ANTH1001, Ch. 11

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Hominins may have cached suitable raw material for making stone tools, bringing the carcasses to those sites

According to Dr. Rick Potts, hominins may have brought carcasses to specific locations on the landscape for butchery. According to Pott's hypothesis, why might they have done this? -Hominins maintained home bases where they lived and carried out numerous activities. They would have brought the carcasses to these locations -Hominins may have cached suitable raw material for making stone tools, bringing the carcasses to those sites -According to Potts' hypothesis, hominins would have brought the carcasses to shady areas

reach Asia

According to the archaeological record, Homo erectus was likely the first hominin to __________. -reach Asia -butcher animals with tools -intentionally bury their dead -exhibit sexual division of labor

Hominins may have transported their kills to other sites where good stones for tools were more prevalent; kill sites are places of intense competition among different predators

Based on what is known about the behavior of modern carnivores, why might hominins have transported their kills to other locations for processing? Select all that apply. -Hominins may have transported their kills to other sites where good stones for tools were more prevalent -processing was impossible at kill sites--there were absolutely no processing resources present for hominins to use -Hominins did not know that they could stay and process them at the kill site -Kill sites are places of intense competition among different predators

a hominin likely scavenged the meat after a carnivore killed the animal

During an excavation, researchers find an animal bone with two different kinds of marks: those likely made by a stone tool superimposed on those made by a carnivore's teeth. What can be concluded from this? -a member of the genus Homo chopped up the animal -two species fought for control over a dead animal -a hominin likely scavenged the meat after a carnivore killed the animal -the carnivores dragged away the hominin's fresh kill


Homo erectus did not extend its range to regions outside of Africa before 1 Ma. true or false?


Humans, unlike other primates, depend heavily on hard-to-learn skills to obtain food. true or false?

extractive food techniques favor food sharing, food sharing works with the division of labor in the flow of food, food sharing is more common among humans than among chimpanzees

Identify the correct statements about food sharing. -extractive food techniques favor food sharing -food sharing works with the division of labor in the flow of food -food sharing is more common among humans than among chimpanzees -food sharing is more important than division of labor -populations using collected foods are more likely to food share than those using extracted or hunted foods

it is unclear

Identify the number of species to which the early Homo remains discovered by researchers belong. -three -two -it is unclear -one


Scavenging can be as difficult and dangerous as hunting. true or false?

The Dmanisi hominins show a mix of primitive and derived characteristics; the Dmanisi hominins had very small brains

The archaeological site at Dmanisi in the Republic of Georgia has yielded some surprising Homo erectus fossils. Identify the characteristics of the hominins found at this site. -The Dmanisi hominins date to earlier than Homo erectus fossils in Africa -The Dmanisi hominins had very small brains -The Dmanisi hominins show a mix of primitive and derived characteristics -The Dmanisi hominins are the only Homo erectus fossils found in Eurasia

animal butchering sites

The bone and tool assemblages recovered at Olduvai most likely represent ____________________. -animal butchering sites -home bases -cave sites -trading areas

regular use of fire began around 300,000 years ago

The control of fire likely played an important role in human evolution, yet how, when, and why hominins first started controlling fire remain largely a mystery. One hypothesis from anthropologist Richard Wrangham suggests that through cooking, fire played a large role in how Homo erectus obtained nutrients from food. However, certain evidence suggests otherwise. Identify the evidence that contradicts Wrangham's cooking hypothesis. -Regular use of fire began around 300,000 years ago. -There has not been any evidence of hominin artifacts in association with burned artifacts. -Burned bones of various animals have been found dating to 1 million years ago. -The first use of fire comes from after the time of Homo erectus.

evidence of intensive bone processing; circle of stones

The list below includes characteristics of several archaeological sites. Identify the characteristics that could indicate that a site is a home base. -evidence of hominin and carnivore activity -evidence of intensive bone processing -circle of stones -weathered bones

shelflike supraorbital torus; occipital torus

The skulls of Homo erectus differ from the skulls of australopithecines, early Homo, and modern humans. Identify the skull features that differed in Homo erectus from both australopithecines and modern humans. -shelflike supraorbital torus -zygomatic arch -maxilla -occipital torus


The taphonomic evidence at sites like Olduvai suggest that hominins both scavenged and hunted. true or false?


What is the tool industry of Homo erectus that included tools more advanced than those of earlier hominins? -Mousterian -Oldowan -Upper Paleolithic -Acheulean

they must evaluate a number of different possibilities for the meaning of the association

When hominin-produced stone tools are found in association with animal bones, what must researchers do? -they must conclude that the hominins used the sites as home bases -they must evaluate a number of different possibilities for the meaning of the association -they must assume that the hominins used the stone tools to process the killed animals -they must assume that the hominins hunted and processed animals

we don't know

Which hominins were definitely the very first stone toolmakers? -Homo ergaster -Australopithecus afarensis -Homo habilis -we don't know

they had a larger cranial capacity than previous hominins

Which of the following characterized early Homo? -their body proportions were the same as the proportions of anatomically modern humans -their brains were larger than those of modern humans -they had a larger cranial capacity than previous hominins -their teeth were larger than the teeth of australopithecines

stone tool marks have been definitively found on animal bones at hominin sites

Which of the following evidence is sufficient to demonstrate that early hominins ate meat? -Bones burned in cooking fires have been found at early hominin sites. -Stone tool marks have been definitively found on animal bones at hominin sites. -Some cave paintings depict hominins hunting animals. -Hunting weapons are found embedded in the skeletal remains of prey animals at early hominin sites.

Homo erectus was probably the first hominin who could run long distances; Homo erectus had body proportions comparable to modern humans living in tropical savannas; Some individuals were tall

Which of the following statements regarding Homo erectus are correct? -Homo erectus had substantially more sexual dimorphism than earlier hominins did -Homo erectus was probably the first hominin who could run long distances -Homo erectus had body proportions comparable to modern humans living in tropical savannas -Some individuals were tall

they lived in Africa and Asia

Which of the following statements regarding Homo erectus is true? -Homo erectus invented stone tools. -They lived in Africa and Asia. -They co-existed with Neanderthals in Europe. -This species is definitely ancestral to modern humans.

most large carnivores practice both hunting and scavenging

Which of the following statements regarding hunting and scavenging is true? -Scavenging is rarely practiced by contemporary carnivores -Taphonomic evidence suggests that early hominins only scavenged -Hunting is more difficult than scavenging -most large carnivores practice both hunting and scavenging

the dmanisi hominins are evidence that Homo erectus was able to adapt to a wider array of habitats than earlier hominins; they have the same limb proportions as modern humans; they retain primitive features related to their shoulder and elbow anatomy

Which of the following statements regarding the Dmanisi hominins are correct? -The Dmanisi hominins are evidence that Homo erectus was able to adapt to a wider array of habitats than earlier hominins. -They have the same limb proportions as modern humans. -They retain primitive features related to their shoulder and elbow anatomy. -They have a relatively large brain size compared to other populations in their genus.

Homo erectus had reached the Republic of Georgia by 1.8 Ma

Which of the following statements regarding the dispersal of Homo erectus beyond Africa is true? -Hominins did not reach eastern Asia until 500,000 years ago -Homo erectus had reached the Republic of Georgia by 1.8 Ma -Homo erectus did not migrate beyond Africa -Homo erectus migrated beyond Africa without colonizing much of that continent

at first, naturally occurring stones may have been used as tools; australopithecus garhi may have made oldowan tools; oldowan tools involve rounded stones with a few chips or flakes removed

Which of the following statements regarding the earliest tools are true? -at first, naturally occurring stones may have been used as tools -the earliest tools of hominins constitute mode 2 technology -australopithecus garhi may have made oldowan tools -oldowan tools involve rounded stones with a few chips or flakes removed

orangutans use tools to process some foods; gorillas use elaborate routines to process some plants; different apes use different techniques to obtain extracted foods

Which of the following statements regarding the foraging methods of great apes (gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and humans) are true? -orangutans use tools to process some foods -gorillas use elaborate routines to process some plants -different apes use different techniques to obtain extracted foods -of all the great apes, chimpanzees have the largest range of foraging techniques -chimpanzees have a narrow diet of only extracted foods

meat provides a large amount of nutrients in a small serving

Why is the acquisition and use of meat for food efficient and beneficial? -meat always requires less energy input to acquire than vegetables or fruit -meat naturally promotes division between the sexes -meat provides a large amount of nutrients in a small serving -meat is easier to get in the wild than vegetables or fruit


in traditional human foraging groups, there is no sexual division of labor. true or false?

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