ap gov practice multiple choice

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which of the following excerpts from the passage best describes the author's reason for opposing an expansion of the scope of the federal government

"...[I]t is impossible to have representation, possessing the sentiments and of integrity, to declare the minds of the people, without having it so numerous and unwieldy, as to be subject in great measure to the inconveniency of a democratic government

which of the following is an accurate comparison of conservative and liberal views concerning social policy

(conservative) individuals should not rely on government aid for their economic well-being (liberal) the government should be responsible for helping to improve the economic position of low income people

which of the following is a correct comparison between the constitution and the articles of confederation

(const) granted congress the power to levy taxes (aoc) granted states alone the power to levy taxes

which of the following is an accurate comparison of constitutional provisions

(enhance federal power) commerce clause (enhance state power) tenth amendment

which of the following is a correct comparison of libertarians and conservatives regarding social policy

(libs) support the right of same sex marriage (cons) oppose the right of same sex marriage

which of the following is an accurate comparison of McColluch v Maryland and united states v Lopez

(m v m) led to an increase in power for the national government (us v l) established limits to congress' power under the commerce clause

according to the bar graph, which percentage of children remain independent/non-partisan if their parents do not have consistent orientation toward either party?


which of the following governmental policies would the author most likely support

allowing individuals to purchase marijuana for recreational use

in the federalist 10, which of the following did james madison argue would best control the negative effects of factions

a large federal republic

which of the following is an accurate summary of james madison's argument in the federalist 10

a large republic presents more opportunities for groups to participate, compete, and limit each other

which of the following rulings is most likely to cite the supreme court's decision in tinker vs des moines independent community school district as a legal precedent in support of the decision

a ruling in favor of students to print their opinions in a school newspaper

according to the bar graph, which of the following statements is true about the influence of parents on the political orientation of their children?

about 25% of children whose parents are both republican will become independent/non-partisan

which of the following statements is reflected in the date in the chart

among registered voters, there was a steep increase in social media usage to follow political figures across all age groups and party affiliations

which best describes a likely reason for the information depicted in the graph

an increase in concerns over media bias

based on the data, which of the following is the most likely consequence for the legislative process in congress

an increase in gridlock and failure to compromise on legislation

which of the following is the most likely result of the changes in voter registration rates illustrated in the table

an increase in the number of african american members of congress from georgia

which of the following illustrates a situation that would not be protected by the first amendment due to time, place, and manner restrictions

anti-business protestors are arrested and prosecuted for shutting down major intersections in new york city's times square during rush hour

which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the table

barriers to registration existed in all of the states in the table but were most significant in mississippi

based on the data in the bar graph and your knowledge of presidential elections, how should hillary clinton's campaign have responded if jill stein's support in the polls had increased significantly as election day approached

by adopting positions on issues similar to stein's in an attempt to win over those voters before the election

which of the following is a consequence of candidate centered campaigns

candidates' ability to appeal to voters can outweigh the importance of experience and policy positions

if one were interested in showing how much certain industries spend on lobbying, the best way to change the visual would be to

categorize the data by industry group and combine the data so that a bar represents each group

franklin d roosevelt was elected president in 1932 after running on the democratic party platform that included an expansion of federal programs aimed at pulling the united states out of the great depression. the expansion plan, known as the new deal, substantially increased the voting base of the democratic party. as a result, the democratic party dominated congress and many state governments for the next half century. the election of 1932 is considered a critical election because it

changed the base of support in each party

which of the following supreme court cases is most relevant to the topic of the cartoon

citizens united v federal elections commission

which of the following scenarios best explains how the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment has influenced political behavior

civil rights leaders such as mlkj cited constitutional arguments as a basis for opposing segregation and inequality

the case united states v lopez struck down the gun free school zone act because...

congress exceeded its authority in the use of the commerce clause

which of the following represents the most likely way the information in the table will be used

congress will use the data to suggest that there is support for their legislative proposals

which of the following best describes the message in the political cartoon (tsumoney)

contributions from special interests have undermined fair and competitive political campaigns

which of the following scenarios best represents the model for party line voting

despite not recognizing the name, a candidate votes for the democratic party candidate because he is a democrat

cooperative federalism can best be described by which of the following statements

different levels of government are involved in common policy areas

which of the following is a fundamental element of the constitution

division of government authority across political institutions

which of the following is a potential consequence of the trend illustrated in the bar chart

elected officials and candidates running for office are increasingly using social media to reach out to voters and constituents

unlike the articles of confederation, the constitution does which of the following

emphasizes both national sovereignty and federalism

which of the following cases arose from a state law that mandates public schools to begin the school day with the reading of a nondenominational prayer by a school official

engel v vitale

which of the following describes a visual limitation of the bar graph

even though the bar graph contains data from 1998 to 2014, there is no illustration of how spending is broken down by specific years or elections

which constitutional principle best explains the differences in poverty rates presented in the map


both gitlow v new york and new york times v sullivan are supreme court cases that dealt with which of the following amendments to the constitution

first amendment

as a compromise, the framers agreed on a bicameral legislature, with the house of representatives directly elected by popular vote within states and the senate selected by state legislatures. the method chosen for electing members of the house of representatives conforms most to which of the following democratic ideals

government should be based on the consent of the governed.

brown v board of education of topeka was a significant supreme court ruling because it

held the "separate but equal" concept to be violation of the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment

in wisconsin v yoder, how did the supreme court's decision address state interests and individual rights

it balanced the state's interest in compulsory education with the students' free exercise rights

which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true

it can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible

which of the following statements about americans' trust in the mass media is best supported by the data in the graph

it generally decreased over time

on november 2, 2014, a gallup poll reported that 51 percent of americans support legalizing marijuana, while 47 percent opposed legislation. the reported margin of sampling error was plus or minus percent. which of the following inferences can be made from the poll

it is unclear whether more people support marijuana legalization than oppose it

which of the following explanations describes the impact of jill stein's candidacy on the 2016 election as depicted by the data in the bar graph and your knowledge of presidential elections

jill stein's supporters preferred hillary clinton to donald trump, hurting the clinton campaign

which of the following statements are supported by the data in the table

liberals are more likely than moderates to agree that global warming is not a problem

which of the following ideological perspectives is most consistent with the passage


which of the following quotes from the federalist papers best supports the decision in citizens united v federal election commission (2010)

liberty is to faction what air is to fire...but it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency

article 1 section 9 of the united states constitution lists several powers that are denied to the federal government, such as granting titles of nobility and passing ex post facto laws. this best demonstrates which of the following ideals of democracy

limited government

the idea of having a constitution , which includes a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances, promotes which of the following core american values?

limited government

which of the following cases expanded the powers of congress by defining the necessary and proper clause more broadly

mcculloch v maryland

which of the following scenarios best explains the inclusion of title ix as part of the education amendments of 1972

members of congress added the amendment to the bill in response to social movements seeking to address inequality in education for women

which of the following is the best example of a categorical grant

money given to states for special education programs

which of the following statements would the author of the passage most likely agree with?

nations with extended territory cannot fairly represent their citizens in a republican form of government

the declaration of independence cites specific reasons for separating from british rule, including the british imposing taxes and maintaining a standing army without consent. which of the following principles or ideas would these grievances be most related to

natural rights such as life and liberty

which of the following amendments to the constitution addresses the grievance that a woman is not permitted to "exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise"?

nineteenth amendment

in the passage, brutus is most concerned with the conflict between which of the following political ideas

participatory democracy and elite democracy

which of the following best demonstrates how political parties serve as linkage institutions

parties may organize activities to identify supporters, increase registration, and get out the vote

which of the following examples best illustrates how the trend in political communications described in the passage will most likely affect campaigns

political candidates will seek more data on voters so that their campaigns can create messages designed to attract different demographics

which of the following concepts is most closely related to the passage (CIRCLE 2013)

political socialization

the supreme court ruled in mcdonald v chicago that a citizen's right to keep and bear arms at the home for self defense is protected from state and federal infringement. which of the following is most relevant to that decision

selective incorporation

which of the following experiences most likely influenced the perspective conveyed in the passage (alexander hamilton, the federalist 15)

shay's rebellion, which was an armed response to the inability of the national government to address unjust economic state policies

the students mentioned in the passage did not have a strong preference in candidates or increased levels or partisanship, despite their exposure to civics education. which of the following explains this type of political socialization?

some life experiences that socialize individuals into politics affect specific behaviors but not partisanship or ideology

arizona enacted an immigration law in 2010, claiming the legislation complemented existing federal law. the obama administration disagreed, claiming the state law conflicted with national law. which clause of the constitution did the supreme court most likely use to strike down a section of the state law

supremacy clause

which of the following explains how the scenario described in the passage relates to political behavior?

taking part in civic education affects whether or not an individual participates politically

which of the following is a difference between the articles of confederation and the united states constitution that is a response to a problem expressed in the passage

the articles of confederation allowed for the federal government to request revenues from states but did not permit it to tax citizens directly, whereas under the constitution the federal government could tax citizens directly

which of the following features of the data displayed make the use of the bar graph less helpful for a comparison

the bar showing the spending for the chamber of commerce makes comparisons with the other groups more difficult

which of the following excerpts from article 1 of the constitution resolves a problem described by the author

the congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the US, but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the united states.

what do the data in the bar graph indicate about how gary johnson's candidacy affected the 2016 election

the data in the bar graph illustrate that gary johnson's focus on getting his name on the ballot in swing states helped hillary clinton's election effort in those swing states

which of the following is a limitation of the data when drawing a conclusion about the most important problem facing the country in 2017

the data were collected in a short time frame, which does not reveal full year trends

the language in the first paragraph of the selection most closely parallels that of which of the following documents

the declaration of independence

in mcdonald v chicago, which of the following sections of the united states constitution did the supreme court use to support its ruling

the doctrine of selective incorporation through the fourteenth amendment, holding that state action limiting gun rights deprived persons of "life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"

a woman is arrested for possessing illegal substances that were obtained after a warrantless search of her home by local police. which of the following best explains whether the evidence could be used in a criminal trial

the exclusionary rule, derived from the fourth amendment, prevents the evidence from being used against the suspect

students at a public university hold a peaceful protest to demonstrate against an increase in the cost of college tuition. which of the following constitutional protections best applies to this scenario

the first amendment

the police searched a suspect's smartphone without getting a warrant and found photo evidence of criminal activity. after a thorough investigation, the suspect was charged and the evidence obtained from the smartphone was used in the trial. which of the following amendments contains the bill of rights protections that were most likely violated in this scenario

the fourth amendment

the differences shown in the table demonstrate which of the following regarding opinions on affirmative action for women

the gender gap

which of the following best captures a portion of the author's argument (elizabeth cady stanton, seneca falls convention)

the government has made women subservient by denying them the right to vote

the washington post receives a top secret report that details how the executive branch mishandled a deal made with foreign nation regarding nuclear weapons. the executive branch attempts to stop the publishing of the report, but the publishers cite the precedent in new york times company v united states establishing which of the following legal rules

the heavy presumption against prior restraint

which of the following factors most likely led to shifts in supreme court decision making over time

the ideological composition of the justices on the supreme court shifted to become less liberal over time

for decades, the national rifle association has worked closely with members of congress to successfully curtail the capacity of bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives to regulate firearms and track gun crimes. which of the following statements best explains how the NRA maintains its influence in washington

the national rifle association outspends its competitors in all elections and stages of policy making

which of the following statements represents a trend supported by the data in the bar graph

the number of house members between the most liberal republican and the most conservative democrat decreased between 1982 and 2012

based on the data in the chart, which of the following is true about the percentage of liberal decisions of the united states supreme court in civil liberties - civil rights cases

the percentage of liberal decisions made by the supreme court on civil rights and civil liberties cases decreased between 1964 and 1996

based on the data in the bar graph and you knowledge of the course, which of the following is an accurate statement that can be made about political socialization?

the political orientation of parents has a great influence on how their child will view politics

a recent poll indicates that 60 percent of all people in the united states support a flat tax system. which of the following supports the credibility of the poll results

the poll reported a sampling error

which of the following is true based on information on the map about the percentage of the united states population living in poverty by state in 2015

the poverty rate in the us varies by state and region

which of the following is contained in the fourteenth amendment and was likely an inspiration for martin luther king jr.'s letter from a birmingham jail

the principle that all people should be equal under the law, as embodied in the equal protection clause

which of the following parties would be most likely to support requiring voters to show photo identification when going to the voting booth

the republican party

which of the following statements regarding political parties is true based on the graphic

the republican party initially emerged as an antislavery political party

which of the following parts of the constitution is incorporated to the states based on the ruling in mcdonald v chicago

the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed

the new developments in campaigning described in the passage have the greatest impact on which of the following trends

the rise of candidate-centered campaigns

in a public opinion poll of a representative sample of a population, 1200 people were asked to agree, disagree, or express neutrality toward the following statements statement a: the government should spend more money on welfare. result:35 percent of the respondents agreed statement b: the government should spend more money on helping the poor. result: 60 percent of respondents agreed which of the following most likely accounts for the different results

the sample size was not large enough to be reliable

The debates between federalists and anti-federalists were primarily about which of the following issues?

the scope of power of the central government

a person accused of a crime cannot afford an attorney, so the state provides the accused with a public defender. which of the following amendments in the bill of rights best applies in this scenario

the sixth amendment

which of the following conclusions is most supported by the data in the chart on voter registration rates by race

the voting rights act of 1965 has significantly reduced disparities in voter registration between whites and african americans

critics of the winner take all aspect of the electoral college are most likely to make which of the following arguments

the winner take all system of the electoral college encourages presidential candidates to focus their time and effort disproportionately on battleground states with larger populations

the graphic illustrates which of the following statements about political parties

there is an ongoing debate between political parties over the power and demographic changes have altered party coalitions

which of the following is true of political action committees (PACS)

they make campaign contributions to gain access to legislators

a political science professor is researching the effects that the fifteenth and twenty sixth amendments have had on the american political system. which of the following is the most likely reason the professor is researching these amendments

to study expansion of voting rights

which of the following statements is most consistent with the author's argument in this passage (milton friedman, free to choose)

undermining freedom will extinguish both freedom and equality

given the evolution of campaign communication described in the passage, which of the following is a way that political candidates most likely would use these tools to reach the broadest possible base of supporters

using social media tools to target different demographic and political groups with messages designed to appeal to them

the free exercise clause protects

voluntary prayer by student groups before school

which of the following scenarios explains how demographic factors affect voter participation in elections

wealthier individuals are more likely to become involved in campaigns because they believe that their actions may influence the candidates

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