Anthropology Final Exam Study Guide

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Maria Reiche

"The Nazca Lines" -12 ft-900 ft in length - "The Lady of the Lines" --a German mathematician, died 1998, age 95 --in 1946, with broom and a rake, revealed to the world the Nazca line dimensions

Transformation Masks

"Tsetsequ"- transforming mask -double meanings -trickery/deceit -deep things obsured by surface apperances Transformation Ritual -Hamatsa Society & Cannibal Women -Secret Society: limited to men -Hamatsa Initiation ---novice kidnapped Dzoonokwa: "Cannibal Woman of the Forest" -eats children -encourages war -stops the fishing... - but also, can give water of life Characteristics: Pursed Lips transformaiton by cannibal spirit -wild-man-eater -capture and taming


"Tsetsequ"- transforming mask -double meanings -trickery/deceit -deep things obsured by surface apperances Transformation Ritual -Hamatsa Society & Cannibal Women -Secret Society: limited to men -Hamatsa Initiation ---novice kidnapped The Hamatsa red cedar head piece and neck ring -initiated Hamatsas have the right to wear these at future ceremonies

Decapitator God

- "The Decapitator" god ---fangs and walked with knife - Temple of the Moon (Huaca de la Luna)- religious power -human sacrifice -considered a semi-god --- "The Decapitator"carried a "Tumi"= Ceremonial Knife ---gilded copper metalwork rattle of the Decapitator

Mesa Verde

- begins to flourish by 1200 CE -cliff palace --150 rooms -23 kivas --spruce tree house --square tower house --fire temple -painted interior wall art -ladders and steps carved into cliff walls


- matrilineal -moiety cloans: --raven (with 22 lineages) --eagle (with 23 lineages) - the 2 clan groups were then sub-divided into lineages -lineages provided various privileges that were passed through generations Haida War Canoe -8 1/2 ft wide -carved from a single cedar tree trunk -wood softened with boiling water -placed seats to widen


-- "The Decapitator"carried a "Tumi"= Ceremonial Knife ---gilded copper metalwork rattle of the Decapitator

Coppers (PNWC)

-Coppers: "T" Shape --symbol: "human being" -were often given names to increase worth --1,500 to 2,00 blankets -2 wars canoes -100's boxes & bowls -copper pieces: gifts & reciprocity --reciprocity= exchange of goods and services

Generational Privileges

-House Sites -Rights to Oral Traditions -Crests -fishing spots -hunting/gathering areas -drinking water -trade routes -face painting -tattoo designs -dances -songs


-a trickster -- greedy, lecherous, and mischievous -a magician -a transformer -stole the sun, to make the stars, and the moon -gave fire, fresh water, salmon and the house (Pacific Northwest)


Arctic Shaman & Sacred Amulets: Animistic Worldview -Gods & Spirits -Many of them Evil -Ruled Nature -No sacred buildings -World itself sacred ***Amulets to ward off misfortune -Amulets & Baleen Box- prior to A.D. 1500 --keep separate from each other To maintain the power of the amulets: -animals -weapons Stored in separate places Carving for +2000 Years -Male figurine: Walrus Ivory --ca 1800-1900 AD -Shaman figurine: open arms, open middle(spiritual essence), animistic(seal legs) ***From grandparent to grandchild ---most protection- protect child because not yet fully grown Contemporary Traditions -Bone & Stone Replace Ivory


Duplicating Landscapes


Dzoonokwa Feast Dish "candle fish"


Dzoonokwa: "Cannibal Woman of the Forest" -eats children -encourages war -stops the fishing... - but also, can give water of life Characteristics: Pursed Lips

Effigy Mounds

Effigy Mounds Alligator Mound, Ohio - similar burials to nazca -- secondary burials -- effigies -shamans rattle? fertility? --shows importance The Great Serpent Mound, Ohio -tracking Haley's Comet? - serpent swallowing an egg -head is aligned to summer solstice sunset -about 5 ft high -+1300 ft long - 'Mica' Burial Artifacts --shiny silicate mineral with a layered structure - Newark Earthworks- a hilltop enclosure - "wray figurine" --shaman- wearing bear head cloak, hands are human hands with bear claws and toes --human head in ap- hair flowing down -- ear spools on both Human Bone as Raw Material -engraved -bone rattles -cut from human cranium -organized religious practices/traditions

Ear Spools

Hopewell & Adena -1000 BC - 1000 AD -shamanistic practices -north american & mesoamerican -bear shaman holding a head --beheaded man-- ear spools


House societies, moieties, and the 2 clan -clan and privilages passed through generations -


Iroquois Lacrosse: an Iroquois invention The Iroquois of the Northwest Confederacy/League of Five NAtions Haudenosaunee Iroquois Territory Past and Present -to avoid conflict -ratified agreement --piece of evidence --wampum= legal contract ---unity of the confederacy ---- 2 outside white squares ---- 2 inner white rectangles ---- Solid white "treelike" in center -Matrilineal of 9 clans -"People of the Longhouse" --Land: Deer, Wolf, Bear --Air: Hawk, Heron, Snipe --Water: Turtle, Beaver, Eel Good Twin and Evil Twin -The Great World Rim Being


Jester - stress releasers -mockers -show how not to be -Tricksters -allowed to behave non-hopi -eating watermelon- shows greediness

False Face Society

lost the argument= must help cure the people -False face society --medicine and curing society masks are carved -as a result of a dream -from living tress -according to ritual The Evil Twin -broken nose -crooked mouth -walking stick -hump back -turtle rattle masks represent spirits and their power to cure -faces for the forest -great world rim being -becoming a member of the society --dreaming --carving the mask --playing the role -Carved from a living tree -traditionally= Basswood -rituals of prayers & tobacco Red: Morning Black: Afternoon -spoons lips -blower mouth -whistler -tongue hanging out -laughing beggar -generally a curing ceremony is done in private


Mississippian Period -Moundville, Alabama --100 acre plaza, 24 earthen mounds --3000 individuals on periphery --protected by log palisade --20 + towns associatied with center Cahokia -cahokia, Illinois AD 900-1250 -Population ca 30,000-50,000- 50 communities within center -served as a centralized system for taxation, goods, trades -120 earthen mounds in the city Monk's mound -1000' by 800' ft -4 terraces 22 million cubic ft of earth 2 mile long stockade - guard towers every 70' ft - possibly constructed 4 different times, 20,000 logs per time - "woodhenge"- rebuilt 4-5 times --circular solar calendars Human Figure Traditions -bird man small tablet -ceramic ware- individualized persons -decor around eyes --tattooing?painting?scarification? Important Mississippian Symbols -spider - "V" shape eye motif - cross in a circle - feline-serpent - sun on litter ---sun worshiping culture -eye on palm -Falcon, Warrior Society? Copper Objects -elite members of society- elaborate hairstyles, artwork, motifs By 1250 AD- Abandoned -drought and deforestation

Lord of Sipan

Moche -considered a semi-god -40 years old -buried in necklaces, breastplates, ear spools, nose rings, helmets, bracelets and scepters -also, 2 tombs: --a priest --old lord of sipan -the decapitator -tumi= ceremonial knife


Mudhead - stress releasers -mockers -show how not to be -entertain and instruct -reddish brown sack mask -gourds over ears -rag ruff -kilt from old woman's dress -carries feather and rattle/drum


Nazca Civilization: -Agriculturalists/Irrigation -Geoglyphs on the Landscape -high mountain ranges --4,400 miles long --125 miles wide --+20,000 ft high Deltas -provided rich farmland from run off from the mountains Deforestation -Prosopis pallida -changed from woodland to desert -agriculturalists -complex underground irrigation systems -important administrative & religious centers -system of hierarchy to form irrigation systems - Long term planning community importance - +30 aqueducts still functioning today Connecting monumental architecture forms -institutional governance -powerful elites -no longer face-to-face societies -segregated societies "The Nanza Lines" -1930's first spotted -Maria Reiche, aka "The Lady of the lines" a german mathematician, died 1998, age 95 -12 ft - 900 ft in length - In 1946, with broom and a rake, revealed to the world of the Nazca line dimensions - "The Hands" --- Desert Surface = Stones (not sand) = resulting in "Desert Pavement" -earliest: lines & geometrical figures -later: depictions of animals ---monkey, spider, hummingbird, whale, humanoid & more - "The Runway" --Theories: ---Outer space aliens (1970's) ---constellations ---calendar ---religious worship Nazca Pottery Double Spout Pots - Red & Cream- common thematic colors Places of Remembrance -ca 50 miles South of the Nazca Lines -city of the dead ---created spaces for the dead to live ----rooms and entry ways -Cemetery --placed loved ones in bundles --removed and place craniums --secondary burial -Mummification: ---Preservation: nitrates and salts ---+1500 years -The hundred year old Debate of the "Trophy Heads" ---Max Uhle & Alfred Kroeber, Anthropologist --carefully prepared: ----lips sewn with long cactus spines ----hole in the center of the forehead ----carrying rope Tooth Enamel Analysis: diet-related Using Elements: strontium, oxygen, and carbon

Hauca del Sol

Pyramid of the Sun (Huaca del Sol)- royal power -1,250 ft in length/135 ft high -Spanish diverted the river, which destroyed the pyramid -Massive organized labor -tax system payment -signatory bricks: imprints of ---hands, feet, dots, crosses, etc.


Shaman- Arctic Society

Shaman's Soul Catcher

Smoke house symbolism -shaman's soul catcher= Protector --- prevent the souls from wandering away during illness -opening for souls (birth/death)- follow path to upper world


Southwest- Great Houses and Cliff Dwellings -left mesa tops/moved to alcoves -built towers and kivas - +600 cliff dwellings -natural protection from weather, enemies, and social aggregation -"Condo-like" towns - Kivas and Towers -"Multi-Storied" -masonry varies -all high quality -covered with stucco -probably painted -long distance trade -turquoise beads -trade with mesoamerica -storage jars filled with corn


Soyluna Ceremony -coming to Hopi --winter solstice (December) Niman Ceremony -returning home --summer solstice (July)


Temple of Coricancha -Heart of the Sacred Puma -700 sheets of pure gold -courtyard ---life size plants & animals Seques(lines) -celestial points: ---40 lines ---hundreds of miles (Inca Civilization)

Hauca de la Luna

Temple of the Moon (Huaca de la Luna)- religious power -religious center -several periods of construction -Human Sacrifice: 34 bound males - "The Decapitator" god ---fangs and walked with knife -Tombs of the Lord of Sipan -- considered a semi-god --40 years old --buried in: necklaces, breastplates, ear spools, nose rings, helmets, etc. --buried in layers of adornment --Spider necklace: Old Lord of Sipan -- "The Decapitator"carried a "Tumi"= Ceremonial Knife ---gilded copper metalwork rattle of the Decapitator


The Arctic & Subarctic: Aleut, Inuit, Yupik Practical Profane to the Sacred Shaman -profane: secular, not sacred -sacred: dedicated to a religious purpose -animistic: individual spiritual beings inhabit all living and nonliving objects --part of the universe --recognize differences, but doesn't matter The Practical Profane Example: Aleut Hunting Hat ---made of wood, ivory, baleen, feathers and Russian trade beads -more visibility -protect eyes: --ocean glare --seawater spray -acoustics: --enhanced sound to ears The Sacred Example: Aleut Hunting Hat -hide human spirit -honor prey -transform wearer Prowess of the Hunter -marked with accomplishments --sea lion whiskers ----shows skill of hunter --ivory --glass beads Snow Blindness: a sunburn to the cornea -bone -ivory -antler -tied leather around for strapping


The Hopi- Kachina Religion 3 Aspects - the spiritual helpers known as Katsina -Masked Impersonators of the Spiritual helpers -Kachina "dolls": Tihu --used for teaching looking toward the SF Peaks, Home of the Katsina, 80 miles west -"spirits of the invisible forces of life" -Intermediaries between Hopi and Gods -carved: dried root of cottonwood trees -wood primed with clay -paint-mineral and vegetal dyes


Watson- Brake Mounds -oldest mounds in north America


Woodland Period ca100BC-1000 AD Adna & Hopewell Traditions -similiar motifs Adna & Hopewell Earthworks -burial mounds -ceremonial enclosures -effigy mounds -not cities -temples for the dead --multiple burials in a mound Mound Construction -Round space -formalized by rock -cremation and burial -when cemetary is full, mound building begins Miamisburg Mound, Ohio --mounds upon mounds, upon mounds --built on top of each other Ceremonial Enclosures -Charnel Houses (crematoriums) -- hordes of artifacts: copper, mica, obsidian -- 100-180 individuals cremated Effigy Mounds Alligator Mound, Ohio - similar burials to nazca -- secondary burials -- effigies -shamans rattle? fertility? --shows importance The Great Serpent Mound, Ohio -tracking Haley's Comet? - serpent swallowing an egg -head is aligned to summer solstice sunset -about 5 ft high -+1300 ft long - 'Mica' Burial Artifacts --shiny silicate mineral with a layered structure - Newark Earthworks- a hilltop enclosure - "wray figurine" --shaman- wearing bear head cloak, hands are human hands with bear claws and toes --human head in ap- hair flowing down -- ear spools on both Human Bone as Raw Material -engraved -bone rattles -cut from human cranium -organized religious practices/traditions

House Society

a social unit and physical structure -"House": composed of lineage descendants with married -in spouses, children, elders, other relations -Abode of living and ancestors -house is personified --mouth where totem pole is --stomach is center of house, near hearth -rafters -planks that frame house pit surrounding the central fireplace -smokehole above the fireplace Aligned with... Upper (sky/forest realm) Under (sea realm) Royalty: "Great Man" = Leader of the most important house was clan chief Nobles: "Master of the house" = head of lineage --these men and their immediate family -often careful to marry spouses of equal status to maintain rank --back of the house --separate partitions Commoners: -junior relatives --middle of house Slaves: -taken in War -Their descendants --near front door

T Shaped Doorway

above right= Pueblo Bonito -open onto Kiva Plazas -rectangular doors connect rooms

Machu Pichu

ca 1450 A.D.


knotted rope cuzco message/communication system


legal contract ---unity of the confederacy ---- 2 outside white squares ---- 2 inner white rectangles ---- Solid white "treelike" in center


lines -celestial points

Great World Rim Being

lost the argument= must help cure the people -False face society --medicine and curing society masks are carved -as a result of a dream -from living tress -according to ritual The Evil Twin -broken nose -crooked mouth -walking stick -hump back -turtle rattle masks represent spirits and their power to cure -faces for the forest -great world rim being -becoming a member of the society --dreaming --carving the mask --playing the role -Carved from a living tree -traditionally= Basswood -rituals of prayers & tobacco Red: Morning Black: Afternoon -spoons lips -blower mouth -whistler -tongue hanging out -laughing beggar -generally a curing ceremony is done in private


symbolize high status among females- in Potlatch Societies

Fajada Butte

Anasazi -4 miles from Pueblo Bonito -solar calendar -

Potlach of the Pacific Northwest Coast Societies

-an economic system - the potlatch -- gift-giving --validation of rights and privileges -prestige enhancing -redistribute wealth Nobles and their Wealth -House crest hats and headdresses -spirit animals and ownership of power -potlatch hats -coppers -rings symbolize number of potlatches given -Coppers: "T" Shape --symbol: "human being" -were often given names to increase worth --1,500 to 2,00 blankets -2 wars canoes -100's boxes & bowls -copper pieces: gifts & reciprocity --reciprocity= exchange of goods and services -carved tobacco pipe with copper bowl -chief's storage chest -Labret- symbolize high status among females Events for Potlatch -Marriage -Transfer of Rights & Privileges -Reciprocity Outlawed 1884 to 1951 -potlatch regalia


-animistic: individual spiritual beings inhabit all living and nonliving objects --part of the universe --recognize differences, but doesn't matter


-both the process and product of planning, designing and construction -Realms of Public Persona -Personal Perception -space and place of rememberance -daily practice


-courtyard -entrance -work area

Chaco Phenomenon

AD 900-1150 -Chaco Canyon was the center of some type of major development -13 towns in canyon -linked to 125 towns beyond -400 miles of roads --30 ft wide and 120 miles long -turquoise trade -religious center? Pueblo Bonito (The Great House) -D-shaped (with kivas) -AD 800-1150 -oriented to the azimuth of the meridian passage of the sun at noon -west--east -rising/setting sun @ equinox -ponderosa pine --pack rat midden --+50 ft in diameter Fajada Butte -solar observatory

SW Jewelry: Navajo/Hopi/Zuni/San Domingo

Adornment: Jewelry Traditions of the Southwest Turquoise and Silver: The core of Southwest jewelry -Turquoise has ancient usage---200BC ----Spanish introduced the Silver -The Navajo were the first to use silver in Southwest ----Atsidi Sani: the "Old Smith" ---- At Bosque Redondo/Ft. Sumner Navajo Techniques -Sandcasting ---Sandstone molds are carved for casting -Navajo Jewelry -known for Massive Mountings -Large, natural shaped, stones -create silver around natural form of stone -The "NAJA" necklace ---Navajo: Naja = "crescent" -Spanish/Moorish -protection from "Evil Eye" -Ancient Moorish symbols Pomegranate -Pomegranate becomes Squash Blossom -Naja with "Buffalo" Nickels -Concha Belts -large ovals/rounds -scallops -repeating hand stamped centers & edges -Navajo "Chip Inlay" ---Tiny waste flakes of turquoise and other materials set into epoxy then sanded smooth -Ketohs -bow guards Hopi Adornment-The Hopi "Overlay" -Layers of silver are sandwiched -Top.. ---Rain Bracelet: Berna and Anderson Koinva Zuni Jewelry -First to combine turquoise & silver -Small, matched pieces of turquoise -organized space, symmetrical -"needlepoint" technique -Zuni Inlay & Channelwork -The Zuni also make small animals for "fetish necklaces" Santo Domingo -Heishi- Tiny cylindrical shell beads -Jocla- Turquoise ear ornaments now worn as pendants on necklaces

Ancient Site of Cahokia and the potential meanings of some of the associated artifacts

Cahokia -cahokia, Illinois AD 900-1250 -Population ca 30,000-50,000- 50 communities within center -served as a centralized system for taxation, goods, trades -120 earthen mounds in the city Monk's mound -1000' by 800' ft -4 terraces 22 million cubic ft of earth 2 mile long stockade - guard towers every 70' ft - possibly constructed 4 different times, 20,000 logs per time - "woodhenge"- rebuilt 4-5 times --circular solar calendars Human Figure Traditions -bird man small tablet -ceramic ware- individualized persons -decor around eyes --tattooing?painting?scarification? Important Mississippian Symbols -spider - "V" shape eye motif - cross in a circle - feline-serpent - sun on litter ---sun worshiping culture -eye on palm -Falcon, Warrior Society? Copper Objects -elite members of society- elaborate hairstyles, artwork, motifs By 1250 AD- Abandoned -drought and deforestation


Cahokia -cahokia, Illinois AD 900-1250 -Population ca 30,000-50,000- 50 communities within center -served as a centralized system for taxation, goods, trades -120 earthen mounds in the city Monk's mound -1000' by 800' ft -4 terraces 22 million cubic ft of earth 2 mile long stockade - guard towers every 70' ft - possibly constructed 4 different times, 20,000 logs per time - "woodhenge"- rebuilt 4-5 times --circular solar calendars Human Figure Traditions -bird man small tablet -ceramic ware- individualized persons -decor around eyes --tattooing?painting?scarification? Important Mississippian Symbols -spider - "V" shape eye motif - cross in a circle - feline-serpent - sun on litter ---sun worshiping culture -eye on palm -Falcon, Warrior Society? Copper Objects -elite members of society- elaborate hairstyles, artwork, motifs By 1250 AD- Abandoned -drought and deforestation


Cuzco: The Puma City -Inca architecture reflects landscape -depicted puma's head mimics the mountain's shadow (Inca Civilization)


Koyemsi -enter village backwards -- stress releasers -mockers -show how not to be -reddish brown sack mask -gourds over ears -rag ruff -kilt from old woman's dress -carries feather and rattle/drum


Kwakiutl War Canoes -Prow Adornment: getting battle ready A bear crest from the prow of a Haida war canoe -figures added for ceremonial occasions -stripped for battle -Prow Adornment (Tlingit, Oral Traditions, Land Otter Man) -weddings -56 ft long -10,00 lbs of cargo -crew of 10 paddlers -equipped with three masts and sails

Poverty Point

Lousiana -concentric circles -down burial mound


The Moche: 100 BC- 800 AD -Pyramids -Tombs -Ritual Sacrifice -Portraiture -Art that depicts a society in action -A land of Pyramids --Pampa Grande ---Adobe ceremonial platform ---125 foot high, 7 platform layers ---monument and center of a settlement ---Inhabited & abandoned A.D. 550-700 ----farmer founded a puma figurine: 3% copper, 12% silver, and 85% gold Pyramid of the Sun (Huaca del Sol)- royal power -1,250 ft in length/135 ft high -Spanish diverted the river, which destroyed the pyramid -Massive organized labor -tax system payment -signatory bricks: imprints of ---hands, feet, dots, crosses, etc. Temple of the Moon (Huaca de la Luna)- religious power -religious center -several periods of construction -Human Sacrifice: 34 bound males - "The Decapitator" god ---fangs and walked with knife -Tombs of the Lord of Sipan -- considered a semi-god --40 years old --buried in: necklaces, breastplates, ear spools, nose rings, helmets, etc. --buried in layers of adornment --Spider necklace: Old Lord of Sipan -- "The Decapitator"carried a "Tumi"= Ceremonial Knife ---gilded copper metalwork rattle of the Decapitator -skilled metalworkers -electroplate: chemical process in which one layers metal upon another -Portrait Pottery --emphasis on elite individuals --also, portrayed captives --and sacrificial rituals Inca Civilization: ca 1300's- 1532 A.D. -Duplication Landscape


The spirit beings- spiritual helpers

Totems(list of types)

Totem Poles - display supernatural beings - crest animals -mark family lineage -validate rights & privlieges -they document: oral traditions and oral histories -bottom of the totem pole- no such thing Different Uses: -House Posts: support the main beams of the building -House Frontal Pole: located at the main entrance -Mortuary Poles: to hold deceased/marker for deceased - Memorial Poles: to honor the deceased -"Shame poles": to ridicule neighboring groups who had unpaid debts --the famous Abraham Lincoln Pole, erected 1868, Tongass, Alaska


Trace lineage through woman's side of the family


Two headed serpent -the "War God" of Kwakiutl -highest ranking crests in kwakiutl -shape shifter -guard to supernaturals' home -fed with seals -healing power -associated with death/revival -warriors try to kill if for the blood

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