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Individuals who sought to appease God by traveling from city to city and scourging themsellves with whips were known as... A) mendicants B) Franciscans C) flagellants D) Waldensians


Louis XIV admired and modeled himself after A) the ancient roman emperors B) charlemagne and the early francs C) alexander the great and the ancient greeks D) the dukes of burgundy

St. Helena

Where was napoleon exiled to?


Sandro Botticelli and other renaissance painters mined the ancient world for new subjects such as A) julius caesar B) Cicero C) Jupiter D) Venus E) Jordan F) Burris


what new artistic movement developed in the 18th century in reaction to what some saw as the enlightenments excessive reliance on the authority of human reason A) neorealism B) romanticism C) rococo D) impressionism


The thirty years war ended in 1648 after the signing of which of the following documents A. the edict of restituon B, the thirty nine articles C the peace of westphalia D the edict of nantes


The uprising of French peasants against the nobility in the summer of 1358 was known as A) the jacobin rebellion B) the fronde C) wat tylers rebellion D) the jacquerie


What is francesco petrarch best known as? A) the husband of laura B) the lover of Beatrice C) a victim of the babylonian captivity D) the first humanist


What is historians highest estimate for the percentage of the european population that perished from the plague between 1348 and 1400? A) 10% B) 30% C) 60% D) 80%


What lasting impact did the slave trade and the plantation systems have on Europe? A) They encouraged m any more Europeans to go to the colonies to find work B) They put many European farmers out of business by undercutting their prices C) They permanently altered consumption patterns for ordinary people. D) The introduced African products and goods into Europe for the first time


When did Napoleon make a disastrous military error by opening a second front by invading Russia?

napoleon took power and established himself as First Consul

When did the French Revolution come to an end in 1799?

victories in Italian campaigns

When did the rise of Napoleon begin?


When he reportedly uttered the phrase "Letat c'est moi" (I am the state) Louis XIV demonstrated his attachment to what form of rule A) constitutional monarchy B) socialism C) absolutism D) fascism


When the Estates General met in 1789, what did their first decision concern? A. The creation of a national bank of France B. The role of the king in government C. The crisis of the rising food shortage D. The contentious issue of voting procedure


According to historians, approximately how many people were imprisoned during the Terror? A. 50,000 B. 300,000 C. 1 million D. 5 million


Adam smiths concept of laissex faire economics argued that A) in order to maximize the effect of market forces and the division of labor, the economy should be free of government intrevention and control B) since humans are naturally self interested and greedy, the government must regulate the economy to counteract this self interest C) the general welfare of society was best served if governments closely controlled international trade and currency markets


After passing the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, what was the next step the National Assembly took to curtail religious authority? A. They required all clergy to swear an oath of allegiance to the Civil Constitution B. They called for immediate elections to fill clerical offices with revolutionaries C. They offered the clergy a choice between internal exile and renouncing their vows D. The passed a law banning the celebration of the Mass in France


After some two hundred years of tolerating and even supporting piracy, why did the English and Dutch governments suddenly try to stamp it out around 1700? A) It became increasingly hard to retain maritime personnel for the unpleasant work on slave ships when sailors had the option of a more lucrative life as pirates B) Protestant governments in particular began to look upon their association with such "criminal elements" as antithetical to cherished Christian values c) The presence of an increasing number of women travels gave rise to growing clamor for their protection from possible mistreatment by pirates D) English, Dutch and French bands of sailors began to form associations of pirates, especially in the Caribbean, that preyed indiscriminately on shipping lines of every national origin.


Although in Britain's constitutional system the monarch ruled with Parliament, power was still contained within a very small elite in the eighteenth century. What was the reason for this? A) The middle and lower classes had little interest in politics, as they were more concerned with the new consumer revolution B) Only a few hundred thousand propertied men could vote, and most members of Parliament came from the landed gentry C) Both Protestant and Catholic churches encouraged believers to stay out of politics to avoid rekindling the conflicts that had fed the English civil war D) Since so small a percentage of the population was literate at that time, even those who wanted to engage in politics had little means to do so.


Although most intellectuals of the enlightenment publicly embraced the doctrine of religious toleration, many of them were still intolerant of which group? A) atheists B) jews C) muslims D) calvinsts


Although the 18th century food riots were a direct response to the lack of available food they were also a reaction to A) the frustrations of the lower classes with their inability to change career paths or gain better access to education B) the lower classes lack of access to the political system and their desire for government regulation of the price of grain C) government mandated military service for lower class men for years on end which left their families without economic resources


An indulgence was a certificate offered by the church to A) vouch that proper baptismal practives had been followed B) ensure that one would bypass purgatory altogether and enter heaven directly C) reduce the time one spent in purgatory D) grant entry to the sites where savred relics were held


As France's revolutionary armies won victories across the European continent what was the French government's policy toward the newly "liberated" lands? A. It set up a system of military occupation and forced the peoples in those lands to become subjects of the French state. B. It created semi-independent "sister republics" that were modeled on the new French republic. C. It set up French colonies in the annexed territories, sending large groups of French citizens to organize new settler communities there. D. It left the old government structures largely in place but forced the occupied territories to pay the cost of the war.


As a reward for his efforts in fighting off the Spanish armies the French appointed Toussaint L'Ouverture a former slave, governor of St. Domingue. Which of the following is also true of Toussaint L'Ouverture? A. He later died in a French prison after his arrest by Napoleons army B. He was later made an honorary deputy of the Convention C. He immediately turned on the French in an effort to win control of the western half of the island D. He had staged the initial revolt against the Spanish.


At Reims, with Joan of Arc at h is side, the dauphin was anointed and crowned as... A) King Philip VI of France B) King Charles VII of France C) King Charles II of Burgundy D) King Louis X of France


At the center of his theology, Calvin placed the doctrine of predestination, which argued that... A) every man woman and child who truly believed in christ and his teachings was destined to enter heaven B) God had preselected every human being for either damnation or salvation and that those elected to be saved were known only to God C) God had predestined Calvin and his followers to practice true Christianity D) the lives of all people were predestined except for their choice between good and evil


Between 1384 and 1476 what state filled the territorial gap between france and germany buy was unlike most other european states an artificial creation whose existence depended entirely on skillful rulers? A) Venice B) Genoa C) Burgundy D) guyenne


Between 1649 and his death in 1658, Oliver Cromwell... A) became extremely popular for saving England from despotism and preserving its representative institutions B) transformed England into a puritan state that resembled the dutch republic in its toleration of both catholics and jews C) became highly unpopular for his dictatorial behavior, which included abolishing parliament raising taxes and persecuting dissenters


Between 1788 and 1791, how did the Polish Patriots attempt reform in Poland? A. They took power away from King Stanislaw August Poniantowski and dispersed it among Polish nobles and aristocrats B. They granted King Stanislaw August Poniatowski much greater monarchical power in order to oppose Russia C. They enacted a new constitution that gave townspeople limited political rights and hinted at possible Jewish emancipation D. They abolished serfdom completely and instituted a sweeping measure of land reform to benefit newly freed peasants.


By 1740, which European state had the highest proportion of means at arms-- 1 out of every 28 people. A) Great Britain B) Russia C) France D) Prussia


By agreeing to parliaments demand for a petition of right in 1628, charles I A) promised not to levy taxes w/o parliaments consent B) consented to restrictions on the kings powers to conscript and station troops C) accepted new constitutional restraints on his ability to direct foreign policy and wars


By the eighteenth century, many Europeans began to try to provide a rationale for the institution ofslavery b ased predominantly on what grounds? A) Religious beliefs as many asserted that African "heathens" deserved to be enslaved B) The purported mental- and thus racial - inferiority of African people C) Historical precedent, pointing to slavery as a "natural" practice that dated back to ancient Rome D) The claim that contact with European religion and culture had civilizing effect on so-called primitive peoples


By the end of the 30 years war the balance of power in europe..? A) remained in the hands of the habsburg rulers of spain and austria despite challenges from protestant powers such as france and england B) had shifted away from habsburg powers toward france england and the dutch republic C) was moving away from secular monarchs and into the hands of religious organizations such as the roman catholic church


By the mid eighteenth century prussia had vastly increased the size and efficiency of its army, vaulting itself to great power status with the A) foundation of military training schools for commissioned officers B) adoption of the year round citizen soldier system C) institution of the canton system


Children of Spanish mean and Indian women were called A) mestizos B) caballeros C) quilombos D) oroonokos

abolition of serfdom, Napoleonic code, conscripting and taxing local populations

Colonized populations in annexed territories and satellite kingdoms of france were forced to accept French style reforms...?


Conciliarism can be understood as A) a process through which cardinals sought to appease or conciliate the papacy B) a movement to assert papal superiority over monastic orders C) a schismatic movement within the Roman Catholic church D) a movement to have the cardinals or the emperor convene a church council


During the late medieval period there was both a flowering of vernacular literature and a A) rejection of preciously popular luxury goods in favor of an austere and simple lifestyle B) revival of classical learning that led to a new intellectual movement called humanism C) decline in the study of the latin language and literature D) return to the religious traditions of the established church paired with a renewed interest in monasticism


During the upheavals of the civil war in england in the mid seventeenth century the fledgling english colonies in north america A) were as divided as those in europe and ended up fighting their own version of the civil war, pitting colonies against one another B) nearly disappeared due to starvation and disease after the english government stopped supplying the colonies C) developed their own representative governments and consistently resisted english attempts to reaffirm royal control


European missionary strategies in other parts of the world A) were similar to one another in planning and attitude, in negotiations with local elites, and in the treatment of indigenous peoples. B) were directed from the distant european capitals, with few or no changes made to those strategies by missionaries within the localities C) were very open ended, with missionaries given total control over both theology and the practice of conversion D) were diverse, being dependent on the country sending out missionaries, the missionaries attitudes toward local elites and their willingness to train indigenous peoples as clerics.


Following the deaths of William and Mary and their successor Anne (Mary's sister), the English turned to which dynastic house for their next ruler, King George I (1714-1727)? A) The Austrian Habsburgs B)The German house of Hanover C) The French Bourbons D) The Dutch house of Orange


For Europe, what was one lasting consequence of France's military campaigns of 1790s? A. A new rivalry between Britain and Austria as each tried to seize French colonial holdings B. The adoption of French language and culture by fervent reformers in Poland C. A financial crisis caused by the collapse of the assignat paper currency D. Massive casualties in wars inspired by the spread of revolutionary ideas


For what purpose di dGeorge Frideric Handel infuse operatic drama with a religious theme in his 1741 oratorio Messiah? A) To win over the bishop of London who was attempting to eliminate music from church services B) To introduce opera into Britain for the first time C) To enliven what he saw as dry ad stodgy church liturgy D) To combine musical materials into a dramatic form that would touch the emotions of the new concert-going public


German states reacted to the French Revolution with an artistic and intellectual revival that was linked to A. enthusiasm for the French Cult of the Supreme Being B. a flood of French pamphlets intended to bring the Germans over to the French side C. anti-French nationalism stirred by distrust of France's advancing armies D. reforms enacted by the Holy roman Emperor to placate those who were attracted to the French revolutionary model


Historians have advanced several different ideas about the increase in the slave trade during the 17th century. which of the following factors might explain this increase A) more europeans began using slaves as household servants and as factory labor doubling the demand for slave labor B) africans stopped resisting european slave traders making it much easier to capture and transport slaves C) improvements in muskets the rising price of slaves and growing conflict between african tribes made slave capture easier and more profitable


How did Emperor Joseph II's Enlightenment-inspired reforms ignite the Belgian independence movement? A. Belgians were so motivated by Joseph's enlightenment ideals that they pushed for more direct participation inn their own government and eventually for independence. B. Joseph's reorganization of the government eliminated offices belonging to nobles and lawyers and his anti-Catholic measures offended the Catholic population galvanizing resistance C. Since Joseph had little interest in governning Belgium, his reforms were designed to make the territory self-governing and stir up support for independence D. Belgium had a strongly Catholic population that had little interest in the Enlightenment and wanted to get rid of any regime that had anything to do with the movement

lack of coordination among his enemies

How did Napoleon win his early victories in continental Europe?


How did most European elites react to the French Revolution? A. They saw the abolition of monarchy and the institution of a republic as the realization of Enlightenment principles and a model to be followed throughout Europe B. Although many were originally in favor of the Revolution's aims, especially the establishment of a republic, the events of the terror made them wary of the revolutionary model C. They admired the Enlightenment ideals of the Revolution but distrusted the populist emphasis on universal suffrage and equality D. They were alarmed and even enraged by the abolition of monarchy and mobility and the encouragement of popular participation in politics.


How did the Dutch respond to their decline in international affairs and manufacturing during the eighteenth century? A) They withdrew completely from international politics and trade and focused exclusively on domestic affairs B) They began to expand their efforts at settler colonialism, particularly in Africa and North America. C) They shifted their interest away from international power politics and began to focus on areas of trade and finance where they could establish an enduring presence D) They refocused their energy and monetary resources into the arts, leading to the second golden age of Dutch art


How did the Russian tsar Peter the Great's imposition of the Table of Ranks in 1722 affect Russian society? A) It divided the Russia nobility into compulsory military, administrative, and judicial service categories B) It assigned a complex hierarchy to the Russian courtiers in his court as a means of regulating their frequently bloody competition for high office C) It upset the fledgling entrepreneurial class in Russia, encouraging a damaging drain of talent to the West D) It upset the leaders of the Russial Orthodox church, as it placed the tsar above the church patriarch in both secular and religious matters.


How did the absolutist monarchy of frederick william of hohenzollern differ from that of louis XIV A) while warfare and expansion were top priorities for louis, frederick william had no interest in military affairs B) in addition to focusing more on arts and culture, frederick william had less interest in consolidating the state bureaucracy and centralizing state power than louis C) frederick william allowed his nobles more independence than louis and he rebuffed the ostentation of the french court welcoming huguenot refugees from france.


How did the balance of economic power shift to northern europe in the seventeenth century? A. The various brances of science were able to develop fully and become discrete disciplines B. scientific progress was hindered as cholars whose scientific findings seemed to contradict biblical teachings were labled as heretics by religious officials C religion became a matter of private conscience rather than public policy thus allowing people to seek nonreligious explanations for natural phenomena


How did the breakdown of constitutionalism the violence of the cossack rebolts and a russo polish war affect religious toleration in poland lithuania? A) the citizens of poland lithuania generally became more tolerant of jews and protestants who had suffered under russian repression B) religious toleration ended as jews fled to shtetls and protestants fled catholic reprisals for their support of sweden during the war C) there was a mass discrimination against catholics and russian orthodox christians, who had supported the uprising against the constitutional government

new framework for international relations based on meetings, between major powers.

How did the congress of Vienna set the parameters for future relations in Europe?


How did the edict of nantes issued by Henry IV in 1598 end the French wars of religion A. IT legalized protestantism and granted protestants the same rights and freedoms as catholics throughout the realm B. it granted protestants a large measure of toleration such as freedom to worship in specified towns and the right to retain their own troops courts and fortresses C. it established the bourbons as heirs to the valois throne thus nullifying any guise family counterclaims D IT declared catholicism the official religion of france thereby undermining popular support for the guises and thier spanish allies


How did the encyclopedia contribute to enlightenment goals of social reform A) it promoted the spread of knowledge that could be used to make informed decisions about social problems B) the proceeds from its sales funded charitable schools set up jointly by diderot and voltaire C) it provided systematic plans for social reform that could be used by anyone who was able to read


How did the peace of westphalia influence future european disputes? A it served as a diplomatic model for resolving disputes between warring nations as it brought all parties together to design a settlement B. IT forced the losing parties to take all blame and punishment for the conflict creating a model that would last well into the twentieth century C it forced european monarchs to appeal to a committee of european leaders for all major financial and political decisions


How did the rise of public opinion as a force independedt of court society influence european politics in the 18th century. A. It pushed European leaders to solicit advice from the general public on a wide range of issues B. it led directly to a separation of church And state C. It forced leaders including monarchs to engage with their citizens and take reform and opposition to reform seriously


How did the thirty years war affect european civilians A it solved the problem of overpopulation leading to higher wages and better diets for both the rural peasantry and urban populations B. it left most civilians materially better off but ambivalent toward their governments which had pushed them into the war C it impoverished those in battle zones but greatly enriched merchants and privateers who profited from the prolonged warfare D it resulted in widespread suffering and devastation and led to peasant revolts even outbreaks of the plague


How did warfare change during the 100 years war A) it became increasingly chivalrous B) armies relied on conscripts C) knights on horseback played a decisive role D) armies became more professional and centralized


How many Africans were transported across the Atlantic in the slave trade before it began to wind down after 1850? A) fewer than two million B) five m illion C) more than ten million D) twenty million


How were ambassadors chosen for the new diplomatic services that France and other European states created in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? A) They were discovered through a national exam that promoted government bureaucrats with exceptional language skills. B) They were trained from a young age in schools that were designed specifically to prepare diplomats C) They were chosen from among nobles of ancient families and royal officials who could pay for their own staff D) They were selected by the host country from amoung a list of expatriates of the home country.


Immanuel Kant the most influential german thinker of the enlightenment, established the doctrine of idealism which was based on A) instinct B) divine revalation C) ideas of sensations and a theory of mental processes later referred to as associantionism D) the belief that true understanding can only come form examining the ways in which ideas are formed in the mind


In 1555, the Peace of Augsburg forced Emperor Charles V to recognize the Lutheran church in the HRE... A) but retained Bavaria and Swabia as exclusively Catholic domains under Charles V's direct control B) and gave princes the sole right to determine the religion practiced in their lands C) and legalized other dissenting sects, such as the Anabaptists and the Mennonites D) but reasserted the inviolability of property owned by the Catholic church


In 1772 the territory of poland lithuania was divided amond which three european states A) France britian prussia B) France prussia austria C) prussia russia and the ottoman empire D) prussia russia austria


In 1787 people's expectations for the Estates General were especially high because A. the king had promised to enact whatever reform proposals the Estates General passed B. pamphlets and newspapers said that nobles were as eager for reform as ordinary people C. France's victory in the Seven Years' War gave people a generally positive view of the future D. Third Estate deputies were conduits for lists of grievances voted on by villagers and townspeople


In Englad, Eliza Haywood was one of a number of eighteenth-century women who showed that they could succeed as A) proprietors of coffeehouses B) merchants selling tea and coffee C) newspaper reporters D) novelists


In an attempt to appease the devout rural populace, how did the Committee of Public Safety institute an alternative to its campaign of de-Christianization? A. It replaced the secular Cult of Reason with the deistic Cult of Supreme Being B. it arrested the campaign's most radical leaders as a show of solidarity with devout Catholics C. It reinstated many of the clerics who had refused to take the oath of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, declaring "silent acquiescence" an acceptable alternative D. It issued ordinances returning a good deal of church property to local parishes


In freedom of a christian, adressed to pope leo X, martin luther argued that... A) faith not good works saved believers from damnation B) a corrupt church and priesthood invalidated the Eucharist C) clerics should be free to pursue intellectual debate whereever it might lead D) Christians should be free to form their own churches and select their own priests


In his 1755 bood the natural history of religion, the scottish philosopher david hame made what argument about religion? A) that there was a god who was caring and concerned with humanity B) that religion was useful for promoting science C) that belief in god was rooted in fear and superstition


In opposition to Hobbes, John Locke in his Two Treatises on Government used the concept of a social contract to A) support his argument for constitutionalism B) argue in favor of democracy based on universal suffrage C) argue against the institution of slavery D) call into question the notion of a state or established religion.


In order to make tax increases more palatable how did the enlightened absolutists of europe actively modernize government A) by increasing the equitability of taxes B) by enacting administrative and legal reforms C) by reforming their political systems to be accessible to more citizens D) by expanding access to education and religious toleration


In the 17th and 18th century, English coffeehouses were A) important places to discuss politics and society B) partonized only by aristocrats because coffee was so expensive C) strictly regulated by the government


In the Act of Union of 1707, Scottish Protestant leaders abolished the Scottish Parliament and agreed to obey the Parliament of Great Britain A) because the feared the threat of Jacobitism in Scotland B) in support of Queen Anne's suppression of a Scottish-Catholic revolt C) to make official the shift in power that had occurred long before D) because Queen Anne had promised them sinecures and seats as peers in the House of Lords


In the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, the National Assembly A. attempted to control rising female radicalism by declaring that women did not have equal rights with men B. solidified distinctions between the aristocracy and the Third Estate, although it extended citizenship to all C. sought to provide special privileges to those individuals who were actively involved in reforming the state D. promised to recognize the essential political and civil rights of the people regardless of social distinctions


In the spring of 1793, the French government, facing a daunting coalition of European armies that had joined the Austrians in the war against France A. signed a treaty with the United States of America to gain its military support B. Began cutting back on aristrocratic executions to appease foreign governments C. Reinstated the rights of the Catholic church, although it did not return the church's property D. instituted the first universal draft of men in history


In the treaty of paris of 1763, france officially acknowledged its defeat overseas ceding which of its territories to GB? A) its west indian islands b) canada c) its territory in north africa


In their quest to revive the cultural glory of the ancient world, renaissance humanists focused much attention on A) Classical history and literature B) ancient roman law and jurisprudence C) mathematics and astronomy D) classical architecture


In what regions as widespread literacy amoung the lower classes first achieved? A) Spain and Portugal B) Scandinavia, Scotland, and parts of Switzerland C) The German states of the Holy Roman Empire D) France and the Netherlands


Many younger christian humanists some of whom came to support luther became critical of the religious establishment because they believed that the church... A) had done too little to support scholarship in the arts and humanities B) had done too little to curtail popular forms of piety that verged on superstition C) had distributed its income unequally, having neglected the monastic orders D) had been corrupted by the nobility and its wealth.


Monarchs in many catholic states used the spread of enlightenment thought to A) increase their control over the cfhurch by suppressing the influential jesuit order B) reject religious toleration on the grounds that it would lead to the spread of protestantism C) strengthen their own power by rejecting all atheistic reform

Grand Army

Napoleon rebuilt the French army by uniting all armies and generals under one ________ under his command.


One important element of the French kings campaign to consolidate and strengthen the monarch was gallicanism, which was characterized by which of the following? A) Royal control over ecclesiastical revenues and the appt of all french bishops B) the est. of a centralized bereaucracy,, with its seat in paris, that was in charge of all procincial tax, administrative and military responsibilities C) the rejection of furthur territorial expansion in favor of securing and developing the territories within current state borders D) a state sponsored propaganda effort linking the current french monarchy with the legacy of glory of the ancient roman empire


On what topic did Huldrych Zwingli and Martin Luther differ? A) Their understanding of communion B) The purpose of confession C) the need for an ecclesiastical heirarchy D) Clerical celibacy


Oxford educated John Wesley was the founder of which of the following reform movements A) methodism B) pietism C) congregationalism D) chartism


Plantations in the New world can best be described as A) small plots of land, mostly in central and south america, that were worked by natice americans and produced cash crops such as potatoes B) small family run farms that were worked with assistance from european indentured servants and produced high yeild cash crops C) large tracts of land owned by colonial settlers from western D) large government -owned farms that were worked by both slaves and indentured servants and produced a wide variety of crops, which were then sent to Europe.


Republican festivals sponsored by the Committee of Public Safety were designed to A. raise funds for the ware effort by inspiring people to give money to save the republic B. show other Europeans that stores about the Terror in France were greatly exaggerated C. destroy the mystique of the monarchy andmake the republic sacred through symbolism D. gain the support of the army through the observance of holidays celebrating soldiers as "the heroes of the republic"


Seventeenth century absolutism and constitutionalism were political responses to which of the following developments? A) Louis XIV's elaborate rule and attempts to conquer western europe B) the fear of disorder and breakdown that was the legacy of the french wars of religion C) the rise of the middle classes who threatened to seize power from monarchs and aristocrats


Some of the more influential economic reforms of the eighteenth century were suggested by a goup of economists in france called the physiocrats. what reforms did they support A) they pushed for full government regulation of all aspects of the economy B) they believed the government should subsidize agricultural production in times of famine C) they argued in favor of the complete abolition of taxation D) they urged the government to deregulate the grain trade, make the tax system more equitable and abolish urban guilds


The 1748 Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, which recognized the rights of Charles VI's daughter Maria Theresa to inherit Habsburg lands, ended which European war? A) The War of the Austrian Succession B) The War of Polish Succession C) The Franco-Prussian War D) The Thirty Years' War


The Directory regime, which came to power in 1795 after the fall of Robespierre, was known for A. its tenuous hold on power and the more relaxed atmosphere it supported wthin French society after the oppressive years of the Terror B. its attempts to resurrect the policies and memory of Robespierre through an even more oppressive crackdown on "subversive acts" C. its complete indifference to revolutionary ideals and its return to an Old Regime atmosphere of luxury and extravagance D. its desire to end the continental war in Europe and renew diplomatic relations with Austria and Prussia

directory wanted to strike a blow at the british by cutting off their trade to india

The French invasion and occupation of Egypt in 1798 happened because..?


The Gordon riots that devastated much of London in 1780 demonstrated the fact that... A. Class issues still played a large role in ordinary people lives B. 18th century gov were still far from their goals C. Enlightenment ideas such as individual rights and equality before the law had finally taken hold and emboldened working class men and women D. Popular demonstrations did not always support reform or religious toleration.


The Munster Anabaptists believed that the end of the world was near and therefore... A) urged their followers to eat drink and be merry B) abolished traditional marriages and allowed men to have multiple wives C) led invading armies into the netherlands and switzerland to defeat the followers of reformers they deemed heretical D) allowed jewish communities back into munster to hasten the second coming


The Termidorian Reaction refers to A. the return of France to a monarchy after 1794 B. the successful efforts of Jacobins to prevent further reform after the death of Robespierre C. the successful efforts of anti-Jacobins in France to roll back the Terror after the death of Robespierre D. the efforts of French women to end the violence of the revolutionary era through political action


The anabaptists were christian communities that... A) rejected the practice of adult baptism B) adopted Lutheran teachings on baptism C) rejected uniformly all forms of violence and warfare D) urged adult believers to undergo rebaptism


The battle of White Mountian during the Thirty Years war became an enduring symbol of what? A. The military might of the Austrian Habsburg armies who were the strongest military force on the European continent for the next century B. The determination of European protestants to overthrow the catholicf habsburg powers, despite the protestans weaker military forces C. The desire of czechs for self determination though they would not gain their independence until 1918 D. The willingness of the catholic habsburgs to destroy protestantism through any means necessary even violent atrocities


The career of Cardinal Richelieu as chief minister of france... A epitomized a new preference for administrative brilliance over religious conviction B reflected a new belief in raison d'etat or the primacy of the states interest above all else C exposed the complete dependence of french kings on the support of the papacy


The counterrevolutionary uprising in the French countryside in 1793 can be described as a battle between A. town and country B. radical Jacob ins and the more moderate Girondins C. the nobility and the peasantry the traditionally devout and modern secularists


The deputies of the Third Estate, one of the three estates that made up the Estates General, represented which segment of France's population? A. The clergy B. The nobility C. The military D. Peasants and the urban middle and lower classes


The legacy of Sir Robert Walpole (1676 - 1745) can be described as the establishment of which of the following? A) A professional British diplomatic service through the creation of the office of foreign secretary and an extensive network of embassies around the world B) The first public elementary school system in Europe C) An enduring pattern of parliamentary government in which a prime minister from the majority party guided legislation through the House of Commons D) The first, albeit rudimentary, social security system I the Western world


The lollards were A) the same thing as flagellants B) opponents of Wat Tylers rebellion C) a heretical religious group inspired by John Wycliffe D) dutch monks


The militarization of prussian society in the late eighteenth century led to which of the following effects? A) it kept the peasants enserfed to their lords and blocked the middle classes from access to estates or high government positions B) it endowed the peasants and the middle classes with greater social mobility as they could rise through the ranks of the military, something they could not do in normal society C) many fewer children were born in these decades as prussian men stayed away from home on campaign for years on end


The open spaces, market places, and public squared built in many renaissance cities in italy were known as A) agoras B) piazzas C) porticos D) giardini


The peace treaties that ended the War of the Spanish Succession set forth what condition for Philip grandson of Louis XIV, to be confirmed as king of Spain? A) Philip had to first repress revolts in Andalusia and Aragon B) Philip was required to cancel his plans to marry the Habsburg archduchess Maria Theresa C) Philip had to provide massive reparations payments to the French and Habsburg monarchies D) Philip had to renounce any future claim to the French throne.


The philosophical position known as ockham's razor maintains that A) universal concepts are embedded in both nature and the mind B) deductive reasoning is the soundest tool available for philosophers C) simple explanations are to be preferred over complex explanations D) universal concepts exist only as representations in the mind


The population explosion that took place in Europe around the turn of the eighteenth century can be attributed to A) a massive rise in the birthrate throughout Europe and fewer deaths in infancy and childhood due to better prenatal healthcare B) a marked growth in the prosecution of infanticide, which had been prevalent across the European continent before the eighteenth century C) a decline in the death rate thanks to better weather, improved agricultural techniques and the disappearance of the plague D) mestizo children and the offspring of Europeans and African slaves being counted as "European" in census tallies for the first time


The revival of Jansenism, which centered on miracles that allegedly happened at the grave of a Jansenist priest, is evidence of what development within French Catholicism? A) The desire of orginary people to connect themselves to what they saw as the direct word of God B) The pope's ongoing attempts to wrest control of the Catholic church in France from the monarchy C) Parisians' general ignorance of most of the basic doctrines of Catholicism D) The Catholic church's reluctance to investigate alleged miracles for fear that doing so would reignite religious hostilities between Protestants and Catholics


The series of revolts in France known as the fronde broke out when cardinal mazarin A) persuaded anne of austria not to sign the treaty of aix la chappelle B) arrested his opponents for demanding that the parlements be given the right to approve new taxes C) announced the conscription of 100,000 men between the ages of 17 and 30


Toward the end of the Hundred Years War, which of the following shifted support from England to France? A) Bavaria B) aragon C) the duchy of burgundy D) the papal states


Under pressure from holy roman emperor sigismund to resolve the great schism, pope john XXIII convened a church council at constance in 1414, which elected a new pope A) Alexander V B) Clement VII C) Martin V D) Gregory XII


What 1571 event ended Turkish dominance of the Mediterranean sea? A. phillip II conquest of the ottoman controlled balkan states B the revolt of the moriscos at tunis C phillip ii naval victory at leptano off the greek coast D Emperor Ferdinand II victory over the Turks at the White mountian in Hungary


What October 18, 1534 act of protestant provocation unleashed persecution by Parisian Catholics of all Protestants and religious dissidents? A) The Affair of the Placards B) The Luther Affair C) The Institutes Crisis D) The Huguenot Conspiracy


What actions did HRE Charles V and the French king Francis I take that shocked the Christian world? A) Charles V invited all european jews to come to his empire so that he could profit from their wealth, while Francis I instituted toleration for all Protestants who joined the French Army B) Charles V seized Rome and allowed his troops to sack the city in 1527 to punish the pope for siding with France while Francis I later made an alliance with the Turkish sultan against the emperor C) Charles V agreed to grant all Protestant princes their independence, but only after they helped him defeat france, while Francis I made an alliance with Henry VIII of England, a ruler he considered a heretic


What controversial agricultural practice in England that eliminated grazing rights normally required an act of Parliament? A) The open-field system B) Selective livestock breeding C) Enclosure D) The use of mechanized machinery


What country was the English Navigation Act primaritly intended to damage A) Spain B) America C) France D) The Dutch Republic

legion of honor

What created a new nobility by establishing a social hierarchy based on merit?


What determined the balance of white and black populations in each of the New World colonies? A) The staple products that a particular colony produced B) The climate and tropical diseases that Europeans could not withstand c) The laws governing slave labor in a particular colony D) The colony's proximity to Africa.


What did France's intro into ware with Austria in 1792 have an immediate radicalizing effect on the Revolution? A. Most French citizens had no desire to go to war against their great ally, so massive protests sprang up throughout the countryside attacking revolutionary leaders B. Realizing they had Austria behind them, millions of French citizens joined a huge counterrevolutionary movement in support of the monarchy C. When the French armies proved dreadfully unprepared for battle, the authority of the Assembly as challenged, and angry crowds instigated the Second Revolution D. With the support of the Austrian army, Louis XVI made another unsuccessful escape attempt, leading revolutionaries to call for his execution


What did Frederick William of Brandenburg prussia give his nobles in exchange for allowing him to collect taxes in their provinces? A) complete control over thier enserfed peasants and personal exemption from taxation B) exemption from dues as well as all military and civil service C) a monopoly on foreign trade and the taxes collected from commerce D) greater influence in government through representative assemblies

imprisoned all political dissidents

What did fouche do?


What did the Oxford scholar John Wycliffe argue? A) the true church was a community of believers, not an ecclesiastical hierachy B) the greek orthodox church and not the roman catholic church was the rightful heir to the keys of st. peter C) pious monks needed to oust corrupt and materialistic churchmen from their high positions in the church heirarchy D) the papacy had lost its moral authority for not having settled the hundred years war


What did the writers of the enlightenment call themselves? A) philosophes B) penses C) bibliophiles D) incroyables


What divided the northern and southern provinces of the NEtherlands even after they drove out the spainards in 1576? A the two provinces could not agree on which form of gov to institute after they gained their independence from spain B the northern provinces built their wealth from a slave trading while the more religios southern provinces were morally opposed to the practice C the southern provinces remained largely catholic and french speaking and were suspicious of the strict calvinism of the northern dutch provinces D the Spanish government paid the southern provinces to revolt against the north in order to destabilize the rebellious protestant territories


What factors contributed to Britain's agricultural revolution in the 1700s? A) The selective breeding of animals, the planting of fodder crops, and an increase in the amount of land under cultivation B) The discovery of new chemical agens that were more effective at reducing the impact of pests on crops C) The invention of new machinery, particularly plows and reapers, that improved agricultural efficiency D) The introduction of new crops imported from the New World, particularly potatoes and corn

entered Moscow and found it empty and on fire

What happened after the battle of Borodino in September 1812? (napoleon)


What main critique of organized christianity did voltaire include in his influential philosophical dictionary? A) that christianity had been the prime source of fanaticism and brutality among humans B) that protestants and catholics were intolerant toward jews and blacks C) taht leaders of protestant and catholic churches had too much ingluence over european governments


What new reforms resulted from the Second REvolution of August 10, 1792? A. The legislature ordered elections for a constitutional convention and instituted universal male suffrage, when the National Convention met, it abolished the monarchy and established a republic B. The National Assembly outlawed the Catholic church, instituted mandatory secular elementary education for all children, and ended peasant taxes to landlords C. The legislature instituted vast reforms of the economic system, including making the tax code more equitable and providing agricultural subsidies to farmers D. Confronted by the threat of an Austrian invasion, the legislature instituted a constitutional monarch along the lines of Great Britain, with most power residing in the Assembly


What occurred in Paris on August 24-26, 1572 A. A french protestant mob smashed Catholic Church windows and statues B. Catholic mobs murdered some three thousand huegonaughts in the st bartholomews day massacre C. Huguenots rioted after King Henry II was assassinated during a jousting tournament D. Marguerite de Valois the sister of the french king married henry of navarre in a lavish three day ceremony


What prompted Phillip 2 to send his spanish armada against england and elizabeth 1 in 1588? A. Elizabeths alliance with the house of orange and her support for the dutch rebellion against spain B elizabeths public remark that the pope had the faith of a pirate the courage of a nun and the soul of a turk C elizabeths rejection of an offer of marriage from phillip D elizabeths execution of her catholic cousin mary queen of scots


What renaissance humanist is known for the work Oration on the Dignity of Man A) francis petrarch B) christine de pisan C) giovanni pico della mirandola D) lauro quirini


What role did 18th century parisain salons play in the spread of enlightment ideas? A) they allowed university professors to connect with the masses and share their philosophies and ideas for reform B) they encouraged church leaders to become involved in the movement by introducing them to philosophers and members of the aristocracy C) they forced men to accept women in positions of power and intellectual life and spurred a lively feminist movement. D) they gave intellectual life in an anchor outside the royal court and church controlled universities by providing a forum for philosophes to discuss ideas

Battle of Waterloo in 1815

What saw a decisive victory by the Prussian and coalition army of British dutch german and Belgian armies over Napoleon?


What sorts of p rofessions made up the developing urban middle classes of the eighteenth century? A) Landed nobles, political leaders, and high court judges B) Government officials, merchants, professionals, and small landowners C) Artisans, shopkeepers, and theose organized in professional guilds D) Journeymen, apprentices, servants, and laborers


What steps did England take to reduce Catholic Ireland to the status of a British colony inn the wake of the Jacobite uprising of 1689? A) England began systematically importing Irish Catholics to work as indentured servants for British families B) England used Catholic forced labor to exploit Ireland's natural resources without any compensation for the use of land and materials. C) England began sending prisoners to Ireland, using it as a prison colony much like Australia D) England confiscated Catholic lands and imposed laws limiting the rights of Catholics, including their right to bear arms, educate their children and participated in politics.


What steps did the duke of Orleans (1674-1723), regent to Louis XV, take to shore up France's crumbling finances? A) He doubled the land tax, leading to widespread protests in rural areas throughout the kingdom B) He cancelled plans for further colonial expeditions in the New World C) He founded a state bank to help the government service its debt, only to see the bank crash within a few months in the wake of a speculative bubble D) He imposed high tariff's on British agricultural imports, particularly wool and cotton textiles


What triggered Wat Tylers Rebellion in 1381? A) King Richard II's imposition of military conscription B) The teachings of John Wycliffe, who held that the people, not the king, owned the land C) the imposition of a universal tax to raise revenue for the Hundred Years' War D) Widespread famine and rumors that barons were hoarding grain


What triggered the Great Schism in 1378? A)Disputes over how severely to treat those whose ideas were deemed heretical B) The election of Urban VI, an italian, as pope C) the refusal of the patriarch of constantinople to obey the roman pontiff D) Challenges to scholasticism posed by william of ockham


What was Empress Catherine II's response to the pugachev rebellion, a massive uprising by the long oppressed serfs of russia A) she increased the nobles power over their serfs and harshly punished anyone who criticezed serfdom B) she promulgated laws erasing the legal restrictions that had prevented serfs from leaving family plots, earning independedt livelihoods and marrying w/o permission C) she declared war on prussia


What was distinctive about the visual arts in 17th century dutch society? A) dutch art was focused on religious symbolism, which reflected the specifically protestant nature of dutch society at the time B) middle class people supported visual arts to an unprecedented degree, and dutch artists were among the first to sell to a mass market C) most visual arts were banned by the government or denounced by religious leaders for being morally demeaning with the exception of commissioned religious works.


What was one of the chief goals of ivan the terrible and his successors? A to weaken the hre enough to take hungary away from them B to secure direct access to the baltic sea and a port directly connected to the sea lanes of western europe C to convert western nobles to orthodox christianity and absorb the newliy converted territories D To tightly constrict economic social and intellectual contact with the "ungodly" west


When Michael Servetus, who had published books criticizing Calvin and challenging the concept of the Trinity, passed through Geneva in 1553, Calvin... A) called for his execution B) challenged him to a debate C) ordered that he be allowed safe passage D) had him deported to face the inquision in rome


What was one of the most significant steps I Peter the Great's project to Westernize Russia? A) Appointing a chief minister of French origin who managed court affairs, made political appointments, and oversaw mercantile policy B) Making up for the lack of a Russian middle class by encouraging noblewomen to learn foreigh languages and become involved in science, education, and trade C) Undertaking extensive colonization efforts in Africa to obtain the raw materials that provided so much of western Europe's wealth D) Founding new technical and scientific schools for elites that were run by Western officials.


What was one result of Louis XVI's 1685 revocation of the Edict on Nantes? A) an influx of protestants into the upper echelons of monarchial administration in France B) the creation of a highly educated and influential opposition group willing to express its criticism of monarchial absolutism in writing C) an upsurge in the persecution of Jews, particularrly in the south and southwest of france


What was the atlantic system? A) a new series of cultivation techniques that were adapted from new world plantations and that revolutionized european agriculture B) a web of trade routes that bound together western europe africa and the americas and became the hub of european expansion throughout the world C) a new system of international diplomacy that helped regulate colonial expansion in the New World D) a series of treatises written by moral philosophers and religious leaders that laid out a justification for plantation slavery in the new world


What was the central desire of Jan Hus's followers A) to recieve both the bread and the wine at mass B) to hear the liturgy in their own language C) to have german bishops removed from office and replaced by czechs D) to prohibit immoral priests from conducting mass


What was the general response of the European population to the famine that arose in europe between 1594 and 1597 A. europeans engaged in massive widespread revolts that brought down both local and national governments B. although revolts did occur most people simply took to the road in search of food and charity C they turned to religion and superstitionas a means of explaining their bad fortune and churches subsequently became very wealthy.


What was the name given to runaway serfs and poor nobles who formed outlaw bands in the no mans land of southern russia and ukraine A) boyars B) cossacks C) chechens D) muscovites


What was the opinion of enlightenment writers on the role of religion in society? A) they believed that religion was the key to social and political reform and within its teachings could be found the tenets of reason B) they disdained the practices of heirarchial churches such as the roman catholic church and the church of england but supported the tenets of protestantism C) they did not necessarily oppose organized religion but they strenuously objected to religious intolerance


What was the purpose of Louis XIV's expansion and professionalization of the french military? A) to keep domestic peace in the wake of new religious conflicts between protestants and catholics B) to expand frances overseas empire specifically in NA and in the caribbean C) to pursue the conquest of the holy land and retake jerusalem from the ottoman empire D) to expand french power in europe and increase frances territorial holdings on the continent


What was the role of the twelve-member Committee of Public Safety, created in 1793? A. To oversee the legislative affairs of the country while the Convention was in recess B. To set the course for government and the war and manage the machinery of the Terror C. To run the new revolutionary tribunals that had been set up to purge all enemies of the Revolution D. To oversee executions by guillotine and the confiscation of the property of traitors


What was the significance of the Peace of Augsburg (1555)? A. it barred Protestant princes from participating in the election of the Holy Roman Emperor. B. It stipulated that Lutherans pay their tithe to the catholic church C. it made Lutheranism a legal religion in the predominantly catholic holy roman empire, but it did not extend recognition to Calvinism D. It required Lutherans in the holy roman empire to live in principalities headed by protestant princes


What was the significane of cardinal richelieus decision to aid the lutheran king gustavus adolphus invasion of the HRE during the Thirty years war? A. It demonstrated that political interest had come to outweigh religious concerns B. it showed that the french were so desperate to defeat the germans that they would give money to sweden their long standing enemy C. It illustrated the extent to which protestants had taken over france as they had sided with the lutherans in the religious conflicts D. it betrayed frances military weaknesses and left the country open to an invasion by the spanish military


What was the underlying message of jean jacques rousseaus emile? A) that clerical supervision in schools stunted individual development and independent thinking which were necessary qualities for joining society B) that the university system was hopelessly flawed because students studied latin and greek instead of logic C) that qualified workers and members of the bourgeoisie should be admitted to universities in order to increase national wealth


What were the consequences of Louis XIV's revocation of the edict of Nantes in 1685? A) a period of great religious toleration commenced during which protestants and jews enjoyed complete freedom of religion in france B) the rights of all calvinists were revoked, their churches and schools were closed and they were forced to convert to catholicism leading thousands to flee the country C) protestants were deported en masse to frances colonies in the new world so that they would no longer disrupt political afffairs in france.


Which French Catholic ruler ushered in the French Wars of Religion after a disastrous attempt to play rival factions against one another? A. Charles XI B. Catherine de Medicis C. Henry of Navarre D. Henri de Guise


Which enlightened absolutist, whose reforms and accomplishments included the abolition of torture and the support of religious toleration, boasted, "I am the first servant of the state." A) Frederick II of Prussia B) Joseph II of austria C) CAtherine the great of russia D) Louis XVI of france


Which european ruling family had lost a significant amount of political and economic power by the end of the 17th century? A) The bourbons B) The house of orange C) the Valois D) The habsburgs


Which event dramatically changed the outcome of the 7 years war A) george II death in 1760 which left hanover vulnerable to attack by prussia and brought great britian into the war B) the turks unexpected entry into the war on the side of prussia, through which they hoped to regain territory lost to their joint enemy, austria C) the death of empress elizabeth of russia


Which italian writer wrote The Prince, a primer for those seeking to hold onto political power? A) Baldassare Castiglione B) ludovicio Aiosto C) Poggio Bracciolini D) Nicolo Machiavelli


Which of the following as characteristic of the rococo style of painting that developed in the eighteenth century? A) The importance of monumental, emotional grandeur and large-scale works B) A focus on symmetrical shape and simplicity of form C) An emphasis on irregularity and asymmetry, though on a small, ornamental scale D) The importance of piety and religious themes and an extreme emphasis on detail.


Which of the following best describes the origins of the thirty years war A. a long standing dispute over the borders of france and the Holy roman Empire that drew in nearly all the contries of europe B a conflict over succession to the french throne following the assassination of henry IV in 1610 C the defeat of the spanish armada at the hands of queen elizabeths I's navy, and Spains desire for revenge on england D. a combination of religious despute, ethnic competition and political weakness in central europe


Which of the following contributed to rising prosperity in england during the fifteenth century A) the expansion of the cloth industry B) the growing role of the peasantry in politics C) increased trade with eastern europe D) the absence of warfare on english soil


Which of the following contributed to the success of Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro who were sent by the Spanish crown to the Americas in search of gold A) Homogeneity within the Aztec and Inca Empires B) The superior weaponry of the Spanish invaders C) The numerical superiority of the Spanish armies D) the relative backwardness of the Aztec and Inca imperial administrations and military commands


Which of the following did the peace of lodi accomplish A) it established a truce between the kingdoms of naples and aragon and allied them against the ottoman turks B) it put an end to the conflict between venice and milan that had been raging since 1450 C) it established permanent boundaries between the papal states and the northern italian city states


Which of the following factors helped lead Spain and France to end sixty years of warfare with the Treaty of Cateau Cambresis in 1559? A) Looming financial bankruptcy B) Spains interest in diverting resources to overseas exploration C) the ottomans victory at mohacs and the fear that all of europe might fall to the ottomans D) a royal marriage alliance


Which of the following goods played an essential role in the Atlantic economy and the expansion of European consumer society? A) Potatoes B) Wool C) Sugar D) Cord


Which of the following is regarded as a signal innovation in renaissance art A) the use of oil on canvas B) the depiction of mythical figures C) the use of linear perspective D) the introduction of pointillism


Which of the following is true of the seventeenth-century Protestant revival known as Pietism, which became popular in the German Lutheran states, the Dutch Republic and Scandinavia? A) It promoted a fatalist belief in the imminent end of the "corrupt and evil" world by fire B) It rejected all congregational or group functions, churches, or clerics, advocating a deeply private, individualistic form of prayer and devotion C) It encouraged an intense emotionalism, even ecstasy, in religious worship as well as participation in daily catechism instruction and frequent prayer meetings D) It advocated intensive Bible study and the use of reason to suppress unruly emotions and impulses


Which of the following was a consequence of the early-eighteenth-century consumer revolution in Europe? A) Millions of Europeans lost their jobs as the influx of colonial products reduced the need for European-made goods. B) The demand for consumer goods such as housewares rose dramatically as ordinary people gained more disposable income leading to job creations. C) The gap between rich and poor widened dramatically as the wealthy became conspicuous consumers while the poor could not afford to buy goods D) Productivity and wealth decreased as a result of the influx of goods like coffee and opium that promoted leisure and often led to intoxication


Which of the following was a long term result of the so called ciompi revolt of 1378? A) It permanently transformed florence into a republic B) it led to the creation of a guild for the wool workers of florence C) it marked the end of venice expansion D) it challenged and permanently limited the power of the HRE


Why did jean jacques rousseaus theory of the social contract pose a direct threat to the percieved legitimacy of 18th century governments? A) it flatly rejected all govts based on divine right B) it presented a system in which the ruler was chosen on the basis of merit rather than tradition of lineage C) it offered a form of social scientific analysis that govts found unnerving D) it argued that individuals in a community entered into a contract with one another not with their ruler


Which of the following was an important catalyst for the Dutch Patriot revolt in 1787? A. Emperor Joseph II's attempt to institute anticlerical reforms as well as measures for administrative and judicial centralization B. The decision of the Dutch stadholder to raise taxes on a wide range of commercial transactions C. The example set in France when Louis XVI accepted the first French constitution D. A rise in anti-British sentiment during the American War of Independence and opposition to the overbearing, pro-British stadholder


Which of the following was declared by the first mexican ecclesiastical provincial council in 1555? A) holy orders were not to be bestowed on indians or people on mixed race heritage B) indians should not be baptized until they had been taught to speak spanish C) native or mixed race people were not allowed to take communion D) intermarriage between europeans and indians was banned


Which of the following was the only european state to emerge unscathed from the economic downturn of the early seventeenth centruy thanks to its growing population and a tradition of agricultural innovation A. england B. france C. the dutch republic D. the HRE


Which of the following was true of the institution of slavery in the 14th and 15th centuries? A) It was practiced solely by Christian kingdoms B) It was direicited primarily by Christians against Muslims and by muslims against Christians C) it was common throughout the mediterranean, african, and western asian worlds D) It was coming under fire from the abolitionists


Who among the following leaders was the only enlightened ruler to end the personal aspects of serfdom A) catherine the great of russia B) Joseph II of austria C) frederick the great D) George III of england

napoleons family members

Who benefited the most from the hierarchy of nobles titles by being given positions of power in france's new satellite territories?


Who was napoleons feared minister of police?


Who was restored to the throne of france after napoleons defeat at Leipzig in 1813?


Who was the titular head of the Dutch Republics decentralized constitutional state? A) the stadholder B) the lord governor C) the first regent D) the regierrungsrat


Who were the main consumers of the new upsurge in books, pamphlets, and periodicals in the eighteenth century? A) The urban middle classes B) The newly literate lower classes C) The upper-class elite D) Government officials and clergy


Why did Jan Hus's ideas gain such a large number of followers in Bohemia? A) his ideas tapped into the resentments of the czech majority against the dominant and largely urban german speaking minority B) His doctrine of justification by faith minimized the ecclesiastical power of the unpopular bohemian church heirarchy C) john wycliffes ideas had spread throughot bohemia several decades earlier thus providing fertile soil for huss ideas to grow in


Why did King Henry declare "Paris is worth a mass?" A. He was a Huguenot but agreed to a catholic wedding to please his catholic fiancee and his catholic subjects B. He converted to catholicism to ensure his control over france believing that he needed to place the interests of the state ahead of his protestant faith C. Despite his personal skepticism he ordered masses and prayers of protection for paris D. As a southern french protestant he detested paris and mocked hits cathedrals and catholic traditions


Why did Robespierre believe terror was a necessary measure for the success of the Revolution? A. He believed it instilled a stronger revolutionary character in the French people, who had lived for too long under a monarchy B. He tought that fear was an element that had to be provided by the government since the Catholic church's authority had been curtailed C. He argued that the suppression of dissent and severe measures were necessary to ensure demoracy and keep enemies from underming the goals of the Revolution D. He believed that to be more powerful than a monarch, he needed to be more frightening, and so he instituted a regime of terror to maintain authority


Why did Thomas hobbes leviathan enrage both royalists and supports of parliament? A) hobbes championed the concept of divine right but only for catholic monarchs who received the blessing of the pope B) Hobbes argued in favor of pluralism a maximizing of the social classes and religious sects represented in the House of Commons C) Hobbes favored a social contract as the basis for governmental legitimacy while championing absolutist rule (by either king of parliament)


Why did clothing develop special importance in eighteenth-century cities? A) As the economy faltered and people had less income to spend on clothing, they relied on mass-produced materials and styles B) As urbanization progressed and cities became dirtier, the upper classes adopted simpler, more utilitarian clothing, which led to a blending of social classes C) Clothing became a reliable indicator of people's social status and occupation, further distinguishing the social classes. D) In response to the church's complaints about consumerism, a large segment of the upper classes adopted a monastic style of dress.


Why did constitutionalism undermine rather than strengthen the state in 17th century poland lithuania A) the nobles who sat in the sejm were easily corrupted by russian bribes B) the presence of religious and ethnic factions prevented an effective majority from forming C) elections proved so expensive that candidates were often bankrupted D) a single negative vote in the legislature acted as a veto deadlocking parliamentary government


Why did france join in the thirty years war in 1635 more than twenty years after the war began? A. Spain its catholic neighbor needed financial and military assistance to defeat protestant forces in northern europe B. the french king louis XIII hoped to profit from spains troubles in the netherlands and from the austrian emperors conflicts with protestants in his empire C. Louis xIII was secretly a protestant and hoped to overthrow the habsburg monarchy in favor of calvinist governments D. the french king and his ministers hoped to quell domestic unrest by focusing attention on the war abroad


Why did louis XVI restore the parlements in 1774 despite the fact that they had been abolished by his predecessor Louis XV A) he wished to uphold the Enlightenment principles of fair and impartial justice B) he shared the banished judges desire to reform the tax system by making it both more equitable and more efficient C) he succumbed to the demands of the aristocrats who viewed the dissolution of the parlements as an attack on privilege


Why did luther escape the fate of Jan Hus, even though Luther attacked the church, called for radical reforms, and even praised Hus at the Imperial Diet of Worms? A) Luther was German and had protection as a subject of HRE Charles V B) Luther did not insist on recieving the Eucharist as both the bread and the wine C) Luther enjoyed the protection of a powerful prince, Frederick the Wise, the elector of Saxony D) Luther was too widely know and far too pupular to be openly tried or executed


Why did many European powers overextend their budgets and flirt with bankruptcy in the 16th century? A) the cost of waging war had risen as a result of the need for larger armies and more expensive military technology B) Because of marriages between rival dynasties, the cost of maintaining lavish royal courts and palaces had increased dramatically C) maintaining overseas colonies proved to be a significant drain on the royal budgets


Why did plantation slavery replace indentured servitude as the major economic anchor of the Atlantic system? A) African slaves were more docile, while indentured servants were always trying to rebel and disrupt the Atlantic economy. B) African slaves were better able to withstand the heat of the Caribbean climate and died off in fewer numbers than European indentured servants. C) Nearly all indentured servants were women, making them unsuitable for the type of agricultural labor that fed the Atlantic economy. D) Although they were often overworked, indentured servants were much more expensive than African slave labor.


Why did the Spanish And Portuguese increasingly rely on dark skinned africans to serve as slaves in their colonies in the atlantic and the new world by the 16th century? A) They believed that most dark skinned africans were muslims and as such were long standing enemies of Christianity B) Because so many of the indigenous peoples of the New World had been worked to death or had perished from european illnesses the europeans needed an alternative source of cheap labor C) They argued that the native americans were lazy and unsuited to plantation labor D) They found that the costs of transporting african slaves to the new world were lower than the costs of transporting european slaves across the atlantic


Why did the balance of economic power shift to northern europe in the seventeenth century A. Northern europeans began industrialising with factories and heavy industry while southern europeans maintained an agricultural economy C. Northern europeans invested in new agricultural techniques and the robust atlantic trade eclipsing southern europes mediterranean trade and population decline D. Northern european privateers plundered the ships filled with gold from spain and portugals new world colonies leaving those iberian countries bankrupt


Why did the dutch republic develop a policy of religious toleration? A. With its decentralized government and diverse population of protestants catholics and jews religious toleration was the most practical option B Dutch leaders decided to model their new republic after Henry IV's edict of nantes to show their solidarity with france C the bankrupt government could no longer afford the costs of prosecuting and imprisioning minority religious groups D as a small independent country the dutch republic could not afford to alienate any potential allies so it chose to remain as neutral as possible


Why did the invention of the printing press potentially challenge political and religious authorities? A) the majority of the population suddenly had direct access to subversive political and scholarly texts B) Traditional religious texts including the bible were immediately translated and published in the vernacular thereby decreasing the dependence of the laity on the clergy C) It directly undermined the need for popular forms of piety including processions pilgrimages and processions D) Scholars were no longer dependent on patrons, local rulers, and church officials for their texts, thereby allowing for a wider circulation of ideas


Why did the philosophy of jewish scholar benedict spinoza alarm so many people? A) he claimed that there was no god B) he argued that kings were no better than ordinary people C) he proposed that democracy was the form of government truest to nature D) he wrote that god was not influenced b y any human action or prayer


Why did the seven years war have such a significant impact on American British relations A. The colonists resented the British governments decision to begin treating native American as full citizens B. the Americans had sided with the French during the war C. The war dramatically expanded the borders of British America D. The war removed the French threat of invasion from the north.


Why is the mid-fourteenth century regarded as an era of crisis in the west? A) Europe was threatened by renewed invasions from the Magyars, Saracens, and Vikings B) Global warming led to devastating droughts and the into of tropical diseases C) Ottoman invasions threatened to topple the pope from his throne in rome D) Europe was plagued by devastating outbreaks of the plague as well as by destructive wars


Why was European contact with China so limited in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? A) European traders realized that the goods produced by China were not worth enough to make the long voyage economically feasible. B) The Chinese distrusted the European "barbarians" and allowed them to trade only in the city of Canton. C) European traders discovered that they could purchase cheaper and better-quality silks and spices in India D) The Chinese banned all European traders once they learned that Westerners were also trading with China's mortal enemy, Japan.


Why was Galileo Galilei put on trial before the inquisition in 1633? A) He was accused of disobeying the Catholic Churchs order that he not teach that the earth revolves around the sun, a discovery that conflicted with the churchs long held position on planetary movement B) He openly stated that his new invention the telescope would allow believers to see the angels in heaven C) Althoughb he had taken money from the catholic church for his scientific experiments he was discovered to be a calvinist who disavowed the authority of the pope. D) He refused to acknowledge the existence of hell since it could not be observed through his scientific devices


Why were Jews frequently targeted as scapegoats in the wake of the Black Death? A) Ghastly figures of Jews assumed center stage in the so called dance of death B) The mass deaths revived allegations from centuries earlier that jews had poisoned wells and springs C) The papacy singled out the jews as the cause of the bubonic plague and urged Christians to burn down synagogues D) The flight of so many jews to eastern europe indicated to western europeans that the jews had deliberately infected christians


hat as the most populous city in Europe in 1750? A) Vienna B) Paris C) St. Petersburg D) London

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