BADM 310 Chapter 2

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Critical messages of the contingency theory include

"There is no one best way to organize" "Managers choose their organizational structures & control systems base on the external environment"

Groups and teams can cooperate with management to raise performance or thwart any attempts to do so. Therefore, as the Hawthorne studies suggested, it is important to understand that the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of which two groups can affect performance?

-management -work-group members

Burns and Stalker identified two types of structures through which managers can organize and control an organizations activities. They are:

-mechanistic -organic

Which of the following are considered branches of management science theory?

-operations management -quantitative management -management information systems -total quality management

While this type of a structure is meant to increase efficiency, a(n) can result in slow and inefficient decision-making, inability to change, and a lack of flexibility when poorly managed.


While today this term is viewed as the equivalent of hierarchical or an impediment to change, was originally defined by Weber as a formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.


__________ is a formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness


the term "____" was originally defined by Weber as a formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness


Weber contributions

bureaucracy, rules SOP norms

fayol was known for his many contributions to management theory

but one of his claims to fame was to be the first to ________,limit the length of the chain of command

when resources are scarce because of an economic shift, managers are forced to make adjustments. those who are able to work with less, energize their staffs, and keep up excitement demonstrate that organizational _________ will not deter them


The Fayol principle of management that stated all organizational members are entitled to justice and respect is:


fayol's principle of ____ pertains to justice , impartiality , fairness , and respect due each member of an organization in the workplace


According to Fayol, can result when managers encourage personal, verbal contact between managers and workers and also when managers encourage communication to solve problems and implement solutions

espirit de corps

According to Fayol, _____ can result when managers encourage personal, verbal contact between mangers and workers and also when managers encourage communication to solve problems and implement solutions.

esprit de corps

Taylor proposed using different ways to improve each worker's ability to perform a particular task. These methods include:

experimenting with type or size of tools workers used, reducing the number of motions workers made to complete tasks, and changing the layout of the work area

An important factor in an organization's _____ environment that affects and organization's ability to obtain resources is the degree to which the environment is changing.


an important factor in an organization's _____ environment that affects an organization's ability to obtain resources is the degree to which the environment is changing


T or F: Fayol believed that it was not important for organizations to encourage long-term employment


T or F: Standard operating procedures are generalized guidelines about how to perform a certain aspect of a task.


(T/F) in an organic structure , supervisors make all important decisions , and employees are supervised closely and follow well-designed rules and standard operating procedures . in contrast , in a mechanistic structure , authority is decentralized and managers are encouraged to take responsibility to act quickly to pursue scarce resources

false (vice versa)

Taylor major contributions

father of management thought, 4 principles

The Gilbreths' also studied the effects of worker by focusing on lighting, heating, the color of walls which paved the way for new advances in management theory.


which management theorist suggests drawing up agreements between organizations and employees to ensure that employees are treated fairly and are being rewarded for good performance ?


which management theorist suggests drawing up agreements between organizations and employees to nesure that employees are treatesd fairly


theorists of administrative management

fayol, weber

organizational environment

forces and conditions that operate beyond an organizations boundaries but affect a mangers ability ot acquire and utilize resources


formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness

Weber's principle of bureaucracy is especially useful in organizations dealing with sensitive issues with possible major repercussions because it allows managers to be able to hold subordinates accountable for their actions.


The Hawthorne studies wanted to find what elements in the workers' environments had the greatest effect on worker performance. At the end of the nine-year study, they concluded that _____ had the greatest effect.

good social relationships

Mayo and R-Berger contributions

hawthorne, human relations

adam smith found that having employees focus on one task instead of many was more successful than having them learn a number of different tasks. In other words

he believed that ________ would lead to a more successful organizational performance,job specification

Follett took a view of power and authority, in contrast with Fayol who saw the formal line of authority and vertical chain of command as being most essential to effective management.


according to the contingency theory , the characteristics of the organizational environment affect

how managers lead and motivate their employees the type of control system chosen how managers design the organization hierarchy

The ____ relations movement advocates that supervisors be behaviorally trained to manage subordinates in ways that elicit their cooperation and increase their productivity.


The relations movement advocate that supervisors be behaviorally trained to manage subordinates in ways that elicit their cooperation and increase their productivity.


the __________movement advocates for managers to be trained to supervise their staff in a way that will engender their cooperation and increase their productivity

human relation

The _____ approach is a management approach that advocates the idea that a manager's attitude toward employees can affect productivity; the self-fulfilling prophecy is an example.

human relations

Groups and teams can cooperate with management to raise performance or thwart any attempts to do so. Therefore, as the Hawthorne studies suggested, it is important to understand that the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of which two groups can affect performance?

Management and work-group members

The approach is a management approach that advocates the idea that a manager's attitude toward employees can affect productivity; the self-fulfilling prophecy is an example

human relations

Human relations movement

Management approach that advocates the idea that supervisors should receive behavioral training to manage subordinates in ways that elicit their cooperation and increase their productivity

comprises one are of management science, that when effectively implemented, provides information from both the internal and external environments, which is helpful in decision making.

Management information systems

Hawthorne effect

Manager's behavior or leadership approach can affect workers' level of performance

The idea that whoever had the knowledge, whether it be the manager or the workers, should also have the authority in that situation is characteristic of which management theorists?

Mary Parker Follett

Who developed the principles of bureaucracy?

Max Weber

Who identified two sets of assumptions, Theories X and Y, about how work attitudes and behaviors not only dominate the way managers think but also affect how they behave in organizations?


Burns & Stalker identified 2 types of structures through which managers can organize & control an organization's activities. They are:

Mechanistic Organic


Methodical arrangement of positions to provide the organization with the greatest benefit and to provide employees with career opportunities.

In bureaucratic systems, _____ are defined as unwritten informal codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in particular situations and that are considered important by most members of the group or organization.


The elements of discipline include:

Obedience, Energy, Respect for authority


Obedience, energy, application, and other outward marks of respect for a superior's authority

Which of Fayol's principles meant the methodical arrangement of positions to provide employees with career opportunities that satisfy their needs?


What organizational structure promotes collaboration among employees and loosely defined roles & responsibilities?


contingency theory

idea that organizational structures and control systems managers choose depen on characteristics of the external environment in which the organization operates

fayol's principle of _______ pertains to justice

impartiality, fairness, and respect due each member of an organization in the workplace,equity

The set of forces and conditions that operate beyond an organization's boundaries, but affect a managers ability to utilize resources is referred to as the _____ environment.


Mechanistic structure

Organizational structure in which authority is centralized, tasks and rules are clearly specified, and employees are closely supervised


Performance gains that result from the combined actions of individuals & departments, is possible only in an organized system


Performance gains that result from the combined actions of individuals and departments, only possible in an organized system

Formal written instructions that specify actions to be taken under different circumstances to achieve specific goals are known as:


According to Taylor, _____ management is the systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency.


Frederick W. Taylor is best known for defining the techniques of _____ management.


Which are the two major components of classical management theory?

Scientific management and administrative management

order of management theories

Scientific, Administrative, Behavioral, Management Science, Organizational Environment

Espirit de Corps

Shared feelings of comradeship, enthusiasm, or devotion to a common cause among members of a group

_____ discovered that factories in which workers specialized in a few of the task functions were more productive than those in which workers specialized in all of the tasks.


Standard operating procedures (SOPs)

Specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of a task

Specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of a task are called:

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Administrative Management

Study of how to create an organizational structure & control system that leads to high efficiency & effectiveness

Organizational behavior

Study of the factors that have an impact on how individuals and groups respond to and act in organizations

Principles developed by Frederick W. Taylor to increase efficiency in the workplace

Study the way workers perform their tasks Codify the new methods of performing tasks Select workers who possesses skills & abilities Establish an acceptable level of performance

Researchers using the open systems view are especially interested in the _____ created when departments work together because they are interested in how the various parts of a system work together to increase efficiency and effectiveness.


The gain in performance that results when individuals and departments coordinate their actions is known as _____.


Informal organization

System of behavioral rules and norms that emerge in a group, when they try to manage or change behavior in organizations

Open system

System that takes in resources from its external environment & converts or transforms them into goods & services that are sent back to that environment, where they are bought by customers

Scientific management

Systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency

Management science theory is really an extension of whose theory of management that relied on measuring worker-tasks to improve efficiency?


frederick w taylor's scientific management theory , from a performance , point combined two management practices

job specialization and linking people to tasks by production line speed

Workers resisted scientific management by withholding job knowledge from their managers to protect their _____ and pay.


Workers resisted scientific management by withholding job knowledge from their managers to protect their and pay.



justice, impartiality, fairness to which all members are entitled

Mary Parker Follett's concern that the prominent management theorist at the time, Frederick , was ignoring the human side of management led her to write about the way management should behave toward workers.


Mary Parker Follett's concern that the prominent management theorist at the time, Frederick _____, was ignoring the human side of management led her to write about the way management should behave toward workers.


A focus of the management science theory is

That managers must use rigorous quantitative techniques in order to make maximum use of organizational resources to produce goods & services

What were the Gilbreths interested in?

The Gilbreths became increasingly interested in the study of fatigue. They studied how physical characteristics of the workplace contribute to job stress that often leads to fatigue and thus poor performance.

This approach suggest that managers' leadership approach can affect employee performance; therefore, employee attitudes towards managers impacts their work performance.

The Hawthorne

Line of authority

The chain of command extending from the top to the bottom of an organization


The concentration of authority at the top of the managerial hierarchy

The approach suggests that managers be behaviorally trained to engender employee cooperation and productivity

The human relations


The justice, impartiality, and fairness to which all organizational members are entitled

According to the text, is defined as the power to hold people accountable for their actions and to make decisions concerning the use of organizational resources. This gives managers the right to direct and control their subordinates' behavior to achieve organizational goals.


fourth principle of bureaucracy states, "Authority can be exercised effectively in an organization when positions are arranged hierarchically so employees know whom to report to, and who reports to them."


How does espirt de corps come about?

When managers encourage personal, verbal contact between managers and workers and encourage communication to solve problems and implement solutions

Division of Labor

Workers be given more job duties to perform or be encouraged to assume more responsibility for work outcomes

Theory _____ managers believe that workers are lazy, dislike work, will try to do as little as possible, have little ambition, and wish to avoid responsibility.


Theory _____ suggests that managers should closely supervise employees to maintain control over the worker's behaviors and minimize the worker's control over the pace of work.


Theory managers believe that workers are lazy, dislike work, will try to do as little as possible, have little ambition, and wish to avoid responsibility


Theory suggests that managers should closely supervise employees to maintain control over the worker's behaviors and minimize the worker's control over the pact of work.


Theory suggests that managers should create strict work rules and implement a well-defined system of rewards and punishments while Theory suggests that managers should decentralize authority to employees sand make sure that employees have the resources necessary to achieve organizational goals.

X, Y

Theory _____ suggests that workers, given the chance, will do what is good for the organization; they are not inherently lazy.


Theory suggests that workers, given the chance, will do what is good for the organization; they are not inherently lazy.


According to F.W. Taylor

_______________ management is the systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency,scientific

When individual workers begin to focus particular tasks

a division of labor takes place called job,specialization

Managers have the formal _____ to direct and control their subordinates' behavior to achieve organizational goals


Adam Smith discovered that factories in which workers specialized in were more productive than those in which workers specialized in all of the task functions.

a few tasks

unity of comand

a reportingrelationship in which an employee receives orders from and reports to one superior

organic structure

a structure in which authority is decentralized to middle and first managers and tasks and roles are left ambiguous to encourage employees to cooperate and respond to unexpected

closed system

a system that is self contained and thus not affected by changes occurring in its external environment

The power to hold people accountable for their actions and to make decisions concerning the use of organizational resources is called:


open system

a system that takes in resources from its external environment and converts them into goods and services that are sent back to that environment for purchase


ability to act on ones own without direction

The benefits of scientific management include which management practices?

achieving the right mix of worker-task specialization and linking people and tasks by the speed of the production line

_____ management refers to the study of how to create an organizational structure and control system that leads to high efficiency and effectiveness.


what is the theory of mgmt that examines how to create an organizational structure and control system that results in an org that is highly efficient and effective?


The study of how to create an organizational structure and control system that leads to high efficiency and effectiveness is called:

administrative management

The Hawthrone effect suggests that managers' behavior toward their employees:

affects the level of the worker's performance

The Hawthorne effect suggests that managers' behavior toward their employees:

affects the level of worker's performance

The Hawthorne effect suggests that managers' behavior toward their employee

affects the level of worker's performance.

management science theory

an approach to management that uses rigorous quantitative techniques to help managers make maximum use of organizational resources

if a manager heaps praise on an employee for a job well done

and the employee's work continues to improve, what effect could this be attributed to?,hawthorne effect

human relations movement

approach that advocates the idea that supervisors should receive behavioral training to manage subordinates in ways that elicit their cooperation and increase their productivity

theory Y

approach where the manager fosters employee commitment to organizational goals and give employees opportunities to innovate and show initiative ?

According to Fayol, _____ should not be concentrated at the top of the chain of command.


Weber's third principle of bureaucracy helps clarify for managers and workers what is expected o them and what to expect from each other by clearly specifying the tasks and level of formal _____ associated with various positions in the organization.


Weber's third principle of bureaucracy helps clarify for managers and workers what is expected of them and what to expect from each other by clearly specifying the tasks and level of formal associated with various positions in the organization.


______ is defined as the power to hold people accountable for their actions and to make decisions concerning the use of organizational resources. This gives managers the right to direct and control their subordinates' behavior to achieve organizational goals.


according to fayol , _____ should not be concentrated at the top of the chain of command


the power to hold people accountable for their actions and to make decisions concerning the use of organizational resources


the power to hold people accountable for their actions and to make decisions concerning the use of organizational resources is called _________


The first issue that management theorists wanted to know about was why the new machine shops and factory systems were more and produced greater quantities of goods and services than older, crafts-style production operations.

-productive -efficient *productivity and efficiency are related

Which of the following are resources available in the organizational environment?

-raw materials -skilled people -customers who buy goods and services

Rank the following theories of management from earliest to latest:

-scientific management -administrative management -behavioral management theory -management science theory -organizational environment theory

Behavioral management is the study of how managers should personally behave:

-to encourage employees to perform at high levels -to motivate employees to be committed to organizational goals

according to fayol's principle of unity of command , subordinates report to no more than ____ supervisor(s) ; other reporting arrangements would confused workers


principles developed by frederick w taylor to increase efficiency in the workplace ?

1) codify the new methods of performing tasks into written rules and standard operating procedures 2) establish an acceptable level of performance for a task and develop a pay stem that rewards performance 3) select workers who possess skills and abilities match the needs of the task and train them on the rules 4) study the way workers perform their tasks and experiment with ways to improve how tasks are performed

weber's third principle of bureaucracy helps clarify for managers and workers what is expected of them and what to expect from each other by clearly specifying the tasks and level of formal _____ associated with various positions in the organization


Which three of the following were the Gilbreths' main goals?

Find better ways to perform each component action, break up tasks into individual components necessary to accomplish them, and reorganize each component action so that the action as a whole can be performed more efficiently.

_____ proposed that knowledge and expertise, not managers' formal authority deriving fro their position in the hierarchy, should decide who will lead at any particular moment.


proposed that knowledge and expertise, not managers' formal authority deriving from their position in the hierarchy, should decide who will lead at any particular moment.


behavioral approach to management was very radical for its time.



Formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness


Formal written instructions that specify actions to be taken under different circumstances to achieve specific goals

Frank and Lilian refined Taylor's analysis of work movements and made many contributions to the study of time and motion.


The finding that a manager's behavior or leadership approach can affect workers' level of performance known as the effect.


The finding that a manager's behavior or leadership approach can affect worker's level of performance is known as the _____ effect.


What did Fayol believe about centralization?

He believed authority should not be concentrated at the top of the chain of command

Fayol's principle of states that managers have the right to give orders and power to exhort subordinates to obey

authority and responsibility

Define contingency theory

Idea that the organizational structures and control systems managers choose depend on (are contingent on) characteristics of the external environment in which the organization operates

How do organizations that operate as closed systems experience entropy?

If they ignore the external environment, and fail to acquire inputs

Authority and responsibility

Informal authority = derives from personal expertise, technical knowledge, moral worth, and the ability to lead and generate commitment from subordinates

Subordination of individual interest to the common interest

Interests of the organization as a whole must take presedence over the

_____ refers to the chain of command extending from the top to the bottom of an organization.

Line of authority

_____ is the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human and other resources to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively.


is the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human and other resources to achieve organizational goals and effectively.


is the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human and other resources to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively.


_____ theory is a contemporary approach to management that focuses on the use of rigorous quantitative techniques to help managers make maximum use of organizational resources to produce goods and services.

Management Science

fayol's principle of ____ gives managers the informal power to use their personal expertise , technical knowledge , and moral worth in order to lead their subordinates to commit to the organization

authority and responsibility

Follett believed that..

authority should go with knowledge. If the workers have relevant knowledge, they should be in charge rather than managers

theory x

average employee is lazy, managers should supervise closely, managers should create strict rules with defined rewards and punishments

Weber's second principle of states, "In an organization, people should occupy positions because of their performance, not because of their social standing or personal contacts."


behavioral management is the study of how managers should personally behave

to motivate employees to be committed to organizational goals to encourage employees to perform at high levels

Behavioral management is the study of how managers should personally behave:

to motivate employees to be committed to organizational goals and to encourage employees to perform at high levels

(T/F) an open system draws from and interacts with its external environment in order to survive , whereas a closed system is self-contained and does not draw from or interact with the external environment


T or F: A rule is the formal written instructions that specify actions to be taken, whereas the standard operating procedure specifies exactly how the action is to be done.


T or F: One way to determine the relative success of an organization is to consider how effective its managers are at obtaining scarce and valuable resources.


what physical characteristics of the workplace did the gilbreths believe would contribute to job stress and fatigue

wall color, lighting, heating

Weber's fifth principle of bureaucracy states, "Managers must create a(n) system of rules, standard operating procedures, and norms so that they can effectively control behavior within an organization."


esprit de corps

when managers encourage staff to develop comradeships as a result of their common goals , and when managers bond with each other as they solve organizational problems

in a bureaucratic system

when specifying the best ways to accomplish organizational tasks or increase performance, behavioral guidelines must be set. which is not important to include when defining these guidelines?,industry ratios, benchmarks

an organization that lacks a unity of direction does not have a _____ plan

which, according to fayol, leads to an organization that is inefficient and ineffective, unfocused, and working at cross purposes,single

Frederick W. Taylor believed that, if the amount of time and effort each worker expends to proceed a unit of output can be reduced by increasing task specialization and the division of _____, the production process will become more efficient.


Frederick W. Taylor believed that, if the amount of time and effort each worker expends to produce a unit of output can be reduced by increasing task specialization and division of , the production process will become more efficient


frederick w taylor believed that if the amount of time and effort each worker exerts to produce a good or service can be reduced by increasing specialization in the division of ____ the production process will become more efficient



length of employment

fayol was known for his many contributions to management theory, but one of his claims to fame was to be the first to

limit the length of the chain of command

Every organization has a top-to-bottom chain of command that is its

line of authority

refers to the chain of command extending from the top to the bottom of an organization

line of authority

Which mathematical techniques are often utilized in quantitative management?

linear and nonlinear programming, modeling, simulation, queuing theory, and chaos theory

scientific management

linking people and tasks by speed of production line, achieving mix of worker-task specialization

the benefits of scientific management include which of the follow management practices ?

linking people and tasks by the speed of the production line achieving the right mix of worker-task specialization

tracy felt a complete lack of freedom and creativity when the _________ structure was put in place

making mgmt more centralized, rules more daunting, and supervision much more confining,mechanistic

According to Taylor, the role of _____ is to develop the one best way to perform any task.


one focus of the _____ theory is that managers must use rigorous quantitative techniques in order to make maximum use of organizational resources to produce goods and services

management science

one focus of the ________ theory is that managers must use rigorous quantitative techniques in order to make maximum use of organizational resources to produce goods and services

management science

theory is a contemporary approach to management that focuses on the use of rigorous quantitative techniques to help managers make maximum use of organizational resources to produce goods and services

management science

Under the assumptions of Theory Y, it is the role of the to create a work setting that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to be imaginative and to exercise initiative and self-direction.


organic structures are generally more expensive to operate because they require more

managerial time and effort

Organic structures are generally more expensive to operate because they require more:

managerial time, effort, and money

hawthorne effect

managers behavior or leadership approach can affect workers level of performance

critical messages of the contingency theory include

managers choose their organizational structures and control systems based on the external environment there is no one best way to organize

Frederick W. Taylor, who is best known for defining the techniques of scientific management, started his career as a manager.


Fredrick W. Taylor, who is best known for defining the techniques of scientific management, was a manager.



marks of respect for authority

theorists of behavioral management

mcgregor, mayo

A relatively closed organizational structure in which authority is centralized, tasks and rules are clearly specified, and employees are closely supervised is a(n) _____ structure.


A relatively closed organizational structure in which authority is centralized, tasks and rules are clearly specified, and employees are closely supervised is a(n) structure


tracy felt a complete lack of freedom and creativity when the ____ structure was put in place , making management more centralized , rules more daunting , and supervision much more confining . her manager explained the new structure was developed to better create stability


Burns and Stalker identified two types of structures through which managers can organize and control an organization's activities. They are:

mechanistic structure or organic structure

when they were unable to inspire workers to accept the new scientific management techniques for performing tasks , managers increased the ____ of tasks , such as using an assembly line , to combat the loss in productivity


One way managers increased worker performance was through the _____ such as the assembly line. This helped overcome loss in productivity when they were unable to inspire workers to accept the new scientific management techniques for performing tasks.

mechanization of tasks

One way managers increased worker performance was through the such as the assembly line. This helped overcome loss in productivity when they were unable to inspire workers to accept the new scientific management techniques for performing tasks.

mechanization of tasks


methodical arrangement of positions to provide the organization with the greatest benefit and provide employees with career opportunities

what describes what workers experienced as a result of selective implementation of scientific management ?

monotonous and repetitive work fewer jobs and more layoffs increased workloads for the same pay

which of the following desribes what workers experienced as a result of selective implementation of scientific management

monotonous and repetitive work, increased workloads for same pay, fewer jobs

In bureaucratic systems, are defined as unwritten informal codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in particular situations and that are considered important by most members of the group or organization


in bureaucratic systems , ____ are defined as unwritten informal codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in particular situations and that are considered important by most members o the group or organization


the elements of discipline include

obedience , energy , respect for authority

The elements of discipline include:

obedience, energy, application and respect for authority

elements of discipline include:

obedience, respect for authority, and energy

the degree of change in the external environment is important , especially in media-related fields ; for example , the creation of a new product may mean the ____ of an older , competing product


Fayol's principle of unity of command recommends that subordinates report to only _____ supervisor; other reporting arrangements would confuse workers.


Fayol's principle of unity of command recommends that subordinates report to only supervisor; other reporting arrangements would confuse workers.


according to fayol's principle of unity of command, subordinates report to no more than ___________ supervisor; other reporting arrangements would confuse workers


Adam Smith found that the performance of factory workers who specialized in _____ tasks was much greater than the performance of the factory in which each worker performed all 18 pin making tasks.

only one or a few

A system that takes in resources from its external environment and converts them into goods and services that are then end back to that environment for purchase by customers is a(n) _____ system.


Systems theorists believe that when departments work together, synergy is created that allows them to achieve more together, than separately. This is of special interest to researchers studying the systems view because they are interested in how the various parts of a system work together to increase efficiency and effectiveness


the set of forces and conditions that are external to an organization's boundaries , but that affect a manager's ability to purchase and used resources referred to as the _____ environment


The study of the factors that have an impact on how individuals and groups respond to and act in organizations is known as:

organizational behavior

fayol suggested companies use _________ charts as a method of providing order and structure in an organization

organizational charts show the position and duties of each employee and to indicate which positions an employee might move to or be promoted into in the future.

The system of task and authority relationships that controls how employees use resources to achieve organizational goals is referred to as:

organizational structure

what are the two factors that are examined in the administrative management theory when trying to create an organization that is highly efficient and effective ?

organizational structure and control systems

mechanistic structure

organizational strucutre in which authority is centralized, tasks and rules are clearly specified, and employees are closely supervised

In the open-systems view, the production of goods and services is a process through which organizations interact with their environment. During the last stage, referred to as the _____ stage, an organization releases finished goods and services to the external environment.


In the open-systems view, the production of goods and services is a process through which organizations interact with their environment. During the last stage, referred to as the stage, an organization releases finished goods and services to the external environment.


during the ____ stage , an organization releases finished goods and services to the external environment



performance gains that result when individuals and departments coordinate their actions


planning, organizing, leading, controlling of human and other resources to achieve goals

The goal of the relay assembly test experiments was to raise:


management science theory is an approach to management that uses rigorous _________ techniques to help managers make maximum use of organizational resources


Employees who violated group performance norms and performed above the norm were referred to as:


The degree of change in the external environment is important because it may impact an organization's ability to obtain the necessary _____ required to produce its products or services.


The degree of change in the external environment is important because it may impact an organizations ability to obtain the necessary required to produce its products or services


According to Weber's principles of bureaucracy, an organization can hold all of its employees strictly accountable for their actions when they know their exact .


A provides the overall guideline as to what is expected, whereas the rule specifies exactly how it is to be done.


if something transpires between an employee and a manager because it was written in a company manual or on a company website for all employees to follow, this exemplifies a ____ for an action to be taken in a particular circumstance in order to achieve a specific goal


Formal written instructions that specify actions to be taken under different circumstances achieve specific goals are known as:


Standard operating procedures (SOPs)

rules, & norms are important in a bureaucratic system because:,They guide performance by specifying the best ways to accomplish tasks

Which of the following is not a physical characteristic of the workplace the Gilbreth's posited would contribute to job stress and fatigue and, thus, poor performance?


According to Taylor, management is the systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency.


Ineffective implementation of the _____ management theory resulted in disadvantages to workers including increased workloads for the same pay, increased layoffs, and monotonous and repetitive work.


The management science theory is a contemporary extension of _____ management


The management science theory is a contemporary extension of management.


according to f.w. taylor _____ management is the systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency


frederick w taylor is best known for defining the techniques of _____ management

scientific management

an organization that lacks a unity of direction does not have a ____ plan , which , according to fayol , leads to an organization that is inefficient , ineffective , unfocused , and working at cross purposes


unity of direction

singleness of purpose that makes possible the creation of one plan of action to guide managers and workers as they use organizational resources

Which are resources available in the organizational environment?

skilled people, customers who buy goods and services, and raw materials

_____ is the systematic slowdown in work by laborers in order to keep their managers ignorant of how fast the work can actually be done.


Advancements in TQM have been made possible by advances in .

sophisticate computer software

As different workers specialize in different tasks over time, a division of labor occurs known as job


As different workers specialize in different tasks over time, a division of labor occurs known as job _____.


As jobs are divided into smaller and smaller pieces, workers become expert in very small parts of an overall job. This division of tasks is referred to as job and is intended to increase efficiency and lead to higher organizational performance.


The main benefit of the division of labor is:



specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of a task

who partnered with Burns to identify the two ways managers can organize and control an organization's activities (through mechanistic/organic structure)


Gilbreths major contributions

studied effect of fatigue, refined analysis of work movements

organizational behavior

study of factors that have an impact on how individuals and groups respond to and act in organizations

behavioral management

study of how managers should behave to motivate employees and encourage them to perform at high levels and be committed to the achievement of organizational goals

The gain in performance that results when individuals and departments coordinate their actions is known as


the gain in performance that results when individuals and departments coordinate their actions


informal organization

system of behavioral rules and normas that emerge in a group

scientific managemtn

systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency

_____ used organizations as sets of interrelated parts to be managed as a whole with the purpose of achieving a common goal.

systems theory

theorists of scientific management theory

taylor, gilbreths


tendency of a losed system to lose its ability to control itself

human relations

the approach suggest that managers be behaviorally trained to engder employee cooperation and productivity

Tenure refers to:

the length of employment

job specialization

the process by which a division of labor occurs as different workers specialize in different tasks over time

administrative management

the study of how to create an organizational structure and control system that leads to high efficiency and effectiveness

SOPs , rules , and norms are important in a bureaucratic system because

they guide performance by specifying the best ways to accomplish tasks

Standard operating procedures (SOPs), rules, and norms are important in a bureaucratic system because:

they guide performance by specifying the best ways to accomplish tasks

hawthorne effect

this approach suggests that managers' leadership approach can affect employee performance; therefore , employee attitude towards managers impacts their work performance

carefully timing and recording the actions taken to perform a particular task is known as

time and motion studies

Carefully timing and recording the actions taken to perform a particular task is known as:


what should be the goal of reward systems ?

to be fair to the employees to be feasible for the organization to implement

what should be the goal of reward systems?

to be fair to the employees to be feasible for the organization to implement

what are key goals of management science theory

to help managers make maximum use of resources to produce goods and services to use rigorous quantitative techniques to help make important decisions about use of resources

groups and teams can cooperate with management to raise performance or thwart any attempts to do so. therefore , as the hawthrone studies suggested , it is important to understand that the feelings , thoughts , and behaviors of which two groups can affect performance ?

work group members management


written instructions that specify actions to be taken under diff circumstances to achieve goals

when an employee acts in a specific way in a certain circumstance because of formal

written instructions, their behavior results from _______,rule

when a closed system can no longer sustain itself , its tendency to dissolve and disintegrate is called


when individual workers begin to focus particular tasks , a division of labor takes place called

job specialization

fayol suggested companies use ______ charts as a method of providing order and structure in an organization


T or F: Slow and inefficient decision making, inability to change, and a lack of flexibility are the inevitable consequences of bureaucratic structures.


Which management theorist suggests that the interest of the organization must take precedence over the interests of the individual?


Stability of tenure of personnel

Fayol also recognized the importance of long-term employment

Remuneration of personnel

Fayol proposed reward systems including bonuses and profit-sharing plans

Although _____ 14 principles of management were developed at the turn of the 20th century, they are still the foundation for much of recent management theory and research.



Unwritten, informal codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in particular situations and are considered important by most members of a group or organization.

The principles of bureaucracy, a formal system of organization that was designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness was developed by .


Two of the most influential early views regarding the creation of efficient systems of organizational administration were developed by:

Weber and Fayol

A system of small workshops run by skilled workers who produced hand-manufactured products was called .

crafts production

what are Frederick W. Taylor to increase efficiency in the workplace?

- codify the new methods of performing tasks into written rules and standard operating procedures - study the way workers perform their tasks and experiment with ways to improve how tasks are performed - select workers who possess skills and abilities match the needs of the task and train them on the rules - establish an acceptable level of performance for a task and develop a pay system that rewards performance

critical messages of the contingency theory include _____________

- there is no one best way to organize - managers choose their organizational structures and control systems based on the external environment

behavioral management is the study of how managers should personally behave:

- to motivate employees to be committed to organizational goals - to encourage employees to perform at high levels

The benefits of scientific management include which of the following management practices?

-achieving the right mix of worker-task specialization -linking people and tasks by the speed of the production line

Reward systems should:

-be feasible for the organization to implement -be fair to the employees

Which three of the following were Gilbreths' main goals?

-break up tasks into the individual components necessary to accomplish them -reorganize each component action so that the action as a whole can be performed more efficiently -find better ways to perform each component action

Which of the following are mathematical techniques often utilized in quantitative management?

-chaos theory -modeling -queuing theory -nonlinear programming -linear programming

Which of the following are principles developed by Taylor to increase efficiency in the workplace?

-codify the new methods of performing tasks into written rules and standard operating procedures -study the way workers perform their tasks and experiment with ways to improve how tasks are performed -establish an acceptable level of performance for a task and develop a pay system that rewards performance -select workers who possess skills and abilities match the nees of the task and train them on the rules

Organic structures are generally more expensive to operate because they require more:

-effort -money -managerial time

Taylor proposed using different ways to improve each worker's ability to perform a particular task. These methods include:

-experimenting with type or size of tools workers used -reducing the number of motions workers made to complete tasks -changing the layout of the work area

According to contingency theory, the characteristics of the organizational environment affect:

-how managers lead and motivate their employees -the type of control system chosen -how managers design the organizational hierarchy

Which of the following describes what workers experienced as a result of selective implementation of scientific management?

-increased workloads for the same pay -monotonous and repetitive work -fewer jobs and more layoffs

Weber believed that if organizations implemented all five of the principles of bureaucracy, the organization would:

-make it easier for managers to organize and control the work of subordinates -further promote the interests of the organization -encourage organizational members to act ethically -reduce stress throughout the organization -improve managers' feelings of security

theories of management (oldest to most recent)

1) scientific 2) administrative 3) behavioral 4) management science 5) organizational environment

5 Principles of Bureaucracy

1. A manager's formal authority derives from the position he or she holds in the organization 2. People should occupy positions because of their performance not because of their social standing or personal contact. 3. The extent of each position's formal authority and task responsibilities, and its relationship to other positions in an organization, should be clearly specified 4. Authority can be exercised effectively in an organization when positions are arranged hierarchically, so employees know whom to report to and who reports to them 5. Managers must create a well defined system of rules, standard operating procedures, and norms, so they can effectively control behavior within an organization.

Fayol's 14 Principles of Management

1. Division of Labor 2. Authority and responsibility 3. Unity of command 4. Line of authority 5. Centralization 6. Unity of direction 7. Equity 8. Order 9. Initiative 10. Discipline 11. Remuneration of personnel 12. Stability of tenure of personnel 13. Subordination of individual interests to the common interest 14. Esprit de corps

What are the 3 stages

1. Input Stage (Raw materials, money and capital, human resources) (Organization obtains inputs from its environment) 2. Conversion Stage (Machinery, computers, human skills) (Organization transforms inputs and adds value to them) 3. Output Stage (Goods and services) (Organization releases outputs to its environment)

What are 3 of Gilbreth's main goals?

1. Reorganize each component action so that the action as a whole can performed more efficiently 2. Find better ways to perform each component action 3. Break up tasks into the individual components necessary to accomplish them

Rank the theories of management from earliest to latest.

1. Scientific Management 2. Administrative Managemetn 3. Behavioral management theoru 4. Management science theory 5. Organizational environment theory

While today this term is viewed as the equivalent of hierarchical or an impediment to change, _____ was originally defined by Weber as a formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.


4 ways to increase efficiency in the workplace

1. Study the way workers perform their task 2. Codify the new methods of performing tasks into written rules and standards 3. Carefully select workers who possess skills and abilities that match the needs of the task 4. Establish a fair or acceptable level of performance for a task, and a pay system

What are principals developed by Taylor to increase efficiency in the workplace?

1. Study the way workers perform their tasks, gather all the informal job knowledge that workers possess, and experiment with ways of improving how tasks are performed 2.Codify the new methods of performing tasks into written rules and standard operating procedures. 3. Carefully select workers who possess skills and abilities that match the needs of the task, and train them to perform the task according to the established rules and procedures. 4. Establish a fair or acceptable level of performance for a task, and then develop a pay system that rewards performance above the acceptable level.

Fayol's 14 principles of management

1. division of labor 2. authority and responsibility 3. unity of command 4. line of authority 5. centralization 6. unity of direction 7. equity 8. order 9. intiative 10. discipline 11. renumeration of personnel 12. stabilty of tenure of personnel 13. subordination of individual interests to th common interest 14. espirt de corp

Weber's 5 principles of bureaucracy

1. managers formal authority derives from the position they hold 2. people should occupy positions because of their performance 3. the extent of each positions formal authority and responsibilities and relationships to other positions in an organization should be clearly specified 4. authority can e exercised effectively in an organization when position are arranged hierarchically 5. manager must create a well defined system of rules, SOP, and norms

evolution of management theory

1. scientific management theory 2. administrative management theory 3. behavioral management theory 4. management science theory 5. organizational environment theory

FW Taylor's 4 principles

1. study the way workers perform their tasks, gather all informal job knowledge the at workers possess, and experiment with ways of improving how tasks are performed (optimize) 2. codify the new methods of performing tasks into written rules and standard operating procedures (SOP) (standardize) 3. carefully select workers who possess sills and abilities that math the needs of the task, and train them to perform the task according the task according to established rules and procedures (staff) 4. establish a fair or acceptable level of performance for a task and then develop a pay system that rewards performance above and beyond (reward)

Fayol contribution

14 princples, need for unity of directions

How to make the production process more efficient?

By increasing specialization and the division of labor

Unity of Command

A reporting relationship in which an employee receives orders from, and reports to, only one superior.

Closed system

A self-contained system that is not affected by changes in its external environment

Theory X

A set of negative assumptions about workers that leads to the conclusion that a manger's task is to supervise workers closely and control their behavior

Theory Y

A set of positive assumptions about workers that leads to the conclusion that a manger's task is to create a work setting that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to be imaginative and to exercise initiative and self-direction

Closed system

A system that is self-contained and thus not affected by changes occurring in its external environment

Open system

A system that takes in resources from its external environment and converts them into goods and services that are then sent back to that environment for purchase by customers

T or F: One of the major implications of the Hawthorne studies was that the behavior of managers and workers in the work setting is less important than the technical aspects of the task in explaining the level of performance.



Ability to act on one's own without direction from a superior

Organic Structure

An organizational structure in which authority is decentralized to middle and first-line managers and tasks and roles are left ambiguous to encourage employees to cooperate and respond quickly to the unexpected

Management science theory

Approach to management that uses rigorous quantitative techniques to help managers make maximum use of organizational resources

Managers have the formal _______ to direct & control their subordinates' behavior to achieve organizational goals.


Fayol's principal of _____ states that managers have the right to give orders and the power to exhort subordinates to obey.

Authority and Responsibility

Mechanistic structure

Authority is centralized at the top of the managerial hierarchy, & the vertical hierarchy of authority is the main means used to control subordinates' behavior

Oldest to most recent theories: Scientific Management

Behavioral Management Theory, Management Science Theory, Organizational Environment Theory, & Administrative Management,Oldest: Scientific Management Administrative Management Behavioral Management Theory Management Science Theory Most recent: Organizational Environment Theory

What do rules, sops, and norms provide?

Behavioral guidelines that increase the performance of a bureaucratic system because they specify the best ways to accomplish organizational tasks

F.W. Taylor

Best knwon for defining the techniques of scientific management

What theory has the premise that there is no best way to organize & that the organizational structures and control systems that managers choose will be based on factors occurring in the external environmental?


____ involves identifying key variables, understanding their relationships, and recognizing the causes and effects of managerial decisions.

Contingency thoory

In the open systems view, an organization transforms its inputs into outputs, or finished goods and services, during the _____ stage, the second stage in the process.


Who developed the open system

Daniel Katz, Robert Kahn, and James Thompson

_____ is known for introducing continuous improvement and statistical process control to improve quality.


Contingency Theory

Developed by Tom Burns, G.M. Stalker, Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch

Esprit de Corps

Encourages employees & managers to engage in comradeship by communicating with each other to solve problems and implement solutions

The Fayol principle of management that stated all organizational members are entitled to justice and respect is:


T or F: Fayol's 14 principles of management were well respected until the late 20th century, but recent theory and research has been based on more efficient, modern principles.


T or F: In an organic structure, supervisors make all important decisions, and employees are supervised closely and follow well-designed rules and standard operating procedures. In contrast, in a mechanistic structure, authority is decentralized and managers are encouraged to take responsibility to act quickly to pursue scarce resources.


T or F: Individuals who performed below the group norm were typically called ratebusters.



The power to hold people accountable for their actions and to make decisions concerning the use of organizational resources

Job specialization

The process by which a division of labor occurs as different workers specialize in different tasks over time

Organizational environment

The set of forces and conditions that operate beyond an organization's boundaries but affect a manager's ability to acquire and utilize resources

Unity of direction

The singleness of purpose that makes possible the creation of one plan of action to guide managers & workers as they use organizational resources

Unity of direction

The singleness of purpose that makes possible the creation of one plan of action to guide managers and workers as they use organizational resources.

Behavioral Management

The study of how managers should behave to motivate employees and encourage them to perform at high levels and be committed to the achievement of organizational goals

Administrative management

The study of how to create an organizational structure and control system that leads to high efficiency and effectiveness

Scientific Management

The systematic study of relationships between people & tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increases efficiency


The tendency of a closed system to lose its ability to control itself and thus to dissolve and disintegrate

The Gilbreths

Their aims were to 1. analyze every individual action necessary to perform a particular task (break down) 2. find better ways to perform each component action 3. reorganize each of the component actions to make it more efficient (less cost in time + effort)

Which theory suggests that it is the manager's task to create a work setting that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to exercise self-direction?

Theory Y

_____ is a set of positive assumptions about workers that leads to the conclusion that a manager's task is to create an environment that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to be imaginative and to exercise intimate and self-direction.

Theory Y

is a set of positive assumptions about workers that lead to the conclusion that a manager's task is to create an environment that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to be imaginative and to exercise initiative and self-direction.

Theory Y

Standard operating procedures (SOPs), rules, and norms are important in a bureaucratic system because:

They guide performance by specifying the best ways to accomplish tasks.

What should be the goal of rewards systems?

To be fair to the employees To be feasible for the organization to implement

Behavioral management is the study of how managers should personally behave:

To encourage employees to perform at high levels To motivate employees to be committed to organizational goals

Which brand of management science focuses on analyzing an organization's input, conversion, and output activities to increase product quality?

Total quality management

Which are considered branches of management science theory?

Total quality management, operations management, quantitative management, and management information systems

Reward systems should:

be fair to the employees and be feasible for the organization to implement

The view of management that stresses understanding the importance of peoples' needs and attitudes within an organization is the basis of the _____.

behavioral approach

which 3 were gilbreths main goals

break up tasks into individual components, reorganize each component action so that it can performed more efficiently, find better ways to perform each component action

The first principle of Weber's theory states, "a manager's formal authority derives from the position he or she holds in the organization."


espirit de corp


When there is a high concentration of authority figures within the managerial hierarchy is called


Which of Fayol's principles considers where authority should reside?


a high concentration of authority figures within the managerial hierarchy is called ________


line of authority

chain of command

In Mayo's and Roethlisberger's bank wiring room experiments, they determined that both ratebusters and affect the performance of the work group as a whole.


A system that is self-contained and, thus, not affected by changes occurring in its external environment is known as a _____ system.


A system that is self-contained and, thus, not affected by changes occurring in its external environment is known as a system


An open system draws from and interacts with its external environment in order to survive, whereas a(n) _____ system is self-contained and does not draw from or interact with the external environment.


An open system draws from and interacts with its external environment in order to survive, whereas a(n) system is self-contained and does not draw from or interact with the external environment.


a system that is self-contained and, thus, not affect by changes occurring in its external environment is knows as a

closed system


concentration of authority at top of managerial hierarchy

_____ theory is the idea that the organizational structures and control systems managers choose depend on the characteristics of the external environment in which the organization operates. The crucial message is that there is no one best way to organize.


theory is the idea that the organizational structures and control systems managers choose depend on the characteristics of the external environment in which the organization operates. The crucial message is that there is no one best way to organize.


During which stage does an organization transform inputs into outputs of finished goods and services


during which stage does an organization transform inputs into outputs of finished goods and services ?


Ellie Rollin's manager had been in a horrendous mood since the third quarter report came out. no matter what she does, the feedback from her manager is discouraging. according to the hawthorne effect , ellie's work performance is likely to


A lack of unity of _____ results in an ineffective organization where activities are unfocused and individuals and groups work at cross-purposes.


A lack of unity of results in an ineffective organization where activities are unfocused and individuals and groups work at cross-purposes.


According to Fayol, _____ results in respectful relations between organizational members and reflects the quality of an organization's leadership and a manager's ability to act fairly and equitably.


according to the assumptions of theory X , managers believe that workers

do not like work do not have ambition want to do as little as possible

Weber believe that if organizations implemented all five of the principals of bureaucracy, the organization would:

encourage organizational members to act ethically, reduce stress throughout the organization, make it easier for managers to organize and control the work of the subordinates, further promote the interests of the organization, and improve managers' feelings of security

The tendency of a closed system to lose its ability to control itself and thus to dissolve and disintegrate is referred to as:


The Gilbreth's goal was to maximize the _____ with which each individual task was performed so that gains across tasks would result in enormous savings of time and effort.


The Gilbreth's goal was to maximize the with which each individual task was performed so that gains across tasks would result in enormous savings of time and effort.


The first issue that management theories wanted to know about was why the new machine ships and factory systems were more _____ and produced greater qualities of goods and services than older, crafts-style production operations.

efficient and productive

theory y

emplyoyess are good, managers must create a setting that provies opportunities for intiative, managers should decentralize authority

Max Weber (1864-1920) wrote at the turn of the 20th century, when Germany was undergoing its _____ revolution.


In a bureaucratic system, when specifying the best ways to accomplish organizational tasks or increase performance, behavioral guidelines must be set. What is not important to include when defining these guidelines?

industry ratios and benchmarks

Mcgregor contributions

influenced HP way, theory x and y

an organizational _________ is an unwritten

informal code of conduct that most, if not all members accept and practice,norm


informal codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in situations and are considere important by most members of a group

The system of behavioral rules and norms that emerge in a group is known as:

informational organization

Innovation & creativity could not occur within an organization if there was not someone who took the ___________ to try something new


What is it called when employees feel free to work independently and exercise their creativity?


Which of Fayol's principles suggests that employees need the ability to act on their own without direction from a superior?


innovation and creativity could not occur within organizations if employees didn't take ____ by trying something new


innovation and creativity could not occur within organizations if employees didn't take ________ by trying smth new


During the first stage, referred to as the _____ stage, an organization acquires resources.


During the first stage, referred to as the stage, an organization acquires resources.


during the first stage , referred as the ____ stage , an organization acquires resources


three stages in an open system

input conversion output

The three stages in an open system are

input, conversion, and output

The three stages in an open system are _____, _____, and _____.

input, conversion, output

Organizations perform at higher levels when

its departments work together rather than separately

fayol suggested that workers be give more ______ in order to counteract the boredom that many workers feel that can arise from too much nonspecializing

job duties

Fayol suggested that workers be given more in order to counteract the boredom that many workers feel that can arise from too much specialization

job duties or responsibility

systems theorists believe that when departments work together , synergy is created that allows them to achieve more together , than separately . this is of special interest to researchers studying the ____ systems view because they are interested in how the various parts of a system work together to increase efficiency and effectiveness


a system that takes in resources from its external environment and coverts them into goods and services that are then sent back to that environment for purchase by customers is an

open system

While a(n) __________ system may be impacted by floods or drought, a(n) _________ system is not impacted by the external environment open or closed

open; closed

management gives managers a set of techniques so they can analyze an organization's production system and increase efficiency.


branches of management science theory

operations management, management information systems, quantitative management, total quality management

Which of Fayol's principles meant the methodical arrangement of positions to provide employees with career opportunities that satisfy their needs?


A more open organizational structure in which authority is decentralized to middle and first-line managers and tasks and roles are left ambiguous to encourage employees to cooperate and respond quickly to the unexpected is an _____ structure.


A more open organizational structure in which authority is decentralized to middle and first-line managers and tasks and roles are left ambiguous to encourage employees to cooperate and respond quickly to the unexpected is an structure


Which type of structure reacts more quickly to a changing environment?


what organizational structure promotes collaboration among employees and loosely defined roles with responsibilities ?


which type of structure reacts more quickly to changing environment ?


a more open organizational structure in which authority is decentralized to middle and first line managers and tasks and roles are left ambiguous to encourage employees to cooperate and respond quickly to the unexpected

organic structure

input stage

organization acquires resources

According to Fayol, the interests of the must take precedence over the interests of the .

organization; individual

Fayol suggested companies use charts as a method of providing order and structure in an organization


The set of forces and conditions that operate beyond an organization's boundaries, but affect a manager's ability to acquire and utilize resources is referred to as the environment


fayol suggested companies use ____ charts as a method of providing order and structure in an organization


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