ANTH 101

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_________________ is an extensive set of noises (such as laughs, cries, whistles) that convey information.


___________________ are noises that convey meaning.


[ Select ] ["bride wealth"] involves the exchange of goods, a gift from the groom and his kin to the bride's kin. [ Select ] ["dowry"] is the gifts given by a bride's family to the husband's family.

1. Bride wealth 2. Dowry

How are climate change and globalization connected? Check all that apply.

1. Companies moving to other countries for less strict environmental laws increase the emission rate of many pollutants 2. Changing weather patterns shift where food comes from

What moral and ethical concerns guide anthropologists in their research and writing? check all that apply

1. Do no harm 2. Obtain consent 3. ensure anonymity

Anthropologists identify two basic types of families: extended families which are based on consanguineal, or blood relations extending over multiple generations and nuclear families which are organized around the conjugal tie (the relationship between husband and wife).

1. Extended 2. nuclear

A genotype is the inherited genetic factors that provide the framework for an organism's physical form. A phenotype is the way genes are expressed in an organism's physical form because of interaction with environmental factors.

1. Genotype 2. Phenotype

[ Select ] ["qualitative data", "quantitative data"] is any data that can be measured and compared, [ Select ] ["quantitative data", "qualitative data"] is information that cannot be measured, such as life histories or daily observations.

1. Quantitative data 2. Qualitative data

Saint is a person who is considered exceptionally close to God and who is then exalted after death and Martyr is a person who sacrifices his or her life for the sake of his or her religion.

1. Saint 2. Martyr

Which of the following is an example of an anthropological study? Check all that apply.

1. Studying the effects and spread of HIV and AIDS in Africa 2. Studying the artifacts in Mexico from 2000 years ago 3. Studying how language changes through immigration and emigration

Cultural emphasis, or focal vocabulary is of particular interest to linguists as it can reveal:

1. aspects of a culture that are valued 2. the words and terminology that develop to describe unique cultural realities

The [ Select ] ["emic", "etic"] perspective enables an understanding of the local community on its own terms, it is an insider's view. The [ Select ] ["emic", "etic"] perspective enables an understanding of local behavior and beliefs from the anthropologist's perspective, it is an outsider's view.

1. emic 2. metic

imitative magic replicates the desired result, whereas contagious magic is the belief that materials that have come in contact with a person or thing will allow transfer of power between object and person.

1. imitative 2. contagious

What contributes to skin color?

1. melanin 2. gene flow 3. adaptation to UV

phonemes are the smallest units of sound that can make a difference in meaning with morphemes are the smallest units of sound that carry meaning on their own.

1. phonemes 2. morphemes

politics is the attempt to persuade a person or group toward a thought or action while power is persuading a person or group toward a thought or action.

1. politics 2. power

Marx defined two broad classes of people which include bourgeoisie or working class and proletariat or capitalist class.

1. proletariat 2. bourgeoisie

The anthropologist in "Eating Christmas in the Kalahari" [ Select ] ["was not", "was"] well received by the Bushmen at first because he [ Select ] ["was", "was not"] sharing his food rations.

1. was not 2. was not

What is miscegenation?

A demeaning historical term for interracial marriage

Ethnographic Fieldwork refers to __________________________.

A research strategy involving living and interacting with a community.

Why have anthropologists needed to change their studies to accomodate globalization?

All of the above

How do we learn a culture through enculturation?

All of the above - formal lessons -Watching our surroundings -from our friends and family

Racial ideology is a set of popular ideas about race that allows the discriminatory behaviors of individuals and institutions to seem ________.

All of the above 1. Reasonable 2. rational 3. normal

Who are the "Nacirema"


Annette Weiner was one of the first to be considered a feminist Anthropologist because she:

Called attention to the incomplete conclusions of prior anthropologists, like Malinowski because they hadn't considered the diversity of populations

What is it called when you switch back and forth between one linguistic variant and another depending on the cultural context?

Code switching

The practice by which a nation-state extends political, economic, and military power beyond its own borders over an extended period


Cultural Anthropologists study __________ cultures.


___________________________ includes the knowledge, habits, and tastes learned from parents and family that individuals can use to gain access to scarce and valuable resources in society.

Cultural capital

It is quite common for anthropologists entering the field to experience ______________________, a sense of disorientation caused by the overwhelmingly new and unfamiliar people and experiences encountered.

Culture shock

The study of the sounds, symbols, and gestures of a language, and their combination into forms that communicate meaning

Descriptive linguistics

_______ is a group of people living outside their ancestral homeland yet maintaining emotional and material ties to home.


_____________ is a group of people living outside of their ancestral homeland yet maintaining emotional and material ties to home.


Which of the following is Franz Boas' term for when a culture starts showing traits and patterns that originated in other cultures?


________________________ defined an evolutionary model of religion in which animism was the most primitive form of belief and religion is the most complex and attributed to civilizations.

E.B Tylor

_______________ is to believe that your own culture is normal, natural or superior to the beliefs and practices of others.


Shamans are highly trained religious specialists that institute state level religious doctrine.


African American English (AAE) is not considered a complete, consistent, or logical variant of the English language as there are no internal rules or patterns.


One of the differences between sorcery and witchcraft is that often sorcery is employed to do good.


The Bushmen rejected the black ox because it was actually a scrawny beast.


The lost boys of Sudan were unable to acclimate to US culture because they came from a third world country.


Franz Boas

Father of American Anthropology

_______________ is transforming culture through homogenization, migration and the global flows of culture, and increasing cosmopolitanism.


Ethnicity is a sense of _______, cultural, and sometimes ancestral connection to a group of people who are imagined to be distinct from those outside the group.


Anthropology is interested in ______________ because the "whole picture" helps to show the connection between near and far, past and present.


identity entrepreneur is when a leader promotes a worldview through the lens of ethnicity and use war, propaganda, and state power to mobilize people.

Identity entrepreneur

The study of the relationship between body movements and communication


Nativism is the favoring of certain ____________ inhabitants over ____________.

Long-term/new immigrants

_______________ was one of the first anthropologists to make anthropology relevant outside of the academic community by demonstrating the long-held beliefs about the biological nature of gender in the United States was problematic in other cultural contexts.

Margaret mead

________________ highlights the hierarchical relationship between English and Spanish in the U.S.

Mock spanish

_____________ is the desire of an ethnic community to create and/or maintain a nation-state.


A family of one's choosing may be made up of _____________________.


In a ___________________________, people who live near one another speak in a way that is mutually intelligible.

language continuum

A ____________ is a type of descent group that traces genealogical connection through generations by linking persons to a founding ancestor.


Study of how language influences culture Linguistic Anthropologist

linguistic anthropoligists

_________________ is a socially recognized relationship that may involve physical and emotional intimacy as well as legal rights to property and inheritance.


marvin harris

material conditions determine religious principle

Scholars have often used the __________________ as a metaphor to describe the standard path into U.S. culture.

melting pot

Common, everyday indignities and slights that communicate hostile, derogatory, and negative messages about someone's race, gender, sexual orientation or religion


The ___________________ is the complete collection of microorganisms iin the human body's ecosystem.


_________ is the contested social process through which a civil society organizes to produce military violence.


A political entity where the population shares a sense of culture, ancestry, and destiny as a people


the desire of an ethnic community to create and/or maintain a nation-state


The _______________ point of view considers the free-market, not the government, as the main mechanism for ensuring economic growth.


A civil society organization is a local nongovernmental organization that challenges state policies and uneven development, and advocates for resources and opportunities for members of its local communities.


Study of the human fossil record


The Nuer of Sudan are a _______________ descent group, in which membership passes only to sons who inherit membership through their fathers.


stems from shared values and beliefs that legitimize the distribution of power and authority in a society

political ideology

_________________ involves one man with two or more women.


________________ refers to "multiple voices" or the integration of multiple perspectives in a cultural study.


E.E. Evans pritchard

proposed structural functionalism- cultures made up of individual structures (kinship, politics, economy, etc.)

Three types of _______________________ include generalized, balanced, and negative.


Increasingly, contemporary anthropologists strive to exercise _________________ in their studies so that any biases are made clear.


Cultural ______ means suspending judgement while trying to understand a group's beliefs and practices from within their cultural context.


karl marx

religion as illusion masking material conditions of the poor

Emile Durkheim

religion creates social solidarity

The _____________________ was developed by Franz Boas as a way to capture all available information and material about cultures he believed were in danger of extinction, through a combined focus on culture, biology, artifacts and language.

salvage approach

Which of the following is an individual's self-identification with a group that can shift according to social location?

situational negotiation of identity

cultural capital

the knowledge, habits, and tastes learned from parents and family that individuals can use to gain access to scarce and valuable resources in society


the reputation, influence, and deference bestowed on certain people because of their membership in certain groups

Triangle trade is the extensive exchange of slaves, sugar, cotton, and furs between Europe, Africa, and the Americas that transformed economic, political, and social life on both sides of the Atlantic.

triangle trade

In the Elman Service model, ________ are groups that subsist off of hunting and gathering.


In the Elman Service model, tribes are economies based on non-intensive forms of food production.


Anthropologists are uninterested in questions of any religion's ultimate truth or falsity.


The Ebonics initiative was not introduced to teach a substandard version of English in Oakland schools, but rather, as a bridge to teach those that speak Ebonics, Standard American English.


In the reading, "If You're Light You're Alright: Light Skin Color as Social Capital for Women of Color," how does colorism affect women specifically?

Skin tone is equated to beauty

Margaret mead

Studied gender and sexuality in Samoa, challenged American assumptions about gender norms

What is the Anthropocene?

The age of permanent human impacts on the environment

Which of the following do paleoanthropologists study?

The human fossil record

The complete collection of microorganisms in the human body's ecosystem

The human microbiome

What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

The idea that different languages create different ways of thinking

Samuel Morton's study of cranial morphology is considered "scientific racism" because he proposed a hierarchy of racial classifications under the guise of science.


True or False: Hegemony is the power of one group to create consent and agreement within a population WITHOUT force or the threat of force.


True or False: Hypodescent is sometimes called the "one drop of blood rule." Correct!


True or False: In the Elman Service model, chiefdoms are intermediate between tribes and states.


Early anthropologists suggested that all cultures would evolve similarly, from simple to complex , or in their terms, "savage" to "civilized". This view, however was very much centered on traditionally "western" cultures as the most advanced. This view is a concept known as ______________.

Unilineal cultural evolution

What is a culturally constructed concept from 1691 Virginia designed to establish clear boundaries of who is white and who is not?



a multi-band populations with its own set of loyalties and leaders, considered 'big men"


a small kinship-based group of foragers with no centralized leadership


a system of power based on wealth, income, and status

The potential power of individuals and groups to contest current central pillars of a culture


agency is the potential power of individuals and groups to contest cultural norms, values, mental maps of reality, symbols, institutions, and structures of power.



an autonomous political unit composed of a number of villages or communities under the permanent control of a paramount chief


an autonomous regional structure of political, economic, and military rule with a central government authorized to make laws and use force to maintain order and defend its territory

_________________ is the study of the full scope of human diversity, past and present.


Study of past peoples through material remains


Malinowski was NOT considered a/an ___________ because he learned the native language and required total immersion in the field for at least a year, as he believed culture can only be understood in its native context.

armchair scholar

Malinowski was NOT considered a/an anthropologist because he learned the native language and required total immersion in the field for at least a year.

armchair scholar

_____________ is the process through which minorities accept the patterns and norms of the dominant culture and cease to exist as separate groups.


ability to cause others to act based on honor, status, knowledge, ability, respect, or office


The _______________, also known as "two spirits" is a spiritually powerful individual as they are a third gender and can access the spirits of men and of women, common among Native American groups.


Legal membership in a nation-state


Study of people's lives and cultures

cultural anthropologists

By Morton Fried's classifications, what is a society where no individual or group is barred from access to material resources or has power over others?


Applying the research strategies and analytical perspectives of anthropology to address concrete challenges facing local communities is _______________ anthropology.


Exploring ways environmental factors directly affect the inheritable expression of genes


___________ cleansing is efforts by representatives of one ethnic group or religious group to remove or destroy another group in a geographic area.


_______________ is the major research tool of cultural anthropology and is the intense study of a particular society and culture over an extended period of time.

ethnographic fieldwork

A successful ethnographer needs:

excellent listening skills

Extreme wealth inequality has always existed in human societies.


True or False: Framing process is a way to describe how people are introduced to politics.


True or False: Phenotype and race are both ways to classify someone based off physical characteristics, and both have a biological basis.


Bronislaw Malinowski

father of fieldwork developed method of participant observation

___________ is transforming culture through homogenization, migration and the global flows of culture, and increasing cosmopolitanism.


What is the ability of a dominant group to create consent and agreement within a population without the use or threat of force?


A group of people united by kinship or other links who share a residence and organize production, consumption, and distribution among themselves is a _____________________________. Correct!


identity entrepeneur is when a leader promotes a worldview through the lens of ethnicity and use war, propaganda, and state power to mobilize people.

identity entrepreneur

Personal prejudiced beliefs and discriminatory actions based on race

individual racism

The shift from agriculture and artisanal skill craft to machine-based manufacturing is known as the _________________________.

industrial revolution

Nancy Scheper-Hughes

institutes engaged anthropology in Brazil, studied women's reaction to high mortality rate

Patterns by which racial inequality is structured through key cultural institutions, policies, and systems

institutional racism

What is an analytic framework for assessing how factors such as race, gender, and class interact to shape individual life chances and societal patterns of stratification?


________________________ is a framework for analyzing the multiple factors, especially race and gender, that determine how class is lived.


Study of primates


A flawed system of classification, with no biological basis, that uses certain physical characteristics to divide the humans into supposedly discrete groups


Individuals' thoughts and actions and institutional patterns and policies that create or reproduce unequal access based on imagined differences among groups


Cultural _____________ means suspending judgment while trying to understand a group's beliefs and practices from within their own cultural context.


___________________________ are rituals that enacts a change of status from one life stage to another.

Rites of passage

What event pushed Geertz and his wife from being completely ignored by the villagers to being the center of attention?

Running away from an illegal cockfight

Victor Turner identified three primary stages in all rites of passage including:

Separation, Liminality, and Reincorporation

Geertz's concept of "___________" description allows the anthropologist to look beneath the surface activities to see the layers of deep cultural meanings in which those activities are embedded.

Thick description

Why does Geertz pay so much attention to the Balinese cockfights?

To better understand the social, economic, and interpersonal relationships within the village setting from within their own understanding

Why does Geertz pay so much attention to the cockfights?

To better understand the social, economic, and interpersonal relationships within the village setting from within their own understanding

All cultures have some sort of incest taboo.


Imagined community is the invented sense of connection and shared traditions that underlies identification with an ethnic group or nation whose members likely will never all meet.

will never

Multiculturalism is a pattern of ethnic relations in which new immigrants and their children enculturate into the dominant national culture and _____________.

yet retain an ethnic culture

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