AP Psych Units 1-2 Test Review

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hindsight bias

"Monday morning quarterbacks" rarely act surprised about the outcome of weekend football games. This tendency to believe they knew how the game would turn out is best explained by which psychological principle?

The writer pulls the name of five students from a hat that contains all students' names. She interviews the five selected students

A journalism student is writing an article about her school's new cell-phone policy, and she'd like to interview a random sample of students. Which of the following is the best example of a random sample?

a. educational psychology

A psychologist investigated the methods teachers use to enhance student learning. In which of the following subfield is the psychologist most likely working? a. educational psychology b. experimental psychology c. school psychology d. social psychology e. forensic psychology

d. counseling

A psychologist works with children whose parents are divorcing. She helps them develop skills they need to cope with the situation. Which of the following psychologists is most likely to be helping these children? a. industrial-organizational b. social c. research d. counseling e. community

This is the minimum result typically considered statistically significant

A researcher calculates statistical significance for her study and finds a 5 percent chance that results are due to chance. Which of the following is an accurate interpretation of this finding?

naturalistic observation

A researcher looking for gender differences in 3-year-olds observes a preschool class and records how many minutes children of each gender play with dolls. She then compares the two sets of numbers. What type of descriptive research is she conducting?


A testable prediction that drives research is known as a(n)


According to the behavioral perspective, psychological science should be rooted in what?

hindsight bias

After the student council election, a friend tells you he could have guessed who would be elected president. What psychological phenomenon might his illustrate?

case study

An individual with an exceptional memory is identified. She is capable of recalling major events , the weather and what she did on any given date. What research method is being used if a psychologist conducts an in-depth investigation of this individual including a questionnaire, brain scans, and memory scans?

Wilhelm Wundt

By seeking to measure "atoms of the mind," who established the first psychology laboratory?

Summarize data; determine if data can be generalized to other populations.

Descriptive statistics ______ while, inferential statistics_____.

health psychologist

Dwayne is interested in helping people make good decisions regarding their physical well-being. Dwayne should consider a career as a(n)


In a drug study, neither the participants nor the person distributing the pills knows who is receiving the new drug and who is receiving the placebo. This type of research is desgined to be a(n) ___ study.

the temperature of the room

In an experiment to test the effects of room temperature on test performance the independent variable is


In normal distribution, what percentage of the scores in the distribution falls within one standard deviation on either side of the mean?

b. Martin Seligman

Positive psychology, which studies the ideas behind human flourishing, is connected to which psychologist? a. John Locke b. Martin Seligman c. Charles Darwin d. Sigmund Freud e. John Watson

are medical doctors licensed to prescribe medication

Psychiatrists differ from clinical psychologists in that they ...?

random sample

Researchers are interested in finding out if voters are more likely to vote for congressional candidates who have more pleasant facial expressions. Starting at a random point, the researchers contact every hundredth person on the voter list to ask about candidate facial expressions. Which method are the researchers using in choosing the people they will call?

Income and sleep levels are positively correlated

Researchers have discovered that individuals with lower income levels report having fewer hours of sleep. Therefore,

there are more similarities than differences between the genders

Researchers studying gender have found that


Self-reflective introspection about the elements of experience best describes a technique used by which school of psychology?

the nature-nurture issue

The debate about the relative contributions of biology and experience to human development is most often referred to as what?

the test scores

The dependent variable in this case study is

reduce potential confounding variables

The purpose of random assignment is to


The study of our human potential for personal growth has been a focus of which psychological perspective?

We can conclude that a student who watches a lot of TV is likely to have lower grades

There is a negative correlation between TV watching and grades. What can we conclude from this research finding?


What is the range of the following: 12, 25, 33, 40, 80?

Provide participants with enough information about a study to enable a rational decision about whether to participate

What must a researcher do to fulfill the ethical principal of informed consent?

Wundt and his students gathered data about human thinking and behavior in a laboratory setting

What was the main difference between the psychological thinking of Wilhelm Wundt and earlier philosophers who were also interested in thinking and behavior?


Which ethical principal requires that at the end of the study participants be told about the true purpose of the research?


Which measure of central tendency is most influenced by outliers (data that is extremely different from other data in the set)?


Which method should a psychology researcher use if she is interested in testing whether a specific reward in the classroom situation causes students to behave better?

can dolphins learn simple language?

Which of the following animal studies is most likely to receive approval?

Groups A & C

Which of the following are the experiment group(s) of this study

c. Measuring the reaction time between hearing a sound and pressing a button

Which of the following correctly describes research typical of Wilhelm Wundt's first psychology laboratory? a. Testing ESP using a wall to observe auras above participants' head b. Using a brain scanning device to determine the impact events have on brain function c. Measuring the reaction time between hearing a sound and pressing a button d. Studying helping behavior, based on the premise that people are good e. Making careful observations of animal spirits


Which of the following correlation coefficients represents the strongest relationship between two variables?

Our commonsense thinking about human thoughts and behaviors is not always accurate

Which of the following demonstrates the need for psychological science?

Participants in a drug study are given an inert pill instead of the drug and behave as though they were given the drug

Which of the following describes the placebo effect?

2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Which of the following groups of scores would have the smallest standard deviation?

c. nature-nurture

Which of the following is a major issue in modern-day psychology? a. Evolutionary-biological b. social-cultural-biopsychosocial c. nature-nurture d. psychodynamic-cognitive e. social-cultural-behavioral

People who exercise regularly are more likely to be overweight

Which of the following is a positive correlation?

The information learned may not apply to the wider population

Which of the following is a potential problem with case studies?

b. using psychological concepts to boost worker productivity

Which of the following is an example of applied research? a. investigating personality traits b. using psychological concepts to boost worker productivity c. experimenting with how people perceive different stimuli d. studying the changing abilities of children from ages 2-5 e. exploring the neutral changes that occur during adolescence

d. Alliyah, after reading a definition on one of her flahscards, turns the card over to see the term and then tells herself she knew what the answer was all along

Which of the following is an example of hindsight bias? a. Armend is certain that electric cars will represent 80 percent of vehicles in 20 years and only reads research studies that support his hypothesis b. Liza underestimates how much time it will take her to finish writing her college application essays and as a result fails to meet an important deadline. c. experts predicting world events with 80 percent confidence turned out to be correct less than 40 percent of the time d. Alliyah, after reading a definition on one of her flahscards, turns the card over to see the term and then tells herself she knew what the answer was all along e. Dr. Grace overestimates how effectively her new treatment method works because she fails to seek out any evidence refuting her theory.

People who spend more time exercising tend to weigh less

Which of the following is an example of negative correlation?

choosing a representative sample

Which of the following is most important when conducting survey research?

Participants should always be informed of the hypothesis of the study before they agree to participate

Which of the following is not an ethical principle regarding experimental research on humans?

Eating cookies or mint candy tends to improve memory recall

Which of the following is the best conclusion for this study?

Group B

Which of the following is/are the control group(s) of this study

d. cognitive

Which of the following kinds of psychologists would most likely explore how we process and remember information? a. developmental b. biological c. social d. cognitive e. personality

d. cognitive

Which of the following perspectives is most likely to address how the encoding, storing, and retrieval of information may alter our thoughts? a. evolutionary b. psychodynamic c. humanistic d. cognitive e. biological

a. psychodynamic

Which of the following perspectives would be most likely to examine the unconscious motives of a person who is overly aggressive on the basketball court? a. psychodynamic b. social-cultural c. behavioral d. evolutionary e. humanistic

a. positive psychologist

Which of the following professionals focuses on the study of human flourishing and the attainment of a happy, meaningful life? a. positive psychologist b. evolutionary psychologist c. behavioral psychologist d. cognitive psychologist e. psychotherapy

a. community

Which of the following psychologists most strongly emphasize that human behavior is powerfully influenced by the interaction between people and their physical, social, political, and economic environments? a. community b. evolutionary c. educational d. industrial-organizational e. rehabilitation

b. clinical

Which of the following psychologists would most likely conduct psychotherapy? a. biological b. clinical c. industrial-organizational d. cognitive e. evolutionary

Are people more likely to vote Republican or Democrat in the next election?

Which of the following questions is best investigated by a survey?

Researchers observe students' seating patterns in the cafeteria

Which of the following represents naturalistic observation?

e. developmental

Which of the following would be most likely to investigate biological, psychological, cognitive, and social changes overa lifetime? a. educational b. experimental c. social d. cognitive e. developmental

Rene Descartes

Which philosopher proposed that nerve pathways allowed for reflexes?


Which psychological perspective is most likely to focus on how our interpretation of a situation affects how we react to it?

distributed practice

Which psychological principle best explains why studying an hour per day for a week is more effective than one 7 hour study session?


Which school of thought in psychology focused on the adaptive nature of thinking and how our consciousness evolves to meet our needs?

cognitive neuroscience

Which subfield or perspective is most interested studying the link between mental activity and brain activity?

it is unaffected by previous answers. it is as likely to be "c" as any other answer

While taking a standardized test with randomly scrambled answers, you notice that your last four answers have been "c." Which is true concerning the probability of the next answer being "c"?

a. human factors psychologist

Who among the following would most likely study the interaction of people, machines, and physical environment? a. Human factors psychologist b. personality psychologist c. industrial-organizational psychologist d. counseling psychologist e. educational psychologist

John Locke

Who coined the term "tabula rasa" (blank slate) to help explain the impact experience has on shaping an individual?

An operational definition allows others to replicate the study

Why is an operational definition necessary when reporting research findings?

c. Psychology should focus on observable behavior

With which of the following statements would John B. Watson most likely agree? a. Psychology should study the growth potential in all people b. Psychology should study the unconscious mind c. Psychology should focus on observable behavior d. Psychology should study mental thought processes e. Psychology should study how culture and beliefs impact an individual

standard deviation

a student is interested in knowing how widely the academic aptitude of college-bound students varies at her school. what statistic method should she use to determine how much students' sat scores vary from the schools' average sat score?

the mean, median, and mode are all the same number

in a perfectly normal distribution of scores, which of the following statements is true?

the food treatment

the independent variable in this study is

re-create psychological forces under controlled conditions

the laboratory environment is designed to


the science of behavior and mental processes is the definition of what field of study?


the tendency to exaggerate the correctness or accuracy of our beliefs and predictions is called

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