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26. How did the Nazis manage the Northern European states that they conquered? A. They established puppet governments with collaborators willing to rule the states in accord with German needs. B. They instituted military rule under a special service in the German army. C. They allowed independent governments to rule the conquered regions as long as they remained allied with Germany. D. They placed German governors over the lands, who had full authority to manage local populations. E. They created a German bureaucracy staffed by professional diplomats to rule over the conquered peoples.


4. Why did Joseph Stalin defeat Leon Trotsky in the struggle for power following the death of Lenin? A. As general secretary of the Communist Party, Stalin was more effective at building friends and allies by handing out jobs and promises. B. Stalin discredited Trotsky by asserting that Trotsky wanted to use his command of the Red Army to establish a military dictatorship. C. Stalin convinced other communist leaders that Trotsky was not trustworthy because of his extensive education and years of exile in Germany and France. D. As a superior Marxist theorist, Stalin exposed Trotsky as intellectually ill-equipped to address the difficult issues facing the Soviet Union. E. As head of the Communist secret police, Stalin blackmailed other party leaders by threatening to reveal embarrassing information if they did not support him.


In the late 1920s, how did Adolf Hitler shape the Nazi Party's message to appeal to middle-class voters? A. He deemphasized the anticapitalist elements of National Socialism and vowed to fight communism. B. He adopted a liberal, republican political agenda that guaranteed civil liberties and property rights. C. He promoted the Christian foundations of Nazism. D. He emphasized the economic advantages to the middle class of the implementation of antiSemitic laws. E. He encouraged Nazi officials to swear allegiance to the Weimar regime.


The decisive turning point in the clash between the Soviet Union and Germany came at the Battle of A. Stalingrad. B. Leningrad. C. Moscow. D. the Urals. E. Kiev


Which of the following best characterizes the "new fascist man" that Mussolini promoted? A. He was to be a virile, patriotic warrior. B. He was to be a defender of Catholic values. C. He was to be an educated intellectual. D. He was to be a defender of the public good. E. He was to be socialist labor leader


. Lenin's New Economic Policy was a political compromise with the A. urban workers. B. Russian peasants. C. White counter-revolutionaries. D. foreign capitalists. E. Russian intelligentsia.


All of the following are examples of practices and attitudes adopted by governments during the total war of World War I that were later adopted by the totalitarian regimes except A. states sought to ethnically cleanse their populations. B. the ideal of individual rights was eroded. C. states intervened substantially in the economy. D. individual liberties were limited. E. the value of one life diminished in comparison to the good of the nation


For what goal did the Soviet government under Stalin aggressively intervene in all aspects of life? A. To ensure the adoption of Marxist ideals across the society B. To create a society without classes for social leveling C. To prevent the emergence of counter-revolutionary forces D. To secure the position of the military by enhancing its position E. To undermine any expressions of artistic freedom


Stalin's theory of socialism in one country A. was originally proposed by Leon Trotsky. B. argued that the Soviet Union could build socialism on its own. C. maintained that the success of socialism depended on world revolution. D. was rejected by the Communist Party. E. proposed that the Soviet Union should give up trying to catalyze the world proletarian revolution


8. The new elite class in the Stalinist state included all of the following except A. high-ranking political officials. B. those with specialized skills needed for industrialization. C. highly regarded artists. D. financiers with access to needed capital. E. those with a technical education in fields such as engineering.


What was the Nazi Party policy of "coordination"? A. To link the work of the traditional military with the work of the S.A. and the S.S. B. To integrate German manufacturing of commercial goods with its production of munitions in order to hide the effort to rebuild the German military C. To force German society to conform to National Socialist ideology D. To combine the German public school system with Nazi propaganda programs E. To assimilate National Socialism with militarism


Where did Nazi administrators initially gain experience in mass murder? A. The murder of Poles during the invasion of Poland B. The murder of gypsies in Germany prior to the war C. The murder of communists following the burning of the German Reichstag (Parliament) D. The murder of colonial rebels in Germany's African colonies E. The murder of Germans with physical and mental disabilities prior to the war


Why did Hitler have the leadership of the S.A. storm troopers, roughly one thousand individuals, killed in 1934? A. Hitler wanted to win the support of the traditional military, but the S.A. leaders had expected appointment to top positions in the army. B. The S.A. leadership had threatened Hitler's leadership of the Nazi Party when the party unexpectedly lost seats in the 1934 elections. C. Hitler learned that the S.A. had established its own secret police force that was spying on the party elite in order to blackmail them. D. The S.A. leadership had abandoned the Nazi Party's anticapitalist position and sought to protect the property of military munitions makers. E. Hitler believed that the S.A. was filled with communist sympathizers who were awaiting an opportunity to undermine the Nazi Party.


hat were the duties of the Einsatzgruppen (Special Action Units)? A. They followed the German army into Central Europe, systematically murdering undesirables as they moved from town to town. B. They requisitioned supplies for the Germany army so that the blitzkrieg or lightening war would not be slowed by the need to secure supply lines. C. They served as Hitler's personal guard who protected him from a coup by the military and who oversaw the work of the S.S. D. They were Hitler's representatives to Mussolini who ensured that the Italian leader pursued policies to support the war. E. They stole and looted the art of conquered territories and brought it to Germany for the personal use of the Nazi leadership.


. In the early 1930s, German chancellor Brüning tried to cope with the Great Depression by A. spending large amounts on public works projects. B. cutting government spending and squeezing wages and prices. C. repudiating the Treaty of Versailles and drastically increasing military spending. D. enacting new welfare measures. E. instituting free-trade policies to attract foreign investment.


According to Hitler's New Order, the European race that was considered subhuman, like the Jews, was the A. Latin race. B. Slavic race. C. Nordic race. D. Anglo-Saxon race. E. Magyar race.


How did the Nazis seek to give legitimacy to their racial policies? A. They undertook massive genealogical research in order to demonstrate that different races derived from different ancestors. B. They established research institutes and academies that measured and defined racial differences in order to present prejudice in the guise of enlightened science. C. They sponsored studies of cultures in order to prove that certain cultures were intellectually superior to others and that German culture was superior above all. D. They provided vast funding to both Catholic and Protestant churches in order for those churches to promote a racialized understanding of Christianity. E. They hired leading philosophers to develop a new philosophy of race.


The parliamentary government in Italy was breaking down at the time of the Fascist march on Rome in October 1922, largely because A. socialist workers were seizing control of factories. B. of the violence perpetrated by Mussolini's own black-shirted militants. C. of mass unemployment. D. of mutinies in the Italian fleet. E. of the general strike against the government declared by the Catholic Church.


What problem was faced by most of the underground resistance groups who opposed the Nazis? A. They had little ability to organize in the face of constant pressure from the German secret police. B. They were not well unified, for they had differing political goals. C. They were not supported by the local populations, who feared reprisals from the German military. D. They had no ability to establish contact with Germany's enemies in order to coordinate their activities. E. They were often led by local thugs and adventurers, who had little concern for successful operations.


What was the primary goal of the opponents of the Nazis in the Protestant and Catholic churches? A. To ally the churches with liberal, democratic politics B. To preserve religious life in Germany C. To protect church property D. To overthrow Hitler E. To voice dissent at Hitler's racial policies


Why did Stalin call for the liquidation of the kulaks? A. The kulaks had sided with the counter-revolutionary White forces during the civil war. B. He believed that as landowners they would eventually embrace conservative capitalism and become great enemies of socialist progress. C. As the kulaks sought to defend their homeland in eastern Siberia, Stalin feared that they would side with the Japanese over disputed land claims. D. He believed that the kulaks had hidden the assets of their banking enterprises in the small villages of the Ural Mountains and were seeking to undermine Soviet finances. E. He believed that the religious faith of the kulaks would prevent them from adopting communism.


Why did the Soviet army stop its advance on Warsaw in August 1944? A. So that it would not violate the agreements among the allies as to how far each nation would advance B. So that supplies and troops could be shift to the Asian theater of operations to counter recent Japanese gains C. So that the German army could destroy a Polish insurgence that intended to also resist the Soviet army D. So they could offer Germany the opportunity to surrender and avoid a bloody conquest E. So that Poland could declare its independence and join the Soviet Union as an ally—a model for Soviet gains throughout Eastern Europe


. How did real wages for workers and peasants in the Soviet Union in 1937 compare with those in the Russian Empire in 1913? A. They were far higher. B. They were marginally higher. C. They were lower. D. They were approximately the same. E. Available data do not allow comparison.


. How did the fascist vision of society differ from the communist vision of society? A. The fascist vision emphasized a community rooted in shared warfare, while the communist vision emphasized a society rooted in ideological purity. B. The fascist vision emphasized a community rooted in racial purity, while the communist vision emphasized a society rooted in fear of the state. C. The fascist vision emphasized a community rooted in the bonds of nationalism, while the communist vision emphasized a society rooted in its classlessness. D. The fascist vision emphasized a community rooted in commitment to a leader, while the communist vision emphasized a society rooted in its ideological purity. E. The fascist vision emphasized a community rooted in fear of the state, while the communist vision emphasized a society rooted in its classlessness.


. In Stalin's Soviet Union, women A. were relegated to agricultural and domestic labor. B. were urged to liberate themselves sexually. C. shared family duties equally with men. D. could enter the ranks of specialists in industry and science. E. lost the right to vote.


. In the Lateran Agreement, how did Mussolini resolve the status of the Catholic Church in Italy? A. The Vatican was recognized as a protectorate under the League of Nations. B. The Catholic Church abandoned all of its political claims within Italy in return for a permanent direct church tax collected by the state. C. Mussolini accepted the Church's claim as the official state religion in return for the Church granting Mussolini's Fascist Party its endorsement. D. The Vatican was recognized as an independent state that received heavy support from the Italian state. E. The Catholic Church obtained tax and legal exemptions for the Vatican City in exchange for recognizing Italy's claim over the city itself.


Britain adopted a policy of appeasement in its relationship with Hitler for all of the following reasons except A. Britain was militarily weak, having disarmed after the First World War. B. the pacifism of the population. C. the memory of the destruction of the First World War. D. British conservative leaders underestimated Hitler. E. British leaders believed that Soviet communism was a greater danger and Hitler could be used to attack communism.


How did the Nazi Party seek to promote the idea of the Volksgemeinschaft? A. The Nazis argued that the German people needed more room to expand in Eastern Europe. B. The Nazis established colonies in regions of Africa and Asia in order to establish German authority across the globe. C. The Nazis allied with the Italians and the Japanese to form the union of superior people who would rule the world. D. The Nazis created mass organizations such as the Hitler Youth and held mass rallies to spread Nazi ideology and enlist volunteers. E. The Nazis took control of German industry in order to provide employment for the poor


What was the "Europe First" policy adopted by the Allied Powers during the World War II? A. Allied forces in Europe would be supplied with American military arms before such arms were made available to forces fighting in Asia. B. In sorting out the postwar world, Europe would be given primary consideration, with other parts of the world used to compensate the winners. C. Atomic weapons would be used first in Europe if they were ready before the war ended. D. Hitler would be defeated before the Allies mounted an all-out assault on Japan. E. All colonies were expected to support the European governments before defending themselves.


Britain and France finally confronted Hitler with the threat of war when he A. remilitarized the Rhineland. B. occupied Austria. C. took the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. D. invaded Norway. E. used the pretext of German minorities in Danzig to threaten Poland.


How did Mussolini build support from big business in Italy? A. He instituted the liberal political reforms that they demanded. B. He adopted a new tax system that shifted most taxes on to landed wealth rather than commercial and manufacturing wealth. C. He gave huge military contracts to a few select, key business leaders. D. He established a new chamber of commerce with substantial power over commercial law. E. He left big business to regulate itself and never purged it members.


What was Germany's goal in the Battle of Britain? A. To destroy British naval ports so that Great Britain could not invade German-controlled land B. To undermine Britain's ability to draw upon the resources of its colonies for support C. To kill the British monarchy in order to undermine British enthusiasm for the war D. To provide a warning to the United States against entering the war E. To gain air supremacy in anticipation of an invasion of Great Britain


What was the purpose of the Enabling Act in 1933? A. It required all Jews to wear identifying badges. B. It outlawed all socialist and communist political parties. C. It placed all enterprises producing military supplies under military direction. D. It mandated a new civil requirement that forbade Jews from holding public office. E. It gave Hitler dictatorial powers for four years.


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