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The map above shows corn for grain production for selected U.S. states. Which conclusion can be made based on the map? A) Corn is linked with the livestock-fattening region of the United States. B) Corn is a high-bulk food and therefore must be grown closer to urban centers. C) Corn is a staple food in the American diet. D) Corn is not grown much in the West due to dietary preferences. E) Corn is not that profitable a crop due to the influence of ethanol and other biofuels.


The process of soil salinization is most likely to occur in areas where there is A) excessive irrigation in dry-land agricultural zones B) deforestation in temperate climate zones C) irrigation near ocean or sea coasts D) plowing of loess soils E) long-term use of fertilizers and pesticides


A form of tropical subsistence agriculture in which fields are rotated after short periods of crop production because tropical soils lose their fertility rapidly is called A) subsistence rice cultivation. B) subsistence wheat cultivation. C) shifting cultivation. D) nomadic herding.


The most important reason why most farmers in northeast China grow crops other than wet rice is A) soil. B) tradition. C) climate. D) harvesting wet rice requires expensive machinery. E) cultural preference.


Another name for truck farming is A) specialty farming. B) market gardening. C) commercial gardening and fruit farming. D) intensive commercial agriculture. E) all of the above.


Pastoral nomadism is a threatened way of life because A) of competition for resources. B) the nomads often cross international borders. C) it is not an economically viable livelihood. D) Increased population pressures. E) all of the above.


According to geographer Carl Sauer, agriculture probably first originated in A) Southeast Asia B) South America C )Ethiopia D) the Fertile Crescent E) all of the above


The shaded areas on the map above most likely depict which of the following types of agricultural practice? A) live stocking B) commercial C) hydroponics D) subsistence E) dairying


Which of the following is a typical practice in growing rice in Asia? A) preparing fields with a plow drawn by oxen B) flooding the plowed field with water C) transplanting seedlings into the flooded field D) growing seedlings in a nursery E) all of the above


Which of the following is a characteristic of shifting cultivation? A) Dependency on irrigation B) Sharecropping C) Production of cash crops for export D) Demand for wage laborers E) Multicropping


Which statement correctly describes hunting and gathering? Hunter gatherers live in small groups. It is a form of nomadism. This form of subsistence is still practiced. All humans obtained their food this way before the invention of agriculture. all of the above


All of the following are benefits of purchasing locally produced foods except A) the prices are lower. B) it reduces the consumption of fossil fuels. C) it is fresher and therefore usually tastes better. D) it helps support local and regional rural economies. E) it helps small farmers compete against corporate farms.


Boserup theorized that when population increased in a subsistence agriculturally based community the level of technology and labor efforts must A) increase to meet the demands of increased population pressures. B) increase by purchasing new machinery from More Developed Countries (MDCs). increase by sending students to technical schools. C) decrease due to the high cost of machinery. D) decrease because more children need to finish their education.


Desertification is the A) expansion of desert-like conditions caused by human actions B) increase in productivity of agriculture in desert regions C) invention and diffusion of irrigation practices D) rise in groundwater level due to inadequate drainage E) Lowering of reliance on irrigation agriculture


In the U.S. many farms are integrated into a large food production industry. This is known as A) agribusiness B) commercial farming C) food processing D) conglomerative agriculture E) mechanized farming


Pastoral nomads are distinguished from other forms of subsistence farmers by ALL BUT WHICH of the following? A) they consume animals rather than grain B) they obtain grain through trade C) they occupy dry lands D) they are migratory E) all of the above distinguish pastoral nomadism


Technology essential for intensive subsistence agriculture is A) irrigation. B) precision agriculture techniques. C) biotechnology. D) advancements in pesticide research. E) all of the above.


The agricultural practice most commonly associated with intensive subsistence agriculture is A) paddy rice farming. B) swedden agriculture. C) plantation agriculture. D) market gardening. E) none of the above.


The largest proportion of farmers in Asia practice A) intensive subsistence. B) pastoral nomadism. C) shifting cultivation. D) plantation agriculture. E) hunting and gathering.


The most widely produced grains in the world are A) wheat, rice, and maize. B) wheat, rice, and oats. C) rice, maize, and oats. D) rice, maize, and millet. E) rice, wheat, and barley.


The seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures is A) transhumance B) shifting cultivation C) pastoral nomadism D) oasis herding E) all of the above


Which of the following environmental problems is most associated with the African Sahel? A) Desertification B) Deforestation C) Air pollution D) Flooding E) Water pollution


Which of the following was NOT domesticated in the Americas? A) barley B) squash C) beans D) potatoes E) maize


Why is the traditional classification of agriculture as a primary economic activity a problem when considering the geography of agriculture? - Modem farmers are engaged in production, research, marketing, and some manufacturing of their products. - Agricultural employment is such a small fraction of the labor force in the industrialized countries that agriculture can no longer be thought of as a primary economic activity. - Unlike mining, forestry, and other primary activities, agriculture has not been affected by industrialization. - Traditional patterns of farming are disappearing. Modem farmers use machinery.


A food assemblage that includes olives, pita bread, cheese, figs, lamb, and wine is most associated with which of the following? A) Spain B) Greece C) Mexico D) France E) Russia


According to Carl Sauer, which of the following is true about plant domestication? A) It originated in marginal areas with limited food resources. B) It first occurred in diversified habitats with a variety of species. C) It was developed by farmers who were starving and desperate for food. D) It owes its origins to the domestication of animals. E) It was at first dependent on irrigation.


Agriculture practiced in California differs from forms practiced in other Mediterranean agricultural regions because in California A) grapes are grown for wine production B) farms use more irrigation C) farms are smaller D) farms rely on local labor E) wheat is grown in the winter as a cover crop


All of the following are types of subsistence agriculture except A) pastoral nomadism. B) truck farming. C) shifting cultivation. D) swidden agriculture. E) intensive rice farming.


During the twentieth century, ALL BUT WHICH of the following have risen in relatively developed countries? A) reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides B) percentage of the population engaged in agriculture C) size of farms D) use of cross-bred and genetically modified seeds E) all of the above have declined


During the winter months in North America, the primary source of fruits and vegetables found in grocery stores is A) Uruguay B) Chile C) Nigeria D) Philippines E) Italy


In general, the farther a dairy farm is located from a large urban area the lower the percentage of output devoted to fresh milk. This occurs primarily because A) land costs are lower farther from the urban area B) milk is more perishable than butter and cheese C) transport coasts are greater farther from the urban area D) the quality of soil is lower near an urban area E) all of the above


Labor-intensive intertillage is often practiced in A) the Canadian wheat belt B) Southeast Asia C) the Turkish highlands D) the English countryside E) New Zealand


The Green Revolution refers to A) the environmental politics of Greenpeace B) hybrid crops introduced to promote agricultural development C) a fundamentalist Islamic political movement D) efforts to provide parks and open space around industrial cities (e) the development of garden cities


The Second Agricultural Revolution coincided with A) increased genetic engineering of crops. B) the Industrial Revolution. C) the First Agricultural Revolution. D) the Third Agricultural Revolution. E) the Enlightenment in Europe.


The growth potential of alternative agricultural practices such as the growing of amaranth grain and the raising of deer, elk, emus, and buffalo for meat is limited because A) the dietary laws in the United States are restrictive B) the growers have not established an integrated commodity chain C) the animals and grain are difficult to raise D) it is impossible to domesticate new plants and animals E) the high protein content of these meats and grains is thought to be unhealthy


The type of commercial agriculture in which a single luxury crop such as coffee, tea, cacao, palm oil, bananas, is grown in less developed peripheral countries for export to more developed core countries is called A) Slash-and-burn farming B) Plantation agriculture C) Intensive subsistence agriculture D) Shifting cultivation E) Commercial agriculture


This form of agriculture takes place in each of the circled regions on the map above? A) Intensive subsistence agriculture B) Mediterranean agriculture C) Organic grape farming D) Intensive aquaculture E) Livestock raising in feedlots


What type of agriculture is generally located on the west coasts of continents, includes the dry, summer climates of southern California, central Chile, South Africa's cape, Greece and other areas, and involves the growing of crops such as grapes, olives, and citrus? A) Chaparral B) Mediterranean C) Commercial D) Plantation E) Luxury


Which of the following are examples of extensive subsistence agriculture? A) Swidden and dairy. B) Slash and burn agriculture and nomadic herding. C) Shifting cultivation and livestock ranching. D) Livestock ranching and slash and burn agriculture. E) Nomadic herding and plantation agriculture


Which type of agriculture is practiced by the largest percentage of the world's people? A) dairying B) intensive subsistence C) plantation D) shifting cultivation E) Mediterranean


Why do different regions of the United States specialize in different dairy products? A) Soil fertility varies from region to region. B) Their relative location with respect to the milkshed. C) Other crops are more economical. D) Historical customs differ for various dairy products. E) All of the above.


It is estimated that _____ of the world's population is seriously malnourished. A) 1/20th B) 1/10th C) 1/6th D) 1/2


All of the following are aspects of commercial agriculture except A) a heavy reliance on machinery. B) the product is consumed off the farm. C) there is little relationship to other businesses. D) a small percentage of the workforce is engaged directly in agriculture. E) the average size of farms is hundreds of acres.


All of the following were vegetative planting (root crop) hearths except A) West Africa. B) Southeast Asia. C) Southwest Asia. D) Peruvian Highlands. E) all of the above


Before the intervention of Europeans, the societies practicing subsistence farming were quite equal because A) populations were small. B) the farmers did not live in villages or other settlements. C) land was held in communal ownership. D) money was equally divided.


During the first half of the twentieth century, which of the following facilitated the transportation of beef over long distances to global markets? A) Commercial canning B) Irradiation of food C) Refrigerated ships D) Airplanes E) High-speed railroads


In terms of total tonnage, which of the following is currently the leading export crop in the world? A) Coffee B) Sugar cane C) Wheat D) Corn E) Rice


In the early part of the 20th century a so-called "miracle wheat" seed was developed in the US. Which of the following was NOT one its traits? A) shorter and stiffer stalk B) less sensitive to length of daylight C) genes bio-engineered D) responds better to fertilizer E) Matured faster


In the last twenty years the region of the world that has experienced a decline in food production compared to population growth is A) South Asia. B) Southeast Asia. C) Sub-Saharan Africa. D) Central America. E) East Asia.


Less developed countries generate funds to promote development through A) encouraging traditional subsistence agriculture. B) bartering with urban residents. C) selling export crops. D) adopting shifting cultivation. E) feeding the rapidly growing population.


Physiological density is defined as the number of farmers as compared to the total population the number of people compared to total land area the number of people compared to arable land the number of farms compared to the total land area the average farm production compared to arable land


Production of agricultural products destined primarily for direct consumption by the producer rather than for market is called A) plantation farming B) hunting and gathering C) subsistence agriculture D) sedentary cultivation E) shifting-field agriculture


Ranching is practiced in a climate region most similar to that of which other type of agriculture? A) dairying B) grain C) pastoral nomadism D) shifting cultivation E) Mediterranean


Three of the largest dairy regions in the United States are in the Northeast (New York and Pennsylvania), the Upper Midwest (Wisconsin and Minnesota), and California. What explains this phenomenon? A) The transportation systems are much better in these areas. B) The climates are more conducive to raising dairy cattle. C) Large urban centers are located in each zone. D) Industrial output is much greater due to the crops produced in. these regions. E) There are more milk d inkers in these parts of the country than in other parts.


Unique agricultural practices arise in particular regions because of climate and physical environment limited knowledge of alternatives distinctive cultural traits level of development in the country all of the above


What type of agriculture is identified with the dot distribution map above? A) corn and soy beans B) dairying C) feedlot cattle D) wheat E) fruits and vegetables


What type of diffusion is most closely associated with the Columbian Exchange? A) Stimulus diffusion. B) Expansion diffusion. C) Relocation diffusion. D) Hierarchical diffusion. E) Contagious diffusion.


Which is NOT a form of commercial agriculture? A) Mediterranean B) extensive grain farming C) pastoral nomadism D) plantation agriculture E) all of the above are forms of commercial agriculture


Which of the following is FALSE regarding shifting cultivation form of agriculture? A) It occurs mainly in tropical environments. B) farmers clear land using a slash and burn technique C) It is part of the Green Revolution. D) It was practiced sustainably by indigenous peoples but now is associated with deforestation in Brazil. E) It can only support a low density population


Which of the following statements best describes the impact of improvements in transportation systems on agriculture? A) Local markets have become more important for dairy farmers. B) Individual farms have become more diversified. C) Corporate farms have gained a greater advantage over family farms. D) Subsistence farmers are given great advantages. E) Cuisines have become more regionalized.


Which pairing of animal(s) and region is not correct? A) Water buffalo, pig, and chicken - Southeast Asia. B) Llama and alpaca - South America. C) Cattle - South Asia. D) Goat and sheep - Southwest Asia. E) All of the above.


which of the following is most accurate with regard to food preferences and taboos? Food preferences are stronger than taboos as seen by the high consumption of beef on the Deccan Plateau. Food preferences and taboos have little influence on the diet in Arabia and Southeast Asia. Some foods are avoided for religious or cultural reasons even at the expense of a balanced diet. Food preferences and taboos show little variability between cultures. Low hog production in China demonstrates an avoidance of pork by the Chinese.


Compared to North American ranchers, commercial ranchers in the Pampas of Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil are more likely to A) raise mostly sheep B) lease their grazing land C) rely on feedlots D) raise livestock primarily for export E) use practices developed by indigenous people


Desertification is caused by A) overplanting of semiarid lands B) due to population pressure C) deforestation D) overgrazing of land by pastoral nomads E) all of the above


Grain produced in the United States is used for all of the following except A) it is purchased by food processing companies for baked products. B) it is sent around the world as foreign aid and famine relief C) stored in grain elevators for and sold in the market when prices increase. D) it is consumed predominately by local communities throughout the Midwest. E) it is fed to livestock (#1 use of grain in U.S.!)


In recent years, many wooded areas in which region have been deforested to provide beef for hamburgers for fast-food chains in the United States. A) East and South Asia B) West Africa C) East Africa D) Central and South America E) Canada


In which of the following countries is terracing LEAST likely to be used by farming groups to create additional space and minimize erosion on steep slopes? A) Nepal B) Peru C) The Philippines D) Niger E) Greece


Mixing crops and livestock allows farmers to A) create a system where crops provide food for livestock and the livestock provide manure for crop fertilization. B) distribute the workload of the crops and livestock evenly throughout the year. C) generate 3/4ths of their income from the sale of livestock. D) all of the above. E) none of the above.


Overgrazing, deforestation, and agricultural mismanagement are all significant causes of A) crop failure. B) nationalism. C) urban growth. D) topsoil loss. E) salinization.


Shifting cultivation is a threatened form of agriculture because of A) competition for resources from logging and mining companies. B) population increase. C) technology makes the practice obsolete. D) A and B only. E) none of the above.


The basic principles of the Boserup model argues the opposite of A) the von Thünen model B) Marxist agriculture C) agribusiness models D) Thomas Malthus' theories


Which of the following is the best example of extensive land use in agriculture? A) A cattle feedlot B) A greenhouse C) An egg-production facility D) A sheep ranch E) A backyard garden


Which of the following is the essential requirement of lowland rice production? A) Cheap labor B) Year-round growing season C) Proximity to market D) Abundant water E) Alluvial soil


Which of the following pairs of agricultural types occupies the largest percentage of the world's total land area? A) Plantation agriculture and specialized horticulture B) Cattle ranching and Mediterranean agriculture C) Wheat farming and dairying D) Shifting cultivation and nomadic herding E) Intensive rice cultivation and subsistence farming


Which type of agriculture occupies the largest percentage of the world's land area? A) dairying B) intensive subsistence C) plantation D) shifting cultivation E) Mediterranean


According to Carl Sauer, what best characterized the invention of plant domestication? A) The process was gradual. B) A number of independent hearths were established. C) Hearths developed in areas with high biodiversity. D) It probably began with vegetative planting (root crops) E) All of the above.


All of the following are examples of intensive commercial agriculture except A) dairy. B) truck farming. C) mixed crop and livestock. D) horticulture. E) paddy rice farming.


Defenders of shifting cultivation say it is the best approach for the tropics because A) shifting cultivation destroys less tropical rain forest than permanently clearing the land. B) shifting cultivation is part of the cultural diversity of folk customs in the tropics. C) permanently clearing fields and using fertilizers will destroy tropical soils. D) it requires a lot of land to feed a small number of people. E) A, B, and C


Dramatic increases in global grain production since 1950 have been made possible by A) substantial increases in the amount of land under cultivation B) global warming C) an increase in the urban workforce D) an increase in the agricultural workforce E) an increase in the use of energy and technology


How did the second agricultural revolution improve agricultural production? A) The four-field crop rotation system increased yields and soil fertility. B) New technologies such as the drill press increased production. C) The Enclosure Movement encouraged the use of machinery. D) Advances in breeding livestock increased production of meat and dairy. E) All of the above.


In sub-Saharan Africa, A) caloric intake has reached nearly adequate levels because genetically modified food crops are being shipped from foreign markets B) malnutrition has most affected children in urban areas C) the impact of the Green Revolution has been the highest, though still insufficient to mitigate malnutrition D) agribusiness investments have improved local agricultural economies E) food production has declined since 1980 and continues to drop


In which of the following areas was wheat most probably domesticated earliest? A) Southern Italy B) Northern Libya C) The plateau of central Mexico D) Eastern China E) Southeastern Turkey


Intensive wet rice farming is the dominant type of agriculture in A) East India. B) most of Southeast Asia. C) Southeast China. D) A and B E) all of the above.


Poorer countries, producing such crops as sugar, A) set the market price themselves B) rapidly change to a different cash crop when commodity prices decline C) plant less in order to drive up the prices D) cooperate with each other to determine global prices and demand E) are at the mercy of the purchasing countries that set the prices


Shifting cultivation is a form of agriculture criticized for ALL BUT WHICH of the following reasons? A) it destroys natural resources such as forests B) it causes unrecoverable loss of soil of nutrients C) it upsets the ecology D) It consumes a lot of land to feed a small number of people E) it is criticized for all of these reasons


Some commercial farms are converting to sustainable agriculture, which is distinguished by A) sensitive land management B) better integration of crops and Livestock C) limited chemicals D) ridge tillage E) all of the above


Strategies used to increase the supply of food for a country could include A) putting more land into production. B) increasing the yield of land under cultivation. C) identifying new food sources. D) Increasing food imports. E) all of the above.


Subsistence agriculture is distinguished from commercial agriculture by all of the following EXCEPT A) Subsistence agriculture features smaller farm size. B) Subsistence agriculture features a higher percentage of farmers in the labor force. C) In subsistence agriculture the output is consumed on the farm rather than sold for profit. D) Subsistence agriculture uses little or no machinery. E) Subsistence agriculture is highly integrated into a larger food production industry


The Third Agricultural Revolution A) has also been called the Green Revolution. B) dates to about the 1930s. C) came at a time of growing concern about global hunger. D) has been criticized for reducing genetic diversity and increasing groundwater pollution. E) All of these.


The domestication seeds such as wheat, barley and the domestication of the largest number of animals used in agriculture probably first occurred in A) Latin America B) Africa C) Central Asia D) Europe E) Southwest Asia


The farm crisis in the United States during the late 1970s and 1980s resulted in A) many family farms going bankrupt. B) corporate farms playing a larger role in rural America. C) increased size of the average farm. D) making it more difficult for an individual to become a farmer. E) all of the above.


The most practiced economic activity in the world is A) commercial agriculture. B) manufacturing. C) providing a service. D) extensive subsistence agriculture. E) intensive subsistence agriculture.


The practice of "specialty farming" of expensive crops (such as mushrooms, asparagus, and nursery plants) with somewhat of a limited demand is growing in what US region? A) Midwest B) Southwest C) Southeast D) West E) New England


US agricultural policies include A) encouraging farmers NOT to grow certain crops which are in excess supply B) paying farmers subsidies when commodity prices are low C) buying surplus agricultural products from farmers to donate to LDCs D) none of the above E) all of the above


What activity typifies extensive commercial agriculture? A) Wheat and grain farming. B) Livestock ranching. C) Banana plantations in Latin America. D) Mixed crop and livestock operations in Iowa. E) A and B only.


What advantages do cattle feedlots have over traditional methods of livestock ranching? A) Feedlots combine a number of steps in the meat packing industry in one location. B) Feedlots are more efficient at adding weight to cattle. C) Feedlots reduce transportation costs of cattle prior to being slaughtered. D) Feedlots reduce transportation costs of the finished product. E) All of the above.


What is the goal of sustainable agriculture? A) reduce pesticide and fertilizer usage. B) help preserve the social fabric of rural communities. C) preserve the long-term productivity of the land. D) return to a better system of integrating crops and livestock. E) all of the above.


Which of the following characterizes intensive commercial agriculture? A) Commercial agriculture dominates in More Developed Countries (MDCs). B) Due to globalization and competition, profit margins have decreased. C) Farmers must specialize in order to stay competitive. D) Farmers are part of a complex and highly integrated system called agribusiness. E) All of the above.


Which of the following facts is TRUE regarding farming in America today? A) many farms are owned by corporations or operated as cooperatives B) mechanization is necessary due to size of farms C) governmental plays a large role D) farming is expensive and farmers suffer economic hardships E) all of the above are true


according Carl Sauer, why did vegetative planting first start in Southeast Asia? A) The predictable annual flooding of rivers provided needed irrigation. B) The humid continental climate was ideal for experimentation. C) The extensive river valleys provided excellent soil for cultivation. D) The monsoon weather system was ideal for experimentation with plants. E) The region's high biodiversity allowed people to become more sedentary, which naturally led to experimentation with plants.


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