Anthro Final

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Approximately how many children are believed to currently be living on the streets without homes?

100 million

Most human languages only have how many sounds?

30 to 40 sounds

In Morocco, a girl is first decorated with henna around the age of:


A category of persons who have similar opportunities to obtain economic resources, power, and prestige and who are ranked high and low in relation to each other is called:

A class.

Agriculture can best be described by which of the following?

A form of food production in which fields are in permanent cultivation using plows, animals, and techniques of soil and water control

Students of anthropology tend to be interested in all of the following EXCEPT:

A goal of choosing a superior culture

Polyandry is best described as:

A rule permitting a woman to have more than one husband at a time.

Endogamy is best defined as:

A rule prescribing that a person must marry within a particular group.

A group of people who depend on each other for survival and who structure their lives together into a series of statuses and roles is called:

A society

Which of the following values was highly promoted as part of the precolonial Asante state and functioned as a way to stabilize the state?

Accumulation of wealth was a benefit to all of society

Anthropology courses do all of the following EXCEPT:

Advocate determining which culture is superior to another.

Which of the following is the most stigmatized variant of American English?

African American Vernacular English

Cuban Santeria is a mixture of:

African religions, Catholicism, and French spiritualism.

In ___________, the same piece of land is permanently cultivated with use of the plow, draft animals, and more complex techniques of water and soil control.


Which of the following is NOT a true statement?

All shared mental models are biological constructs in humans.

The Arab uprisings were affected by all of the following EXCEPT:

An alliance between the United States and Great Britain.

The norms governing production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a society is known as:

An economic system

The United States is culturally defined as what kind of class system?

An open class system A class system where social position is based on achieved status

Linguist William Labov is best known for which of the following:

Analyzing the speech of African American teens and demonstrating that it was neither logically nor structurally inferior to any other sort of speech

The belief that all living and non-living objects are imbued with spirit is called:


Which of the following is not included in the Code of Ethics for anthropologists:

Anthropologists have the freedom to withold the results of the research to the individuals and groups likely to be affected

Which of the following disciplines is best suited to discuss the intricacies and complexities of culture in our world today?


Which of the following is a way that anthropology is unique and different from other social sciences?

Anthropology works to create new and useful ways to think about culture.

In which New Guinea society did Margaret Mead find that both men and women were expected to act in ways that Americans consider "naturally feminine?"


Forms of creative expression guided by aesthetic principles that involve imagination, skill, and styles are collectively called:


In the context of nonverbal communication, clothing, jewelry, tattoos, piercings, and other visible body modifications that send messages are considered:


Which of the following characterizes the relationship between population and social complexity?

As societies become more populous, the number of specialized jobs found in them increases Current-day wealthy societies have extremely high degrees of specialization It provokes changing notions of identity There are heavy human costs All of the above

Open class systems are primarily based on achieved status whereas closed systems are based on:

Ascribed status

The view that immigrants should abandon their cultural distinctiveness and become mainstream Americans is an ideology known as:


The giving and receiving of goods of nearly equal value with a clear obligation of a return gift within a specified time limit is known as:

Balanced reciprocity

Which form of political organization has no formal leadership?


What is the most common form of marriage exchange?


According to Lee Cronk (in Strings Attached), in many societies, reciprocation is expected when gifts are given

But it is crucial to defer reciprocation to a later time in order to maintain social relationships

Which of the following forms of political organization is the "first step" in integrating villages as units in the political order?


Which of the following was NOT a core image of Orientalist painting?

Children at play

Culture is an "ensemble of texts...which the anthropologist strains to read over the shoulders of those to whom they properly belong." Whose words are these?

Clifford Geertz

What type of anthropologists attempts to displace the themselves as the sole author representing a group, turning research into a joint process between researcher and subject?

Collaborative anthropologists

Which of the following is false, according to the article "Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Race" (PBS)?

Colorblindness will end racism

The science of documenting the relationships between languages and grouping them into language families is considered?

Comparative linguistics

The main source of female solidarity in horticultural societies is:

Cooperation and bonds among female kin.

Religious cosmologies provide all of the following EXCEPT:

Create a more efficient economic system.

The study of the development of contemporary social networks through the technology of Facebook is an example of research in:

Cultural anthropology

Art must always be understood within its:

Cultural context

Which of the following best describes the anthropological approach to other cultures?

Cultural relativism

Anthropology teaches us that the biggest differences among human groups result from:


This describes the learned, symbolic, at least partially adaptive, and ever changing patterns of behavior and meaning shared by members of a group


Which of the following describes feelings of alienation, loneliness, and isolation common to one who has been placed in a new culture?

Culture shock

Which of the following was one of Boas's core beliefs:

Cultures are the products of their own histories

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic shared by all cultures?

Cultures are transmitted biologically.

Ethnology involves all of the following EXCEPT:

Deciding which culture is superior.

The rapid transfer of American music all over the world is a form of:


This term describes the spread of cultural elements from one society to another.


The main reason European expansion was so rapid and successful was:


The pattern of apportioning different tasks to different members of a society is known as

Division of labor

The VOC is also known as the:

Dutch East India Company.

Robert Carneiro argues that the Inca Empire emerged primarily in response to __________ factors.


Peggy Sanday argues that men's dominance is not universal and is attached to:

Ecological stress and warfare.

The yield per person per hour of labor invested is called:


In which form of social differentiation would you find no formal recognition of differences between individuals and groups?

Egalitarian societies

This term describes the notion that one's own culture is more beautiful, rational, and nearer to perfection than any other.


Biological anthropology includes all of the following specialties EXCEPT:


Which of the following would NOT usually be considered a type of world music?

European classical

Redistribution is defined as:

Exchange in which goods are collected and then distributed to members of a group

All of the following are highly associated with a caste EXCEPT:


Which of the following is a rule specifying that a person must marry outside a particular group:


Under which subsistence system would you expect the LEAST investment into land as a resource?

Foraging societies

All of the following help integrate tribal societies EXCEPT:

Formal court systems

Ethnic groups created for the purposes of colonial rule tended to:

Fragment when colonial power waned.

Compared to the United States, what nation(s) results in higher rates of children born to unmarried mothers?

France and the United Kingdom

Considered the most important critic of evolutionism, this person argued that anthropologists should not be collectors of tales and spinners of theories but should devote themselves to objective data collection through fieldwork.

Franz Boas

Which anthropologist critiqued the idea of races as hierarchically arranged natural categories characterized by physical, cultural, intellectual, and moral differences at a time when most scientists supported these misconceptions?

Franz Boas

Malinowski and his students emphasized the notion of ____________ which is the contribution made by social practices and institutions to the maintenance and stability of society.


A theoretical position in anthropology that focuses on finding general laws that identify different elements of society, showing how they relate to each other, and demonstrating their role in maintaining social order.


What is considered a theoretical position in anthropology that focuses on finding general laws that identify different elements of society, showing how they relate to each other, and demonstrating their role in maintaining social order.


What are two major explanations of social stratification?

Functionalism and Conflict theory

Constraints on women's lives and discrimination against women is called:

Gender stratification.

Different languages have different subclasses of nouns, frequently referred to as __________


Giving and receiving goods with no immediate or specific return expected is known as:

Generalized reciprocity

In our culture, the relationship between mother and child is usually a good example of which kind of reciprocity?

Generalized reciprocity

Which environmental impact is most threatening Arctic lifestyles?

Global warming

The integration of resources, labor, and capital into a global network is known as


Linguists use a statistical technique called ________________ to estimate the date of separation of related languages, to discover historic relationships among languages, and to group languages into families.


In "Eating Christmas in the Kalahari", why was Richard Lee (and the ox he bought to be slaughtered) the target of insults?

He had been stingy with his food during fieldwork and then talked proudly about his gift of the ox for the Christmas feast

What does Ping Chong mean by the phrase "young man sitting on a cultural fence?"

He is referring to the ethnic diversity in New York.

How does Marvin Harris explain the sacredness of the cow in India?

He says that cows are sacred because they are essential to the subsistence (agricultural) system in India and killing them could cause the downfall of the system

Why was anthropologist Edward Snajdr invited to do research in Kazakhstan?

He was asked to do research on the high increase in domestic violence that had occurred recently in the country.

Fritz Scholder's work engages each of the following EXCEPT:

Historical idealism and accuracy of Native American traditions.

A theoretical position in anthropology associated with American anthropologists of the early 20th century that focuses on providing objective descriptions of cultures within their historical and environmental contexts.

Historical particularism

This kind of society depends primarily on the production of plants using simple, nonmechanized technology such as hoes or digging sticks, but not draft animals irrigation techniques, or plows.

Horticultural societies

Under the impact of globalization traditional art changes and because of this anthropologists are particularly interested in examining:

How art becomes functionally and stylistically reconceptualized to meet a global demand How this 'traffic in culture' affects both the art and the cultural identities of people who create it

Which specialty of biological anthropology is most associated with the study of physiological differences among humans?

Human variation

According to the article "Eating Christmas in the Kalahari", why is "enforcing humility" important in !Kung society?

Humility is important for encouraging sharing and equality in this society

Speech is critical in the construction of ___________


What is the "cultural defense" and when can it be used?

In the U.S., it is a defense an immigrant husband can invoke to attempt to explain why he has perpetrated domestic violence against his wife.

What effects has industrialism had on the economy, society, and culture?

Increased population growth Expanded consumption of resources Increased occupational specialization A shift to selling labor itself for hourly or yearly wages All of the above

'Key informants' can best be understood as:

Individuals who are believed to be well informed and eager to talk with anthropologists

Anthropologist Kathleen Adams studied the impact of global tourism on the indigenous arts and identities of the Toraja of:


This system is designed to represent the sounds of all human languages in writing and has more than 100 base symbols, which can be altered by about 55 modifiers

International Phonetic Alphabet

The rise of fundamentalism raises all of the following questions for anthropologists EXCEPT:

Is fundamentalism right or wrong?

In Claire Sterk's article, "Tricking & Tripping: Field Work on Prostitution in the Era of AIDS" the author

Is interested in women's own perspectives of their lives and prostitution

Why did colonizers use taxation on subject peoples?

It forced them into a market economy. It made them more dependent on the colonizers. It kept them from subsistence production and forced them to work for the colonizers to obtain wages. It made them carry some of the burden of paying for the colony. All of these statements are correct

What is a supportive argument for why a society may practice parallel-cousin marriage?

It helps prevent the fragmentation of family property and keeps economic resources within the family.

What is the significance of Horace Miner's "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema"?

It illustrates how culture can be viewed from more than one perspective.

What is pillage?

It is a process of literally taking everything profitable from another through the threat of violence.

What is an explanation for the practice of dowry?

It is a voluntary gift, symbolizing affection for a daughter leaving home and compensating her for her traditional exclusion from the inheritance of land or property. A source of a married woman's security. Compensation to the groom's family, who must now take on the economic burden of a wife, who traditionally did not work outside the home. A way to improve financial and social standing All of the above.

What is meant by the concept of "deep play" in anthropology?

It is an expressive form of culture that displays social structure and cultural concepts associated with identity.

Which of the following most characterizes a caste system?

It is based on ascribed status.

How does conflict theory explain the presence of so much inequality?

It is caused by the struggle for scarce goods and services.

According to Horace Miner in "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema", why do the Nacirema place so much emphasis on the latipsoh?

It is the temple where individuals who are sick go for healing.

Conflict theory is often associated with what individual?

Karl Marx

Bronislaw Malinowski's analysis of the ______________ is one of the most famous anthropological studies of reciprocal trading.

Kula ring in the South Pacific islands

Which of the following is true of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

Language plays a critical role in determining the way people understand the world People who speak different languages must understand the world in different ways People's ability to think about things such as time, space, and matter are conditioned by the structure of the languages they speak We perceive the world in certain ways because we talk about the world in certain ways All of the above

In comparison with horticulture, the greater productivity associated with agriculture comes from all of the following EXCEPT:

Leaving farm land fallow every 5 years.

This term describes a practice, value, or form of social organization that evens out wealth within a society:

Leveling mechanism

Kin groups that trace descent from a common ancestor and who can demonstrate those genealogical links among themselves are called:


Studying the internal workings of language is known as:


Richard Wrangham argues that all of the following were significant to human evolution EXCEPT:

Longer digestive tracts than our primate relatives

According to the article "Baseball Magic" by George Gmelch, which of the following statements is true?

Magic gives players a sense of control and added confidence

Which of the following anthropologists described a number of leveling mechanisms that operate in the village of Amatenango, in the Chiapas district of Mexico?

Manning Nash and Marcel Mauss

An economic system in which goods and services are bought and sold at a money price determined primarily by the forces of supply and demand is known as:

Market exchange

The cultural importance of henna in Morocco is primarily associated with:


Under neolocal residence rules:

Married couples create their own households.

Which of the following explains why historically anthropologists had focused on men:

Men and women often lived segregated lives Men's activities were thought to be more important In most societies men's activities were more public then women's activities Male anthropologists had little access to the lives of women All the above

A system for creating words from sounds is known as


In the era of postcolonialism, there has been large-scale migration throughout the world, but especially to Europe. Which migrating group has faced the most discrimination and violence?


Which of the following forms of exchange is found primarily outside of social relations and in situations of impersonal and unfriendly transactions?

Negative reciprocity

Which of the following are types of cultural rules about residence?

Neolocal and patrilocal residence rules Matrilocal and avunculocal residence rules Bilocal residence rules All of the above

Currently, around how many Americans define themselves as lower class?


A nuclear family is best described as:

Organized around the relationship between husband and wife.

Which of the following is central to the practice of anthropology?

Participant observation

Male dominance in society is called:


Archaeology is the study of human material remains. Its primary focus, however, is on the search for:


This term describes the sound system of a language:


What are the four subsystems of all languages?

Phonology, morphology, semantics, and syntax

What person is the director of an innovative theater company that uses anthropological techniques of individuals telling their own stories to introduce migrants to diverse American audiences?

Ping Chong

All of the following are true of anthropologist Conrad Kottak's research on a Brazilian tribe except?

Placement into racially defined categories is not mediated by class or social status.

Polygyny is found primarily in societies where:

Plural wives and their children increase both a family's labor supply and its productivity.

Subsistence strategies are closely tied to a society's _____________

Population density Productivity Efficiency Cultural identity All of the above

Which term is characteristic of an individual directing their energy towards increasing social status and respect?


This theory holds that female subordination is based on women's universal role as mothers and homemakers.

Public/private dichotomy

Comparisons of Brazilian and American racial stratification systems can be said to indicate:

Racial inequality exists in societies with very different cultural constructions of race.

What have been some measures used to "crackdown" on undocumented immigrants in the US according to the textbook?

Raids on their places of employment. Stricter scrutiny of Social Security cards. A withdrawal of social services. Greater cooperation between local police forces and federal immigration agents. All of the above.

The three main patterns of exchange are:

Reciprocity, redistribution, and the market

What is the characteristic mode of exchange associated with ranked societies?


Unstructured interviews can best be described as:

Researchers engage with another in a scheduled conversation. Researchers may have a plan but informants are allowed to express themselves as they choose.

Subsistence patterns develop in response to which of the following?

Seasonal variation Long-term environmental changes Demographic changes The presence of other groups All of the above

Agriculture is generally associated with which of the following:

Sedentary villages The rise of cities and states Occupational diversity Social stratification All of the above

For the first time, the 2000 U.S Census permitted people to self-identify as more than one race, and _________ million people---almost half of whom were under 18---chose to do so.


What was distinct about the art of Maria Martinez?

She produced a new black on black pottery style.

Why does Laura Bohannan decide to tell the Tiv people the story of Hamlet in the article "Shakespeare in the Bush"?

She wanted to prove that Hamlet has a universal meaning that everyone can understand

For whites, which of the following 'ordinary experiences' do not generally involve a reflection on their racial identity?

Shopping Buying or renting a place to live finding a hairdresser Using a credit card All of the above.

By the time that Hernan Cortes arrived in Mexico, which of the following diseases had already ravaged the indigenous population there?


The relative access individuals and groups have to basic material resources, wealth, power, and prestige is known as:

Social differentiation.

Children like Genie (who had been locked away in an attic for the first 12 years of her life) demonstrate that although language is a biological capacity it can only be activated within a ___________________

Social group

The conscious manipulation of words and ritual objects with the intent of causing some kind of harm or the ability to cause misfortune by harboring malevolent thoughts is called:

Sorcery and witchcraft.

The custom whereby, when a man's wife dies, her sister is given to him as a wife:


Marriage traditionally, and most commonly, extends social alliances between all of the following EXCEPT:


In setting up the Joplin House Historic Site, anthropologists and historians found all of the following EXCEPT

St. Louis required a series of permits for work on the site and the neighborhood had to approve of the renovation project in advance.

Ethnic divisions are commonly found within which type of political organization?


Which of the following issues did Claire Sterk face while doing research, according to the article "Tricking & Tripping: Field Work on Prostitution in the Era of AIDS"?

Staying objective Setting boundaries with research participants Lack of safety identifying and keeping key informants All of the above

The pattern of behavior used by a society to obtain food in a particular environment is known as?

Subsistence strategies

What crop from the Caribbean region was the most important to the British (and other Europeans) during colonialism?


Which of the following is a form of cultivation in which a field is cleared by felling the trees and burning the brush


A theoretical position in anthropology that focuses on understanding cultures by discovering and analyzing the symbols that are most important to their members.

Symbolic anthropology

One of the strongest similarities between religion and art is the use of:


Humans understand the world by classifying it and using ___________ to give it meaning.


All of the following statements about symbols are true EXCEPT:

Symbols have fixed and stable meanings.

The productivity of any particular environment is related to the type of _____________ used to exploit it.


Why did Europe begin massive colonization in the 1800s?

The Industrial Revolution allowed them to develop more weapons and needed raw materials.

The Tirailleurs Senegalais fought in all of the following conflicts EXCEPT:

The Korean War.

What is the major narrative of ethnicity in the United States?

The US is a nation of immigrants who are welcomed into this country to pursue freedom and the "American Dream".

In foraging societies, an important source of women's power is:

The amount of food they contribute.

Regarding the actual treatment and use of cows in India

The ban on eating beef only applies to Hindus Members of the lowest caste sometimes eat beef in the privacy of their own homes There is evidence that people do manipulate sex ratios when it comes to this animal Cows/calves are still sometimes killed in India, despite being considered sacred All of the above

Organic analogy describes

The comparison of cultures to living organisms

What are the main features of the class system in the United States?

The culture of the United States emphasizes the 'American Dream,' the idea that one can and should improve one's life chances and material wealth. There are important material and lifestyle differences among social classes. Inequality between social classes is increasing, as is downward mobility. All of the above

Levirate is best defined as:

The custom whereby a man marries the widow of a deceased brother.

What is a negative impact of Brazil offering an official denial of race?

The denial that race is a social issue has led to a widespread refusal to take discrimination and racial stratification seriously.

According to Horace Miner in "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema", Nacirema ritual is based on the belief that:

The human body has a natural tendency to get sick and diseased.

The artistic depiction of the trickster culture-hero is most associated with:

The resistance of social hierarchy.

What is the etic perspective?

The scientific perspective

Tau taus were transformed once they became global art commodities. Which of the following is NOT a way that they were transformed?

The tau taus were made in a much larger size so that tourists could easily display them in their houses.

Which of the following affects how the Tiv understand the story of Hamlet told by Laura Bohannan in the article "Shakespeare in the Bush"?

Their belief that widows should marry their brother-in-law if their husband dies

Which of the following statements is correct?

There are some cultural universals, but there is no single explanation about how they developed.

What is true about family relationships among the Mosuo (or Na) of China described in the "Land of the Walking Marriage" article?

There is no marriage recognized in the culture; men only visit women temporarily (at night) and leave. Fathers do not have obligations to their children. Families consist of the women, their children, and their maternal relatives.

Which of the following is true, regarding Fa'afafine people?

They are biologically male, but embody both masculine and feminine traits

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all religions?

They involve the belief in a supreme deity.

Why do people outside of India often have trouble making sense of the sacredness of cows there?

They think that given the high level of poverty, people should be eating cows/beef

By what means do people enact their religion?

Through ritual

According to the article "Strings Attached", what is a purpose of gift-giving?

To create social alliances To humiliate their rivals To increase their social status To create obligations/indebtedness All of these

What was the primary goal of European colonialism?

To extract wealth from colonies

In which phase of the rite of passage would we expect to find liminality?


Which of the following is not a fundamental force in linguistic change?

Travel Trade War Conquest None of the above

Descent group membership based on links through either the maternal or the paternal line, but not both, is known as:

Unilineal descent.

Shared ideas about what is true, right, and beautiful.


Which of the following crops is most important to the Musha?


Gerry Mshana and his colleagues found that many people in Tanzania attributed outbreaks of HIV/AIDS to:


Which of the following is true regarding Sworn Virgins in Albania?

Women choose to become Sworn Virgins out of social and economic necessity

Which of the following have greatly impacted family patterns?

Women's new economic roles. Population increase. The spread of global capitalism. Changing technology. All of the above.

Which of the following are examples of generalized reciprocity?

in foraging societies, hunters who distribute meat among members of the kin group or camp

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