Ap Euro Chapter 13

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What was the battle hymn of the Reformation?

"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" made by Luther himself

The Netherlands consisted of ___ provinces


Who assassinated Henry III during the French war of religion

A catholic monk who was disgusted the catholic king allied with a Calvinist

What caused John Calvin to want to make a reformed church

A religious crisis

What were the three pamphlets Luther published which led to a more definite from the Church?

Address to the Nobility of the German Nation, Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Freedom of a Christian Man

At which battle against the Muslims, did the Spainish win a stunning victory

Battle of lepanto

Why were people not happy Henry III allied with Henry of Navarre during the French war of religion

Because Henry of Navarre returned to Calvinism

Why did Charles IX commit the batholomew's day massacre

Because all the Huguenot leaders came to see the wedding, so killing them all would cripple the Huguenots

Why Did Philip II think england would be easy to invade

Because he was told the people of England would support him

What did Luther believe about indulgences?

He thought that the people who relied on these pieces of paper to assure themselves of salvation were guaranteeing their eternal damnation instead

Cardinal caraffa and other hardliners accused cardinal contarini of selling out to the ___

Heretics (Protestants)

Schools set up by the jesuits borrowed ideas from ___ schools


Who wrote Spiritual Exercises?

Ignatius of Loyola

A list of books that Catholics are not allowed to read

Index of forbidden books

Who wrote the Institutes of the Christian Religion?

John Calvin

Who wrote the ecclesiastical ordinances

John Calvin

Who did Eck compare Luther to?

John Hus the heretic

Who came before Luther that criticized the powers of the papacy?

John Wyclif and John Hus

Calvinist reformer from Scotland that brought Calvinism to Scotland

John knox

Who was Vasa?

King of independent Sweden and established a Swedish Lutheran National Church

What did Mary try to do to the church of england

Make it catholic again

Who used Erasmus's Bible?

Martin Luther used it as a foundation for his translation of the German translations of the New Testament

Whose writings influenced John Calvin

Martin Luther's

What did Luther blame the German princes for?

Setting off the rebellion by their harsh treatment

Why were the Ottoman Turks a problem for Charles V?

The Ottomans killed King Louis of Hungary in the Battle of Mohacs who happened to be Charles V's brother-in-law. They were eventually repulsed in Vienna in 1529

Because Edward VI was 9 when he inherited the throne, who controlled England

The council of regency

Where was the richest part of Philip IIs empire

The netherlands

What did the council of Trent restate about the sacraments

There were 7 of them

Who ruled the northern Netherlands states after the split

William of orange

What happened at the Marburg colloquy?

Zwingli believed that the Eucharist is a remembrance of the Lord's supper while Luther believed that Jesus filled the Bread and Wine.

What was Germany's relationship with the papacy?

a long tradition of dissatisfaction with papal policies and power

What were the 7 urban cantons governed by?

narrow oligarchies of wealthy citizens

What did Zwingli rely on the state to do?

to supervise the church

Created under Elizabeth, included a new confession of faith that included ideals of luthernaists and calvinists

39 articles

What percent of the French nobility were Huguenots


Who was Johann Tetzel?

A Dominican monk who hawked indulgences in Germany and said, "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs."

Who was Cardinal Ximenes?

A Spanish archbishop who was especially active in using Christian humanism to reform the church and he had many religious writings translated into Spanish (The Imitation of Christ)

What was Julius Excluded from Heaven?

A book by Erasmus where the warrior pope is denied entry to heaven and he threatens to storm heaven with an army.

What did the council of Zwickau establish

A girls school

What did pope Paul III bring into existence to study the condition of the church

A reform commission

Who was Ulrich Zwingli?

A swiss strongly influenced by Christian humanism who was a priest until he was ordained as a cathedral priest in the Great Minister of Zurich. He began the reformation in Sweden, starting Zwinglism.

Who was Philip Melanchton?

A young Christian humanist who arrived in Wittenberg in 1518 at the age of 21 to teach Greek and Hebrew, he was attracted to Luther's ideas and became a loyal supporter

4 principles of the jesuits

Absolute obedience to the papacy Strict hierarchical order for the society, the use of education to achieve its goals A dedication to engage in the conflict of god

Legislature under Elizabeth that restored the book of common prayer

Act of uniformity

What was Anabaptism and who was attracted to it?

All believers were considered equal (priests), truth was found in the Bible, and they believed in the consentful adult baptism. also the Lord's supper was interpreted as a remembrance. It attracted peasants and others who had been adversely affected by the economic changes of the age (now are Mennonites or Amish)

Who were the Swiss Brethren?

An early group of Anabaptists that arose in Zurich. Zwingli was afraid of them and they were expelled in 1523. The first members were baptized as adults even though they had already been baptized as children, causing their opponents to label them as rebaptists which was subject to the death penalty under Roman law

According to John Calvin, what were the 3 tests that might indicate possible salvation

An open profession of faith A decent and godly life Participation in baptism and communion

Why was Henry VIII hurried to complete his annulment?

Anne Boleyn had become pregnant

Who had Henry VIII fallen in love with while married to Catherine of Aragon?

Anne Boleyn, a lady in waiting for Catherine

Who was Henry VIII 4th wife, who was a German princess. He married Heraclitus for political reasons

Anne of cleves

What did Landgrave Philip of Hesse do?

Attempted to promote an alliance between the Swiss and German reform churches by persuading leaders to attend a colloquy at Marburg.

Sacrament that was a sign of the remission of sins


What sacraments did Calvin believe in

Baptism Eucharist

What two sacraments did Luther keep?

Baptism and the Lord's supper

Why wasn't John Calvin safe in france

Because king Francis I persecuted Protestants

Why did Philip II send an armada to England

Because queen Elizabeth was supporting the Netherlands calvinists

Why didn't the pacification of Ghent work

Because religious differences were to strong

Why was Mary queen of scots beheaded by queen Elizabeth

Because she tried to assassinate queen Elizabeth

During the French war of religion, why did the towns and provinces and nobles revolt against the crown even if they weren't Protestants

Because they resented the growing power of monarchical centralization

What is milleniarism?

Belief in a future golden age of peace, justice, and prosperity or the second coming of Christ, and that Munster was the New Jerusalem where they would usher in God

Whose death ended the restoration of Catholicism in england

Bloody Mary

What was The Praise of Folly?

Book by Erasmus written in 1509 that attacked the corrupt practices in the Church in a humorous way (especially within the ranks of clergy)

A new prayer book and liturgical guide for the Church of England

Book of common prayer

Who was Martin Luther?

Born in Germany in 1483, his father wanted him to become a lawyer so he enrolled at the university of Erfurt where he received his bachelor in 1502. He was more interested in religion and being caught in a thunderstorm, he promised God he would become a monk if he survived. He then became and Augustinian monk to his father's disgust

What types of states did Lutheranism spread to in Germany?

Both princely and ecclesiastical states in northern and central Germany as well as 2/3's of the free imperial cities especially in southern Germany, where prosperous burghers for religious and secular reasons became committed to Luther's cause

How did the Peasants' war end?

By May 1525, the German princes had brutally murdered all of the revolutionaries and there was never a lower class revolt in Germany again

How did Philip II of spain enforce Catholicism

By aggressive use of the inquisition

How did the French kings try to stop the growth of Calvinism

By persecuting calvinists

Under Bloody Mary of England, what French port was lost


Under Bloody Mary, what French possession did the English lose


Which religion concerned French kings because of its growth


Which 2 religions were dedicated to spreading the word of god

Calvinism Catholicism

Who won between the ideas of cardinal contarini and cardinal caraffa?

Caraffa persuaded pope Paul III

Cardinal appointed by pope Paul III who rejected any attempt at compromise with the Protestants

Cardinal caraffa

Who succeeded pope Paul III

Cardinal caraffa as pope Paul IV

Cardinal appointed by pope Paul III who favorece concessions to the Protestants in hope of restoring christian unity

Cardinal contarini

What happened between cardinal contarini and cardinal caraffa?

Cardinal contarini reached compromise with the Protestants to restore catholic unity. Cardinal caraffa accused him of heresy for selling out to the heretics and stopped cardinal contarini's plan by persuading pope Paul III

Who was Henry VIII 5th wife. She was beheaded for committing adultery

Catherine Howard

Who was Henry VIII last wife

Catherine Parr

Who lived longer, Henry VIII or his last wife Catherine parr

Catherine parr

Where the Valois catholic or calvinists


What did catholic conservatives want from the council of Trent

Catholic doctrines in strict opposition to Protestants

After some prominent Huguenots were killed, ___ ___ went through the streets of Paris killing Huguenots during the bartholomew's day massacre

Catholic mobs

What ended Anabaptism in Munster?

Catholic prince-bishop laid siege to the city and after many starved, the city was recaptured by Lutherans and Catholics

Which 2 religions weren't satisfied by Queen Elizabeth's religious changes

Catholics Puritans

Now that clergy could marry, Protestantism eliminated any idea of special holiness for ___


What did Philip II try to do to the Netherlands provinces that the nobles and provinces opposed

Centralize them (make them all have the same laws and rules)

Who was Philip II of spain the son of

Charles V

In 1520, ____, ruler of the three Scandinavian kingdoms, was overthrown by Swedish Barons led by ____

Christian II of Denmark, Gustavus Vasa

Who was Frederick I?

Christian II's uncle and successor as the king of Denmark. H encouraged the spread of evangelical doctrines and Lutheranism.

What could the Pope have done to settle the issue and contain it from escalating?

Clarified the use of indulgences as Luther wished, which would have satisfied him. Instead, Leo X didn't take the issue seriously.

In the ecclesiastical ordinances, what 2 people were used in the service of the church

Clergy and laymen

A ___ was held at regents burg in a final attempt to settle the religious division peacefully


Cardinal contarini reached a ___ with Protestant moderates on a number of doctrinal issues


What did moderate catholic reformers want from the council of Trent

Compromises in doctrine that would encourage Protestants to return to the church

The jesuits tried to draw parallels between Christianity and which Chinese religion


Did the council of Trent have a conservative or moderate outcome


The goal of Philip II was to __ and ___ the land he had inherited

Consolidate Secure

Which 2 cardinals did people Paul III appoint to start reform

Contarini Caraffa

What sources did peasant dissatisfaction stem from?

Continuation of peasant abuse and new demands for taxes and other services

What did Henry of Navarre do after claiming the throne

Converted back to Catholicism so the public would accept him

Which council was called that took the decisive step of calling for a general council of Christendom to resolve the religious differences created by the Protestant revolt

Council of Trent

A council that ignited a reign of terror in which many were executed in Netherland

Council of trouble

What allowed Henry VII to have his marriage annulled?

Cranmer ruled the king's marriage as null and absolutely void

What did catholic Henry III do with Calvinist Henry of Navarre during the French war of religion

Defeated the holy league and retook Paris

The Spanish leader in Netherlands after duke of alva. He played the Netherlands province's different religions to Pitt them against one another

Duke of Parma

Who mounted resistance to the duke Alva in the netherlands

Dutch pirates known as sea beggars William of orange

Calvin's church constitution that the city council of Geneva accepted

Ecclesiastical ordinances

Edict that acknowledged Catholicism as the religion of France but guaranteed the Huguenots the right to worship. Also they could have fortified towns

Edict of Nantes

Martin Luther advocated that all children should have the opportunity of an ____ provided by the state


Who succeeded Henry VIII

Edward VI

Who came to the English throne after Bloody Mary


Who was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn


Legislature passed by Queen Elizabeth that repealed all legislature passed under Bloody Mary And said the ruler was the governor of the church instead of head of the church

Elizabethan religious settlement

What did Queen Elizabeth encourage to weaken france

English pirates to raid Spanish ships Supported Dutch calvinists

3 major activities of the Jesuits

Establishing schools Spreading the catholic faith to non Catholics To fight Protestantism

What did the church do in response to Luther's pamphlets?

Excommunicated him from the church in January 1521

In the council of Trent, what 2 things were considered necessary for salvation

Faith and good works

Catholicism praised the ____ and sanctified it's existence by making ___ a sacrament

Family Marriage

What was women's only destiny

Family life

What was the Oratory of Divine Love?

First organized in 1497 in Italy, an informal group or clergy and laymen who worked to foster reform by emphasizing personal spiritual development and outward acts of charity (not a religious order). The "philosophy of Christ" was appealing to many of them (thought of by Erasmus)

Where was Calvinism spread to

France Netherlands Scotland Central and Eastern Europe

Jesuit member who carried the message of Christianity to the east (india, malacca, and japan)

Francis Xavier

English pirate who was very successful at raiding Spanish ships

Francis drake

Who were noticeable calls for reform from?

Franciscans, Dominicans, and Augustinians: They emphasized preaching to laypeople

Who was Christian III?

Frederick I's successor who installed a Lutheran state church with the king as supreme authority in all ecclesiastical affairs. (Also spread Lutheranism to Norway)

What did More willingly do?

Gave up his life opposing England's break with the Roman Catholic Church over the divorce of King Henry VIII.

Where did Calvin take up ministry


What trades/materials made spain prosperous

Gold and sliver importation from the new world Agriculture Silk Textiles Leather

When duke Alva was sent to oppress the revolutionists by Philip II, why did he just make it worse?

He added more taxes

What did Henry III do to Henry duke of guise during the French war of relgion

He assassinated him

Who was Bucer?

He had created a religion combining Zwingli and Luther's ideas together in Strasbourg

How did Henry of Navarre escape being killed during the bartholomew's day massacre

He promised to turn catholic

What did Philip II do when the Netherlandish people started to revolt

He sent the duke of Alva with troops to crush them.

What happened to Thomas More?

He stood up for Catholicism because he refused to bow his head to a secular ruler in the matter of faith and loyalty to the pope in Rome was now treason in England, so he was beheaded in 1535

What did Erasmus believe about the reading of the Bible by uneducated?

He strongly believed that the Bible should be read in the Vernacular so everyone could know God's message

What did Luther do while he was hiding at Wartburg Castle?

He translated the New Testament into German (In 12 years he sold almost 200k copies

3 reasons why the Netherlands people hated Philip II

He tried to combine their independent Provinces. They found out their taxes were helping the Spanish people Philip II tried to crush Calvinism

What happened to Henry III after he took back Paris during the French war of religion

He was assassinated

How did Zwingli die?

He was killed during a swiss civil war between his reformers and Catholics, he was cut up and burned having his ashes spread. (religion died with him)

Problems with Philip II in England (bloody Mary's husband)

He wasn't liked Because of the marriage England was forced into an alliance with Spain

What happened to Anne Boleyn?

Henry VIII got bored of her and had her beheaded for adultery in 1536

The coronation of who ended the French wars of religion?

Henry of Navarre

Who claimed the throne after Henry III was killed

Henry of Navarre

Who did Henry III team up with after killing Henry duke of guise during the French war of relgion

Henry of Navarre

Who passed the Edict of Nantes?

Henry of Navarre

Who was the leader of the Huguenots

Henry of Navarre

Who did the holy league vow to put on the throne instead of Henry III during the French war of religion

Henry, duke of guise

Why did Luther face opposition with Christian humanists?

His movement threatened the unity of Christendom (older generation including Erasmus broke off)

What were woman taught in Protestant communities

How to read and morals

What were French Calvinists called?


What was the Treason Act?

If you said king henry wasn't the supreme head of church then you were executed

Who founded the jesuits

Ignatius of Loyola

What customary practices did the Protestant reformation abolish

Indulgences Veneration of relics Veneration of saints Pilgrimages Monasticism Celibacy

Book by John Calvin that was a masterful synthesis of Protestant thought

Institutes of the christian religion

What happened to the Church of England under young king Edward VI

It became more Protestant

What was the Act of Supremacy?

It made the English king head of the English Church and the Church of England had officially split from Catholicism

What did Anabaptists believe about the separation of the Church and state?

It should be

What was significant about Nuremberg?

It was the first imperial city to convert to Lutheranism, it had an active city council led by Lazarus Spengler

Who was Henry VIII's third wife?

Jane Seymour who produced his long awaited male heir but died twelve days later

Another name for the society of Jesus


Protestant leader who recieved a education in france. He started his ministry in Geneva

John Calvin

Who was the self proclaimed king of the New Jerusalem?

John of Leiden who wanted to cover the entire world with his religion and all goods would be held in common and saints would live without suffering

What was the starting point for most of Protestantism's major doctrines?

Justification by faith alone

What were the twin pillars of the Protestant Reformation?

Justification by faith and the Bible

Who did Luther marry?

Katherina von Bora, a former nun, which provided a model of married and family life for the new Protestant minister

Who was elected as the HRE in 1519?

King Charles I of Spain and grandson of Emperor Maximilian as Charles V

Who initiated the English Reformation?

King Henry VIII

What did Catherine de Medici of France do to reduce political tensions

Looked to religious compromise

What was On the Freedom of a Christian Man

Luther said it is faith alone, not good works, that justifies, frees, and brings salvation through Jesus (short treatise on the doctrine of salvation)

What happened at the Leipzig debate in July 1519?

Luther's opponent, Johann Eck, forced Luther to move beyond indulgences and deny the authority of popes and councils.

How did Luther avoid being captured?

Luther's prince, the Elector of Saxony, sent him into hiding at the Wartburg castle, where he remained for nearly a year

Who won the Schmalkaldic Wars and what effect did this have?

Lutherans did by allying themselves with the new French King, Henry II a catholic, forcing Charles V to negotiate to the Peace of Augsburg.

What did Henry duke of guise force Henry III to do during the French war of religion

Make him chief minister

Reasons why Bloody Mary want liked

Marriage to Philip II Loss of the French port of Calais Burning heretics

Who did John Calvin have similar ideas to

Martin Luther

Who did peasants look to for support?

Martin Luther

Who succeeded Edward VI of England


Queen of Scotland who was ousted by calvinists. She was Mary's cousin and next in line to the throne. Attempted to kill Elizabeth to gain the throne and was beheaded

Mary, queen of scots

Italian Jesuit missionary to china

Matteo ricci

Protestants called on ___ and __ to read the Bible and participate in religious services together

Men and women

Where did Anabaptist survivors arise after their virtual eradication in Germany?

Moravia and Poland

Did Protestants have more or less educated people then in the Middle Ages


Did Bloody Mary make the Church of England more catholic and more Protestant by the end of Her reign

More Protestant

Where was the haven for Anabaptists known as Melchiorites?

Munster which determined the fate of Dutch Anabaptism. They believed in milleniarism

What 2 ideals where revived in the catholic reformation

Mysticism and monasticism

Where did the bourbon's rule


What corrupt things did pope Paul III do before he saw the need for reform

Nepotism Involving himself in politics Patronizing the arts and letters

What did Luther right in response to the sale of indulgences?

Ninety-Five Theses

Did Protestants like the idea of women being more important socially


Did Queen Elizabeth of England like war?


Did the Catholic Church compromise with Protestantism?


Did the doctrine of the transubstantiation change during the council of trent


Were indulgences forbidden at the council of Trent


Did Luther believe in transubstantiation?

No, he believed in consubstantiation, in which the bread and wine are not transformed but are filled with the spirit of Christ, as a testament to God's forgiveness of sin

Did Erasmus want to leave the Church?

No, he didn't want to create division

Did Catherine de Medici's moderate reforms work in France?

No. Ultra Catholics opposed Her

What movement was in the north, influenced by the Italian Renaissance?

Northern Renaissance or Christian humanism

During the France war of religion, did towns and provinces support the crown or oppose it

Opposed it

A treaty that unified the 17 provinces of the Netherlands under William of orange

Pacification of Ghent

What city did Henry duke of guise seize to have power over Henry III during the French war of religion


What was cardinal caraffa' shame when he was the pope

Paul IV

What was Luther's greatest challenge?

Peasants' War

Which king was the "most catholic king" and the champion of Catholicism

Philip II of spain

Who did Bloody Mary of England marry

Philip II of spain

Who was paying Henry duke of guise during the French wars of religion

Philip II of spain

What prevented the regular meetings of the council of Trent

Plague outbreaks War between France and Spain The changing of popes

What did Charles V want to do politically and religiously?

Politically, he wanted to maintain his dynasty's control over his empire. Religiously, he hoped to preserve the unity of the Catholic faith throughout his empire

Name for people who placed politics before religion and believed no religious truth was worth the ravages of civil war


People of which ideal one the French war of religion


What happened when Henry VIII asked Cardinal Wolsey to obtain from Pope Clement VII an annulment of the king's marriage?

Pope Clement VIII put it off because the sack of Rome had recently happened, and he didn't want to get on the bad side of Charles V who was the nephew of Catherine of Aragon. This lead to the dismissal of Cardinal Wolsey because he didn't produce the result that Henry VIII wanted

The election of which pope was the turning point in the reform of the papacy

Pope Paul III

The first pope to perceive the need for change in the church

Pope Paul III

Which pope first called the council of Trent

Pope Paul III

Which pope passed the Papal bull recognizing the jesuits

Pope Paul III

Who took the decisive step of calling for a general council of Christendom to resolve the religious differences created by the Protestant revolt

Pope Paul III

Which pope created the index of forbidden books

Pope Paul IV

Who was Johannes Geiler of Kaisersberg?

Popular preacher who denounced the corruption of clergy

What title was Philip Melanchthon give n for his educational efforts in Wittenberg

Praecepter germaniae (teacher of Germany)

To Calvin what was the church responsibility

Preach the word of god Administer the sacraments

The idea that god and a,ready decided some people to be saved and others to be damned


What was the Handbook of the Christian Knight?

Printed in 1503, a book written by Erasmus reflecting his preoccupation with religion. He came up with "the philosophy of Christ," meaning Christianity should be a guiding philosophy for the direction of daily life rather than dogmas and practices

In Protestant communities, what were religious ceremonies and imagery replaced with

Private prayer Family worship Collective prayer and worship on Sunday

What 2 parts was John Calvin's genevan academy divided into

Private school and public school

English calvinists who tried to eliminate entertainment


Protestants in the Anglican Church who wanted to remove any trace of Catholicism from the Church of England


In predestination who were the people that were going to be damned


Under young king Edward VI, the Church of England became more Protestant. What are some changes that happened

Right of clergy to marry Eliminated images Authorized a revised Protestant liturgy Instituted the book of common prayer

Spanish mystic from the carmelite order. She had visions from god. She founded a new order of barefoot carmelite nuns

Saint Teresa of avila

In the council of Trent what 2 things were considered equal authorities in religious matters

Scripture and tradition

What were the Dutch pirates who resisted duke Alva in the Netherlands known as

Sea beggars

Protestants were responsible for introducing for what type of school

Secondary school

What were established in every diocese in accordance with the council of Trent


Where the provinces in the Netherlands united or politically separate


How was the Spanish government by the 1580s

Severely in debt

Marriage offered the best means to control ___ and give it a purpose


How did Bloody Mary get her name?

She burned more then 300 Protestant heretics

Why did Henry VIII wasn't to divorce his first wife Catherine of Aragon?

She failed to produce a male heir in 18 years of marriage (only a daughter Mary)

Why wasn't Mary queen of scots, queen of Scotland anymore?

She was ousted by calvinists

What caused inflation in spain


Why were girls taught to read in the Protestant communities

So they could read the bible

Ignatius of Loyola vowed to be a ___ of god


Calvin placed much emphasis on the absolute __ of God.


What land did Philip II rule

Spain Netherlands Possessions in Italy Possessions in the new world

What all did Charles V rule?

Spain and its overseas possessions, Austrian Habsburg lands, Bohemia, Hungary, the Low Countries, and the Kingdom of Naples

Who founded a school in Strasbourg that served as a model school for other Protestant schools


What did Queen Elizabeth do to weaken france

Supported the Huguenots

Because the Spanish government was in debt they passed crushing ___


At who's wedding did the bartholomew's day massacre occur at

The Catholic sister of the Valois king The Protestant Henry of Navarre (bourbon)

French wars of religion (war of the 3 henrys) (detailed)

The Catholics massacred the Huguenot leaders at the wedding of Henry of Navarre. The wedding was supposed to stop religious conflict by a catholic Valois marrying a Calvinist bourbon. This was the bartholomew's day massacre. Henry of Navarre escaped being killed by promising to convert to Catholicism. The ultra-Catholics formed the holy league, whose goal was to seat Henry duke of guise on the throne. Henry duke of guise seized Paris and forced Henry III to make him chief minister. Henry III assassinated Henry duke of guise and teamed up with the Calvinist Henry of Navarre to take back Paris and defeat the holy league. Henry III was assassinated by a catholic monk, so Henry of Navarre converted to Catholicism and claimed the throne

Who won, the English or the Spanish Armada

The English

What did strong Catholicism in England mean?

The English Reformation was alien to many English people

The French civil wars were also known as

The French wars of religion

What were the 4 major problems of Charles V's?

The French, papacy, Turks, and Germany's internal situation

Why was Charles V concerned with Germany's princes?

The German cities were virtually independent from imperial authority and many were Lutheran. He attempted to settle the Lutheran problem at the Diet of Augsburg in 1530 where he gave the Lutheran city states until April 15, 1531 to convert back to Catholicism. Instead they joined together and formed the Schmalkaldic League while Charles was preoccupied. when he finally returned to the topic in 1545 it was too late for a peaceful compromise.

What did Charles V's problems allow?

The Protestant Reformation

What jolted the reformation of the church to start

The Protestant reformation

What did cardinal caraffa persuade pope Paul III to establish

The Roman inquisition

Who was Thomas a Kempis?

The author of The Imitation of Christ, member of the Modern Devotion movement, and said that we will be judged based on what we did not on how religious or well spoken we have been

What was the doctrine of salvation or justification by grace through faith?

The belief that humans are saved not through their good works, like the Catholic Church believed, but through faith in the promises of God, made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

What did the Act of Uniformity restore in england

The book of common prayer

Which major noble family were Huguenots. They were the family nest in line to the throne

The bourbons

In Geneva, what was the special body for enforcing moral life and doctrinal purity of genevans

The consistory

Who did the reform commission blame the corruption of the church on

The corrupt policies of popes and cardinals

In predestination what were the people who were going to be saved called

The elect

Which family led the ultra Catholics

The guise family

Which league was created by the ultra-Catholics. It's job was to exterminate heresy and seat a Catholic on the throne

The holy league

Which religious order became the chief instrument of the catholic reformation

The jesuits

Which religious order was known as the most famous educators

The jesuits

Who was Erasmus?

The most influential of all Christian humanists, who formulated and popularized the reform program of Christian humanism. From Holland he was educated at one of the schools of the Brothers of the Common Life. Classical Latin was his mother tongue.

In the division of the Netherlands what religion was each part

The north = Protestant The south = catholic

Charles V's concern with the papacy was?

The papacy acting upon politics, not truly religious reasons as one might expect, and Pope Clement VII, because of his fear of the Habsburg power, sided with Francis I during the Habsburg-Valois wars

What was the wedding before the bartholomew's day massacre supposed to represent

The peace between the catholic and Calvinist parties. Because a catholic Valois was marrying a calvinists bourbon

What 3 things did the pacification of Ghent state

The provinces would stand together under William of orange They would respect religious differences They would demand Spanish troops be withdrawn

What 3 things were give to the Huguenots in the edict of Nantes

The right to worship The right to have fortified towns for their protection The right to hold public office

What activity that goes with indulgences was banned at the council of trent

The selling of indulgences

Why were Luther's ideas spread so quickly?

The sermon because it was based on a return to the original message of the Bible, which found favor throughout Germany.

Who was Thomas More?

The son of a London lawyer and received benefits of an education, had an interest in new classical learning and was proficient in Greek and Latin, and he embarked on a public career reaching the lord chancellor of England. Intimate friend of Erasmus, wrote prose and poetry, translations from Greek and his family was the shining model of Christian family life

Book written by ignatius of Loyola. Was a training manual for spiritual development emphasizing exercises by which the human will could be strengthened and made to follow the will of god as manifested through his instrument, the Catholic Church

The spiritual exercises

Why did Erasmus write the Greek translation of the Bible?

The standard Latin edition called the Vulgate contained errors so he edited the Greek and published it alongside the Latin with annotations.

The extreme catholic party in France. They favored the opposition of the Huguenots and were led by the guise family

The ultra-Catholics

Some of the New religious brotherhoods and orders were created during the reformation

Theatines Ursulines

Before the French wars of religion, king Henry II was killed. His sons who succeeded him were controlled by who

Their mother, Catherine de' Medici

How are Luther and ignatius of Loyola the same and different

They both had a spiritual torment But unlike Luther ignatius solved his problem by dedicating himself to the church

What did Netherlandish people do in retaliation to what Philip II tried to do

They destroyed catholic churches

Why were Anabaptists persecuted?

They were considered radical because of their belief that human laws had no hold on them

How were sacraments redefined?

They were now viewed as divinely established signs signifying the promise of salvation

What happened to old religious orders (nuns and monks) during the reformation

They were reformed and renewed

Who actually came to the aid of the German peasants?

Thomas Muntzer, a radical pastor who encouraged revolt which first erupted in southwestern Germany in june 1524

How had the Netherlands became prosperous

Through commerce Through its textile industry

What were northern humanists beliefs on reform?

Through education in the sources of classical, and especially Christian, antiquity, they could instill a true inner piety or an inward religious feeling that would bring about a reform of the church and society

How did Luther insist on teaching the Gospel?

Through means of music

How did ignatius of Loyola prepare for his life work

Through prayer Pilgrimages School

How did the duke of Parma play the Netherland's provinces against one another

Through their different religions

A wife's role in the family

To bear children

What was the Roman inquisition responsibility

To ferret out doctrinal errors

Why were Protestant schools established

To increase literacy so people could read the bible

Spain led a holy league against ___ encroachment in the Mediterranean


What did William of orange wish to do with the 27 provinces of the Netherlands

Unify them

What did the northern Netherlands states turn into and what religion were they

Union of Utrecht Protestant

What union did southern Netherlands become and what religion were they

Union of arras Catholic

As a result of ordinary people clamoring for the certainty of salvation, salvation became mechanical causing what to arise?

Veneration of relics

The expenses of ___ were devastating to the Spanish economy


What typical medieval question began the Protestant Reformation?

What must I do to be saved?

What is absenteeism?

When church holders ignore their duties and hire underlings who sometimes lacked proper qualifications

What is pluralism?

When high church officials took over more than one church office leading to absenteeism

What started the French war of religion

When the French duke of guise massacred a peaceful congregation of Huguenots (Bartholomew's day massacre)

What was Utopia?

Written in 1516, More's most famous book and one of the most controversial of his age. Meaning "nowhere," it introduced the idea of socialism and contrasts it with realistic society and the problems of the day (communal ownership rather than private property).

What was the Address to the Nobility of the German Nation?

Written in German, Luther called on the German prices to overthrow the papacy on Germany and establish a reformed German church

What was the Babylonian Captivity of the Church?

Written in Latin for theologians, Luther attacked the sacramental system as the means by which the pope and church had held the real meaning of the Gospel captive for thousands of years. He said that clergy should be able to marry because virginity is good, but marriage is better, and the freedom of choice is best

Did John Calvin agree with justification by faith alone?


Did Luther believe in predestination


Should the clergy be celibent according to the council of Trent?


Was the belief or purgatory reestablished at the council of trent


To the jesuits education of the ___ was crucial to combat the advance of Protestantism


What's an indulgence?

a remission, after death, of all or part of the punishment for sin

What did Pope Leo X issue?

a special jubilee indulgence to finance the ongoing construction of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome

What did the city council do to change the church of Zwinglism?

abolished relics and images, removed all painting and decoration from churches, and replaces them with whitewashed walls. Music was eliminated from the service as a distraction from the pure word of God. Monasticism, pilgrimages, the veneration of saints, clerical celibacy, and the pope's authority were all abolished.

What was the Reformation in Germany largely?

an urban phenomenon, 3/4's of the early converts to the reform movement were from clergy, many of which were from the upper class, which made it easier for them to work with the ruling elites in the cities

What was Luther made by the Edict of Worms?

and outlaw within the empire: his works were burned and he was to be captured and delivered to the emperor.

By 1530, what did the German states that had converted to Lutheranism do?

appointed officials who visited churches in their territories and regulated matters of worship

What two advisers did Henry VIII appoint to help him?

archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer, and Thomas Cromwell his principal adviser

What were the 13 self governing states of the Swiss Confedeartion called?


What were the 6 forest cantons ruled by?

democratic republics

Even though Henry VIII had broke with the Catholic Church, what didn't change much?

doctrine, theology, and ceremony, causing his supporters to want a religious reformation and not only political, but Henry didn't budge. This made many clergymen ignore Henry on the matter of priestly celibacy and secretly married

What did millenarian Anabaptists do once they took control of Munster?

drove everyone out they considered unbelievers, burned all books except the Bible, and proclaimed communal ownership of all property

Who was Frederick the Wise?

elector of Saxony and Martin Luther's prince who had amassed more than 19k relics to which were attached indulgences that could reduce one's time in purgatory by nearly 2 million years

What did Luther do in the beginning of 1522?

he returned to Wittenberg in Electoral Saxony and began to organize a reformed church

What was Luther summoned to after he was excommunicated?

in front of the Reichstag, the imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire, in Worms, convened by Emperor Charles V

What did northern humanists believe happened to Christianity during the Middle Ages?

it had been distorted by complicated theological arguments

What have some critics called northern humanists?

naïve and in fact merely optimistic

Did Luther do what he was expected and recant his "heretical" doctrines?


Did Luther intend to break apart the Church over the indulgence issue?


Was Martin Luther's reform movement the first?


Did Luther believe that the authority of scripture must be supplemented by traditions and decrees of the Church

no, just in the Bible, deeming hierarchical priesthood unnecessary since followers of Christ were their own priests

Who held the highest positions among clergy in the 14th and 15th centuries?

nobles or wealthy middle class members

What was Luther's movement closely tied to?

political affairs

What Papal thing had a strong impact on clergy?

preoccupation with finances

What did Luther rely on to organize and guide the new Lutheran reformed churches?

princes or state authorities causing secular authorities in Germany to play an important role in the Church.

Why did Luther experience dissent in his own ranks in Wittenberg?

radicals wanted to take it further like Andreas Carlstadt, by abolishing relics, images, and the Mass

What did Baptism represent?

rebirth through grace

Charles V's main concern was?

rivalry with the French Valois family particularly Francis I. They disputed over territories which were known as the Habsburg-Valois wars (low countries)

What sacrament troubled Martin Luther the most?

sacrament of penance or confession because no matter how much he confessed, he had doubt that he would reach salvation.

When did Henry VIII get married to Anne?

secretly in January before his marriage was annulled (his baby was a girl)

What did Martin Luther ultimately do?

split with the late medieval church, destroying the religious unity of western Christendom

What did Lutheran churches in Germany quickly become?

territorial or the state supervised and disciplined church members

What is justification?

the act by which a person is made deserving of salvation

What was the Peace of Augsburg?

the agreement formally acknowledged the division of Christianity with Lutheranism having equal legal standing as Catholicism which allowed German princes to choose their city's religion

What was the Bible for Luther and all other Protestants?

the chief guide to religious truth

What radical idea did Cromwell have?

the dissolution of the monasteries, so in 1536, about 400 religious houses were closed and the king confiscated their lands and possessions

Who was Menno Simons?

the man most responsible for rejuvenation Dutch Anabaptism who stressed separation from the world in order to truly emulate the life of Jesus (Mennonites)

What did Luther quickly write in response to the peasants' war?

the pamphlet Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants which called for the princes to slay the stupid and stubborn peasantry, which won Luther over in the noble ranks.

How did pamphlets help spread the Reformation?

they were illustrated with vivid woodcuts portraying the pope as a hideous Antichrist and titled with catchy phrases

What belief did later intellectuals agree about with northern humanists?

to change society, they must first change the human beings who compose it

What did Cranmer and Cromwell Henry VIII to do?

to obtain the annulment through Parliament and annul his own marriage

What was the goal of Christian humanism?

to reform Christianity

What did Luther's superiors suggest for him to do to help with his doubts?

to study theology: he became a professor the university of Wittenberg and lectured on the Bible

What was the Union of Kalmar

unification of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden

What did Luther use to replace the Mass?

worship service consisting of a vernacular liturgy that focused on Bible reading, preaching the word of God, and song

What classics did the northern humanists study?

writings of antiquity of the early Church (Holy Scriptures and writings of church fathers like Augustine, Ambrose, and Jerome

Were younger Christian humanists significant in the Reformation?


Were the Swiss part of the HRE?

yes, but virtually independent since 1499

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