AP 1 Endocrine/ANS/Senses

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Neuron cell bodies are in the cerebral cortex Select one: a. somatic motor nervous system b. autonomic nervous system c. both somatic and autonomic nervous systems d. neither somatic nor autonomic nervous system

Not A

The anterior and posterior chambers of the eye are separated by the Select one: a. lens. b. retina. c. cornea. d. iris. e. optic disc.

Not A

What type of chemical messenger is released from neurons to activate an adjacent cell? Select one: a. paracrine b. neurotransmitter c. autocrine d. endocrine

Not A

Which of the following cranial nerves does NOT carry parasympathetic fibers? Select one: a. glossopharyngeal b. vagus c. facial d. hypoglossal e. oculomotor

Not A

Which of the following is NOT an effect of parasympathetic action? Select one: a. increased tear production b. increased motility of the intestines c. increased metabolism d. increased gastric secretion

Not A

The semicircular canals Select one: a. are parallel to each other. b. can detect movement in only one direction. c. have a base called a papilla. d. contain cupulae that respond to gravity. e. allow a person to detect movement in all directions.

Not B

The taste area is located in the Select one: a. insula. b. parietal lobe. c. frontal lobe. d. temporal lobe.

Not B

All of the following are regulatory functions of the endocrine system except Select one: a. labor contractions. b. development of tissues. c. immune functions. d. metabolic rate. e. thermoregulation.

Not C

Question text Which of the following drugs would be the best choice to use in chronic asthma to dilate the bronchioles? Select one: a. a nicotinic agent b. a muscarinic agent c. alpha-adrenergic blocking agents d. beta-adrenergic stimulating agents e. ganglionic blocking agents.

Not C

A branch of the ___________ nerve transmits taste sensations from anterior two-thirds of the tongue, except vallate papillae. Select one: a. Medulla oblongata b. Facial nerve c. Glossopharyngeal nerve d. Chorda tympani

Not D

Which of the following functions is most likely to be performed by the visual association area? Select one: a. "recognizes" the face of a close friend b. "sees" the shape of the visual image c. "senses" pain impulses d. "moves" the eyes e. "sees" color

a. "recognizes" the face of a close friend

Which of the following statements is true? Select one: a. Damaged olfactory neurons are replaced. b. Olfactory epithelial receptors are highly specific. c. Olfaction first goes to the thalamus and is then relayed to the cerebral cortex. d. Continued stimulation of olfactory neurons produces the same level of response. e. Replacement of neurons is a common phenomenon in the body.

a. Damaged olfactory neurons are replaced.

Consider the two statements and use the following key to choose your answer.(1) the number of sympathetic impulses produced when a person is angry(2) the number of sympathetic impulses produced when a person is relaxed Select one: a. First item is greater than the second item. b. First item is less than the second item. c. Both items are equal or nearly equal.

a. First item is greater than the second item.

Synthesis of progesterone in the ovary and testosterone in the testis is stimulated by Select one: a. LH (luteinizing hormone). b. MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone). c. TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). d. ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone). e. FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone).

a. LH (luteinizing hormone).

Why does inhaling deeply and slowly through the nose help to identify an odor? Select one: a. More air containing the odor is brought into contact with the olfactory epithelium. b. Impulses originate slowly in the olfactory epithelium. c. The tissue needs more time in contact with the odor. d. Threshold for odor detection is high. e. Receptors in the olfactory epithelium are highly specific.

a. More air containing the odor is brought into contact with the olfactory epithelium.

Thyroid hormones (TH) normally travel in the blood both free and bound to TH-binding proteins. What would you expect to see in the blood work of a patient who had a deficiency of TH-binding protein? Select one: a. Normal free TH levels, and low bound TH levels. b. Low free TH levels, and low bound TH levels. c. Low free TH levels, and normal bound TH levels. d. Normal free TH levels, and normal bound TH levels.

a. Normal free TH levels, and low bound TH levels.

What is the near point of vision? Select one: a. The closest point at which an object can be held and seen without appearing blurred. b. The point at which a viewed image is not inverted on the retina. c. The region of the macula in which the rods and cones are most concentrated. d. The region of the electromagnetic spectrum which can be detected by the rods and cones.

a. The closest point at which an object can be held and seen without appearing blurred.

Which of the following statements is true? Select one: a. The sympathetic division diverges more than the parasympathetic division. b. Increased parasympathetic activity is consistent with increased physical activity. c. One division of the ANS is always stimulatory and the other is always inhibitory. d. Structures receiving both dual autonomic innervation are regulated equally by both divisions. e. There is dual innervation of all organs.

a. The sympathetic division diverges more than the parasympathetic division.

Consider the following situation: Sympathetic preganglionic axons enter a sympathetic chain ganglia. In order for these axons to reach collateral ganglia, they must now travel through Select one: a. a splanchnic nerve. b. a sympathetic nerve. c. a gray ramus communicans. d. a white ramus communicans. e. a dorsal root ganglion.

a. a splanchnic nerve.

Lesions of the limbic system might result in Select one: a. a voracious appetite. b. enhanced fear and anger responses. c. decreased sexual activity. d. loss of coordination. e. loss of sensation.

a. a voracious appetite.

A decreased sensitivity to a continued stimulus defines the term ______. Select one: a. adaptation b. perception c. sensation d. conditioning e. depression f. potential

a. adaptation

The type of brain waves observed in an individual who is awake but in a quiet resting state with eyes closed are _____ waves. Select one: a. alpha b. beta c. delta d. theta e. gamma

a. alpha

Which intracellular mediator is directly activated by the binding of a water-soluble hormone to a membrane receptor? Select one: a. cGMP b. cAMP c. calmodulin d. phospholipase C

a. cGMP

Adrenergic receptors Select one: a. can be activated by the release of epinephrine. b. have two structural forms - muscarinic and nicotinic. c. when activated stimulate skeletal muscles to contract. d. can be found in both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. e. are activated by the release of acetylcholine.

a. can be activated by the release of epinephrine.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of hyperopia? Select one: a. corrected by "minus" lenses b. close objects are fuzzy c. eyeball is too short d. corrected by convex lenses e. image focused behind the retina

a. corrected by "minus" lenses

Which of the following nerves has parasympathetic axons? Select one: a. facial b. trigeminal c. hypoglossal d. spinal accessory e. abducens

a. facial

Which of the following would NOT affect blood glucose levels? Select one: a. fat content of a meal b. gastrointestinal hormones c. breakdown of glycogen d. autonomic nervous system e. protein content of a meal

a. fat content of a meal

Damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve would result in some loss of Select one: a. hearing and balance. b. hearing and taste. c. smell. d. taste. e. hearing and sight.

a. hearing and balance.

A function of insulin is to Select one: a. increase the uptake of glucose by its target tissues. b. decrease the uptake of amino acids by its target tissues. c. increase glycogen breakdown in the liver and skeletal muscle. d. increase breakdown of fats. e. increase gluconeogenesis.

a. increase the uptake of glucose by its target tissues.

Glaucoma can result from Select one: a. inhibition of the circulation of aqueous humor. b. damage to the suspensory ligament. c. a decrease in the number of cones. d. opacity of the lens. e. increased amounts of vitreous humor.

a. inhibition of the circulation of aqueous humor.

Identify the type of hair cells of the spiral organ that are responsible for hearing. Select one: a. inner hair cells b. outer hair cells c. inner and outer hair cells

a. inner hair cells

Color vision Select one: a. is a function of cone cells. b. is most acute in dim light. c. is interpreted in the cerebellum. d. depends on the amount of available rhodopsin. e. is the interaction between rods and cones.

a. is a function of cone cells.

Which of the following is an ascending pathway in the spinal cord? Select one: a. lateral spinothalamic tract b. rubrospinal tract c. lateral corticospinal tract d. tectospinal tract e. anterior corticospinal tract

a. lateral spinothalamic tract

Which of the following is NOT a cell type found in taste buds? Select one: a. mitral cells b. supporting cells c. basal cells d. taste cells

a. mitral cells

Oxytocin release is stimulated by Select one: a. nursing a baby. b. increased blood pressure. c. increased urine output. d. a hypothalamic-releasing hormone. e. increased blood osmolality.

a. nursing a baby.

Blood vessels enter the eye and nerve processes exit the eye at the Select one: a. optic disc. b. macula lutea. c. sensory retina. d. fovea centralis. e. pupil.

a. optic disc.

Which of the following sequences is correct? Select one: a. oval window, vestibule, scala vestibuli b. round window, helicotrema, scala tympani c. bony labyrinth, round window, basilar membrane d. tympanic membrane, vestibular membrane, basilar membrane e. vestibular membrane, basilar membrane, auditory membrane

a. oval window, vestibule, scala vestibuli

Which of the following is a visceral sensation? Select one: a. pain b. touch c. temperature d. proprioception e. balance

a. pain

The _______________ division of the ANS functions mainly under ordinary, restful conditions. Select one: a. parasympathetic b. somatic c. sympathetic d. thoracolumbar e. sensory

a. parasympathetic

Rapidly adapting proprioceptors that provide positional information during movement are called ______ receptors. Select one: a. phasic b. tonic

a. phasic

The component of the autonomic reflex arc that detects a change in stimulus is the Select one: a. receptor. b. sensory neuron. c. integrating center. d. motor neuron. e. ganglion.

a. receptor.

Rhodopsin is found in the Select one: a. rods. b. cones. c. choroid. d. pigmented retina. e. amacrine cells.

a. rods.

Match the characteristic with the correct nervous system.All axons are myelinated Select one: a. somatic motor nervous system b. autonomic nervous system c. both somatic and autonomic nervous systems d. neither somatic nor autonomic nervous system

a. somatic motor nervous system

Which of the following is NOT a means of parasympathetic innervation of effectors? Select one: a. spinal nerves b. abdominal nerve plexuses c. pelvic splanchnic nerves and pelvic nerve plexuses d. cranial nerves to the head and neck e. vagus nerve and thoracic nerve plexuses

a. spinal nerves

An inflammation of one of the ciliary glands of the eyelashes is called a Select one: a. sty. b. boil. c. chalazion. d. meibomian cyst. e. pinkeye.

a. sty.

Match the phrase to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.Can produce widespread sweating Select one: a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic

a. sympathetic

Match the phrase to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.Has greater influence during physical activity Select one: a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic

a. sympathetic

Match the phrase to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.Stimulation of this system often activates many effectors at the same time Select one: a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic

a. sympathetic

Match the phrase to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.Thoracolumbar division Select one: a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic

a. sympathetic

Release of epinephrine and norepinephrine Select one: a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic

a. sympathetic

John sees Martha; the pupils of his eyes dilate. It is "love at first sight." What division(s) of the ANS is(are) involved? Select one: a. sympathetic division b. parasympathetic division c. somatic motor division d. neither sympathetic division nor parasympathetic division e. both sympathetic division and parasympathetic division

a. sympathetic division

What is it about a cell that identifies it as a target cell for a hormone? Select one: a. the presence of a receptor specific for that hormone b. its location near the gland that secretes that hormone c. the ability of the target cell to perform a specific function d. its ability to inactivate the hormone e. the size of the target cell

a. the presence of a receptor specific for that hormone

Which of the following characteristics is associated with hyposecretion of thyroid hormones? Select one: a. weight gain b. exophthalmos c. warm, flushed skin d. increased heart rate e. weight loss

a. weight gain

Consider the following events in the nuclear receptor model:(1) Hormone receptor complex binds to DNA.(2) Messenger RNA directs synthesis of specific proteins.(3) Hormone binds to receptors in the nucleus (sometimes in the cytoplasm)(4) Messenger RNA synthesis is activated.(5) Synthesized proteins produce the response of the cell.Which of these events occurs in the nucleus? Select one: a. 1, 3, 5 b. 1, 3, 4 c. 1, 2, 3 d. 3, 4, 5 e. All events occur in the nucleus.

b. 1, 3, 4

Arrange the following events in proper sequence:(1) The activating hormone interacts with a membrane-bound receptor.(2) Cyclic AMP causes the cell to carry out a function characteristic for that specific hormone.(3) Adenylyl cyclase catalyzes the transformation of ATP to cyclic AMP.(4) Adenylyl cyclase is activated. Select one: a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 4, 3, 2 c. 3, 4, 2, 1 d. 1, 3, 2, 4 e. 1, 3, 4, 2

b. 1, 4, 3, 2

Arrange the following in correct sequence:(1) gustatory cell depolarizes(2) action potential stimulated in gustatory neurons(3) food substance dissolves in saliva(4) neurotransmitter released by gustatory cell(5) food substance enters taste pore and attaches to receptor on gustatory hair Select one: a. 5, 4, 1, 2, 3 b. 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 c. 5, 3, 1, 4, 2 d. 3, 1, 4, 5, 2 e. 3, 2, 1, 5, 4

b. 3, 5, 1, 4, 2

Various areas of the cortex form functional pathways to conduct action potentials necessary to perform specific functions. Arrange the areas below in proper sequence to accomplish reading a poem aloud.(1) visual association area(2) premotor area(3) Broca area(4) primary motor area(5) Wernicke area(6) visual cortex Select one: a. 1, 6, 5, 3, 4, 2 b. 6, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 c. 6, 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 d. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3 e. 5, 4, 3, 6, 1, 2

b. 6, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4

David has been feeling tired lately, and after having blood work completed, it shows elevated TSH, low iodine, and low thyroid hormone levels. Predict the possible cause from the choices below. Select one: a. David could possibly have a thyroid tumor. b. David may have iodine deficiency that is causing his thyroid to produce too little thyroid hormone. c. David could have a pituitary gland tumor. d. Too little information is given to determine the cause.

b. David may have iodine deficiency that is causing his thyroid to produce too little thyroid hormone.

Predict which hormone would produce longer lasting effects: Select one: a. Hormone A, which activates a G protein. b. Hormone B, which binds to a nuclear receptor. c. Hormone C, which stimulates the formation of a second messenger. d. Hormone D, which activates adenylate cyclase.

b. Hormone B, which binds to a nuclear receptor.

Which hormone is required for ovulation and formation of the corpus luteum? Select one: a. FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) b. LH (luteinizing hormone) c. TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) d. prolactin e. MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone)

b. LH (luteinizing hormone)

The taste of salts results when ____ diffuses through channels leading to depolarization of the taste cell. Similarly, sour is tasted when ______ lead(s) to the depolarization of taste cells. Select one: a. H+, G protein mechanism b. Na+, H+ c. Na+, amino acids d. umami, H+

b. Na+, H+

Which of the following is NOT a regulatory function of the endocrine system? Select one: a. Regulates water balance by controlling the solute concentration of the blood. b. Regulates skeletal muscle contraction strength. c. Regulates satiation and the breakdown of food into individual nutrients. d. Regulates the rate of metabolism. e. Regulates the levels of nutrients such as glucose in the blood.

b. Regulates skeletal muscle contraction strength.

Which of the following is true? Select one: a. The cochlear duct is filled with perilymph. b. The bony core of the cochlea is called the modiolus. c. The foot plate of the incus fits into the round window. d. The vestibule is one of the regions of the organ of corti. e. The spiral organ is found in the semicircular canals.

b. The bony core of the cochlea is called the modiolus.

Most endocrine glands communicate with their target tissues using _____ signals. Select one: a. frequency-modulated b. amplitude-modulated c. pitch-modulated d. resonance-modulated

b. amplitude-modulated

Match the characteristic with the correct nervous system.Receptor molecules may be muscarinic or adrenergic Select one: a. somatic motor nervous system b. autonomic nervous system c. both somatic and autonomic nervous systems d. neither somatic nor autonomic nervous system

b. autonomic nervous system

Match the characteristic with the correct nervous system.Target tissues may be stimulated or inhibited Select one: a. somatic motor nervous system b. autonomic nervous system c. both somatic and autonomic nervous systems d. neither somatic nor autonomic nervous system

b. autonomic nervous system

Which of the following would you observe in a patient with a tumor of the cerebellum? Select one: a. loss of general sensation b. balance impairment c. no heartbeat d. great sex drive e. no conscious thought

b. balance impairment

Which type of taste has the lowest threshold? Select one: a. sweet b. bitter c. salty d. sour e. umami

b. bitter

A nurse is caring for a patient who exhibits the following symptoms:(1) inability to maintain balance while walking(2) normal intelligence(3) can initiate voluntary movements although they are somewhat uncoordinated.(4) decreased tone in the skeletal musclesThe patient is probably suffering from a condition that affected the Select one: a. midbrain. b. cerebellum. c. basal ganglia. d. cerebral cortex. e. brainstem.

b. cerebellum.

Auditory impulses are transmitted by the _____ portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve. Select one: a. spiral b. cochlear c. vestibular d. ossicular e. tympanic

b. cochlear

The lacrimal glands Select one: a. cause a sty when inflamed. b. constantly produce a fluid called tears. c. are located in the superomedial corner of the orbit. d. are innervated by parasympathetic fibers from the oculomotor nerve. e. produce sebum.

b. constantly produce a fluid called tears.

The ______ tract and the ______ tract make up the pyramidal system. Select one: a. corticobulbar; spinocerebellar b. corticospinal; corticobulbar c. reticulospinal; spinothalamic d. rubrospinal; reticulospinal

b. corticospinal; corticobulbar

Axons exit the sympathetic chain ganglia by all of the following except Select one: a. spinal nerves. b. cranial nerves. c. splanchnic nerves. d. sympathetic nerves. e. nerves that innervate the adrenal medulla.

b. cranial nerves.

When a hormone binds to a membrane bound receptor, Select one: a. membrane channels are destroyed. b. cyclic GMP might be produced to act as an intracellular mediator. c. the nucleus is phosphorylated to prevent G-protein activation. d. messenger RNA is formed. e. cellular DNA is altered.

b. cyclic GMP might be produced to act as an intracellular mediator.

Pacinian corpuscles respond to Select one: a. an increase in tendon tension. b. deep cutaneous pressure and vibration. c. stretch and tension. d. temperature and pain. e. light touch.

b. deep cutaneous pressure and vibration.

Which pattern of hormone secretion, often observed in steroid reproductive hormones, will fluctuate over a monthly cycle? Select one: a. acute hormone secretion b. episodic hormone secretion c. long-term hormone secretion d. chronic hormone secretion

b. episodic hormone secretion

Palpebrae is another name for the Select one: a. eyes. b. eyelids. c. eyebrows. d. eyelashes. e. conjunctiva.

b. eyelids.

The lens Select one: a. is biconcave. b. focuses light on the retina. c. floats in the vitreous humor. d. is attached to the retina by suspensory ligaments. e. is normally opaque.

b. focuses light on the retina.

Albinism in which there is an absence of melanin pigment would affect the individual's ability to Select one: a. discern colors. b. have high levels of visual acuity and prevent scattering of light inside the eye. c. protect the optic nerves from damage. d. remove wastes from the eye. e. see at all, as it always results in blindness.

b. have high levels of visual acuity and prevent scattering of light inside the eye.

What part of the brain is in overall control of the ANS? Select one: a. medulla oblongata b. hypothalamus c. thalamus d. cerebrum

b. hypothalamus

Which of the following occurs when the parasympathetic system is stimulated? Select one: a. increased blood pressure b. increased motility of the digestive tract c. increased metabolism d. increased heart rate e. decreased motility of the digestive tract

b. increased motility of the digestive tract

Which of the following is NOT an intrinsic eye muscle? Select one: a. ciliary muscles b. inferior oblique muscle c. sphincter pupillae muscle d. dilator pupillae muscle

b. inferior oblique muscle

The cerebellum functions as a comparator. This means that the cerebellum compares Select one: a. the incoming sensory stimuli with the outgoing sensory stimuli. b. intended movements with actual movements. c. spinal cord activity with the activity of the cerebrum. d. the right cerebellar hemisphere with the left cerebellar hemisphere. e. and coordinates rapid, complex movements like figure skating.

b. intended movements with actual movements.

A lesion in the red nucleus results in Select one: a. resting tremors. b. intention tremors. c. sleeping tremors. d. reflex tremors.

b. intention tremors.

Which of the following is correctly matched? Select one: a. sclera - ciliary body b. iris - sphincter pupillae c. retina - canal of Schlemm d. vitreous humor - anterior chamber e. aqueous humor - vitreous chamber

b. iris - sphincter pupillae

The extrapyramidal system Select one: a. controls the speed of skilled movements. b. maintains control of unconscious movements. c. interprets cutaneous perception. d. projects sensory information from the medulla to the cerebrum. e. control facial expression, mastication, and tongue movements.

b. maintains control of unconscious movements.

Acetylcholine will cause the pupil of the eye to constrict. A drug acts on receptors for acetylcholine to cause the pupils of the eye to dilate. Nicotine does not bind to receptors in smooth muscle cells of the iris. Therefore, the drug which causes the pupils to dilate is a Select one: a. nicotinic blocking agent. b. muscarinic blocking agent. c. a nicotinic agent. d. a muscarinic agent. e. an adrenergic agent.

b. muscarinic blocking agent.

The conscious perception of smell is a function of the: Select one: a. olfactory cortex in the frontal lobe b. olfactory cortex in the temporal lobe c. secondary olfactory area in the frontal lobe d. secondary olfactory area in the temporal lobe

b. olfactory cortex in the temporal lobe

Match the phrase to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.Craniosacral division Select one: a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic

b. parasympathetic

Match the phrase to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.Effects are short-lived Select one: a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic

b. parasympathetic

Match the phrase to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.Effects more localized Select one: a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic

b. parasympathetic

Match the phrase to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.Functions at rest Select one: a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic

b. parasympathetic

Match the phrase to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.Inhibits heart rate but stimulates contraction of urinary bladder Select one: a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic

b. parasympathetic

Parasympathetic preganglionic axons from the sacral region of the spinal cord course through ____ nerves that innervate the ____. Select one: a. splanchnic; urinary bladder and adrenal glands b. pelvic; lower colon and reproductive glands c. sacral; lower colon and urinary bladder d. lumbar; stomach and intestines e. coccygeal; anus and vagina

b. pelvic; lower colon and reproductive glands

Amputees frequently perceive pain in the amputated structure. This type of pain is called Select one: a. chronic pain. b. phantom pain. c. referred pain. d. gate pain. e. ghost pain.

b. phantom pain.

The correct pathway for impulses leaving the retina is Select one: a. photoreceptors, ganglion cells, bipolar cells, and optic nerve. b. photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, and optic nerve. c. photoreceptors, bipolar cells, optic nerve, and ganglion cells. d. photoreceptors, ganglion cells, optic nerve, and bipolar cells. e. ganglion cells, bipolar cells, photoreceptors, and optic nerve.

b. photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, and optic nerve.

The ability to locate the position of body parts is called Select one: a. two-point discrimination. b. proprioception. c. fine touch. d. light touch. e. perception.

b. proprioception.

Which of the following is an example of procedural or implicit memory? Select one: a. remembering your name b. riding a bicycle c. locating Russia on a globe d. being afraid of snakes e. reciting a poem

b. riding a bicycle

The outermost tunic of the eyeball is the Select one: a. iris. b. sclera. c. retina. d. choroid. e. conjunctiva.

b. sclera.

The endocrine system Select one: a. releases neurotransmitters into ducts. b. secretes chemicals that reach their targets through the bloodstream. c. communicates via frequency-modulated signals. d. contains organs called exocrine glands. e. is isolated from the nervous system.

b. secretes chemicals that reach their targets through the bloodstream.

If you feel someone touch you on the shoulder, the person has stimulated a(n) ____ sense. Select one: a. special b. somatic c. visceral d. undifferentiated e. None of these choices are correct.

b. somatic

Preganglionic fibers from the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord are part of the ____ division of the ANS. Select one: a. central b. sympathetic c. somatic motor d. parasympathetic e. ganglionic

b. sympathetic

Chain ganglia are part of the Select one: a. central nervous system. b. sympathetic branch of the ANS. c. somatic motor branch of the ANS. d. parasympathetic branch of the ANS. e. spinal cord.

b. sympathetic branch of the ANS.

The fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus would help us Select one: a. perceive pain. b. tell if an object is rough or smooth. c. sense temperature. d. move our arms and legs. e. write a sentence.

b. tell if an object is rough or smooth.

The auditory cortex is located in the Select one: a. insula. b. temporal lobe. c. parietal lobe. d. frontal lobe.

b. temporal lobe.

What is activated when light causes 11-cis-retinal to convert to all-trans-retinal? Select one: a. opsin b. transducin c. ATP d. glutamate

b. transducin

Wernicke area is necessary for Select one: a. motivation. b. understanding and formulating coherent speech. c. initiating the muscular movements of speech. d. processing visual images. e. smiling.

b. understanding and formulating coherent speech.

Tears Select one: a. are produced only when a person cries. b. wash foreign objects away from the eye. c. contain lysozyme to trap dust. d. are very acidic and kill microbes. e. contain little water.

b. wash foreign objects away from the eye.

Arrange the following in the sequence in which releasing hormones travel through them.(1) secondary capillary network(2) primary capillary network(3) hypothalamohypophysial portal vessels Select one: a. 1, 2, 3 b. 3, 2, 1 c. 2, 3, 1 d. 3, 1, 2 e. 2, 1, 3

c. 2, 3, 1

Which of the following result when the spinal cord is hemitransected (cut) on the left side?(1) loss of pain and thermal sensations below the injury on the left side(2) loss of pain and thermal sensations below the injury on the right side(3) loss of fine touch and pressure sensations below the injury on the left side(4) loss of fine touch and pressure sensations below the injury on right side(5) loss of fine motor control on the right side below the injury(6) loss of fine motor control on the left side below the injury Select one: a. 1, 3, 5 b. 2, 4, 6 c. 2, 3, 6 d. 1, 3, 4, 6 e. 1, 4, 5, 6

c. 2, 3, 6

Arrange the following in correct sequence:(1) autonomic ganglia and ganglionic synapse(2) synapse with target tissues(3) preganglionic neuron(4) postganglionic neuron Select one: a. 2, 3, 4, 1 b. 1, 3, 2, 4 c. 3, 1, 4, 2 d. 4, 1, 3, 2 e. 4, 3, 1, 2

c. 3, 1, 4, 2

When a person is exposed to temperature extremes, why is it difficult to distinguish hot from cold objects? Select one: a. Temperature perception requires more than one type of receptor. b. Temperatures above 37 degrees centigrade actually stimulate the cold receptors. c. At extremes, pain receptors are stimulated by both very hot and very cold objects. d. Most temperature receptors cannot differentiate hot from cold. e. Pain receptors are inhibited by both very hot and very cold objects.

c. At extremes, pain receptors are stimulated by both very hot and very cold objects.

Which of the following statements concerning the descending pathways of the spinal cord is true? Select one: a. Most descending pathways control sensory functions. b. Many of the descending pathways decussate in the midbrain. c. Descending pathways consist of upper and lower motor neurons. d. Descending pathways must synapse in the thalamus. e. These pathways start in the spinal cord and end in the brain.

c. Descending pathways consist of upper and lower motor neurons.

Which of the following is NOT a regulatory function of the endocrine system? Select one: a. Regulates the rate of metabolism. b. Controls development and functions of the reproductive system. c. Regulates equilibrium and balance from the inner ear. d. Prepares the body for physical activity and stress. e. Regulates heart rate and blood pressure.

c. Regulates equilibrium and balance from the inner ear.

Which of the following statements is false? Select one: a. Both divisions of the ANS can produce stimulatory effects. b. Both divisions cooperate to achieve normal reproductive function. c. Structures receiving dual innervation by the ANS are regulated equally by both divisions. d. The sympathetic division has more influence under conditions of physical activity than does the parasympathetic division. e. Dual innervation of organs by both divisions of the ANS is not universal.

c. Structures receiving dual innervation by the ANS are regulated equally by both divisions.

Long-term memory may involve Select one: a. an influx of potassium ions into the neuron. b. activating substance P. c. a change in the shape of the neuron's cytoskeleton. d. forming a nerve plexus. e. rearranging neurons in the brain.

c. a change in the shape of the neuron's cytoskeleton.

Night blindness could be caused by Select one: a. a lack of cones. b. a lack of iodopsin. c. a lack of rhodopsin. d. too much vitamin A in the diet. e. a lack of vitamin C in the diet.

c. a lack of rhodopsin.

A series of neurons involved in long-term retention of a thought is called Select one: a. an EEG. b. a brain wave. c. a memory engram. d. short-term memory. e. ascending spinal pathway.

c. a memory engram.

Julie was diagnosed with an aggressive tumor of the thyroid. Surgery was performed to remove the thyroid. However, post-operatively, Julie's blood calcium levels began declining to life-threatening levels. This decline is most likely due to Select one: a. thyroid hormone replacement therapy after the surgery. b. damage to the anterior pituitary during surgery. c. accidental removal of the parathyroid glands during surgery. d. improper laboratory handling of blood samples. e. post-traumatic stress disorder.

c. accidental removal of the parathyroid glands during surgery.

Sympathomimetic agents activate Select one: a. nicotinic receptors. b. muscarinic receptors. c. adrenergic receptors. d. somatotrophic receptors. e. cholinergic receptors.

c. adrenergic receptors.

Damage to Wernicke area would result in Select one: a. facial paralysis. b. facial tics. c. aphasia. d. "seeing stars". e. apraxia.

c. aphasia.

Which tastant is NOT correctly matched with its process of depolarization? Select one: a. salty - Na+ b. umami - G protein c. bitter - K+ d. sour - H+ e. sweet - G protein

c. bitter - K+

Match the characteristic with the correct nervous system.Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter substance Select one: a. somatic motor nervous system b. autonomic nervous system c. both somatic and autonomic nervous systems d. neither somatic nor autonomic nervous system

c. both somatic and autonomic nervous systems

In hypocalcemia, Select one: a. incidence of bone fractures increases. b. muscular weakness is common. c. cardiac arrhythmias occur. d. constipation becomes a problem. e. the nervous system becomes depressed.

c. cardiac arrhythmias occur.

Procedural memory is stored primarily in the Select one: a. hippocampus and amygdala. b. central sulcus and Wernicke's area. c. cerebellum and premotor area of cerebral cortex. d. temporal lobe and frontal lobe. e. pons and midbrain.

c. cerebellum and premotor area of cerebral cortex.

Which pattern of hormone secretion, exemplified by thyroid hormones, remains relatively constant over long periods of time? Select one: a. acute hormone secretion b. episodic hormone secretion c. chronic hormone secretion d. long-term hormone secretion

c. chronic hormone secretion

Lipid-soluble hormones can be more easily excreted once they have water-soluble molecules added to their structure in a process called Select one: a. saponification. b. amplitude-modulation. c. conjugation. d. protein-binding.

c. conjugation.

Which of the following is NOT a symapthetic effect on the body? Select one: a. increased coagulation b. relaxation of ciliary muscle for far vision c. constriction of the pupil d. decreased insulin secretion

c. constriction of the pupil

The transparent anterior portion of the sclera is the Select one: a. iris. b. retina. c. cornea. d. choroid. e. pupil.

c. cornea.

Terrance is told by his physician that he has lesions on one side of his spinal cord, which cut the lateral spinothalamic tract. Therefore, Terrance will have an inability to perceive Select one: a. sensations of touch from both sides of his body below the level of injury. b. his sense of proprioception on the same side of his body below the level of the injury. c. cutaneous sensations on the opposite side of his body below the level of injury. d. sensations of vibration on the opposite side of his body at the level of the injury. e. sensations of tickle on the same side of his body below the level of injury.

c. cutaneous sensations on the opposite side of his body below the level of injury.

Which of the following situations might be the result of hypersecretion of glucocorticoids? Select one: a. weight loss b. hypoglycemia c. depression of the immune response d. increased plasma levels of ACTH e. proteins and fats are unused

c. depression of the immune response

Where is the enteric nervous system located? Select one: a. brain b. heart c. digestive tract d. skin

c. digestive tract

In some forms of diabetes, an insensitivity to insulin seems to be present. This insensitivity could be the result of Select one: a. up-regulation. b. over-regulation. c. down-regulation. d. a lack of regulation. e. modulation.

c. down-regulation.

Which of the following is NOT a type of enteric neuron? Select one: a. enteric interneuron b. enteric sensory neuron c. enteric bipolar neuron d. enteric motor neuron

c. enteric bipolar neuron

Some thyroid disorders are characterized by an increase in the width of the palpebral fissure. This would be an increase in the distance between the Select one: a. eyebrows. b. eyelashes. c. eyelids. d. eyes. e. lacrimal glands.

c. eyelids.

The portion of the dorsal column/medial lemniscal tract that carries proprioceptive sensations from nerve endings in the feet and legs is the Select one: a. nucleus gracilis. b. nucleus cuneatus. c. fasciculus gracilis. d. fasciculus cuneatus. e. fasciculus nucleus.

c. fasciculus gracilis.

Parathyroid hormone is released when blood calcium levels decrease. This is an example of control by __________ stimuli. Select one: a. hormonal b. neural c. humoral d. visceral

c. humoral

The photoreceptor cells are located Select one: a. on the surface of the retina. b. in the ganglionic layer of the retina. c. in the photoreceptive layer of the retina. d. in the choroid layer of the retina. e. in the pigment cell layer of the retina.

c. in the photoreceptive layer of the retina.

Which portion of the ear contains the sense organs for hearing and balance? Select one: a. external ear b. middle ear c. inner ear d. auditory tube e. tympanic membrane.

c. inner ear

When acetylcholine binds to autonomic muscarinic receptors, Select one: a. heart rate increases. b. voluntary movements occur. c. intestinal motility increases. d. intestinal motility decreases. e. intestinal motility stops.

c. intestinal motility increases.

Which of the following ions is necessary for thyroid hormone production? Select one: a. potassium b. calcium c. iodine d. sodium e. chlorine

c. iodine

Damage to the left side of the brain near the visual cortex could result in which of the following visual changes? Select one: a. loss of temporal visual fields from both eyes b. loss of nasal visual fields from both eyes c. loss of right visual fields from both eyes d. loss of left visual fields from both eyes e. None of these choices is correct.

c. loss of right visual fields from both eyes

The senses of hearing and balance both utilize receptor cells that are categorized as _______. Select one: a. primary receptors b. secondary receptors c. mechanoreceptors d. chemoreceptors

c. mechanoreceptors

The size of various regions of the primary somatic sensory cortex is proportional to the _______ sensory receptors in that area of the body. Select one: a. size of b. location of c. number of d. size of muscles in e. position of the

c. number of

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the retina? Select one: a. ganglion cells b. photoreceptors c. optic chiasm d. optic disc e. fovea centralis

c. optic chiasm

A person loses all vision in their left eye. One possible cause could be damage to the Select one: a. optic chiasma. b. left optic tract. c. optic nerve in the left eye. d. right lateral geniculate nucleus. e. right visual cortex in the occipital lobe.

c. optic nerve in the left eye.

Visual input is sent to the brainstem via the _____ nerve, whereas the _____ nerve sends facial sensation to the brainstem. Select one: a. facial; trochlear b. optic; facial c. optic; trigeminal d. trigeminal; accessory

c. optic; trigeminal

Which of these activities is associated with the right cerebral hemisphere in most people? Select one: a. adding numbers b. reciting the Gettysburg address c. painting a watercolor landscape d. using a calculator e. making a household budget

c. painting a watercolor landscape

Cortisol, a lipid-soluble hormone is released into the blood. Predict what cortisol might do. Select one: a. can dissolve in the blood as free hormone b. needs fenestrated capillaries to move out of the blood stream c. readily diffuses through capillary wall d. rapidly degraded by proteases in the bloodstream e. may have carbohydrates attached to give a longer half-life

c. readily diffuses through capillary wall

Which of the following pairs is mismatched? Select one: a. corticospinal tract - movements, especially the hands b. corticobulbar tract - movements in the head and face c. rubrospinal tract - two-point discrimination d. vestibulospinal tract - maintains upright posture e. reticulospinal - posture adjustments and walking

c. rubrospinal tract - two-point discrimination

Which of the following is NOT an effector controlled by the autonomic nervous system? Select one: a. cardiac muscle b. glands c. skeletal muscle d. smooth muscle in blood vessels e. smooth muscle in the digestive system

c. skeletal muscle

Which of the following is NOT a function of the cerebellum? Select one: a. learning to play the harp. b. keeping time with music c. sleep-wake cycle d. coordination of skeletal muscles

c. sleep-wake cycle

In an ascending pathway, axons of the secondary neuron travel from the Select one: a. receptor to the spinal cord. b. receptor to the brain. c. spinal cord through the brainstem to the thalamus. d. thalamus to the cerebral cortex. e. spinal cord to cerebellum.

c. spinal cord through the brainstem to the thalamus.

To focus on objects closer than 20 feet, Select one: a. the lens must become flatter. b. the cornea must move inward. c. the ciliary muscles must contract. d. the suspensory ligaments increase tension on the lens. e. the retina must bend.

c. the ciliary muscles must contract.

When you try to focus on the tip of your nose, Select one: a. the pupils dilate. b. the ciliary muscles relax. c. the lens becomes more spherical. d. the tension on the suspensory ligament increases. e. the lens becomes flatter.

c. the lens becomes more spherical.

Impulses that initiate motivation and forethought originate in Select one: a. the postcentral gyrus. b. the precentral gyrus. c. the prefrontal area. d. the association area. e. the central sulcus.

c. the prefrontal area.

In the sympathetic division of the ANS, Select one: a. an important characteristic is convergence of neurons. b. preganglionic fibers are generally longer than postganglionic fibers. c. the preganglionic cell body is located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord. d. a single preganglionic fiber usually synapses with a single postganglionic fiber. e. preganglionic fibers emerge from the cervical portion of the spinal cord.

c. the preganglionic cell body is located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord.

The half-life of a hormone allows one to determine Select one: a. the rate of hormone secretion. b. the identity of a hormone. c. the rate at which hormones are eliminated from the body. d. the rate of action of a hormone. e. the rate of travel through the blood to a target.

c. the rate at which hormones are eliminated from the body.

Compared to a somatic reflex, an autonomic reflex utilizes Select one: a. one motor neuron plus cardiac and smooth muscle and glands as effectors. b. one motor neuron plus skeletal muscles as effectors. c. two motor neurons plus cardiac and smooth muscle and glands as effectors. d. two motor neurons plus skeletal muscles as effectors. e. three motor neurons plus skeletal muscles as effectors.

c. two motor neurons plus cardiac and smooth muscle and glands as effectors.

The external ear terminates at the Select one: a. pinna. b. oval window. c. tympanic membrane. d. internal auditory meatus. e. ossicles.

c. tympanic membrane.

Two tracts found within the extrapyramidal system are the Select one: a. rubrospinal and corticospinal. b. spinothalamic and tectospinal. c. vestibulospinal and rubrospinal. d. corticobulbar and vestibulospinal. e. corticospinal and corticobulbar.

c. vestibulospinal and rubrospinal.

The pain a person experiences with acute appendicitis results from stimulating nerve endings called Select one: a. painreceptors. b. internoreceptors. c. visceroreceptors d. proprioceptors. e. appendoreceptors.

c. visceroreceptors

Arrange the following to reflect the correct sequence an action potential would follow to reach the olfactory cortex of the brain:(1) olfactory bulb(2) olfactory cortex(3) olfactory epithelium(4) olfactory tract Select one: a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 3, 4, 1, 2 c. 1, 4, 2, 3 d. 3, 1, 4, 2 e. 4, 3, 2, 1

d. 3, 1, 4, 2

Arrange the following structures in the order in which they would vibrate as a result of the tympanic membrane vibrating.(1) oval window(2) vestibular membrane and endolymph(3) ossicles(4) basilar membrane(5) perilymph Select one: a. 3, 5, 2, 4, 1 b. 1, 2, 5, 3, 4 c. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 d. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 e. 3, 2, 4, 5, 1

d. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4

If acetylcholine binds to muscarinic receptors, Select one: a. Na+ channels open. b. Ca2+ channels open. c. adrenaline is released. d. G proteins mediate the cell's response. e. the response is neither excitatory nor inhibitory.

d. G proteins mediate the cell's response.

Receptors responsible for the control of muscle contractions are Select one: a. muscle spindles. b. Pacinian corpuscles. c. Ruffini end organs. d. Golgi tendon organs. e. Meissner corpuscles.

d. Golgi tendon organs.

All of the following characteristics of hormones except Select one: a. Hormones alter activity in target cells b. Hormones interact specifically with receptors c. Hormones are stable in blood until arrival at target cells d. Hormones interact with any cells in contact with bloodstream

d. Hormones interact with any cells in contact with bloodstream

Sympathetic neurons can serve as ______ stimuli for hormone release from certain endocrine organs. Select one: a. Autocrine b. Humoral c. Paracrine d. Neural

d. Neural

How does distribution of symapthetic nerves differ from the distribution of parasymapthetic nerves? Select one: a. Only the sympathetic division serves the head and neck. b. Only parasympathetic nerves innervate the thoracic region. c. Sympathetic fibers innervate the abdominal cavity, while parasympathetic fibers innervate the pelvic region. d. Spinal nerves contain sympathetic fibers, while cranial nerves contain parasympathetic fibers.

d. Spinal nerves contain sympathetic fibers, while cranial nerves contain parasympathetic fibers.

The major thyroid hormone that interacts with target cells is Select one: a. calcitonin. b. thyroxine. c. tetraiodothyronine. d. T3 e. T4

d. T3

All of the following are reasons why some hormones need assistance to travel in the blood except Select one: a. They are small enough to be easily digested by blood enzymes. b. They are easily filtered from the blood into the kidney tubules. c. They have low solubility in blood plasma due to their chemical nature. d. They cannot dissolve in the blood because they are water-soluble.

d. They cannot dissolve in the blood because they are water-soluble.

A person suffering a stroke in the right parietal lobe may lose the ability to recognize faces. This is called Select one: a. aphasia. b. aprexia. c. athetosis. d. amorphosynthesis. e. incoherency.

d. amorphosynthesis.

Damage to the vestibular branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve would result in loss of Select one: a. taste. b. sight. c. hearing. d. balance. e. smell.

d. balance.

Pinkeye is an acute inflammation of the Select one: a. retina. b. choroid. c. sclera. d. conjunctiva. e. lacrimal gland.

d. conjunctiva.

Humans are able to distinguish several million shades of color because Select one: a. humans have large retinas. b. humans have binocular vision. c. they have many different types of cone cells. d. different proportions of cone cells respond to each wavelength of light. e. humans have more cones than rods.

d. different proportions of cone cells respond to each wavelength of light.

The gate control theory of pain says that pain impulses traveling through the lateral spinothalamic tract can be suppressed by increased activity of the Select one: a. anterior spinothalamic tract. b. tertiary neurons. c. extrapyramidal tracts. d. dorsal column/medial lemniscal system. e. spinocerebellar tracts.

d. dorsal column/medial lemniscal system.

During brain surgery, the superior portion of the primary somatic sensory cortex of a patient is stimulated. The patient is most likely to Select one: a. flex his fingers. b. talk to the surgeon. c. smile. d. feel something touching his back. e. wiggle his toes.

d. feel something touching his back.

If the Broca area is damaged, the result is Select one: a. loss of memory. b. impairment in the movement of the right leg. c. blindness. d. hesitant and distorted speech. e. inability to think of things to say.

d. hesitant and distorted speech.

Blood chemistry changes are examples of ______ stimuli, whereas sympathetic nervous system impulses are examples of _______ stimuli for hormone release. Select one: a. neural; humoral b. positive; negative c. Negative; positive d. humoral; neural

d. humoral; neural

Which of the following is a sympathetic effect? Select one: a. constriction of the pupils of the eyes b. constriction of the bronchioles in the lungs c. contraction of the urinary bladder d. increased heart rate e. increased gastric secretions

d. increased heart rate

Which of the following is NOT an effect of dropping blood glucose levels, 1-2 hours after a meal? Select one: a. increased sympathetic stimulation causes insulin secretion to decrease b. decreasing blood nutrient levels cause increased growth hormone secretion c. decreasing blood nutrient levels cause increased cortisol secretion d. increasing parasympathetic stimulation causes increased glucagon secretion

d. increasing parasympathetic stimulation causes increased glucagon secretion

The blink reflex is designed to Select one: a. maintain balance. b. regulate pupil size. c. provide clearer vision. d. keep the eyes moist. e. orient the eyes.

d. keep the eyes moist.

Which of the following pairs is mismatched? Select one: a. left cerebral hemisphere - analytical hemisphere b. left cerebral hemisphere - speech area for most of the population c. right cerebral hemisphere - recognition of faces d. left cerebral hemisphere - spatial perception e. left cerebral hemisphere - mathematical hemisphere

d. left cerebral hemisphere - spatial perception

Which chemical class of hormone is more likely to need a binding protein for transport in the blood? Select one: a. water-soluble b. amino acid derivative c. protein d. lipid-soluble

d. lipid-soluble

An intercellular chemical signal that is produced by neurons but functions like a hormone would be called a Select one: a. neuropathogen. b. neurotransmitter. c. neurocrine. d. neurohormone. e. neurosynthesizer.

d. neurohormone.

The hypothalamohypophysial tract carries Select one: a. neurohormones from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary. b. neurohormones from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary. c. neurons from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary. d. neurons from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary. e. neurons from the anterior pituitary to posterior pituitary.

d. neurons from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary.

Atropine causes the pupil of the eye to dilate by blocking the effect of muscarinic receptors. This means atropine is a(n) Select one: a. ganglionic blocking agent. b. beta-adrenergic blocking agent. c. alpha-adrenergic blocking agent. d. parasympathetic blocking agent. e. parasympathomimetic agents.

d. parasympathetic blocking agent.

Which of the cortical areas listed below is most likely to be stimulated first when repeating a word you just heard spoken? Select one: a. auditory association area b. Broca area c. primary motor area d. primary auditory cortex e. Wernicke area.

d. primary auditory cortex

To which of the following substances would the taste buds be most sensitive? Select one: a. syrup b. vinegar c. salt water d. quinine (tonic) water e. jelly

d. quinine (tonic) water

Which of the following definitions best describes the timbre of sounds? Select one: a. loudness b. amplitude c. wave frequency d. resonance quality e. pitch

d. resonance quality

Sensory receptors for balance are found in the Select one: a. pinna. b. cochlea. c. auditory ossicles. d. semicircular canals. e. auditory tube.

d. semicircular canals.

The superior olivary nucleus Select one: a. generates the endocochlear potential. b. receives impulses from the vestibular nerve. c. helps localize high-pitched tones near the apex of the basilar membrane. d. sends efferent impulses that inhibit all hair cells not vibrating maximally. e. stimulates additional hair cells.

d. sends efferent impulses that inhibit all hair cells not vibrating maximally.

Which of the organs listed below is not directly innervated by the autonomic nervous system? Select one: a. the heart b. sweat gland c. smooth muscle d. skeletal muscle e. salivary gland

d. skeletal muscle

Identify the only major sense that does not pass through the thalamus as it is relayed to the cerebral cortex. Select one: a. balance b. hearing c. sight d. smell e. taste

d. smell

The sensation of hearing occurs when sensory impulses from the ears are transmitted to the auditory cortex in the __________lobe from the _________nerve. Select one: a. occipital; trochlear b. occipital; vestibulocochlear c. temporal; trochlear d. temporal; vestibulocochlear e. parietal; abducens

d. temporal; vestibulocochlear

In short-term memory, Select one: a. information is retained for less than a second. b. the frontal lobe plays the most important role. c. current information is lost when new information is presented. d. there is increased synaptic activity by long-term potentiation. e. there is consolidation of information.

d. there is increased synaptic activity by long-term potentiation.

The vagus nerve carries parasympathetic impulses to the Select one: a. salivary glands. b. lacrimal glands. c. smooth muscle of the eyes. d. thoracic and abdominal viscera. e. thyroid gland.

d. thoracic and abdominal viscera.

Sympathetic fibers leave the spinal cord in the Select one: a. cranial and sacral regions. b. lumbar and sacral regions. c. cranial and thoracic regions. d. thoracic and lumbar regions. e. cervical and sacral regions

d. thoracic and lumbar regions.

Which gland does NOT produce reproductive hormones? Select one: a. ovaries b. testes c. placenta d. thyroid e. pituitary gland

d. thyroid

Slowly adapting proprioceptors that would let you know the position of your thumb without looking at it are known as Select one: a. phasic receptors. b. primary receptors. c. secondary receptors. d. tonic receptors.

d. tonic receptors.

Efferent neurons of the Select one: a. somatic motor nerves innervate smooth muscle. b. ANS innervate skeletal muscle. c. somatic motor nerves connect skeletal muscles to the chain ganglia of the spinal cord. d. ANS utilize one neuron to connect the CNS to the effector organ. e. ANS utilize two neurons in series to connect the CNS to the effector.

e. ANS utilize two neurons in series to connect the CNS to the effector.

Damage to the cerebellum is likely to cause Select one: a. decreased muscle tone. b. balance impairment. c. the tendency to overshoot when reaching for an object. d. an intention tremor. e. All of the choices are correct.

e. All of the choices are correct.

What ion(s) cause(s) depolarization in olfactory neurons? Select one: a. Na+ b. Ca2+ c. K+ d. Both Na+ and K+ e. Both Na+ and Ca2+

e. Both Na+ and Ca2+

Which of the following is false? Select one: a. Rods cannot detect color. b. The visual pigment of cones is iodopsin. c. Most of the optic tract axons terminate in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus. d. Association neurons in the inner retinal layers modify signals of rods and cones. e. Most of the optic tract axons terminate in the medial geniculate nucleus of the thalamus.

e. Most of the optic tract axons terminate in the medial geniculate nucleus of the thalamus.

Thromboxane is a chemical mediator released by platelets. Thromboxane promotes the aggregation of platelets which results in platelet plug formation during hemostasis. Thromboxane would therefore be classified as a(n) Select one: a. neurotransmitter. b. paracrine chemical messenger. c. endorphin;. d. enkephalin. e. autocrine chemical messenger.

e. autocrine chemical messenger.

Compounds released from cells that influence the same cell are called _____________. Select one: a. paracrine chemical messengers b. steroidal hormones c. neuropeptides d. tropic hormones e. autocrine chemical messengers

e. autocrine chemical messengers

Sympathetic preganglionic axons Select one: a. can synapse in terminal ganglia. b. must synapse in parasympathetic ganglia. c. can synapse with cells in the adrenal cortex. d. can synapse in the dorsal root ganglion. e. can synapse in either chain or collateral ganglia.

e. can synapse in either chain or collateral ganglia.

Oxytocin is responsible for Select one: a. preventing release of insulin from the pancreas. b. preventing the formation of goiters. c. milk production by the mammary glands. d. regulating blood calcium levels. e. causing contractions of uterine smooth muscle during labor.

e. causing contractions of uterine smooth muscle during labor.

In general, lipid-soluble hormones exhibit which type(s) of hormone secretion pattern(s)? Select one: a. chronic hormone secretion b. chronic and acute hormone secretion c. acute and episodic hormone secretion d. episodic hormone secretion e. chronic and episodic hormone secretion

e. chronic and episodic hormone secretion

The optic disc Select one: a. is located in the vascular tunic. b. is the site of greatest visual acuity. c. is also called the macula lutea. d. is on the anterior surface of the eye. e. contains no photoreceptor cells.

e. contains no photoreceptor cells.

Receptors for most lipid-soluble hormones are located Select one: a. in the cytoplasm of their target cells. b. on the plasma membrane of their target cells. c. in the lysosomes of their target cells. d. on the nuclear membrane of their target cells. e. in the nucleus or cytoplasm of their target cells.

e. in the nucleus or cytoplasm of their target cells.

All of the following are changes due to age-related decreases in endocrine secretions, except Select one: a. decrease in muscle mass. b. decrease in bone mass. c. change in sleeping patterns. d. increased susceptibility to infection. e. inability to regulate blood glucose levels.

e. inability to regulate blood glucose levels.

Hormone receptor molecules may be ____ in order to change the target cell's sensitivity to a given hormone. Select one: a. increased in number b. decreased in number c. chemically altered d. moved e. increased in number, decreased in number and chemically altered

e. increased in number, decreased in number and chemically altered

Increased testosterone levels reduce the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the anterior pituitary. This is an example of Select one: a. inhibition of hormone release by humoral stimuli b. inhibition of hormone release by neural stimuli c. inhibition of hormone release by external stimuli d. inhibition of hormonal release by environmental stimuli e. inhibition of hormone release by hormonal stimuli

e. inhibition of hormone release by hormonal stimuli

Which gland is located in the sella turcica? Select one: a. thymus b. adrenal c. pineal d. hypothalamus e. pituitary (hypophysis)

e. pituitary (hypophysis)

The main factor affecting depth of focus is the Select one: a. convergence. b. accommodation. c. shape of the lens. d. size of the lens. e. size of the pupil.

e. size of the pupil.

All of the following are regulatory functions of the endocrine system except Select one: a. labor contractions. b. development of tissues. c. immune functions. d. metabolic rate. e. thermoregulation.

e. thermoregulation.

All of the following are water-soluble hormones except Select one: a. growth hormone b. insulin c. thyrotropin-releasing hormone d. thyroid-stimulating hormone e. thyroid hormone

e. thyroid hormone

Question text The perception of position and movement of body parts is Select one: a. sensation. b. propioception. c. both a and b are correct d. All of the choices are correct.


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