Anatomy SCI220 Final

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Where is the structural link between the CNS and PNS located in the body?

In the gray matter of the CNS

What is the purpose of the curvatures of the vertebral column?

Increased Flexibility

The ischium joins the pubis in the acetabulum and at the

Inferior Pubic Ramus

Which of these extrinsic eye muscles depresses the eye and turns it medially (from the below):

Inferior Rectus

What is a disadvantage of absorbed fats traveling in the lymphatic vessels to the venous system before reaching the liver?

Ingested and absorbed fat-soluble toxins can circulate throughout the body before detoxification.

Which hormones do the indicated cells secrete? (Pancreas)

Insulin and Glucagon

Which structure of the femur is NOT a place for muscle attachment?

Intercondylar Fossa

Which of the below organelles are not bound by a membrane or membranes?

Intermediate filaments and ribosomes

Which part of vertebral column is homologous to the anterior and posterior sacral foramina?

Intervertebral Foramina

Each of the following structures participates in bending of light entering the eye except the

Iris NO 1) Vitreous Humor YES 2) Cornea YES 3) Lens YES

The outer membrane of the nuclear envelope __________.

Is a specialized part of the Rough ER

The outer membrane of a nuclear envelope _________

Is a specialized part of the rough ER

All of these bony landmarks contribute to the pelvic inlet (brim) except the

Ischial Tuberosities

Which of the following below is a function of the plasma membrane?

It acts as a receptor to bind specific molecules arriving from outside the cell.

Which of the following is a function of the plasma membrane?

It acts as a receptor to bind specific molecules arriving from outside the cell.

Which of the following statements about the patella is false?

It articulates with the femur, tibia, and fibula. NO 1) It acts to protect the knee joint anteriorly. YES 2) It is roughly triangular in shape. YES 3) It is a sesamoid bone. YES

Which of the following statements about an axon is false?

It carries nerve impulses toward the cell body NO 1) It is also referred to as a nerve fiber YES 2) It has a uniform diameter YES 3) It has branches YES

Which of the below statements is NOT a benefit of inflammatory edema?

It contributes to the sensation of pain, which is important for letting the body know something is wrong. 1) It helps dilute toxins secreted by bacteria. YES 2) It brings in oxygen and nutrients from the blood. YES 3) It brings antibodies from the blood to fight infection. YES

Which of these statements is true about the hypothalamus?

It controls the autonomic nervous system and regulates hunger and thirst sensations.

What is it important that chromatin is condensed into chromosomes during cell division?

It helps strands keep from tangling and breaking as chromosomes move.

How would you tell that pseudostratified columnar epithelium is different from all other tissues?

It is composed of a single layer of cells of varying heights; not all cells reach the free surface; and nuclei are at varying heights within cells.

What is the clinical importance of the triangle of auscultation?

It is the space between the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, and medial border of the scapula where a clinician listens to a patient's heart and lung sounds.

Which of the following statements about a long bone is false?

It must be more than 5 inches in length NO 1) It is longer than it is wide YES 2) It has two distinct ends YES 3) It has a diaphysis YES

What is the main importance of the perichondrium that surrounds cartilage?

It resists outward expansion when cartilage is subjected to pressure and functions in growth and repair of cartilage.

Why is the sense of touch not considered to be a "special sense"?

Its receptors are widespread throughout the body.

When compared to other regions of the alimentary canal, what is different about the muscularis externa of the esophagus?

Its superior one-third is composed of skeletal muscle.

Erythropoietin is produced in the


Which organ is influenced by antidiuretic hormone (ADH)?


Which organ(s) in this transverse section of the abdomen is NOT within the peritoneal cavity?


Which factors are part of increasing the speed of nerve impulse transmission?

Larger diameter of axon and the presence of myelin sheath

At what point in embryonic development do sensory peripheral axons start growing from the neural crest of dorsal root ganglia?

Late in the fourth week of development

The axillary region is ________ to the sternum.


The thumb is ________ to the index finger.


Conception occurs in the

Lateral third of the uterine tube

The roots of anatomical terminology lie mainly in

Latin and Greek

Clouding of which of the following structures would lead to a clinical condition known as a cataract?


Which components of blood are found in the buffy coat in this centrifuged blood sample?

Leukocytes and platelets

Which reason might best account for the poor healing of the ACL?

Ligaments have relatively poor circulation

Which of the vertebral ligaments contains elastic connective tissue, thus adding more to the resilience of the vertebral column?

Ligamentum Flavum

Odors may elicits a variety of emotions if these impulses are relayed through the __________ (from the below):

Limbic System

Marks the lateral margin of the rectus abdominis.

Linea Semilunaris

Many aspects of skin aging are caused by "photoaging." Characteristics of photoaged skin include

Liver spots and decreased amount of collagen in the dermis.

Which part or parts of the neuron are located in the white matter of the central nervous system?

Long axonal processes

The falx cerebri passes through the _________ (fron the below):

Longitudinal Fissure

Which region of the body increases in length faster during childhood than other body regions, thus decreasing the upper-lower (UL) body ratio? (The UL body ratio is the ratio of the length of the body above the iliac crest (U) to the length from the iliac crest to the feet (L).)

Lower Limbs

The beta type of endocrine cells in the pancreatic islets secretes a hormone that

Lowers blood sugar levels

Which of the following organs does not form blood cells in the fetus?


The white half-moon visible under the proximal part of the fingernail is known as the


Cell containing a large, dark purple-staining spherical nucleus that almost completely fills the cell volume.


Which of the following is not phagocytic?


This organelle is defective in the inherited disorder Tay-Sachs disease.


This organelle is primarily a sac of powerful digestive enzymes called acid hydrolases.


When a phagocytic white blood cell ingests a foreign bacterial cell, the vesicle fuses with this organelle.


Which is not part of interphase?


Increased activity of which cell causes the deterioration of the alveolar walls that occurs in emphysema?


Monocytes transform into__________ in peripheral tissues.


Which of the bones listed below is not part of the calvaria?

Mandible NO 1) Occipital YES 2) Temporal YES 3) Parietal YES

Which of the following bones below does NOT articulate with the sphenoid?

Maxilla NO 1) Frontal YES 2) Ethmoid YES 3) Temporal YES

A receptor that monitors stretch of the stomach can be classified as a

Mechanoreceptor and interoreceptor

Which of these is not a characteristic of the parasympathetic division?

Branched Fibers

Which portion of the external nose is formed from bone?

Bridge of nose

At which level of the respiratory tree is there no cartilage, where smooth muscle takes on an important role in regulating the amount of airflow through the tubule?


What are bursae and what is their function in the synovial joints in which they are situated?

Bursae are fibrous sacs of synovial fluid that decrease friction during movement.

Identify the letter that indicates a Schwann cell.


Identify the letter that indicates a gland that regulates circadian rhythms.


Identify the letter that indicates a gland that secretes melatonin.


Identify the letter that indicates the Pectoralis major.


Identify the letter that indicates the Rectus abdominis.


Identify the letter that indicates the Zygomaticus major and minor.


Identify the letter that indicates the ciliary body.


Identify the letter that indicates the location of the bundle branches.


Identify the letter that indicates the thin (actin) filament.


Identify which diagram represents a microglial cell.


Which labeled structure in the given image is a fascicle?


Which letter indicates a bony projection from the ethmoid bone?


Which letter indicates a nucleosome?


Which letter indicates an articulating surface that is comprised of hyaline cartilage?


Which letter indicates the bony landmark of the humerus where the deltoid muscle attaches?


Which letter indicates the celiac ganglion and plexus?


Which letter indicates the collagen fibers of the periosteum known as the perforating, or Sharpey's, fibers?


Which letter indicates the connective tissue layer?


Which letter indicates the innermost portion of hair that is comprised of large epithelial cells and air spaces?


Which letter indicates the rough endoplasmic reticulum?


Which letter indicates the scapular region?


Which letter indicates what is known, in a growing juvenile, as the epiphyseal plate?


Which letter on the diagram indicates a modified hinge joint?


Which cranial nerve below carries parasympathetic innervation to the thoracic and abdominal viscera?


Blood levels of which substance are regulated by secretion from the illustrated glands? (parathyroid)


Both single-unit smooth muscle and this type of muscle have gap junctions.

Cardiac Muscle

This type of muscle contains intercalated discs.

Cardiac Muscle

This type of muscle is found in the heart.

Cardiac Muscle

A penetrating stab wound to the heart wall that causes blood to leak into the pericardial cavity would result in

Cardiac tamponade

Lordosis may be caused from __________.

Carrying a large load in front

An axosomatic synapse occurs between the axon terminals of one neuron and the ________ of a proximal neuron.

Cell Body

This region of the neuron contains a single nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm.

Cell Body

Which factor that acts to bind epithelial cells to one another is of the utmost importance?

Cell Junctions

Which feature, viewable in this image, distinguishes cartilage from connective tissue ?

Cells located within lacunae

Which statement is not part of the reason for male pattern baldness?

Cells of the hair matrix cease mitosis. NO 1) Hair growth cycles shorten. YES 2) Hair shafts may not reach the surface. YES 3) Terminal hairs are replaced by vellus hairs. YES

Which description of smooth muscle tissue is most true?

Centrally located nucleus; involuntary control; and propels substances or objects

Which of these regions superior-most aspect is found in close proximityl to the fourth ventricle and lies lies just posterior to the pons?


The telencephalon develops into what adult brain structure?


Which of these regions has two hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum?


Which of these regions of the brain contains the basal forebrain nuclei in the deep gray matter?


Which region of the spinal cord below does NOT contain any autonomic neurons?


The buccal region is the


Steroid hormones are molecules that are derived from __________.


__________ is the substance that makes the plasma membrane more rigid and less permeable to water and water-soluble molecules.


An example of a muscle with this type of fascicle arrangement is the orbicularis oris.


When muscle fascicles are arranged in concentric rings this arrangement is referred to as


Which organ system keeps blood constantly supplied with oxygen, removes carbon dioxide, and contains many air tubes?


The only bones made by intramembranous ossification that are NOT in the skull are the __________.


What physical property do collagen fibers contribute to the connective tissue shown below:

Collagen resists tension and provides structural strength.

Sympathetic structures of the abdomen that lie anterior to the vertebral column.

Collateral Ganglia

The structure shown by the arrow is a _________.

Commisural Fiber Tract

A highly branched gland whose walls do not balloon into spherical sacs is called

Compound Tubular

Enlargement of the heart with progressive decline in pumping efficiency.

Congestive Heart Failure

Tissues in this category are characterized by an extracellular matrix that holds some amount of fluid.


An aponeurosis:

Connects a muscle to underlying structures through a flat sheet or web.

In addition to the Pectoralis major, another muscle that displays this pattern of fascicle arrangement is Latissimus dorsi.


Why might bone marrow transplants become obsolete in the future?

Cord-blood (placental-blood) transplants may become a more viable alternative.

Transparent structure of the eye containing regularly aligned collagen fibers.


Blood is carried to capillaries in the myocardium by way of the

Coronary arteries

The superior corner of the right atrium of the heart is located at the

Costal cartilage of the third rib where it attaches to the sternum.

Site of intravenous catheter insertion and blood draws.

Cubital Fossa

Identify the letter that indicates a gland that secretes corticosteroids.


Identify the letter that indicates the Internal oblique.


Identify the letter that indicates the Orbicularis oris.


Identify the letter that indicates the Pectoralis minor.


Identify the letter that indicates the endomysium.


Identify the letter that indicates the left auricle.


Identify the letter that indicates the structure that is called the cochlea.


Identify which of the diagrams represents cells that produce and circulate cerebrospinal fluid.


Which letter indicates Wernicke's area, which is important for understanding spoken words?


Which letter indicates a lamellar corpuscle (Pacinian corpuscle) that rapidly adapts to deep pressure stimuli?


Which letter indicates a pad of a fibrocartilage known as the pubic symphysis?


Which letter indicates a specialized sensory receptor?


Which letter indicates a synovial, diarthrotic, saddle type of joint?


Which letter indicates the Golgi apparatus?


Which letter indicates the aortic plexus?


Which letter indicates the basement membrane?


Which letter indicates the blastocyst?


Which letter indicates the bony landmark of the humerus that articulates with the head of the radius?


Which letter indicates the chromatid?


Which letter indicates the coronoid process of the mandible?


Which letter indicates the cranial nerve that has motor fibers that innervate muscles of facial expression?


Which letter indicates the perforating, or Volkmann's canals which lie at right angles to central canals?


Which letter indicates the proximal articulation between the tibia and fibula and is a diarthrotic plane joint?


Which letter indicates the region of a long bone that in an adult is filled with yellow bone marrow?


Which letter indicates tunnel-like junctions in the lateral membranes of adjacent epithelial cells?


Which of the following would not be associated with strabismus?

Damage to the Optic Nerve

Stimulation of the vagus nerve in the baroreceptor reflex causes __________ (from the below).

Decreased heart rate

Muscles are ________ to the skin.


The brain is ________ to the skull.


Identify the layer of the skin that contains most of the sensory receptors.


Visible stretch marks on the skin surface are actually the result of microscopic tears in collagen fibers in which layer?


When a blister forms due to friction, liquid pools between the epidermis and what other layer of the integument?


When doctors make incisions on the body based on the lines of cleavage of the skin, these cleavage lines are based on the arrangement of collagen fibers in which layer of the skin?


Which primary layer of the skin provides a pink undertone to Caucasian skin?


Despite their name, many types of cell junction are not very strong at joining and holding cells together. The cell junctions that best keep cells from being pulled apart are


Which muscles are active during normal inspiration?

Diaphragm and intercostal muscles

Which food molecules are absorbed from the small intestine lumen into the lacteal, the lymphatic capillary located within the villus?

Digested Fats

At which age does the anterior fontanelle close around?

During the second year of life.

At which approximate age does the anterior fontanelle close?

During the second year of life.

A patient has recently undergone surgery on his right subclavian artery. Since then, he has experienced a hoarse voice. Why does he sound like he has a sore throat?

During the surgery, surgeons may have damaged the right recurrent laryngeal nerve.

Identify the letter that indicates formed elements of the blood that are important in blood clotting.


Identify the letter that indicates the Aponeurosis of external oblique.


Identify the letter that indicates the Serratus anterior.


Identify the letter that indicates the fraction that of leukocytes that represents monocytes.


Identify the letter that indicates the left coronary artery.


Identify the letter that indicates the muscle fiber.


Identify the letter that indicates the region of a neuron where neurotransmitters are released.


Identify the letter that indicates the structure that is important in equalizing air pressure on both sides of the eardrum.


Identify the letter that indicates the thick (myosin) filament.


Identify which diagram represents a cell that produces a myelin sheath in the central nervous system.


Which letter indicates a bulbous corpuscle (Ruffini ending) that slowly adapts to deep pressure stimuli?


Which letter indicates bone that is not arranged in osteons and is called spongy or trabecular bone?


Which letter indicates microvilli?


Which letter indicates projections from the dermis that reduce blister formation?


Which letter indicates the bone that has tuberosities that are the strongest parts of the hip bones?


Which letter indicates the groove that articulates with the patella?


Which letter indicates the hallux?


Which letter indicates the jugular foramen?


Which letter indicates the mental foramen?


Which letter indicates the mitochondrion?


Which letter indicates the popliteal region?


Which letter indicates the portion of the hair root that contains a single capillary cluster?


Which letter indicates the primary visual cortex, which receives information from neurons in the retina of the eye?


Which letter indicates the region of a long bone that contains the medullary cavity?


Which letter indicates the zygomatic bone?


This develops into the epidermis of the skin.


Which embryonic layer is the neural crest formed from?


Neural crest cells come from __________.

Ectodermal cells on the lateral ridges of the neural plate

Within connective tissue, the fibers that recoil to their original length and shape when stretched are called

Elastic Fibers

The property of skeletal muscle function that allows recoil after being stretched is called_____


The property of skeletal muscle function which allows recoil after being stretched is ______.


The cusps of the valves of the heart are covered by


The epiblast develops a primitive streak during days 14-15, the initial cells that ingress through the primitive streak become this germ layer.


The epithelial lining of the trachea, bronchial tree, and alveoli arise from embryonic__________ .


This develops into the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.


Which of the listed structures are what make up the bilaminar embryonic disc?

Epiblast and hypoblast

The notochord is made from __________.

Epiblast cells that migrate through the primitive node

Which layer of the integument contains the stratum basale?


Which primary layer of the skin contains lamellated granules that aid in waterproofing?


Which primary layer of the skin contains melanocytes?


Which abdominal regions are located between the midclavicular lines?

Epigastric region, umbilical region, and hypogastric region

Which major tissue category includes tissues that function in secretion, absorption, and filtration?


Which structures in the adult are made from the embryonic layer endoderm?

Epithelial lining of the gut tube

Which of these statements accurately lists the components of the mucosa of the alimentary canal?

Epithelium, lamina propria, and muscularis mucosae

Most abundant formed element.


Hematocrit measures the percentage of blood volume that consists of


Which formed elements of blood are most abundant?


Which of these bones forms part of the interior of the nasal cavity and the orbit for the eye?

Ethmoid Bone

Which of these bones has both the cribriform plate and the crista galli?

Ethmoid Bone

The ability of the sarcolemma of muscle cells to conduct an impulse is an example of


Which cranial nerve does not innervate the extrinsic eye muscles?

Facial NO 1) Trochlear YES 2) Abducens YES 3) Oculomotor YES

A neuron is a collection of nerve fibers in the PNS.


All of the neuron's organelles are localized to the cell body.


In anatomical position, the palms of the hands face medially toward the thighs.


MRI techniques can show only images that are hard and deflect the X-rays.


Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells myelinate neurons within the peripheral nervous system.


Skeletal muscle is responsible for movements of the appendages, but not the abdomen.


The pituitary gland atrophies with age and by age 80 is replaced by adipose tissue.


The somatic motor subdivision of the peripheral nervous system is considered to be an involuntary nervous system.


A lack of osteocalcin would cause __________.

Fat cells to store more fat and the pancreas to secrete less insulin

Gray matter in the CNS contains all of the following except

Fiber tracts

Which of the following is a true description of sweat?

Filtrate of blood, released by exocytosis, contains metabolic wastes.

This type of spinal cord damage is due to severe damage to the anterior horn or ventral motor roots.

Flaccid Paralysis

What is the main action of muscles in the anterior compartment of the arm?

Flex the elbow

Which cells produce the thyroid hormone precursor thyroglobulin?

Follicular Cells

How do epithelial tissues get nutrients?

From capillaries in underlying connective tissue.

Which lobe of the cerebrum is responsible for planning and initiating voluntary motor movement (from the below):

Frontal Lobe

Which of these lobes of the cerebrum lies anterior to the central sulcus?

Frontal Lobe

Which paranasal sinus does the arrow indicate?

Frontal Sinus

The anterior cranial fossa is formed by the

Frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones

The fascicles of the biceps brachii muscle have this type of arrangement.


Which of the following organs is an accessory digestive organ?


What is the process that results in the formation of the trilaminar embryonic disc?


Pick from the below about fast glycolytic muscle fibers _________.

Generate lots of power and depend on anaerobic pathways to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Which type of movement happens in the intercarpal joint in the wrist?


Which cranial nerve innervates the parotid salivary gland?

Glossopharyngeal Nerve

Materials that are to be exocytosed by cells are enclosed in vesicles synthesized by the

Golgi Apparatus

Which organelle works with the rough ER to package and ship new proteins to the right sites within the cell or for sectioning out of the cell?

Golgi Apparatus

Why is a stress fracture more likely to happen when a runner has increased his or her mileage too rapidly?

Gradually increasing one's mileage will result in the bone increasing in density and being more fracture resistant.

Pituitary disorders include all of the following except

Graves' Disease NO 1) Gigantism YES 2) Acromegaly YES 3) Pituitary Dwarfism YES

The ________ matter of the spinal cord forms a butterfly-shaped structure.


How are gray matter as well as white matter arranged in the CNS?

Gray matter is deep to the superficial white matter in the spinal cord.

Ganglia represent (from the below):

Groups of neuron cell bodies

Which muscle illustrated here is an antagonist to the rectus femoris?


The nuclear envelope is continuous with the rough ER, but it differs from the rough ER in that it

Has unique pores.

The large intestine is puckered into sacs called __________.


Fraction of blood comprised by erythrocytes.


The sella turcica of the sphenoid bone

Holds the pituitary gland

The major stimulus for the release of thyroid hormone is


The coronoid fossa is found on which of the bones listed below?


The deltoid tuberosity is found on which of the bones listed below?


Farsightedness is more properly called


If you were to have liposuction, you would have tissue removed from which layer?


Medial and superior to each occipital condyle, there is an opening named the __________, which is the opening for cranial nerve(s) __________.

Hypoglossal canal; XII

What stimulates the secretion of posterior lobe hormones from the pituitary?

Hypothalamic neurons stimulate the release of stored hormones from their axon terminals located in the posterior lobe.

The diencephalon develops into the thalamus, the epithalamus, and what other structure?


The overall integrating center for the ANS.


Which region of the central nervous system integrates the activities of the autonomic nervous system from below?


Which cranial nerve pair is characterized by somatic sensory fibers crossing at the ventral midline of the brain?


The thyroid gland is located

Immediately inferior to the larynx

Concerning levers, which of the following is the most true?

In a second-class lever, the load is located between the fulcrum and the point of application of effort.

The height of an average person's trunk, from neck to perineum, is about

1 Meter


1) Anterior Cerebral Artery 2) Anterior Communicating Artery 3) Internal Carotid Artery 4) Posterior Communicating Artery 5) Posterior Cerebral Artery 6) Middle Cerebral Artery


1) Ascending colon 2) Transverse colon 3) Diverticula 4) Ileum 5) Cecum


1) Cavernous Sinus 2) Superior Petrosal Sinus 3) Great Cerebral V. 4) Straight Sinus 5) Transverse Sinus


1) Coronary Sulcus 2) Left atrium 3) Base of heart 4) Inferior Vena Cava 5) Posterior interventricular sulcus


1) Left colic (splenic) flexure 2) Descending colon 3) Sigmoid colon 4) Sigmoid mesocolon 5) Rectum


1) Middle Lobar Bronchus 2) Right Super Lobar Bronchus 3) Bronchus Intermedius 4) Right Inferior Lobar Bronchus

Bronchial Tree POSTERIOR ONE

1) Right Superior Lobar Bronchus 2) Bronchus Intermedius 3) Right MIddle Lobar Bronchus 4) Right Inferior Lobar Bronchus


1) Right auricle 2) Right atrium 3) Coronary sulcus 4) Right ventricle 5) Anterior interventricular sulcus 6) Left ventricle

Bronchial Tree POSTERIOR TWO

1) Trachea 2) Tracheal Bifurcation 3) Right Main (Primary) Bronchus 4) Carina of Trachea 5) Left Main (Primary) Bronchus

At what age are infants first able to localize sounds and turn toward the voices of family members (from the below):

3-4 months old

Which numbered structure below carries the efferent signal?


An average female has approximately ________ of blood.

4 Liters

Using the rule of nines, approximate the percentage of burned area if a person has burns on his or her right upper limb and both lower limbs.


Identify the letter that indicates a "master gland" that secretes at least nine hormones.


Identify the letter that indicates the Epicranial aponeurosis.


Identify the letter that indicates the I band.


Identify the letter that indicates the Serratus anterior.


Identify the letter that indicates the formed element of the blood that is packed with molecules of hemoglobin.


Identify the letter that indicates the portion of the fibrous layer known as the sclera.


Identify the letter that indicates the structure that is the boundary between the external and middle ear.


In skeletal muscle fibers, which band or zone contains both thick and thin myofilaments?


This structure is composed entirely of dense regular connective tissue and connects bone to muscle.


Which letter indicates Broca's area, which controls the motor movements necessary for speaking?


Which letter indicates a ligament that connects bone to bone and is external to the joint capsule?


Which letter indicates the cranial nerve that transmits olfactory impulses?


Which letter indicates the left vagus nerve?


Which letter indicates the mental region?


Which letter indicates the nucleolus?


Which letter indicates the oocyte?


Which letter indicates the palatine bone that forms part of the hard palate?


Which letter indicates the region of the brain that has the greatest surface area due to the numerous surface convolutions?


Which letter indicates the region of the long bone comprised of a network of trabecular plates?


Which letter indicates the space where microscopic blood vessels and nerves pass through the center of the osteon?


Which letter indicates the weakest region of the femur, which may be fractured in a fall?


Elevated levels of the leukocyte shown here as measured in a CBC with differential would indicate ______________.

A bacterial infection

The smallest living unit is

A cell

A joint between a tooth and its socket is

A gomphosis

A phagosome is usually described as __________.

A membranous vesicle formed when pseudopods extend from the plasma membrane to enclose a clump of bacteria or cellular debris

One of the largest and strongest muscles in the body is the gluteus maximus in the buttocks, which is important in these diverse muscular activities: walking, running, and climbing stairs. It must consist of

A mixture of fiber types.

Based on the definition of luxation, a subluxation must be

A partially dislocated joint

What describes the "Rule of Nines"?

A quick way to determine how much of the skin's surface has been burned.

What is the most likely function of the neuron shown here?

A sensory neuron

Define what motor unit is.

A single motor neuron and all muscle fibers it innervates

Which of the following hormones is secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary?

ADH (Vasopressin)

Which of the following is not a characteristic of neurons?

Ability to survive without oxygen NO 1) Inability to divide YES 2) Longevity YES 3) High metabolic rate YES

The cranial nerves that have neural connections with the tongue include all of the following except the


How are stratified epithelia classified?

According to the shape of the cells in their apical layer.

Which of the following is associated with Alzheimer's disease?

Accumulation of protein plaques around neurons

Which of these is a skeletal disorder resulting from mutations in a gene that leads to the most common form of dwarfism?


Which of these results from a genetic mutation that leads to premature endochondral ossification before adult height can be reached?


Which cellular structures are responsible for cleaving the cytoplasm of a single cell into two daughter cells after mitosis?

Actin and myosin microfilaments

If integral proteins move molecules across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradient, this is named __________

Active Transport

__________ disease involves deficiencies of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids; blood levels of glucose and sodium fall; and severe dehydration and low blood pressure are common; other symptoms are fatigue and loss of appetite.


In general, all muscles of the medial part of the thigh__________

Adduct the thigh

Overall, all muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh__________

Adduct the thigh.

A muscle that crosses on the medial side of a joint produces what type of movement?


A muscle that crosses on the medial side of a joint produces which type of movement?


Myofilaments __________ (pick from the below).

All are correct: 1) are specific types of microfilaments YES 2) are responsible for shortening muscle cells YES 3) include actin and myosin YES

Why, other than the cosmetic appearance, is a hernia of any medical concern?

All are correct: 1) Circulation to the herniated organ may be compromised. YES 2) The herniated organ may be more vulnerable to trauma. YES 3) The hernia may cause an obstruction of flow through the organ. For instance, it may block the flow of digesting food through the small intestine. YES

Which of the following is/are true of aldosterone?

All are true: 1) It is secreted in response to a decline in blood volume or blood pressure. YES 2) It is secreted by the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex. YES 3) It compensates for a decline in blood pressure or blood volume by prompting the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts of the kidneys to resorb more sodium into the blood. YES

Which of the following situations is likely to be associated with a clavicle fracture?

All of the above: 1) A box in the boy's closet fell directly on his clavicle. 2) A boy tried to break his fall as he was playing basketball. 3) A boy fell on his shoulder during a martial arts tournament 4) A boy was riding in a late model car when another car collided with it. He was wearing his seatbelt and the airbag deployed.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) __________.(from the answers below):

All of the above: 1) is five times more common in temperate Europe or the United States than in tropical countries YES 2) is not always easy to diagnose because of its range of symptoms and presentation YES 3) is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by numbness or pain on the skin, muscle weakness, slurred speech, and difficulty in maintaining balance YES

As difficult as the problem of stimulating axonal regeneration is, other problems challenge researchers and clinicians as they try to restore complete function to someone with a spinal cord injury. Some of these problems might include which of the following below?

All of the above: 1) restoring the neuronal synapses of a destroyed neuron. YES 2) stimulating neuron cell bodies to regenerate when the neurons are totally destroyed YES 3) Controlling the secondary damage from inflammation while minimizing the risk from infections, which are usually prevented (in part) by the inflammatory process. YES

The best treatment for a herniated disc is preventing it in the first place. While there is no foolproof prevention plan, one might lessen the risks by___________.

All the listed responses are correct: 1) avoiding sudden lifting movements 2) keeping the back straight when lifting, and lifting with one's legs 3) exercising the back to keep the muscles strong

Excitability is a special functional feature of muscle tissue that __________.

Allows electrical impulses to travel along the cells' sarcolemma, leading to contraction

Which region of the bronchial tree, illustrated here, is NOT in the conducting zone?


In which phase of mitosis do spindle fibers, moved by motor proteins, pull chromosomes in the direction of opposite poles?


The sternal region is ________ to the scapular region.


Which valve would you hear if you were listening to the heart at its superior right point?

Aortic valve

Which heart structure is located most anteriorly?


The flat sheet of connective tissue which extends beyond the muscle fibers to attach the muscle to bone is a(n) ______


What would cause pain that extends or moves to the right in the umbilical region?


Identify the area shown by the arrow.

Arbor Vitae

Myeloblasts __________.

Are the committed cell type for all the granulocyte cell lines

The axillary artery is found in the region of the


To which laryngeal cartilages do the vocal folds attach?

Arytenoid and thyroid cartilages

The prenatal period starts __________.

At conception

An example of a pivot joint is the

Atlantoaxial joint

The vertebra that lacks a body and helps allow one to nod the head is the


Cytotoxic T-cells (cytotoxic T lymphocytes) __________.

Attack antigens directly

This part of the neuron may have branching collaterals.


This tends to be the longest cytoplasmic projection from a neuron.


The ________ of a presynaptic neuron associates with the dendrite of a postsynaptic neuron.

Axon Terminal

Vesicles containing neurotransmitters are located in

Axon Terminals

Identify the letter that indicates a commissure connecting left and right cerebral hemispheres.


Identify the letter that indicates a gland that secretes a hormone controlling basal metabolic rate.


Identify the letter that indicates anchor points for chordae tendineae, composed of cells from the myocardium.


Identify the letter that indicates the Deltoid.


Identify the letter that indicates the Linea alba.


Identify the letter that indicates the Temporalis.


Identify the letter that indicates the epimysium.


Identify the letter that indicates the fraction of leukocytes that represents eosinophils.


Identify the letter that indicates the region of a neuron with a name that means "little hill."


Identify which letter represents the most abundant category of glial cells in the CNS.


This structure is the basic unit of contraction.


Which letter identifies the anterior superior iliac spine?


Which letter indicates a depression that is the site where a femoral ligament attaches to the acetabulum?


Which letter indicates a layer of cells that are derived from the epidermis?


Which letter indicates a tactile corpuscle (Meissner's corpuscle) that is responsive to light pressure?


Which letter indicates histones?


Which letter indicates the circumferential lamellae?


Which letter indicates the corpus callosum, which is an area of white matter where axons from one cerebral hemisphere cross the midline to the opposite hemisphere?


Which letter indicates the inferior orbital fissure?


Which letter indicates the integument layer that corresponds to leather hides from an animal?


Which letter indicates the region known as the epiphysis?


Which letter indicates the structure where cranial nerve fibers from the retina cross to the opposite side of the brain?


Which letter indicates the umbilical region?


Which letter indicates the zygote?


Motor neurons arise primarily from the

Basal Plate

Which white blood cells contain granules of histamine?


In hyperopic (farsighted) eyes, diverging light rays from nearby objects cause the focal point to happen __________, resulting in __________ objects to appear blurry.

Behind the retina / nearby

Which of the following places is a cartilaginous joint?

Between the sternum and rib 1

A muscle with fascicles that insert into the tendon from both sidesis categorized as


Damage to which part of the brain would result in someone being unable to identify an item in his or her pocket by touch alone?

somatosensory association cortex

Myelin on axons works to

speed the rate of impulse conduction and insulate neighboring axons from one another.

Arrector pili muscles go from the __________.

superficial dermis to a deep-lying hair follicle

Three "seeing/vision" nuclei that occupy the midbrain of humans are the

superior colliculi, motor nucleus for oculomotor nerve, and motor nucleus for trochlear nerve.

The artery that supplies most of the pituitary gland (but not the pars nervosa) is the

superior hypophyseal artery.

Which type of nerve fibers makes up the autonomic nervous system (ANS) (from the below):

sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers

The lateral cord of the brachial plexus forms directly from

the anterior divisions of the upper and middle trunks.

An example of hormonal stimuli is __________.

the hypothalamus secretes CRH that influences the anterior pituitary to secrete ACTH, which then stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoids

An example of proprioception is

the sensation you feel during a wake-up stretch.

Which answer choice correctly identifies functions of the hypoglossal nerve?

tongue movements during speech and swallowing

Which muscles make up the boundary of the triangle of auscultation?

trapezius and latissimus dorsi

The image here shows__________ .

unmyelinated axons surrounded by a Schwann cell

Where are cell bodies of somatic motor neurons located in the body?

ventral horn of spinal cord

From which embryonic place do the limb muscles develop?

ventral region of myotomes (hypaxial muscles)

From which embryonic region do the limb muscles make up?

ventral region of myotomes (hypaxial muscles)

Which muscle is the one that is used to smile?

zygomaticus (major and minor)

Marks the medial boundary of the biceps brachii.

Median Bicipital Furrow

Which portion of the adrenal gland secretes hormones in response to "fight-or-flight" situations?


Which cell pictured here produces pigments responsible for skin color?


Which of the following hormones is secreted by the pars intermedia of the pituitary gland?

Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone MSH

ALS would NOT be connected with which of the following?

Memory Difficulty NO 1) Abnormal stretch reflexes (deep reflexes) YES 2) Loss of muscle strength YES 3) Difficulty breathing YES

The middlemost embryonic germ layer to develop is


These glial cells arise from embryonic white blood cells.


In which brain region are the cerebral peduncles located? (from the below):


This vertical line passes 1 cm medial to the nipple.

Midclavicular Line

Which component of bone tissue makes bone a hard substance?

Mineral Salts

Which part of bone tissue makes bone hard?

Mineral Salts

This organelle is involved in production of cellular energy.


Identify the organelle pictured here.


The double membrane structure is unique to the


Parent cell that transforms into a macrophage.


In a positive feedback loop, if concentrations of a specific hormone increase, what is the response of the effector organ?

More of that hormone is secreted, which prompts further secretion of that hormone.

Based on what you learned the increased glucose in the basement membrane would most likely result in____________.

More water molecules in the basement membrane.

Which of these statements accurately describes how the general visceral motor system of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is different from the general somatic motor system?

Motor units in the ANS include a chain of two motor neurons.

Which fascicle arrangement produces the more strong contraction?


Which fiber arrangement in muscle fascicles produces the most power? Why is this?

Multipennate, because they contain the most fibers

________ is a progressive disease that destroys patches of myelin in both the brain and spinal cord.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

The primary contractile tissue of the heart characterizes tissues in this category.


Which tissue category contains tissues comprised of cells containing myofilaments?


Myofascial pain syndrome is best described as a condition in which

Muscle fibers contract when the skin superficial to them is stroked.

Which statement below best describes the nervous tissue damage associated with multiple sclerosis (MS)?

Myelin sheaths produced by oligodendrocytes are destroyed.

Stem cell from which eosinophils and basophils develop.


Which part of the nail is where the active growing goes on?

Nail matrix

Which tarsal bone lies directly anterior to the talus?


The cervical region is the


The brain and spinal cord are composed primarily of this tissue type.


Which organ system includes the spinal cord?


Which tissue type is formed mainly from ectoderm?

Nervous Tissue

From which structure do the preganglionic autonomic neurons develop (from the below)?

Neural Tube

The point at which a nerve ending and skeletal fiber join is called a(n) ______.

Neuromuscular Junction

Identify the cell shown by the blue arrow.


During contraction of a sarcomere, what occurs to the A band?

None are correct: 1) The A bands overlap, due to the pull of the thin filaments on the thick filaments. NO 2) The pull of actin filaments causes it to lengthen. NO 3) It disappears NO

As a researcher, you are exploring possible ways to treat achondroplasia. Which of the following methods might work in treatment?

None of the listed responses will work. 1) Giving anabolic steroids 2) Administering growth hormones 3) Administering fibroblastic growth factor

The body's axis of development is determined by the


Adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine are subunits of the DNA's double helix called __________.


Adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine are subunits of the DNA's double helix that are called __________.


The visual cortex is located in the _________ lobe. (from the below):

Occipital Lobe

What happens during implantation?

On day 6, the trophoblast layer erodes inward until the entire blastocyst is imbedded in the uterine wall. This process takes close to 1 week.

The crista terminalis can be used to locate all of the following structures except the

Opening of the pulmonary veins NO 1) Opening of the superior vena cava YES 2) Opening of the coronary sinus YES 3) Opening of the inferior vena cava YES

Which of these cranial nerve pairs do not pass through the superior orbital fissures?


Which osteogenic cells are situated in the endosteum?


Which term applies to a number of disorders in adults in which the bones are inadequately mineralized?


Which disease of the skeletal system is often associated with decreasing levels of estrogen, but may also result from inadequate weight-bearing exercise and nutritional deficiencies of calcium, vitamin D and protein?


Membrane attached to the stapes.

Oval Window

Which of the following hormones is secreted by neurons?


A disease that is characterized by excessive and abnormal remodeling of bone tissue and affects 3% of the elderly is

Paget's disease

The biceps brachii has this fascicle arrangement, which maximizes the range of motion possible.


This arrangement of fascicles tends to provide the greatest range of motion (shortening distance), though not the greatest power.


Which division of the autonomic nervous system is illustrated below by the purple neurons?


This division can also be called the craniosacral division.

Parasympathetic Division

The cells that secrete parathyroid hormone are called

Parathyroid Cells

Which of the following is not part of the posterior lobe of the pituitary?

Pars Intermedia

Sympathetic innervation to the head follows which pathway from the below pathways?

Pathway 2

Identify a boundary defining the pelvic inlet.

Pelvic Brim

What is the boundary defining the pelvic inlet called?

Pelvic brim

The stomach begins the breakdown of ingested proteins by secreting__________, a protein-digesting enzyme


It is Friday afternoon, and you have had a very long day working in the emergency department as the surgical physician. Your last patient is accurately diagnosed with acute compartment syndrome. You can do which of the following actions?

Perform the procedure on an emergent basis, as soon as it is medically and physically possible, this afternoon.

The covering of a fascicle within a nerve is the


The biconcave shape of erythrocytes is a result of__________.

Peripheral proteins anchored to the inner surface of their plasma membranes

Which digestive process is illustrated here?


This membranous organelle contains oxidase and catalase enzymes.


The main "swallowing" muscles are the

Pharyngeal Constrictors

Identify the macromolecules that make up the two layers of the plasma membrane, shown here by the red bracket.


Identify the cells shown by the bracket in this section through the retina.


Shearing of axons in a diffuse axonal injury causes such widespread disruptions because such an injury involves

Projection Fibers

The major function of stratified squamous epithelium is

Protect from abrasion

Functions of bones include all of the following statements, EXCEPT __________.

Protein Storage NO 1) Mineral Storage YES 2) Movement YES 3) Fat (Energy Storage) YES

The femoral region is ________ to the plantar region.


The knee is ________ to the foot.


The valve responsible for preventing backflow of blood from the lungs into the heart.

Pulmonary Semilunar Valve

Stenosis of the mitral valve may cause blood to back up into the

Pulmonary circulation

What structure regulates the amount of light passing to the visual receptors of the eye?


Which of these nerves arises from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus?


The structure of the radius that is the most distal site of attachment for the biceps brachii muscle is the __________.

Radial Tuberosity

A cell does not respond to the presence of a hormone if it lacks a specific__________ molecules either on the plasma membrane or intracellularly.


A muscle that attaches to the skeleton at the pubic crest and the xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 is the

Rectus Abdominis

Where are blood cells produced postnatally?

Red bone marrow located in spongy bone.

The visceral motor part of the PNS __________.

Regulates the contraction of smooth and cardiac muscle and regulates secretion by the body's many glands

Which statement is true regarding neuronal regeneration?

Reinnervation of the target organ with partial recovery of function is sometimes possible in the PNS.

What stimulates the secretion of anterior lobe hormones from the pituitary?

Releasing hormones produced and secreted in the hypothalamus stimulate secretion of anterior lobe hormones.

Which of the listed hormones is not secreted by the placenta?

Renin NO 1) HCG YES 2) Estrogen YES 3) CRH YES

From the thoracic region, the __________ form(s) from the inner tube of the body.

Respiratory Structures

Which ribs are called false ribs?

Ribs 8-12

Which of these diseases is more prevalent in children, and was exceedingly common in the United States and other industrialized nations before vitamin D was added to milk?


Fibroblasts make the protein fibers found in many connective tissues. Many epithelial cells make protein products that are secreted (mucus, enzymes, hormones). Which cellular organelles are abundant in these types of cells?

Rough ER

Cisternae of this organelle are continuous with the nuclear envelope.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Ribosomes may be either free within the cytoplasm or bound to a membrane system known as the

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

This membranous organelle is the site of protein synthesis for proteins that are secreted by the cell.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

The following describes Cleavage lines

Run parallel to the orientation of collage bundles in the reticular layer.

Which structure below is responsible for formation of the regeneration tube following injury to an axon?

Schwann Cells

Which portion of the eye is covered by conjunctiva as pictured below?


What is the purpose of goblet cells in pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelial tissue of the upper respiratory tract?

Secrete mucin

Identify the bony structure where the pituitary gland is located.

Sella turcica of the sphenoid.

Which neural tissue is derived from the neural crest?

Sensory Neurons

Which of the following below explains why cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in the PNS (which is outside the CNS) in ganglia?

Sensory neurons arise from neural crest cells

__________ is plasma from which the clotting factors have been removed.


Which of these joints is stabilized by glenohumeral ligaments?

Shoulder Joints

What type of epithelium lines the lumen of the respiratory tube indicated by the arrow?

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Which kind of epithelial tissue is shown in this image?

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Which of the following provides the least resistance to diffusion?

Simple squamous epithelium

Identify the tissues that make up the membranes illustrated here.

Simple squamous epithelium and areolar connective tissue

This type of muscle attaches to bone, but may also attach to skin, cartilage, fascia or a raphe.

Skeletal Muscle

This type of muscle composes the largest share of muscle weight in the human body.

Skeletal Muscle

Which adult structure is made from the myotome portion of the somite?

Skeletal muscles of the trunk and limbs

Of the various types of skeletal muscle fibers, the ones with the thinnest myofibrils are

Slow Oxidative Fibers

Both cardiac muscle and this type of muscle are called involuntary.

Smooth Muscle

The "cells" of both skeletal muscle and this muscle type are correctly called muscle fibers.

Smooth Muscle

This type of muscle is found in large vessels leading to and from the heart.

Smooth Muscle

This type of muscle makes up the walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach and uterus.

Smooth Muscle

The cell bodies located in the posteriormost region of the spinal cord's gray matter belong to this group.

Somatic Sensory

The defecation and urination reflexes are integrated in the

Spinal Cord

Which organ is not found in the ventral body cavity?

Spinal Cord

The basilar membrane supports the

Spiral Organ

Which muscle that is listed below only attaches to the axial skeleton, and thus is classified as an axial muscle?

Splenius YES 1) Serratus Ventralis NO 2) Rhomboideus Capitis NO 3) Supraspinatus NO

Which item featured of the muscle tissue shown here is shared with skeletal muscle tissue?


The chest is ________ to the abdomen.


A horizontal line on the back used for locating the fourth lumbar vertebra.

Supracristal Line

What is the function of the bone markings shown on this rib: head and facets?

Surfaces that form joints.

Division of the ANS most active during vigorous exercise describes the

Sympathetic Division

Ganglia of this structure are connected to the ventral rami of spinal nerves through the rami communicantes.

Sympathetic Trunk

Where do sympathetic preganglionic fibers synapse in the body?

Sympathetic trunk and collateral ganglia

Chemical signals diffuse between neurons at this location.


Which of these is not in direct contact with thick myofilaments?

Synaptic Vesicles NO 1) Actin YES 2) ATPase YES 3) Myosin YES

What is the functional classification of the joint in the given illustration below?


Most joints contain cartilage. If damaged, which kind of joint will NOT benefit from an autologous cartilage implantation?


What structural type of joint is illustrated here connecting the shaft of the radius to the ulna?


What is the functional relationship between the brachialis and that of the biceps brachii?


When the fibrous tissue of sutures ossifies, the resulting joint is called a


Which type of joint predominates in an upper limb?


Articular cartilages are found both in symphyses and in

Synovial joints

What happens during the S phase of the cell cycle?

Synthesis of DNA in preparation for cell division

What occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle?

Synthesis of DNA in preparation for cell division

What stimulates secretion of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland?

TSH secreted by anterior pituitary

Which bone is the keystone of the medial longitudinal arch?


Which of these bones has a mastoid process and a styloid process?

Temporal Bone

Which part of the brain is located in the middle cranial fossa?

Temporal Lobe

A condition that commonly leads to neck pain, ear problems, and pain when opening the mouth is

Temporomandibular Disorder

Which of these regions functions to direct nearly all sensory input, except olfactory impulses, to the cerebral cortex?


Which endocrine gland stands out in X-ray images and helps radiologists get oriented in the brain?

The Pineal Gland

What neuronal action happens at the pyramids of the medulla oblongata?

The axons of upper motor neurons cross to the opposite side of the brain.

Z discs (Z lines) are known to be ______.

The boundaries of two adjacent sarcomeres

When the lens of the eye bulges for close vision, which of the following will happen?

The ciliary muscles contract

What structures are most important in keeping the knee from moving medially to laterally?

The collateral ligaments

Which statement describes best vesicle formation in a Golgi apparatus?

The convex cis face receives vesicles from the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). New vesicles leave the Golgi apparatus by budding off the concave trans face.

Which vessel returns most of the venous blood from the heart to the right atrium?

The coronary sinus

Which bones are the parts of the pelvic girdle?

The coxal bones

How is a shoulder dislocation structurally different from a shoulder separation?

The dislocation occurs between the head of the humerus and the glenoid labrum, while the shoulder separation occurs at the acromioclavicular joint

What is the primary reason that men have more muscle mass than women?

The effects of androgen hormones give men greater muscle mass than women.

During dorsiflexion this happens __________.

The foot is lifted so its superior surface approaches the shin

What is DIFFERENT about development of the kidneys as compared to the development of the gonads?

The gonads migrate to other areas of the body during fetal development.

Which heart chamber has the thickest myocardium?

The left ventricle, because it pumps blood at a higher pressure

Which statement is true concerning embryonic make up of skeletal muscles?

The lower limb rotates during development, so in the adult lower limb the extensor muscles are on the anterior side of the lower limb.

The primary capillary plexus of the hypophyseal portal system is located in

The median emminence

The mesoderm begins to differentiate during which of the following timeframes?

The middle of week 3

As you examine the femur, where would you guess the most frequent fracture place from osteoporosis occurs?

The neck

Which of the following structures is not found in the left ventricle?

The pectinate muscles

Hematopoiesis is __________.

The process by which blood cells are formed.

Which statement concerning the pulmonary arteries is FALSE?

The pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated blood back from the lungs to the heart. NO 1) The pulmonary arteries are part of the pulmonary circuit. YES 2) The pulmonary arteries carry poorly oxygenated blood. 3) The right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary arteries.

How would a stab wound that has punctured the pleural cavity on the right lateral side at the level of intercostal space 8 affect the right lung?

The right lung would collapse

If you couldn't see the H zone in the photomicrograph of a sarcomere in skeletal muscle, ______.

The sarcomere is fully contracted

If you could not see the H zone in a photomicrograph of the sarcomere in skeletal muscle, ______.

The sarcomere is fully contracted.

The difference between cranium and skull, if any, is that

The skull contains facial bones and cranial bones

Why does a lumbar puncture take place within the lower lumbar region of the spinal cord?

The spinal cord ends at approximately the level of L1, making the area between L4 and L5 a safe location to sample cerebral spinal fluid without injuring the neural tissue of the spinal cord.

Which of the following statements does not correctly describe the spiral organ of Corti?

The tectorial membrane bends with vibrations, whereas the basilar membrane is rigid and fixed.

Which endocrine gland stores enough of its hormone extracellularly to last several months?

The thyroid

How is the thyroid gland different from all other endocrine glands?

The thyroid gland stores its hormones extracellularly.

What is the fate of the vesicle produced in the Golgi apparatus by the process labeled Pathway C in the figure below?

The vesicle is a lysosome containing enzymes to be used to clean-up cellular debris.

Why are sensory neurons that monitor touch, pressure, vibration, pain, and temperature are thought of as "general sensory receptors"?

Their receptors are widely distributed over the body.

What is the purpose of the fat in adipose tissue located around the heart, around lymph nodes, and in bone marrow (as individual fat cells)?

These fat deposits serve local nutrient needs of highly active organs.

Which of these statements below regarding the collateral ganglia of the sympathetic division is FALSE?

They are the same as the sympathetic trunk ganglia.

Why are the inferior two pairs of ribs called floating ribs?

They have no anterior attachment.

What is the function of globulins in blood plasma?

They include antibodies and blood proteins that transport lipids, iron, and copper.

What is the function of serous membranes?

They reduce friction so that viscera move freely.

Which of the following functions is NOT associated with the spinal cord?(from the below):

Through the cranial nerves that attach to it, the spinal cord is involved in sensory and motor innervation of the head and neck.

Which endocrine organ develops from endoderm?

Thyroid Gland

Which of the following endocrine glands is capable of storing its hormones extracellularly and then slowly releasing them?

Thyroid Gland

Shin splints result from damage to which muscle or muscle group?

Tibialis Anterior

To what depth must an injection of anesthetic be inserted to numb the spinal cord and therefore relieve pain caudal to that area?

To the depth of the epidural space

Ultrasound techniques are used to image a fetus because they are less damaging than other techniques.


The trochlear notch is found on which of the bones listed below?


Neural plasticity occurs when __________.

Undamaged neurons in the brain sprout new cytoplasmic branches after a stroke that partially restores lost functions

Olfactory sensory neurons __________ (from the below):

Undergo replacement throughout life

The elimination of nitrogenous wastes from body fluids is regulated by the ________ system.


Which cranial nerve pair has two sensory branches which both pass through the internal acoustic meatus?


Which of the following cranial nerves does not supply parasympathetic fibers to the head?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of epithelia?

Vascular - NO 1) Specialized cell-cell junctions YES 2) Innvervated YES 3) Highly cellular w/ little extracullar matrix YES

The gray and white rami communicantes attach to the

Ventral Rami

During which stage of the heartbeat is the valve shown here closed?

Ventricular contraction; ventricular systole

If the beating heart makes a "lub-dup" sound, the "dup" sound is caused by

Vibrations that result from the semilunar valves slamming shut.

What is the term which collectively refers to both smooth and cardiac muscle?


Identify the structure indicated by the arrow.

Visceral layer of the serous pericardium

By which week of development do most long bones have very obvious primary ossification centers?

Week 12

During which week of development does the trilaminar embryonic disc fold to make a three-dimensional embryo?

Week 4

The embryonic period goes through which week of prenatal development?

Week 8

The spinal root of which cranial nerve pair innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles?


Which region of the adrenal cortex consists of cells arranged in parallel cords?

Zona Fasciculata

Cells that manufacture and secrete aldosterone are located in the

Zona Glomerulosa

Which portion of the adrenal gland secretes hormones that regulate blood pressure?

Zona Glomerulosa

Region of the adrenal cortex that secretes DHEA.

Zona Reticularis

Extrafusal muscle fibers that surround a muscle spindle and resist excessive muscle stretching are innervated by

alpha efferent neurons

Aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide are __________ hormones.

antagonistic, because secretion of aldosterone increases blood volume and increases blood pressure and atrial natriuretic peptide decreases blood volume and decreases blood pressure

Which of the following is the correct path an impulse takes across a synapse?

axon of presynaptic neuron, synaptic cleft, dendrite of postsynaptic neuron

Sarcoplasmic reticulum lies

between myofibrils but in fibers.

Which region or regions of the central nervous system have an external layer of gray matter? (from the below):

cerebrum and cerebellum

Trace the path of circulation of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) from production to absorption (from the below):

choroid plexus, ventricles of the brain, subarachnoid space, arachnoid villi, superior sagittal sinus

Which bony articulation attaches the upper limb to an axial skeleton?

clavicle articulating with the sternum

Age-related loss of muscle mass may be influenced by all of these except:

decrease in the level of testosterone. NO 1) degeneration of muscle fibers because of accumulation of calcium in the sarcoplasm. YES 2) an increase in the relative proportion of connective tissue to number of muscle fibers. YES 3) exhaustion of the supply of muscle satellite cells. YES

Microglia are not like other neuroglial cells in that they

derive from pre-natal monocytes

If you were very nervous about speaking in front of a group of people, which of the following would most be likely to develop?

dry mouth, due to sympathetic inhibition of secretions from the salivary glands

Organelles are moved inside the cytoplasm by being pulled along microtubules by the motor proteins __________ and __________.

dyneins; kinesins

Organelles are moved within the cytoplasm by being pulled along microtubules by the motor proteins __________ and __________.

dyneins; kinesins

Which two actions are possible for the muscle that is illustrated here?

extension and adduction of the arm

The fibularis longus inserts by a long tendon at the __________(from the below):

first metatarsal and medial cuneiform

A muscle that originates on the medial epicondyle of the humerus is the

flexor carpi radialis.

In which direction does the nerve signal pass at the synapse shown here?

from presynaptic axon terminal to postsynaptic dendrite

Another name for the ANS is the

general visceral motor system.

In human embryos, the yolk sac is important because it

gives rise to earliest blood cells and blood vessels.

Which of the following is the correct progression in the healing of a skeletal fracture?

hematoma, fibrocartilage callus, bony callus, bone remodeling

Cretinism is best described as __________.

hypothyroidism in children, which leads to short, disproportionate body, a thick tongue, and mental retardation

Conjoined twins occur as a result of

incomplete division of the inner cell mass

The anatomical stalk of the pituitary is also known as


Which of the following minerals is essential for the formation of thyroid hormone?


A node of Ranvier (myelin sheath gap)

is a bare region of axonal membrane in myelinated axons only.

The outer membrane of a nuclear envelope __________.

is a specialized part of the rough ER

After a muscle fiber has contracted, the calcium

is actively transported into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Baroreceptors are a kind of __________ that monitors __________.

mechanoreceptor / blood pressure

The ANS is the system of __________ neurons that regulates such functions as __________ (from the below).

motor / heart rate, digestion, and blood pressure

Blood vessels to the diaphysis move through the

nutrient foramen

What stimulates the adrenal medulla to secrete its excitatory neurohormones?

preganglionic sympathetic neurons

Besides helping to "lock" the knee, the posterior cruciate ligament

prevents posterior sliding of the tibia when the leg is flexed at the knee.

Identify the bone indicated by the arrow.

proximal phalanx of digit 4

Starting at the spinal cord and proceeding distally, the subdivisions of the brachial plexus are

rami, trunks, divisions, cords.

A CT scan produces an image of a transverse section of the body.


Any long axon is called a nerve fiber.


Chromatophilic bodies are clusters of rough ER and free ribosomes that produce the large amount of proteins needed by a neuron.


The peritoneal cavity is a serous cavity.


The supporting cells of the nervous system that surround and wrap neurons are derived from embryonic neuroepithelial cells from the ectoderm.


The neurohypophysis is comprised of __________.

nervous tissue that contains unmyelinated axons and neuroglial cells

Leukocytes, ordered from most to least abundant, are the

neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils.(Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas)

Which of the following sentences about bones is true?

Bones grow thicker in response to the forces experienced during exercise.

The purpose of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is to __________.

Produce steroid hormones and aid in drug detoxification

In which connective tissue is matrix NOT produced by cells in the below tissue?


Which criterion is used in naming the muscles shown here?

Direction of muscle fibers

In limbs, the insertions of muscles almost always lie ________ to their origins.


Which type of circuit below distributes a nervous signal to multiple pathways?

Diverging circuit

Which fiber tract carries the sensations of discriminative touch as well as proprioception?

Dorsal Column

Which branch of the spinal nerve innervates the muscles shown with the arrows?

Dorsal Ramus

The role of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is to __________.

Produce steroid hormones and aid in drug detoxification

Which body cavity discussed in Chapter 1 is formed from the embryonic coelom?

Pleural Cavity

A depression on the posterior of the knee.

Popliteal Fossa

The muscles in the __________________ compartment of the leg are the main movers for plantar flexion.


Of the following endocrine organs, which does not migrate away from its original site of formation in the embryo?

Posterior Lobe of the Pituitary Gland

The popliteal region is

Posterior surface of the knee

Cell body of this autonomic neuron lies within the CNS.

Pre-Ganglionic Neuron

Which statement is true from the below concerning the innervation of adrenal medulla?

Preganglionic sympathetic axons terminate in the adrenal medulla and stimulate the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Which type of nerve fibers are NOT found in smooth muscle?

Preganglionic sympathetic fibers

Which of these joints incorporates two bones, the first costal cartilage, and an articular disc?

Sternoclavicular Joint

If hair is round in examining a cross section that indicates that the hair is __________.


The arrangement of the fibers and minerals in an osteon function are to resist ________.


A prime mover for extension of the forearm at the elbow is the

Triceps Brachii

To which surface does a trochlear notch of the ulna articulate?

Trochlea of the humerus

To which surface does the trochlear notch of the ulna articulate (as shown below)?

Trochlea of the humerus

Class of hormones that regulates secretions of other endocrine glands.


In muscular dystrophy,

muscle fibers degenerate and atrophy

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