AP Lang Harlem Renaissance aka death

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what did people start calling Harlem?

"the Negro capital of America"

_______ _________ began to move into Harlem in significant numbers in 1900. Why is a reason that they moved to Harlem?

-African Americans -real estate crash in Harlem made homes more afforable

Black Boy Communists:

-believed the key to social justice was the abolition of private property -the means of productions in industry and agriculture should be taken from individual owners and distributed among the people in common ownership -everyone shares equally in the benefits of production and everyone has equal shares in the goods produced -gov. controls everything (sports, entertainment, media, industry, agriculture, arts and sciences, religion) -a "classless society" think-THEY WANT EQUALITY

"America" what is the central conflict?

-between the speaker's contradictory observations and feelings -the speaker draws strength from America's vastness and energy -the speaker envisions America's future as a sad necessary decline

"America" what is the attitude of the speaker?

-he is angered by his country's injustices -he imagines one day his country will fall -he stands in awe of the greatness of his country -he does not care about his country

Black Boy what do the details of Richard's father's house say about his truthfulness in court?

-he lied in court because he's living a good life in a big house and he has enough money to suport himself -he isn't "trying to do his best", he is doing his best

Black Boy what kind of relationship did Richard have with his father?

-he never laughed in his presence and he was afraid to make too much noise around him -they were strangers

Black Boy what happened to Richard when he started back to the store the last time?

-he used a stick and whacked the boys on the heads and said to leave him alone -won the rights to streets of Memphis

Black Boy what does the very first conversation between Richard and his mother tell you about him?

-he's eager and curious about their trip to memphis -he's young because his mom tells him to hush when he keeps pestering her

Black Boy how does Richard compare the city's treatment of his father to the city's treatment of himself?

-his father will never know the experience that he lived through -he failed in the city, left the city which is the same city that lifted Richard up into who he is today

Black Boy as a boy, richard preferred action to words. as an adult, richard lived by the words once he became and author. what might have brought about this change in him?

-if somebody has suggested things that had happened in his life regarding his father, rather than them just occurring, he would have accepted them -his experiences with his father

what does renaissance mean?

-rebirth or revival -applies to any great outburst of artistic and intellectual creativity

Black Boy what kind of care did the children receive in the orphanage?

-they were hungry because they only got two meals a day -they were afraid -food was taken away as punishment

Black Boy when Wight uses conversations, describe what this shows:

-this shows, rather than describes, his own thoughts and feelings -also creates vivid pictures of the people in his life

what is "America" about?

-through simile, metaphor, imagery, and personification, the speaker of this sonnet expresses his bitterness at America's social, racial, and economic injustice. -yet he is awed and revitalized by her vigor and size -he regards America w/o fear, ill-will, or mockery but forsees her decline

why did blacks start to feel important in the U.S.'s culture life in the 1920s?

-white people took taxis/trains to Harlem to listen and dance to music by black musicians -white publishers went to Harlem to find black writers and poets to publish

Dust Tracks on a Road what is slang?

1) language peculiar to a particular group, trade, or pursuit 2)an informal nonstandard vocabulary composed typically of often short-lived coinages, arbitrary changed words, and extravagant, forced, or facetious figures of speech

"America" where are the similes in the text?

1. line 5: vigor/tides 2. line 7: bigness/flood 3. lines 8/9: speaker/rebel confronting a king 4. lines 12-14: wonders/treasures sinking in the sand

Dust Tracks on a Road what grade is zora neale in?

5th grade

in Harlem, the population jumped from ______ to ______.

91,709 in 1910 to 327,706 in 1930

"Incident" what is rhyme sceme?


"America" describe what the personification is saying:

America is personified as a woman who feeds the speaker bitterness

who wrote "America"?

Claude McKay

Black Boy Wight joined the ______ party when we read about him.


what were two popular clubs in the 1920s in Harlem?

Cotton Club and Savory Ballroom

who wrote "Incident"?

Countee Cullen

list 11 famous African Americans of the Harlem Renaissance:

Duke Ellington Lena Horne Bessie Smith Claude McKay Langston Hughes (author of one of the stories we read) Marcus Garvey Zora Neale Hurston Countee Cullen James Weldon Johnson William H. Johnson W.E.B. Du Bois

whatever progress Harlem did for blacks, what two events in history took it away?

Great Depression(1929-1935) and Stock Market Crash (1929) -the money that had supported the black artists, poets, musicians, and writers dried up --->caused the vibrant, joyous, and creative Harlem to fade into poverty and bleakness

who wrote "Harlem"?

Langston Hughes

Black Boy what is richard's punishment on his return to the orphanage?

Miss Simon beats him

who wrote Black Boy?

Richard Wight

Dust Tracks on a Road who resented Hurston's dialect?

Richard Wight (oooh tea) -he thought it perpetuated a comic, minstrel-show stereotype of African Americans and promoted racism

who wrote Dust Tracks on a Road?

Zora Neale Hurston

Dust Tracks on a Road what gifts did the women give zora neale?

a cylinder filed with pennies

Black Boy what happened the first time Richard went to the corner store to shop for food?

a gang of boys grabbed him and stole his basket/money and sent him running home in panic

Black Boy what is a tenement house?

a house that is shared between multiple families

Dust Tracks on a Road what did zora neale receive from the women after they returned to minnesota?

a huge box with clothes and books

Black Boy after Richard's mother got a job, what food did she leave for the boys everyday?

a loaf of bread and a pot of tea

Black Boy how long was it before Richard saw his father again?

a quarter of a century (25 yrs)

"America" what is America compared to: (metaphor)

a tiger

Dust Tracks on a Road what is an idiom?

a unique expression that arises in a given language of dialect ex. "lick the calf"-->wash up "going a piece of the way"-->going partway down the road "if we cut one caper"-->if we played any prank "two young ladies just popped in"-->they visited the school w/o warning "I got on my mark"-->I got ready

"America" line 1 contains:

an allusion to Psalm 80:5 in the Bible

"Harlem" what is the tone of this particular poem?

anger, bitterness, and frustration

"Harlem" what are the main ideas/themes?

anger, frustration, cynicism

Black Boy is Wight's ______________.


Dust Tracks on a Road is a __________.


Black Boy why was Richard afraid of the policeman?

because he had heard the story of a white police officer beating a black boy

Dust Tracks on a Road how did she meet hans anderson, robert louis stevenson, and rudyard kipling?

by reading her books

Dust Tracks on a Road what is the significance of serving stuffed dates and preserved ginger?

class level, a contrast to the poverty

"Incident" the simplicity of the rhythm and rhyme _______ ______ _____ ______ _____ ___ ______ _______.

contrasts with the serious theme of the poem

Dust Tracks on a Road what was the palmetto switch used for?

disciplining students

what caused huge migration from the rural south to jobs in industrial areas like New York, Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland?

economic depression, failed farms, and worsening racial tensions

Dust Tracks on a Road where does this story take place?


"Incident" what is the theme of the poem?

for many African American children, an early experience of racism can indelibly tarnish the innocent joys of childhood. a cruel word can leave a lasting impression

Dust Tracks on a Road what were zora neale's favorite things about school?

geography, reading, and recess

"Incident" how does the speaker feel when riding through Baltimore?

happy and optimistic

Black Boy why wouldn't richard accept the nickel from his father?

he didn't want the money out of pity, he wanted money out of care

Black Boy why did Richard cry when he actually saw the boat they would be traveling on?

he had high expectations for it and his disappointment in the small, dirty boat made him cry

Black Boy why does Richard's mother lock him out of the house?

he keeps getting his money stolen and she wants him to stand up for himself

"Incident" how does the speaker act when he sees another boy?

he tries to be friendly

Black Boy why can Richard not finish his soup while the preacher is eating with them?

he wanted the fried chicken, but everyone else was eating too quickly and they started eating it all. he gave up so he quit eating

Black Boy even though Richard Wight wasn't part of the Harlem Renaissance, he's included in this list because:

he was so heavily influenced by the Harlem Renaissance writers that he is often included in this literary period.

Black Boy what change had taken place with his father?

he wasn't living in his nice house now, instead he worked on farm for somebody

Dust Tracks on a Road why did zora neale's grandmother think she was being brazen?

her grandmother had been a slave and the fact that her granddaughter was catching rides with white people was crazy -she thought she was stubborn, they'll lynch her

Dust Tracks on a Road who escorted zora neale to the hotel?

her older brother, john

Black Boy what caused Richard to think of his father with a "deep biological bitterness"?

his father was the one who brought food home to the family because of his job, but he hasn't been coming home so Richard associates his hunger with his father

Black Boy what is the difference between the two kinds of hunger Richard describes on page 1066?

his hunger in the past was normal and could be satisfied with a bit of bread. his new hunger came to him at night too and made him irritated and angry

Black Boy how does Richard's attitude toward his hunger and his father change while they are in court?

if his father was going to feed them, he would have done so regardless of what the judge told him -richard was hungry but it didn't all depend on him

"Incident" what is the affect on the reader when he encountered the boy?

it gave him a strong impression

Dust Tracks on a Road why were the whites from the north curious about zora neale's school?

it was different from what they were used to

"America" where is personification?

lines 1,2,5,6,7,9,12

"Incident" where is stanza rhyme in this?

lines 2 and 4

"Harlem" have conditions gotten better for people in Harlem?

no, they have remained the same/not changed much

Dust Tracks on a Road why did zora neale refer to one of the women as brown taffeta?

one of the women had on a brown taffeta dress

Dust Tracks on a Road where does mr.calhoun tell zora neale she is to go the next afternoon?

park house, the hotel in maitland

Dust Tracks on a Road what were the 5th graders studying?

pluto and persephone

among the black people who flocked to Harlem for a better life were these kinds of creativity

poets, writers, musicians, and artists

Dust Tracks on a Road one of the women was wearing a taffeta dress, adn zora neale wears a gingham dress. what do the two different types of cloth indicate?

race and class level

Dust Tracks on a Road what did zora neale do when cars and carriages would pass by her house?

she asks them if she could come with them part of the way, then gets off and walks home

Black Boy why does richard's mother place the boys in an orphanage?

she could no longer pay the rent and the money their grandma gave them had run out

Dust Tracks on a Road why did zora neale get to finish reading the entire story?

she did a good job reading and the two white ladies were impressed

Dust Tracks on a Road why didn't she tell the visitors that she really didn't like school

she knew she would get in trouble with the teacher

Black Boy why does richard's mother want to take him to see his father?

she wants him to ask for money so that they can leave the orphanage and go to Arkansas

Dust Tracks on a Road how did zora neale come to appreciate the bible?

she was forced to read it, when there was nothing else. she liked the stories with david

Dust Tracks on a Road what does the metaphor in the last sentence of the first paragraph mean?

she wasn't like the people in her town

Dust Tracks on a Road what is ironic about zora neale reading about david?

shes not religious so its ironic that she liked the bible

Dust Tracks on a Road Hurston's writing contains:


what is Dust Tracks on a Road about?

speaker describes her first encounters with white people from outside her community, and her earliest exposures to literature. as a child she waves to travelers who drive past her house, talking with them and hitching rides. as school, she is introduced to two visiting white women from Minnesota. impressed by Hurston's reading, they gave her gifts--books.

despite the Great Depression and the Stock Market crash, the legacy of the Harlem Renaissance___________________________.

still influence Americans of all colors today.

Dust Tracks on a Road when Hurston uses slang, what does this reproduce?

the African American pattern of speech she grew up with in the south

"Harlem" what the speaker uses "we" what is he referring to?

the African Americans in Harlem

"Harlem" what is tone?

the attitude a writer takes toward the subject of a literary work, the characters or events in it, or the audience that it is directed to

Dust Tracks on a Road what did she like best about all of the gifts?

the books

Black Boy what is dialogue?

the directly quoted words of conversation between two or more people

"Harlem" what is happening in the final stanza?

the people are trying to decide what to do about civil rights

"Incident" what is ironic about the title?

the poem describes an event with a serious consequence ---> (which fun fact, you're welcome, is a pickle/squeeze/crunch according to google)

what is "Harlem" about?

the speaker employs irony, figurative language, and free verse to evoke the economic and emotional distress of African Americans "on the edge of hell" in Depression-era Harlem

what is "Incident" about?

the speaker recounts a childhood incident that left an indelible mark in his mind: being taunted with a cruel racial epithet by a white boy, while riding public transportation in Baltimore

"America" what is the theme?

the speaker's mixed feelings about life in the U.S.

Black Boy why does richard decide that the policeman wasn't "white" any more?

the white officers showed him kindness and fed him

Dust Tracks on a Road what fascinated zora neale about the visitors?

their long white fingers with pink tips

Black Boy why does the judge accept his father's word?

there wasn't a definite reason, but i think it's because he's the man of the house, he has a job, and they're trusting the man's word over the woman's. (judge thought wife was probably being dramatic)

Dust Tracks on a Road why was mr. calhoun flustered when the two young ladies "just popped in?"

they had made everyone look nice and tidy and they just stopped in

Dust Tracks on a Road why did zora neale think she was going to get a whipping?

they were whispering about her to mr. calhoun and her feet and legs were dusty and she had no shoes

Dust Tracks on a Road what happened when her parents found out?

they whipped her

Dust Tracks on a Road what does smote mean

to destroy or kill "smiting"

Dust Tracks on a Road why was zora profoundly moved by the hercules story?

when hercules met duty and pleasure and how they guided him

unlike the south, New York City made African Americans feel free to express themselves, to create, to fully tell the story of the African American experience in ___,____,____,_____.

words, pictures, paintings, and music (<--most popular)

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