AP macro exam letter

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if the united states government increases deficit spending, which of the following will occur as a result of the change in the interest rate? (A) the united states dollar will appreciate in foreign exchange markets. (B) household savings in the united states will decrease. (C) the united states exports will increase. (D) the demand for united states dollars will decrease. (E) private investment in plant and equipment in the united states will increase.


increases in government subsidies to encourage investment in research and development will affect aggregate demand (AD) and long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) in which of the following ways? AD LRAS (A) increase increase (B) increase decrease (C) increase no change (D) decrease increase (E) decrease no change


the crowding out effect of government spending will be large if? (A) investment is highly sensitive to changes in the interest rate. (B) consumption is highly sensitive to changes in wealth. (C) money demand is highly insensitive to changes in income. (D) it takes a long time for changes in government spending to cause a change in equilibrium income. (E) the long-run aggregate supply curve is horizontal.


the economy is currently in a long-run equilibrium. if the central bank increases the money supply, in the long run the price level will? (A) increase, and output will remain at the full-employment level. (B) increase, and output will be above the full-employment level. (C) increase, and output will be below the full-employment level. (D) remain unchanged, and output will remain at the full-employment level. (E) remain unchanged, and output will be above the full-employment level.


to decrease the money supply, a country's central bank can do which of the following? (A) sell government bonds. (B) decrease the discount rate. (C) decrease the required reserve ratio. (D) increase taxes. (E) increase government spending.


which of the following is an example of fiscal policy? (A) decreasing income tax rates. (B) increasing the money supply. (C) decreasing the discount rate. (D) selling government bonds. (E) decreasing the required reserve ratio.


which of the following is true about the phillips curve? (A) a change in aggregate demand does not shift the long-run phillips curve (LRPC). (B) a change in aggregate demand does not cause a movement along the short-run phillips curve (SRPC). (C) the LRPC shows the trade-off between unemployment and inflation but the SRPC does not. (D) changes in expected inflation affect the LRPC only. (E) negative supply shocks affect the LRPC only.


which of the following statements about inflation is true? (A) the expected inflation rate is the difference between nominal and real interest rates. (B) low expected inflation rates lead to high inflation rates. (C) lenders lose from expected inflation. (D) lenders gain from unexpected inflation. (E) workers lose from expected inflation.


which of the following would decrease the united states net exports to south korea? (A) south korean computer companies sell more computers to the united states. (B) south korean insurance companies provide fewer services to the united states. (C) south koreans spend more vacations in the united states. (D) united states banks provide more banking services to south korea. (E) united states smartphone companies sell more smartphones to south korea.


an increase in the expected inflation rate will cause the? (A) short-run phillips curve to shift to the left. (B) short-run phillips curve to shift to the right. (C) long-run phillips curve to shift to the left. (D) long-run phillips curve to shift to the right. (E) actual inflation rate to fall below the expected inflation rate.


an increase in the purchases of newly constructed houses will result in which of the following? (A) aggregate demand will decrease as a result of a decrease in the price level. (B) aggregate demand will increase as a result of an increase in investment spending. (C) aggregate demand will increase as a result of an increase in exports, (D) aggregate demand will not change, since consumer spending has not changed. (E) aggregate demand will not change, since investment spending has not changed.


an ongoing increase in the price of oil will result in? (A) demand-pull inflation. (B) cost-push inflation. (C) expansionary fiscal policy. (D) a decrease in the prices of substitute forms of energy. (E) deflation.


assume that country X and country Y are trading partners. if the average income in country X increases, which of the following will occur in the foreign exchange market? (A) the demand for country X's currency will increase, and country X's currency will appreciate. (B) the demand for country Y's currency will increase, and country X's currency will depreciate. (C) the demand for country Y's currency will increase, and country X's currency will appreciate. (D) the supply of country X's currency will decrease, and country X's currency will appreciate. (E) the supply of country Y's currency will increase, and country Y's currency will depreciate.


how does the automatic adjustment mechanism move the economy to potential real gross domestic product (GDP) in the long run when current real GDP is above potential GDP? (A) nominal wages fall, shifting the short-run aggregate supply curve to the right. (B) nominal wages fall, shifting the short-run aggregate supply curve to the left. (C) nominal wages do not change, shifting the short-run aggregate supply curve to the right. (D) nominal wages rise, shifting the short-run aggregate supply curve to the right. (E) nominal wages rise, shifting the short-run aggregate supply curve to the left.


how will an increase in demand and a simultaneous decrease in supply affect the equilibrium price and quantity of a good in a market? PRICE QUANTITY (A) increase increase (B) increase indeterminate (C) decrease increase (D) decrease indeterminate (E) indeterminate indeterminate


in the short run, a reduction in the money supply will cause? (A) a rightward shift in the aggregate demand curve. (B) a leftward shift in the aggregate demand curve. (C) a rightward shift in the aggregate supply curve. (D) a leftward shift in the aggregate supply curve. (E) a movement along the aggregate demand curve.


suppose that a country's nominal gross domestic product (GDP) was $1,000 in year 1 and $2,000 in year 2. if year 1 is the base year and real GDP in year 2 was $1,000, which of the following is true? (A) prices fell by 50% between year 1 and year 2. (B) prices doubled between year 1 and year 2. (C) prices remained the same between year 1 and year 2. (D) more goods and services were produced in year 2 than in year 1. (E) fewer goods and services were produced in year 2 than in year 1.


when the total amount the government spends equals tax revenues in any given year, which of the following must remain constant? (A) the real interest rate. (B) the national debt. (C) real gross domestic product (RGDP) (D) the price level. (E) the money supply.


which of the following is true when interest rates rise? (A) the opportunity cost of holding cash decreases. (B) the opportunity cost of holding cash increases. (C) the opportunity cost of holding cash stays the same. (D) the money demand curve shifts to the right. (E) the money supply curve shifts to the left.


which of the following monetary and fiscal policy mixes will reduce unemployment? (A) buying government bonds in the open market and increasing taxes. (B) buying government bonds in the open market and decreasing taxes. (C) selling government bonds in the open market and increasing government spending. (D) selling government bonds in the open market and decreasing government spending. (E) selling government bonds in the open market and increasing taxes.


a bank has $200 million in demand deposits and $150 million in reserves. the reserve ratio is 20 percent. what is the maximum amount of loans the bank can make from its reserves? (A) $750 million. (B) $150 million. (C) $110 million. (D) $50 million. (E) $40 million.


if an automobile was manufactured in 2006 and sold to a consumer in 2007, what was the effect on gross domestic product (GDP) in 2006 and 2007? 2006 2007 (A) no change increase (B) decrease increase (C) increase no change (D) increase . decrease (E) no change no change


if the short-run aggregate supply curve is upward sloping, which of the following will cause inflation? (A) an increase in long-run aggregate supply. (B) an increase in short-run aggregate supply. (C) an increase in aggregate demand. (D) a decrease in aggregate demand. (E) a decrease in aggregate demand and an increase in aggregate supply.


in the short run, how would a government's budget deficit, national debt, and real output change if government spending increases with no change in taxes? DEFICIT DEBT REAL OUTPUT (A) increase . increase decrease (B) increase decrease increase (C) increase increase increase (D) decrease decrease increase (E) decrease increase decrease


increased spending on which of the following contributes most to long-term economic growth? (A) social security and transfer payments. (B) new automobiles and homes. (C) education and infrastructure. (D) imported consumer goods. (E) interest payments on national debt.


pat deposits a portion of her wages into a personal savings account every week. the saved money can be considered to be primarily a? (A) means of payment. (B) unit of account. (C) store of value. (D) measure of value. (E) medium of exchange.


the opportunity cost of an activity is? (A) the amount of time spent on the activity. (B) the value of the benefit received from performing the activity. (C) the value of the forgone benefit of the next best alternative. (D) zero if the activity offered no benefits. (E) the sum of benefits from all the sacrificed alternatives.


when the united states dollar appreciates against the euro, which of the following will most likely happen? (A) european firms will pay fewer euros for equipment purchased from the united states. (B) european products will become more expensive for united states consumers. (C) united states tourists will pay fewer dollars for trips to europe. (D) the european trade deficit will increase. (E) the united states trade deficit will decrease.


which of the following is a defining characteristic of a fractional reserve banking system? (A) the existence of a central bank with a monopoly on money creation. (B) the use of paper money backed by a commodity such as gold or silver. (C) the fact that banks retain an amount of bank reserves that is less than the amount of costumer demand deposits. (D) the requirement that banks maintain a certain percentage of their reserves as a deposit in an account at the central bank. (E) the regulations that separate investment banking from commercial banking.


which of the following is correct according to the circular flow model of an economy? (A) taxes received from the public equal government spending. (B) imports equal exports. (C) total spending equals total income. (D) consumption plus saving equals investment. (E) saving plus investment equals imports plus exports.


which of the following is LEAST likely to affect the long-run growth of an economy? (A) investment in physical capital. (B) research and development. (C) education and training. (D) a specific tax on luxury goods. (E) stable and efficient institutions.


which of the following is likely to result in an inflow of financial capital to country Z? (A) a decrease in country Z's government budget deficit. (B) an increase in personal income tax rates in country Z. (C) increased sales of government bonds by the central bank of country Z. (D) an increase in country Z's trade surplus. (E) increased political instability in country Z.


which of the following is most likely included in gross domestic product? (A) matt gives his secondhand bicycle to his brother. (B) sal paints his own bicycle. (C) ali buys a new bicycle. (D) mike buys a share of stock in a bicycle firm. (E) daniel bikes to school every day.


which of the following will most likely contribute to long-run economic growth? (A) high levels of household spending. (B) high levels of government spending. (C) high levels of investment in plant and equipment. (D) low levels of immigration to the country. (E) low levels of foreign investment in the country.


which of the following will most likely result from deflation? (A) increased nominal interest rates. (B) increased business profits. (C) increased real value of fixed incomes. (D) decreased purchasing power of cash. (E) decreased real wealth.


which of the following will occur in the money market when the aggregate price level increases? (A) the money supply will increase and nominal interest rates will decrease. (B) the demand for money will increase and nominal interest rates will decrease. (C) the demand for money will increase and nominal interest rates will increase. (D) the demand for money will decrease and nominal interest rates will decrease. (E) the opportunity cost of holding money will decrease.


a country's economy is currently in equilibrium. which of the following policy actions could the country's government take to achieve potential output? (A) decreasing the money supply. (B) decreasing investment tax credits. (C) increasing interest rates. (D) increasing government expenditures. (D) increasing the minimum wage.


all of the following explain why prices and wages are sticky EXCEPT? (A) menu costs experienced by firms. (B) efficiency wages paid to labor. (C) misperceptions about relative prices by suppliers. (D) competition in the business sector. (E) labor contracts covering multiple years.


an economy experiences a sharp increase in energy prices, and policy makers adopt a stabilization policy to increase aggregate demand. compared with the initial short-run equilibrium, which of the following will definitely occur? (A) lower level of output. (B) higher level of output. (C) lower price level. (D) higher price level. (E) higher aggregate supply.


an increase in government spending financed by increased borrowing will most likely change the real interest rate and the gross private domestic investment in which of the following ways? REAL INTEREST GROSS PRIVATE RATE DOMESTIC INVESTMENT (A) no change no change (B) decrease increase (C) decrease decrease (D) increase decrease (E) increase increase


assume that the marginal propensity to consume is 0.8. if the government increases its purchases of goods and services by $200 and exports decline by $50, at most the equilibrium level of income will? (A) decrease by $250. (B) decrease by $1,000. (C) increase by $150. (D) increase by $750. (E) increase by $1,250.


banks expand the money supply when? (A) issuing credit cards. (B) printing money. (C) cashing checks. (D) making loans. (E) accepting deposits.


economic growth refers to an increase in which of the following? (A) government spending. (B) consumption spending. (C) nominal gross domestic product (GDP). (D) potential real gross domestic product (GDP). (E) household wealth.


if consumers in canada increase their demand for products that are manufactured in india, which of the following will occur? (A) the indian rupee will depreciate. (B) the canadian dollar will appreciate. (C) india's financial capital inflow will increase. (D) canada's financial capital inflow will increase. (E) the supply of canadian dollars will decrease.


if the central bank of country Z wishes to increase the value of its currency on foreign exchange markets, it can do which of the following? (A) buy the currencies of other countries. (B) increase the domestic money supply in country Z. (C) increase the income tax in country Z. (D) raise interest rates in country Z. (E) increase tariffs in country Z.


if the government implements an expansionary fiscal policy, how will real gross domestic product (GDP) and the price level be affected in the short run? REAL GDP PRICE LEVEL (A) increase decrease (B) decrease no change (C) no change increase (D) increase . increase (E) decrease decrease


people who have given up looking for jobs are classified as? (A) cyclically unemployed. (B) frictionally unemployed. (C) structurally unemployed. (D) discouraged workers. (E) underemployed workers.


sam and bill run a leaf raking and lawn mowing business. in one day, sam can rake 3 lawns or mow 5 lawns whereas bill can rake 2 lawns or mow 6 lawns. which of the following correctly describes sam's and bill's absolute and comparative advantages? (A) sam has a comparative advantage in raking and an absolute advantage in mowing. (B) sam has a comparative advantage in mowing and an absolute advantage in raking. (C) sam has a comparative advantage in mowing and an absolute advantage in mowing. (D) bill has a comparative advantage in mowing and an absolute advantage in mowing. (E) bill has a comparative advantage in raking and an absolute advantage in mowing.


which of the following combinations of fiscal and monetary policies will correct a severe recession? (A) increasing income tax rates and decreasing the money supply. (B) increasing both the income tax rates and the money supply. (C) decreasing both the income tax rates and the money supply, (D) decreasing income tax rates and increasing the money supply. (E) decreasing income tax rates and increasing the federal funds rate.


which of the following is a monetary policy aimed at increasing the equilibrium interest rate in the money market? (A) raising taxes. (B) lowering the discount rate. (C) lowering the federal funds rate. (D) selling bonds on the open market. (E) lowering the required reserve ratio.


which of the following statements is true about an expansionary fiscal policy? (A) it decreases demand for loanable funds. (B) it decreases the equilibrium price level. (C) it decreases the equilibrium real interest rate. (D) it increases aggregate demand. (E) it increases the money supply.


a negative aggregate supply shock will result in which of the following in the short run? (A) an increase in the price level and a decrease in the unemployment rate. (B) a decrease in the price level and an increase in the unemployment rate. (C) a decrease in both the price level and real output. (D) an increase in both the price level and real output. (E) an increase in both the price level and the unemployment rate.


an increase in the number of which of the following will lead to an increase in the unemployment rate? (A) discouraged workers. (B) business start-ups. (C) self-employed persons. (D) persons working 30 instead of 40 hours per week. (E) persons quitting part-time jobs to look for full-time jobs.


if both the nominal interest rate and the expected inflation rate increase, what will happen to the real interest rate? (A) it will increase because the expected inflation rate has increased. (B) it will increase because the nominal interest rate has increased. (C) it will increase if the expected inflation rate increases by more than the nominal interest rate. (D) it will decrease because the nominal interest rate has increased. (E) it will decrease if the expected inflation rate increases by more than the nominal interest rate.


if real interest rates in the united states fall relative to real interest rates in great britain, which of the following will occur? (A) british investors will buy more united states securities. (B) british exports to the united states will increase. (C) the supply of dollars will decrease. (D) united states investors' demand for british pounds will decrease. (E) the british pound will appreciate relative to the dollar.


which of the following types of unemployment is caused by a recession? (A) hidden unemployment. (B) frictional unemployment. (C) seasonal unemployment. (D) structural unemployment. (E) cyclical unemployment.


which of the following typically occurs during an expansionary phase of a business cycle? (A) nominal interest rates decrease. (B) income taxes decrease. (C) the price level decreases. (D) government transfer payments increase. (E) employment increases.


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