APA term paper test

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Cite personal communications that are not achieved or recoverable a. in the text b. in the reference list c. do not cite personal communications d. both a and b


Which of the following should be used in scientific writing? a. rhyming b. poetic expressions c. sexist language d. none of the above


A digital object identifier is generally located a. on the first page of the electronic or print version of an article near the copyright notice b. in a footnote on the first page of an electronic or print version of an article c. on the database leading page for the article d. all of the above e. a and c


Which of the following sentences is an example of correct agreement between the pronoun and its antecedent? a. The instructions that were included in the experiment were complex. b. Neither the highest scorer nor the lowest scorer had any doubt about their competence. c. The group improved their scores 30%. d. All of the above e. None of the above


In casual conversation the word since is synonymous with _____ but in scientific writing it should be used only in its temporal meaning a. however b. because c. after d. all of the above


Punctuation is used incorrectly in which example? a. The results were significant (see Figure 5) b. Walker and Wang, 2009, reported results similar to those of Ho and Card (2001) c. Rats that have sustained bilateral excitotoxic lesions of the ventral hippocampus as neonates develop behavioral abnormalities as adults (Powell et al., 2006) d. "When sea turtles were studied, the effect was not seen" (p. 276)


Use a semicolon a. to set off a nonessential or nonrestrictive clause b. to separate two independent clauses that are not joined by a conjunction c. in references between place of publication and publisher d. all of the above


When quoting long sections of material a. set the quote off with double quotation marks b. indent and use a block format without any quotation marks c. use a single quotation at the beginning and the end of the quotation d. use double quotation marks and single spacing


When typing a paper a. double space after headings and between paragraphs and reference list citations; single space elsewhere b. double space throughout the paper; single- or one and a a half spacing may be used in tables or figures c. single space between the lines of table headings d. double spacing everything except triple space after major headings


Which of the examples contains incorrect capitalization a. During Trial 5, Group B performed at criterion b. Column 5, Row 3 c. The animals ate Purina Lab Chow after tail pinch administration d. In his book, History of Psychology, the author describes Small's first use of the white rat


Which of the following examples who'll no be hyphenated? a. role playing technique b. super ordinate variable c. six trial problem d. high anxiety group e. all of the above


Which of the following phrases in correctly punctuated? a. the study, by Wenzel Brown and Beck (2008) b. the study by Wenzel, Brown, and Beck (2008) c. the study by Wenzel, Brown, and Beck, (2008) d. the study by Wenzel, Brown and Beck (2008) e. the study by Wenzel Brown and Beck (2008)


Which of the following phrases is an example of economical writing? a. absolutely essential b. four groups saw c. one and the same d. the reason is because


Which of the following statements is grammatically correct? a. Name the participant whom you found scored above the median. b. The instructions that were included in the experiment were complex. c. We had nothing to do with them being the winners. d. None of the above is correct.


A manuscript title should a. use abbreviations wherever possible b. contain at least 30 words c. be fully explanatory when standing alone d. begin with the words A study of


Changes to proofs should not include a. corrections of production errors b. updates to reference citations c. rewritten text the author would like to insert d. corrections to changes in meaning in text


End a complete declarative sentence with a a. prepositional clause followed by a question mark b. semicolon c. period d. comma


Of the following examples which represents correct hyphenation? a. randomly assigned participants b. higher scoring students c. self report technique d. all of the above


Report your conclusions in a. the past tense b. the past perfect tense c. the present tense d. any of the above


The phrase "the experiment demonstrated" is an example of which of the following writing errors? a. ambiguity b. redundancy c. anthropomorphism d. none of the above


The right margin should a. have divided words to achieve an even margin b. not have divided words and may be uneven c. have a 1 in (2.54 cm) space rather than a 2 in (5.08) space d. have divided or undivided words to achieve a clean line


Which of the following examples needs a hyphen? a. a posteriori test b. type II error c. 12th grade students d. unbiased


Which of the following sentences contains the preferable use of verb tense and voice? a. The same results have been shown by Komarraju (2008). b. Komarraju (2008) shows the same results. c. Kommarraju (2008) showed the same results. d. Kommarraju (2008) had shown the same results.


Within a paragraph or sentence identify elements in a series by a. arabic numerals in parentheses b. arabic numerals underlined c. lowercase letters in parentheses d. lowercase letters followed by a colon


One space should follow a. semicolons b. colons in two part titles c. periods in the initials of personal names d. all of the above e. none of the above


The headings of a manuscript should a. reveal the logical organization of the paper to the reader b. be at the same level for topics of equal importance c. not be labeled with numbers or letters d. all of the above


What is the digital object identifier or DOI? a. a unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency b. a unique identifier that should only be used if the URL is too long c. a unique identifier that identifies content and provides a persistent link to its location on the internet d. both a and c e. none of the above


When a publication has author a. the text citation should list the author as anonymous b. the text citation should use the publishers name c. no citation is necessary d. none of the above


When citing a direct quotation from a source, be sure to give a. the authors names b. the year of publication c. the page number or other locator, such as paragraph number d. all of the above e. the authors names and the year of publication


When citing a specific part of a source, be sure to give a. the authors names b. the year of publication c. a page number, paragraph number, or nearby heading and paragraph number if a quotation is cited d. all of the above


Continuity in the presentation of ideas can be achieved through a. the use of only one type of punctuation b. the use of transitional words c. the use of the full range of punctuation to cue the reader to the pauses, inflections, subordination, and pacing normally heard in speech d. all of the above e. b and c


Colloquial expressions such as write up, approximations of quantity such as quite a large part, and informal or imprecise use of verbs such as the client felt that a. diffuse meaning and weaken statements b. add warmth to dull scientific prose c. have a place even in serious scientific writing d. can be used to enhance communication e. are more acceptable in written as compared with oral communication


Direct quotations a. must follow the wording, spelling, and interior punctuation of the original source even if incorrect. Errors in the original source are indicated with [sic] b. must follow the wording and interior punctuation of the original source, but any spelling errors should be corrected c. should follow the original source but minor changes in wording, spelling, and interior punctuation are permissible d. none of the above


Do not capitalize a. names of laws, theories, and hypotheses b. trade and brand names c. references to a specific department within a specific university d. all of the above e. b and c


If a paper you have written is too long, shorten it by stating points clearly, confining discussion to the specific problem under investigation, writing in the active voice, and a. deleting or combining data displays b. using more figures c. developing new theories d. repeating the major points e. do none of the above


If no author is given for a source, put the source in the correct order in the reference list by a. moving the title to the author position and alphabetizing by the first significant word of the title b. beginning the entry with the word Anonymous and alphabetizing as if this were the authors name c. moving the journal title or publishing house to the author position and alphabetizing by the first significant word of the name d. none of the above


In a reference list, when ordering several works by the same first author a. place single author entries before multiple author entries b. write "ibid" for the first authors name after the first entry c. order them alphabetically by the name of the journal d. all of the above


In an introduction, controversial issues may be discussed when relevant; however, an author must a. present both sides of the issue b. develop sound ad hominem arguments c. cite authorities out of context d. disguise his or her bias e. do none of the above


In choosing nouns referring to ethnic groups, one should use a. the preferred designation within a particular group b. the standard terms of the media c. anthropological terms d. none of the above


Order the citation of two or more works within the same parentheses in order of their a. appearance in the reference list b. importance c. dates of publication d. status as printed or electronically published works


Put no space after a. the colon in ratios b. periods in the initials of personal names c. periods that separate parts of a reference d. all of the above e. none of the above


The correct order of manuscript pages is a. abstract, text, tables, figures, references, appendices b. text, references, tables, figures, abstract, appendices c. abstract, text, references, tables, figures, appendices d. abstract, text, appendices, references, tables, figures


When citing the source of a direct quotation that you found on the web a. it is not necessary to give source info in text because it will be given in the reference list b. in online material without pagination the citation should include info to help readers locate the quotation, such as a paragraph number or heading followed by paragraph number c. the citation is enclosed in parentheses after the final period of the quotation if the quoted passage is set off in a block and not put in quotation marks d. b and c are correct


When is the em dash used? a. to extend a thought b. instead of commas to set off restrictive clauses c. never in APA articles d. to indicate a sudden interruption in the continuity of a sentence


When listing an author of a paper, it is incorrect to a. give titles b. spell out the middle name c. use informal names d. all of the above


Which characteristic of a manuscript helps readers anticipate key points and track the development of an argument in a study? a. voice b. verb tense c. hypotheses d. headings e. all of the above


Which kind of spacing can be used in a manuscript? a. single spacing b. double spacing c. triple spacing d. all of the above


Which of the following phrases is redundant? a. a total of 68 respondents b. has been previously found c. in close proximity d. all of the above e. none of the above


Who has the responsibility to ensure that references are accurate and complete? a. an editor b. a proofreader c. peer reviewer d. an author


Choose the correct citation a. (Birman et al., 2005; Espin, 2006; Falicov, 1998; Hondagneu- Sotelo & Avila, 1997; Perez Foster, 2001) b. (Greenleaf, 1977,2002) c. (Hondagneu-Sotelo & Avila, 1997; Falcon, 1998) d. b and c e. a and b


Good economy of expression may be achieved through using a. short words b. short sentences c. direct, simple declarative sentences d. short paragraphs e. all of the above


In contrast to empirical studies or theoretical articles, literature reviews: a. define and clarify a problem b. summarize previous investigations c. identify relations, contradictions, or inconsistencies in the literature d. suggest steps for future research e. all of the above


In most cases, spaces once after all of the following punctuation marks except a. periods in a reference citation b. internal periods in abbreviations c. periods ending a sentence d. colons e. b and c


In titles of books and articles initial letters are capitalized in a. major words when titles appear in regular text b. words of four letters or more when titles appear in regular text c. the second word in hyphenated compound when titles appear in regular text d. major words and words of four letters or more when titles appear in reference lists e. all of the above


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