduction movement? Lateral bending of the trunk away from the body midline Pointing the toes Raising the arm laterally A pitcher winding up to throw the ball

A pitcher winding up to throw the ball

Correctly match the following joint: Glenohumeral joint. Condylar joint Ball-and-socket joint Hinge joint Pivot joint

Ball-and-socket joint

Correctly match the following joint: Metacarpophalangeal joint. Ball-and-socket joint Pivot joint Condylar joint Hinge joint

Condylar Joint

Select the joint type that predominates in the appendicular skeleton. All of these joint types are commonly found in the appendicular skeleton. Amphiarthroses Synarthroses Diarthroses


The "superstabilizer" of the shoulder joint is the __________. head of the humerus glenohumeral ligaments glenoid labrum tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii

tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii

The space between the axon terminal of the motor neuron and the muscle fiber is called the __________. motor unit synaptic knob motor end plate synaptic cleft M line

synaptic cleft

ooops i forgot to put the one that shouldve gone here

tee hee hee

oopsies i think i forgot to add another one

tee hee hee??

Which of the following forces to the knee would be the most dangerous? A lateral force to the extended knee A vertical blow to the knee A medial force to the flexed knee A force which tears the menisci free

A lateral force to the extended knee

Correctly match the term and definition: Movement of a limb away from the midline of the body. Flexion Adduction Protraction Hyperextension Abduction


Match the following joint type to its characteristic: Synchondrosis. Bones united by plate of hyaline cartilage Bones connected exclusively by ligaments Bones united mainly by fibrocartilage Bony edges interlocked by short fibers "Peg-in-socket" fibrous joint

Bones united by plate of hyaline cartilage

Match the following joint type to its characteristic: Synchondrosis. Bony edges interlocked by short fibers Bones united mainly by fibrocartilage Bones united by plate of hyaline cartilage "Peg-in-socket" fibrous joint Bones connected exclusively by ligaments

Bones united by plate of hyaline cartilage

Match the following joint type to its characteristic: Symphysis. Bones connected exclusively by ligaments Bones united mainly by fibrocartilage "Peg-in-socket" fibrous joint Bony edges interlocked by short fibers Bones united by plate of hyaline cartilage

Bones united mainly by fibrocartilage

What is the cause of rigor mortis? Breakdown of protein in the cell after death Diffusion of potassium out of the cell after death High levels of sodium in the cell after death Calcium influx and lack of ATP

Calcium influx and lack of ATP

The hip bones join anteriorly at the pubic symphysis joint. During pregnancy, this joint loosens to provide a little movement. Select the correct classification of this joint. Synovial and diarthrosis Synovial and amphiarthrosis Cartilaginous and diarthrosis Cartilaginous and amphiarthrosis

Cartilaginous and amphiarthrosis

Match the following term with the correct description: End plate potential. The initial polarized state of the membrane Depolarization occurring only at the neuromuscular junction Restoration of the membrane potential to resting potential Propagation of an electrical current along the sarcolemma The time when the fiber cannot be stimulated until repolarization is complete.

Depolarization occurring only at the neuromuscular junction

Correctly match the following: Meniscus. Bone to bone attachment Synovial sac Muscle to bone attachment Fibrocartilage disc

Fibrocartilage disc

Correctly match the ligaments to their function: Prevent lateral or medial rotation when the knee is extended. Fibular and tibial collateral ligaments Extracapsular collateral ligaments Posterior cruciate ligaments Anterior cruciate ligaments

Fibular and tibial collateral ligaments

Correctly match the following: Touching your chin to your chest. Elevation Rotation Flexion Depression


Decreasing the angle between bones in the sagittal plane is called __________. abduction extension adduction hyperextension flexion


Which of the following is classified as a fibrous joint? Symphysis Pivot Synchondrosis Gomphosis


Correctly match the following joint: Interphalangeal joint. Hinge joint Condylar joint Ball-and-socket joint Pivot joint

Hinge joint

Correctly match the following joint: Iliofemoral ligament. Hip joint Knee joint Elbow joint Shoulder joint

Hip joint

Correctly match the term and definition: Movement that increases the angle between two bones along the sagittal plane beyond the anatomical position. Adduction Abduction Hyperextension Protraction Flexion


Match the description to the event in the generation and propagation of an action potential: Propagation of the action potential. Production of an end plate potential at the motor end plate and consequent depolarization of adjacent areas Increased positive charge inside sarcolemma changes permeability of adjacent areas, opening voltage-regulated Na+ channels Outside positive charge relative to the inside sarcolemma, closes voltage-regulated K+ channels Restoring the sarcolemma to its initial polarized state (negative inside, positive outside)

Increased positive charge inside sarcolemma changes permeability of adjacent areas, opening voltage-regulated Na+ channels

Select the correct description of ion movement at the neuromuscular junction that produces the end plate potential. Calcium enters the muscle fiber. More potassium leaves the muscle fiber than sodium enters the muscle fiber. More potassium enters the muscle fiber than sodium leaves the muscle fiber. More sodium enters the muscle fiber than potassium leaves the muscle fiber.

More sodium enters the muscle fiber than potassium leaves the muscle fiber.

Correctly match the following joint: Proximal radioulnar joint. Pivot joint Hinge joint Condylar joint Ball-and-socket joint

Pivot Joint

Correctly match the following joint: Radioulnar joint. Ball-and-socket joint Saddle joint Hinge joint Pivot joint Condylar joint

Pivot Joint

When a ballerina or gymnast points their toes, this motion is __________. plantar flexion extension dorsiflexion hyperextension

Plantar Flexion

Correctly match the ligaments to their function: Prevent backward displacement of the tibia or forward sliding of the femur. Fibular and tibial collateral ligaments Extracapsular collateral ligaments Anterior cruciate ligaments Posterior cruciate ligaments

Posterior cruciate ligaments

Correctly match the term and definition: The movement of a body part forward in a transverse plane. Protraction Adduction Abduction Flexion Hyperextension


Correctly match the description to the structure of synovial joints: Can be intracapsular or extracapsular. Reinforcing ligaments Articular cartilage Synovial fluid Articular capsule

Reinforcing ligaments

Match the following chemical with its function: Ca2+. Released into the neuromuscular junction to break down acetylcholine Released by terminal cisternae into the sarcoplasm to bind with troponin Released into the neuromuscular junction to bind to receptors on the motor end plate Enters the motor end plate to depolarize the muscle fiber

Released by terminal cisternae into the sarcoplasm to bind with troponin

Match the following term with the correct description: Repolarization. The time when a fiber cannot be stimulated until repolarization is complete The initial polarized state of the membrane Depolarization occurring only at the neuromuscular junction Propagation of an electrical current along the sarcolemma Restoration of the membrane potential to resting potential

Restoration of the membrane potential to resting potential

Correctly match the term and definition: Movement permitted by the atlantoaxial joint. Plantar flexion Flexion Inversion Rotation


Correctly match the following joint: Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb. Condylar joint Ball-and-socket joint Pivot joint Saddle joint Hinge joint

Saddle joint

Correctly match the term and definition: An immovable joint. Amphiarthrosis Synarthrosis Syndesmosis Diarthrosis


Match the following joint types: Cartilaginous. Pivot and hinge Sutures and syndesmoses Synchdrondoses and symphyses Gomphoses and syndemoses

Synchdrondoses and symphyses

Correctly match the term and definition: A joint formed by fusion of two bones Synostosis Diarthrosis Amphiarthrosis Gomphosis


Match the following: Adjoining bones are covered with articular cartilage; a joint cavity is present. Synovial joint Fibrous joint None of the listed Cartilaginous joint

Synovial joint

Which of the following has a joint cavity? Synovial joint Cartilaginous joint All of these choices Fibrous joint

Synovial joint

Which of the following factors contributes the most to the stability of the hip joint? The deep socket that encloses the femoral head The ligamentum teres The muscles that cross the hip The posterior cruciate ligament

The deep socket that encloses the femoral head

This joint is more likely to dislocate than any other joint. The hip The knee The jaw (TMJ) The shoulder

The jaw (TMJ)

Match the following term with the correct description: Refractory period. Restoration of the membrane potential to resting potential The time when a fiber cannot be stimulated until repolarization is complete Propagation of an electrical current along the sarcolemma Depolarization occurring only at the neuromuscular junction The initial polarized state of the membrane

The time when a fiber cannot be stimulated until repolarization is complete

Correctly match the following: Pronation. Turning the palm up Turning the sole of the foot medially Turning the palm down Turning the sole of the foot laterally

Turning the palm down

Correctly match the following: Inversion. Turning the palm up Turning the sole of the foot medially Turning the sole of the foot laterally Turning the palm down

Turning the sole of the foot medially

Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease caused by __________. degeneration of articular cartilage an autoimmune system attack bacteria transmitted by tick bites buildup of uric acid in the blood

bacteria transmitted by tick bites

Acetylcholinesterase __________. is another name for acetylcholine activates acetylcholine breaks down acetylcholine helps acetylcholine bind to its receptor

breaks down acetylcholine

"Water on the knee" is caused by __________. torn menisci dislocation of the knee fracture of the patella bursitis of the prepatellar bursa

bursitis of the prepatellar bursa

The term "nonaxial movement" means __________. movement in or around three planes gliding movements only no movement movement in one plane movement in two planes

gliding movements only

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