AP Psych Unit 14

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Children tend to perceive the mother as smarter True/False?


Clark McCauley and Mary Segal realized the _______ effect is among suicide terrorists

foot- in- the- door- Phenomenon

During the Korean War, many us prisoners were persuaded to comply with Chinese captors without the use of brutality. What tactic was used?


Each cultural group evolves its own ______ - rules for accepted and expected behavior

passionate love compassionate love

Elaine Hatfield distinguishes between two different types of love: ______ and ______

people interact more with people of their own gender

Eleanor Maccoby has noted that gender diff.s (girls talking more intimately and fantasizing less aggressively) widen more over time as ______

He placed male college students in a simulated prison: 12 were "guards," 12 were "prisoners" After 1-2 days, volunteers began becoming their roles Guards became cruel and degrading Prisoners became resigned, rebelled, or broke down Philip had to call off the study after just 6 days

Explain Philip Zimbardo's experiment

limited half life

Failure to appreciate passionate love's _______ can doom a relationship

our capacity for culture

From culture to culture we differ in all kinds of habits, but beneath the differences is our greatest similarity, _______

JFK's gesture of stopping atmospheric nuclear tests began a series of reciprocated conciliatory acts that cumulated in the 1993 atmospheric test ban treaty

Give an example of GRIT

a bad day a person being hostile

Happy couples attribute spouse's rudeness to _____ unhappy couples attribute a spouse's rudeness to______

anxiety, including perspiration and increased heart rate

How did participants respond to the pain of their victims in Milgram's experiment?

when we moving along with it, we don't notice it, when we try to go against it, it becomes very noticeable

How is culture very much like the wind?

passionate love produces children whose survival is aided by the parents waning obsession with one another

How is the waning of passionate love adaptive?

63% similar results

How many men were completely obedient in Stanley Milgram's experiments? How many women


How many people agreed to do Milgram's testing if someone else was doing the shocking?

what was familiar was generally safe and approachable- what wasn't, wasn't

How was the mere exposure effect adaptive for our ancestors?

we change

Human nature seems designed for culture, we are more than social because, unlike social animals, ______

without use of aggression or violence

In order to model better behavior, how should parents treat and discipline their children?


In real life, opposites _____

regretted the experiment after being told the truth university students experience when facing and failing big exams

In response to ethical critics, Milgram said that virtually none of the participants _____; according to Milgram, the test produced less enduring stress than ______

physical pain, insults, odors, hot temps, cigarette smoke, etc.

Like frustration, other aversive stimuli- _________ - can also evoke hostility (give some examples)


Moral action strengthens moral _____

at work sleeping family and friends

N. Americans are spending more time _______, less time _______, and less time with ___________

others themselves

People who spend more money on _____ are happier than those who spend it all on _______

noncompetitive and between parties of equal status

Putting conflicting parties in close contact can help when such contact is _______ and _____

Latin Americans, Arabs, the French

Scandinavians, N. Americans, and Brits like more personal space than ______, _______, and_______

outright commands

Stanley Milgram tested the limit of people's response to _______

simplify the world

Stereotype beliefs are a byproduct of how we cognitively __________

be good be bad

The just world phenomenon leads us to believe that those who succeed must _____ and those who fail must ____

coerced responsible

The less _______ and more _______ we feel for a troubling actions, the more dissonance we feel


The more people are ______, the longer their relationships last

the presence of others

Though many blamed the onlookers' apathy and indifference for the Genovese murder, John Darley and Bibb Latane attributed their inaction to ________

aggressive thoughts

Violent video games prime _____ and increase aggression


We are helpful in part because we have been _______ to do so

aggression pays

We are more aggressive in situations where we have been taught that ________

how people speak and what they do

We can learn about level of prejudice by ______


We overestimate the_______ of events that come more readily to mind

appreciation of the situation their own personal style

When researchers have reversed the perspective of actor and observer, seeing the world from the actor's perspective increased _____; seeing the observers Pov, actors better appreciate _______

cooperative contact

With Muzafer Sherif, what reduced conflict was not mere contact, but ________

crazy fundamental attribution error

assume 9/11 terrorists were _____, but they actually fit into neighborhoods, clubs, restaurants... etc This is an ex. of ______


With self-disclosure, each increase in ________ rekindles passion

resist early

With the foot in the door phenomenon, when must you resist in order to resist completely?

their common values superordinate identity.

Working toward shared goals enables diverse peoples to discover unity in _____ and ______

stable, specific to the behavior, and easily recalled

attitudes do affect behavior when external influences are minimal, especially when attitude is ______, _____, and _______

dispositional attribution

attributing the way someone acts to their personality

situational attribution

attributing the way someone acts to their situation


attributions should be made carefully, they have real ______

overt subtle that they feel uncomfortable in socially intimate situations (dating, dancing, marrying) with someone of the other race

Yet even as _______ prejudice wanes, _______ prejudice lingers. For example, despite verbal support for interracial marriage, many ppl admit that they feel uncomfortable in socially intimate situations (dating, dancing, marrying) with someone of the other race


Yet norms grease social machinery and free us from ________

Norman Triplett

____- hypothesized that the presence of others boosts performance


_____ also writes social scripts

composite individual

_____ faces are liked more than _____ faces because theyare more symmetrical and sexually attractive

hindsight bias

_____ plays a part in the just world phenomenon ex: hearing about a rape victim ppl say "she should have known better"


_____ provides a medium for group polarization


_____ unleashes aggressive responses to frustration

ingroup outgroup

_____- the "us" _____- the "them"

Central wave persuasion

_____- when people engage scientific evidence and arguments and responded with favorable thoughts


______ also increases stereotyping and prejudice through the reactions it provokes in its victims


______ are often influenced by our beliefs, that predispose reactions to objects, people, and events


______ are used to rationalize social inequalities

political conservatives political liberals

______ attribute poverty and social problems to dispositions of the poor and unemployed themselves; while _____ blame past events and present situations

normal people

______ can be agents to terrible actions


______ influence both Animal and human aggression

social facilitation

______ probably contributes to home field advantage

dominance motives, alcohol, history of child abuse

______, ______, and ______ can create a predisposition to sexual violence


_______ allows both parties to reduce tension to a level where communication and mutual understanding can begin


_______ can grow from pausing to ponder and write about our feelings

virtual reality

_______ games dramatically ^ aggressive feelings and behaviors during and after gameplay

ingroup bias

_______ happens even among randomly generated groups


_______ help each side to voice its viewpoint and to understand the others

Frontal lobe

_______ inhibits aggression, when it is damaged or inactive, aggression is more likely

attractiveness after comparing themselves to superattracive people, most people think of themselves as plain sometimes think the praise they get is just for their looks

_______ is surprisingly unrelated to people's self esteem and happiness. Why?

Social Control personal control

_______(power of the situation) and _______(the power of the individual) interact- people aren't sheep


_______(violent) cases are readily available to our memory and therefore influence our judgements of a group

Charles Osgood

________ advocated a strategy of Graduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension-Reduction (GRIT)


________ both partners receiving in proportion to what they give in a relationship

Dorothy Lewis

________ inferred unrecognized neurological disorders may be partly to blame for violent acts.

sharing household chores

________ ranked third in a list of things people associate with a successful marriages- behind faithfulness and a happy sexual relationship


_________ is the core of relationships for lovers, parent and child, and intimate friends

social behavior

_______arrives from social cognition

self-fulfilling prophecies

a belief that leads to its own fulfillment

the rape myth traumatic

a common myth in sexually explicit media- idea that some women invite or enjoy rape and get "swept away" while being "taken" ; in actuality rape is ________ and usually harms a woman's psychological and physical health

social traps

a situation in which, by rationally pursuing their self-interest, people become caught in mutually destructive behavior ex: whalers, elephant poachers, global climate change


abandoning normal restraints to the power of the group; being less self-conscious and less restrained in a group

cost benefit analysis utilitarianism social exchange theory

accountants call the human tendency to maximize goals and minimize costs ______, philosophers call it _______, psychologists call it _________


adjusting our behavior or thinking toward some group standard

muslims violent "greedy" "immoral"

after 9/11 4/10 Americans acknowledged prejudice against ________ and 1/2 of non-muslims in W. Europe and the US perceived Muslims as _______ ; muslims reciprocated by calling Westerners ______ and _______

use in real life relationships

after seeing sexual innuendo & acts on tv, youth acquire sexual scripts they may try to ________


aggression is a ________ phenomenon

persons and situations

aggression still arises from the interaction of ______ and _____

provocation inhibitory cues

alcohol causes people to focus on _______vs _______

the thrill of the romance

although the spark of romantic love often endures,_______ often fades

delinquency, hard drug use, and aggressive bullying responses to frustration

among teenage boys & men, high testosterone levels correlate with _______, ______, and ______


an unjustifiable and often negative attitude towards a group- often of a different cultural, ethnic, or gender group; it is a mixture of beliefs (called stereotypes), emotions (hostility, envy, fear), and predispositions to action ( to discriminate)

bystander effect

any particular bystander is less likely to help with other bystanders present


any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy, whether done reactively out of hostility or proactively as a calculated means to an end

how we interpret and label the arousal

arousal from any source can increase one emotion or another, depending on _________

most likely

arousal increases the _______ response

perceptions of them

as enemies change, so do our ________

think alike

as nat'l standards against discrimination made people act alike, they began to _______

common interests

as we engage in mutually beneficial trade, work to protect our common destiny, and as we become more aware that our hopes & fears are shared, we can change misperceptions that feed conflict into solidarity based on _________

start small and build

To get people to agree to do something big, what should you do?

aggression no

castrated animals have lower ______. Is effect present in humans?


changing our _______ can change the way we feel about ourselves and others

positive attitudes

cooperative contact between members of rival groups promotes ________

devilish villains

cruelty doesn't require _______, all it takes is ordinary people corrupted by evil situations

customs beliefs

culture provides shared and transmitted _________ and _________ that enable us to communicate and agree upon ways to pay for things, drive, eat, etc.

compassionate love

deep, affectionate attachment to another

group participation aroused and anonymous

deindividuation occurs when _____ makes group members feel _______

asked blindfolded U. of Massachusetts students to pull on a rope as hard as they could fooled them into thinking that 3 others were pulling w/ them. People exerted an avg. of 82% as much effort as when they knew they were pulling alone

describe Alan Ingham experiment

PARTICIPANTS IN A GROUP OF CONFEDERATES MUST NAME WHICH 2 LINES ARE THE SAME 128 participants, 18 trials when Alone, participants erred less than 1% When confederates erred intentionally, more than 1/3 of the time the participant would go along with the group

describe solomon asch's famous experiment


drugs that reduce ________ subdue violence


educational researchers have noted that initial differences between groups of college students tend to _____

mastery of language

enables us to have preservation of innovation

mirror images

enemy perceptions often form ________

group polarization

enhancement of a group's prevailing tendencies; occurs when people within a group discuss an idea that most of them either favor or oppose

a small conciliatory gesture

even during intense personal conflict with no communication- ________ may work wonders

lesser evil

evil comes from people's compliance with

Taiwanese man wrote 700 letters 2 his girlfriend proposing to her- she married the mail carrier

explain the Taiwanese man incident

hostile, domineering

exposure to violent pornography fosters _______ attitudes and behaviors

brain responses

extensive experience in violent video games blunts ______ to violent images

some may slack off unless highly motivated and identified with their group

f group members share equally in benefits regardless of how much they contribute, what may happen?


failure to anticipate Pearl Harbor, escalation of Nam war, Watergate cover-up, Chernobyl nuclear reactor incident, the Challenger shuttle explosion, the Iraq WMB issue these are all examples of:

just world phenomenon

belief that good is rewarded and evil is punished

ingroup bias

favoring of one's own group


fear of _____ increases ingroup bias ex: after remembering 9/11 and their own mortality, people increased support for president W. Bush

scapegoat theory

finding someone to blame when things go wrong can provide a target for one's anger. After 9/11, people lashed out at innocent Arab Americans

inhibit produce

brains have neural systems that, when stimulated, either ________ or _______ aggressive behavior

personal space

buffer zone we like to maintain around our bodies, when it is invaded, we feel uncomfortable

building bridges

by acknowledging each cultures important contributions to today's world we can affirm our own culture while _______across cultural traditions

think about other's underlying needs and goals

by helping each side to _______, the mediator aims to replace a competitive win-lose situation with a mutually beneficial win-win situation

relax and enjoy one another embarrassment or insult

by knowing what is expected and how to act, we can ________ without fear of ________ or ______

what they deserve

bystanders often assume "people get _______" ex: just watching ppl receive painful shocks makes many ppl think less of them

others' opinions

if being right is important and we are unsure, we're more receptive to _____

blame the victim

if the circumstances of poverty breed a higher crime rate, someone can then use the crime rate to justify cont'd discrimination against the poor Gordan Allport called this the ________ dynamic

social exchange theory

if the rewards you anticipate from helping exceed the costs, you will help


if we think a person has more appealing traits, we see them as more ________

more crimes

in 2 groups, the one that listened to accounts of 10 violent crime remembered _______ than those that heard 10 non-violent ones

internal cultural differences

in Japan 99% of the country's 127 mill. ppl are of Japanese descent- ___________ are therefore minimal

individualistic countries

in _________, conformity rates are lower


in a group people view their contribution as _____


in categorizing people, we often ______ them, biasing our perceptions of their diversity

passionate love

intense positive absorption in another


foot in the door phenomenon works for good behaviors too True or False?


for most people, _____ is intrinsically rewarding


friendships most powerful predictor

frustration-aggression principle

frustration creates anger, which in some people may generate aggression, esp. in the presence of an aggressive cue, such as a gun

individualistic countries collectivist societies

fundamental distribution error is most common in _________; _______are more sensitive to the power of the situation


geographic nearness

*NYU women dressed in depersonalizing KKK hoods delivered 2xs the electric shock to a victim as an identifiable woman *tribal warriors who depersonalize themselves with facepaints or masks R more likely than those with exposed faces to kill or injure captured enemies rioting behaviors and internet

give some examples of people exhibiting deindividuation

compassionate love

given self-disclosing intimacy in addition to mutually supportive equality, odds are in the favor of enduring _______

other race effect/own race bias

great recognition for our own race faces


group thinking that is harmonious but unrealistic; enthusiasm and desire for harmony causes a suppression of dissenting views

group polarization

groups make more extreme decisions than the individual

categorize the world as "us" and "them"

grp members (who may be isolated with other like minded people in camps) increasingly _____

primitive, automatic

gut level prejudice may thus be a ________ emotional response

unconscious mimicry

he most eager to fit in with a group are especially prone to _______

exchange and cooperation

he power of cooperation to make friends out of enemies has lead psychs to urge increased international _________

"mood contagion"

hearing ppl read neutral texts in happy or sad- sounding voices creates a ________ in listeners

pornography consumption

high ________ has predicted greater sexual aggressiveness among University men

popular influential

holding consistently to a minority opinion doesn't always make you _______, but it will make you ______

neural systems

hormones, alcohol, and other substances in the blood influence the _________that control aggression

hen a leader welcomes various opinions, invites experts' critiques on developing plans, and assigns people to identify possible problems

how is groupthink prevented?

interracial friendships

replacing competitive classroom situations with cooperative ones promoted _________

more aggressive and less sensitive to cruelty

research has shown passively watching violence makes people _________

liking self-disclosure

self-disclosure breeds ________ and liking breeds _______


set of experiences about a social position

superordinate goals

shared goals that override the differences of groups and that can only be accomplished through cooperation

mood linkages

sharing up and down moods

most like us

ironically, we reserve our most intense dislike for those _______

when sitting close together, participants in an experiment like friendly people even more and mean ones even less

social facilitation increases other reactions, such as _______

our right to pursue our personal well-being our responsibility for the well-being of all

social traps challenge us to find ways of reconciling ________ with _________

compatible background and interests

some cultures say rather than on passionate love, people should choose a partner (or have someone choose for them) based on _________

time culture

standard of beauty reflect _____ and ______


is a perceived incompatibility of actions, goals,or ideas

compassionate love

is compassionate love or passionate love more enduring?

no in reality, expressing anger breeds more anger

is the catharsis hypothesis accurate?

eroticism sexual violence

it's not the__________, but the depictions of ___________ that most directly affect man's acceptance and performance of aggression against women

more hostile more fights and arguments worse grades

kids who play more violent video games see the world as ______, get into ______, and get ______

brain areas associated with reward

making charitable donations activates _______


media influence on sexual aggression is not a minor issue True/False?

watch more tv

men and women who _________ are more likely to accept the rape myth

physically aggressive

men who spend the most time playing violent vgs are the more________

social scripts

mental tapes for how to act provided by our culture


mere _____ is not always enough to reconcile conflicting parties ex: segregation within desegregated schools

when high prejudice students discussed racial issues, they became more prejudiced

name a bad result of group polarization

amplifies sought-after spiritual awareness or reinforces the resolve of those in a self-help group

name two good results of group polarization

social identity

numerical minorities are especially conscious of their ________

cruelty respond aggressively

observing tv violence tends to desensitize people to _______ and prime them to ______ when provoked

good reasoning situational causes

often attribute intentional, admirable actions to our own ______ > _______

communications skills, training them to control anger, and encouraging more thoughtful moral reasoning

one aggression-replacement program has brought down re-arrest rates of juvenile offenders and gang members by teaching the youths and their parents _______, ______, and _______


one first announces its recognition of mutual interests and its intent to reduce tensions; it then initiates one or more small conciliatory acts- without weakening its retaliatory ability, this modest beginning opens the door for reciprocity by the other party; should the enemy respond with hostility, one reciprocates in kind, but so too with a conciliatory response


one key to a gratifying and enduring relationship is ________

self interest maximize goals and minimize costs

one widely held view is that ________ underlies all human interactions, that our consistent goal is to ________

Informational social influence

one's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality; belief that groups may provide valuable information

feelings for a person

our _______ affects our perception of someone's attractiveness

fundamental attribution error

overestimating the influence of personality and underestimating the influence of situations


overgeneralized idea about a group of people


parent training programs advise a more _____ approach to raising children


people are most inclined to ___ those who live in the same neighborhor,, eat in the same cafeteria, etc

Normative Social influence

people conform to avoid rejection and gain social approval


people get better at recognizing individual faces from another group with ______

keep focused on what they are doing or where they are going

people in a group of strangers are more likely than in a solitary situation to _________ in the event of an emergency

its victims

people often justify their prejudice by blaming ________

Attribution theory

people usually attribute others' behavior either to their internal dispositions or external situations (Fritz Heider)

social pressures

strong ______ can weaken the attitude

the gap between reality and expectations the death or injury of a close friend or family members

poverty/ lack of education do not produce terrorists, _______ or ____ does

have been drinking

ppl who ______ commit 4/10 violent crimes, 3/4 acts of spousal abuse

falsehoods cruelty

strong social influences can make people conform to ____ or capitulate to ______

social facilitation

stronger performance in the presence of others

Stanely Milgram

student of Solomon Asch who studied the limits of obedience

Irving Janis

studied whether group interaction ever distorted important decisions; coined the term groupthink

brain damage

studies reveals 15/15 death row inmates had ________

Social psychologists

study how we think about, influence, and relate to one another

social loafing

tendency for people in a group to exert less effort than if they were individually accountable

mirror-image perceptions

tendency of people in conflict to see themselves as good and the other person as untrustworthy and evil intentioned

social loafing Bob Lanane

tending to work harder when doing a task alone then when in a group; this name came from ____

their non-game playing counterparts

the amount of violent video game players that have been in fights is 10xs that of _________


the behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values, and traditions shared by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next

the person appears to need and deserve help the person is in some way similar to us we have just observed someone else being helpful we are not in a hurry we are in a small town or rural area we are feeling guilty we are focused on others and not preoccupied we are in a good mood

the best odds of our helping someone occur when: ___


the most destructive force in our social relations is _______

majority influence

the power of one or two individuals to sway majorities

give about as much as we receive

the reciprocity norm compels us to ________

more and more women feel unhappy with their looks

the result of the American beauty race is _________


the revealing of intimate details about ourselves

two conflicting views

the truth must lie midway between ________


the unselfish regard for the welfare of others

prejudice scapegoat

there is increased ______ in economically frustrated people, and students who experience failure or are made to feel inferior; this is evidence of the _____ theory

trusting and cooperative

they are also more _______ with faces that look like their own


those made miserable often make others _______

helping the poor and infirm

those who attend religious services once a week report volunteering twice as much of their time _______ as those who don't

altering behavior

though we cannot directly control our feelings, we can influence them by _______

social identities

through our _________we associate ourselves with certain groups and contrast ourselves with others

others to denigrate

to boost our own sense of status, it helps to have _________

model sensitivity and cooperation from an early age

to foster a kinder, gentler, world we had best _______

division of labor

ulture enables an efficiet ________- commitment and coordination of men and women to accomplish more tasks no one could do alone

chameleon effect

unconsciously mimicking others' expressions, postures, and voice tones

to feel what they are feeling (empathy)

unconsciously mimicking others' expressions, postures, and voice tones helps us _______

*one is made to feel incompetent *the group in unanimous *one admire's the groups status and attractiveness *one has made no prior commitment to any response *others in the group observe one's behavior *one's culture strongly encourages respect for social standards

under what conditions do conformity increase?

social norms

understood rules for accepted and expected behavior

uncommitted sex

viewing porn leads viewers to trivialize rape, devalue their partners, and engage in ________

intelligence scores serotonin testosterone

violent criminals tend to be muscular young males with lower than average ________, low levels of _______, and higher than average _________ levels

lasting relationship

when both partners freely give and receive, when they share decision-making- their chance for a _________ are good

how behavior changes changes with the situation

when explaining the behavior of those we know well and see in varied situations, we are sensitive to _____

applaud those who are "open minded" and "sensitive enough to respond" scorn others' "submissive Conformity"

when influence supports what we believe, we ______; when we don't approve, we________


when kindness and obedience were on a collision course, ________ usually won

peripheral route

when people respond to incidental cues, such as endorsements by respected people, and make snap judgements

diffusion of responsibility

when people share responsibility for helping someone, there is a _______

accepting of the praise

when plain looking people are praised for their work, they are more _____ than attractive people

the least the 2nd most the most

when receiving identical applications, those with the name Tyrell Jackson got ______ approval, Al-Rahman got _______, Patrick McDougal got _______ (the most, 2nd most, the least)

analyze why people act as they do

when the when the unexpected happens, we ______

social prescriptions

when you adopt a new role, you strive to follow _________

In a crowded room

where are gatherings more fun and comedians more entertaining?

mere exposure effect

within certain limits, familiarity breeds fondness


women are more likely to get help than men True/False?

women men feminized

women like ______ more than men like ________; ppl prefer slightly more _______faces


A shared predicament and superordinate desire to overcome it likewise had a powerful effect in what major event?

compassionate love

As love matures, it becomes a steadier _______


Canadian and US Sex offenders report a greater than usual appetite for _______

nature diversity

Capacity for culture enables our striking group differences. In other words, human ______ manifests human _______


2/3 of US citizens said that they would rather have a boy True/ False?

violent pornography

21 social scientists produced the consensus that watching ________, rather than being an outlet for pent up impulses, increases punitive behavior toward women

personal control

3 individual soldiers asserted ________ in response to the horrors of Abu Grahaib

attitude formation

Advertising is ALL based on ________

situation self serving bias

After behaving badly, we also recognize how the ______ affected our own behavior; this is an example of ______


Aggression is learned, but ______ does influence aggression

biology experience

Aggression research shows behavior emerges from the interaction of _______ and ________

father absent

American male youths from ________ homes have double their peers' incarceration rates

video games

Anderson and his colleagues believe _______ have an even greater effect on aggressive behavior than violent movies & tv

these things would never happen to them

Blaming the victim of injustice serves to reassure people that _______

former subgroups

Cooperation has especially positive effects when it leads people to define a new, inclusive group that dissolves their _______

the 4 degree increase of global warming

Craig Anderson predicts that _________could induce 50,000 additional assaults and murders in the US alone

*earners grunted with shocks 3-5 *shock 8 (mod. shock, 120 volts) makes the learned shout out in pain *shock 10 ( strong shock 150 volts) makes the learner plea for the teacher to stop (if you try to back out at this point, experimenter insists that you go on) *After 330 volt level (switch 22) learner refuses to answer *still experimenter pushed you toward the final 450 (XXX danger) shock level

Describe the important points in Milgram's experiment


Different _________ model, reinforce, and evoke different tendencies toward violence


Differing norms befuddle when cultures ________

racism and war

Dividing the world into "us" and "them" creates __________, but also provides the benefits of communal solidarity


Do men or women get payed more for their work?

hard and important

Do people conform more when a task is easy and important or hard and important?


Do video games teach, or release, violence?

by having a confederate work in a room alongside study participants. When the confederate shook his foot or rubbed his face, participants would do so also

How did Tanya Chartrand and John Bergh demonstrate automatic mimicry?

third party mediator

When real life conflicts get intense, a _________ may facilitate much needed communication

False just identical ones do

Identical and fraternal twins share aggression True/ False?


Ideological separation + ______ = polarization between groups

decreased racial prejudice

Immediately following school desegregation, and civil rights Act of 1964, white americans expressed _________

"modern prejudice"

In W. Europe, _______ - rejecting immigrant minorities as job applicant for supposedly non-racial reasons- has replaced blatant racism


In countries with sex-selective abortions, what gender is the most often killed?

the presence of others

In each of the steps to helping in a situation, _____ turns people away from the path that leads to helping

doing believing

In foot-in-the-door phenomenon, _______ becomes _______

increasing trust and cooperation

In lab experiments, GRIT has been an effective strategy for __________

cultural diversity

In separate regions of the world with homogeneous ethnic groups ______ is less relevant

those experiencing escalating intimacy felt closer to their partner than those who had spent the time with small-talk

In the experiment that paired college students through 45 minutes of increasing self-disclosing conversation, which people felt closer to their partners?

personal space expressiveness pace of life

In what three major ways do cultures vary?

Low ball

Make a request, secure it, then apply hidden costs

personal situational influence

Managers attribute poor performance to _________; employees attribute it to _____

*person giving the orders was close at hand and perceived to be a legit authority figure *When authority figure was supported by prestigious institution. *the victim was personalized or at a distance, even in another room *there were no models for defiance.

Milgram found that obedience was highest with what factors?

self-fulfilling prophecies

Mirror image perceptions often feed a vicious cycle of hostility by becoming __________; they confirm themselves by influencing the "enemy" to react in ways that seem to justify them

That's not all

Offer an additional product to someone in order to entice them and increase desirability

about 40% more pressure than they had received

On average, when people are supposed to return the same amount of pressure they received, they responded with ________


On tougher tasks (learning nonsense syllables or solving complex multiplication problems) people perform more/less well when others working on the same task are present

flight- or- flight

Organisms respond with ________ to stress

between 3-9 months

Other race effect emerges when?

our surrounding culture

Our human readiness to learn from and adapt to those around us includes the influences of _____

our values

Our view of whether social influence is good or bad depends on ______


Overt prejudice doesn't exist anymore True or False?

greater availability

Part of the reason proximity affects attraction if the ______ of those we often meet

pace of life punctuality

Peace Corps. volunteers say that after languages, ________and differing senses of ________ were their two biggest culture shocks


People acting as part of a group feel less ________ and therefore worry less about what others think

sounds like theirs

People are more likely to marry someone whose first or last name ______

race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender

People are prejudice about what 5 things?

responses to provocation

People in conflict tend to see their own actions as __________, not as causes of what happens next

most people prefer

People see women as possessing traits that _______

frequency of dating, feelings of popularity, other's impressions of them

People's physical attractiveness also predicts their ______, ______, and ______

pressure to conform with the group or withhold criticism, and collective rationalization

Personnel of the WMD issue showed several aspects of groupthink: examining few alternatives, selective gathering of information, _____, ______

point of view traits

Reflecting on our past selves 5-10 years ago also switches ____ we adopt an observers pov and attribute more to our _____

liking of them

Repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases our ______

the Y chromosomes

Researchers are searching for genetic markers found in those who commit the most violence (one well known gene is ________)

shared predicaments goals

Sherif used _______ and _______ to reconcile the enemies and make them friends

love economic need rights

Since the 1960s, today's women are more likely to marry for _____ and less likely to endure abusive relationships out of _______; minority groups enjoy expanded _______

men in individualistic cultures

Social loafing occurs everywhere, especially among _____

social scripts

Social psychs attribute the media's influence partly to the _______ that they portray

*men like women who look young *women like men that look healthy, mature, dominant, affluent *people prefer average looks

Some aspects of beauty cross place and time, such as:

divorces, delinquency, and depression

Some negative changes from the 1960s are increasing _______, _______, and _____


Sometimes norms can feel ______, like in the social enforcement of dress codes

align our attitudes with our actions

The increasing dissonance we feel for a troubling action, the more motivated we are to ________

people who get together because of a grievance as they interact in isolation from any moderating influences

Terrorist mentality usually arises among ____ and the intensifies as ______

*emotions have two key ingredients *arousal form any source can increase one emotion or another

That things does the two factor theory of love assume?

facilitates aggression when stimulated

The brain does not have a "violence center" which produces aggression, rather it has a neural system that ________

legitimate close at hand authorities

The power of ______ is apparent in stories of those who carried out Holocaust atrocities

each other a clock

Triplett's cyclists' performance times are better against _____ than against _______

*with conflicting co-workers *interracial contact in S. Africa *heterosexuals with gay family members or close friends

What are some examples of when contact can help conflicting parties?

Suicide and school shootings

What are to negative effects of suggestibility?

Williams College students attributed a girl's behavior to personal disposition even when told her behavior was situational

What experiment by David Napolitan and George illustrated fundamental attribution error?

after the rape/stabbing of Kitty Genovese who was attacked outside of her apartment and with no help from any her 38 neighbors who did not even call the police until 20 minutes after the attacker fled

What incident caused social psychologist's to begin to study altruism?

When people are in a good mood, they are more generous and more eager to help

What is the most consistent finding in all of psychology?

disruption of camp water supply that needed all 22 boys to fix it buying DVDs took the boys pooled resources stalled truck need all the boys to move it

What kind of superordinate goals did Muzafer Sherif use in his experiment?

Physical attractiveness

What most predicts our initial attraction to a person?

they often didn't survive to reproduce

What often happened to our predecessors who didn't band together in groups?

Elaine Hatfield

What psychologist focuses on the different kinds of romantic love?

foot in the door phenomenon

What tactic did Milgram use to gain compliance?

Karen Dill, Craig Anderson, Douglas Gentile

What three scientists did extensive studies on the effect of violent video games?

mention a slight heart condition 65% complied fully

When Milgram repeated his experiments, what did he ask the learner to do? How did this effect the study?

stereotyped rigid difficult, impossible

When conflicts intensify, images become more _______, judgements more _______ , and communication more _______, or even ______.

others' strangers we have observed in only one type of situation

When explaining ______ behavior, we often commit fundamental attribute error; this is especially true of _____

as not inviting rape

When hearing the same account of a woman who was raped with the rape part taken out, how do people often perceive her behavior?

infer from the unaffected demeanor of other ppl that the situation is not an emergency

When in a group of people if a person notices something unusual, they may __________

cognitive dissonance theory

When one becomes aware that their actions and attitudes don't coincide, we develop tension which is relieved once we bring our actions in line with our attitudes

responsive to the group experience

Wherever you are, to lose self-consciousness is to become more __________

John Darley Bibb Latane

Which two psychologist were known for their studies on the factors that encourage altruism?

Tanya Chartrand and John Bergh

Who created the term "chameleon effect"

Muzafer Sherif Placed 22 OC boys in two separate areas of a BS camp, then made them compete against each other Before long, each group developing pride for itself Sheriff then used superordinate goals in order to turn the enemies into comrades

Who made the experiment that tested cooperation among 22 boys in a Boys Scout Camp? Describe the experiment

Leon Festinger

Who proposed the cognitive dissonance theory?


babies and blind people are affected by the physical attractiveness of people True/ False


bad situations turn some people into rotten apples True/ False

central route persuasion

because central route persuasion/ peripheral route persuasion if more thoughtful and less superficial, it is more durable and more likely to influence behavior

Door in the Face phenomenon

begins with a request that is likely to be denied and then substituted with a lesser alternative

genetic, neural, and biochemical

biology influences at three levels: ______


committed ________ can sway the majority and make history


in our eyes we are individuals in a crowd of ____

hit back harder

in responding to perceived provocation, poeple often ________ though perceiving themselves as merely getting even

our collective well-being

in some situations, we harm ________ by pursuing our personal interests.

our personal interests

in some situations, we support our collective well-being by pursuing _______

well-learned tasks unmastered tasks

in the presence of others we perform _____ more quickly and easily and _____ less

reduce prejudice

indirect contact with a member of an outgroup (via story reading or friends of friends) tends to ________

socially excluded aggression

people who feel ______ are more likely to insult or deliver a blast of noise to those who have insulted them; rejection intensifies ______

six years old

prejudice can develop as early as _______

attitude behavior

prejudice is a negative ______, discrimination is a negative________

regulations, better communications, promoting awareness of our responsibilities

psychologists are therefore searching for ways to convince people to cooperate for their mutual betterment through ______, ______, and _____

a minority that flip flops (waffles)

psychologists found that minority that holds it's position unswervingly is far better at swaying a majority than _______

reciprocity norm

the expectation that we should return help, not harm, to those who have helped us

catharsis hypothesis

the idea that we feel better if we blow off steam by venting our emotions

group bound

we are a ________ species - there is safety in numbers


we define who we are partly in terms of our ______

our groups outgroups "they all look alike"

we recognize difference between people in ______, but not of people in _____. What is an example of this?

healthier, happier, and more sensitive, more successful, socially skilled; honest or compassionate

we see attractive people as ________ though not more ______ or ______

social-responsibility norm

we should help help those who need our help- young children and others who cannot give as much as they receive- even if the costs outweigh the benefits

a situation enables us to notice and incident, interpret it as an emergency, and then assume responsibility for helping

we will only help in a situation if _________

physical arousal cognitive appraisal

what are the two key ingredients to emotion?

makes one's own partner seem less attractive, makes a woman's friendliness seem more sexual, and makes sexual aggression seem less serious

what effect does repeatedly watching x-rated films have?

beliefs, role models, interactions with one another, and their own initial acts

what factors allowed the defiant people of Chambon to remain resistant?

those who attend religious services once a week

what kind of people tend to exhibit the social- responsibility norm?

Solomon Asch

what psychologist was famous for his studies on conformity?

central wave persuasion peripheral route

what two ways do tidal waves of change occur?

men like men and women like women when the face they are looking at incorporates some of their own features

what were the findings of Lise DiBruine?

with access to the control switch for that electrode, one small monkey would push the button every time the boss became domineering

when a leader of a caged monkey colony had an electrode on the part of his brain that inhibits aggression, what would happen?

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