AP US History Unit 9 Terms

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Washington Conference

1921; was the most important effort to build safeguards against global conflict. It was also an attempt to prevent a naval arms race between Britain, US, and Japan. All three nations agreed to the provisions, which set up a 5:5:3 ratio in regards to ship building.

Quarantine Speech

A speech in Chicago in 1937, FDR's warned forcefully the dangers that Japanese aggression posed to world peace. Aggressors must be 'quarantined' to prevent war. He was highly criticized for the speech, and would not attempt to curb the isolationist trend that had befallen America. Made FDR realize he had to go slower in educating America about the dangers of the aggressor nations. Reaction probably made aggressors more confident US would not do anything.

Neutrality Acts

Acts of '35, '36, and '37 established mandatory arms embargo against belligerent nations, and warned American citizens to travel at their own risk. It also established the cash and carry policy. Limited US's role in stopping or reacting to aggression in the late 1930s.


American and Mexican governments agree in 1942 to a program by which contract laborers would be admitted into the US for a temporary period in order to work certain jobs, specifically farm workers. Showed that the US was willing to increase migration when we needed labor.

Nye Committee Hearings

Americans were listening to the argument that powerful business interests dragged the US into WWI. An investigation by senate committee chaired by Senator Nye from ND revealed enormous profiteering by many corporations during the war. Reflected US popular opinion against WWI and helped bring about the Neutrality Acts of 1935-1939.

Kellog-Briand Pact

Concluded the Washington conference when a French minister, Briand, asked US to join alliance against Germany; Kellogg instead asked for an agreement banning war as a means of foreign policy. Showed the US was willing to play some role in international relations, but it showed that this agreement was weak because most signees were at war in 13 years.

George F. Kennan

Considered the father of containment. Wrote an article for Foreign Affairs outlining the containment theory, became known as Article X. Became critical of the US trying to contain communism everywhere. Helped give war critics credibility during some of the containment wars.

National Securities Act of 1947

Created several new instruments of foreign policy, including Dept. of Defense. Created agencies that helped fight the Cold War, but also, led to some heavy-handed techniques of getting rid or persecuting both foreign and domestic enemies.

Fair Employment Practices Commission

Established as a response to A. Phillip Randolph's threat to march on Washington with 100000 black men to protest civil rights. FDR relented and proposed to look into the issue with the FEPC.

Rosie the Riveter

Famous wartime image that symbolized the importance of the female work force during WWII. Becomes symbol for efforts of women in the war, but still maintained the feminine features that both women and men wanted to maintain.

5 Power Pact

February 1922; established both limits for total naval tonnage and a ratio of armaments.

General Douglas MacArthur

General in charge of the Pacific Theater in WWII. Helped Japan write a new Constitution after WWII. Led US troops in Korea. Had major disagreements with Truman and refused to obey orders from Truman. Truman relieved him after his "no substitute for victory" letter. Returned a hero but eventually faded away when Congressional hearings were held about his conduct in the Korean War.

Checkers Speech

Given by Nixon in 1952 after being nominated as VP and being accused of accepting illegal gifts. Took his battle to the people and strong public support saved his spot on the ticket after the speech. It was the name of the dog given to Nixon's daughters and he said he would keep it.

Henry J. Kaiser

He single handedly steered billions of dollars into vast government projects in the West. He then created major centers for shipbuilding, steel, magnesium, and AL production. He changed the entire economy of the pacific coast by the war's end.


Held investigations to prove the government had tolerated and not encouraged communists. Led to the Hollywood 10 trial and the Alger Hiss trial. This committee made a Republican Representative named Nixon famous.

The Holocaust

History's greatest horror, the deliberate destruction of 6 million Jews and 6 million others. High officials in Washington were unwilling to divert important military strength to destroy the camps, because many were anti-Semetic themselves. The State Department wouldn't even allow Jews into the Country. The US and other allies had to wonder after the war if they could have done more to save victims before and during the war.

Munich Conference

Hitler's determination to expand his "lebensraum" resulted in a demand of the German populated Sudetenland in Czech. Czechs were unwilling to give it up, but Britain and France met with Hitler and appeased him by giving it to him in return for a promise that Germany would no longer seek expansion. Czech was taken over a few months later. This becomes the symbol of appeasement and its lessons are frequently used to justify military interventions during and after the Cold War.

USS Panay

In 1937 Japanese aviators struck it and sunk it as it sailed into China. Isolationists wanted to forgive the Japanese this incident, and move on. The incident showed to what extent the US isolationists would go to avoid war.

Manhattan Project

In 1939, Einstein warned that the Germans had developed nuclear fission, which was the first step in creating an atomic bomb. From 1941 on, the government provided $2 billion to make the bomb. 1st successful blast in New Mexico and let to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Korematsu vs. US

In 1944 the Supreme Court ruled that the relocation of Japanese was constitutionally permissible. Did not rule on internment camps.


In December 1940, GB was virtually bankrupt and could not afford to meet the cash and carry requirements. FDR decided to lend and lease armaments to Britain or any other nation "vital to the defense of the US" on no more than the basis if their promise in return or pay back after the war. Passed by Congress. Helped prevent the defeat of Britain and later, the defeat of the Soviet Union.


In February 1945, the Big 3 met in this Soviet city for a peace conference. American president sensed resistance to his internationalists post war dreams. They reached a consensus on a number of subjects, but ignored issues such as Poland.

Marshall Plan

Introduced by Secretary of State Marshall to help rebuild Europe after WWII. Included 16 western nations combining in a recovery program in which the US gave massive amounts of aid and loans to rebuild Europe. Considered one of the best things the US ever did by Europeans. Did help communist expansion and US economy.

Alger Hiss

Investigated by HUAC. Prominent new dealer. Was challenged as being communist. Nixon helped prove he was guilty of perjury and he spent time in prison.

Security Council

Most important agreement of Yalta was to form the UN. Was key part of the UN. Made up of five permanent members: Soviet Union, US, France, GB, China. Each one has vetoing power and can order UN troops into conflicts. Many disputes of Cold War.


Organized in April 1949, to help 12 nations fight communist threats in Europe. An attack on one member would be an attack on all members. The main military alliance that helped the West win the Cold War against the Soviet Union.

Joseph McCarthy

Senator from Wisconsin declaring to know of 205 commies working in the State department. Emerged as a leader in the anti-communism crusade. Intimidated his opponents and friends. Brought down when he accused army as being a haven for communists. Most famous leader of the 2nd Red Scare.

States' Rights Party

Southern democrats who walked out in protest of Truman's civil rights program. Their candidate, who defended segregation, ran against Truman in 1948 and received many electoral votes from the South.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Successful detonation of Soviet atomic bomb years earlier than expected led many to believe that secret info had been leaked out. They were convicted of leaking information and both were eventually executed for treason. Only people in history executed for treason in peace time.

Good Neighbor Policy

Successful diplomatic relations ensued in Latin America. The US would no longer interfere with Latin American business, and would recognize any Latin American standing government without questioning the means to which they rose to power. It was a retreat from Roosevelt Corollary. Helped win good will among many Latin American nations.

Cash and Carry

The 1937 Neutrality Act established it. Where a nation at war could purchase non-military goods but had to pay cash for them, and ship them on their own vessel. In 1939, allowed for purchase of military goods. Was designed to prevent the US from being drawn into another war. In 1939 and 1940, helped Britain gain needed supplies.

Containment Doctrine

The idea that Russia was expansionist historically so they would try to expand. The US wouldn't try to remove Communists where they were in power, but would resist Soviet expansion. Dominant foreign policy thinking during Cold War and even used against people like S. Hussein. Also, led the US into conflicts in Vietnam, Korea, and other places.


Truman called for a thorough review of American Foreign Policy. The council said the US could no longer rely on other nations to take initiative in resisting communism, US would have to contain communism.

Fair deal

Truman's 10 point program outlining his domestic program. Called for many reforms, defeated by congress in 1945. Included social security benefits, increased minimum wage, a program to insure full employment, permanent FEPC, national health insurance, and public housing.

Japanese Internment

WWII did not produce active hysteria and violation of civil rights of Germans and Italians as WWI had. But a small minority of Japanese were taken by the thousands into the mainland and pressed into government regulated and controlled concentration camps.

America First Committee

Was opposed to the Fight For Freedom Committee, and attacked prominent members and won the editorial support of the Hearst chain. Very influential in preventing the US from aiding the Allies.

A. Phillip Randolph

Was the president of the "Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters" and wanted all companies with a government contract to integrate the workforce. After threatening a march on Washington with 100000 blacks, FDR formed the Fair Employment Practices Commission. It was a rare symbolic victory for blacks. Show some good faith on the part of the US to move to equality.


Were people who supported America's entry into war. Some groups favored actual intervention, others just favored helping the Allies.

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