ANE Final

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__________, whose name means "Vigorous is the Ka of Re," served as a co-regent near the end of Akhenaten's reign and assumed the throne after he died.


What material was used to make the "Molten Sea" in the 'ulam of Solomon's Temple?


T/F The Babylonians asserted a strong military and political presence in southern Mesopotamia both a century before and after Hammurabi's reign.


What are the names of the gods of heaven, earth and air mentioned in the Enuma Elish.

God of Heaven: Anshar God of Earth: Kishar God of Air: Enlil

Egyptian armies during the Nineteenth Dynasty were named for


Some scholars suggest that the Sea-Peoples group known in antiquity as the Denyen refers to the people we know of as the


The photo below depicts a bearded image of which pharaoh?


Which of the following statements is true about Ashurnasirpal II? Pick all that apply.

He carefully documented the lands his army marched through.

In their cosmology, Mesopotamians referred to the earth with the word element __________ ("down").


When the Babylonians translated the Mesopotamian poem of creation into their own language, the god named __________ replaced the original Sumerian deity Enlil .


Renowned for her beauty, __________ was Akhenaten's principal wife.


The name __________ means in Egyptian "The Beautiful Woman Has Come."


Who is depicted holding two of her daughters in the relief below?


Horemheb secured his claim to the throne of Egypt by marrying

Nefertiti's sister

According to the Harris Papyrus, after repelling the Sea-Peoples from Egypt Ramses III

settled some of them as mercenaries in the Syro-Palestinian area

In ancient Near Eastern literature, "fruit" is a metaphor for


What did the kings of Mitanni, Assyria and Babylon call themselves when they wrote letters to Akhenaten?

"Servant of the King"

In what year was Nebuchadnezzar crowned the king of Babylon?

605 BCE

What language is inscribed at the top of the this stele?


The adjective __________ refers to a cultural group which, according to Babylonian records, was divided into over forty states, the most important of which was centered in Damascus.


Where is it possible to see the Ishtar Gate of Babylon today?


Which god gave Humbaba the job of guarding the Cedar Forest?


The ancient site of Dur-Sharrukin is today called __________.


The __________ of Babylon was dismantled by German archaeologists in the early twentieth century and reconstructed in Europe.

Ishtar Gate

What Babylonian structure is depicted in the reconstruction below?

Ishtar Gate

Which of the following statements is correct about the biblical source known as J? Pick all that apply.

It most likely is the source of the story of Adam and Eve

At what site can still be seen today the remains of a large Assyrian siege mound which was used as a ramp for soldiers to climb over the city's walls?


In the Bible, the phrase "sons of God" is a translation of the Hebrew word __________.


What is the name of the evil wind demon depicted in the statuette below?


The Babylonian deity named ___________ embodied salt waters.


Which pharoah is depicted in the statue below?

Which pharoah is depicted in the statue below?

Which of the following is a regular feature of ancient Mesopotamian poetry? Pick all that apply.

elevated language

What does Lahamu mean in Akkadian?

it's a nonsense word and does not mean anything

How were vowels written in ancient Hebrew?

with dots or other small marks

A people of mysterious origins, the __________ settled in southern Mesopotamia around 1000 BCE and quickly adopted local culture, though they retained their original organization of four tribes each with its own sheikh.

Chaldeans OR Kaldu

In artwork, __________ are depicted as human-headed winged lions. They often accompany Yahweh in the Hebrew Bible.


What does the word adom mean in Hebrew?


Keftiu is likely the ancient Egyptian name for the island of __________.


According to some probably fictitious records, Nebuchadnezzar was married to a daughter or granddaughter of the Median king named __________.

Cyaxeres or Umakishtar

Under the leadership of their king named ___________, the Persians captured Babylon without resistance, which brought down Neo-Babylonian rule and ended the last native dynasty to govern the city in antiquity.

Cyrus II

A notable event in the reign of Ramses III is a workers' strike which took place at a site called

Deir el-Medina

Which of the following statements is true about Egyptian foreign policy during the New Kingdom? Pick all that apply.

Despite Egyptian domination, the archaeology of the Syro-Palestinian area shows few signs of change in material culture or even the presence of Egyptians themselves.

Bold and definitive statements of monotheism only first appear in later books of the Bible, such as


Contrary to the biblical assertion that Moses composed parts of the Book of __________, many scholars subscribe to the theory that it was, in fact, the work of an eighth-century Levite championing reforms like Hezekiah's and condemning the cultic practices which had been reinstated by Manasseh.


Found by a priest and confirmed by the prophetess Huldah, "the book of the Law" which came to light in Josiah's day is almost certainly the basis of the biblical scripture now called __________.


In Mesopotamian mythology, by what means does Enlil attempt to eradicate early humankind? Pick all that apply.


Which of the following is attested as a dog's name in Assyria? Pick all that apply.

Don't think! Bite!

Sargon II ordered the construction of a new capital city which in antiquity was called __________ ("Sargon's Fortress"). In this effort, he utilized thousands of craftsmen brought into his domain through conquest.


What ancient city is depicted in the photo below?


Which of the following cities lies furthest north?


T/F According to Andrew George, it's unlikely future scholars will find tablets containing now lost portions of the Epic of Gilgamesh.


T/F According to the Bible, the Hebrew God must fight and master the forces of chaos before he can create the world.


T/F According to the Moabite Stone, the reasons for Chemosh's anger at the Moabites were based on their failure to execute certain rituals.


T/F After centuries of foreign invasions and outside interference in their government, Egyptians during the period of the New Kingdom tried as much as possible to close their borders and avoid contact with the nations around them.


T/F After intercepting a letter that suggested an alliance between the foreign forces north and south of his kingdom, Kamose attacked the Hyksos and expelled them permanently from Egypt.


T/F Akhenaten closely monitored political developments in the Syro-Palestinian area and usually responded quickly to calls for help.


T/F Archaeological data provide clear evidence for the existence of a large Hebrew underclass enslaved in Egypt during the last century of the New Kingdom.


T/F As can be seen in the archaeological record, the Egyptian occupation of the Syro-Palestinian area during the New Kingdom left a lasting impact on the culture and religion of that region.


T/F Assyrian historical records are so bad after the death of Ashurbanipal III that we do not even know the names of the kings who succeeded him.


T/F Despite its significance in history and the splendor of its art and architecture, we understand relatively little about political developments during the New Kingdom of Egypt largely due to a lack of documentary evidence dating to this period.


T/F Documents dating to her reign provide clear evidence that after her husband's death Hatshepsut had some sort of sexual relationship with her counselor Senenmut.


T/F During the New Kingdom, the Egyptians preferred to destroy cities like Qadesh in the Syro-Palestinian area rather than try to exploit them commercially.


T/F During the Old Babylonian period, some unknown author translated the narrative tradition about Gilgamesh from Akkadian into Sumerian.


T/F During the reign of Akhenaten, the aten was often depicted in a variety of animal and human forms.


T/F Evidence shows that Egyptians during the New Kingdom had a fairly accurate understanding of where various foreign lands were situated and what nations inhabited them.


T/F Foreign policy during the New Kingdom is well understood today mainly through letters sent to the pharaoh from cities both south and northeast of Egypt.


T/F Gods in human form are seen often and widely in the reliefs found at Nineveh.


T/F Humans are given a nobler origin in the Enuma Elish than they are in the Bible.


T/F Images of bulls in Neo-Babylonian art often have multiple sets of horns to represent their divinity.


T/F In Assyrian reliefs, lions are always depicted attacking or poised to attack humans.


T/F In Assyrian reliefs, lions are the only large animals depicted being hunted or killed.


T/F In spite of some notable successes in the Levant, Tuthmosis III spent the majority of time abroad securing Egypt's southern border.


T/F In the last year of his reign, Esarhaddon restored the statue of the god Marduk to its rightful place in Babylon.


T/F It is the standard pattern in Mesopotamian poetry that one verse repeats the previous verse word for word.


T/F Like Hammurabi, the majority of Ramses II's military activity occurred during the last two decades of his reign.


T/F Like so many states during the dark age at the end of the second millennium BCE, several different families took and then lost control of Assyria, causing disruptions in the dynastic line.


T/F Razzia-type raids characterize the majority of military campaigns conducted by Tiglath-Pileser III.


T/F The attempt by Tuthmosis III to erase Hatshepsut's name from history by removing it from several monuments is conclusive evidence that he detested her during and after her lifetime.


T/F The family of Amenhotep III came originally from a line of nobles who lived in the Nile delta.


T/F The majority of religious officials appointed by Akhenaten to serve in his cult of the aten came from the nobility and former members of the Amun priesthood.


T/F There are almost a century of open warfare and military conflict in Egypt between local and foreign kings prior to the ouster of the Hyksos.


T/F There is good evidence that the Neo-Assyrians represent a different people from the Old and Middle Assyrians who occupied northern Mesopotamia in the second millennium BCE.


T/F There is no clear evidence of military activity abroad during the reign of Hatshepsut, which helps to explain why her successor Tuthmosis III became such an aggressive general.


T/F We have very few historical records dating to the period between the reigns of the Assyrian kings Tukulti-Ninurta II and Adad-Nirari III.


T/F When famine struck the Hittites and they appealed to Egypt for grain, the pharaoh Merneptah failed to respond, precipitating a crisis that led to the collapse of the Hittite Empire.


T/F When pharaohs conquered a foreign city during the period of the New Kingdom, their usual policy was to execute local leaders and replace them with Egyptian nobles.


T/F While Akhenaten portrays himself as slouching and pot-bellied with an enlarged head, his family is only rarely depicted having those same characteristics.


In the Epic of Gilgamesh, how long does it rain during the Great Deluge?

For six days and seven nights

At Deir el-Bahri, Hatshepsut built a(n) __________near that of her distant predecessor Mentuhotep II.

Funerary monument

Which literary figure is described in the passage below? "His cheeks were bearded like those of ..., the hair of his head grew thickly as barley. When he grew tall his beauty was consummate, by earthy standards he was most handsome."


In the letters found at El Amarna are pleas from the rulers of vassal states beholden to Egypt for help against a type of people they call the __________, a term of contempt used for dissidents.


The ancient term __________ refers to people whom local governments deemed renegades, mercenaries, bandits and refugees.


Fill in the name of the pharaoh in the following quote. "[The King] went up to Heaven and was united with the gods. His son took his place as King of the Two Lands and he was the sovereign on the throne of his father [but] __________ dealt with the affairs of state..."


For which pharaoh was the funerary monument below constructed?


Senenmut supervised the construction of a mortuary temple called Djeser-Djeseru("Holy of Holies") for the Egyptian ruler named __________.


The face of which pharaoh is represented in the photo of the Sphinx statue below?


Which pharaoh is depicted in the photo below?


How did Sargon II die?

He died in Battle

Which of the following statements is correct about Tuthmosis I? Pick all that apply.

He was the father of Hatshepsut

Which ancient people are depicted in the relief below?


__________ is a shorthand script which was used for business records during the New Kingdom and later evolved into the principal form of writing in Egypt after the Third Intermediate Period.


During the twelfth century BCE, Luwian-speaking Neo-__________ kings traced their ancestry to Suppiluliuma I and established small kingdoms at several sites including Carchemish.


What type of war chariot is depicted in the relief below?


After the collapse of Amarna culture, __________ assumed the throne of Egypt and, although not related to the previous regime, sealed his claim to royal power by marrying Nefertiti's sister Mutnedjmet.


What pharaoh is represented in the relief below?


Which Egyptian king is the first known to have begun a systematic campaign of obliterating the memory and destroying the artwork of Akhenaten's regime?


The American archaeologist named __________ discovered and opened the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922 CE.

Howard Carter

In the epic named for him, where does Gilgamesh encounter the goddess Siduri?

In a tavern

In what is considered by almost all scholars the earliest known non-Biblical reference to the geographical area called __________, Merneptah's Victory Stele boast that he "laid [the land] waste, his seed is not."


Which of the following statements is true about the horned altar in Solomon's Temple? Pick all that apply.

It was aligned to the cardinal points

Out of what material is the ancient artifact below made?


In June of 586 BCE, the Babylonian army almost completely destroyed the city of __________.


In the 580's BCE which of the following cities did the Babylonians attack and destroy? Pick all that apply.


__________ is the ancient name of the site more often referred to as Nimrud.


According to his own record of his military campaigns, __________ defeated the Hyksos in battle on several fronts. However, evidence shows he died before dislodging them entirely from Egypt.


A black basalt monument records the thanks given by the Moabite King Mesha to his national god __________ in gratitude for the deity's support in a war against the Israelites.


A victory stele erected by Mesha, the King of Moab, honors his national god named __________ and claims that he told him to "take Nebo from Israel!"


According to Babylonian tradition, humankind was made from the blood of a traitorous god named __________.

Kingu OR Qingu

Fill in the blank in the following quote from a Mesopotamian historical record: "... after the Flood had swept over, then, kingship being sent down from heaven, kingship was in the city of __________."


What ancient city is the setting of the scene depicted in the relief below?


After the death of Ramses XI, the southern part of Egypt came under the control of a general of __________ descent.


A(n) __________ was an Assyrian official such as the king or an important district governor who gave his name to a specific year.


Because we know the eponymous official called a(n) __________ after whom the Assyrians named the year 763 BCE when a solar eclipse took place, historians have been able to determine absolute dates for events in Mesopotamia as far back as 910 BCE.


Generally considered the apex of Assyrian art, a series of reliefs depict animals suffering, for instance, a wild onager in flight and a dying __________ who is dragging its hind quarters.


The __________ reliefs of the Palace at Nineveh are executed with, according to Stiebing, "an expressive realism and a generally sympathetic understanding of animal suffering."


What famous archaeologist discovered the artifact depicted below?


The Moabite Stone is currently housed at the __________ Museum.


Of all the different groups of people cited as making up the so-called Sea-Peoples, the __________ are one of the few who can be identified with a high degree of probability. They were almost certainly a group connected to peoples living in southwest or south Asia Minor.


At what site are found these columns shaped like papyrus buds?


Who are the male and female deities mentioned in the passage below? He let fly an arrow and pierced her belly,He tore open her entrails and slit her inwards,He bound her and extinguished her life,He threw down her corpse and stood on it...

Male Deity: Marduk Female Deity: Tiamat

Which of the following statements is true about Tuthmosis III's siege of Megiddo? Pick all that apply.

-According to the pharaoh's own records, he had to reproach his own troops for their inaction.

From what language is the Hebrew term hekal derived. Pick all that apply.

-Akkadian -Sumerian

Which of the following Assyrian kings ruled during a period of weakness in the first half of the eighth century BCE? Pick all that apply.

-Ashur-Dan III -Shalmanezer IV

Which of the following biblical texts is included in the Pentateuch? PIck all that apply.

-Deuteronomy -Numbers

Which of the following Hebrew names for God is used in the Book of Genesis? Pick all that apply.

-Elohim -El-roi

Which of the answers below correctly completes the following statement? Pick all that apply. In biblical scholarship, the designation E stands for

-Ephraim -Elohim

Which of the following statements is true about Shalmaneser III? Pick all that apply.

-He led a number of military campaigns of which several were failures. -He had a country house just north of Nimrud.

Which of the following statements is true about Tuthmosis II? Pick all that apply.

-He married his half sister. -He reigned for only a few years.

Which of the following reasons have scholars proposed to explain why Gilgamesh is deemed a tyrant at the outset of his epic? Pick all that apply.

-He takes sexual liberties with the young people of Uruk. -He demands the construction of irrigation projects. -He forces young men to play exhausting games.

According to Mesopotamian records, which of the following statements is true of the historical individual named Gilgamesh? Pick all that apply.

-He was the fifth king of the First Dynasty of Uruk. -After his lifetime he was worshiped as a deity of the Underworld. -His name appears on the Sumerian king lists alongside other kings considered his contemporaries.

Which of the following nineteenth-century archaeologists excavated the Southwest Palace at Nineveh? Pick all that apply.

-Hormuz Rassam -George Smith

Which of the following statements is correct about the tablets found at Akhetaten? Pick all that apply.

-They date to only a very narrow period of history around 1340 BCE. -They were found by farmers in the nineteenth century and sold on the black market. -They contain mostly diplomatic correspondence but also include some literary texts. -They number close to four hundred.

Hatshepsut married her half-brother __________, with whom she had only one surviving child, a girl named __________.

-Tuthmosis II -Neferure

Between 612 and 540 BCE, which of the following cities were besieged or violently taken by force? Pick all that apply.

-Tyre -Nineveh

How many guests does Ashurnasirpal II boast he fed during the ceremonies celebrating the opening of the Northwest Palace?


In the Epic of Gilgamesh, which type of bird does not return to Utnapishtim's boat, thus making it clear that land has reappeared after the Great Deluge?

A raven

According to the Epic of Gilgamesh, who finally ends up eating the Plant of Rejuvenation?

A snake

The Horus name of which pharaoh was "Powerful bull of great strength"?

Amenhotep II

The artwork from the reign of the pharaoh named __________ (r. 1426-1400 BCE) often asserts his prowess in battle and physical strength.

Amenhotep II

The bust below depicts an image of which pharaoh as a child?

Amenhotep III

The colossus statues of Memnon at Thebes once stood in front of the mortuary temple of the pharaoh named __________ until a later ruler had the building torn down to obtain stone for his own construction projects.

Amenhotep III

Which pharaoh is represented in the seated colossus statues below?

Amenhotep III

Which of the following statement is correct about Amenhotep III? Pick all that apply.

Amenhotep's long reign gave him the opportunity to begin construction on a number of important buildings such as the Luxor Temple.

During the Third Intermediate Period, political power in Egypt was divided between a king who ruled from Tanis in the delta and Theban warrior-priests of the god __________ who controlled most of Upper Egypt.


During the Third Intermediate Period, women who held the position "God's Wife of __________" were able to assert considerable political influence.


In the early first millennium BCE, the office of the high priest of the Egyptian god __________ became hereditary, precipitating a decline in royal dominion and yet another change of dynasty.


In the Sumerian language, the word element __________ refers to "heaven."


__________ was the wife of Tutankhamun.


Match Mesopotamian deities to the domain or power they control.

Anu - the air and sky Ea - wisdom Adad - storms Sin - the moon Ishtar - love and war Shamash -the sun

About whose land does an Assyrian text assert that "there are not even birds of the sky."


In the later part of the first millennium BCE, the __________ language replaced Hebrew as the tongue used by the majority of people living in Judah.


In what language is the text written at the top of the inscription below?


Inscriptions dating to the eighth and seventh centuries BCE include blessings made in the name of "Yahweh and his __________," including one with an illustration attached to it depicting two figures, a bull-headed god and a cow-headed goddess.


Which Assyrian king built the Northwest Palace at Nimrud?

Ashirnasirpal II

Though it is probably a fabrication concocted later in this reign, Tiglath-Pileser III claimed to be the son of

Ashur-Nirari V

Between 647 and 645 BCE, the last great Assyrian king __________ demolished the kingdom of the Elamites, even sowing salt over their fields so that nothing would grow there.

Ashurbanipal III

In 648 BCE, Shamash-shum-ukin, the ruler of Babylon and brother of __________, led a failed revolt against the Assyrians.

Ashurbanipal III

In 669 BCE, the Egyptians recaptured Memphis from the Assyrians, only to lose it again a few years later to forces under the command of the Assyrian king named __________, the son of the man who had first captured the city.

Ashurbanipal III

Which Assyrian king is depicted riding a horse and shooting with a bow in the relief below?

Ashurbanipal III

Which Assyrian king is depicted stabbing a charging lion in the relief below?

Ashurbanipal III

Artwork erected in the city of Nimrud depicts the Assyrian king named __________ hunting and waging war, calling him the "king of the universe" and the "trampler of all enemies."

Ashurnasirpal II

The Assyrian king named __________ practiced mass deportations of defeated peoples and brought home vast amounts of booty and captive labor, allowing him to construct a new capital called Kalhu.

Ashurnasirpal II

The early Neo-Assyrian king named __________ (883-859 BCE) fostered a reputation of such ferocity that, when he moved west, his army proceeded all the way to the Mediterranean Sea without encountering any serious opposition.

Ashurnasirpal II

The reign of which king is generally considered the real beginning of the Neo-Assyrian Empire?

Ashurnasirpal II

Which of the following was instrumental in maintaining Babylonian temples and cult sites during the early part of the third millennium BCE? Pick all that apply.

Assurnasirpal II

In which of the following did the Chaldeans show a particular interest and expertise? Pick all that apply.


A hymn which Akhenaten himself purportedly composed reads: ". . . Your beauty is apparent as you rise from the akhet / O living __________, the source of life! . . ."


Among the changes made in Egyptian religion after the reign of Amenhotep III was the creation of a new divine trinity consisting of the __________ ("solar orb"), the pharaoh and his wife.


What famous archaeologist is portrayed in the painting below?

Austen Henry Layard

Tutankhamun's regent and successor __________ helped the young king repair and restore temples which Akhenaten had damaged during his program of religious reform.


Which pharaoh is depicted in the relief below?


A Ugaritic myth describes a divine conflict in which Mot ("Death") kills __________ and takes him to the underworld, but he is later brought back to life, restoring fertility to the world.


During the 650's BCE, Shamash-shum-ukin governed the city of __________ and died fighting for its independence from Assyria.


In the relief below, the King of Assyria is shaking hands with the king of the city of ___________.


The ruins of what ancient city are depicted in the photo below?


The stone table below depicts the restoration of what city?


Though early in his reign Shamshi-Adad V had received aid from the city of ___________, only a few years later he attacked it and removed its king, forever damaging Assyrian relations with that city.


What ancient city is the setting of the scene depicted in the relief below?


Which ancient city did Sennacherib utterly destroy? Pick all that apply.


Beginning in 586 BCE, the period known as the __________ Exile or Captivity witnessed the development of Hebrew customs such as meeting in synagogues and setting specific days for fasting.


At what site was the artifact depicted below discovered?


What are the last words of the surviving text known today as the Report of Wen-Amun?

Be at rest!

Nabonidus' son __________ was killed when the Persians invaded Babylonia in 539 BCE.


The papyrus below contains a copy of a text entitled "The __________."

Book of the Dead

Who was the first archaeologist in the modern age to excavate Khorsabad?


Discovered in the 1850's CE, a series of famous Assyrian reliefs depicting extreme cruelty to animals is now housed at the

British Museum in London

Out of what material is the artifact below made?


The so-called Amarna letters include correspondence written to Akhenaten and his father from the people living in Gubal, a city also known as __________, on the eastern seaboard of the Mediterranean Sea.


The area called __________ in antiquity included several smaller states like Tyre, Sidon and Megiddo.


To some extent because of the military and economic devastation wrought by New Kingdom pharaohs, the area of __________ witnessed a significant drop in population during the late Bronze Age, as evidenced by fewer and smaller settlements.


What is the name of the clan to which Nabopolassar belonged?


What are the names of the male and female characters mentioned in the quote below? "{She} unfastened the cloth of her loins, she bared her sex and he took in her charms. She did not recoil, she took in his scent: she spread her clothing and he lay upon her."

Male: Enkidu Female: Shamhat

In the Enuma Elish, the death of Tiamat comes at the hands of a god named _________.


Originally a semi-nomadic Indo-European group, the ancient people called the __________ settled the area southwest of Lake Urmia at some point during the eighth century BCE.


The ancient people called the__________ were of Indo-European descent. They settled in the area north and east of Assyria during a period of decline in the Assyrian empire.


At the Battle of __________ (ca. 1457 BCE), Tuthmosis III defeated a coalition of Canaanite rulers.


__________ was a fortress in northern Palestine which fell to Egyptian forces after a seven-month siege around 1457 BCE.


The artifact below is known as the __________.

Megiddo Ivory

"Israel is laid waste, his seed is not" is a quote from a stele erected by the pharaoh named __________ celebrating Egyptian military victories in his fifth regnal year.


On a stele erected by the pharaoh __________ (ca. 1212-1202 BCE) is found the earliest known reference to Israel in a non-biblical source.


Which pharaoh erected the stele below?


Who is depicted on the kudurru below (the figure on the left)?


Who ruled Babylon in 720-710 BCE?


Marduk-apal-iddina II, known to biblical scribes as __________, was a Chaldean chieftain who stirred up much trouble for the Assyrians in Babylon during the late eighth and early seventh centuries BCE.

Merodach-Baladan II

On an ancient victory stele is written: "I am __________, son of Kemosh-[yat], King of Moab, the Dibonite. My father reigned over Moab for thirty years, and I reigned after my father . . ."


Mesha, the king of a people named the __________, led a revolt against Israelite rule and erected a stele about this victory in honor of the god Kemosh.


__________, which some scholars equate with henotheism, is the exclusive worship of one god without denying the existence of others.


According to biblical scripture, who composed the opening passage of the Book of Deuteronomy?


Early in his reign, Sargon sacked the Urartian border fortress named __________.


What is the name of the earliest attested significant Chaldean leader?


Following the precedent of Sargon of Akkad two millennia prior, the Babylonian king named __________ made his daughter a priestess of the moon god Nanna (Sin).


What is the name of the king who is depicted on the stele below?


The Babylonian king and general __________ led a coalition of forces which besieged and sacked the Assyrian capital of Nineveh in 612 BCE.


What does the name Sargon mean? What language does it come from?

Name= True King Language= Akkadian

The Babylonian king named __________ embellished the Etemenanki with decorations and covered its top with blue glazed bricks.


What is the name of the principal and favorite wife of Ramses II?


Who is depicted in the relief below?


In the Bible, the __________ give rise to an arrogant breed of creatures more than human but less than divine, which drives God to flood the earth and obliterate them.


Ashurnasirpal II (883-859 BCE) constructed a new capital at Kalhu (or Calah), a site that is more commonly known as __________.


The Assyrian capital city named __________ lies just north of Ashur on the intersection of the Tigris and Zab rivers.


What site is represented in the photo below?


Where did Shalmaneser III erect the Black Obelisk which celebrates his victory at the Battle of QarQar?


According to the Epic of Gilgamesh, on what mountain does Utnapishtim's boat come to rest after the Great Deluge?


At which ancient city were found aqueducts, columns with bronze lions at the base, and tablets with copies of Sumerian texts?


Early in the seventh century BCE, the city of __________ became the center of Assyrian government and remained the capital of the empire until its destruction in 612 BCE.


Fill in the blank in the following quote: "And it shall come to pass that all they that look upon thee shall flee from thee, and say: '__________ is laid waste: who will bemoan her?' . . ."


In order to enlarge the city of _________ which he had made his capital, Sargon II's son and successor changed the course of one of the Tigris river's tributaries and in the process created a botanical garden filled with exotic plants, including cotton from India.


Sennacherib moved the capital of the Assyrian empire from Dur-Sharrukin to __________, an ancient city which he rebuilt and enlarged.


The walls of what ancient city have been reconstructed in the photo below?


Which of the following statements is correct about the biblical source known as E? Pick all that apply.

None of the statements here is correct

From what land did the king come who restored the ancient Hebrews to their homeland in 536 BCE?


At the head of each __________ city-state was a ruler called a Seren, a word which may be Indo-European and related to the Greek word tyrannos ("tyrant").


The Sea-Peoples group that ancient texts refer to as the Peleset is almost certainly a reference to the people known in the Bible as the __________.


Some scholars think the word "__________" derives from a Greek term for a certain type of shellfish. Others argue that it comes from an Egyptian name for northern Canaan.


Where did the timber used to build Dur-Sharrukin come from?


The male patron deities worshiped in major __________ cities seem to have been fertility gods since in their myths they are said to die and be reborn each year as the seasons change.


The discovery of several so-called "Tophets" has convinced many historians and archaeologists of the relative accuracy of biblical records which claim that the ancient people called the __________ sacrificed infants as votive offerings to their gods.


During his reign, Ramses II began construction of the ancient capital city named __________ which is located in the delta partly on the site of the Hyksos capital Avaris.


"May the Lord bless you and keep you" is a quote from a biblical passage which is called the ___________.

Priestly Blessing

Evidence suggests that the Mesopotamians believed the earth was surrounded by both fresh water and a(n) __________ ocean which they called Nammu.

Primeval OR Primal

In Mesopotamian mythology, Nammu was the god of the __________ ocean.

Primeval OR Primal

Entering Babylon through the famous Ishtar gate, the __________ Way awed visitors like the Greek historian Herodotus with its depictions of striding dragons and bulls.


The __________ Way runs south from the summer palace of Nebuchadnezzar and enters Babylon proper through the Ishtar Gate.


When Tiglath-Pileser III claimed the throne of Babylon, he used the name __________.


Upon the accession of Tuthmosis III to the throne, the ruler of the city of __________ revolted, aided by Mitanni.


Early in his reign, Amenhotep IV began calling himself "the Prophet of __________ ('Horizon of the Sun')."


What is the name of the mortuary temple shown in the photo below?


An immense tomb complex built for the many sons and daughters of the king named __________ was discovered in the Valley of the Kings in the 1990's CE.

Ramses II

Shelley's Ozymandias poem which begins "I met a traveler from an antique land ..." alludes to the mortuary temple of

Ramses II

This is a photo of what king's mummy?

Ramses II

__________ built a temple at Abu Simbel featuring four immense seated portraits of himself carved out of the natural sandstone.

Ramses II

On the walls of his mortuary temple at Medinet Habu, the pharaoh __________ (ca. 1182-1151 BCE) commissioned a relief depicting his military victory over invading outsiders.

Ramses III

Which pharaoh is depicted in the relief below?

Ramses III

What famous archaeologist is portrayed in the painting below?


In a letter to Akhenaten sent from the city of Byblos, a king named __________ asserts himself as the king's "best and most loyal servant."


Some scholars suggest that the Sea-Peoples group whom ancient texts refer to as the Shardana came originally from


During the reign of what Assyrian king was the palace known as Dur-Sharrukin built?

Sargon II

For which Assyrian king is the site of Dur-Sharrukin named?

Sargon II

In 714 BCE, the Assyrian king named __________ marched his forces north into the mountains bordering Assyria and allowed them to plunder the city of Musasir.

Sargon II

The Assyrian king named __________ "took the hand of Bel (Marduk)" at the New Year's Festival in Babylon, a sign that he was its ruler.

Sargon II

Who oversaw the construction of the funerary monument depicted below?


The Assyrian king who is called __________ in the Bible felt that his father Sargon's death in battle was a punishment from the gods, which is why some scholars posit that he moved the capital of Assyria to a different city from the one his father had lived in.


Which Assyrian king is depicted in the relief below?


Which Assyrian king's name means "the god Sin has replaced the brothers"?


Despite reigning for only twelve or thirteen years in the early Nineteenth Dynasty, the pharaoh named _________ left behind an impressive legacy of architectural and military achievements.

Seti I

Of all the tombs of pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings, the one built for the king named __________ is the longest and deepest and often acknowledged to be its most exquisitely decorated.

Seti I

The bust below depicts the Egyptian pharaoh

Seti I

The image below is a photo of the mummy of which pharaoh?

Seti I

The pharaoh named __________ waged military campaigns in Lebanon, Syria, Nubia and Libya and built a temple of Osiris at Abydos where he recorded an important list of Egyptian kings.

Seti I

The relief below was discovered in the mortuary temple of the pharaoh named

Seti I

The name __________ means "The god Shulmanu is Greatest."


What Assyrian king is depicted on the relief below?

Shalmaneser III

Who is the Assyrian king standing on the left in the image below?

Shalmaneser III

Named after his great-grandfather, the Assyrian king __________ (782-773 BCE) succeeded Adad-Nirari III to the throne of Assyria.

Shalmaneser IV

Who succeeded to the Assyrian throne upon the death of Tiglath-Pileser III?

Shalmaneser V

About whom does Roux says, "gradually the virus of Babylonian nationalism overtook him"?


The Assyrian king named __________ (r. 823-811 BCE) quelled a rebellion led by his brother but only because the Babylonians provided him with military support.

Shamshi-Adad V

While identification of the Sea Peoples is hotly debated, many scholars would equate the group called the __________ with those who settled the island of Sicily and share a name with it.


The Egyptian ruler named __________ inaugurated the Twenty-Second Dynasty, a line of pharaohs with connections to Libya.

Sheshonq I

To what does the Akkadian word Lahmu refer?


The special attention which Nabonidus paid to the moon god named __________ alienated the priests of Marduk in Babylon and contributed to their defection to the Persians.

Sin OR Nanna

Two mysterious figures briefly ruled Egypt after Akhenaten's death. One was a woman named Neferneferuaton, the other a male named Ankhkheperure __________.


Fill in the blank in the quote below. "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the __________ of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, ...." (Genesis 6:4)


In Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar extensively restored the so-called "__________," replacing its sun-dried bricks with baked ones and installing cedar beams to support the roof.

Southern Palace

Which structure in Babylon had lavish decorations, luxurious private quarters including a harem, and five large courtyards?

Southern Palace

From what language do the verbal roots an and ki ultimately derive?


The city of Tyre is located in


After losing control of Egypt to the Assyrians twice, the pharaoh named __________ fled to his homeland Nubia where he spent his remaining days.


In 669 BCE, the Egyptian pharaoh named __________ recaptured Memphis from the Assyrians, only to lose it back to them a few years later.


When the Assyrians attacked Egypt in 671 BCE, the Pharaoh named __________ avoided capture by fleeing south.


What term do archaeologists use to refer to the type of blocks depicted below?


In the Hebrew of the Old Testament, primordial chaos is called __________ , a word which is linguistically equivalent to the name of a Mesopotamian deity.


The Book of Deuteronomy strictly forbids the worship of Jahweh at any site but the _________ in Jerusalem.


In the relief below, who is the pharaoh smiting?

The Sea Peoples

When Roux says, "The great city never recovered from the devastation," what city is he talking about?


The pharaoh named __________ reigned relatively briefly (ca. 1400-1390 BCE) and is most remembered for having refurbished the Sphinx at Giza.

Thutmosis IV

The Babylonian deity named __________ was a personification of the watery dome surrounding the earth and sky.


The Hebrew word tehom is the linguistic equivalent of the Babylonian name __________,


After the Babylonians revolted, the Assyrian king __________ took control of their capital and put himself on the throne, taking the name of Pulu (Pul in the Bible).

Tiglath-Pileser III

Possibly a usurper, the Assyrian king named __________ (r. 744-727 BCE) was a gifted military commander, successfully attacking both Urartu and southern Mesopotamia and deporting many captives from their homeland.

Tiglath-Pileser III

Which Assyrian king is depicted in the relief below?

Tiglath-Pileser III

__________, an Aramaean capital city, held out against the Assyrians for three years but was eventually captured and turned into an Assyrian fortress.

Til Barsip

At what battle site in the late 650's BCE did the Assyrians win a decisive victory over the Elamites and kill their king?

Til Tuba

Though born of non-royal ancestry, __________ married Amenhotep III and became a central figure in the royal artwork of the day.


__________, the mother of Akhenaten, was a powerful figure in Egyptian government and religion throughout her long life.


In The Report of Wenamun, an Egyptian envoy is humiliated by foreigners and chased by the __________, one of the Sea Peoples.


T/F According to Egyptian records, the invading forces of the Sea-Peoples included not only warriors but women and children as well.


T/F Ancient Israelites living in the day of Ahab would have understood the language of their neighbors, the Moabites.


T/F Arks, like the Ark of the Covenant, are evidenced in other cultures outside ancient Israel.


T/F Because a monotheistic deity like God in the Old Testament cannot be restricted in His authority, His power is only compared to lightning or thunder.


T/F Close analysis of historical data shows that the ancient term habiru does not strictly refer to Israelites.


T/F Despite the pharaoh's posture of strength and brutality, Egypt actually lost territory in western Asia during the reign of Amenhotep II.


T/F Documents show that during the New Kingdom the states of the Syro-Palestinian area were more or less independent of Egyptian control.


T/F During and after the period of the New Kingdom, there is more evidence for the influence of Syro-Palestinian culture on Egyptian life than the other way around.


T/F During the New Kingdom, the presence of a standing army in Egypt challenged the power of the Amun priesthood and at times even the authority of the king himself.


T/F From a boundary stele he set up there, we know that Tuthmosis I expanded Egyptian influence as far as the Euphrates river.


T/F In Mesopotamian poetry, repetitive parallelism can stretch across a number of verses or even occur within a single line.


T/F In spite of the militaristic posture he adopts in reliefs, there is all but no evidence that Ashurbanipal III ever personally engaged in combat.


T/F More often that not in Mesopotamian history, the Babylonians did not control the lands around them, sometimes not even their own city.


T/F Only three years after his accession to the throne, Akhenaten held a heb-sed festival for himself and the aten.


T/F The Neo-Assyrians produced many reliefs and orthostates but few steles.


T/F The body of Amenhotep III was preserved along with a number of other royal mummies which priests rescued from looters and cached in the tomb of Amenhotep II.


T/F The majority of the correspondence discovered at Amarna consists of letters sent to the pharaoh, not from him.


T/F The reliefs commissioned by Tiglath-Pileser III are notable for a drop in the quality of their craftsmanship.


T/F The terror caused by the Assyrian army as it approached often meant it did not have to fight battles because locals ran away or willingly surrendered their possessions.


T/F There is evidence of Egyptian military activity abroad during the reign of Akhenaten.


T/F Though it was reduced in status, the worship of the aten did not cease after Akhenaten's reign and there are changes in Egyptian religion made in the wake of the Amarna Period which can be traced to tendencies in the aten cult.


T/F Toward the end of the New Kingdom, religious separatists based in Thebes were able to create their own state run by the Amun Priesthood.


T/F We have relatively few historical records dating to the period between the reigns of the Assyrian kings Shalmaneser IV and Ashur-Nirari V.


T/F We know next to nothing about Babylonian kings who reigned during the early part of the first millennium BCE.


Sharing a name with one of the great kings who ruled Assyria two centuries prior, __________ was the immediate predecessor of Ashurnasirpal II (883-859 BCE).

Tukulti-Ninurta II

In 1922 CE, Howard Carter opened the well-preserved tomb of the pharaoh who was named __________ at the time of his burial there.


In the early 1920's CE, Howard Carter discovered the tomb of the king named __________ which, though wonderfully well preserved, robbers had broken into twice, but they were stopped before they could steal much and the tomb was quickly resealed.


What Egyptian king is depicted on the back of the chair below?


What pharaoh is depicted hunting in the relief below?


Which pharaoh is represented in this wood statue?


The nine-year-old child who assumed the Egyptian throne a few years after Akhenaten's death was at that time named __________. Later he changed his name to include the name of the god Amun.


A general whose background is unknown, __________ succeeded Amenhotep I to the throne whereupon he proved himself an extremely capable military commander, at one point leading his forces all the way to the Euphrates River in Syria.

Tuthmosis I

After driving into Mitanni territory, the pharaoh named __________ took the sons of Canaanite kings as hostages back to Egypt and indoctrinated them in Egyptian ways so they would be the loyal subjects of the Egyptian crown.

Tuthmosis III

The statue below depicts an image of which pharaoh?

Tuthmosis III

What Egyptian king boasts of his achievements abroad in the inscription quoted below? "His majesty then discovered the trees of the land of Djahi, all groaning under the weight of their fruit. This was the discovery of the delicious wines that they make in their wine-presses. Their wheat too, piled up in heaps on the ground, was more abundant than the sand on the sea-shore. The army took their fill of it."

Tuthmosis III

Which pharaoh does the statue below depict?

Tuthmosis IV

In the ruins of the city of __________ was found a clay tablet containing a call for help against some enemy that was attacking it at some time near the end of the Bronze Age.


In what city did Leonard Woolley find treasured antiquities collected by Nabonidus?


A symbol thought to protect its bearer, the image of a striking cobra was called a(n) ___________. It was often attached to the headdresses of pharaohs.


A city belonging to what people is shown being sacked by Assyrian forces in the drawing of the relief below?


The ancient people called the __________ lived in the vicinity of Lake Van during the eighth century BCE?


Sargon boasts in a letter that the king of the land called __________"with his own dagger stabbed himself through the heart like a pig and ended his life."


"Go up, Urshanabi, walk on the ramparts of __________. Inspect the base terrace, examine its brickwork, ..."


Fill in the blank in the quote below. "The young men of ________ he harries without warrant, Gilgamesh lets no son go free to his father ..."


Fill in the blank in the quote below. "The young men of ________ he harries without warrant, Gilgamesh lets no son go free to his father ..."


The Epic of Gilgamesh ends with a description of the walls of the city of __________.


According to Mesopotamian legend, __________ was the savior of all earth's creatures.


In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the character named __________ was beloved of the gods and made immortal.


In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the title character journeys far to visit a man named ___________ who tells him that he can never become immortal.


The image below is a photo of the site known as the ____________.

Valley of the Kings

The city of Babylon so impressed some classical Greeks authors that they dubbed both its Hanging Gardens and its huge __________ as two of the "wonders of the ancient world."


As an indication of how far Egypt had fallen in prestige by the Twenty-first Dynasty, a literary work set in that day describes the many struggles of an Egyptian envoy named __________ sent to complete a simple business journey and bring back cedar timbers for the construction of a barge.


The Babylonian phrase enuma elish means

When on high

Nebuchadnezzar deposed the Judean king named __________, then blinded him and sent him into exile.


According to Egyptian records, the name Israel at the end of the thirteenth century BCE denoted

a collection of nomadic tribes

What is the amat sharri?

a communication system

To what sort of structure were the artifacts depicted below designed to be attached?

a gate

What narrative is contained the twelfth section of the series of Gilgamesh?

a translation of a Sumerian poem about Gilgamesh

In Mesopotamian tradition, the separation of elements that institutes the very beginning of the world typically moves in which direction?

up and down

As evidence of the hardships Egyptians faced during the economic crisis of the twelfth century BCE, historical records from the time show that the price of __________ skyrocketed.


How is the Hebrew God of the Old Testament imagined to hold back the waters so that they do not flood the earth? Pick all that apply.

with bars and doors

How many children do the historical records show Akhenaten and Nefertiti had?


According to Egyptian records, how many years did Ramses II reign?


How was ancient Hebrew written?

none of the answers here is correct

To what test does Utnapishtim subject Gilgamesh?

to stay awake for seven days

Which of the following statements is correct about the biblical source known as D? Pick all that apply.

-It represents one of the more eloquent and well-written parts of the Old Testament. -Its text is largely restricted to the Book of Deuteronomy. -Its author is clearly aware of the Fall of Israel in 722 BCE.

Which of the following groups of people spoke an Indo-European language? Pick all that apply.

-Medes -Philistines

Which of the following Assyrian kings forced Merodach-baladan into exile from Babylon? Pick all that apply.

-Sennacherib -Sargon II

Who is included on the king list inscribed by Seti I at Abydos? Pick all that apply.

-Seti I -Ramses I

Which of the following statements is correct about Queen Tiye? Pick all that apply.

-She had a temple to herself constructed in Nubia. -Her oldest son by her husband the pharaoh was named Tuthmosis. -She was the wife of one pharaoh, the sister of another and the mother of a third.

Where have fragments of the Epic of Gilgamesh been found? Pick all that apply.

-Syria -Palestine -Anatolia

Which of the following statements is true about ancient Mesopotamian temples and cult sites? Pick all that apply.

-Temples were involved in manufacture and the education of scribes. -The gods were thought to dwell in them like kings surrounded by courtiers. -Large tracts of land and herds of animals were part of a temple's possessions.

Which of the following reasons has been suggested to explain the massive disruption in population groups that occurred at the end of the Bronze Age? Pick all that apply.

-The climate changed and made certain places uninhabitable.

According to Manetho, how many kings with the name Ramses ruled Egypt?


Which of the following statements is true about the reign of Amenhotep I? Pick all that apply.

-We know relatively little about his reign because much of the art and architecture dating to that period was destroyed and reused by later pharaohs. -His reign was relatively peaceful and uneventful. -During his reign the water clock was first introduced to Egypt.

Which of the following statements is true about Hatshepsut? Pick all that apply.

-When she assumed full control of Egypt, she took the name "Bull of Horus." -In his records, Tuthmosis III claims to have reigned during the two decades when she ruled Egypt. -She claimed that even before her birth Amun chose her to rule Egypt.

Which of the following is depicted in the so-called Garden-Party Relief of Ashurbanipal III? Pick all that apply.

-a decapitated head -a eunuch -a necklace

Which of the following causes have historians cited as a possible factor in the sudden collapse of Assyria at the end of the seventh century BCE? Pick all that apply.

-a failing economy -climate change causing drought -an unstable drought

Where does water exist by divine ordinance in Babylonian and Hebrew thinking? Pick all that apply.

-above the land -below the land

How were most of our copies of Mesopotamian literary works like the Epic of Gilgamesh used in antiquity? Pick all that apply.

-as translation exercises -as school texts

According to biblical scholars, why does God create the world twice in the opening chapters of Genesis? Pick all answers that apply.

-because they represent different perspectives on the purpose of creation -because the two versions come from different texts originally

Which of the following answers completes the statement below? Pick all that apply. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the gods are compared to

-dogs -flies

According to Egyptian records, from which direction did the Sea-Peoples attack Egypt? Pick all that apply.

-from the northeast -from the west

Which of the following words in ancient Near Eastern tradition can be used to refer to sex? Pick all that apply.

-fruit -knowledge

Which of the following types of things was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun? Pick all that apply.

-games -linens -several chariots

Which of the following English words is ultimately derived a Mesopotamian term? Pick all that apply.

-gypsum -alcohol -saffron -cane

Which of the following answers correctly completes the statement below? Pick all that apply. According to Babylonian tradition, early humans were troublesome because they

-had a rebellious nature -reproduced too easily

What did the phrase shprh mean in ancient Hebrew? Pick all possible translations.

-in a net -beauty

Which of the following statements is true about the Book of Job? Pick all that apply.

-it is a composite of several authors' wrk -It contains some of the oldest passages in the Bible -Most historians date its composition in the form we have it to some time after the Babylonian Captivity

Pick all answers which correctly complete the following statement. One way to interpret the Hebrew letters JHN and B'Z is to translate them as

-names -"He has founded (this) with strength."

Which of the following statements is true about Utnapishtim as he is presented in the Epic of Gilgamesh? Pick all that apply.

-none of the answers here are correct

Pick all answers which correctly complete the following statement. Pazuzu was a deity who

-protected women from infertility -was in charge of evil winds

Which of the following images were depicted in Nebuchadnezzar's palace in Babylon? Pick all that apply.

-striding lions -the tree of life

After the Third Intermediate Period, which of the following nations conquered and controlled Egypt at some point in history? Pick all that apply.

-the Babylonians -the Greeks -the Romans

Which of the following is an example of "wisdom literature"? Pick all that apply.

-the Book of Eccesliastes -the Instructions of Ptahhotep

What does the phrase shmym mean in Hebrew? Pick all possible translations.

-the heavens -he put the sea

Which of the following artifacts was found in the tomb of Amenhotep II? Pick all that apply.

-the mummies of other Egyptian kings -a full text of an important Egyptian book

Match the region of the Syro-Palestinian area to the name it was called during the New Kingdom.

-the northern coastal region-- Amurru -the southern coastal region-- Canaan -eastern inland area-- Apu

Which of the following is mentioned regularly in the Annals of Tuthmosis III? Pick all that apply.

-the tributes he collected -the plants he saw when he was abroad

In which of the following characteristics do the Neo-Assyrians generally resemble the classical Romans? Pick all that apply.

-their use of brutality to terrorize their enemies -their system of dating years -their dependence of their infantry

How were Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis II related? Pick all that apply.

-they were half siblings -they were husband and wife

Which of the following is often associated with the very first moments of creation in ancient Near Eastern tradition? Pick all that apply.

-words like "not" -naming

About how many soldiers typically manned an Egyptian foreign garrison in the Syro-Palestinian area during the New Kingdom?


How many children did Ramses claim to have fathered?


At the site called __________, two large temples which date to the New Kingdom period were rescued in the 1960's CE from the waters of Lake Nasser as they rose behind the High Dam at Aswan.


__________ succeeded Shamshi-Adad V to the Assyrian throne in 810 BCE. His mother seems to have wielded more power than queen-mothers in ancient Assyria usually did.

Adad-Nirari III

According to Manetho, who is the first king of the Eighteenth Dynasty?


Although still a child, __________ (ca. 1539-1515 BCE) succeeded his older brother Kamose to the throne of Egypt early in the nineteenth dynasty.


Amenhotep IV later changed his name to __________.


Which New Kingdom pharaoh is depicted in the statue below?


Which pharaoh built a "window of appearances" in his capital city so he and his family could show themselves before the crowds below and bestow them with jewelry and other symbols of the royal family's beneficence?


Which pharaoh is depicted in the relief below?


Which pharaoh is depicted wearing the blue crown in the statue below?


Who was the father of the children depicted in the relief below?


What ancient site is depicted in the photo below?


In Ramses III's mortuary temple at Medinet Habu exist records of an onslaught of foreign invaders who overtook areas north of Egypt including Hatti, Carchemish and __________ (probably Cyprus).


The work of literature now entitled the Epic of Gilgamesh was called in antiquity "Surpassing ___________."

All Other Kings

__________ is the modern name of the ancient site of Akhetaten.


Who took the throne of Babylon upon the death of Nebuchadnezzar?


The pharaoh named __________ (ca. 1514-1494 BCE) was the first Egyptian king to build a mortuary temple in a different location from his tomb.

Amenhotep I

Which pharaoh is depicted with his mother in the photo below?

Amenhotep I

During the last two years of his father's reign (ca. 1427-1425 BCE), the pharaoh named ___________ served as co-regent, ensuring a smooth succession of power.

Amenhotep II

Who initiated the military hostilities that eventually led to the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt?


Some scholars identify the Sea Peoples group known as the __________ with Homer's Achaeans (Achaiwoi), noting that the Hittite name Ahhiyawan may also be related linguistically.


Where did archaeologists find the cuneiform tablet depicted below?

El Amarna

Where is the event depicted in the relief below taking place?


According to one Mesopotamian record, in the mid-seventh century BCE the ___________ "overran Akkad like a dense swarm of grasshoppers."


Sharing a name and many features with the Hebrew God, the Canaanite deity named __________ was the father of Ba'al and husband of Asherah.


In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the character named __________ moves from a state of being in harmony with nature to living in a city.


To which character in the Epic of Gilgamesh does the quote below pertain? "He knows not a people, not even a country. Coated in hair like the god of the animals, with the gazelles he grazes on grasses."


What is the ancient name of the work which opens with the words below? "When above, the heaven had not been named, Below, the earth had not yet been called by name, . . . "

Enuma Elish

In Babylon, the Temple of Marduk known as the __________ had gold-plated walls and other lavish decorations in several of its chapels.


The Assyrian king named __________ (r. 680-669 BCE) spent much of his reign reconstructing Babylon after his father had demolished it.


The Assyrian king named __________ went to war with his older brothers after they assassinated Sennacherib.


Which Assyrian king is depicted on the stele below?


What is the ancient name of the tall tiered structure depicted at the center of the reconstruction below?


What was the ancient name of the architectural structure which was called in its day the "House of the Foundation Platform of Heaven and Earth"?


On reliefs, Assyrian kings are often depicted in the company of


The image below is a photo of a(n)


In the relief below, the symbol of life which is being held in front of the nose of the queen is called a(n) __________.


In the image below Egyptians are carrying a box-like item known as a(n) __________.


How does the Epic of Gilgamesh depict the underworld where the dead dwell?

as a dark and gloomy place under the ground

The priests of what ancient city overturned a prophesy of its long-term ruin by turning the Book of Fate over and reading it upside down?


The word element -gal or -kal seen in the Hebrew term hekal means


In Mesopotamian mythology, sleep is

brother to death

According to the Epic of Gilgamesh, how did the title character gain immortality?

by rebuilding Uruk

How did Tuthmosis III, according to later legend, conclude the siege of Joppa?

by smuggling his men into the city in baskets

The figure on the left is seated on a throne which has been shaped in the image of a winged creature called a(n) ___________.


A(n) ___________ is a term for a hieroglyphic sign that shows the type of category to which a word belongs.


What is the most probable date for the composition of the Enuma Elish as we have it?

during the early second millennium BCE

According to Hebrew tradition, humankind was created from


In what museum today can be seen an Assyrian relief depicting the siege of the temple of Haldi in Urartu?

none of the answers here are correct

Which of the following sites did Tiglath-Pileser III capture and raze? Pick all that apply.

none of the answers here are correct

According to Mesopotamian tradition, the central purpose of humankind and the reason it was created is to

feed the gods

Enki was the Mesopotamian god of

fresh waters

What was the cause of Ramses II's death?

he died of old age

Seen by some scholars as synonymous with monolatry, the term __________is used to describe the exclusive worship of one god without denying the existence of others.


In the Epic of Gilgamesh, where is the Cedar Forest located?

in the Syro-Palestinian area

What does vohu mean in Hebrew?

it's a nonsense word and does not mean anything

Where was Amenhotep I buried?

just across the Nile from Thebes

What is the ancient term used in reference to the artifact below?


When scholars speak about the Hebrews' perception of "realms of existence," they are referring to

land, sky, and sea

The Assyrians named each year after a different official called a(n) __________. These lists of names provide historians with an invaluable means for dating events.


The dating of events in Mesopotamian history depends on a number of different sources: king lists, year names, eclipses and Assyrian __________ lists based on the names of high-ranking officials in government.


During the dark age following the collapse of civilization at the end of the Bronze age, the Urartians immigrated into the Near East and settled

near Lake Van

"You are the most important among the great gods; Your destiny is unequaled, your command is Anu. Marduk, you are the most important among the great gods, Your destiny is unequaled, your command is Anu." The verses above incorporate a distinctive feature of Mesopotamian poetry called repetitive __________.


A lamasu orthostate represents the image of a(n)

protective deity

A text dating to the Third Intermediate Period explains how to

rob a tomb

The challenges in the "challenge" letters sent between Egyptian and Hyksos kings

seem to be little more than friendly communication

What term has been used since antiquity to define the sections of the Epic of Gilgamesh?


Which of the following items was located in the devir of Solomon's Temple. Pick all that apply.

the Ark of the Covenant

What is the term used by historians to refer to the period of Jewish history from 586-537 BCE?

the Babylonian Captivity

Which people took over the city of Hattusas after its destruction in the twelfth century BCE?

the Kaska

Whose civilization does Neo-Babylonian artwork most closely recall?

the Kassites

The cult of the god Ptah originated in

the Nile Delta

In Mesopotamian literature, who are the Anunnaki?

the gods

After the Great Deluge, what attracts the attention of both God in the Old Testament and the Igigi in the Epic of Gilgamesh and draws them to the only human survivors?

the smell of their sacrifice

By what feature do Egyptian reliefs differentiate the various groups who made up the Sea-Peoples?

their helmets

According to Egyptian records, how many times did the Sea-Peoples attempt to seize land in Egypt through violent force?

three times

What was the original purpose for which the Loftus Ivories were made?

to serve as parts of furniture

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Algebra 2- General Equation of a Line

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Communication w/Families and Professional Boundaries

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