AP Psychology Review- People

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Ivan Pavlov

Classical conditioning

**Hans Seyle

GAS theory

John B. Watson

Little Albert experiment; first American behavioralist

B.F. Skinner

Operant conditioning and reinforcement; dominant in psychology for many years

Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson

SFP; children and teachers experiment

***Carl Lange

along with William James, created the James-Lange theory stating that emotion are felt because of biological changes caused by stress

***G. Stanley Hall

began the studies of child development; first APA president

***Howard Gardner

believed in multiple intelligences; each field is separate

**Charles Spearman

believed intelligence could be expressed by a single factor

**Aaron Beck

believed that depression results from negative ideas regarding self, the world, and the future (cognitive triad); created cognitive therapy

***Hans Eyesenck

classified all people on a introversion-extroversion scale and a stable-unstable scale

Carl Jung

collective unconscious

***Richard LaPierre

conducted early studies regarding the relationship between attitudes and behaviors; Asians at restaurants

***Carol Gilligan

contradicted Kohlberg's theory, saying that the stages only applied to boys and that boys and girls don't have the same morality

**Albert Ellis

created REBT; exposing and confronting the dysfunctional thoughts of clients

Ernst Weber

created Weber's laws; the JND for each of the different senses

***David Wechsler

created a different set of IQ tests with different tests for different age groups

**Lawrence Kohlberg

created a stage theory for development based on morality

Carl Rogers

created client-centered therapy, where the therapist gives the client unconditional positive regard

**Mary Cover Jones

created counterconditioning

**Joseph Wolpe

created systematic desensitization

***Paul Costa and Robert McCrae

created the Big Five personality traits (CANOE)

***Walter Cannon and Philip Bard

created the Cannon-Bard theory, stating that biological change and cognitive awareness occur simultaneously

**Edward Thorndike

created the Law of Effect, which stated that if the consequences of a behavior are pleasant, the S-R response will strengthen and the likelihood of the behavior will increase

**Louis Terman

created the Stanford-Binet IQ test also did longitudinal studies of a group of people (termites)

**Robert Rescorla

created the contingency model

Alfred Binet

created the first intelligence test

**Benjamin Whorf

created the linguistic relativity hypothesis

**Erik Erikson

created the psychosocial stage theory

**Robert Sternberg

created the triarchic theory that states that three types of intelligence exist: the ability to compare and contrast, creativity, and practical intelligence

**Stanley Schachter

created the two factor theory

**Albert Bandura

creating his social-learning theory based on observational learning; Bobo dolls also studied triadic reciprocality

***Fritz Perls

developed Gestalt therapy which emphasized the person as a whole

***Raymond Cattell

developed a 16 personality factor test

***Leon Festinger and James Carlsmith

did a study on cognitive dissonance; paying people to lie

**David Rosenhan

did an experiment where perfectly healthy people pretended to be mentally ill

**David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel

discovered that groups of neurons in the visual cortex respond to different types of visual images (different types of feature detectors)

**John Garcia and Robert Koelling

discovered the Garcia Effect, which states that animals learn certain behaviors, such as taste aversion, much easier than others

Noam Chomsky

discovered the LAD and studied how people learn languages

***William Masters and Virginia Johnson

documented the sexual response cycle in men and women

***Ernest Hilgard

explained hypnosis with his dissociation theory which says that hypnosis causes us to divide our consciousness voluntarily

**John Darley and Bibb Latane

explored diffusion of responsibility

**Karen Horney and Nancy Chodorow

feminists who believed that Freud believed in ale superiority; created womb envy

William James

first American psychologist; functionalism

Wilhelm Wundt

first psychologist; first lab in Leipzig, Germany; structuralism

**Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe

first quantitative measures of stress

***Margaret Floy Washburn

first woman to earn a PhD in psychology

**Alfred Adler

focused on the role of the ego; studied inferiority and superiority

**Paul Broca

found Broca's area in the frontal lobe which is responsible for producing speech

**Carl Wernicke

found Wiernicke's area in the temporal lobe which is responsible for interpreting written and spoken speech

**Gustav Fechner

founder of psychophysics and father of sensation; studied how much light is necessary to notice there is light

Abraham Maslow

hierarchy of needs; self-actualization at the top

Martin Seligman

learned helplessness

***Julian Rotter

locus of control

***Daniel Goleman

main proponent of EQ (emotional intelligence); people need both EQ and IQ to succeed

Harry Harlow

monkey experiment; importance of touch

Charles Darwin

natural selection; influenced the evolutionary perspective


personality was related to the four humors

Hermann Ebbinghaus

pioneer in the field of memory; order is related to how much we remember

Jean Piaget

pioneer in the study of child development

**Francis Galton

pioneer in the study of human intelligence and testing

Alfred Kinsey

pioneer in the study of sexual behaviors in humans

***Michael Gazzaniga

pioneered the split-brain operation

**Roger Sperry

pioneered the split-brain operation

Phillip Zimbardo

prison experiment

***George Kelly

proposed the personal-construct theory; people's behavior is influenced by their cognitions and we can predict future behavior with past behavior

Sigmund Freud

psychoanalytic school of thought; people are controlled by their unconscious mind

**Mary Ainsworth

researched children in strange situations

***Diana Baumtind

researched parent-child interactions; came up with three types of parenting styles

George Miller

seven chunks of information can be stored in short-term memory

***Alexandria Luria

studied a patient with photographic memory

**Konrad Lorenz

studied attachment theory; some infant animals become attached to certain individuals or even objects during critical periods after birth

Solomon Asch

studied conformity

***Irving Janis

studied groupthink: the tendency for some groups to make bad decisions

**Muzafer Sherif

studied how easily out-group bias can be created and how superordinate goals can be used to unite formerly antagonistic groups

**Wolfgang Kohler

studied insight learning; the Aha! moment

**Edward Tolman

studied latent learning; rats in the maze (group 3)

Stanley Milgram

studied obedience

**Thomas Bouchard

studied pairs of identical twins that had been raised in different environments; studied environments relation to IQ

**George Sperling

studied sensory memory and iconic memory; grid with letters

***Harold Kelley

studied the kinds of attributions people make based on three kinds of info: consistency, distinctiveness, and consensus

***Lev Vygotsky

studied the zone of proximal development; the range of tasks a child can do independently and the tasks that children need help with

***William Sheldon

studied three body types and said certain personality traits were related to certain body types

***Gordon Allport

studied three types of personality traits (cardinal dispositions, central dispositions and secondary dispositions)

***Max Wertheimer

tried to examine a person's total experience, not separating thought and behavior

**Eleanor Gibson

visual cliff experiment

***Rosalie Rayner

worked with John Watson on the Little Albert experiment

**Mary Whiton Calkins

worked with William James; eventually became the president of the APA

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