Anthropology Quizzes
What is ethnography?
ALL - A means of representing both what people say they do, and what they actually do in reality. - Writing that attempts to holistically and neutrally share stories about a group of people so that others can understand them. - The systematic study of a group of people.
According to Roscoe, the term "3rd gender" can either refer to male or female berdaches, while "4th gender" always and only refers to male berdaches.
Brodkin-Sacks ultimately argues that personal ability is the main attribute needed to erase the gap between those considered "white" and "non-white" in the U.S.
Kalofonos often heard this phrase repeated by Mozambique patients being treated for AIDs, who were receiving medical treatments but did not otherwise have their basic needs for survival met.
"All I eat are RSVs"
Which is NOT one of the insults Lee received about his chosen Christmas ox?
"What a dud!"
According to Brodkin-Sacks' article, it wasn't until the 19th century that the idea that there were various, distinct European "races" really took hold in the U.S.
Which of the following is an example of a fetish?
Always touch your crucifix before you hit
Constructing an extensive system of bike lanes, the ciclorutas system, is considered a rousing success in Bogota. Of the 600,000 people who transport themselves by bicycle on a daily basis, more than half use the ciclorutas system .
Diamond, to support his point that hunters and gatherers have it worse off than agricultural societies, cites caloric and nutritional data from present day foraging societies that shows they routinely and easily go hungry.
The Bari believe the act of making a baby includes all of the following EXCEPT:
Only one act of sex is necessary to make a baby.
For Bari children, having two biological fathers was found to increase their chances of survival into adulthood.
Vivanco argues that applied anthropology is "an anthropology in the here and now". This is different than academic anthropology "of the here and now", where the goal is just to produce accounts of a particular social group.
According to Tomazo, Lee's informant, why do the iKung "insult the meat"?
The obligatory insults keep the hunter's arrogance in check
Up through WWII, theories based on scientific racism in the United States supported what notion?
There are real biological differences between people of different skin colors
An ecofact is:
Unmodified plant or animal remains found at an archaeological site
According to Amy Cuddy's Ted Talk, what is the power pose called where one stands with their hands on their hips and feet spread apart?
Wonder Woman
Which of the following is an example of "conducta vial" (a culturally rooted "traffic behavior") in Bogota?
blowing a whistle sharply to get pedestrian(s) attention
Vivanco wants to understand why people use, or don't use, bicycle lanes in Bogota. By listening to people who actually use bicycles and better understanding their goals, practices, navigational challenges, etc. he is hopefully that city officials can build a more effective public infrastructure. Which of the following was NOT one of the concerns daily bike riders had about the ciclorutas system?
many riders complain that the lanes are too cluttered with garbage and debris
Amy Cuddy claims that standing in a confident posture can heighten ______________________ flow in your brain.
testosterone and cortisol
For the Maori, astronomy was an integral part of their daily lives due to their reliance on celestial movements and patterns, which aided them in navigation and marked seasonal changes. Therefore the Maori wait for the appearance of ________ in late June to early July in order to start the beginning of their new year celebrations.
the constellation Matariki
What is the demographic of the majority of Bogota's daily bike riders?
working class men
In the Popescu article, when we bend our neck to text or check our devices, this causes an increased gravitational pull on our head and increased stress on our neck. This common position is referred to as: (QUIZ 4)
"text neck"
Which of the following is NOT an example of a particular social situation where the Western Apache would rely on silence as a form of communication?
***All of these situations are times when the Western Apache would remain silent.*** - When meeting strangers for the first time. - When initially starting to date someone new. - When in the presence of someone who is in mourning.
The NPR video clip "Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt" was a great example of what economic process?
*ALL RIGHT* - the relationship between the core and the periphery - the fact that objects can also have a "social life" if you look hard enough - a commodity chain at work
Which is NOT one of the physical changes/differences that paleopathologists have analyzed and noted between the skeletal remains of hunters and gatherers and early agriculturalists?
- Fewer bone and dental abnormalities for agriculturalists. - A longer life expectancy for agriculturalists. - A taller average height for agriculturalists. - ALL CORRECT
What does Diamond's 24-hour clock analogy allude to?
- We--as humankind--are relatively new at farming. Humans have been hunters and gatherers for the vast majority of our existence. - We can't be sure whether or not shifting to agriculture was the best choice for humankind, but he's leaning toward not. - ALL CORRECT
At the beginning of his fieldwork, Crawford had to overcome some obstacles in order to immerse himself in the local culture. These obstacles included (select all that apply):
- learning the local language - figuring out how to feed himself - finding a place to go to the bathroom
According to studies that Keep Your Head Up cites, both adults and kids spend many hours a day on their devices. About how many hours does Popescu mention that adults spend on their electronics each day?
10 hours
Fraternal polyandry is:
A form of marriage between two or more men (who are brothers) and one woman.
People were less likely to send their loved ones to Ebola treatment centers in Sierra Leone, so anthropologists advised the development of:
A home-care protocol so those tending their relatives at home could do so in the safest way possible
What anthropological skills, methods, and knowledge was utilized to find a more socially informed approach to epidemic management in Sierra Leone?
ALL ARE CORRECT - They contacted researchers who had already gained specialized local knowledge of virus-affected communities - They conducted local fieldwork, including interviews with residents of Sierra Leonean towns and villages
Archaeologists use _____ to draw conclusions about past human behavior: (QUIZ 3)
ALL ARE CORRECT - artifacts and ecofacts - site context - formation processes and stratigraphy
According to Brodkin-Sacks, out of the anti-semitism of the early 20th century, how did Jews finally "become white?"
ALL CORRECT - Anti-semitism lost respectability after WWII. - The U.S. census stopped distinguishing between "native" and immigrant-born whites. - Economic prosperity and federal programs increased educational and employment opportunities for Jewish people.
When looking at the chart (on page 124) about "Plains Male Berdaches," which of the following is an accurate statement about the information shared with the reader?
ALL CORRECT - In all of the societies listed, male berdaches had some spiritual or medical powers - In the majority, if not all of the tribes listed, male berdaches actively participated in ceremonial dances and rituals. - In three out of the four tribes, male berdaches were part of war
According to Goldstein's article, which one of the following statements about fraternal polyandry in Tibet is NOT true:
After the marriage takes place, the husbands/brothers leave their home and go to live with the wife (matrilocal)
At the end of the film clip A Trip to the Grocery Store, Joy DeGruy notes that her sister-in-law used her white privilege to educate and make right a situation involving racism. What did DeGruy's sister-in-law do?
As a Black women who often passes as White, she pointed out that the White cashier had treated her and her sister-in-law very differently when it came to paying.
The Bari tribe of Venezuela believe that:
Babies can have more than one biological father
According to Planet Money, __________ and ____________ are representative of the role of many developing countries in global commodity chains--they provide a large and willing workforce, cheap and reliable factory space and resources, and a stable, friendly-to-the-U.S. government.
Columbia and Bangladesh
Svoboda's article, Can Social Scientists Help Control Epidemics?, detailed several collaborative efforts between medical anthropologist and public health teams during on-the-ground responses to epidemics. What two epidemic outbreaks did she discuss in this article?
Ebola and COVID-19
According to Diamond, the shift away from hunting and gathering to an agricultural mode of production was generally a positive one.
An artifact is the remains of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form as a mold or cast in rock.
In her article, Brodkin-Sacks argues that all "non-white" races (Jews, African Americans, Euroethnics) experienced similar improved opportunities for upward mobility, and had their abilities and efforts rewarded in the post-WWII time period in the United States.
In the film Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt, there are about five people and two locations involved in the making of the shirt.
Keith Basso's fieldwork was conducted over the course of one month, at a the Western Apache village in Colorado.
Most of the American cotton seeds that U.S. farmers plant each year are harvested, hand selected, and stored by the farmers themselves.
Richard Lee was looking forward to providing the Christmas ox because previously he could only provide the Bushmen with chickens and pigs.
The Bari are the only indigenous group that believe in shared paternity.
The practice of fraternal polyandry is increasing, as more young people are receiving a modern education and there is increased economic and social mobility in Tibet.
There are four fields of anthropology: archaeology, linguistic anthropology, cultural anthropology, and psychological anthropology.
When thinking about the ways in which native communities viewed the sexuality of berdache members of their societies, it's accurate to say that their views of berdache sexuality and relationships fits neatly into Western definitions of homosexuality.
Xygalatas detailed five cultural celebrations around the world that all mark the beginning of a new year. All five are celebrated at the end of December/beginning of January.
Amy Cuddy studies verbal communication, and is particularly interested in the details of verbal expressions of power and dominance.
FALSE- she is interested in NONVERBAL communication
The remote village of Tagharghist was completely isolated and removed from the rest of the world when Crawford first arrived.
Archaeological methods involve survey in order to locate and identify archaeological sites. Which is not one of those survey methods?
Faunal analysis
Bronislaw Malinowski found that Trobriand Islanders used _____ only when they were going out onto the open sea, where there was higher risk and yields varied widely.
Fishing magic
Dr. Kalofonos has worked with communities of patients in all of the following settings except:
Haitian patients being treated for tuberculosis
The Bari believe that a way to cure a sick child is to:
Have the father(s) blow tobacco smoke over the child's body
Which of the following is NOT a Hormel product?
According to Gmelch, why do baseball players engage in routines and rituals during their daily lives and while playing the game?
It's how players attempt to reduce feelings of uncertainty because it gives them a sense of control and added confidence
Of the five new year rituals detailed in Xygalatas' article, which one went on for the most extensive period of time?
Kha b-Nisan
Where are the majority of recent refugees and immigrants to Manchester coming from?
Latin America, Asia, and Africa
David Crawford's fieldwork takes place in:
Roscoe cites when thinking about the roles of two-spirited in native tribes and communities?
Most of their sexual/romantic relationships were with other two-spirited in their communities.
Where did Dr. Ippolytos Kalofonos do his dissertation research?
Which is NOT one of the practices Horace Miner mentions in Body Ritual Among the Nacirema? (quiz 2)
Nacirema children attending loohcs for many hours every day.
The Carsey Institute's report on immigration focused on data from:
New Hampshire
According to Brodkin-Sack's article, in the first half of the 20th Century United States, as part of a new belief in the scientific reality of European races, some of these races were thought to be better than others, some were thought to be less intelligent and more feeble-minded. Which of these newly defined and recognized European races were thought to be the most superior?
Nordic, Northwestern European
Gmelch found that baseball players in positions of greater unpredictability were more likely to use ritual. The players who were more likely to use rituals and superstition included the following activities:
Pitchers and hitters
Basso provides several examples European-American social settings when silence is "correct" and "fitting". Which of the following was NOT one of his examples:
Staying quiet during a classroom lecture
According to Cuddy, we really can "fake it til we make it." In other words, the way we carry ourselves, whether we make ourselves big or small, can have a direct physiological and hormonal influence on how we think and feel about ourselves.
According to what you read in the article about Hormel and Spam, it seems as though people often say that their diets are healthier than they actually are.
As a linguistic anthropologist, one of Basso's main points is to remind his readers that it is just as important to learn when not to speak as it is to learn the language when entering a new culture.
Diamond notes a couple of different perspectives that help shed light on how we--as a culture--think about this shift from hunting/gathering to agriculture. The progressivist perspective is one of these that clearly and without question accepts the move to adopt an agricultural lifestyle as a positive, logical, and advantageous improvement for our ancestors.
Diwali has many local variations in India, as well as multiple religious stories it commemorates, but all variations share the general themes: triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and hope over despair.
Dr. Cuddy describes a low-power position as making yourself smaller, usually making yourself wrap up and curve forward in a more protective posture.
Dr. Kalofonos's work, during the global rollout of AIDs pandemic treatments, highlighted the blind spots of global health interventions. He found that these health interventions are often too narrowly focused on saving lives, but are not accounting for other critical needs, such as food and livelihood.
During the 2014 outbreak in Sierra Leone, public health teams enacted epidemic control strategies that were vastly unpopular because they interfered with the local people's burial customs and traditions.
Gmelch defines ritual as the prescribed behaviors in which there is no empirical connection between the means and the desired end.
Goldstein states that women will be motivated to choose a fraternal polyandrous form of marriage over a monogamous one because she (and her children) will be better off economically. This is because there is more than one husband to support them.
Historic (or historical) archaeology is archaeology in combination with the written record.
In general, Miner describes the Nacirema as a very magic and ritual-oriented society, where many of these practices seem pseudo-masochistic and painful.
In the film Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt, we see that the t-shirt begins production in a developed nation, before traveling to one or more underdeveloped nations, and then being sold in a developed nation.
Powerful people, and people who are expressing feelings of power in certain situations or in particular moments, routinely tend to present themselves in a more "open" way. One of the examples Cuddy mentions is that of runners who cross the finish line first, and raise their arms victoriously in a wide open V.
Tanya Rodriguez was successful as an anthropologist for Hormel because she did fieldwork. She went out and immersed herself in the communities to observe and better understand people's eating habits.
The Crow tribal leader's comment: "We don't waste people the way white society does. Every person has their gift," was shared as evidence for the general support and acceptance many native communities had for their members who didn't neatly fit into standard or "normal" gender roles.
The children of a fraternal polyandry marriage are often treated similarly, with no attempt made to link children biologically to one of the fathers.
While the goal of Popescu's article about cell phone use was to remind us of the mind-, emotion-, and life-altering power that technology can have over our lives, the experts he cites have one simple piece of advice--look around, look up, and put your device down in order to re-engage with the world around you!
While the specifics differ depending on which field of anthropology we are talking about, a key part of any anthropological endeavor--and the primary way in which anthropologists learn about other peoples and cultures--is fieldwork.
After listening to Acho's Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, what was the question and answer that most stood out to you, and why?
The question that stood out the most to me was, "Why do you riot?". Following this question, Emmanuel Acho answered with an analogy he had of a recent bike ride, During the ride, he came upon a woman running with headphones in, In order to pass her, he notified her several times by yelling, "On your left," however, she did not hear him because of her headphones. As a result, he collides with her and compares this to the BLM riots, as for over 50 years black people have been trying to say, "we're oppressed," but no changes have been made in America. Therefore, in order to make themselves heard, black people partake in riots, as peaceful protests did not lead to any changes.
People did not follow the newly mandated burial practices because
They saw the newly mandated burial practices as insulting and disrespectful of their beliefs
According to Basso, what is the main reason or explanation for why the Western Apache tend to remain silent in certain situations?
They use silence as a way of dealing with ambiguity or uncertainty in social settings
While doing fieldwork on college campuses, Rodriguez observed what challenge about the younger generations' eating habits
They were on their smartphones and therefore ate one-handed
A primary goal of networks like the Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP) was:
To have first responders view the established traditions and values of local communities as foundations for more effective disease control, rather than as obstacles
According to Miner's description, which is NOT one of the jobs or functions of the holy-mouth man in Nacirema culture?
To replace old teeth with false new ones
Hormel hired an anthropologist to try and understand what customer demographic?
Young, foreign-born residents
As Crawford observed Tagharghist over time, he found
a lot had changed, with roads and schools being built, new religion and language brought in, and an increased movement of younger people to the city
For many cultures, the changing of the seasons is marked with ceremony. And for agrarian people, yearly renewal ceremonies would coincide with the spring planting or fall harvest. Kha b-Nisan is a a long-standing New Years celebration that symbolized the renewal of the land, but previously involved:
a priest ritually stripping, slapping, then reinstating the king in order to symbolically renew his divine mandate to rule
According to the Pew Research Center, what percentage of Americans believe that using their phone in a social setting actually contributes to the conversation (as described in Keep Your Head Up)?
about a THIRD of Americans
Craig writes that "part of an anthropologists job is to help people understand that to be different is not to be wrong." She mentions that another word for this idea is:
cultural relativism
There is very little difference in educational attainment between foreign born and native born populations in Manchester
What types of data on the community did Crawford collect during his stay in Tagharghist? (select all that apply)
family genealogies, counts/measures of land and irrigation use, and "life history" interviews
Privilege can be defined as something that happens when one group has something of value that is denied to others simply because of the groups they belong to, rather than because of anything they've done or failed to do. In the short clip about going to the grocery story, Joy DeGruy's sister-in-law had privileges she didn't have based on what?
skin color
The "absent members" of the households were often members of the younger generations, sent to the city to work and earn wages that would be sent back to the village. Crawford found that the amount of wage labor in Tagharghist increased over time.
In the film clip Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, Acho quotes LBJ as saying, "You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, 'You are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe that you have been completely fair. Thus it is not enough just to open the gates of opportunity. All our citizens must have the ability to walk through those gates." What idea was he using this quote to help explain?
white privilege
Historically, immigrants had come to Manchester in order to:
work in the mills