AP US History II: Chapter 29 + 30 (Jaden Brescia)

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How did the Bus Rides go wrong?

First Bus Ride -- KKK firebombed the bus, trapped them in, they got out, but were beaten on their departure Second Bus Ride -- Hours later, they got on the bus and were beaten when they got to white-only bus terminals in Birmingham Alabama National Effect: Outrage Police POV: They encouraged the beatings and said the Freedom Riders violated the customs of Alabama.

Why did Lee Harvey Oswald kill Kennedy?

He idolized Fidel Castro, was once in the S.U. and he also shot Dallas Policeman.

Describe the 1960 Election?

JFK (PRES) and Richard M. Nixon (Vice-Pres) -- Both Republican -- Testy Relationship Kennedy -- Bright, Harvard Education, Heroism in WW2, Rich and Powerful Roman Catholic Family + Young Wife -- JFK: 34.2Mil (Democrat) (Black Vote helped) -- Nixon: 34.1Mil (Republican)

Why was Lee Harvey Oswald killed?

Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner was distraught over his death and killed the handcuff Oswald.

Who was blackmailed by the FBI for their devotion to Civil Rights?

Martin Luther King Jr.

Who were the three candidates for the Democratic nomination?

McCarthy, Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey. -- McCarthy was thought to drop out for Kennedy, but refused b/c of his moral superiority. -- Kennedy, appealed to the idealism of America's youth, and promised to end the war and have a more transparent presidency.

Did most women in the sixties view gender equality as possible or even desirable?

Nope! -- ⅔ of women agreed the most important family decisions should be made by the man of the house.

What kind of Peace did JFK want from the whole world?

Peace not for our time, but for all time through reducing the risk of nuclear warfare.

Election of 1976

Republican: Gerald Ford Democrats: James Earl Carter (Gov of Georgia) (Naval Officer/Engineer/Peanuts) -- Who sought to move the party away from tax and spend liberalism. -- Said he would never lie Carter got support from Blacks, Urban Labor Unionists, Jews, and got 41 mil votes to Ford's 39mil. He got support from his running mate Walter F. Mondale who was a favorite among the blue-collar workers. -- HALF Of VOTERS decided not to participate b/c of the stagnant economy, lackluster candiaters, and (Alienated by Watergate).

Who was involved in the 1972 Election?

Republican: Nixon, only threat was Republican Wallace (3rd party to split votes, but he was shot and left) Democrat: Senator George McGovern -- Characterized As: Left-wing extremist with lifeless speeches. Nixon: 520 Election and 46 mil to 17 and 28 mil.

List of Things LBJ DID

Revenue Act of 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Passed Under HIM) (In Works Prior) Equal Employment Opportunities Commission The Economic Opportunity Act ---- Food Stamp Act, helped the poor afford to buy groceries. ---- OEO, VTSA, CAP, Food Stamp Act, Financial Aid, Legal Services, Grants, Job Corps Defeated Barrywater American Medical Association (Medicare) (Medicaid) The Higher Education Act of 1965 The Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1966 The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 The Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965

Who was the New Secretary of Defense?

Robert McNamara, president of Ford Motor Company.

"What was Baker v. Carr? (Warren Court)"

The Court established that federal courts can hear lawsuits seeking to enforce state authorities to redraw electoral districts.

What was Gideon v. Wainwright?

The Court required every felony defendant be provided a lawyer even if they couldn't pay.

What was Gideon v. Wainwright? (Warren Court)

The Court required every felony defendant be provided a lawyer even if they couldn't pay.

"What was Miranda v. Arizona? (Warren Court)"

The Court said that when an accused person in police custody be that anything said to authorities can be used against the individual in court. -- Therefore, right to remain silent... "Miranda Rights"

What was Miranda v. Arizona?

The Court said that when an accused person in police custody be that anything said to authorities can be used against the individual in court. -- Therefore, right to remain silient... "Miranda Rights"

What was JFK's promise?

The New Frontier, a domestic program which allowed to get the Country moving again.

What did the Peace Corps do?

The Peace Corps recruited young volunteers to educate andF apply technical service abroad,

Who were the "Hippies?"

They felt they were part of a Magical Revolution intended to overthrow corrupt and outdated ways of life.

What did the National Liberation Front, NLF do?

They launched a violent insurgency through the Viet Cong to attack South Vietnamese Government.

What was ruled that a school prayer adopted by the NYS Board of Regents violated?

They violated the constitutional prohibition against government supported religion.

"Mapp v. Ohio 1961? (Warren Court)"

Unlawfully seized evidence is inadmissible at trial.

What was the SDS society, who created it, what was the goal?

Who Created It: Tom Hayden and Alan Haber (University of Michigan Students) What: An organization influenced by the tactics of the civil rights movement to gather activists for a certain goal. Goal: To remake the United States into a more democratic society. -- SDS formed chapters on 1000 campuses -- Drafted the Port Huron Statement

Did the Soviet Union and China back up the Viet Cong?

Yes, they sent military supplies to them to help fight in South Vietnam to overthrow the U.S. backed Government.

What did the Alliance for Progress do?

the Alliance for Progress was a financial assistance program to Latin American Countries to blunt the appeal of communism.

What did the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) do?

(Part of the 3rd Cause) --- We sent oil to Israel after an attack on the holiday of Yom Kippur (Syrian Attack) ----- We responded saying that we would not sell oil to nations supporting Israel + it was raising prices by 400% -- Arab Oil embargo caused shortages and skyrocketing prices which forced industries to cut production.

If you made it to the end.....

- Congratulations, hopefully I remember a majority of what you read... - I understand your pain and willingness not to live after this, but remember.... one test... and its over.. i believe in you <3

How did Americans become even more divided through labels and television?

-- "Hawks" supported the war and "Doves" opposed it. -- Nightly television accounts of the fighting which made it a "living-room war" and called into question over the accuracy of the military's statements of how the Americans were "winning."

What was King's Letter?

-- "One who breaks an unjust law, must lovingly accept the penalty." -- He also said the white moderate who says, "I agree with the goal, but I don't agree with the methods" were worse than Southern bigots.

What was the Housing act?

-- $5 billion towards public housing projects in poverty cities, (Raised Min Wage)

What did the American Psychiatric Association do in reference to homosexuality?

-- (1973) Removed homosexuality from ts official manual as a mental illness. -- Colleges / Universities offered Gay Studies (Queer Studies) and groups pushed for official government recognition of same-sex marriage.

How many women were in the U.S. Government?

-- 1 in Senate -- 10 in HOR

What evidence did Nixon release instead of the exact tapes?

-- 1,254 Pages of transcribed recordings that edited vulgar language and Anti-Semitic rants out ("Expletive Deleted").

What happened at the South Dakota Village of Wounded Knee?

-- 1890: US Calvarly massacred the Sioux village -- In 1972, a group of local whites were outraged by the light sentences and wanted change. -- In 1973, AIM led 200 Sioux in the occupation of the tiny South Dakota village of Wounded Knee. -- There was a shootout when supplies were brought in which made the government promise to reexamine Indian treaty rights.

What was Nixon's Draft Lottery?

-- 19 Year Old Men, were selected and given a number 1-366. Those with the lowest numbers are drafted first. -- Eliminated inequities and clarified the likelihood of being drafted. -- 4 Years Later he GOT RID of the draft (all-volunteer military)

What were the financial damages from the War to the US?

-- 1968: US spent $2 billion each month on the war, about $322,000 for each VC killed. -- Anti-Poverty programs were only $53 per person. -- Johnson suffered from depression and paranoia as he soon was angered by the war.

What did the Revenue Act of 1964 do?

-- 20% tax reduction in tax rates. -- Not entirely by the Revenue, b/c of new jobs from military intervention in NV which dropped unemployment -- Boosted Economy, Created Jobs, as Unemployment fell from 5.2 to 4.8. To 3.8. -- One of the longest sustained economic booms.

What was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

-- 200 Student Activists in Raleigh, NC was to intesify the effort to dismantle segregation. -- Expanded Sit-ins! -- Kneel-ins at white Churches -- Wade-Ins in public swimming pools -- Consequences: Hit with rocks, burned with Cigs, Killed by Whites.

What were the effects of prolonging the war effort?

-- 20k died after he took office in 1969 -- Morale of U.S. Military had been shattered -- Millions of SE Asians had been killed / wounded -- Fighting broke out in Vietnam and Cambodia.

What was the March on Washington?

-- 250k Blacks and Whites marched chanting "Equality Now!" which was the largest political demonstration in American history. -- MLK came to the podium, and delivered an improvised speech (setting aside his prepared remarks) -- Speech: "I have a dream." Informing blacksone day they will be free at last. -- Kennedy Approved, Jackie Robinson approved. -- The Klansmen bombed a black church days later killed four young girls.

Statistics for Feminists issues that were hidden.

-- 36% of the nation's poor families were headed by women since most depended on welfare services -- 3 mil needed access to day-care centers, but there were only 530k spots -- The movement helped women make an entry in the market and have strides toward equal pay and treatment. -- By 1976, 50%+ married women and 9/10 college grads were employed outside of the home. -- In 1970s, they were holding more offices

What happened after the U.S. Combat Troops left Vietnam?

-- 600 American Prisoners of War were released from Hanoi. -- Cease-Fire collapsed, NV and SV fought and Communist forces were winning. ---- IN Cambodia (Khmer Republic by 1970) and Laos, the Communist Victory seemed inevitable.

What proved the fragmentation of Black Power?

-- 70% in Urban Areas, losing faith in Christian non-violence -- Watts, black ghetto in LA, revolted 34 Dead, 4k in Jail, Property Damage -- 300 Racial Uprisings 1965-1968

What did the Segregationists, specifically a radical do?

-- A member of the American Nazi party jumped the stage and punched King in the face. -- King didn't fight back, King's home was bombed 14 times, arrested 14 times, but he kept telling people to be non-violent.

How did the UFW gain national attention?

-- A strike against corporate grape growers.

What did JFK suffer from?

-- Addison's Disease (Withering Adrenal Glands) -- Venereal Disease -- Chronic Back Pain (Birth Defect) -- Fierce Fevers -- Constantly on pills hourly to manage bone disease / anxiety / sleep / allergies

What were the effects of Black Power?

-- Affected Small Minority of Blacks -- Shifted focus from Rural South to Inner-City Ghettos -- King's "Poor People's Campaign" attempted to provide jobs and income for the poor, but others said the War in Vietnam was taking away funds for the federal programs serving the poor and blacks were dying disproportionately in Southeast Asia. -- Pushed for Black Studies Programs in Colleges and celebrated cultural and artistic traditions. -- Malcolm X said Blacks must call themselves African Americans to symbolize their pride in their roots and to learn more about their history.

What did the Watergate Grand Jury do as their final say?

-- After being bashed by the public to be impeached for obstructing justice, they indicted Ehrlichman, Haldeman, and former attorney general John Mitchell for obstruction of Justice and named Nixon and unindicted co-conspirator.

What did Johnson announce on March 31, 1968?

-- After being challenged for re-election by members of his own party, he announced a limited halt to the bombing of North Vietnam to enable a negotiated cease-fire agreement with the Communists. -- In totality, he raised false hopes, promised to much, stoked violent resentments, and fractured society. Still US troops remained for 5 years.

What did Nixon do which could've pissed off the anti-war folk with Cambodia?

-- After using Cambodia as a base to stage raids into SV, they announced an incursion into neutral Cambodia to clean out hidden Communist bases. -- Nixon endorsed it, but said if it doesn't work, he's in trouble + he also knew it would re-ignite the anti-war movement.

What did Geroge F. Kennan believe about the containment policy in terms of Asia?

-- Although it was appropriate for Europe, but not for Asia since it was not vital to American security.

How did Hispanic Civil Rights leaders feel about undocumented Mexican immigrants?

-- Although the undocumented immigrants wanted economic advancement and social equality, but were threatened by an influx of Mexican laboreres willing to accept low-paying jobs. -- Therefore, they helped end the bracero program which brought in day-laborers from Mexico during the harvest season.

What was AIM?

-- American Indian Movement -- Headed by: George Mitchell and Dennis Banks -- Organized the Trail of Broken Treaties caravan which traveled by bus and car from the West Coast to Washington D.C. to draw attention to the federal government's broken promises.

FTR Phyllis Schalafly "What's wrong with "Equal Rights" for Women?

-- American woman is the most privileged. --- Most rights, rewards and fewest duties. -- Family is respected as a basic unit of society, b/c women have babies and men don't. (Irreversible) Judeo-Christian Civilization assures than women are the most precious. -- Women benefit from Christian Age of Chivalry. -- Free-enterprise system has lifted the backbreaking work on top of a woman's shoulders. -- Women aren't treated unfairly in marriage and aren't victims of drudgery. -- Women's Libbers are radicals who assault family traditions. It is not to win support for women's rights, but to support the radical movement for women. -- Vote no to support Equal Rights Amendment

What sexual effect did the Feminist movement have?

-- Americans were more tolerant with premarital sex. -- Women between 1960-1975 were having more sex. ---- Birth Control which was approved by the FDA gave them a greater sense of sexual freedom. -- By 1990, the world would have 400 million fewer people as a result of the pill.

What was the Yom Kippur War?

-- Around the time of the Jewish Holy day of Yom Kippur, Syria and Egypt, backed by Saudi Arabia w/ armed weapons attacked Israel igniting the Yom Kippur War. -- Israel was supplied with weapons from the US, but Soviet Weapons + Saudi Arabia backed Syria and Egypt.

What notable things happened in the 1960s?

-- Assasination of JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy -- Texan Lyndon B. Johnson warred on poverty and Great Society Programs outstripped FDR's New Deal in SCOPE / Promises. -- Johnson brought many programs, but couldn't reach all of his promises.

What notable things happened in the 1960s? (TEST NOTE)

-- Assasination of JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy -- Texan Lyndon B. Johnson warred on poverty and Great Society Programs outstripped FDR's New Deal in SCOPE / Promises. -- Johnson brought many programs, but couldn't reach all of his promises. (test note)

What did not get out of the commitees that JFK wanted?

-- Assistance for educational and medical programs for elderly.

How did the turmoil reach its climax?

-- At Columbia University, SDS student radicals / blacs occupied the president's office and classrooms and renamed the administration building to Malcolm X Hall. -- Police were called after classes were cancelled and the attendees arrested and leaders expelled.

What was Nixon and Henry Kissinger's Strategy of Gradual Withdrawal?

-- At first they demanded all Viet Cong withdraw from South Vietnam, but they said no. -- The North Vietnamese wanted to retain a Communist military appearance in the South and to reunify Vietnamese people under Communism. -- Henry Kissinger held secret meetings with the North Vietnamese -- Nixon settled with the claim that Vietnamization (Removing U.S. troops from Vietnam, and equipping SV with weapons/money to fight off Communism) -- SV took the burden, we expanded the aerial bombing of NV, and by 1969: 500k+ and 1973: 50k

How did MLK try to support the Freedom Riders, but things were ruined?

-- At the Montgomery Church the Freedom Riders were honored, but white mobs stormed them with rocks / firebombs.

What happened to Nixon and his associates?

-- Attorney General Richard Kleindienist, Ehrlichman, and Haldeman resigned but soon served Jail Time. -- Nixon was preoccupied with legal self-defense and political survival proclaiming he was not a crook.

Although FSM and SDS spread throughout the country, what grim prospect was growing which many Americans feared?

-- Being Drafted into the Vietnam War -- College Students could postpone military service until they got their degree -- Blacks / Hispanics were 2x as likely to be drafted. -- "Hawks" = Supporters of the War / "Doves" = Opposers of the War -- 200k Ignored Draft Notices and 4k were imprisoned -- 56k qualified for conscientious objector status -- People fled to Canada or Sweden -- Commonly, people flunked the physical -- Ex. Harvard's 1200 Men, 56 served, only 2 went to Vietnam

Who was the leader of the Women's movement?

-- Betty Friedan, 42, mother of three, influential author of the Feminine Mystique. -- Did not discuss working-class or African American women -- She said something was wrong with the way women were living today -- "Happy homemaker" syndrome undermined the intellectual capacity and ambition in public -- She blamed propaganda from advertisers and women's magazines for brainwashing women to embrace the feminine mystique in which fulfillment only comes with marriage and motherhood. -- She discovered that many women were holding two jobs instead of one

FTR: Stokely Carmichael "Black Power"

-- Big Issue: No National Organization to speak to the militancy of young blacks in Ghettos. Only Civil Rights movement. -- Blacks led to the frustration of more Blacks b/c as more would get hurt they would get angrier and have nothing to offer them to cope with the pain. -- Blacks have gone through too much for far too long and Whites are not nice guys. -- SNCC will not cater to what the whites want to hear, but to the Black communities ears. -- Black power can be defined for those who do not attach the fears of white America to their questions about. -- Two Problems of Blacks: Poor and Black, Lack of Education Too -- Blacks need Property b/c it is valued the most and Power, b/c this country does not work on love and nonviolence, but by power. -- SNCC is working on programs of voter Registration in the North and South, but they can pretty much address itself to the problem by helping black communities define their needs, realize their strength, and go into action. The economics need to change to help BLACKS. -- Integration means the man who makes it leaving his black brothers behind today. Therefore, blacks must send their kids to a white school since it is automatically better by definition of inferior. -- Therefore, Blacks need power to create their own school boards to become equal. -- Blacks are told they are lazy and are oppressed solely on the fact that they ARE BLACK! -- Black Panther Party will come and its success is unknown since groups work in different ways. -- Blacks need their children to want to identify as Black. In Africa, black men rulin gives blacks elsewhere a sense of power which they do not have. -- He wants help, but wants the ability to device whether one person is their friend. -- Blacks want white off their backs and do not see them as relevant (except through oppression) -- Black money goes into the Black Communities. -- It is not black supremacy but rather this nation is racist and racist is not the problem of human relations but of an exploitation of maintained by the society as a whole. -- Non-violence isn't working because people assume White people are nice on the inside and will accept Black integration. Blacks need to take over. --Revolution of Rising Expectations: Revolutions happen when people expect something but it doesn't come.

What was the Nationwide effect of the Greensboro Four?

-- Blacks proceeded at these sit-ins which included 50,000 blacks and whites within 100 cities. -- Dick Gregory (Comedian) Participated. Iconic Line, "We don't serve negroes, I don't eat Negroes." -- 3.6k Arrested but it made the Greensboro officials lift the whites-only policy.

How was the Summer of 1963-1964 going?

-- Blacks were excluded from voting through expensive poll taxes

What did the Killings at Kent State do?

-- Boldended the Anti-War and Anti-Nixon Movements. -- Demonstrations on 350 Campuses -- 11 Days after Kent Shooting, Mississippi highway patrolmen riddled a dormitory at Jackson State with Bullets killing two. -- In NYC, a conservative hard-hat construction worker told anti-war demonstrators to love America or leave it. He then raised the flag at the City Hall which was lowered for the Kent State victims.

FTR: Tom Hayden:" The Port Huron Statement (1962)

-- Born in Comfort, but freedom and equality is something we value but we mature in complacency. -- Human Degradation from the South's Bigotry led to activism -- Cold War meant we might die at anytime -- We became oppressed or viewed these events subjectively and began to notice the paradoxes surrounding America. --- All Men are created equal doesn't hold true in the North and South ---- The United States' peaceful intentions were contradicted by its economic / military investments in the Cold War -- Men participate in meaningless work, idleness. The Upperclass prospers while mankind suffers from undernourishment. -- Nations tolerate anarchy and are sapping the earth of resources. -- America is in a stalemate, goals ambiguous, and tradition bound instead of informed and clear democratic system. -- Issues have tested our commitment to democracy -- Our work is guided by the fact that we are the last generation that lives thus we experiment without concern for the living. -- Powerful institutions can blunt the demands of the People -- Americans feel contentment amidst prosperity but there are actual deeply felt anxieties. -- Making values explicit is corrupt, conventional morals like "free world" are too general as myths rather than descriptive principles. Educators sacrifice their curriculum to appeal to public relations -- How could we live in a better way? -- Utopia is declining because of social life today through theoretical chaos. Idealism is deluded. No Serious Aspirations is tough minded. -- Men are regarded as precious beings with reason, but they can be manipulated into incompetence. Men have potential for self-cultivation., -- The goal of man should be human independence: a concern not with image or p[opularity but with finding a meaning in life that is personal and authentic. (Faith in one's potential) -- Human relationships should involve fraternity and honesty. -- Men can overcome loneliness when they stop the idolatrous worship of things. -- Power shouldn't be rooted in possession, privilege, or circumstance, but rather love, reflectiveness, reason, and creativity that inspires democracy of individual participation. -- The Well-being of man should be the measure of success. Violence should be abolished as a means of change. -- The effect of a college experience is similar to that of a tv channel by passing on stock truths. It is an initiator of new modes and molders of attitudes. Notes from Class -- Civil Rights starts a movement which came from Human Degradation within the South -- Democratic: Rule for the People, Values should be for the people. Technocracy is using people with specialized knowledge to deal with problems. Plutocratic is society ruled by wealth. -- The drive to make money should be made out of incentives to make money for right reasons outside of survival.

What did Malcolm X think of MLK and mainstream Civil Rights Leaders?

-- Called them Uncle Toms who keep people in check with peaceful and nonviolent (Useless) movements. -- Killed by ELijah Muhammad in a fatal conflict as he peaked in influence through his militant messages.

George Wallace led a conservative counterattack for what purpose?

-- Championing of states' rights and voice of white backlash against civil rights and cultural rebellion -- He was fed up with political liberalism and social radicalism. -- Claimed "welfare women" were breeding children to receive federal child-support checks.

What was the issue with Archibald Cox from Harvard Law?

-- Cox wanted the "Nixon tapes" to be released but he was ordered to be fired. ---- The man to fire him, Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resigned to avoid firing him. ---- Eventually fired by Solicitor General Robert Bork which created a public indignation.

What took place at the Chicago Democratic National Convention?

-- Delegates gathered to nominate Johnson's vice president, Hubert Humphrey, for president. -- 20k Police / National Guards confronted anti-war protesters who taunted the police.

What did JFK tell Diane Nash to do about the Freedom Fighters?

-- Diane Nash, SNCC member recruited new riders and was told by JFK not do b/c she would get killed.

What Fractured Feminism?

-- Disputes between moderate and radical feminists fractured the movement. -- The white middle class also contributed to stalling the movement.

"Press. Johnson ""Peace Without Conquest."" PG 314"

-- Doesn't want to dishonor the pledge to fight Communism in SV -- There are great stakes in the balance, since China could have access to a good portion of Asia. -- Objective is the independence of SV, and its freedom from attack. -- The US will not given in and will use meaningless agreements saying we will even... Then we will settle for peaceful settlement -- US does not want deaths, but participates b/c our own security is at stake. -- In 1954 he promised that 3 countries would become independent (Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos through Seato), but he later states 4, which is wrong.

What caused Strict public opposition to the war?

-- Drug abused killed 4x more troops than combat-related wounds -- Between 1969 to 1961, there were 730 fragging incidents where soldiers killed/injured their own officers. -- My Lai Massacre of 347 Vietnamese ordered by William L. Rusty Calley, a lieutenant, was published in magazines. The officers involved were charged with complicity and subsequent-cover up. Calley was convicted. Nixon granted him parole.

What were LBJ's goals?

-- Embrace Civil Rights, equal opportunity -- Create the most new programs to help people in poverty, or people with a lack of education, heal the sick, dignity to the old, bring the South into mainstream American life.

What did Robert Kennedy promise after he beat Eugene McCarth in the presidential primary?

-- End divisions within the US, and end violence. -- He walked through the hotel kitchen and Jordanian Arab, Sirhan Sirhan, resented his support of ISRAEL, and shot him w/ a pistol w/ 8 shots. ---- Hit kennedy in the head (alive temporarily, but died the next morning) and wounded three others. (Buried with JFK)

What prevented women from getting unequal pay?

-- Equal Pay Act of 1963: Made it illegal for women to get payed less than men for the same job, but discrimination and harassment continued. -- 51% of Population were women, 37% held jobs, and were paid 42% less than men.

Who was Malcolm X?

-- Father killed at Age 6, born in Nebraska. -- Foster Care and expelled from school in ninth grade. -- Detroit Red, theif, Drug dealer, and pimp. -- Seven Years in Prison . -- Joined the Nation of Islam (NOI) in Chicago-based religious sect. (Black Muslims) -- Elijah Muhammad, the cultlioke leader, said whites were devils and championed blakc nationalism, self-respect and self-discipline. -- X came from his lost African Name, He Delivered electrifying speeches.

How did people view the students?

-- Fear, Loathing -- Nixon said that campus unrest was a revolutionary struggle

What was the Watergate incident?

-- Five men Burglarized the Democratic National Committee HQ (Cuban Exiles who worked for the CIA and James W. McCord worked for Nixon's campaign)

What were Nixon's preferences for U.S. involvement?

-- Foreign Policy > Domestic Policy -- He was an expert in foreign affairs due to being Dwight's VP and the strategic vision of Henry Kissinger. -- Wanted to develop friendly relations with SU and Communist China. -- Wanted to keep participating in military interventions around the world using the CIA to pursue America's strategic interests only.

Who were the Greensboro Four?

-- Four brave African American college students sat down and ordered coffee and donuts at an all-white Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. -- They were refused and were told they had to eat standing up or take their food outside. -- They proceeded to wait 45 mins and then came back tomorrow with 24 more Students. -- Some read the Bible, David Thoreau's essay on civil disobedience and came back every day for a week.

What were the effects of the Great Society versus the New Deal?

-- Franklin passed 15 Bills in the first 100 days, but Johnson passed two hundred in last two years. -- It exceeded Roosevelt's New Deal in part b/c of economic prosperity/boom. -- He asked Congress to raise taxes in 1966 b/c money was running out. -- Infant Mortality Dropped -- College Completion Soared -- Malnutrition disappeared -- Few Elderly live below poverty line w/o access to health care. -- Civil Rights and Voting Rights -- Medicare and Medicaid -- Head Start Programs for Poor Students, Scholarships -- Most programs were ill-conceived, underfunded, mismanaged or even corrupt. Some worsened issues. Medicare made medical bills skyrocket for everyone and food stamp fraud

What was NV plan to take over SV? + how did the US respond to the cries of SV?

-- Full-Scale Invasion. -- SV called for help from the U.S., but Congress did not want to spend $$$ or lives and refused. -- Americans watched as NV rolled into Saigon named Ho Chi Minh City and military helicopters lifted desperate U.S. embassy and SV officials and families to warships waiting offshore.

What did Feminists focus on?

-- Gender Discrimination in the workplace -- Equal pay for equal work -- Equal chance at jobs traditionally for men -- High-Quality, Government-Subsidized Child-Care Centers -- Easier paths to birth-control devices, prenatal care, and abortion.

TOM GRACE: Shooting at Kent State 1970, PAGE 340

-- Given the option by their professor to leave and take the exam another time if the ongoing events interfered with their studying. -- He made assurances to his gf, but went to the rally, b/c of its importance and no harm coming from it. -- Shouting against war, waving flags, hundreds of students right at the commons. A thousand observers, when grouped around the victory bell. -- National Guard + Police showed up and told them to leave, but they felt they were doing nothing wrong and they had no right to disperse them. -- After a student hit the Jeep tire with a rock, the Guardsmen backed upon and lined with their bayonets marching toward them while shooting tear gas. -- People threw rocks or tear gas back and gave wet paper towels to ease the pain on their eyes. -- The Guardsmen split the kids like the Red Sea, got to the hill and started shooting. -- Tom is shot in the heel, and lays down in the prone position. Lasted thirteen seconds. Sandy has a bullet hole in her neck. He has a tourniquet but is in great pain. -- The Guards got off Scotts free since the Justice Department failed to prove a case of conspiracy to violate their civil rights. -- He wants there to be a memorial where its 4 kids were shot, 9 injured for protesting US invasion of Cambodia.

How did Nixon respond to the stagflation?

-- Goal: Reduce Federal Deficit -- How: Raise Taxes / Cut Budget and told the Federal Reserve Board to reduce the nation's money supply by raising interest rates. (Stock Market nose-dived) -- "Nixon Recession"

What were JFK's plans?

-- HE wanted to develop a foreign policy which would break out of assumptions revolving around the Cold War -- Wanted to increase the registration for African American voters -- He believed racial unrest needed to be handled with caution instead of boldness. (Eisenhower) -- He understood the injustice of bigotry, but needed white votes. -- Kennedy helped get MLK out of Georgia's Jail

Richard Nixon appealed to whites how?

-- He appealed that America was being corrupted by permissiveness anarchy, and the tyranny of the rebellious minority. -- He wanted to restore "law and order" to the obedient, none-lawbreaker. -- Deep resentment for people who had an easier time of the "moneyed class." -- Good liar, says he wants the truth, rageful, mood swings (anti-semitisim) -- Kept an enemy list, took politics personally, wanted to punish people on his list.

How did Kennedy deal with civil rights issues through Harris Wofford?

-- He appointed Harris Woffor to use little civil rights legislation and maximumm Executive action to go against racial discrimination. -- MLK responded by saying JFK had no moral passion to end racial injustice.

What did Nixon do to blunt the Civil Rights movement?

-- He appointed no African Americans to his cabinet and refused to meet with the all-Democratic Congressional Black Caucus. -- Tried to block congressional renewal of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 -- To delay implementation of court orders requiring the racial desegregation of school districts. -- the Court ordered the racial integration of the Mississippi Public Schools and in Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education (1969) they desegregated them. -- Nixon's his efforts to block desegregation in urban areas failed in Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education that school systems must bus students out of their neighborhoods if necessary to achieve racially integrated schools.

What did Nixon attempt to do to the Pentagon Papers before release?

-- He argued that they would endanger national security and prolong the war, but by a vote of 6 to 3, the Supreme Court ruled against him, and they were published. -- Nixon ordered the FBI to find out who leaked them, they identified Ellsberg as the culprit, and Nixon launched a crusade to destroy him.

What did JFK do?

-- He arranged a televised speech which he said he would soon submit a law to Congress saying "in American life or law." -- He was determined for change.

How did MLK attempt to pressure Congress to enact a voting rights bill?

-- He attempted to register 3 million unregisters Blacks in the South ---- Selma, Alabama, 250 of 15k Blacks were registered. -- 600 Black/White protesters marched from near the Edmund Pettus Bridge (54 mi) to Montogmery but were stopped by 500 state troopers and were assaulted. -- March interrupted, but King said a second one come and a federal judge okayed if Johnson sent troops to protect them. -- 25k marched to Montgomery which resulted in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. -- Voting Rights Act of 1965: Ensured all citizens the right to vote --- Attorney general could send officials to regulated voters in areas with racial discrimination. --- Banned Literacy tests --- 250k Registered, 53% in Alabama, turned South Republican

What were Nixon's views on federal power?

-- He believed the president must be the central source of power so that foreign policy comes from the White House AND NOT the State Department. ---- He wanted the authority to wage war without a congressional declaration of war.

How did he deal with Congress?

-- He could move men better than Kennedy. -- The Revenue ACT of 1964

How did Henry Kissinger deal with NV in negotiations? (PRIVATE MEETINGS)

-- He dropped his willingness to remove VC from SV before removing U.S. Troops. ---- He announced peace is at hand before the election to win votes. -- the Theiu regime in SV rejected the Kissinger plan for cease-fire b/c they did not want a NV Communist victory.

How did Kennedy follow the plan of Option 2?

-- He had the quarantine of Cuba to prevent Soviet Ships which consisted of 200k Soldiers. Using the US NAVY -- Khrushchev said the Soviets would ignore them, but they actually stopped short of the quarantine line.

"What happened to Medgar Evers and what were the effects of his death? (Civil Rights Activist)

-- He heard JFK's speech, drove home, and was shot attempting to enter his home by a white ambushing him. -- He died before getting to a hospital, and it reinforced JFK's commitment for civil rights.

What was the "Great Society" according to Johnson?

-- He knew he was losing votes while in office which is why he wanted to move legislation fast. -- He wanted to move America towards a rich society and powerful society which would end poverty and racial injustice and provide liberty for all.

What did Nixon do?

-- He knew if he vetoed Congress's efforts, they would veto him back and pass their Act so he didn't stand in the way. -- He signed the Endangered Species Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. ---- He created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and signed the Clean Air Act. ------- He vetoed the clean water act, but Congress overruled him.

What was King's POV on what was going on?

-- He knew the weeks of public demos would incite violence and arrests but it was the cost for victory.

How did Johnson respond to opposition to the war effort?

-- He labeled his critics / antiwar protesters "Communists" and used agencies to punish them.

Why was Johnson invested in Vietnam based off of his past commitments?

-- He originally promised to "Americanize" the war during the Cold War and to contain the spread of communism. -- He did not want to be blamed for losing Vietnam to Communism.

Who did George Wallace attempt to appeal do?

-- He ran on the Independent Party Ticket to defend racial segregation. -- He would oust the scummy anarchists. -- Concerns about anti-war protesters, the mushrooming welfare system, growth of federal government, forced racial integration, and rioting in urban ghettos. -- Wallace hoped to deny Humphrey and Nixon an electoral majority and throw the choice in the House of Reps. -- He said the nation is filled with rednecks.

How did JFK support SV, like Eisenhower?

-- He sent weapons, money, 16k military advisers to SV,

What were Johnson's views on Vietnam?

-- He thought in 1964 it was another Korea and that it wasnt worth fighting for to McGeorge Bundy. -- By 1965. 184k in Vietnam, By 1966, 385k, By 1969, 542,000.

How did Nixon deal with the Soviet Union to amend relations?

-- He visited Moscow to talk to Leonid Brezhnev, the Soviet premier. -- They signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) -- DID NOT END NUCLEAR ARMS RACE, but limited the number of missiles and prohibited the construction of missile-defense systems. -- Also the US sold almost a quarter of its wheat crop to the Soviets at a favorable price (Great Grain Robbery)

Why did Ford storm up controversy?

-- He wanted to end the nightmare of Watergate through opening up its wounds -- he said Nixon was rid of his crimes, but the public was unforgiving. -- He was grilled if Nixon had made a secret deal for the pardon. (Plummeted his approval) -- Only President put in place without election.

Why did Kennedy choose Option 2?

-- He was hurt by overconfident military advisers over the Bay of Pigs operation -- He feared that the Soviets would take West Berlin as an excuse.

How was Johnson brought into office? + What were his mental issues?

-- He was signed in on a plane -- The Kennedy brothers kept him out of key decisions prior and described him as an animal. -- He was a rags-to-riches story, but he had an ego and insecurities much like his vanity and ambition. ---- He personalized the White house, wanted to be the center of intention, people were either with him or against him, no middle ground.

What did Nixon promise to the whites to win?

-- He would appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would undermine federal enforcement of civil rights laws (schools to use racial integration and affirmative action) -- He would promise lower tax rates and less government regulation.

What were Johson's first priorities in his "Great Society?" (AMA) (3 ACTS)

-- Health Insurance and Aid for Education, so many bills were passed off this momentum (435). -- American Medical Association (AMA): Comprehensive medical-insurance program. ---- Served those over sixty-five ---- Created Medicare health insurance for elderly and Medicaid to cover all ages of poor people -- The Higher Education Act of 1965: Federal grants to universities, scholarships for low-income students, low-interest loans, for students, and National Teachers Corps. -- The Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1966: $1 billion for impoverished mountain areas. -- The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965: $3 billion for urban renewal projects. Headed by Robert Weaver, first African American cabinet member.

What did Henry Kissinger do, to stop the war?

-- Held a NSC meeting to place America's military forces on Alert. -- Flew to Moscow, Communicated with Soviet Premier Brezhnev, and negotiated a cease-fire agreement and exerted pressure on the Israelis to prevent them from taking more territory. -- His "Shuttle Diplomacy" won acclaim, but failed to get a comprehensive formula for peace. However, it laid GROUNDWORK for treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1977.

To what degree were Hispanics discriminated against?

-- Hiring, Housing, and Education. -- Median income of Mexican American was only 62% of National Average. -- There was also segregation and they called for improved public schools.

How did the Civil Rights Act become passed and what were its effects?

-- How: Johnson, Senator Hubert Humphrey, Congressional Committee Chairs, Labor Unions, Church Leaders, and Civil Rights Organizations. -- Effect: Major blow to the system of segregation and gave the federal government new power to bring lawsuits against businesses that violated the constitutional rights. -- Effect 2: Established Equal Employment Opportunities Commission to guarantee employers treated job applicants equally regardless of race, gender, etc.

What was a common part within the counterculture "Eight Miles High?"

-- Illegal Drugs and the "Acid Test" were common -- The 1967 "Summer of Love" where people protested the Vietnam War and celebrated the youth revolt. -- Peace March in NYC w/ 300k -- 10k Hippies "Flower Children" converged in San Fran. -- The "Council for the Summer of Love" gathered to be the first step to oppose the war by celebrating alternative lifestyles.

Nixon's election was successful because of?

-- In both 1968 and 1972, he won over the white southern Democrats who were upset by the civil rights revolution. -- South had been the most conservative, the "Solid South" voted for Democrats which reflected lingering resentments. -- Their population grew 40%

What was the Free Speech Movement (FSM)?

-- Inspired by the Sit-in at UOC at Berkeley -- Mario Savio participated in the Freedom Summer in Mississippi and addressed the issue of students' rights with the "depersonalized unresponsive bureaucracy smothering American life. (Motivated by the Civil Rights Movement) -- Demonstrated another Sit-in at Sprout Hall, Arrested, More People Showed up, the Unv. The President then revoked the ban on political demonstrations.

What were Communes?

-- Intentional Communities or Communes -- Counterculture wanted to experiment with it. -- Greenwich Village, Chicago Uptown (Rural Communes) -- Hippies flocked to the countryside for freedom -- To forge an authentic community -- Plans collapsed, none knew how to farm, none were willing to do the hard work..

What were the effects of the Freedom Riders?

-- Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to order that all interstate transportation facilities be integrated. -- Kindled the growth of civil rights groups (turning point)

Impoverished People

-- Invisible because of the development of the American cities and suburbs. -- People assume the society is affluent. -- Middle-Class women visit the city for a play and return home and miss the true poverty. -- Interstate highways shield the middle-class to the invisible people in poorer conditions or neighborhoods

How was the Middle East fairing around this time?

-- Israeli forces routed the armies of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan + territory from each. -- Palestininan Refugees increased after the Israeli Victory (Israel's Creation).

What was the Test Ban Treaty?

-- It banned the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere.

What did the Feminine Mystique do?

-- It defined the problem in society that had no name. -- It inspired well-educated middle/upper class women who felt trapped by household drudgery.

What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

-- It guarantee equal treatment under the law for all Americans outlawed discrimination in public places, discrimination in buying a home, and discrimination in employment based upon race, sex, or national orgin.

What did the Greensboro sit-ins launch and end?

-- It launched a decade of civil rights activism and and end to carefree complacency that characterized the fifties.

What was the Port Huron Statement?

-- It said that they were the next generation, who were the next people to restore America's founding principles. It declared students should engage in "participatory democracy" by taking control of the education process from the administrative bureaucracy.

By 1982, the Equal Rights Amendment which was supposed to give them equal opportunities, did what

-- It was stopped by several state legislatures by conservastive groups and was 3 states short of ratification.

Why did the US want to preserve Southern Vietnam?

-- It was the cornerstone of the free world in Southeast China -- TEst of American Willpower in the Cold War

Who killed MLK?

-- James Earl Ray, a thief / racist, killed him as he stood outside the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. -- Ignited wave of violence in more than 100 cities. ---- 20k Army troops / 34k national guardsmen / 21k arrested.

What did Federal Judge John J. Sirica get James w. McCord to say about the Nixon administration?

-- James W. McCord, a security chief of the Committee to re-elect the president (creep), revealed Nixon's systematic efforts of Nixon to create an imperial presidency. -- Money was being collected through CREEP and controlled by the White House staff. -- Nixon was personally involved in the cover-up using his power to discredit and block the investigation. (he ordered the CIA to order the FBI to get off the case) (coached allies how to lie) -- L. Patrick Gray admitted he destroyed several incriminating documents

What happened with James Meredith and College?

-- James, a Black student and Air Force Vet, tried to enroll at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, and he was refused to register for classes. -- Ross Barnett, the governor, refused to allow him into the white school and then Robert F. Kennedy enforced federal marshals to uphold the law. -- Meredith was registered at the cost of the National Guard and two dead + dozens injured.

Who was Joseph?

-- Kenedy's Father -- Self-Made Tycoon -- "It's not important what you really are, but what people think you are" he was big on image.

What did Kennedy tell Harris Wofford to about the Freedom Fighters?

-- Kennedy thought they were a pain, and he called Harris Wofford to disband the freedom rides. -- Kennedy told them to cool off and he was told their got their influence from him!

What happened to the Freedom Fighters later that night?

-- Kennedy told the Alabama governor to intervene and finally the nation guards dispersed the mobs. -- The Freedom Fighters were jailed in Mississippi and never made it to New Orleans.

When Nixon handed over the tapes what happened?

-- Key Recordings were missing and eighteen minutes of conversation when he talked about Watergate were gone. -- The Secretary said it was her fault but they found out the sections were intentionally deleted. -- Nixon resigned.

What happened in Cambodia after the Vietnam War?

-- Khmer Rouge, Communist insurgency turned Cambodia into a bloodbath (killed ⅓ of their population.

FTR: George C. Wallace: The Civil Rights Movement: Fraud, Sham, and Hoax

-- Law signed by JFK is a sham and a hoax by dishonoring countless who have died. It is an act of tyranny. -- The Tyranny is imposed by the Federal Government which intends to rule over with the black despots on the Supreme Court bench. -- Threatens Freedom of Speech, Assembly, or Association, Political Rights, Our Trial by Jury, Full Use of Private Property, Freedom of Search and Seizure, Freedom from harassment by Federal Police. -- Wallace doesn't want it b/c it destroys our free enterprise system,. -- Court uses jargon, but really doesn't like our form of government and they think they can make a better one. -- People can no longer use judicial decisions to determine what the court may do. (But they may find the answers to the Communist Manifesto) b/c they want to overthrow our government. Although the Supreme Court isn't communist. -- Supreme Court says Children cannot read the bible in public school systems. -- Southerner is a philosophy and attitude. (not geographic) He is conservative. -- He is running for President b/c he wants to remain free and to restore constitutional government and to stop bloodletting..,. -- Left wing monster set up our government and invaded the leadership of the churches. -- Through God they can revitalize the government. -- He wants Segregation, Governor of Alabama, Hero of White Conservatives, He showed White Backlash against social liberalism. -- Purpose: Running For President, thus he frames the argument appealing to Moderate Whites through utilizing the term "our."

Who was James Farmer?

-- Leader of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) -- Consisted of Eighteen Black and White Freedom Fighters who boarded two buses traveling from DC to New Orleans (Tested to see if racial segregation was BANNED on Buses, Trains, and Terminals)

Statistics on Vietnam War

-- Longest, Most Controversial, Least Successful -- Combatants and Civilian Death Count : 2 Million -- NV Deaths: 600k Plus Civilians -- SV: 240k -- Refugees: 500k in US -- American Deaths: 58k, 300k Wounded, 100k Missing one or More Limbs -- US Spent: $699 Billion

Why was 1968 a Traumatic Year?

-- MLK and Robert Kennedy died.

Did Brown v. BOE work throughout the South?

-- Many public schools remained Segregated and Unequal in quality. -- Plus Restaurants had signs saying "Colored Not Allowed"

What did the newly elected Nixon do?

-- Mass bombings of Hanoi and Haiphong in NV Cities. (Christmas Bombing)

Who was Nixon's favorite singer?

-- Merle Haggard wrote "Okie from Muskogee" proved they were against anti-war protesters, hippies, rising taxes, social welfare programs, and civil rights activism.

What other groups were moved by the Civil Rights movements?

-- Mexican Americans, Native Americans, Gays, Elderly, Disabled, to demand equal opportunities and rights.

What exposed people to Poverty even more?

-- Michael Harrington's The Other America which showed 40 million people the culture of poverty, and much more extensive it was because it was usually hidden since it was in isolated rural areas or inner-city slums.

What was General William C. Westmoreland's plan?

-- More for waging a war of attrition (absolute casualty damage that forces a surrender of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese) -- Not so focused on capturing territory.

When Spy Planes saw the missiles, who was called together?

-- NSC (National Security Council) -- JFK -- U.S. Marine Commander: Argued that the Missiles in Cuba were not a true strategic threat b/c the Soviet Union has many better ways to attack rather than through Cuba

What were the Pentagon Papers?

-- NYT published EXCERPTS from The History of the U.S. Decision Making Process of Vietnam Policy which was commissioned by Robert McNamara (Resigned). -- The so-called Pentagon Papers, leaked by Daniel Ellsberg, former Defense Department member confirmed suspicions. ---- Congress + Public did not hear the full story of the Gulf of Tonkin incident and contingency plans for the U.S. entry into war were being drawn up as President Johnson was promising that combat troops would never be sent to Vietnam.

What was the Timeline for the Birmingham Campaign?

-- New Alabama Governor: George Wallace (Racist + Wanted Segregation) -- Sit-Ins, Picket Lines at Businesses, March on City Hall -- Dogs, Tear Gas, Cattle Prods, Fire Hoses were used to deter Blacks (Connor) 3k Arrested --- King wrote "Non-violent civil disobedience in jail"

What was going on in South Vietnam?

-- Ngo Dinh Diem and his family had worsened under corrupt leadership.

What happened at Vienna Summit?

-- Nikita Khruschev wanted to take control of Berlin (East Germany) -- He also thought JFK was weak -- JFK wanted to know an estimate of how bad a Nuclear War with the S.U. would be and it was 70 mil deaths. -- 156k Army Reserve and National Guard were sent to protect West Berlin.

"FTR: Richard M. Nixon and John Dean (The President and John Dean in the Oval Office (1973)")

-- Nixon decides to let the Senate ruling do its thing and for him not to comment, Dean agrees. -- Dean uses curse words to describe the Republicans in reference to the Congressmen. -- Kalmbach is resistant to the pressure and they cant get his records with regard to his private transactions.

What did the Democrats in Congress pass?

-- Nixon signed that 17 years could vote in national elections -- All elections under the 26 Amendment increases in Social Security benefits and food-stamp funding -- The Occupational Safety and Health Act to ensure safer workplace environments and the Federal Election Campaign Act which modified the rules governing corporate financial donations to political campaigns.

What gave the Hispanic rights movement strength?

-- Not so much sit-ins, and protest marches, but the rapid growth of the population. -- The voting power gave them key electoral votes (political clout).

What did Johnson believe was the goal of the war?

-- Not to "win" but to prevent the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong from winning and to force them to sign a negotiated settlement. (US would be present if the enemy were present) -- Not for the war to reach levels where the Chinese and Soviets would get involved.

How did the Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara respond?

-- Nuclear missiles increased five-fold -- 300k Men in Armed Forces -- Created Green Berets (Men trained for Guerrilla Warfare all around the world)

What publicized environmental events occured?

-- Oil Spill off the coast of Santa Barbara, CA -- The Cuyahoga River caught on fire for five days. ---- People were transferring from the anti-war movement to the environmental movement.

What occurred during the seventies over natural resources?

-- Oil and Gas dramatically increased and thus federal environmental protections were demanded.

What was the Tet Offensive, and what were its effects?

-- On the New Vietnamese Year (Tet), the VC surprise attacked the U.S. in SV. -- Tet Offensive did serious damage to the US, but the US turned it around and Westmoreland said it was a major defeat for the Vietcong. -- However, Politically, it turned the Americans against the war. And Johnson's popularity plummeted.

How did Kennedy take control of South Vietnam?

-- Once they assessed that he must be removed, they murdered Diem and his brother (unexpected to Kennedy) but the generals soon fought each other. -- However, SV became an American Colony essentially and the US put the generals in power and gave them orders alongside massive financial support. It went mostly to the hands of corrupt politicians -- Kennedy used the Domino Theory in an interview.

What did the Counterculture lifestyle consist of?

-- Peace, Love, Harmony, Rock Music, Mystical Religions, Mind-Altering Drugs, Casual Sex, and Communal Living. -- Long Hair for men and women and unusual / striking clothing. -- Mostly middle-class whites alienated by the Vietnam War, racism, political corruption, and parental authority.

FTR: MLK: Letter From a Birmingham Jail

-- People are against the demonstrations at Birmingham, but he wants them to consider more than just the effects and to look at the underlying causes. They left the Blacks with no other option. -- Four basic steps for nonviolent campaign, find injustice, negotiate, self-purify, and direct action. -- Treated Unfairly in Courts and Countless Bombings (Highly Racist) -- Blacks must strive to get their freedom, they have "waited" for 340 years -- Finds it paradoxical that they say it's not okay for them to break laws, but they don't uphold the Supreme Court decision to keep public schools desegregated in the South. -- Morally responsible to disobey UNJUST laws, and must obey just laws (morally). -- Just agrees with Moral Law or Law of God -- Unjust is out of harmony with Moral Law or Law of God (Therefore above Federal law and does not allow Abortions) -- Moral Law should outweigh Federal Law everywhere -- Segregation distorts the soul, damages the personality, false sense of superiority, and gives the afflicted a false sense of inferiority. -- Mentions that unjust laws against minorities are not fair b/c Blacks cannot vote against them (prevented to vote) compares it to Hitler. -- Talks about the negro community, 1) drained of self-respect and somebodiness due to segregation, 2) few in the middle class profit by segregation and are insenstitive o the problems of the masses, 3) other advocates violence -- Elijah stands for people who lost faith in America, white man is evil, and dislike Christianity -- His Method is better than do nothingism or hatred, (love and nonviolent protest) Should they be extremists at all, for injustice, justice, love or hate? -- Church is weak and does nothing by agreeing with Status Quo. -- References famous people, James Meredith's (Pioneer), Negro Woman of Montgomeryy (Decided to not ride segregated buses)

The word Hispanic means?

-- People who trace their ancestry to Spanish-speaking Latin America or Spain. -- Latin(o/a) technically refers to those from Latin America descent.

Who were the Communes?

-- Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, and Bob Dylan produced songs to spur social reform. -- Hippies' favorite performers were those under the influence of mind-altering drugs. ---- Especially "Acid Rock" bands: Jefferson Airplane, Big Brother -- Woodstock Music and Art Fair "Aquarian Exposition" was the largest outdoor concert at the time. ---- 400k on 600 acre farm in Bethel, NY./ -- Flower Children grooved for three days in heat, rain, and rivers of mud on good music, booze, weed, and sex. -- Only OD's no crimes (rape, assault, robberies). -- Woodstock = Short Carefree Love.

FTR: Malcoln X "The Black Revolution Speeches"

-- Political Philosophy: Black Nationalism & Social Philosophy: Black Nationalism -- He wants complete control over the politics and politicians of our own community through black people. ---- So we can provide jobs for black people through businesses if our community is run by Blacks. -- Weaknesses destroying them: Drug Addiction, Drunkenness, Adultery, Welfare, -- He hoped through a BLOODLESS revolution, but he was fine if that didn't happen A negro holds the balance of power, is given rights of the Constitution and should sweep all the racists and segregationists out of office. -- Their numbers would help them balance out the opposing sides (racists) -- Definition of Balance of Power: an equilibrium of power sufficient to discourage or prevent one nation or party from imposing its will on or interfering with the interests of another. -- Southern Segregationist controls America's foreign policy / domestic policy -- TO DO IT WITHOUT BLOODSHED: Black man must be given use of the ballot in every state GUARANTEED. -- Black people are economically, politically, and socially beggars for money, power, and education.

How were Kissinger and Nixon as a team?

-- Preferred operating in secret -- Insecure and paranoid. Both mistrusted and envied the other's power.

Why did the "Red Power" decide to speed up the process of things?

-- President Lyndon Johnson's attempts to funnel federal money to reservations was slow and thus they wanted to protest local, state, and federal agencies.

FTR Rita Mae Brown: Discrimination and Unfairness Abound

-- Questions Betty Friedan on starting NOW to change societal pressure/views on women, but doesn't support all types of activists (gays). -- Ivy Bottini is a valuable person, but they are not supporting all types of activists. -- They made the wrong choice by dismissing homosexual supporters since they have so much to offer. They want to support the feminist movement, but can't b/c they are homosexual.

Joan Baez "I Do Not Believe in War" PG 309

-- Refused to pay her taxes as a symbolic protest -- Weapons can caused too much pain to the human race -- Does not want to give 60% of her taxes to armaments. -- 1st Argument: One one can take another's man life, -- 2nd Argument: war is impractical and stupid. ---- 1st: Nuclear Weapons is madness / wrong b/c it kills too many too fast. ---- 2nd: Too expensive, and all funds are not entirely used. -- Defense system is an offense system (not "National Security") which is a killing machine that will blow up another part of the world which isn't security or smart. --- People are sttarving, and see the US as wealth and power b/c of our budget, and despise us b/c of our war decisions (impractical and stupid) -- Arms Race is stupid, war is stupid, she does not support war. (In Reference to Thoreau) -- She was a general pacifict, but Thoreau was specifically against the Mexican American War

What did Hippies want / reject?

-- Rejected the Pursuit of Wealth / Careers -- Embraced Plain Living, Friendship, Peace, and freedom. -- Hippies preferred to drop out of mainstream society rather than to try to change the political system. -- "make love, not war" -- Personal freedom without traditional constrations. They became defiant, optimistic, egalitarian, since they rejected family, government, political parties, corporations, the military, colleges, and universities.

What attracted media interest and popular support from Chavez?

-- Relentless energy, insistence upon non-violent tactics reliance on college-student volunteers, skillful alliance w/ labor / religious groups and the life of poverty he chose for himself.

What were the effects from the Greensboro sit-ins?

-- Rennie Davis, Oberlin College attendee, was inspired to work for social reform and political change. -- Sit-ins, marches, protests, ideals, and sacrifices from civil rights movement groups inspired other minority groups to demand justice, freedom, and equality. They believed they could no longer turn a blind eye to injustice.

Who was Barry Goldwater?

-- Republican counterattack to Johnson in the Election of 1964 -- Rich, Right Wing of Republican Party, -- As Senator, voted against Civil Rights Act of 1964 since the US would soon become a "federal police state." -- Against Income Tax, and Social Security in The Conscience of a Conservative. -- Wanted to reduce the size of government, use atomic weapons potentially in the bombing of North Vietnam

What did Robert Bob Moses of Harvard do?

-- Resigned from SCLC to go to SNCC to form an "an army" to get voting rights to blacks. -- They would live with rural Blacks to teach them in freedom schools and help them register to vote.

What were the effects of the Politics and People of the US?

-- Revealed democracy wasn't easily applicable to everywhere around the world. -- In trying to contain communism, it fragmented the national consensus. -- Undermined Lyndon Johnson's presidency, fractures within democratic party.

Who did the Republicans gather to nominate?

-- Richard Nixon, who said he would be a spokesman for "middle America." -- He would bring "law and order" and he appealed to the "Silent Majority" who viewed the "rabble rousing" protesters with contempt. -- He promised to listen to the forgotten Americans, that aren't racist and don't shout.

What occurred in Chicago after the first wave of protesters?

-- Riots broke out which were televised (war in the streets) (tear gas/clubs).

What was Johnson's stance in the Election of 1964?

-- Running Mate: Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota (Promoted Civil Rights) -- Did not want to send Americans to Asia Election States: 61% Pop, 486 to 52 Electoral.

Who challenged Johnson in his re-election?

-- Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota announced his own campaign as an anti-war candidate. Winning 42% of the primary of the vote to Johnson's 48%.

How did Betty Friedman feel about Lesbians?

-- She deplored the lesbian women's movement, "lavendar meance" of lesbianism as a divisive distraction that would enrage opponents. -- However, NOW later endorsed gay rights. -- Feminists demanded that their hidden history should be advocated over the years. -- They wanted to transform every aspect of society and took direct action by attacking Magazines with sexual aspects of women.

What resistance did Kennedy face?

-- Southern Democrats turned Republican wanted to increase federal aid to education, provide medical insurance for the aged, and create cabinet-level of urban affairs and housing to address inner-city poverty. -- Kennedy had 355 legislative requests but Congress approved half

What was the Southern "redneck" culture?

-- Stock car racing, pickup trucks, barbecue, and country music. -- Air conditioning brought the sunbelt states of the South.

How did Black Militancy continue?

-- Stokely Carmichael headed SNCC and banned whites from the organization. -- He rejected nonviolence and urged blacks to defend themselves. -- MLK spoke to the conscience of Americans and Carmichael spoke to rage of young blacks. -- Carmichael moved to the Black Panther Party which consisted of black revolutionaries who used incendiary strategies and cultural pride.

What happened in the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade?

-- Struck down state laws forbidding abortions during the first three months of pregnancy. -- They ruled women have the right to choose -- Supported NOW's efforts to liberalize state abortion laws and received conservative backlash especially religious leaders who said that they had a right to life and went on a crusade.

What were the NSC's two options?

-- Surgical Airstrike on the Missiles + maybe an Invasion -- Naval Blockade of Cuba where the US would search them of missiles.

Who was Archie Bunker, and what did he do?

-- Talkative member of "silent majority" which was bundled with racial, ethnic, and political prejudices. -- Against Blacks, Jews, Gays, Hippies, Liberals, Italians... (but he says he's not a bigot)

How did people feel about the soldiers when they came back?

-- The "loss" of the war, + atrocities committed eroded respect for military service -- Many were embarrassed or unwilling to talk about the involvement of their own soldiers.

What happened in Chile with the CIA?

-- The CIA wanted to remove Salvador Allende, A Marxcist, Socialist leader, somewhat like Castro. ---- 1st CIA: Provided funds to Allende's opponent Candidates ---- 2nd CIA: Told Chilean Military Leaders to Oust him, Army leaders took control and he either killed himself or was murdered. -- Bad News, Augsto Pinochet took control and murdered thousands which proved America's obsession with Anti-Communism and protecting business interests was not working.

Who were the Yippies?

-- The Counterculture alternative to SDS and the New Left -- The Zany Youth International Party "Yippies" by two prankers, Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman, Groucho Marxists, were bent on thumbing their noses at conventional laws and behavior and mocking capitalism and the consumer culture. -- Wanted peace in Vietnam, Absolute Personal Freedom, Free Birth Control / Abortions, Legalization of Marijuana and LSD, to overthrow the power structure, to form an alliance between hippies and Weathermen, using drugs signifies the end of Protestant ethic: screw work. -- Did not want to make a traditional political organization, but they wanted to make a nation centered on pot. "Smoke-Ins" -- Threatened to put LSD in the Chicago Water Supply -- Urged voters to cast for "None of the Above" -- Nominated a Squealing Pig for Presidency"

What was the Economic Opportunity Act?

-- The Economic Opportunity Act ---- Created Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) to administer 11 new community programs ---- Job Corps training program for inner youths ---- Legal Services Commission provided legal assistance for low-income Americans ---- Financial-Aid programs for low income students, grants to small farmers / businesses, loans to businesses that hired chronically unemployed, also created the Volunteers in Service to American program (VTSA) to combat inner city poverty, and the Community Action Program which allowed the poor the maximum feasible participation in directing their neighborhood programs. ---- Food Stamp Act, helped the poor afford to buy groceries. ---- OEO, VTSA, CAP, Food Stamp Act, Financial Aid, Legal Services, Grants, Job Corps

Ford's Viewpoints / Opinions?

-- The Federal Government had too much power. -- During Ford's Presidency the nation was in a struggling economy (UE: 9%) (Inflation Doubled) (Deficit hit a record) -- He launched timid public relations campaigning against INflation. (WIN) -- WIN Buttons became a joke and he signed a tax reduction bill that failed to stimulate growth. Deficit went from $53 billion to $74 billion. -- Wanted stability in the Middle East, friendly relations with China, detente with the Soviet Union. -- Israel promised to return to Egypt most of the Sinai territory captured in the war and agreed to rely on negotiations. -- Raegan said that Ford and Kissinger (Stripped of his dual role as national security adviser) were continuing the existence of the SU.

What two new organizations did the Gays found?

-- The Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists' Alliance ---- Focused on ending discrimination and harassment against gay and transgender people. -- 800 gay organizations formed across the country.

What happened at a Rolling Stones show?

-- The Hells Angels Motorcycle gang was to provide security, but a drunken Hells Angel stabbed to death an 18 year old African American wielding a gun in front of the stage. 3 more spectators were accidentally killed. -- Ended much of the vitality / counterculture, hippie phenomenon faded as liberation ran up against growing poverty, crime, addiction, and physical/mental illness.

How did Johnson speak to immigrants and migrants?

-- The Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965: Abolished discriminatory annual quotas based upon immigrant's national origin and created all nationalities and races equally. -- Ceiling on Visas -- 170k ppl outside Western Hemisphere -- 120k persons within Western Hemisphere -- 20k ppl max from any one country.

Why was the Paris Peace Accords nuanced in their promises?

-- The NV and SV signed an agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam. (Paris Peace Accords) ---- NV kept 150k troops in SV to reunify Vietnam under one government (Communism) ---- However, SV who could not participate in the negotations, accepted the argument on the basis that Nixon's promise that the United States would respond with "full force" to any Communist Violation. Even though the United States pretty much ended its combat role.

What organization did Friedan and other activists create?

-- The National Organization for Women (NOW) -- NOW was formed to promote "equality" for women in America. -- It sought to end gender discrimination in the workplace, legalize abortion, obtain federal and state support for child-care centers.

What term did they adopt to distinguish themselves from the "Old Left"

-- The New Left which was different from the Old Left of the 30s which embraced Marxism.

What did the United States v. Richard M. Nixon rule?

-- The President must surrender all tape recordings -- Recommended Three Articles of Impeachment: Obstruction of Justice through the payment of "hush money" to witnesses and the withholding of evidence; abuse of power to deprive citizens of their rights.

What was the RYM movement?

-- The Revolutionary Youth Movement wanted to move political radicalism from "protest to resistance." -- "You don't need a weatherman / TO know which way the wind blows." A title of their paper at the SDS convention -- It called for a "white fighting force" to ally the Black Panthers and other radical movements to pursue "the destruction of U.S. imperialism and to achieve a classless world run by world communism."

Why did Kennedy want to send someone to the Moon?

-- The Soviets had the first manned space flight in 1961, but then Kennedy said it would organize and measure the energies and skills of the US. -- Johnson said it showed a major indicator of who was a world leader

What prompted the military escalation?

-- The Tonkin Gulf Resolution -- the Dep. of Defense stated that NV torpedo boats attacked two warships in the Gulf of Tonkin, however American vessels actually fired first to support SV against two NV islands. -- It was voted for as if it were a congressional declaration of wart, since it allowed him to wage war.

What did Dolores Huerta form?

-- The UFW, a UNION for migrant lettuce and grape workers. (Undocumented, potentially deported)

What made the war so tricky?

-- The US tried to fight a limited war, but the Communists fought an absolute war. It proved that the US resources were limited too.

What was the Nixon Doctrine?

-- The United States would no longer pay any price or deal with any burden and the US will not execute all the decisions and undertake all the defense of the free world. -- Countries subject to Communist insurgencies should be the primary defense. ---- United States would provide money and weapons, but no soldiers. -- A Policy of Detente, easing relations with America's Communist archenemies although he was once rabid anti-communism. -- We would pick places on how important they are and how much power is required to execute our preferred actions.

Why was there ignited rage in 1967-1968?

-- The anti-war movement grew in inner-city ghettos, frustration grew from racial injustice over patterns of discrimination in employment and housing. -- When MLK and Robert Kennedy were shot, campus unrest boiled over.

What led to the youth revolt of the 1960s?

-- The baby boom caused a spike in enrollment between 1945-1970 which meant more than half of Americans (30) were attending college (8mil).

When did the Activists get another bus ride to New Orleans?

-- The president was forced to provide another bus to reach Montgomery, the capital of Alabama (still attacked).

What was the Johnson treatment?

-- The president would verbally bash you until you did not agree to vote as he wanted. Which defeated key legislators.

What did Nixon do in China?

-- The two nations agreed to scientific and cultural exchanges, resuming trade, and the reunification of Taiwan with the mainland. -- Liaison offices that served unofficial embassies were established in Washington and diplomatic recognition was formalized. -- Nixon wasn't fearing the label of being "soft" on Communism.

What sexual endeavors did Kennedy partake in?

-- The whitehouse was filled with a galaxy of women including Marilyn Monroe and Judith Campbell Exner (Chicago Mob Boss's GF)

What were the 3 Issues of Native Americans?

-- Their unemployment was 10x national rate, life expectancy was -20 years than the national average and the suicide rate was 100x higher than the white's.

What started the Stonewall riots?

-- There was a popular gaybar in NYC, Stonewall Inn, Greenwich Village. -- The NYC vice police raided the inn and the gays fought back. -- Stonewall Riots lasted throughout the weekend during which the Inn burned down.

What was an issue with SDS?

-- They effectively criticized the status quo instead of creating a blueprint for the future.

What were the effects of the Weatherman?

-- They essentially committed revolutionary suicide by killing SDS by abandoning pacifist principles which gavbe the movement moral legitamacy.

How did Counterculture / New Left feel about the Status Quo?

-- They fiercely rejected them.

How did Nixon attempt to cover up Watergate?

-- They gave 400k to the Jailed burglars to buy their silence -- Tried to keep the FBI out of the investigation -- Discussed using the CIA to derail the Justice Department's investigation. -- Lied to journalists and destroyed the evidence. -- Haldeman developed a plan for the Cubans to take the fall and he told the FBI to stop investigating b/c it involved a top secret CIA operation (LIE).

How did Indian protesters get their issues across more efficiently?

-- They had copies of old treaties and demanded that the documents become the basis for financial restitution for the lands taken from them. -- IN AL, MA, SC, Massachusetts, they had settlements which recognized their tribal rights and awarded them with monetary compensation at levels that upgraded the standard of living on several reservations.

How did the Weather Underground ruin themselves?

-- They instructed white kids to lead an armed revolution by assaulting police and by trashing the city. -- 250 bombings of draft board offices, ROTC buildings providing military training on campuses, federal gov facilities, coporate HQs... -- Three members killed themselves making a bomb -- Eventually, they were forced underground by their aggressive efforts and their energy diminished as Nixon ended the draft and withdrew U.S. troops from Vietnam.

How did Nixon and Kissinger treat NV in relation to aerial bombings?

-- They kept up the bombings as a "fourth-rate power" b/c they must have a breaking point. -- Effect: To let them know he was so serious about ridding Communism, he might use nuclear warfare.

How did the University of California at Berkeley take Hayden's New Left Plan to heart?

-- They spent their summer working with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committees (SNCC)'s voter registration project. -- They staged a sit-in on campus when the unv. Chancellor said no political demonstrations.

What did The Soviets do in Berlin?

-- They stopped all traffic between East/West Berlin and erected a Berlin Wall to separate them. -- Refugees fled

What did The CIA tell JFK when he was elected about Cuba?

-- They trained 1500 Anti-Castro Cubans to make an uprising which would gain support and overthrow Castro (Operation Trinidad) -- However, it had little chance of succeeding -- They were dropped on the Bay of Pigs and were captured and killed and Kennedy refused the call for US Warplanes. -- He later paid a $53 million ransom for the captured rebels.

What did Carl Bernstein and Bobwoodward do?

-- They uncovered facts about the Watergate break in -- They connected the FBI to the Watergate burglary and the Committee to Re-Elect the President

How was Radical Feminism organized?

-- They wanted "women's liberation from sexism (male chauvinism or male oppression.)" -- "Consciousness-raising" sessions proved that they shared grievances in a "man's world." -- They wanted to participate in sexual politics to organize a political movement based on their common problems and goals.

After the Civil Rights Act was approved what happened to three SNCC workers and 8 black males

-- They were all killed and buried by the KKK -- James Earl Chaey, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Mickey -- They went to investigate the burning of a Black Church

What happened to Diane Nash and 10 students took a bus to Birmingham?

-- They were arrested and sang freedom songs in Jail. -- Connor, a racist police chief, pulled them out of jail and dropped them at the state line of Tennessee, but they still went back to Birmingham.

What did the Native Americans do at Alcatraz?

-- They were joined by others and the Nixon administration cut off electrical/fresh water services and many left, but 15. (Eventually removed)

What deal did Khruschev want to strike with the US?

-- They would remove MISSILES from Cuba, but the US could never invade CUBA -- AND the Us would have to remove its missiles from Turkey (SECRET) -- End of Cuban Missile Crisis

How did Americans at home oppose the fighting in Vietnam?

-- Three Dozen College Campuses hosted "teach-ins" where they criticized the war effort and Professors would gather in or outside classrooms to discuss "a better policy" in Vietnam. -- 20k Students carried signs saying: "Get out of Saigon and into Selma, Freedom Now in Vietnam, War on Poverty Not People." (Demanding an End to the War)

How did NOW/Congress/Supreme Court advance gender equality

-- Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 barred discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. AND ATHLETICS. -- Increased Female High School Sports (tenfold) and 2x at college level.

What is Stagflation?

-- To describe the simultaneous problems of stalled economic growth (stagnation), rising inflation, and high unemployment. Consumer prices rose. -- Unemployment went from 3.3% to 6% while Nixon was in office. 1st Cause: Financed Social-Welfare Programs and Vietnam War without tax increase which incurred deficits, a expansion of the money supply and inflation. 2nd: U.S. companies faced international competition from industrial / technological facilities. 3rd: America was prosperous from cheap sources of energy previously, but now gas/oil shortages rose prices.

What was New Federalism?

-- To please Republicans and recruit conservative Democrats, he sent federal monies to state and local governments as they saw fit. -- He disbanded the Office of Economic Opportunity and cut funding to several Great Society programs.

What was Nixon's plan with China?

-- To recognize Communist China to establish normal relations even though they preferred to regard Chiang Kai-Sheks's regime on Taiwan as the legitimate Chinese government. -- By being the first President to use the term People's Republic of China, he shocked the world by normalizing relations. -- The United Nations voted to admit the People's Republic of China and expel Taiwan.

How was JFK's campaign?

-- Traveled 65k Miles -- 25 States + 350 Speeches -- Talked to Protestant Ministers in Texas which neutralized concerns about him being Roman Catcholic and proved the Pope wouldn't tell him how to act b/c he's catholic.

The extension of the war into Cambodia resonated with the United States positively or negatively?

-- Triggered Widespread anti-war demonstrations -- At Kent State Uni, the Ohio National Guard was called to control riotting. Radicals hurled rocks at the soldiers, at they hit 13 students, and killed four. -- The song "Ohio" talks about the killing of four students.

What happened to the ERA Amendment intended to guarantee equal treatment for women throughout society / politics?

-- Twenty-Eight states approved the amendment, 10 short of the 38 needed for approval.

Military Recap between 1965 and 1968.

-- U.S. Warplanes dropped more bombs on Vietnam than bombs that hit enemy targets in Second World War. -- Johnson underestimated the strength, the Vietnamese Communists, fought an all-out war.

My Lai Massacre (1968)

-- US Army soldiers massacred lots of Vietnamese people

How did the US fight the VC in South Vietnam, what were the issues?

-- US used "search and destroy" and reported "body count" on evening newscasts. -- Vietcong men/women hid in villages which made them elusive and brought more deaths to the U.S.'s soldiers. -- The jungle was hot and humid too!

Operation Plan 34A

-- US/SV forces raided NV coastal and island installations to analyze their response to attacks.

What was the Civil Rights Organization of Mexican Americans?

-- United Farm Workers (UFW) ---- Founder: Cesar Chavez who served in the navy and worked as a migrant laborer and wanted to register Latinos to vote.

How did the Department of Defense help Universities?

-- Universities had become gigantic institutions through research contracts from the federal government (Dep. of Def.) -- These "multiversities" were wary of involvement in the military complex. -- Young people disillusioned with the government and "authority" of all kinds which led to the "New Left" and the "Counterculture"

How was Vietnam separated based upon Johnson's decisions that committed America to a full-scale war?

-- VC first attacked U.S. base in South Vietnam killing/wounding 100 Americans, which prompted Operation Rolling Thunder. -- Operation Rolling Thunder: Sustained bombing of North Vietnam ---- Problem 1#: Avoid bringing USSR or China, Pr 2, Military Aid sent to NV from Soivet Union and China. -- There was North Vietnam: Massive Bombing Campaign by US warplanes -- There was South Vietnam: Ground Combat.

What happened to Spiro Agnew and after him?

-- VP Spiro Agnew accepted bribes before / during his term.. Then Gerald Rudolph Ford was put in place. B/C Spiro was forced to resign. -- Appointed under the 26th amendment and was the chief executive during Nixon's resignation and was both VP and President without having been elected to those offices. .

How did Chavez gain support?

-- Violent Protest Marches and Hunger Strikes / Nationwide boycotts.

What allowed for Hispanics and Blacks to participate in highly-skilled labor?

-- WW2 had defense industries in search of employment. -- It heightened their identity and increased their desire for equal rights and social opportunities.

What did Congress do after the Watergate scandal to curb executive power?

-- War Power Act (1973) which requires a president to inform Congress within 48 hours if U.S. troops are deployed in combat abroad and to withdraw troops after sixty days unless Congress specifically approves their stay. -- Congress set ceilings on political contributions and expenditures. -- Congress strengthened the Freedom of Information Act to require prompt responses for information from government files and to place on government government agencies on the burden for classifying information as secret.

Why was Johnson becoming sucked into the War effort?

-- Westmoreland requested more soldiers and Johnson kept approving because he felt that turning him down would be like hearing a call for help and rejecting it. -- He also felt that it would be hard to improve the education and standards of life for Blacks if the war was draining the Nation's resources.

Who did Nixon Appoint?

-- White men who would blindly carry out orders. -- John Mitchell: Attorney General from NYU law firm -- H.R. (Bob) Haldeman: Chief of Staff -- John Ehrlichman: Seatle Attorney (Chief Domestic-Policy Adviser) -- John W. Dean III, associate deputy in the office of the U.S. Attorney General, White House legal counsel.

What was WITCH?

-- Witch (Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy From Hell) and WRAP (Women's Radical Action Project), Keep of Truckin' Sisters, and the Redstockings who were against women as sex objects, domestic servants, and cheap labor.

FTR Gloria Steinem

-- Works with lowest paid workers in the country -- Dealt with social discrimination reserved for women in public places, restaurants, and have been rejected from apartment rentals. Excluded from political stuff b/c she's a woman. -- However she is lucky b/c most women routinely experience more discrimination. -- Same sex myths reflect our laws. Women are biologically inferior to men (myth) and Women are treated equally in society (myth) and women suffer second class treatment from the moment they are born (truth) b/c they are expected to be rather than to achieve. Children must have full-time mothers (myth) Children suffer from too much mother. Women are not more moral than men (truth)

What did Tom Hayden say about the 1960s in retrospect?

-- Young Americans were not so interested in gaining office, but in changing lifestyles. They did not want to make viewpoints/opinions, but rather change the climate of opinion. -- He also realized he led disaffected young rebels (Hippies) to embrace counterculture, an unorganized rebellion against mainstream institutions, values, and behavior that focused on cultural change more than political activism. -- Hippies are a main group within counterculture

JFK Inaugural Address PG 294

-- Youngest President ever Elected -- Wealthy Catholic Family, Graduate of Harvard, WW2 Hero, Senator -- Hints of forming the biggest Alliance ever -- References ideas like the Monroe Doctrine, Truman Doctrine -- Speaks of concerns about the Cold War

Philip Caputo: A Rumor of WAR Pg 346

-- in the Marines, Sent to Indochina -- Assumed VC would be quickly beat and that they were doing their job for a noble cause. -- War soon was exhausting and rooted in indecisiveness as they purely fought for survival. -- Used Search and Destroy, they grew tired from the conditions (heat) and would have sudden violent verbal outbursts. -- They knew that not all who died would be accounted for, or studied bhut the lessons about fear would stay with them forever. They left Vietnam as peculiar creatures. -- 10 months later, he's released. He felt a strange attachment to Vietnam, and longed to return. -- He wanted to go back not for PATRIOTISM, but rather he was so deeply changed that he did not fit in with everyone who didn't experience what he went through (FEAR). -- He could never hate the war, because he had fought in it which made it an emotionally significant experience. -- He could protest, but not deny the grip the war had on him, because it was fascinating but cruel. -- People must admit they enjoy the compelling attractiveness of combat, men have their senses heightened when close to death (almost like drugs) which made it addictive. -- People were fused by common hardships and fears like taking body counts. "It was as if comradeship we found an affirmation of life and the means to preserve at least a vestige of our humanity"

Why did the Soviets send for the Secret Installation of Missiles on Cuba?

-- to Show that he was not afraid of the Americans -- To protect Cuba from an American invasion -- Also b/c of the Bay of Pigs invasion and that the U.S. installed missles in Turkey.

What did JFK promise (again)?

--- Bring together the best and brightest minds -- He represented the Programmatic Generation (decisive, bold, manly, courage, and conviction from Cold War + Nuclear Conflict)

What "Dirty Tricks" did Nixon do on the Democrats?

--Hubert H. Humphrey and Henry Jackson were accused of sexual improprieties, forging press releases, setting off stink bombs, and planting spies on George McGovern's campaign plane. -- McGovern complained about the tricks but Nixon ordered illegal wiretaps on his opponents and tried to coerce the Internal Revenue Service to intimidate Democrats and he told Bob Haldeman to break into the safe at the Brookings Institution.

"What was Escobedo v. Illinois? (Warren Court)"

A person accused of a crime must be allowed to consult a lawyer before being interrogated by the police.

What was Escobedo v. Illinois?

A person accused of a crime must be allowed to consult a lawyer before being interrogated by the police.

Permanent Effect From LBJ

After the 1964 Election of LBJ, the South starts to become more Republican since LBJ is a Democrat for Civil Rights

Notes from Nearpod (Holy Moly)

Black Power -- Starting to become more non-violent. -- They embraced their cultural differences which gave them even more value. -- Usually Whites put down symbols of Black Power like "the Afro" since it made them unique. Symbolized by a Black Fist. Yellow Power -- Pan-Asian groups gained studies in colleges, health services, and reparations for interned Japanese-Americans. -- They faced punishment from the Chinese Exclusion Act, Japanese Internment, Anti-Asian Attitudes due to VN Brown Power -- Mexican American workers worked to improve the lives of the Farm Workers -- They wanted better pay, to be liberated more and to have more rights Rainbow Power -- Originally considered mental illness and illegal -- Gay Liberation Front (GLF) Gay Liberation Parade was intended to bring an end to discrimination against homosexuals "Gay Pride" to "Come out of the closet." Red Power -- Native Americans had the lowest income, highest unemployment rate, and shortest life expectancy of any group of Americans -- They wanted tribal autonomy and the return of land taken by broken treaties. -- They sued the U.S. government for not honoring their treaties. -- They seized Alcatraz Island b/c it offered fishing and it would get across their point of how serious they were. (it wasn't a prison yet) Pink Power -- Feminists wanted to draw attention to sexual discrimination and unequal pay for women -- Feminists demanded an Equal Rights Amendment to ban sexism which was defeated by conservatives and anti-Era women -- Gained abortion rights (Roe v. Wade) -- Congress passed Title VII to protect women from sexual harassment. Title IX outlawed sexual discrimination in education / athletics. Green Power -- Rachel Carson's Silent Spring exposed the dangers of pesticides in the environment. -- The government passed clean air and water and passed the Endangered Species Act & formed the EPA

Chapter 29 (New Frontier and Great Society)

Chapter 29 (New Frontier and Great Society)

Chapter 30 (Rebellion and Reaction)

Chapter 30 (Rebellion and Reaction)

What was Kennedy's greatest legislative success?

Congress committed to put $40 Billion to get an American on the moon within ten years.

"Reynolds v. Sims? (Warren Court)"

Congressional districts should be fairly equal in population.

What are the two types of Segregation?

De Jure Segregation: Under Legislation segregation is enacted. De Facto: Without Legislation to enact Segregation. -- The Images show how African Americans are a victim of horrible conditions when protesting segregation which resonates with Americans to promote racial equality.

"Heart of Atlanta Hotel v. US? (Warren Court)"

Desegregation of public accommodations established under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is legal.

How did the Election go?

Election of 1968 Richard Nixon: 31.7 mil Pop, 301 Electoral Hubert Humphrey: 31.2 mil Pop, 191 Electoral George Wallace, 10 mil Pop, 46 Electoral

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