AP Computer Science Midterm
Widely used format for storing data as comma-separated values
What are the layers of the internet
1. Physical 2. IP 3. TCP 4. HTTP 5. HTML
The bit string to represent a white 9 bit pixel would be
Convert 23 to hexadecimal
How big of a USB Drive is needed to hold 24,000,000 Kbytes
25 GB
Convert binary 11011 to decimal
How many bits in a byte
A computer designed to receive and redirect packets of information based upon the addressing information (IP address)
Lossless Compression
A data compression algorithm that allows the original data to be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data.
A description of the behavior of a command, function, library, API, etc.
A mental tool that allows us to ignore low-level details when they are unnecessary
A precise sequence of instructions executed by a command to solve a problem.
A problem solving approach (typically an algorithm) to find a satisfactory solution where finding an optimal or exact solution is impractical or impossible.
A proposed explanation for some phenomena used as a basis for future investigation.
A set of rules used for transmitting data.
Pivot Tables
A summary table typically represents one or more aggregations (groupings of items) and computations that are performed on the raw data set.
A type of data used for graphics or pictures.
Not true about programming languages
A) ORDER DOES NOT MATTER B) Must be Precise C) Completely predictable D) Unique terms or commands
Which of the following are considered an Abstraction?
A) Selection B) A FUNCTION C) AN API D) Sequencing
A computation such as average, count, max, and median
A function...
Allows commands to be easily repeated.
Convert 11 to hexadecimal
Binary Digit, the single unit of information in a computer.
Collection of commands made available to the programmer.
Visualization is about...
True about low level commands
Contains the most primitive commands.
Data that describes other data. For example, a digital image may include metadata that describe the size of the image, number of colors, or resolution.
Cleaning data and filtering data are the same
Human error and bias are not a problem in the use of visualizations
00,FF,00 is what color
A program to find a reasonable route between 100 cities in a reasonable amount of time
Jim is using 4 bits to count with his current value is 15 and he adds 1 to it. What happens?
His new number is 0 or it causes an overload error
It is the fundamental unit of a digital image, typically a tiny square or dot which contains a single point of color of a larger image.
A loop statement would be considered a...
Iteration is the repetition of a part of an algorithm until a certain condition is met or for a specified number of times. In a computer program, a common form of iterations is a loop, which repeats code to determine values for multiple variables or sometimes just a single variable (adding up multiple values together).
Combining consecutive 1's and 0's in a file is an example of
Lossless compression
Compressing an image file by combining similar colors is called
Lossy compression
In the command moveForward(25) the 25 is considered a...
Top down design is...
Problem solving approach to break down a complex system.
What is true about programming languages
Programming language have less words compared to natural language.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
Provides reliable, ordered and error checked delivery stream of packets on the Internet.
This is a pain text document that gives you some background information
Raw, unorganized facts that need to be organized.
X' FF00FF is which of the 24 bit colors
Red and blue
Sort the words Red, red, read, reed alphabetically
Red, read, red, reed
Iterate with requires to programming means
Repeat Commands
Represents the same data using fewer bits
Selection uses a [true-false] condition to determine which of two parts of an algorithm is used.
Sequencing is the application of each step of an algorithm in the order in which the statements are given.
Small chunks of information that have been chunks of information formed from large chunks of information
What is the "Digital Divide"?
The "digital divide" is the idea that not everyone has equal access to the internet. Demographics such as household income, level of education, race and ethnicity, age, geographic location, and community type can affect an individual's access to the internet.
The information collected that gave us a false representation of data.
Bit rate
The number of bits that are processed in a unit of time
RAW data
The original data that was collected.
Internet package
The packet contains the data that needs to be sent, but also other data like the to and from address, and packet number.
The process of translating the detailed designs into computer code.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
The protocol used for sending and receiving web pages -ASCII text- based protocol -At the same level as DNS
True about functions
The repeat abstractions
DNS (Domain Name Service)
The service that translates URLs to IP addresses
Digital Divide
The variation in access or use of technology by various demographic characteristics.
The goal of any data visualization is to...
Transform data into useful information
Summary tables allow you to see things in data that you might otherwise not see.
There are stories in data
Visualizations makes it easier to focus particular aspects of the data that are important
When looking at data you should call out your assumptions to avoid misinterpretations
Representing Color
With color, we use binary code to encode the physical phenomenon of LIGHT.
A students adds 50 to each RGB values in his image to make it lighter. What is this considered.
You can't tell