ANSC 440 Exam 1

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1. Phylum 2. Family 3. Class 4. Kingdom 5. Genus 6. Order Animalia Chordata Mammalia Perissodactyla Equidae Equus

1. Chordata 2. Equidae 3. Mammalia 4. Anamalia 5. Equus 6. Perissodactyla

About ____________________ percent of the world's horses are located in the United States.


The horse has ____________________ pairs of ribs.


Arenas should be at least ____________________ feet wide and can be used for exercising and training horses.


Unlike the miniature horse height requirement of 34 inches or less, the miniature Mediterranean donkey must be under ____________________ inches.


A ____________________-inch-thick concrete floor is sufficient for most farm buildings.


Match the mythological horse/person with it's story. Poseidon, Epona, Centuar, Unicorn 1. Half man/half horse 2. Legs of a buck, the tail of a lion, and the head and body of a horse 3. Goddess of the horse 4. Creator of the horse

4. Poseidon 3. Epona 1. Centuar 2. Unicorn

Toward the end of the 19th century, it was common to see giant combines pulled by teams of over ____________________ draft horses.


In the course of a day, all the blood in the body of the horse passes through the two kidneys more than ____________________ times and is filtered of nitrogenous wastes each time.


Muscle contraction requires energy in the form of ____________________.


The Roman army changed from an infantry-led army to a predominantly ____________________-led force.


____________________ were employed by the railroads to carry ties, rails, and supplies to the railheads, and to haul dirt and rock from the excavation of mountain tunnels.

Draft horses

(True or False) Riding horses in warfare and for pleasure came before driving horses.


(True or False) The horse industry directly produces goods and services amounting to $25.3 billion and has a total impact of $112.1 billion on the U.S. gross domestic product.


(True or False) Horses were first domesticated between 4000 and 2000 B.C. on the steppes north of the Black Sea.

False - 4000 and 3000 B.C.

(True or False) Revenue derived indirectly from horses includes the actual sale of horses, stud (breeding) fees, races, shows, rodeos, and entertainment.

False - Revenue derived directly from horses includes the actual sale of horses, stud (breeding) fees, races, shows, rodeos, and entertainment.

____________________ are important in making the handling, moving, and sorting of horses easier and less stressful for the horses and less labor intensive for the handlers.


Men who came from ____________________ and Tennessee to settle Texas were the first of the American cowboys


____________________ is the leading activity for horses.


As a result of his races in 1938 and the victory over War Admiral, ____________________ was named "Horse of the Year" for 1938


By the seventh century A.D., the ____________________ emperors had huge stud farms holding as many as 300,000 horses.


Quarter horses and ____________________ are the leading horse breeds in the United States.


A 3-year-old horse that wins the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes is considered a(n) ____________________.

Triple Crown Winner

(True or False) Ancient humans held the horse in awe and placed it among the gods and in their legends.


(True or False) As the automobile, truck, and tractor numbers increased, horse numbers declined.


(True or False) In recent years, winning a Triple Crown has become a very rare achievement, with most horses specializing in a limited distance range.


(True or False) In some larger mines, a pony would be bred, born, and put to work without ever having seen the light of the sun.


(True or False) One of the Scythians' warrior techniques was to shoot backward over their horses' croups as they turned away from the enemy.


(True or False) The Cleveland Bay horse breed is considered critical because fewer than 200 animals are registered annually in the United States.


(True or false) The industry needs to enhance unity and communication and to expand advertising, promotional, marketing, and educational programs to meet new challenges that will be come increasingly complex.


The two main divisions of the skeleton are the trunk, or axial skeleton, and the limbs, or ____________________ skeleton.


Concrete ____________________ under feeders keep the horses off mud in the winter and from eating the dry dirt in summer.


Determining the appropriate ____________________ values is the biggest challenge when developing a balance sheet.

asset values

Periodic ophthalmia or moon ____________________ is an inflammation of the inner eye due in part to a vitamin B deficiency.


The _________________________ accounting method is used primarily for income tax reporting purposes in service industries.

cash basis

A _______ is a sturdy, placid horse.


In today's fast-paced, high-risk climate, ____________________ can play an important part in helping managers make crucial decisions about their operations.


Horse buildings can be metal frame, pole, or ____________________ construction.


Research in the horse industry is slow and ____________________.


For strategic ____________________ making, the manager must keep abreast of general economic conditions, world supply and demand, and credit policy.


Accurately ____________________ a horse's soundness is never easy. Sometimes professional assistance is needed.


The sale of a horse would be considered __________________ revenue from horses.


As cities grew, heavy or ____________________ horses were used to haul cargo, distribute goods produced in urban factories, and pull wagons that advertised a business's product.


Poll ____________________ is an acquired unsoundness resulting from a bruise or persistent irritation in the region of the poll.


External respiration consists of two movements: inspiration and ____________________.


(True or False) A suggestion for better record keeping is to always record the net amount


(True or false) At least one double receptacle (electrical outlet) is needed for every stall.


(True or false) Bony growths, such as splints, spavins, and ringbones, are often the result of a genetic disorder.


(True or false) Contraction of smooth muscle is voluntary.


(True or false) Ganglia receive and dispatch nerve impulses that do not have to reach the brain, including such stimuli as heat, pain, excessive pressure, and others.


(True or false) Insulation is of little value in modern farm building construction.


(True or false) Miniature horses are considered a dwarf version of a full-size horse.


(True or false) Moving into the twentieth century, there was a new interest in public health, rising real estate values, and improvements in electric- and gasoline-powered alternatives to horsepower. These all combined to mark the rapid increase of the horse's significance in the city.


(True or false) Regardless of the material used, horizontal fencing must be fastened onto the outside of posts so that when horses lean against the fence, they push the boards, pipe, or wire against the posts rather than off the posts.


(True or false) Research solves few problems.


(True or false) Scars, capped hocks, and elbows are examples of unsoundness.


(True or false) Sidebones most commonly occur at the top of the splint bones. They are usually associated with trauma such as slipping, being kicked, jumping, and playing hard.


(True or false) The American Quarter Horse is one example of a color breed.


(True or false) The majority of the world's horses, donkeys, and mules are found in the United States.


(True or false) Trend analysis is a comparison of one's operations results with those of operations of comparable size and type.


(True or false) Veins have rather thick elastic walls and carry the blood from the heart to the tissues of the body.


(True or false) Beginning in the 1830s, oxen were a farmer's preferred choice to assist in mowing, reaping, and threshing.

false - Beginning in the 1830s, heavier equipment called for the heavier and stronger horse or mule to pull.

(True or false) In 1915 statistics showed over 21 million horses in the country, but by 1960, only slightly more than one hundred thousand remained in the United States.

false - By 1960, only slightly more than 3 million horses remained in the United States.

(True or False) Today, many lenders of credit are asking borrowers for income tax returns from the past 5 years.

false - Many lenders today are asking for income tax returns for the past 3 years.

(true or false) Records must be kept of the two types of expenses—ordinary expenses and gross expenses—along with some expenses that could be classified in either category.

false - Records must be kept on the two types of expenses, ordinary expenses and capital expenses, along with some expenses that could be classified in either category.

(True or false) The second, or intermediate, ventilation rate is intended to provide some degree of temperature control during summer months.

false - The high, or maximum, ventilation rate is intended to provide some degree of temperature control during summer months.

(True or false) The horse industry directly produces goods and services amounting to $25.3 billion and has a total impact of $112.1 billion on the U.S. gross domestic product.

false - The horse industry directly produces goods and services amounting to $38.8 billion and has a total impact of $101.5 billion on U.S. gross domestic product (GDP).

(True or false)The normal horse at rest breathes at the rate of 18 to 23 times a minute.

false - The normal horse at rest breathes at the rate of 8 to 16 times a minute.

(True or false) The axial skeleton is used for locomotion and grooming, and, to some extent, for defense and feeding.

false - the appendicular skeleton of the horse is used for locomotion, grooming, and to some extent for defense and feeding.

Bones are classified by their shape as long, short, ____________________, and irregular.


Horses use ____________________ as a primary defense mechanism.


At first, riders may have controlled their mounts with no more than a rope around the jaw or some sort of ____________________.


Secretions of the endocrines are called ____________________.


A horse can do well in nearly any temperature if the ____________________ can be held to a comfortable level and there is enough air movement through the building.


Zebra _______ are typically smaller than most horses or mules.


One advantage of ____________________ is the increased business deductions available because the owners who work for the corporation become employees of the corporation.


Farrier services are considered ____________________ revenue from horses.


Adequate ____________________ can have a positive influence on worker's attitudes, plays a major role in safety, and enhances the management level by increasing people's ability to see potential problems.


____________________ is a low-maintenance siding material, and it is available in prepainted finish colors that will last 15 to 20 years without refinishing.


During the four years of World War I, the United States was called upon to supply the Allied forces with remounts and exported nearly a _____________________ horses to Europe.


Historically, ________ were classified as draft, sugar, farm, cotton, and pack and mining.


Feral horses are also called _______.


A business's ____________________ worth is considered a key measure of financial wealth.


The muscular action of the ____________________ forces food into the esophagus.


Lameness in the foot or leg will cause ____________________.


Many conditions leading to an unsoundness or blemish are ____________________ or treatable.


Net income, or ____________________, relates to revenue less expenses.


A business run as a sole ____________________ pays no federal income tax.


The attendance at ____________________ exceeds 70 million people each year, and people wager over $13 billion on the races.


Showing and ______________________ are the second and third most common horse uses.


____________________capacity is an assessment of a firm's ability to repay debt.


Through ____________________ breeding, people learned to develop specific desirable characteristics in a group of horses.


Types of light horses include riding, racing, ____________________, driving, all-purpose, and miniature.


Joints are classified into three types according to their structure and movability: immovable, freely movable, and ____________________ movable.


Cribbing and wind-sucking are ____________________ that are usually associated, although a horse may practice one without the other.

stable vices

The two types of treatments available for chip fractures are ____________________ and conservative.


____________________ is a clear, slightly yellowish fluid that lubricates the joint in the same manner as oil lubricates a mechanical bearing.


Hoof ____________________ will pick up increased sensitivity, commonly over the toe.


(True or False) A good barn ventilation system must provide fresh air to meet the respiration needs of the animals and control moisture buildup within the structure.


(True or False) For best results, the cash-flow statement should be used with the balance sheet and earnings statement.


(True or False) Insulation is of little value in modern farm building construction.


(True or False) Under natural conditions, horses do not spend long periods of time in enclosures. In barns, some horses will become bored and develop vices.


(True or false) A business should always keep its income and expenses separate from anyone's personal income and expenses


(True or false) A cross between a donkey and a horse is called a mule or a hinny, depending on its parentage.


(True or false) A good barn ventilation system must provide fresh air to meet the respiration needs of the animals and control moisture buildup within the structure.


(True or false) A horse usually swallows slightly less than a half-pint of water at each gulp.


(True or false) A stall door must safely hold the horse within the stall. The door should be easy to open and close for the safety of both the horse and the handler.


(True or false) All-metal bits, including the plain bar snaffle and the jointed bit, were first used in North America about 1500 B.C.


(True or false) At the core of good management is a set of goals and objectives for the business, developed and understood with clarity by the owner, by management, and by labor.


(True or false) Because of their speed, horses surpassed oxen and became popular draft animals.


(True or false) Even though horse numbers in the United States may never again match those they reached at the beginning of the twentieth century, horses have never been so popular.


(True or false) Federal income tax savings may occur if a business incorporates and becomes subject to federal income taxation under Subchapter C of the Internal Revenue Code.


(True or false) Horses were first used as a source of food.


(True or false) Local zoning requirements should be checked before buying a farm or designing a new building.


(True or false) Many capped hocks result from bumping the hocks when being transported in short trailers or in trailers with unpadded tailgates.


(True or false) Many unsoundness and blemishes are due to excessive stress and strain beyond the endurance of the bone or muscle, injury to a bone or joint, inherited conditions, or nutritional deficiencies.


(True or false) Miniature donkeys can be used as companions to foals at weaning time to relieve stress, and to help calm nervous horses or horses recovering from surgery.


(True or false) Selecting a knowledgeable lender who understands the equine industry today is a guideline to consider while searching for a credit service.


(True or false) Shelters in pastures to allow horses to get out of the sun, wind, rain, or other types of weather are common.


(True or false) The bones and joints together compose a complex system of levers and pulleys which, combined with the muscular system, give the body the power of motion.


(True or false) The horse industry directly employs more people than railroads, radio and television broadcasting, petroleum and coal products manufacturing, or tobacco product manufacturing.


(True or false) The return of food or water through the nostrils is an almost certain indication that a horse has choked.


(True or false) Under natural conditions, horses do not spend long periods of time in enclosures. In barns, some horses will become bored and develop vices.


(True or false) Under the right conditions, and with careful preparation, an equine business can be profitable, both financially and emotionally


(True or false) Unlike other farm animals, the horse is serviceable only when in motion.


(True or false) Voluntary muscles can contract for only short periods of time before becoming fatigued and requiring rest.


(True or false) Windows are expensive additions to farm buildings and, to keep costs at a minimum, they are are being used less and less.


Breeding _______ means that the offspring will almost always possess the same physical characteristics as the parents


Breeding _______ means that the offspring will almost always possess the same physical characteristics as the parents.


During the 1850s, horses became an essential part of ____________________.

urban fire protection

Adequate ____________________ will reduce the presence of air contaminants such as dust, molds, and irritating gases from decomposing manure that can cause respiratory problems.


Horses may be lame due to some disease or affliction in the joints, tendons, ligaments, or muscles requiring a diagnosis by a ________________________.


____________________ are habits acquired by some horses that are subjected to long periods of idleness.


Horses can be classified several different ways. One way, is to classify them as _______, coldblood, or pony.


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