Psychology Unit 2 Chapters 6-10

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A two-year-old child's family has a pet rabbit. When they visit the zoo for the first time, the child sees a hamster and calls it a rabbit because of its similar physical features. According to Piaget, which cognitive process within the child will best correct the child's misunderstanding?


_________ is a mechanism that would help preserve life in times of famine.​

Adaptive thermogenesis

Richard is 67 years old. His family no longer allows him to go anywhere alone because he often forgets his name and address along with his way home. In addition, Richard is unable to follow instructions and do simple chores like he used to. Which disease does Richard most likely have?

Alzheimer's disease

_________ enables us to solve problems and acquire new knowledge, and it is the type of intelligence measured by standard intelligence tests.​

Analytical intelligence

_________ means responding to a new stimulus through existing cognitive structures.​


_________ are mental categories used to group together objects, relations, events, abstractions, or qualities that have common properties.


_________ is the ability to generate novel and useful solutions to problems.​


_____ is the capacity to communicate information about events and objects in another time or place.


_____ is the loss of memory of personal information that is thought to stem from psychological conflict or trauma.​

Dissociative amnesia

Which of the following is true of the resolution phase of the sexual response cycle?

During this phase, men enter a refractory period.

_________ is the sensory register that briefly holds mental representations of auditory stimuli.​

Echoic memory

Which of the following is a feature of Erikson's intimacy versus isolation stage?

Establishment of close relationships

_________ is the degree to which the variations in a trait from one person to another can be attributed to, or explained by, genetic factors.​


_____ individuals are people who are sexually aroused by, and interested in forming romantic relationships with, people of the other gender.​


_________ are rules of thumb that help us simplify and solve problems.​


Which of the following is a biological factor responsible for obesity?

High fat-to-muscle ratio

_____ individuals are people who are sexually aroused by, and interested in forming romantic relationships with, people of the same gender. ​


According to Arnett, which of the following is a feature of the stage of emerging adulthood?

Identity exploration

Anaya is a teenager who has just started wearing braces. She hates going to school anymore because she thinks that everyone is looking at her and laughing. She believes that she must look her best at all times. Which concept of Piaget's adolescent egocentrism is best depicted in this scenario?

Imaginary audience

_________ is a process in which an organism responds to a stimulus in a manner that will afterward be difficult to modify.


_________ is a general mental capability that involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.​


Which of the following is a feature of a child's motor development?

It is dependent on brain maturation of the child.

Which of the following is true about anterograde amnesia?

It is the failure to remember the events that occurred after a physical trauma.

Which of the following statements is true about retroactive interference?

It is the interference of new learning with the ability to retrieve material learned previously.

_________ is a state of deprivation.


A mother is playing with her eight-month-old son. She places an object in front of her son and then takes it away. She notices that her son begins to look for the object. Which aspect of Piaget's sensorimotor stage of development is depicted in the scenario?

Object permanence

_________ is also termed as modeling.​

Observational learning

_________ are nonsense syllables presented in pairs in experiments that measure recall.​

Paired associates

_____ is an example of a psychological need.​


_________ are simple, inborn responses elicited by specific stimuli.​


_________ of stored information means locating it and returning it to consciousness.​


_________ is the type or stage of memory that is first encountered by a stimulus.​

Sensory memory

Which of the following is a characteristic of the fetal stage of prenatal development?

The fetus alternates between wakefulness and sleep.

Which of the following is true of children specifically in the concrete operational stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory?

They show the capacity for adult logic involving tangible objects.

Karen Horney believed that the view that girls feel inferior to boys was based on _____.

Western cultural prejudice

Jason, straining his eyes on the deck of a ship, is trying to memorize distant landmarks to the harbor entrance; he is trying to create a mental picture of all the names. He is using _____.​

a visual code

A(n) _________ is a stimulus or group of stimuli that are perceived as a discrete piece of information.​


When Claire was baking an apple pie, the odor of the pie triggered some memories of her childhood. She remembered playing with her younger brother in the living room while her mother baked apple pies. Her memory is an example of a(n) _____.​

context-dependent memory

​Mark and Mindy have two daughters. Their older daughter moved to a different city to pursue her graduate studies a few years ago. Now their younger daughter has finished high school and is moving to a different country for her undergraduate studies. After the younger daughter leaves, Mindy is bereft and is unable to figure out what to do with her free time. This scenario best illustrates the _____.

empty-nest syndrome

Ten-year-old Joshua knows that snakes are reptiles and all reptiles are animals. Joshua's concept of animal is _____.​


A(n) _________ is a single word used by children to express complex meanings.


When a child utters "baba," it may mean, "I want my bottle," or "Where is my bottle?" or "that's my bottle." These single words used by children to express many things are known as _____.​


Viola has just come back from work and is experiencing hunger pangs. She quickly makes a sandwich which satisfies her hunger. The return to the normal bodily function without the hunger pangs is called _____. ​


The drive-reduction theory of Hull states that:

hunger and pain trigger arousal and activate behavior.

Motives are:

inferred from behavior.

In Gestalt psychology, a(n) _________ is a sudden perception of relationships among elements of the mentally represented elements of a problem that permits its solution.​


To remember the names of all the countries in Asia, Jennifer is mentally repeating all the country names several times. This scenario illustrates _____.​

maintenance rehearsal

The _________ of language development holds that the inborn factors—which make up children's nature—cause children to attend to and acquire language in certain ways.​

nativist theory

The _________ is the branch of the autonomic nervous system that is most active during processes that restore reserves of energy to the body.

parasympathetic nervous system

The Electra complex develops in the _________ of psychosexual development.​

phallic stage

The Oedipus complex develops in the _________ of psychosexual development.​

phallic stage

Once we have learned the multiplication tables, the recall of six times six is relatively automatic due to _____.​


Sigmund Freud was the first to develop the _____ of personality.​

psychodynamic theories

According to _________, language acquisition involves the interaction of environmental influences.​

psycholinguistic theory

Skinner believed that the effects of _________ on behavior should be emphasized.


Erikson's term for lack of clarity in one's life roles is__________.

role diffusion

In humanistic theory, the innate tendency to strive to realize one's potential is called _________.​


Striving to become what you are capable of being is termed as _____.​


The ----_____ is the feeling that information is stored in memory although it cannot be readily retrieved.​

tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

According to Freud, the ego is guided by the _____.​

​reality principle

Timmy's father does not demonstrate affection with Timmy, forces Timmy to act in specific ways, and does not allow Timmy to ever disagree with him. According to Diana Baumrind's theory on parenting styles, Timmy's father displays a(n) _____ style of parenting.​


Katie is a very skilled in-line skater and a tap dancer. Her skills are a part of her _____.​

implicit memory

According to psycholinguistic theory, the inborn tendency to acquire language is called a _____.​

language acquisition device

The _________ functions according to the moral principle.​


A(n) _________ is a fertilized egg cell.​


The _________ is a problem affecting female athletes involving low availability of energy and loss of bone density.​

​female athlete triad

​Joan is a ten-year-old girl with a mental age of twelve. According to Stern,Joan's IQ is _____.


_____ are male sex hormones that further masculinize the sex organs in the embryonic stage of prenatal development.​


Daniella thinks that she is extremely overweight despite having a normal body weight. She avoids eating food and recently has lost a lot of weight. Even after this, she continues to think that she is overweight. Which eating disorder is Daniella most likely suffers from?

Anorexia nervosa

A two-year-old child has a pet dog called Sophie. The child visits her neighbor's house and sees their pet dog. Even though the neighbor's dog is larger and of a different color, the child points to it and calls it a dog. Which of Piaget's cognitive processes is the child demonstrating?


Alina thinks that she is overweight even if she is not. She often indulges in binge eating and later vomits the food out forcefully. Which eating disorder is Alina most likely suffering from?

Bulimia nervosa

_____ developed the psychodynamic theory called analytical psychology.​

Carl Jung

Jim overhears a classmate explaining to a friend that people are free to do what they choose with their lives and that the meaning of their lives is what they give to it. He further explains that people have unique ways of looking at the world, known as unique frame of reference. The classmate is describing the views of _____.​

Carl Rogers

_________ is the maintenance of detailed visual memories over several minutes.

Eidetic imagery

A psychology professor argues that the nature of the mother-infant relationship and social relationships are more crucial determinants of personality than sexual urges. In addition, she argues that we are conscious architects of our own personality. The professor's views are closest to those of _____.​

Erik Erikson

_________ in part reflects the horrors of mass destruction of human life through war and genocide, frequent events in the 20th century.​


_________ tend to define themselves in terms of their personal identities and to give priority to their personal goals.​


_________ is the inability to recall events that occur prior to the age of three or so.​

Infantile amnesia

Which of the following is a feature of the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)?

It contains cards with drawings that are subject to various interpretations.

Which of the following is true about elaborative rehearsal?

It involves extending the semantic meaning of the letters that need to be remembered.

Which of the following is true about maintenance rehearsal?

It involves mentally repeating a list or saying the information to oneself.

Which of the following statements is true about a schema?

It is a way of mentally representing the world that can influence perceptions.

Which of the following statements is true about long-term memory?

It is analogous to a biochemical "hard drive."

Which of the following statements is true about explicit memory?

It is the memory of things that are clearly stated or explained.

Which of the following is true about the serial position effect?

It is the tendency to recall more accurately the first and last items on a list.

Which of the following is true of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

It states that humans are motivated by a desire for personal growth.

Which of the following is true of the evolutionary perspective of motivation?

It states that instinctive behaviors are genetically transmitted.

Which of the following is true of estrogen production in females?

It stimulates the growth of tissue in the hips

Nadine has a newborn baby boy. The first time her husband turned on the television, the baby drew up his legs and arched his back in response to the sudden noise.In this scenario, the baby exhibited the _____.​

Moro reflex

_________ is the state in which an organism experiences an inducement or incentive to do something.​


Richard has not been successful in getting a job despite several efforts. Thinking about his failure, Richard has started going under depression. He feels helpless and hopeless about his situation and even feels suicidal at times. What other symptom is most likely to be associated with Richard's condition?

Parasympathetic arousal

_________ refers to the reasonably stable patterns of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another.


Aria works at a marketing research firm.Whenever she processes information, she disregards information that does not fit in with her idea so as to eliminate discrepancies. This behavior is consistent with _____.​

Piaget's cognitive developmental theory

_____ is the field of psychology that is about personal well-being and satisfaction; joy, sensual pleasure, and happiness; and optimism and hope for the future.​

Positive psychology

_________ enables people to deal with other people, including difficult people, and to meet the demands of their environment.​

Practical intelligence

_________ is the period of physical development during which sexual reproduction first becomes possible.​


_________ is the turning of an infant's head toward a touch.​


_________ is the state of being satisfied.


_________ is the quality of language in which words are used as symbols for objects, events, or ideas.​


Which of the following is a characteristic of polygraphs for lie detection?

Tense muscles will reduce their accuracy.

Emmett is 21 years old. He finished his undergraduate studies and found a job. After a few months, he quit and joined another firm with a different job description. In the same year, he switched apartments more than once, with minimal furniture. Which of Jeffrey Arnett's five features of emerging adulthood is best depicted in the scenario?

The age of instability

Which of Jeffrey Arnett's five features of emerging adulthood is defined by people having an optimistic belief that the world lies before them?

The age of possibilities

A pregnant woman visits her doctor for a scheduled ultrasound. She hears the strong heartbeat of her baby. She is able to see the fingers and toes of the baby. She also tells the doctor that she frequently feels the baby kick. Which stage of prenatal development is best depicted in the scenario?

The fetal stage

Dana can only remember a few of the first and last items on her grocery list. Which of the following is this an example of?

The serial-position effect

Which of the following is a feature of the germinal stage of prenatal development?

The zygote divides repeatedly while moving to the uterus

Which of the following is a feature of Erikson's trust versus mistrust stage of psychosocial development in children?

They are dependent on their primary caregivers.

_________ are parents who generally leave their children to themselves.

Uninvolved parents

Which of the following is a difference between James-Lange's theory and Cannon-Bard's theory?

Unlike Cannon-Bard's theory, James-Lange's theory says that emotions are produced by bodily changes.

Which of the following is true of satiety?

We get signals of satiety from the digestive tract.

Which of the following is true about the storage of information in long-term memory?

We tend to organize information in order of their hierarchy.

Ludwig, a cellist, is memorizing a musical composition just by listening to it, without referring to the sheet music. He most likely is using a(n) _____.​

acoustic code

Albert lost the keys to his car sometime between the time he locked it and his return to the car about three hours later. Albert came up with a formula to find the keys;he retraced his steps, going to all of the places he visited after he initially locked the car. Albert eventually found the keys on his office desk. Albert used a(n) _____ to find his keys.​


The _________ is a part of the limbic system involved in discriminating emotions, including fear.​


To test the problem-solving skills of her son, Tiffany asks her son to reorganize groups of scrambled words such as, "skosc,""odg,""imal," and "orod." Tiffany is using _____ of the words, socks, dog, mail, and door.​


Lauren is obsessed with the cleanliness of her room. According to the psychosexual stages of personality development, she is fixated at the _____. ​

anal stage

A(n) _________ is a partial similarity among things that are different in other ways.


When the lateral hypothalamus of a rat is destroyed, it may most likely:

become aphagic

When a rat's ventromedial nucleus (VMN) is destroyed, the rat will:

begin to eat uncontrollably

The preoperational stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory is characterized by:

children attributing life and consciousness to physical objects

After a single presentation, Megan can recall her friend's long-distance telephone number and five-digit extension even though the sequence contains 15 digits. One reason for her ease of recall is that she combined the digits into smaller groups of three each. This process is called _____.​


Ophelia is 51 years old. She has begun to experience hot flashes and finds it difficult to sleep at night. More often than not, she finds herself feeling pessimistic and unmotivated. She also has a certain amount of anxiety.Ophelia is most likely experiencing the _____ of middle adulthood.


In an experiment, Jay and Alissa are injected with the same concentration of a harmless drug. The purpose of the drug is to create arousal in the subjects who are injected. After a while, the arousal manifests as anger in Jay and as happiness in Alissa. These experimental findings can be explained by the _____.

cognitive appraisal theory

According to _____, people are generally motivated to hold consistent beliefs and to justify their behavior.

cognitive-dissonance theory

According to the five-factor model, the five basic personality factors are extraversion, neuroticism, _________, agreeableness, and openness to experience.​


Freud said that the human mind is composed of three parts, namely _____.​

conscious, unconscious, and preconscious

Mozart was a child prodigy. By the age of 12, he had composed several musical pieces.According to Sternberg's model of intelligence, Mozart can be said to have demonstrated a high level of _____.​

creative intelligence

According to ethologist Konrad Lorenz, a(n) _________ is a period of time when an instinctive response can be elicited by a particular stimulus.

critical period

Kyra is a history major and talks to her grandfather regularly. She calls him her human dictionary because he can give her the meaning of almost every word that she asks him. She is also surprised at how well versed he is in domestic and international current affairs and how easily he can talk about historical events. In this scenario, Kyra's grandfather is best displaying _____.​

crystallized intelligence

The seeds of individualism and collectivism are found in the _________ in which a person grows up.​


The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of stages of memory intends to _____.​

determine whether and for how long information is retained in memory

The term _________ in memory theory, means to cause information to be lost from short-term memory by adding new information.​


Ryan is telling his grandchildren stories of his youth and college days. In the context of language, Ryan is demonstrating _____.​


In _________, the problem solver associates freely to the elements of the problem, allowing "leads" to run a nearly limitless course.​

divergent thinking

A(n) _____ is a condition of arousal in an organism that is associated with a need.​


Tom is a high school senior who is very clear that he wants to study medicine. He spends his summer volunteering at hospitals and studies very hard for all his tests. He subscribes to medical journals so that he does not miss out on developments in the medical field. Tom is determined to study at Harvard Medical School and is sure he will get in. According to Erickson's theory of psychosocial development, Tom is demonstrating _____.​

ego identity

At a painting exhibition, Martha had admired a painting that depicted a farm. Half an hour later, when she was having lunch with a friend, Martha was able to recall several details depicted in the painting. She remembered correctly the colors that were used, the animals that were drawn, and even the number of trees in the painting. Martha's ability to remember these details would be known as _____. ​

eidetic imagery

Using the phrase "Elvis's Guitar Broke Down on Friday" to remember the lines (EGBDF) in a musical treble clef is an example of _____.​

elaborative rehearsal

A(n) _____ is a state of feeling that has cognitive, physiological, and behavioral components.​


Abe and Rose, who have been married for 13 years, are discussing the events that led to their very first date. Rose distinctly remembers giving Abe her telephone number at a party, but Abe is certain that he got her number from her best friend, Linda. Abe and Rose have different _____ of the event.

episodic memories

The placenta:

exchanges nutrients from mother to embryo

A researcher puts a baby in a room with many different objects. Then he records the amount of time the baby spends looking at one stimulus instead of another. This shows the baby's visual preference. The researcher is most likely measuring the baby's _____.​

fixation time

In the context of the perceptual development of infants, _________ is the amount of time spent looking at a visual stimulus.​

fixation time

Christopher has good skills many areas of problem solving and reasoning ability. According to Spearman, Christopher's abilities are indicative of _____.​

general intelligence

Lena is a mother of two. From the time her first child was born, Lena has been working at a school and managing every aspect of her children's lives. She believes that she must contribute to her family as well as society. According to Erik Erikson, Lena is best demonstrating _____.​


Lena is a mother of two. From the time her first child was born, Lena has been working at a school and managing every aspect of her children's lives. She believes that she must contribute to her family as well as society. According to Erik Erikson, Lena is best demonstrating__________.


The _________ is the first stage of prenatal development, during which the dividing mass of cells has not become implanted in the uterine wall.​

germinal stage

A(n) _________ is a mental representation of a visual stimulus that is held briefly in sensory memory.​


Tracy had taken tennis lessons when she was very young and was a good tennis player in her school. However, she had not played tennis for years when she decided to enroll in a tennis class at college. At the tennis class, a moment after she picked up her racket, Tracy realized that she had shifted it to the correct forehand grip without even thinking. Tracy's _____ made this possible.​

implicit memory

Jorge works for a finance company. His boss tells him that he will get a raise if he can complete his work two days before the actual deadline. The raise that Jorge is being offered is referred to as a(n) _____.​


When a child combines words to form a sentence herself rather than imitate one she has heard before, she is demonstrating the _____ characteristic of language skills.

infinite creativity

Eysenck focused on the relationships between two personality traits: _________ and emotional stability-instability.


According to Piaget, the sensorimotor stage of child development is dominated by:

learning to coordinate perception of the self and of the environment with motor activity

After setting a five-year goal for their company, a group of managers look at where the company is today and the steps needed to achieve the final goal. They are using a technique called _____.​

means-end analysis

Jessica is observed to be gloomy and pensive most of the time. According to Hippocrates' view of personality, Jessica is most likely to be associated with a _____ temperament.​


A(n) _________ is an assumed change in the nervous system that reflects the impression made by a stimulus.​

memory trace

If an image of Abraham Lincoln's face was flashed on a screen, the viewer could hold the visual impression in their sensory register as a(n) _____.​

memory trace

According to the study by Masters and Johnson, _____.

men and women have similar biological responses to sexual stimulation

Daniel is an eight-year-old boy. After taking a test, the Binet-Simon scale showed that he is functioning intellectually like an eight year old. Therefore, Daniel has a(n) _____ of eight.

mental age

The _________ shows the intellectual level at which a child is functioning.

mental age

A(n)_________ is the tendency to respond to a new problem with the same approach that helped solve similar problems.​

mental set

Anna points to an object and tells her 2-year-old what it is. The child then points and repeats the label. According to the social-cognitive perspective, Anna serves as a(n) _____ for her child to acquire language skills.


According to research performed by Bray and Bouchard, _____.​

more than two out of three adult Americans are overweight

__________ is the state in which an organism experiences an inducement or incentive to do something.


In the context of the sexual response cycle, _____ is muscle tension, which causes grimaces, spasms in the hands and feet, and the spasms of orgasm.​


Susan has the ability to look at the moon and the stars at night and to develop insights into the laws that govern their behavior. In this context, Susan has _____.​

naturalist intelligence

Pointing to a bird and saying, "That is not a mammal," is a(n) _________ of the mammal concept.​

negative instance

In order to teach kindergarten students about mammals, a teacher tells the students that fishes and birds are not mammals. These are _____ of the mammal concept.​

negative instances

According to social-cognitive theorists, sexual orientation can be attributed to:

observational learning

Dr. Gerrard, an experienced pediatrician, was examining a baby. He checked the baby's temperature and listened to the baby's breathing through the stethoscope while considering the symptoms described by the baby's parents. He quickly identified that the baby has a mild flu.Dr. Gerrard used _____ to make this diagnosis.​

parallel processing

Cognitive theorists note that:

people represent their worlds mentally.

Mariana is a 14-year-old girl dating a 19-year-old boy. Her parents are unhappy and forbid her from meeting him. She fights with them regularly because she believes that she loves him. She even threatens to run away with him. This scenario best represents Mariana's _____.​

personal fable

The_____ is a membrane within the uterus that permits the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the mother and her developing child.​


According to Freud, the id follows the _____.​

pleasure principle

To teach his child the prototype for cats, Nathan points to many examples in books, at home, on TV, and in the neighborhood, while saying the word "cat." These are _____ of the cat concept.​

positive instances

Studies involving brain imaging reveal that _____ makes it possible for people to carry out mental tasks with less neural activity.​


Jonah loves learning new languages. In high-school, he learned French and in college, he learned Italian. Sometimes, when he has a problem remembering Italian words, French words come to mind instead. This is an example of _____.​

proactive interference

A sofa, bed, and table are _____ of the category furniture, but a magazine rack, lamp, and piano bench are not.​


Children's _________ become refined after they are shown positive and negative instances and given explanations.


In infancy, Brian did not have the good fortune to have an affectionate mother. His mother suffered from alcoholism and abused drugs. She was always emotionally unavailable to him. As a result, he now has difficulty in his relationships with others and cannot trust people easily. This situation supports the views of the _____.​

psychosocial development theory

In Freud's psychodynamic theory, _________ is the ejection of anxiety-evoking ideas from conscious awareness.​


Joy speaks Spanish as she has learnt the language in school. She is now learning to speak French. She often notices that sometimes when speaking in Spanish, French words come to mind. This is an example of _____.​

retroactive interference

Stephen was recently involved in a car accident due to which he was critically injured. He is unable to recall the events that led to the accident. Stephen is suffering from _____.​

retrograde amnesia

Nadine works for an accounting firm. She makes enough money for herself and has bought a house with a top-notch security system. In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Nadine has fulfilled her _____ needs.​


Sarah was required to learn a list of 20 numbers in order. Initially, she took 15 repetitions to learn the list. After five days, she had forgotten the list of numbers and had to re-learn it. This time, she only took eight tries to re-learn the numbers. The difference between the number of repetitions she originally took to learn the numbers and the number of repetitions she took to re-learn the numbers is known as _____.


13-year-old Judy is poor at math. Her teacher, Ms. Kobes, helps her out by providing her with a list of tips and tricks that she can use to become more proficient at the subject. According to Vygotsky, Ms. Kobes is using _____ to help the child.​


According to Ainsworth, securely attached children:

seek interaction with their mothers upon reunion.

Unlike the psychodynamic theory, the humanistic-existential perspective emphasizes _________.


Chris, a high school student, is looking up the profiles of various colleges to make a decision about which one he wants to attend. Being a confident person, he believes that he will do well at a prestigious university. His belief in his success is called _____ by social cognitive theorists.

self-efficacy expectations

According to Carl Rogers, _________ refer(s) to the mental images of what we are capable of becoming.​


Christopher knows a lot of facts about the planet earth. He knows that the circumference of the earth is 40,030 km even though he did not personally measure the circumference of the earth. This knowledge is referred to as _____.​

semantic memory

The _________ is the tendency to recall more accurately the first and last items in a series.​

serial-position effect

During the embryonic stage of prenatal development, the:

sex organs start to differentiate

While watching a comedy show, Amanda remembered many funny incidents from her own college life. This is an example of _____.​

state-dependent memory

The _________ is the branch of the autonomic nervous system that is most active during processes that spend body energy from stored reserves.​

sympathetic nervous system

If the __________ is damaged, a person can form visual memories but not verbal memories.​


According to Piaget, children in the formal operational stage of cognitive development have:

the ability to hypothesize

Barbara wanted to know whether Americans bought more American-made cars than foreign made cars. To come up with an answer, she based her opinion on the cars her friends drove. Barbara used _____ to come to the conclusion.​

the availability heuristic

According to research performed by Kohlberg, children at the preconventionallevel base their moral judgments on _____.​

the consequences of behavior

Vygotsky's sociocultural theory focuses on:

the influence of teachers on children's cognitive development

The observation that infants display considerable intelligence before they learn to speak offers little support to _____.​

the linguistic-relativity hypothesis

The representativeness heuristic leads people to make judgments about events according to _____.

the populations of events that they appear to represent

Parents can help children develop self-esteem when they show them _________ regard, or when they accept them as having intrinsic merit regardless of their behavior at the moment.​

unconditional positive

Bobby spilled water accidentally on his father's computer, but contrary to expectations, Bobby did not get grounded. His father acknowledged that it was a mistake and assuredBobby that he still loved him, despite the unfortunate incident. Bobby's father's response is an example of _____.​

unconditional positive regard

The _________ mind contains primitive instincts such as sex and aggression.​


The excitement phase of the sexual response cycle in women is characterized by _____.​

vaginal lubrication

In psychological testing, _________ refers to the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure.​


_________ are the arousal producing effects of sex hormones that increase the likelihood of sexual behavior.​

​Activating effects

_________ is the quality of language that permits one to communicate information about objects and events in another time and place.


_________ is the failure to remember events that occurred prior to physical trauma because of the effects of the trauma.​

​Retrograde amnesia

_________ are beliefs that we can accomplish certain things.​

​Self-efficacy expectations

_________ is a process in psychological testing that checks out the scores, validity, and reliability of a test with people of various ages and from various groups.​


Dana always hears stories about how extravagantly her first birthday was celebrated, but she is unable to recall the events of that day. Dana's inability to recall the events of her first birthday is known as _____.​

​infantile amnesia

A(n) _________ involves an inherited disposition to activate specific behavior patterns that enable an organism to reach specific goals.


The social cognitive theory is criticized because _________.​

​it pays less attention to genetic variation in explaining individual differences in behavior

In psycholinguistic theory, _________ is a neural "prewiring" that facilitates the child's learning of grammar.

​language acquisition device

Children between the ages of three and five incorrectly apply the rules of past tense and of plural when they say "sitted" instead of "sat" and "gooses" instead of "geese." This is known as _____.​


The _____ is the second phase of the sexual response cycle, which is characterized by increases in vasocongestion, muscle tension, heart rate, and blood pressure in preparation for orgasm.​

​plateau phase

A(n) _________ is a way of mentally representing the world, such as a belief or an expectation, which can influence perception of persons, objects, and situations.​


Alan works in a research laboratory. He owns a house, and he earns enough to sustain himself. He has a large social circle and makes time to meet his friends at least once a week. However, Alan feels that he is capable of much more and can achieve a lot more things. He is striving to bring out the best within himself. In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Alan is trying to fulfill his _____.​

​self-actualization needs

Caleb had read in the newspaper that a popular corporation had appointed a new CEO. When he was talking about this to a friend, Caleb could only remember the first letter and the last letter of the new CEO's name. This illustrates _____.​

​the serial-position effect

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