anthropology chapter 13

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external orientation

Among Brazilians, we saw that having media use reflects an __________ _____________, a general wish for connections, social network, beyond what is locally and routinely available. Brazil is rapidly increasing its Internet access and its use of social media. As the Brazilian middle class has grown, Internet use has spread across the country, although it remains unreliable and small communities along the Amazon in rule areas in general, particularly in poorer regions with nearly 140, million Internet users as of 2016, Brazil is the largest Internet market in Latin America, and the fourth largest Internet market in the world. Brazil's Internet penetration rate is projected to grow from about 57% today to at least 61% in 2021. Furthermore, Brazilians are heavy Internet users; 90% of users go online daily for personal reasons.


Discussions of western art tend to emphasize __________ artistic production, where is those who work with non-western art have been criticized for ignoring the ______________artist and focusing too much on the social nature in context of art. Art objects from Africa or Papua New Guinea are displayed in museums, often only the name of the tribe of the western donor or given, rather than that of the artist. This kind of presentation can create the impression that art is produced collectively, rather than by an individual. Sometimes it is; sometimes it isn't.

audience reaction

Even in more modern societies, however, artistic creation can be an open and responsive process. Consider the production of Brazilian Telenovela's, mention in this chapters understanding ourselves.As a Tele novella progresses, writers typically pay close attention to ___________ __________, measured in various ways, from surveys to informal conversations and such locales as beauty salons and other places were people congregate and have the Brazilian equivalent of water cooler conversations. Writers then modify, or even change the direction of, a Telenovela and view of audience response

smaller families

My coresearchers and I first got the idea that TV might be influencing family planning in Brazil from a brief article in the New York Times. Based on interviews with Brazilians, that report suggested the TV along with other factors was influencing Brazilians to have________ ___________. Fortunately, our research project on media impact and roll Brazil has provided us with the quantitative data we needed to test at apophysis. Our findings already had converted many other studies showing that the strongest predictor of smaller family size is a woman's educational level. However, it turned out that two television variables, current viewing level and especially the number of years of TV presence in the home, or better predictors of smaller family size then were many other potential predictors, including income, class, and religion


Narrative form and production costs limit the number of __________ in each Telenovela (night soap opera) to about 50 characters. Telenovela's usually are gender balance and include three generation excited families of different social classes, so that some of the main characters can rise in life by marrying up. These narrative conventions limit the number of young children per TV family.


The media, of course, have honed Americans interest in _________. Football, in particular, it's a powerful viewing magnet. In the 21st-century, seven successive Super Bowls 2010 to 2017 have talked to viewership, but never the audience share of the mash finale. The 2015 Super Bowl between Seattle and New England set an asked yet unbroken record, with 114.4 million viewers, but the halftime show that year, starring Katy Perry, did even better, attracting 118.5 million viewers. That Super Bowl also drew a 71 audience share which means at 71% of people who are watching TV that Sunday were watching the Super Bowl.

aesthetic value placement

_________ ___________ is one way of distinguishing art. Another way is to consider _____________. If something is displayed in the museum, someone must think it's art. Although tribal societies like museums, they might have special areas where artistic expression takes place.

community audience

Art also functions as a form of communication between artist and ____________ or ____________. Sometimes, however, their intermediary between the artist in the audience. Actors, for example, translate the words and ideas of other artists, writers and directors, and do performances. Musicians play and sing compositions of other people along with Music they themselves are composed. Using music written by others, choreographers plan and direct parents of dance, which dancers then execute for audiences.


Countries and cultures are known for a particular contributions, including the _________. The balinese are known for dance; the Navajo for Santa paintings, jewelry, and weaving; and the French for making cuisine in art form. Thanks to globalization, ingredients in flavors from all over the world now combined in Monarch cuisine. So, two, or elements for many cultures and Epochs woven into our contemporary arts and expressive culture, including in modern media

media developments

It seems likely that there's a connection between these _________ __________ in the special interests about which politicians perpetually complain. Do you think people might agree more, and Americans be less polarized, if everyone still watch the same TV programs?

commemorate last

Often, art is meant to commemorate and to last, to carry an enduring message. Like a ceremony, art may serve a mnemonic function, making people remember. Art may be designed, to make people remember either individuals or events, such as aids epidemic that is perfectly fine many world areas or the cattle is Nick events of September 11, 2001.


Originally coin for European peasants, __________ art, music, and lore are the expressive culture for ordinary people, as contrasted with the high art or classic art, of the European elites. When _____________ music is performed, the combination of costumes, music, and often song and dance is supposed to say something about local culture and about tradition. Tourists and other outsiders often perceived rule and **** life mainly in terms of such performances. Can you do the residence themselves often use such performances to display in an act their local culture and traditions for outsiders.


The __________of north Australia, For example, traditionally commissioned the manufacture of commemorative burial poles after death. The pole artists were sequestered in a work area near the grave. That area was taboo to everyone else. The artists were free temporarily from the daily food class. Other community members served as their patrons, supplying the artists with the hard to get materials needed for the work.

ascribed and achieved status ascribed Status achieved status

The factors believed to contribute a sport success belong to a larger context of cultural values. Particularly Relevant is the contrast between _________and __________ __________. An _________ _________ like age, is based on what one is rather than what one does. Individuals have more control over their _________ ___________ is such a student, golf, tennis player. American culture emphasizes achieved over ascribed status: we are supposed to make of our lives the best we can. Success comes through achievement. And Americans identity emerges as a result of what he or she does.

trust sociability political engagement

The pew research Center found that social media has increased, so did measures of ____________, ___________, and ___________ ___________. Internet users overall were twice as likely as non-users to say people can be trusted, with Facebook is especially trusting and socially oriented. Those who visited Facebook multiple times a day have a Facebook users for 43% more likely than other Internet users and three times as likely as not Internet users to say most people can be trusted. People have to reveal personal and family details on Facebook, so it's not surprising that they would be more trusting. Furthermore, Internet users especially those on Facebook were much more politically engaged than other Americans. Internet users were significantly more likely than off liners to attend political meetings, to vote, and to try and influence someone else's boat. Here again, have a Facebook user stood out as even more likely than the average Internet user to do those things.

east southeast

With the notable exception of Singh YouTube tends to favor Americans in _________ and ___________ Asian, rather than south Asian, origin. She has notable them on YouTube star is not only because of her south Asian origin, but also as a successful female and a domain or males for Dominic. Most of the Asian American artist have achieve success on YouTube are male

art aesthetics

A dictionary defines ____________ as the quality, production, expression, realm of what is beautiful or of more than ordinary significant; the class of objects subject to aesthetic criteria. According to the same dictionary, _____________ involves the quality is perceived and works of art, in relation to the sense of beauty. A more recent definition says art is some thing that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or than expresses important ideas or feelings. We know, however, that a work of art can attract attention, have special significance, and demonstrate imagination and scale without being considered beautiful. Pablo Picasso's guernica , A famous painting of the Spanish Civil War, comes to mind as a scene that, we are not beautiful, is indisputably moving and thus a work of art.

creative act

According to media Scholar John Fiske, Any individuals use a popular culture is a personal _________ __________, an original reading of a text. A particular celebrity, movie, game, or TV show means something different to each band. Fiske argues that the personal Meanings one finds in a popular culture and most pleasurable when they relate directly and practically that persons every day life. Consumers actively select, evaluate, and interpret media and ways that makes sense to them. People use media for all sorts of reasons: to validate beliefs, to indulge fantasies, to find messages unavailable in the local setting, to locate information, to make social comparisons, to relieve frustrations, to chart social courses, and to formulate life plans. Popular culture from hip-hop comedy can be used to express discontent and resistance by groups that are or feel powerless or oppressed.

cultural background

Appreciation of the arts reflects one's ________ _________. Watch Japanese tourists try to interpret what they're seeing in a western art museum. Conversely, the form and meaning of a Japanese tea ceremony, or a demonstration of origami, will be alien to a foreign observer. Appreciation of the arts is learned, and particular cultural settings.


At what age do children start learning the arts? in some cultures, they start ________. Contrast the photo with the violin with the photo of the community gathering. The violence inches from instruction. Teachers take the lead and showing students how to play the violin. The lower photo shows a more informal local scene in which children are learning about the arts as part of their overall enculturation. Many of the violin students are learning or it's because their parents want them to, rather than because they have an artistic temperament they are eager to express. In the United States, performance, often associated with schools, has a strong social, and usually competitive, component. Kids perform with their peers. In the process, they learn to compete, weather for first place finish in a sports event our first chair in the school orchestra or band.

entire country

Because Brazilian athletes are viewed as standings for the ________ _________, and because team sports are emphasized, the Brazilian media focus to exclusively on winning. Winning, of course, is also an American cultural value, particularly for team sports, as in Brazil. American football coaches are famous for comments like winning isn't everything; it's the only thing and show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser. However, and particularly for sports it is running, swimming, diving, gymnastics, and skating, which focus on the individual, and which American athletes usually do well, American culture also admire moral victories, personal bests, come back athletes, in Special Olympics and commend those who run good races without finishing first. An amateur in individual sports, American culture tells us that hard work and personal improvement can be as important as winning.

genetic basis

Because music is a cultural universal, and because musical abilities seem to run in families, it has been suggested that a predisposition for music may have a __________ _____________. Could a music gene that arose tense, or hundreds of thousands of years ago have conferred and evolutionary advantage on those early humans who possess it? The fact of music has existed in all knowncultures suggest that it arose early in human history. Providing direct evidence for music antiquity is an ancient carved bone flute from the cave in Slovenia. This "Divje babe flute" , The worlds oldest no musical instrument, dates back more than 43,000 years.

lindsey lohan

Celebrities who fall in this way almost always are men. Female celebrity scandals like _________ __________ typically feature media reports of a serial erratic and or unlawful behavior, changes in body image such as notable working or loss, and accusations of being out of control, followed by healing via some form of seclusion and/or rehabilitation. In the Luckiest cases, redemption leads to career rejuvenation.

standards expectations

Connection to a wider world, real or imagined, on or off line, is a way to move beyond local ___________ and _____________, even if the escape is only temporary and vicarious. David Ignatius describes the escapist value of 19 century English novels, his strong heroines pursuit for thought and personal freedom, rejecting the easy comfort and arrange marriages other class in a quest for something more. Despite, and or because of, their independent rebellious temperament, character such as Elizabeth Bennet and Jane Austen's pride and prejudice almost always found a happy ending. 19th century theaters found such heroin success deeply satisfying, because there were so few opportunities in real life the local community to see such behavior and choices

tech fields

Consider legaci, The Filipino American R&B boy band, that appeared on America's got talent in July 2014. The show presented them as amateurs despite their having served as back up singers for Justin Bieber, and their visibility as a musical act with several popular videos on YouTube. Spice girl Mel B, one of the four judges on America's got talent, began by asking the young man about their daily jobs. It turned out that all four members of legaci worked in __________ ___________, that's confirming the stereotype of Asian Americans as computer nerds and boring, as judge Howard stern put it. Only after the group finished performing was their musical talent recognize, and enthusiastically praise, although they did not advance on America's got talent. Although they have enjoyed Internet success, legaci has been unable to find their place in the main stream, or to support themselves and their music. The four young men still hold jobs outside of music industry.

opinions life choices

During our fieldwork and middle-class Michigantown Laura descartes and I found That parents elected media messages that supported and reinforce their own ___________ and ________ __________. Media images of work and family gave parents the chance to identify, or contrast and selves, with media figures. Town folk compared themselves with people in situations from the media as well as with people in their own lives. We also found, as in Brazil, that some people, traditionalist, or much more dismissive of, distrustful of, or hostile to the media than others were.

Sandra Trehub

Exploring the possible biological roots of music, _________ ______________ noted striking similarities in the way mothers worldwide same to their children, with a high pitch, a slow tempo, and a distinctive tone. All cultures have lullabies, which sounds so much like they cannot be mistaken for anything else. Trehub speculates that music might have been adaptive in humans evolution because musically talented mothers had an easier time calming their babies. calm babies who fell asleep easily and really made a fuss might've been more likely to survive adulthood. Their crimes would not attract predators; the other mothers would get more rest; they would be less likely to be miss treated. If the gene confirm musical ability appeared in early in human evolution, given a select of advantage, musical adults would Pass their genes to their children. Music is among the most social of the arts, because it typically unites people in groups, such as choirs, symphonies, ensembles, and bands. Could it be that early humans with a biological pension for music were able to live more effectively in social groups, another possible adaptive advantage?


Jokes like aesthetic judgments, depend on context anthropology's approach to the arts contrast with the traditional ______________ focus on fine arts, as an art history, great books, and classical music. Anthropology has extended the definition of cultured will be on the latest meeting of high art and culture. But anthropologist, everyone requires culture through acculturation. In academia today, growing acceptance of the anthropological definition of culture has helped broaden the study of humanities from fine art and elite art to folk and non-western arts, as well as to the creative expressions of popular culture. In many societies, myths, legends, folktales, and the art of storytelling play important roles in the transmission of culture. All traditions they preserve details of history and genealogy, as in many parts of west Africa. Storytelling in music may be combined for drama and emphasis, much as they are films in theater.


Many cultures like terms that can be translated easily as Art or the arts. Yet even without a word for art, people everywhere do associate and aesthetic experience, a sense of beauty, appreciation, harmony, and pleasure, which sounds, patterns, objects, events that have certain qualities. Among the Yorba of Nigeria, the word for Art, ___________, Encompasses the designs made an objects, the art objects themselves, and the profession of the creators of the works. For two Yorba Linda ages of leatherworkers, Otunisoma and Osiisona, the suffix -__________in their names denotes art.


Music with certain ___________ in rhythm patterns pleases some people to alienate others. In a study of Navajo music, McAlester found it reflected the overall culture of the time in three main ways. First, individualism was a key Navahoe cultural valueCultural value: it was up to the individual to decide what to do with his or her songs. Second, the Navajo saw for music as dangerous and rejected it. The second point is no longer true; they are now Navahoe rock bands. Third, a general stress on proper form apply to music. There was, in Najavo believe, right way to sing every kind of song.


On fall Saturdays, hordes of Americans travel to and from college football games. Smaller congregations meet in high school stadiums. Millions of Americans watch televised football. Indeed, nearly half of the adult population of the United States watches the Super Bowl, which attracts people of diverse ages, I think backgrounds, regions, religions, political parties, jobs, social statuses, levels of wealth, and genders. The popularity of football, particularly professional football, depends directly on the mass media. It's football, with its territorial incursion in hard-hitting, popular because Americans are especially violent people? Our football spectators by curiously realizing their own hostile and aggressive tendencies? The anthropologist W Arens has discounted this interpretation, arguing that of American football were particularly effective channel for expressing Aggression, it would've ___________ like soccer and baseball too many other countries, where people have as many aggressive tendencies and hostile feelings as Americans to. He concludes reasonably that the explanation for footballs popularity must lie elsewhere.


People learn to appreciate certain kinds of music and other art forms, just as they learn to hear and decipher foreign language. Unlike London and New Yorkers, Parisian don't flock to ____________. Despite its multiple French origins, even the musical les mis, a huge hit to London, New York, and dozens of cities worldwide, bombed in Paris. Humor, too, as a form of verbal art, depends on cultural background and setting. What's funny in one culture may not translate is funny and another. And a joke doesn't work, and American they say well you had to be there at that time.

social connectivity

Research in the United States provide additional evidence that social media enhances __________ ___________ rather than as the most feared isolating people in trunk getting their social relationships. Their survey research, the pew research Center's ongoing Internet in American life project has investigated how to use of social media is related to trust, social support, and political engagement. An estimated 87% of American adults aged 18 and over or online. 4/5 81% of them had a social media profile in 2017, 5% more than in previous years. Facebook was dominant, attracting 78% of online Americans, compared with 48% for YouTube, 34% for Twitter, 29% for a Instagram, 27% for Pinterest, and 20% for Google plus.

Eileen Regullano

Researcher _________ ___________concludes the Asian American musicians have used YouTube democracy sized platform to create a significant new media presence. What will it take, one wonders to prepare these towns from the Internet into the main stream? Or perhaps we should ask a different question: has the Internet itself become or is it does seem to become, the popular culture main stream? Lilly Singh May not be Beyoncé, Shakira, or Taylor Swift, but, by earning 10.5 million annually as an Internet star, she's little need for any other day job.

artistic ordinary

Some of the issues raised in the discussion of religion also apply to the arts. Definitions of both art and religion mentioned the more than ordinary or the extraordinary. Religious scholars may distinguish between the secret, religious, and the profane, secular. Similarly, art scholars may distinguish between the _________ and __________.

individual artist

Sometimes, even in Western societies, Little is known and recognized about the ___________ _________ responsible for and during artwork. We are more likely, for example, to know the name of the recording artist than that of the writer of familiar songs. Sometimes we fail to acknowledge art individually because the artwork was created collectively.


That which is aesthetically pleasing is perceived by the ___________. Usually, when we think of art, we have in mind some thing that can be seen or heard. But others might be a fine art more broadly to include things that can be smelled, sense, fragrances, tasted such as recipes, or touched like clothes textures. How in during must RP? Architecture, visual works, and written compositions, including music, may last for centuries. Can I single note were the event, such as a piece, which is not the least eternal except a memory, be a work of art? How about a single culinary creation, such as an elaborate wedding cake, or even a pizza? An individual performance, whether in a theater or at a sporting event, can be called a thing of beauty. Nowadays, such performances often are captured on film; otherwise, they would be ephemeral as a feast fit for a king.


The mainstream musical ____________ of Asian Americans is particularly striking we consider the important role the Asia plays an international musical entertainment. And India's Bollywood for example has a huge presence within global popular culture. South Korea is thriving pop music industry Spohn the first YouTube video to reach 1 billion views in 2012, gang man style, performed by South Korean musician psy. Almost exactly 5 years after its release, gang man style was finally surpassed as YouTube's most watched video bye see you again by American rapper Wiz Khalifa, featuring Singer songwriter Charlie Puth. As of this writing, Gangnam Style has just over 3 billion views, compared with 3.3 billion for see you again.

asian American

The panethnic term __________ ____________ lumped together individuals with varied regional and national backgrounds, east Asian, and south Asian. The concept of _________ ____________ emerged during the 1960s and 1970s. This pan ethnic term from it's a sense of common identity and interest among people with diverse national backgrounds. In the United States, several stereotypes have developed about __________ ____________, from the heart driving, achievement oriented tiger mom and her successful offspring, to the text savvy computer nerd. The fields in which _________ ____________ are assume to, and often do, Excel tend to be professional and technical, rather than, say in sports and entertainment. Our focus here is on a particular group of ____________ __________ who have chosen to work outside the stereotype: __________ ________________performers, especially musicians.

temporary or permanent

The settings of rights and ceremonies, and of art, may be___________ or _____________. States ascites have permanent religious structures: churches and temples. So, too, my state societies have buildings and structures dedicated to the arts. Non-state society's tent elect such permanently demarcated settings. Both art and religion or more, out there, in society. Still, and bands and tribes, religious settings can be created without churches. Similarly, and artistic atmosphere can be created without museums. At particular times of the year, ordinary space can be set aside for a visual art display or musical performance. Such special occasions parallel the time set aside for religious ceremonies. In fact, and tribal performances, the arts and religion often mix. For example, masks and costumes performers May imitate spirits. Rights of passage often feature special music, dance, song, but lay dormant, and other manifestations of expressive culture.


The word __________is a plural of opus, Which means work. For the artist, at least, art is work, I'll be albeit creative work. And nonstate societies, artists have to hunt, gather, hurt, fish, or farm in order to eat, but they still manage to find time to work on their art. In-state societies, artists are more typically specialists, professionals who have chosen careers as artists, musicians, writers, or actors. If they manage to support themselves from their art, they may be full-time professionals. If not, they do their art part time while earning a living from another activity. Sometimes artists associate and professional groups, such as medieval girls or contemporary unions. Actors equity in New York, a labor union, is a modern guild, designed to protect the interest of its artist members.


Western culture tends to _____________ art of something apart from every day life. This reflects a more general modern separation of institutions like government in the economy from the rest of society. All these fields are treated as distinct domains, with their own personnel and academic specialist. And almost in societies, however, the production and appreciation of art are part of every day life, just as popular culture is in our own society.


What social mechanisms were behind these correlations? Family planning opportunities including _____________are greater in Brazil than they ever used to be. However, experience in Africa, Asia, and Latin America has shown that mirror access to __________ is not ensure family planning. Rather, popular demand for ______________must be created. Often, as an India this is done through social marketing, including planned multi media campaigns. In Brazil, however, there's the middle direct use a TV to get people to limit their offspring. How then has television influence Brazilians to plan smaller families? The families Brazilian see on TV to have fewer children than traditional small town Brazilians do.

public singing

__________ ____________ was traditional in many other contexts among prewar Bosnian Muslim. After a day of cutting hay on mountain slopes, parties of village men would congregate at a specific place on the trail about the village. They formed lines according to their singing ability, with the best singers in front of the less talented ones behind. They proceeded to stroll down to the village together, singing as they went, until they reached the village center, where they dispersed. According to Lockwood, whenever an activity brought together a group of parents are young man, usually would end with public singing. Inspiration for parts of snow White and Shrek, the movies, can be traced back to such customs of European countryside.

ceremonial atmosphere

among the tribes of the North Pacific coast of North America, various art forms combine to create a _________ ___________. Mask and costume dancers reenacted spirit encounters with human beings, which are part of the origin myths of villages, clans, and lineages. Sometimes, dancers devised intricate patterns of choreography. There a steam was measured by the number of people who followed them when they dance. Non-western art is often, but wrongly, assumed to have an inevitable connection to ritual. In fact, non-western societies have art for art sake, just as Western societies do. Even when acting in the service of religion, there is room for individual creative expression. In the oral arts, for example, the audience is much more interested in a delivery and performance of the artist then in the particular God for him to perform or maybe speaking.


in many societies, art isn't viewed as a ___________, special activity. But this doesn't stop individuals from being moved by sounds, patterns, objects, and events in a way that we would call aesthetic. Our own society provides a fairly well defined role for the connoisseur of the arts. We also have sanctuaries, concert halls, theaters, and we museums, we're people go to appreciate performances, representations, objects, and displays.

Anthony Weiner

serial Sexer and former congressman _________ ____________has gone through the process more than once. His first fall from grace led to his resignationFrom the US Congress. His second round of in fractions derail his Canada see for mayor of New York City. Initially perceived as appropriately repentant and reformed, wiener size reputation sink again as media reports revealed more recent and post repentance Sexting episodes. As of this writing, _____________ has been serving a 21 month prison sentence for sending sexually explicit pictures and messages to a 15-year-old girl. He was Sexting several women at the same time he contacted a teenager.


According to professor Michael Davis, the collage is shocking because it deliberately provokes and intends to jolt viewers into an expanded frame of reference. The mayors restrictions may have been based on the narrow definition that art must be beautiful and equally limited stereotype of a Virgin Mary as depicted in Italian Renaissance paintings. Today, no museum director can mount an exhibit without worrying that it will ___________ some politically organized segment of society. in the United States there's been an ongoing battle between liberals and conservatives involving the national endowment for the arts. I just have been criticized as being aloof from society, as creating only for themselves and for leads, as being out of touch with conventional and traditional aesthetic values, and even is mocking the values of ordinary people

is rare

According to the text, Brazilians value winning so much because it

cultural universal

All cultures have lullabies. What is the term anthropologists use for such a trait found in all cultures?

anything is possible

American culture, supposedly so practical and realistic, has remarkable faith in the possibility of coming from behind. These values are those of achievement oriented society where ideally __________ is ____________compared with an ascribd status society in which it's over before it's begun. In American sports coverage, other dogs and unexpected results, virtually ignored by the Brazilian media, provide some of the brightest moments. Brazilian culture has little interest in the unexpected.Athletes internalize these values. Brazilians assume that if you go into an event with the top seat time, as Ricardo Prado did, You've got a chance to win a medal. Prado second place finish made perfect sense back home, because his former world record has been better before the race began. Given the overwhelming value American culture places on work, inviting surprising that our media devote so much attention to unforeseen results and so little to the years of training, preparation, and competition that underlie Olympic performance.


Americans are so accustomed to being told their culture over emphasizes winning that they may find it hard to believe other cultures value it even more. __________certainly does. Brazilan sports enthusiast are preoccupied with world records, probably because only a win as a stocker or a best time as in swimming can make Brazil indisputably, even if temporarily, the best in the world at some thing. Produce former world record in the 400 IM was mentioned constantly in the press prior to his Olympic swim. Such a best time standard also provides Brazilians with a steady basis to fall a swimmer or runner for not going fast enough, when here she doesn't make previous times. What am I predict, accurately, that sports with more subjective standards would not be very popular in Brazil. Brazilians like to assign blame to athletes who fail them, and negative comments about Jim Ness or divers are more difficult, because grace and execution can't be quantified as easily as time can. Brazilians, I think, value winning so much because it is rare. In the United States, resources are more abundant, chances to achieve more numerous, and poverty less pervasive. American society has room for many winners. Resilient society is more stratified; together the middle class and the small group at the top comprise just about half of the national population. Brazilian sports echo lessons from the larger society: victories are scars and usually reserved for the privilege few.

media establishment

Americans interest in sports has been honed over the years by an ever-growing _________ ____________, which provides a steady stream of games, matches, playoffs, championships, and analyses.Cable and satellite TV offer almost constant sports coverage, including packages for every major sport in season. The Super Bowl is a national event. The Olympic games received extensive coverage and attract significant audiences. Brazilian television, by contrast, traditionally has offered less sports coverage, with no nationally televised annual event comparable to the Super Bowl. The world soccer club, held every four years, is the only sports event that consistently draws huge national audiences. In international competition, a win by a Brazilian team or the occasional nationally known individual athlete is felt to bring respect to the entire nation, but the Brazilian media are strikingly intolerant of losers. We are now legendary swimmer Ricardo Prado swim for his silver metal in the finals of the 400 individual medley, during prime time on national TV in 1984, one news magazine observed that it was as though he was the country with a swimsuit on, jumping in the pool and a collective search for success. Produce on feelings confirm the magazine observation, when I was on the stand, I thought of just one thing: what are they think of the result in Brazil? After beating his old world record by 1.33 seconds, and a second place finish, Prado told a fellow team member I think I did everything right. I feel like a winner, but will they think I'm a loser in Brazil?

potential critics

An interesting feature of contemporary society that we all become _________ ___________. Through the Internet, ordinary individuals are able to express their opinions about a huge variety of topics, including arts, media, and sports. Websites that provide information about movies, for example, now include fevers his comments and reviews, as well as those of professional critics. Criticism is no longer reserved for Alise, whose opinions may vary significantly from those of ordinary people or viewers like you. A common American expression is that's just your opinion, suggesting that anyone's opinion is valid as anyone else's. The internet provides an open forum in which to air such opinions by anyone savvy enough to post online.

social cement

Another role of the media is to provide __________ ___________, basis for sharing, as families or friends watch favorite programs, play Jeopardy, or attend events together. The media also can provide common ground for much larger groups, nationally and internationally. Brazilian and French audiences can be just as excited, at the same moment but with radically different emotions, by a soccer goal scored in the World Cup match. And they can remember the same winning goal for decades. The common information and knowledge that people acquire through exposure to the same media illustrate culture in the anthropological sense.

It features teamwork based on division of labor, which is a key aspect of American life.

Anthropologist W. Arens believes football is popular in the United States for which of the following reasons?


Any media born image or message can be analyzed in terms of its nature, including at symbolism, and it's effects. It also can be analyzed as a____________, something that can be received, process, interpreted, and potentially appreciated by anyone exposed to it. since a __________ doesn't have to be written; the term can refer to a film, and image, or an event. Readers, users of the __________, make their own interpretations and derive their own feelings from it. Raiders of media messages constantly produce their own meetings.

blombos cave

Around 100,000 years ago, some of the worlds first artist occupied ________ ________,Located on the cliff face in the Indian ocean at the tip of what is now South Africa. They hunted game and eat fish from the water is below them. In terms of body and brain size, these ancient African anatomically modern humans. They also returning animal bones into finally worked tools and weapons points. Furthermore, they were ingraving artifacts with symbolic marks, manifestations of abstract in creative thought. Most impressive burn tools or three sharp instruments. The bone appears first to have been shaped with a stone blade, then finished into a symmetrical shape and polished for hours. These ancient cave dwellers also processed red Ocher, presumably for body painting.


Art can lead to an intense emotional release in the audience, called

sports coverage

As one example, consider the evolution of ________ ________. From 1961 to 1998, ABC offered a weekly sports Anthology titled wide world of sports. On a given Saturday afternoon, Americans might see bowling, track and field, skating, college wrestling, gymnastics, crawling, swimming, diving, or another of many sports. It was like having a mini Olympics running throughout the year. Today, dozens of specialized, often pay for view, sports channels cater to every taste. Including major league baseball, the national football league, golf, and international soccer. Think of how the choice is now available through cable and satellite, websites, smart phones, tablets, Netflix, Dibiase, and the remote control. Target audiences have access to a multiplicity of channels, featuring all kinds of music, sports, games, news, comedy, science, fiction, soaps, movies, cartoons, or TV sitcom's, programs in Spanish and various other languages, nature shows, travel shows, adventure shows, history, biographies, and home shopping. News channels for example Fox News or MSNBC, even cater to particular political interest.

portable art carved from stone, bone, and ivory, including whistles and flutes

Besides cave paintings, what other kinds of Upper Paleolithic art have been discovered in Europe?


Brazilians plays more responsibility on the____________. Less is attributed to factors beyond human control. When individuals who should I performed well don't do so, they are blamed for their failures. It is, however, culturally appropriate in Brazil to use poor health as an excuse for losing. The American media, by contrast, talk much more about the injuries and illnesses of the victors and those of the losers. s

complete fully realized

For familiar genres, such as painting or music, societies tend to have standards by which they judge whether in our work is __________ or ________ ___________. Most people without, for instance, that an all white painting which could be a work of art. Prevailing standards may pose obstacles town or the dogs or renegade artist and, thus, to innovation. But like the impressionists, such artist may eventually succeed. Some societies kind of reward conformity, and artist skill with traditional models and techniques. Others encourage breaks with the past, innovation. Standards may be maintained in formally in society, or by specialist, such as art critics

marriage trade

For generations, anthropologist have stressed the linking social functions alliance creation of such ages old institutions as __________ and ____________. Today's world offers new ways to connect socially, Aaron Sorkin chose them social network as a title for his movie about the founding of Facebook, which is precisely that, a social networking site, where people go to get linked in cyberspace. Modern media allow local people access to connections that provide contact, information, entertainment, and potential social validation.

arts expressive culture

For most of us, the media, which include print, radio, TV, digital media, the Internet, and everything they convey, provide access to a wide world of performance and storytelling as well as information. We rely on the media for much of our access the sports and various arts. The ___________ include music, performance arts, visual arts, storytelling, and literature, oral and written, poetry, and pros. These manifestations of human creativity sometimes are called __________ __________. People express themselves and dance, music, song, painting, sculpture, pottery, cloth, storytelling, verse, Prose, Drama, and comedy. When we watch Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, and even SpongeBob, we are experiencing visual, performance storytelling, usually enhance by music. The efforts and competitions that comprise sports are not just played; they are also staged, managed, and performed.

audience reacts

How does our communicate? We need to know what the artist intends to communicate and how the _________ _____________.Often, the audience communicates right back to the artist. Like performers, for instance, get immediate feedback, as a writers and directors by doing a performance of their own work. Contemporary artists, like business people, are well aware that they have target audiences. Certain segments of the population are more likely to appreciate certain forms of art then are other segments.

Jacques Maquet

If we adopt a special attitude or demeanor when confronting a secret object, do we display something similar when experiencing a work of art? According to the anthropologist _________ __________, An artwork is something that stimulates and sustains contemplation. It compels attention and reflection. Guernica, Although I'm beautiful, certainly made these criteria. ____________ stresses the importance of the objects form and producing such contemplation. But other scholars stress feeling and meeting in addition to form. The experience of art involves feelings, such as being moved, as well as appreciation of form, such as balance or harmony.


Imagine a TV series attracting over 50% of the nations viewers. That has happened repeatedly in Brazil as a popular _____________draws to a close. ____________ are prime time serial mellow dramas that run for about 150 episodes. It happened in the United States in 1953, 72% of all sets were turned to I love Lucy as Lucy Ricardo went to the hospital to give birth to little Ricky. It happened even more impressively in 1956, 183% of all sets tuned to the Ed Sullivan show to watch Elvis Presley's TV debut. A single broadcasts largest audience share in more recent years occurred in 1983, 106 million viewers, representing an audience share of 77%, watch the final episode of mash.

individual fortune

In Brazil, by contrast, identity rests not so much on doing as in being, on what one is from the start, a strand and a web of personal connections, originating and social class and extended family. Social position and network membership contribute substantially to _________ ___________, and also show life as higher article. High status Brazilians don't stand patiently in line as Americans do. Important people expect their business to be attended to immediately, and social inferior is readily healed. A high status Brazilian is likely to say do you know who you're talking to? As an American is to say who do you think you are? Reflecting a more democratic and egalitarian value system. In sports reporting and commentary, American media typically focus On some aspect of doing, some special personal triumph of achievement. Often, this involves the athletes struggle with adversity, illness, injury, pain, or the death of a parent sibling friend or Coach.


In Europe, or goes back more than __________years. Cave paintings, the best not examples of upper Paleolithic art, we're done and true caves, located deep in the bowels of the earth. They may have been painted as part of some kind of right of passage involving retreat in society. Portable art objects Carved in stone, bone, ivory, along with musical whistles and fluids, also confirm artistic expression throughout upper Paleolithic. The upper Paleolithic cave paintings are unusual because in accessibility. Are usually more public. Typically, it is exhibitEd, Evaluated, performed, and appreciated in society. It has spectators or audiences. It isn't just for the artist or the gods.


In __________, A Muslim village in prewar Bosnia, Yvonne Lockwood studied folk song, which could be heard they are day or night. The most active singers were unmarried females age 16 to 26, Maidens. The social transition from girl to maiden, marriageable female, with signal by an active participation in public song and dance. Adolescent girls were urged to sing along with women and performing maintenance. This was part of a right of passage by which a little girl(dite) became a maiden (cura). Marriage, in contrast, moved most women from the public to the private sphere; public singing generally stopped. Married women saying in their own homes for among other women. Only occasionally would they join made into public song. After age 50, wife said to stop singing together, even in private. Women, singing the scene of a series of transitions between age grades: girl to maiden, public singing, made into wife, private singing, and white elder, no more singing.


In _____________, Attendance of the Brazil, anthropologist Alberto Costa found that women and young adults of both sexes were particularly attracted to Telenovela's, melodramatic nightly programs often compared to American soap operas, usually featuring sophisticated urban settings. Women and young men use the socially more liberal content of Telenovela's to challenge conservative local norms. In Brazil, elites, intellectuals, educators, the clergy, and older men have tended to be more suspicious and dismissive of mass media that are less powerful people. Often, these groups for media messages is threatening or subverting their traditional authority as guardians of power or cultural capital.

people's ideas about proper family size are influenced as they see, day after day, nuclear families smaller than the traditional ones in their town.

In a study assessing the effects of television on family in Brazil, researchers found that

tiger woods

In sports, the most celebrated schedule in recent years features _________ ____________ as it central figure. The fall from grace began late in 2009, with meeting reports of his post Thanksgiving, post midnight car crash into a fire hydrant and his former wife's use of a golf club to shatter A window in his vehicle. Preceding a crash, a tabloid story had accuse the golfer of an extra marital tryst.A media frenzy builds up after the crash, as additional extramarital affair's report it. His father was particularly steep, because the Gopher have been so successful and admired, because he had managed and it's so carefully and effectively. The golfers transgression and suing public amelioration and trial by media were followed by the inevitable apology and period of atonement although his marriage did not survive, leading towards gradual re-integration into the world of golf. Although he return to competition in late 2017, ________ _________ is no longer the untarnished Alpha golf champion of yesteryear. His welcome Grace, for now at least, seems to have run its course.

contemporary society

In state societies, we have come to rely on critics, judges, and experts to tell us what's art my isn't. a Play titled Art is about conflict that arises among three friends and one of them buys an all white painting. They disagree, as people often do, about the definition and value of a work of art. Such variation and art appreciation is especially common in __________ ___________, with a professional artists and critics and great cultural diversity. We expect more uniform standards in agreement and less diverse, less stratified societies.

American culture emphasizes achieved status, and Brazilian culture emphasizes ascribed status.

In terms of sports, which of the following best explains why Brazil emphasizes winning to represent the nation and the United States emphasizes individual wins?


It probably is assume that hard work is so obvious and fundamental that it goes without saying. Or perhaps asSumption is that by the time athletes actually enter Olympic competition all are so similar the American value the quality the only mysterious and chance factors can explain variable success. The American focus on the _____________ applies to losses as well as wins. Such concepts as a chance, faith, mystery, and uncertainty Arbutus legitimate reasons for defeat. Runners and skaters fall;Ligament tear, a gymnast inexplicably falls off The pommel horse.


Just how much work is needed to make a work of art? In the early days of French impressionism, many experts to be the paintings of Claude Monette and his colleagues is too sketchy and spontaneous to be true art. Establish artists and critics were custom to more formal and classic studio styles. The French impressionists got their name from their sketches, ____________ in French, of natural and social settings. they took advantage of technological innovations, particularly the availability of oil paints and tubes, to take the pallets, easels, and canvases into the field. They are then made as pictures of changing light and color that hang today in so many museums, or they are not fully recognizes art. Became an officially recognize school of art, it's critics perceive such works as crude and unfinished.

collective production

Just some extent, there is more __________ ___________ of art in in Western societies. In a travel setting, an artist usually gets more feedback during the creative process then is the case in our own society. In Western societies, the feedback often comes too late, after the product is complete, rather than during production, when it can still be changed. During this field workmen Nigeria's Tiv people, Pohl Bohannon found only a few skilled artists, and those individuals preferred to work in private. Mediocre artists, however, typically worked in public, where they routinely got comments from onlookers, critics. Based on suggestions, an artist might change the design, such as a carving, in progress. the tiv did not recognize the same kind of connection between individuals and their art that we do


Many works of European art were done in the service of ______. For example, Michelangelo painted the fresco "The Creation of Adam."

social people

Most of those online Brazilians use Facebook, available free of charge and Brazilian smart phone since 2010. Brazil ranked third in the world and number of Facebook users after India in the United States. Off-line, Brazilians are inherently _________ ___________ and they seem to be transferring that sociability to the online world. As the United States, social media reinforce family connections will also establishing and maintaining contact in a wider world of non-relatives.


Music, performance arts, visual arts, and storytelling and literature are known by what term?

segmented cultures

One notable development in the United States over the past few decades has been a shift from mass culture to ________ ___________. And increasingly differentiated nation recognizes and caters to diversity. The mass media and marketing join, and intensify, this trend, measuring and addressing various demographics. Products of messages are endless at the masses then at particular segments, target audiences.


People assume that social position and network membership contribute more to success in which country?

products lifestyles

Peoples ideas about proper family size are influenced as they see it, day after day, nuclear families smaller than the traditional ones in their town. Furthermore, the aim of commercial television is to sell ___________ and ___________. Brazilian TV families routinely are shown enjoying consumer goods and lives of leisure, to which he was going to expire. Telenovela's may convey the idea that yours can achieve such lifestyles by emulating the apparent family planning of TV characters. The effect of Brazilian television and family planning seems to be a corollary of a more general, TV influence shipped from traditional toward a more liberal social attitudes. Anthropologist Jeanette does further fieldwork in Brazil has demonstrated how TV exposure actually works influence reproductive choice and family planning.


Prado contrasted the situations of Brazilian and __________ athletes. The United States has so many world class athletes that no single one has a summarize the countries hopes. Fortunately, Brazil did seem to value Prado's performance, which was responsible for Brazils best resort ever an Olympic swimming. Labeling proud of the man of silver, the median never tired of characterizing his main event, the 400 IM, in which he wants it held the world record, as the most challenging event and swimming. However, the kind words for Ricardo Prado did not extend to the rest of the Brazilian team. The press lamented their succession of failures.


Sigmund attended a play and was so emotionally affected by the performance that he cried. Sigmund experienced

prelos prelo prelos prelos

Singing and dancing are common at Bosnian __________,Attended by males and females. In planinica, the Serbs-Croatian word ____________ , Usually defined as spinning be, then any occasion for visiting. ____________ we're especially common in winter. During the summer, villages works long hours, and ____________ were few. The prelo offered a context for play, relaxation, song, and dance. All gatherings of maidens, especially pre-lives, where occasions for song. Married women encourage them to sing, often suggesting specific songs. If males were also present, a singing dual might occur, and which meetings and young men teased each other. a successful ___________ was well attended, with much singing and dancing.

religious attitude

Such an artistic attitude can be combined with and used to bolster a ________ ___________. Many of the high points of the western art and music had a religious inspiration, or were done in the service of religion, as a visit to a church or large museum will surely illustrate. Back and handle are as well known for the church music as Michelangelo is for his religious painting and sculpture. The buildings, churches and cathedrals, and which religious music is played and in which visual artist displayed may themselves be works of art. Some of the major architectural achievements of western art or religious structures.


The "typical" nuclear family portrayed on Brazilian television is usually _____ than the ones Brazilians see in their towns.


The Kalabari do have standards for the carvings, but those standards are not aesthetic; ___________ is not a goal. What is required is that a sculpture must be sufficiently complete to represent in spirit, and carvers my space to work on past models. Each spirit has a known image associated with it, and it's risky to deviate too much from that image. Offended spirits may retaliate. As long as they observe the standards of completeness and establish images, covers are free to express themselves. But these images are considered repulsive rather than beautiful


The Upper Paleolithic cave paintings are unusual because of their

Tiv western societies

The ____________example notwithstanding, there are well-known individual artists in many non-western societies. They are recognized as such by other community members, and perhaps by outsiders as well. Their artistic labor may even be conscripted for several displays and performances, including ceremonies, or Palace arts and events. In __________ ___________, focus on the individual artist is common, even in collective displays and performances, where, for example, a conductor may be as well, or better, known then the orchestra. Haapala argues that an artist and his or her works become inseparable: by creating works of art a person creates and I Danity from self. He creates himself quite literally into the pieces he puts into his heart. He exists in the works he has created. And this view, Picasso creative Money Picasso's, and he continues to exist in and through those works, as the William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Merrill Street.


The art, music, and lore of ordinary people, as contrasted with the "high" art, or "classic" cultural forms associated with European elites, is known as


The arts go on __________, although certain art forms, such as the upper Paleolithic cave paintings has arrived from the distant past. Monumental architecture, along with sculpture, ornamental pottery, and written music, literature, and drama, have survived from early civilizations. Classic Greek theater is still red and college courses and performed on stage is from Athens to New York. In today's world, the dramatic arts are part of a huge arts and leisure industry encompassing arts meeting in sports, which links western western art forms in a global network that has both aesthetic and commercial dimensions. Non-western musical traditions and instruments have joined this network. Folk musicians routinely perform for outsiders, including tourist who increasingly is it the villages. And travel instruments such as native Australian didgeridoo A very long wooden wind instrument, are now exported worldwide. At least one shop in Amsterdam, Netherlands, sells this instrument. Stores in any world capital Hawk traditional arts, including musical instruments, from dozens of non-western countries.

art by destination

The boundary between what art and what's not isn't always sharp. The American artist Andy Warhol is known for transforming Campbell Soup cans, Brillo pads, images of Marilyn Monroe into art. Many recent artists, have tried to erase the distinction between art and ordinary life by converting the every day into a work of art. Objects never intended as art, such as an Olivetti typewriter, maybe transformed into art by being placed in museum, such as New York Museum of modern Art. Jacques Maquet distinguishes such art by transformation from art created and intended to be art, which she calls ____________ by ___________.


The comparative study of the musics of the world and of music as an aspect of culture and society is known as

media tourism

The creative products of images in folk, rural, and nonwestern cultures are increasingly spread, and commercialized, by the _________ and ____________. As a result is that many Westerners have come to think of culture in terms of colorful customs, music, dancing, and adornments: clothing, jewelry, and hairstyles. A bias towards the arts and religion, rather than more Monday and economic and social aspects of culture, shows up on TVs discovery channel, even in many anthropological films. Many "the film start off with music, often drumbeats: longer Bungo Bungo Bungo. Here or whatever societies being depicted, the people are very religious. That's the artist he's are always link to the legion. On Western people spend much of the timeline colorful clothes, singing, dancing,I'm practicing religion. Take me to the stream, such images per tray culture as recreational ultimately not serious, rather than something that ordinary people live every day of their lives not just when they have festivals.

breech public reaction atonement reintegration

The expression on the bigger they are the harder they fall applies easily to American celebrities who become so though the media exposure, ranging from sports and entertainment figures to politicians. Increasingly familiar tall Americans is the downside of fame, the celebrity schedule and it stages. The media driven celebrity scandal, whether in politics, entertainment, or sports, can be analyzed as a social drama with four known stages: ____________, ________ _________, ___________, and ___________.

ascribed status

The featured athlete is present it as not only successful but noble and self-sacrificing as well. Given the resilient focus on _________ _________, the guiding assumption is that one cannot do more than what one is. One year the Brazilian Olympic committee sent no female swimmers to the Summer Olympics, because none had made arbitrarily establish cut off times. Does excluded a South American record holder, while swimmers with slower times were attending from other countries. No one seem to imagine that Olympic excitement might spur swimmers to extraordinary efforts.


The qualities perceived in works of art in relation to the sense of beauty are known by which term?


The world's oldest known musical instrument (43,000 years) was found in a cave in


This chapter will not attempt to provide a systematic survey of all the arts. Rather, the general approach will be to examine topics and issues that apply to expressive culture and performances generally. The term____________ will be used to encompass all the arts, including print and film narratives. In other words, the observations to be made about art or intended to apply to music, theater, film, television, books, stories, and Laura, as well as the painting and sculpture. Expressive culture also encompasses such creative forms as jokes, storytelling, dance, children's play, sports, games, and festivals. Anthropologist have written about all these.


To what extent should art serve society? art can be subconsciously _____________l. It can be used to either express or challenge community sentiment and standards. Decisions about what counts as a work of art, or about how to display art, may be political and controversial. Museums have to balance concern over community standards with a wish to be as creative and innovative as the artist and works the display.

work organization transportation communication

Today's mass culture, or popular culture, features cultural forms that have appeared and spread rapidly because of major changes in the material conditions of contemporary life, particularly ________ ___________, _____________, and ______________, including the media. Sports, movies, TV shows, video games, digital media, parks, and fast food restaurants have become powerful elements of national and international culture. They offer a framework of common expectations, experiences, and behavior overriding differences in religion, class, formal religious affiliation, political sentiment, gender, ethnic group, and place of residence.

male transgressor

Traditionally, celebrity sex scandals have focused on the infidelity of the _________ __________, rather than on how his behavior affected the woman he may have prayed on. That book is changed in 2017, with multiple women, including prominent female actors, brought detail charges of sexual assault against the movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein. in the #MeToMovement that followed, women turned in master social media to assert that they, too, have been the targets of predatory males, the accusations against Weinstein resume followed by sexual harassment charges against other prominent media figures, including comedian Louis CK and formal venerable TV personalities Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer. Politicians, too, works those. The Senate Canada C of Alabama Judge Roy Moore was derailed by reports that he had prayed on or molested teenage girls, including a 14-year-old when he was in his 30s. I'll Franken resigned his US state Senate seat after several women accuse him of inappropriate touching your kissing. As 2017 ended in 2018 again, each week seem to reveal another prominent meal suspect, usually an entertainer and politics. And his resignation speech, Senator Frank and commented on the irony of his LivingWell a man who is brag on tape about his history of sexual salt sit in the loft us. Referring of course the president Donald Trump who continue to deny us miss multiple charges against him or veal during and after the 2016 presidential campaign


True or false: According to a Pew study, social networking site users are more antisocial and reclusive than nonusers.

culture influence culture

We now turn to the cultural context of sports in the cultural values expressed in them. We can recognize links among sports, media, and the arts. Like many artists and media personalities, sports figures are performers, with some celebrity status, who must be a cultural expectations and standards regarding performance and conduct. Because so much of what we know about sports comes from the media, a discussion of sports inevitably provides for the illustration of the pervasive role of mass media and contemporary life. The section Mainly describes how sports in the media reflect ____________. Sports in the media also ________ __________, as we saw in the discussion of how Brazilian television modify social attitudes and family planning. Is it surprise you that the influence of media and sports and culture and vice versa a reciprocal?

never met

What kind of relationships has Facebook support and reinforce? In this order, once Facebook friends are likely to be a high school friend, an extended family member, a coworker, a college friend, and immediate family member, a member of once club a group, and finally, a neighbor. Only 7% of Facebook friends or people whom users have _________ __________ in person.

expressive culture

When people communicate or reveal aspects of themselves through music, song, sculpture, drama, painting, and such, they are engaging in


When people seek certain messages and can't easily find them in their home communities, they are likely to look somewhere else. The media, especially modern social media, offer instant access to a web of connections that can provide contact, information, entertainment, and potential social validation. In ___________, we found a greater use of all media is part of an external orientation, general wish for information, contacts, models, and support me on those that are locally and routinely available. For some of the parents especially mothers in our Michigan study, media offer to Welcome gateway to a wider world. Others, however, we're comfortable with, and even sought to enhance, their isolation, limiting both media exposure and the outside social contacts of themselves and their children.


Which culture is historically known for drama and theater?


Which of the following sports best symbolizes certain key aspects of the American culture such as teamwork?

-Social networking sites enhance social connectivity. -Those who use social networking sites tend to be more trusting and socially oriented.

Which of the following statements about social networking and sociability are true?


Which of the following traditional cultures is known for its sand paintings, jewelry, and weaving?

music, performance arts, visual arts, storytelling and literature (oral and written, poetry and prose)

Which phrase best describes the activities interpreted by cultural anthropologists as the arts?

There is an emphasis on individual wins in sports (personal bests) in the U.S. while the Brazilian emphasis is on winning to represent the nation.

Which statement best describes the cultural difference between Brazilians and Americans in assessing international sports success?

Artistic expression may or may not be associated with religion.

Which statement best describes the relationship between art and religion in non-Western societies?

cultural values social forces media

Why do countries excel at particular sports? Why do certain nations pilot dozens of Olympic medals, what others win only a handful? It isn't simply a matter of rich and poor, developed an under developed, or even governmental or other institutional support of promising athletes. It isn't even a question of a national who will win, for all those certain nation stress winning even more than Americans do, a cultural focus on winning doesn't necessarily lead to the desired result. ________ ________, ________ _________, and the__________ influence international sports success. We can see this by contrasting United States and Brazil, two countries with continental proportions in large, physically and ethnically diverse populations. although each is its continents major economic power, they are revealing contrast in Olympic success: in the 2016 Summer Olympics, held in Rio de Janeiro, the United States 121 medals, including 46 gold medals, compared with 19 and seven respectively, for Brazil, which even had a home-field advantage.


You are conducting fieldwork among a South American Indian community, the Suya Indians of Mato Grosso, Brazil. They devote a great deal of time and energy to making music, especially singing. Your purpose is to study why music is so important for the Suya, especially how singing in used in their initiation ceremonies. What type of research are you most likely doing?

manipulate control spirits

You should avoid applying our own standards to what art is to the products of other cultures. Sculptures are, right? Not necessarily. Previously, we challenge the view that non-western art always has some kind of connection to religion. The kalibari case to be discussed now makes the opposite point: that religious sculpture is not always art. The kalabari of southern Nigeria carved wooden sculptures for religious, rather than aesthetic reasons. They produce the sculpture is not as works of art, but to serve as houses for spirits. The sculptures will be placed in a cold house where the spirits can dwell in them. Kalabari sculptures are created to _____________ and ____________ _________.

Art as defined in a dictionary

__ is the quality, production, expression, or realm of what is beautiful or of more than ordinary significance.


______ culture is defined as manifestations of human creativity.

folk art

______ is the art, music, and lore of ordinary people.

internet use

__________ __________, which drives among the young, educated, and affluent in the United States and worldwide, is increasing in all countries, a trip, and levels of income and education. Nevertheless, I significant chunk of the populace remains cut off in the connectivity available online. The pew research Center, which has been saying the social impact of technology since 2000, estimates that, as of 2016, 3% of American adults did not use the Internet. This proportion is changed at all since 2013, despite government and other programs to encourage Internet use. Nonetheless, the number of Internet users in the United States have increased significantly since 2000, we nearly half 48% of American adults were off-line. Millions of Americans are made off-line because of their advanced age or limited educations. Among age groups, people over 65 are most likely to lack of connectivity. 1/3 of the off-liners claim to be on interested in using the Internet, to be unwilling to try, or to not need it. The remainder site various obstacles to going online, including affordability and availability.


______________ is the comparative study of the musics of the world and of music as an aspect of culture and society. The field of ethnomusicology does he lives music in anthropology. The music site involves the study and analysis of the music itself in the instruments used to create it. The anthropology side views music as a way to explore a culture, to determine the role that music plays in that society, and the specific social and cultural features that influence how music is created and performEd.

American life

arens contends that football is popular because it symbolizes certain key aspects of _________ __________. In particular, it features teamwork based on division of labor, which is a pervasive feature of contemporary life. Susan Montague and Robert Morais Take the step further. The link footballs values, particularly teamwork, to those associated with business. Like good organization men and women, the ideal players are diligent and dedicated to the team. Within corporations, however, decision making is complicated, and workers aren't always rewarded for the dedication and job performance. Decisions are simpler and words are more consistent and football, these anthropologist content, and this helps explain its popularity. Even if we can't figure out how Exxon mobile or Microsoft friends, anything can become an expert on football rules, teams, scores, statistics, and patterns of play. Even more important, football suggest that the value stress by business really do pay off. Teams whose members work the hardest, show the most spirit, and best of all up and coordinate their talents can be expected to win more often than other teams do.


art can transmit several kinds of ____________. It can be a moral lesson or tell a cautionary tale. I can teach lessons the artist, or society, wants told. like the rights to induce, then dispel, anxiety, the tension and resolution of drama can lead to catharsis, intense emotional release, in the audience. Art can move emotions, make us laugh, cry, feel upper down. Our appeals to the intellect as well as two emotions. I'm a delight in a well constructed, nicely balanced, well realize work of art.

artistic atmosphere

art may be created, performed, or displayed outdoors in public on special indoor settings. Justice churches demarcate religion, museums in theaters set art off from the ordinary world, making it special, while inviting spectators in. Buildings dedicated to the arts helped create the _________ ____________. Architecture may accentuate the setting as a place for works of art to be presented.


first, a _______________ of some sort, usually involving sex, becomes publicly known, and the media frenzy follows. After a period of public humiliation and ridicule, the celebrity issues a well publicized apology, ideally with an agreed love one close at hand. Various other acts of atonement are expected to follow, but they aren't always publicly known. The apology and atonement are excepted by the public, the schedule begins to fade. If there's no repeat transgression, the celebrity can find eventual redemption through rehabilitation, Reform, or lifestyle change. Americans of witness this process several times in recent years, most often with politicians. Former South Carolina governor and our South Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford famously claimed a fictitious hike on the Appalachian Trail to conceal a visit to Buenos Aires and his Argentine Lover💋.


much art that is valued today was received with ___________ in its own time. Children were prohibited from seeing Paintings by Matisse, Braque, and Picasso in those works for us were displayed in New York in the armory show of 1913. Almost a century later, the city of New York and then mayor Rudolph Giuliani took the Brooklyn Museum to court over there it's 1999 to2000 sensation exhibit. After religious groups protested Chris Ofili'sHoly virgin Mary, a collage that included elephant down, Giovanni Dean to work sacrilegious. In a court trial, art advocates spoke out against the mayor's actions. The museum won the case, but Ofili's work again came under attack when a man smuggled paint inside the Brooklyn exhibition and try to sneak it on the virgin.

systems resources

of the four towns in our study with the longest exposure to television, the average woman had a TV set in her home for 15 years and had 2.3 pregnancies. And the three communities were TV had a ride most recently, the average woman had a Home set for four years and have had five pregnancies. Thus, length of side exposure was a useful predictor of reproductive histories. Of course, television exposure at a site is an aspect of that sites increasing overall access to external __________ and ____________, which usually include improved methods of contraception. But the impact of longer home TV exposure showed up not only when we compared sites but also with insights, within age cohorts, and among individual women in our total sample.

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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