Anthropology Midterm Ch. 1,2,3,4,8

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An extended period of close involvement by anthropologists with the people whose life is of interest to them is called fieldwork.


Relative dating that relies on patterns of fossil distribution in different rock layers is called biostratigraphic dating.


The shaping of useful features of an organism by natural selection for the function they now perform is:


The first hominoids appeared in


The exercise of at least some control over their lives by human beings is called:


In modern terms, Mendel's principle of segregation holds that:

an individual receives one chromosome of each pair of chromosomes from each parent

Some observers attribute human-like feelings and attitudes to nonhuman primates because these primates closely resemble human beings in outward physical appearance. This practice is called:


In the 1940's many people of the Zulu tribe in were sick or dying from kwashiorkor, a dietary related disease. It seemed to specifically affect married women. Anthropologists worked with doctors to find that in Zulu culture people were only allowed to drink milk from cows that were owned by those in their father's lineage. Since the Zulu were patrilocal and women moved in with their husband's families this exacerbated the issue. So anthropologists proposed introducing powdered milk to help treat the disease. The solution worked. What is this an example of in anthropological terms?

applied anthropology

Adult male gorillas:

are much larger than females, treat immature gorillas with tolerance, eat primarily vegetarian

A study that examines how economics, politics, religion, and kinship shape one another in a specific society would be comparative.


Before Darwin, there were no comprehensive theories of human evolution.


Estrus is the period during a primates life before it reaches puberty.


Ethnographers in the field generally don't encounter ethical issues, particularly when studying their own culture.


Most primates use smell to distinguish between members of the same community.


Mutations that neither help nor harm an organism are called regulatory mutations.


The Great Chain of Being theory was purely scientific.


The branch of anthropology that is concerned with discovering what makes human beings different from other living organisms and what human beings share with other members of the animal kingdom is called archaeology.


The discovery of the small homo floresiensis has dramatically changed our understanding of human evolutionary patterns.


The five key parts of culture are that it is: learned, shared, patterned, symbolic and emergent.


The hallmark of the Acheulean tool tradition was the scraper.


The system of arbitrary symbols we use to encode out experience of the world and of one another is called religion.


A person who is homozygous for the X chromosome is:


According to the textbook, which of the following attributes is the hallmark of primate adaptations?


The level of the Linnaean taxonomy in which different species are grouped together on the basis of their similarities to one another is called a:


Coltan mining is infamous for the exploitative and inhumane practices used to extract the mineral. The mineral itself is largely driven by demand in more affluent countries around the world as it is often used in the production of electronic devices such as cell phones and computers. What is arguably the primary driver of the coltan mining crisis?


Australopiths with small and lightly built faces are known as:

gracile australopithecines

Those parts of culture that are absorbed in the course of daily practical learning are called:


The foramen magnum is the:

hole at the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes on its way to the brain

Generally, males have more testosterone in their bodies than females, however research indicates that testosterone levels rise when individuals of either sex engage in competitive behaviors. Anthropologists recognize that there are many factors to consider when studying sex and gender distinctions in different cultures. This recognition represents the ______________________ perspective in Anthropology.


The species of large-brained, robust hominins that lived between 1.8 and 0.4 mya is:

homo erectus

When anthropologists say that human beings are biocultural organisms, they mean that:

human biology and culture both contribute to human behavior

The average Neandertal cranial capacity:

is larger than that of modern human populations

The argument that each individual member of a species transforms itself to meet the challenges of a changed environment through the laws of use and disuse and inheritance of acquired characters was made primarily by:


Culture is:

learned, shared, symbolic

Strepsirrhini include

lemurs and lorises

The subfield of evolutionary studies that focuses on long-term evolutionary changes is:


For anthropologists, stories whose truth seems self-evident because the stories integrate personal experiences with wider assumptions about the world are called:


Darwin's theory that the "fitter" survive and reproduce more offspring, who then inherit the traits that made their parents "fitter" is called:

natural selection

When an organism actively perturbs the environment in ways that modify the selection pressures experienced by subsequent generations of organisms, it is said to be engaged in:

niche construction

the Tarsier only operates at night, meaning it is:


Cultural anthropological fieldwork is:

not always done in anon-western society, responsible for the majority of anthropoogical knowledge, a collaborative effort on the part of both anthropologist and informant

According to the text, endurance running may have been advantageous for hominins because it made:

persistence hunting of medium-to large-sized mammals more successful

A Spider Monkey uses its __________ tail to grip tree branches.


Dr. Penny Patterson is most well known for her work with Koko the Gorilla. Koko was able to use sign language to communicate and knew thousands of "words". Dr. Patterson would most likely be referred to in anthropological terms as a(n):


Natural selection acts on:

randomly produced variation

Which of the following is NOT an evolutionary trend in the primate order?

reduction in the number of digits on hands and feet

Thinking critically about the way one thinks, on one's own experience is called:


The hypothesis that evolution from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens occurred gradually throughout the traditional range of H. erectus is the:

regional continuity model

Dating methods that identify a particular object as being older or younger in relation to some other object, and that arrange material evidence in a linear sequence, so that we know what came before what, are called:

relative dating methods

The hypothesis that only one subpopulation of Homo erectus underwent a rapid spurt of evolution to produce Homo sapiens 200,000-100,000 years ago is called the:

replacement model.

Cultural relativism

requires us to take many things into account before we form opinions about other cultural practices

According to the text, culture consists of:

sets of learned behaviors and ideas that human beings acquire as members of society, together with the material artifacts and structures that human beings create and use

Arrested development means that during puberty, some orangutan males do not fully develop secondary sexual characteristics for sometimes as much as 10 years. This delay serves to make the males less threatening to other males (and so less involved in fighting and other stressful situations). In the end, these males show a large percentage of contribution to the gene pool. This arrested development illustrates that differences between primates by sex (also known as _____________________) is not as clear cut as some would believe.

sexual dimorphism

To cultural anthropologists, informants are people who:

share information about their culture and language with anthropologists

The process by which human beings, as material organisms, living together with other similar organisms, cope with the behavioral rules established by their respective societies is called:


This form of vision was believed to have evolved in early arboreal primates so that they were better able to judge the depth of branches to use for locomotion:


Something that stands for something else is a:


The panda's elongated wrist bone or "thumb" would be explained by Darwin's theory in which of the following ways?

take the l

The study of the various processes that bones and stones undergo in the course of becoming part of the fossil and archaeological records is called:


What was the ethically questionable group of anthropologists who were used to better understand and know the culture of people in Afghanistan by the U.S. military?

the human terrain system

What is anthropology?

the study of human nature, society, and past

As discussed in the text, Rick Potts has argued that the most efficient way for early hominins to get stones for stone tools together with the animal carcasses to be processed with those tools would be for early hominins:

to store stones at various spots and bring the carcasses to the nearest supply of stones

What is sexual dimorphism?

when males and females of the same species show observable phenotypic differences in things like size

Contemporary ethnographers try to be explicit about:

who they are, how they to do their research, the audiences for their work

The stone-tool tradition associated with Homo erectus characterized by stone bifaces is the:

Acheulean Tradition

The "father of modern biological classification" is the title often given to:

Carolus Linnaeus

The oldest undisputed stone tools are:

2.6 million


An extended period of close involvement by anthropologists with the people whose life is of interest to them is called:

Johann Blumenbach was an early anthropologist who contributed to the field of phrenology (study of skulls). His work delineated five genetically based races of human (Caucasian, Malaysian, Ethiopian, American, and Mongolian). He was one of the first scientists to assert that humanity was a single species. Which of the four fields of anthropology would his work most likely fall under?

Biological Anthropology

Which of the following statements about New World monkeys is correct?

New World monkeys are the only clade of anthropoids found in Central and South America.

Applied Anthropology

The subfield of anthropology that is concerned with proposing solutions to practical problems is called:

By the early twentieth century, some anthropologists and biologists concluded that the concept of "race" was:

a cultural label invented by human beings to sort people into groups

When anthropologists distinguished between Culture and cultures, they were distinguishing between _______ and __________.

a defining attribute of human beings / ways of life of specific groups of people.

Evolutionary theory is based on a set of:

beliefs of the natural world

The distinction between sex and gender illustrates the contribution of anthropology that _________________ is distinct from ____________________.

biological evolution: cultural evolution

The subfield of evolutionary studies that focuses on long-term evolutionary changes is:


What species of primate is more matriarchal in structure, with the females having been observed cooperating together to push out unruly males?


If a hypothesis cannot be tested, it:

cannot be considered scientific

According to taphonomists such as Richard Klein, the best evidence for Neandertal "humanity" is the fact that they:

cared for the old and sick

The notion that natural disasters, such as floods, are responsible for the extinction of species, which are then replaced by new species is known as:


Which of the following is an example of ritual cutting associated with initiating girls and boys into adulthood?

clitoridectomy, infubulatiion, circumcision

For some people, blue jeans, McDonald's hamburgers, hip hop, and Coca-Cola are seen destroying local practices. They call this process:

cultural imperalism

What are the four subfields of anthropology?

cultural, linguistic anthropology, biological, and archaeology

Sets of leaned behavior and ideas that human beings acquire as members of society, together with the material artifacts and structures humans create and use, is an anthropological definition of:


A primatologist interested in the relationship between a primates diet and tooth structure would want to know the size, shape and number of teeth that a primate has in order to draw conclusions about it's diet. What is the focus on primate teeth structure referred to as?


The opinion that one's own way of life is natural or correct and the only true way of being fully human is called:


Clifford Geertz wrote about his experiences in Bali and the rituals and views on cockfighting. He published his work for others to read about the Balinese culture. His work would be considered a:


This theory explains that primates evolved grasping hands, opposable thumbs, and depth perception as a response to living in trees.

evolutionary biology hypothesis

A fertilized egg that receives the same allele from each parent for a particular trait is referred to as being homozygous.


According to the textbook, ethnocentrism will likely always be around in human societies because it serves the purpose of creating and reinforcing group identity and boundaries.


Anatomically modern human beings are about 200,000 years old.


Chimpanzees travel on the ground and by brachiating through trees.


Ethnographic research that is not contained by social, ethnic, religious, or national boundaries is called multisited fieldwork


Neandertals interbred with modern homo sapiens.


Orangutans have high levels of differences between the males and females.


Paleoanthropologists study fossilized bones and teeth.


The observable, measurable outward characteristics of an organism are called the phenotype.


Tooth combs are found in modern lemurs but NOT their fossil ancestors.


The anthropological definition of cultural relativism requires that we make an effort to _________ the practices of other cultures


The notion that an understanding of current processes can be used to reconstruct the past history of the earth is known as:


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