Anatomy Exam 4 Ch. 12-17

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Which of the following contribute to the maintenance of the arches of the foot? A. Plantar aponeurosis B. Spring ligament C. Long plantar ligament D. Short plantar ligament E. All of the above


Which of the following is not a difference between a human foot and a human hand? A. The first digit is more tightly tethered to the second in the foot than in the hand B. The foot has longer metatarsals C. The hand has longer phalanges D. The foot has an elongated carpal that acts as a lever during locomotion E. The extrinsic muscles of the foot have even greater differentiation than those of the hand


Which of the following structures is primarily responsible for resisting the L5 vertebra's tendency to slip forward off its articulation with the sacrum? A. Sacrotuberous ligaments B. Sacroiliac ligaments C. Sacropelvic ligaments D. Sacropubic ligaments E. Iliolumbar ligaments


T/F: 180° of shoulder abduction can be produced with the glenohumeral joint alone.


T/F: All five metacarpals are joined by deep transverse intermetacarpal ligaments


T/F: All muscles that arise from the ilium are old fin depressor muscles


T/F: Epiphyseal growth plates between the epiphyses and diaphysis of the limb bones allow continual growth throughout life in humans.


T/F: Gluteus maximus plays an important role in bipedal striding.


T/F: In the normal standing position, the line of gravity passes slightly in front of the hip joints.


T/F: Lumbricals extend the metacarpophalangeal joint and flex the proximal interphalangeal joint.


T/F: Normally, blood can flow freely between the deep and superficial veins of the lower limb.


T/F: Pectineus is primarily innervated by the obturator n.


T/F: Subscapularis is able to adduct the arm.


T/F: The femoral nerve is formed from anterior divisions of the lumbosacral plexus.


T/F: The limb bud is a lump of skin-covered epaxial mesenchyme.


T/F: The only toe flexor is an intrinsic, rather than extrinsic, foot muscle


T/F: The tensor fasciae latae muscle attaches to the greater trochanter of the femur.


T/F: While muscles within a muscle group share a common motor innervation, blood vessels do not help much in demarcating muscle groups.


T/F: Biceps brachii can contribute to supination of the forearm.


T/F: In the normal standing position, the line of gravity passes slightly in front of the ankle joints.


T/F: Muscles that cross multiple joints must lie superficial to one-joint muscles.


T/F: Opposition of the thumb allows for two distinct gripping positions.


T/F: The only dermal element remaining in the mammalian shoulder girdle is the scapula.


T/F: The sciatic nerve consists of both an anterior and a posterior division nerve, bound together.


T/F: The sciatic nerve innervates all the muscles below the knee.


T/F: The tendons of the muscles of the deep layer of the posterior compartment of the leg wrap around the medial malleolus as they pass into the foot.


T/F: There are 3 phalanges in the 5th digit


The superficial depressor muscles of the leg attach to the: A. Calcaneus B. Navicular C. Talus D. Metatarsals E. Phalanges


What is an anastomosis? A. A connection between two blood vessels that allows for communication between them B. A tendinous sheet C. A small vessel that supplies connective tissue D. A superficial vein of the limbs E. A small bone that develops within a tendon


The innervation of the limb muscles: A. Is completely derived from dorsal rami B. Splits into ventral and dorsal divisions that correspond to the depressor and elevator muscle groups C. The elevator and depressor muscle groups in the limbs correspond closely to both innervation and muscle function D. Muscles tend to be innervated by the ramus of only one, single spinal nerve E. All of the above


This feature of the vertebral column aids in balance by swinging the thorax backwards? A. Cervical curvature B. Lumbar curvature C. Broader lumbar vertebral bodies D. Elimination of the lumbar ribs E. None of the above


What structures of the femur articulate with the tibia? A. Acetabular notch B. Medial and lateral condyles C. Linea aspera D. Intertrochanteric line E. None of the above


What two bony features of the shoulder are highly disproportionate in size, and thereby generate the joints broad range of movement? A. Scapular notch and deltoid tuberosity B. humeral head and glenoid socket C. Scapular apex and clavicular curvature D. Clavicular length and scapular depth E. None of the above are correct


Which of the following muscles is a depressor, and crosses a single joint at the elbow? A. Triceps brachii B. Brachialis C. Biceps brachii D. Coracobrachialis E. Latissimus dorsi


Which of the following muscles is correctly paired with the nerve that supplies its motor innervation? A. Flexor digitorum superficialisÑUlnar N. B. Extensor pollicis longusÑRadial N. C. Adductor pollicisÑMedian N. D. Flexor carpi ulnarisÑMedian N. E. Extensor digitorumÑMedian N.


All of these digits have a dedicated palmar interosseous muscle except? A. Thumb (1st ray) B. Index finger (2nd ray) C. Middle finger (3rd ray) D. Ring finger (4th ray) E. Pinky finger (5th ray)


Due to possessing two dorsal interossei muscles, and no palmer interosseous muscle, this digit lies on the anatomical and functional midline of the hand. A. Thumb (1st ray) B. Index finger (2nd ray) C. Middle finger (3rd ray) D. Ring finger (4th ray) E. Pinky finger (5th ray)


The knee initially develops as how many separate joint cavities? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5


Which of the following thigh muscles are 'composite' muscles, meaning they are formed by fusing two or more muscles together, which is partly revealed by their innervation? A. Rectus femoris B. Semimembranosus C. Biceps femoris D. All of the above are composite muscles E. None of the above are composite muscles


Which of the following upper limb muscles was derived from gill arches? A. Rhomboids B. Deltoideus C. Trapezius D. Latissimus dorsi E. Supraspinatus


Branches of which artery produce an anastomotic network around the proximal femur? A. Deep artery of the thigh (Produnda femoris a.) B. Popliteal a. C. External pudendal a. D. Obturator a. E. Sciatic a.


The digital rays are formed from the following bones: A. Metacarpals/Metatarsals and phalanges B. Phalanges C. Humerus/Femur D. Radius/Tibia and Ulna/Fibula E. Carpals/Tarsals, Metacarpals/Metatarsals, and Phalanges


The largest superficial vein of the lower limb is called: A. The great saphenous v. B. The femoral v. C. The tibial v. D. The sciatic v. E. The great sciatic v.


Which of the following forearm muscles attaches to distal phalanges? A. Flexor digitorum profundus B. Flexor digitorum superficialis C. Flexor carpi ulnaris D. Pronator teres E. Palmaris longus


Which of the following is not a "rotator cuff" muscle? A. Teres major B. Teres minor C. Supraspinatus D. Infraspinatus E. Subscapularis


Which of the following pairs of structures directly bears the body weight when standing? A. Distal ends of the metatarsals; calcaneus B. Proximal ends of metatarsals, navicular C. Phalanges, calvaneus D. Distal ends of the metatarsals, navicular E. Phalanges, navicular


What is the term Cartmill uses for the most proximal limb segment in land-dwelling vertebrates? A. Digital ray B. Humerus C. Limb girdle D. Epiphysis


Which of the following muscles cross two joints? A. Coracobrachialis B. Brachialis C. Triceps brachii D. Deltoideus E. Teres minor


The following is/are true of the synovial joints in the adult limb: A. The bones contacting each other are covered by articular (hyaline) cartilage B. Synovial joints' movements are only limited by the shape of the bones' articular surfaces C. The synovial membrane produces fluid to lubricate the joint D. A and C are correct E. All of the above


The thenar and hypothenar muscle groups both consist of all of the following except which? A. A flexor B. An abductor C. An opponens D. An extensor E. Both compartments have all of these types of muscles


What factors create limits to a joint's mobility? A. Shape of the articular surfaces of th bones comprising the joint B. The anatomy of the fibrous capsule surrounding the joint C. The capsular ligaments that stabilize the joint D. All of the above


Which of the following structures is unique to humans and is the attachment point for the iliofemoral ligament on the femur? A. Obturator line B. Anterior superior iliac spine C. Acetabular labrum D. Intertrochanteric line E. Transverse acetabular ligament


Branches of which artery supply the leg and foot? A. Deep artery of the thigh B. Sciatic artery C. Popliteal artery D. Obturator artery E. Medial plantar artery


The serratus layer of forelimb musculature A. Is a sheet of specialized body wall musculature B. Is innervated by nerves that arsise from the roots of the brachial plexus C. Consists of serratus anterior and the rhomboids D. Form a mobile, muscular belt around the thorax, on which the scapula hang E. All of the above are true


What of the following is not a shared characteristic of all hamstrings muscles? A. Arise from the ischial tuberosity B. Attach to the proximal ends of the leg bones C. Flex the knee D. Extend the thigh E. Innervation by posterior division nerves


Which of the following are common problems associated with being bipdedal/upright? A. Prolapse of anus, or vagina B. Varicose veins and hemorrhoids C. Ruptured intervertebral disks D. Inguinal hernias E. All of the above


T/F: A sesamoid is a bone that develops within a tendon.


T/F: All muscles that arise above the acetabulum are old fin elevator muscles.


T/F: Bones grow in between the dorsal and ventral muscle masses in the developing limb.


T/F: Brachioradialis is an "extensor compartment" muscles that acts to flex the elbow.


T/F: Collateral ligaments run from the leg bones to the calcaneus.


T/F: Coracoclavicular ligaments play a role in preventing a shoulder separation (separation of the acromioclavicular joints).


T/F: Flexor carpi ulnaris is typically larger in quadrupedal mammals than in humans.


T/F: Hanging underneath branches subjects the internal viscera to very similar strains as those encountered standing upright.


T/F: In the normal standing position, the line of gravity passes slightly in front of the knee joints.


T/F: Movements of the limbs consist of pairs of opposing actions (e.g., flexion versus extension).


T/F: Muscles cannot move joints they don't cross.


T/F: Nerves derived from posterior divisions of the brachial plexus supply elevator muscles.


T/F: None of the muscles which dorsiflex the foot cross the knee joint.


T/F: One of the major advantages of human bipedalism is that it is extremely efficient as it takes very little muscular effort.


T/F: One of the major advantages of human bipedalism is the use and construction of tools.


T/F: Peroneal' means the same thing as 'fibular.'


T/F: The basic arrangement and developmental pattern of the limbs of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals is the same as in fishes


T/F: The joint between the tibia and talus only allows flexion and extension of the foot.


T/F: The lateral rotator group of the thigh is made up of 6 small muscles.


T/F: The obturator nerve is formed from cord levels L2-L4.


How is the mammalian shoulder girdle different from that of our primitive reptilian ancestors? A. None of the head's dermal armo or gill muscles remain attached to the mammalian shoulder girdle B. It is decoupled from the head by concomitant tailward shift of the shoulder girdle and creation of a short, flexible neck between them C. The mammalian shoulder girdle is more complicated and less mobile than reptilians' D. The shoulder girdle has not changed significantly from the primitive condition


The shoulder joint is more mobile than the hip joint because A. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint, while the glenohumeral joint is a saddle joint B. The scapula is not jointed solidly to the vertebral column, while the hip bone is. C. The humeral head is on average larger than the femoral head D. This statement is false. The hip joint is more mobile than the shoulder joint


Why does the forelimb have such large superficial veins? A. Superficial venous drainage is important for thermoregulation B. There is not sufficient room alongside the arteries and nerves, which lie deep, for any veins to run C. Contraction of the limb musculature, combined with tough, ineslastic deep fascia, lead to collapse of the thin-walled veins, which would interfere with venous drainage D. More blood must drain from the subcutaneous tissue and skin than from the muscles, so it is more efficient for the veins to lie superficially


Within the knee, where are the cruciate ligaments located? A. Within the two tibiocondylar cavities B. Within the subpatellar cavity C. Within the septum between the two tibiocondylar cavities D. They cross through each of these spaces E. They do not enter any of these spaces


Bipedalism causes a reorientation of the heart's supports, which is solved by what? A. Additional tissues wrap themselves around the heart to support it. B. A tough fibrous cord is attached to the superior aspect of the heart, pulling it upward C. Additional ligaments link the heart to the sternum supporting it. D. The base of the heart is attached to and supported by the diaphragm E. Nothing has been modified to better support the human heart in the upright posture


Intrinsic hand muscles: A. Are depressor muscles B. Are primarily innervated by the ulnar nerve C. Produce movements such as abduction and adduction of the digits D. All of the above E. None of the above


Muscle groups: A. Are only theoretical constructs to aid in learning limb anatomy, without much physical basis B. Are compreised of a set of 'sibling' muscles with common developmental history and a single motor nerve innervation C. Are separated from one another by intermuscular septa D. B and C are true E. None of the above


T/F: Because the limb is attached to the thorax, the brachial plexus is predominantly composed of thoracic spinal nerves.


T/F: Supination refers to the posture of the forearm with the radius rotated over the ulna, as when typing at a keyboard


T/F: The tendon of the flexor digitorum longus muscle runs in a straight line to the toes.


T/F: The thenar muscles are innervated by the ulnar nerve.


T/F: The three muscles of the deep layer of the posterior compartment of the leg retain consistent organization as they pass into the foot.


T/F: The tibia and fibula can move, relative to each other, as much as the radius and ulna can in the forearm


T/F: The tibialis anterior muscle is supplied by an anterior division nerve


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