APES Midterm

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1- living in a sustainable way refers to a. using Earth's resources efficiently b. living without basic ecosystem services c. recycling all paper, plastic, and metals d. eating locally whenever possible e. using resources in a way that does not deprive future generations


1- a population is better able to respond a. fewer numbers but high genetic diversity b. large numbers but low genetic diversity c. the ability to provide ecosystem services d. evolved more recently e. migrated to its current habitat


1- ecosystem services a. are the processes by which life supporting resources are produced b. indicate the current state of the environment c. are valued for their beauty d. refer to abiotic features of the environment e. are the processes that humans use to address environmental problems


14- acid deposition from SO2 emissions occurs a. as acid rain, acid snow, or dry acid deposition b. as acid rain only c. as acid rain and acid snow d. as gasses that harm the ozone layer e. only as particles that attach to the surfaces of plants


14- for which substances does the EPA allow a MCL (maximum contamiant level) of 0 in drinking water a. giardia and fecal coliform b. giardia and arsenic c. mercury and atrazine d. mercury and fecal coliform e. benzene and mercury


14- which chemical used in rocket fuel affects the thyroid gland a. perchlorates b. PCBs c. PBDEs d. reproductive hormones e. DDT


14- which form of waterway pollution creates conditions in which productivity is decreased and gills of bottom dwelling organisms are clogged a. erosion and sedimentation b. runoff and flooding c. urbanization d. mining dams e. thermal pollution


14- which is most likely to create eutrophic areas a. nitrates and phosphates b. synthetic organic compounds c. heavy metals d. solid waste e. pharmaceuticals


14- which is not responsible for low pH in water bodies a. passing water through limestone treatment facilities b. acid rain c. flooded, abandoned underground mines d. mountaintop mining e. acid snow


14- which of the following is not true regarding the chesapeake bay a. it is one of many small estuaries along the east coast of the united states b. a large amount of sediment travels down the watershed into the bay c. it receives anthropogenic chemicals that adversely affect the local fish populations d. it receives nutrients from sewage treatment facilities e. it experiences algal blooms from the fertilizers used on the land in its watershed


2- the atomic number of an element is a. the number of protons b. the number of electrons and protons c. the number of protons and neutrons d. the atomic mass minus the number of electrons e. the number of electrons and neutrons


2- what is one limitation of GDP as a measurement of a nation's well being a. GDP only considers consumption and productivity b. GDP does not include financial markets c. GDP does not include international trade d. GDP does not include personal or business investments e. GDP only considers the cost of externalities


3- approx how much of the potential energy available from the sun's rays hitting the earth is used photosynthesis a. 1 percent b. 10 percent c. 25 percent d. 50 percent e. 90 percent


3- in which step of the nitrogen cycle do plants absorb nitrogen compounds a. nitrification b. denitrification c. assimilation d. ammonification e. nitrogen fixation


3- which element is the primary component of fossil fuels a. carbon b. hydrogen c. oxygen d. phosphorus e. nitrogen


3- which is considered the most important element in living organisms a. carbon b. hydrogen c. oxygen d. phosphorus e. nitrogen


4- latent heat occurs when a. water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid water b. water evaporates into the atmosphere c. water falls on earth as precipitation d. water is released into the atmosphere through transpiration e. frozen water melts into liquid water


4- the rain shadow effect can have a large effect on local climate. when a rain shadow effect occurs, which side of the mountain tends to receive more rain a. windward side b. leeward side c. top of the mountain d. foot of the mountain e. windward in winter, leeward in summer


4- what happens to air as it rises a. the pressure decreases and it expands in volume b. the pressure increases and it expands in volume c. the pressure decreases and it decreases in volume d. the pressure increases and it decreases in volume e. the pressure and volume remain constant


4- where is upwelling most likely to occur a. along the west coasts of a continent b. along the east coast of a continent c. in the center of ocean basins d. along the equator e. in the polar oceans


5- two species that have a high degree of niche overlap will a. compete intensely b. speciate c. interbreed d. be a predator-prey pair e. coexist peacefully


5- which measure of biodiversity takes into account the number of species present and the relative abundance of the species present a. shannon's index b. species richness c. species eveness d. biodiversity index e. hardy-weinberg index


5- which pair would most increase the rate of evolution within a species a. slow environmental change and high genetic varitation b. rapid environmental change and large population size c. long generation times and low genetic variation d. large population size and slow environmental change e. short generation time and small population size


5- which would not be considered when determining the fundamental niche of a species a. reproductive rate b. pH tolerance c. temperature tolerance d. salinity e. soil moisture content


6- the roots of many plants are infected with a specialized fungus. the plant supplies carbon to the fungus and the fungus supplies nutrients to the plant. how can this relationship be classified a. mutualistic b. commensalistic c. parastic d. successional e. competitive


9- hydroelectric dams represent what percent of all dams in the united states a. 3 b. 25 c. 50 d. 75 e. 98


9- in an aquifer a. groundwater is found between sediments and rock layers b. underground water is confined c. underground water in unconfined d. water recharge is rapid e. water is usually contaminated


9- more than half the irrigated land in the world is located in a. china, us, india, pakistan b. china, norway, india, pakistan c. china, us, russia, pakistan d. japan, us, india, mongolia e. china, south korea, india, pakistan


9- overall, the greatest percentage of household water use in the united states is for a. flushing toilets b. watering lawns c. drinking d. outdoor vegetable gardens e. laundry


1- studies conducted to determine the effect of pesticides on humans a. use human subjects to test for possible toxicity b. compare the health of people who been exposed with those who have not been exposed c. are typically conducted overseas where testing protocols are not as strict d. are designed so that the control group consists of younger, healthier people e. are typically conducted as a natural experiment using rats


1- two square km is equal to ______ square meters a. 200,000 b. 2,000,000 c. 20,000,000 d. 200,000,000 e. 2,000,000,000


14- primary treatment in a sewage plant is designed to a. remove pathogens from wastewater b. remove solids from wastewater c. create sludge for use as fertilizer d. move water from municipalities to the plant e. recycle water


14- which of the correct order of the events leading to cultural eutrophication a. leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands, fish die off, algal bloom b. leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands, algal bloom, fish die off c. fish die off, algal bloom, leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands, algal bloom d. fish die off, leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands, algal bloom e. algal bloom, fish die off, leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands


2- which incorporates an externality into the cost of a service a. a sales tax b. sulfur dioxide cap and trade allowances c. line usage charge on ultilities d. the sticker price of an automobile e. crude oil price fluctuation


3- in an ecosystem, a specialized type of bacteria that can convert ammonium into nitrate suddenly dies out. without these bacteria, which process would be directly affected first a. nitrogen fixation b. nitrification c. assimilation d. mineralization e. denitrification


3- what law best relates to energy loss within an ecosystem a. first law of thermodynamics b. second law of thermodynamics c. third law of thermodynamics d. law of conservation of matter e. law of relativity


3- which element is the most abundant in the atmosphere a. oxygen b. nitrogen c. phosphorus d. sulfur e. hydrogen


4- eutrophic lakes a. have very low productivity as a result of acid rain b. have very high productivity as a result of high levels of nutrients c. have low nutrient levels d. are formed by glaciers e. usually have no fish


4- what is one major role that gyres play in global climate a. they redistribute heat from the north to the south b. they redistribute heat from the equator to the poles c. they drive global wind patterns in the northern hemispheres d. they contribute to the coriolis effect e. they redistribute tropical moisture


4- what is one significant effect of upwelling a. it creates an area of high precipitation b. it creates an area of high nutrient levels along the coast c. it creates an area of high nutrients in the center of the ocean basin d. it drives thermohaline circulation e. it brings warm water to the surface of the ocean


4- which best explains the observation that warm air is more humid than cool air a. warm air has a lower saturation point than cool air b. warm air has a higher capacity for the water vapor than cool air c. cool air has a higher saturation point than warm air d. cool air has a higher capacity for water vapor than warm air e. warm air rises and encounters more water vapor in the upper atmosphere


5- the variety of genes within a species is called its a. species evenness b. genetic diversity c. species diversity d. ecosystem diversity e. species richness


5- which of the following is true about an individual's phenotype a. it should be identical to at least one parent's phenotype b. it may be affected by the environment c. it is the genetic make up of the individual d. it is a mix of parental genotypes e. it does not change


5- which would result in the highest rate of evolution a. a rapidly changing environment b. a population with high genetic variation c. a long generation time d. few variations of phenotypes and genotypes e. drastic changes to the environment


7- according to the theory of demographic transition, rapid growth occurs during phase a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5


9- freshwater accounts for what percent of total water in the world a. 1 b. 3 c. 10 d. 20 e. 33


9- water from an aquifer naturally percolates up to the surface a. in a well b. in a spring c. in a cone of depression d. in the water table e. in a recharge


1- the number of species on earth that have not yet been identified is estimated at a. 50-100 billion b. 5-10 billion c. 5-100 million d. 1-2 million e. 5000-100000


14- which is a class of carcinogens used in the production of plastics a. reproductive hormones b. DDT c. PCBs d. PBDEs e. perchlorates


2- a half life measures a. the number of electrons in an atom b. the time it takes for one half of a mass of radioactive material to decay c. the time it takes for one half of an original radioactive parent atom to decay d. the daughter material generated from one half of the parent material e. one half of the length of time radioactive waste must be buried


2- which scale is designed to measure economic status and include persona consumption, income distribution, levels of higher education, resource depletion, pollution, and the health of the population a. gross domestic product b. gross national product c. genuine progress indicator d. human satisfaction scale e. national progress initiative


3- U.S. legislation has limited the levels of sulfur that can be present in gasoline. this measure what designed to limit which aspect of the sulfur cycle a. sulfur extraction b. sulfur sedimentation c. acid precipitation d. sulfur assimilation in consumers e. acidic weathering


3- what is the major source of phosphorous on land a. decomposition from atmospheric phosphorous b. compounds formed by producers c. compounds released from the weathering of rocks d. compounds formed from biological weathering e. compounds dissolved in precipitation


4- which statement about the coriolis effect is not correct a. it causes objects to be deflected to the west in the northern hemisphere b. it causes objects to be deflected to the east in the southern hemisphere c. it causes polar winds to come out of the northwest in the northern hemisphere d. it is caused by the rotation of the earth e. the different rotation speeds of earth at different latitudes causes the deflection of traveling objects


5- macroevolution refers to evolution that a. affects only an organism's phenotype b. cannot be seen on a micro level c. gives rise to new species, genera, families, classes, or phyla d. alters the genetic makeup of the species, without creating a new species e. occurs quickly


5- which would least affect the ability of a species to adapt to a new environment a. population size b. generation time c. amount of parental care d. genetic variation e. rate of environmental change


6- what is one reason for a random distribution pattern among a particular species in a community a. the species tends to form social groups b. the species is territorial c. resources are not limiting d. the species emits toxic chemicals e. the species is reproducing


7- in recent years, american families have drastically increased their consumption of quinoa. the united states imports quinoa from peru and bolivia. quinoa has a. only a local U.S. impact since only american consumers are demanding quinoa b. only a global impact since many nations across the world consume quinoa c. a global and local U.S. impact since the entire supply chain affects the local and global communities d. only a local U.S. impact since american families that eat quinoa are less likely to buy bread e. only a local U.S. impact since quinoa has become an invasive species in america


7- the total fertility rate is an estimate of a. the avg number of children in a population that will survive past infancy b. the avg number of years an infant born in a population can be expected to live c. the avg number of children each woman in a population will bear d. the number of births per 1000 people per year in a particular population e. the percentage of women in a population that have borne at least one child


9- what is a disadvantage of desalination using the distillation method a. the technology is not readily available b. it is a lot slower c. it is more energy intensive than other methods d. it produces more bring than the reverse osmosis process e. the water it produces is cleaner


1- sustainable development a. requires giving up the use of all fossil fuels in the next 50 years b. requires resources to be stored for future generations c. is achieved when the amount of food grown equals the amount needed d. balances human needs and resource management e. is not possible on a planet of over 7 billion people


14- a nearby stream has a striking orange color due to iron precipitation. this is generally caused by a. mercury deposition b. fecal coliform bacteria c. hydraulic fracturing d. acid mine drainage e. overuse of pesticides


14- cultural eutrophication is the result of a. nutrient loss in a waterway b. nutrient loss in a floodplain c. bacteria increase in a waterway d. nutrient inputs from human activites e. nutrient input from a storm event


14- which is a heavy metal associated with burning coal a. lead b. uranium c. sulfur d. mercury e. carbon


14- which is not a concern regarding synthetic organic compounds called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) a. the presence of the compounds in human breast milk b. the common use of the compounds on children's clothing c. exposure can lead to brain damage d. the effect of compounds on invertebrates e. the presence of the compounds in the aquatic food chain


14- which is not a negative environmental effect of using high pressure water hoses on rocky coastlines to clean spilled oil a. removal of fine grained sediment b. displacement of native plant life c. washing away microorganisms d. cost of energy to heat water e. organisms unable to recolonize the coastline


14- which is not an environmental advantage of septic tanks a. gravity is used to move the water b. water is returned to the local environment c. sewage is broken done by natural means d. no byproducts of water treatment remain e. harmful pathogens can be degraded by soil microorganisms


3- what happens during nitrogen fixation a. bacteria in the soil convert nitrate into nitrogen gas and nitrous oxide b. nitrogen wastes are converted by bacteria into ammonium c. organisms convert nitrogen into carbon dioxide and energy d. atmospheric nitrogen diffuses into the soil and is converted into ammonia e. nitrogen is absorbed by plants


3- which activity is currently changing the carbon cycle a. photosynthesis b. cellular respiration c. formation of fossil fuels d. combustion of fossil fuels e. formation of carbonate rocks


3- which human activity has affected the nitrogen cycle i. use of fertilizers ii. combustion of fossil fuels iii. deforestation a. i only b. ii only c. iii only d. i and ii e. i, ii, and iii


3- which is not a part of the carbon cycle a. transpiration b. combustion c. photosynthesis d. extraction e. respiration


3- which process uses water to transport nutrients through soil a. infiltration b. percolation c. decomposition d. leaching e. nitrification


4- coral bleaching refers to a. the effect of phosphates on coral reefs b. the result of overfishing in coral reefs c. the effect of a coral parasite d. the death of algae within the tissue of corals e. an invasive species of white corals found in the caribbean


4- what is the importance of the ozone layer a. it contributes the the greenhouse effect b. it prevents gamma radiations from reaching Earth's surface c. it converts UV radiation to IR radiation d. it absorbs incoming UV rays e. it reflects incoming heat back into space


4- which is the earth's most diverse biome a. wetlands b. tropical rainforest c. temperate seasonal forest d. coral reefs e. grasslands


4- which of the following is not true about the sun's energy heating earth a. the angle at which the sun's rays hit earth depends on the latitude b. the sun's rays are concentrated over a smaller surface area at the equator than in higher latitudes c. the polar regions reflect more sunlight than the tropical regions d. the sun's rays are more strongly reflected in lower latitudes e. the unequal heating of earth helps determine an area's climate


5- a koala's diet is mainly composed of eucalyptus leaves. although eucalyptus leaves are low in nutritional value and poisonous to many animals, koalas inhibit eucalyptus woodlands and generally sleep on the trees themselves. in this example the koala is most likely a. a niche generalist b. a community specialist c. a habitat specilist d. a niche specialist e. a habitat generalist


5- what is the process by which one part of one chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome a. mutation b. reattachment c. natural selection d. recombination e. genetic merging


5- which is not related to geographic isolation a. the founder effect b. a population separated into two by a natural disturbance c. allopatric speciation d. sympatic speciation e. an island colonized by a new group of birds


5- which is not related to geographic isolation a. the founder effect b. a population separated into two by a natural disturbance c. allopatric speciation d. sympatric speciation e. an island colonized by a new group of birds


6- in the past century, overgrazing by cattle and sheep has caused sagebrush to expanded its range over the colorado plateau grasslands. this phenomenon indicates that a. sagebrush is a keystone species b. sagebrush and grasses engage in resource partitioning c. sagebrush and grasses display population oscillations d. the range of sagebrush is normally limited by competition with grasses e. the relationship between sagebrush and grasses is mutualistic


6- the first plant community that forms on bare rock often includes organisms such as a. herbs and conifers b. grasses and weeds c. broad leaf trees and conifers d. lichens and mosses e. woody shrubs and conifers


6- the intrinsic growth rate of a population is the a. number of yearly births in a population b. number of yearly births minus the number of yearly deaths in a population c. minimum number of births likely to occur in a population under ideal conditions d. maximum potential for growth in a population under ideal conditions e. maximum potential for growth in a population given limited resources


6- two species of buttercup can be found in the same field in south dakota. one species flowers in early spring, and the other species flowers in late summer. both are pollinated by the same insect species. the different flowering times are an example of a. competitive exclusion b. mutualism c. symbiosis d. resource partitioning e. parasitism


6- which is not a type of interspecific interaction a. symbiosis b. predation c. competition d. speciation e. mutualism


7- if a country with a high population growth rate quickly reduced its growth rate to 0 percent, its population would a. immediately decline b. decline rapidly c. immediately become stable d. continue to grow for some years, then level off e. grow for a short time and then decline rapidly


7- which developed country has the fastest population growth rate today a. france b. denmark c. china d. united states e. russia


9- a cone of depression may develop a. in any area where artesian wells are common b. in areas where the water table is rapidly drained for human use c. in areas where high temperatures lead to rapid evaporation d. near a deep well from which a great deal of water is rapidly pumped e. in unconfined aquifers where water is used for irrigation


9- furrow irrigation a. involves flooding an entire field b. involves dripping water near the roots of a plant c. requires stripping old crops from a field d. involves digging trenches and filling them with water e. requires complicated machinery


9- in an artesian well a. water sinks deep underground as a result of pressure b. water is infiltrated by sediment c. there is no recharge source d. water under pressure rises to the surface without pumping e. salt infiltrates fresh water


9- reverse osmosis is preferable to distillation as a method of desalination because a. it produces less salty brine and is therefore less damaging to wildlife b. the salt it produces can be deposited safely on land c. the salt is produces is safely returned to the ocean d. the equipment is more efficient and often less costly e. the water is produces is cleaner


9- water poor countries increasingly obtain fresh water by a. transporting glacial water b. building levees c. free trade d. desalination e. aqueducts


1- evidence of biodiversity is seen in a. genetic variation among human populations b. number of species in a region c. number of ecosystems and habitats in a region d. genetic variation among plants and animals in a region e. all of these answers are correct


1- factors that are responsible for grain production not keeping up with worldwide population include a. crop diseases b. soil degradation c. use of food crops for fuel d. govt encouragement to let land remain uncultivated e. all of the above


1- the environment refers to a. all conditions surrounding us on Earth b. species interactions that affect human life c. conditions that cause negative effects on our health d. interactions that harm the atmosphere e. the sum of all conditions surrounding us that influence life


1- the study of environmental science primarily considers a. the effect of human systems on biodiversity b. biotic and abiotic interactions with human systems c. abiotic and biotic factors that affect global climate change d. biotic factors that influence the state of our environment e. interactions among human systems and those found in nataure


14- which is not an unintended effect of synthetic pesticide use a. the pesticide may be lethal to nontarget species and well as target species b. pesticide use leads to an altered species composition of the community c. inert ingredients may be harmful to non-target species d. human exposure may be detrimental to health e. nearby streams may become more acidic


2- isotopes of an element have the same a. number of electrons and neutrons b. number of neutrons c. number of electrons d. number of protons and neutrons e. number of protons


2- which describes the Kuznets curve a. as GDP rises, environmental degradation decreases linearly b. as GDP rises, environmental degradation increases continuously c. as GDP rises, environmental degradation decreases, then subsequently increases d. as GDP rises, environmental degradation decreases, followed by population decrease e. as GDP rises, environmental degradation increases, followed by subsequent decrease


3- humans have a considerable effect on the hydrologic cycle. which of the following has a direct effect i. deforestation ii. urbanization iii. mining of fossil fules a. i only b. ii only c. iii only d. i and ii e. i, ii and iii


3- which groups of organisms performs cellular respiration i. autotrophs ii. heterotrophs iii. decomposers a. i only b. ii only c. iii only d. i and ii e. i, ii, and iii


3- which human activities have affected the phosphorus cycle i. creation of fertilizers ii. decline of wetland areas iii. use of dishwashing detergent a. i only b. ii only c. iii only d. i and ii e. i and iii


4- boreal forests tend to have a thick layer of organic material but the soil is poor in nutrients. what is the best explanation for this a. the organic material is low in nutrients b. the rapid growth rate of plants uses the nutrients rapidly c. the soils have a low permeability and the nutrients do not dissolve in the soils d. the soil is too rocky to hold a high content of nutrients e. low precipitation rates and cold temperatures slow decomposition


4- what factors are used to classify a biome i. average temperature ii. average precipitation ii. distinctive plants adapted to area a. i only b. ii only c. iii only d. i and ii e. i, ii, and iii


5- a population of rabbits lives in a meadow with a depression that runs through the middle. the depression fills in with water and becomes a river that separates the population into two groups. over a very long period the two populations develop into entirely different species, no longer capable of reproducing with each other. this is an example of a. artificial selection b. mutation c. sympatric speciation d. the bottleneck effct e. allopatric speciation


5- approx what percent of species that have ever lived on earth are thought to be extinct a. 10 percent b. 33 percent c. 50 percent d. 85 percent e. 99 percent


5- evolution occurs through i. artificial selection ii. natural selection iii. genetic drift a. i only b. ii only c. iii only d. ii and iii e. i, ii, and iii


5- which is used to determine how closely two species are related i. body shape ii. behavior iii.. genetic similarity a. i only b. ii only c. iii only d. i and ii e. i, ii, and iii


6- a close interaction between two different species, in which one species benefits and the other is unaffected is called a. mutualism b. mimicry c. parasitism d. predation e. commensalism


6- characteristics of an r-selected species include i. many offspring ii. fast population growth rate iii. short time to reproductive maturity a. i only b. ii only c. iii only d. i and ii e. i, ii, and iii


6- following the exponential growth stage of paramecium in gause's experiment, a population graph would begin to display an _______ shaped curve as the population approaches _______ a. J; density maximization b. J; carrying capacity c. S; secondary succession d. J; logistic growth e. S; carrying capacity


6- the ______ growth model is used to predict the growth of populations that are subject to density-________ constraints, such as increased competition for food, water, or nest sites a. exponential; dependent b. logistic; independent c. exponential; independent d. exponential; carrying capacity e. logistic; dependent


6- the principle that two species competing for the same limiting resource cannot occupy the same realized niche is called a. coevolution b. mutualism c. primary succession d. commensalism e. competitive exclusin


6- what is one reason for an even distribution pattern among a particular species in a community a. the species forms hierarchal social groups b. the species is breeding c. resources are not limiting d. members of the species mate for life e. the species is territorial


6- which of the following is not true of the general pattern of succession, from a recently disturbed terrestrial site to stable, self-sustaining forest community a. a decrease in the number of grass species occurs b. shade-loving tree species become dominant in the climax community c. pioneer species give way to perennial, long-lived species d. carbon that is involved in photosynthesis increases e. total biomass tends to decrease


6- which type of distribution can help provide organisms with protection from predators a. random distribution b. uniform distribution c. either random or uniform distribution d. either uniform or clumped distribution e. clumped distribution


7- urban populations represent approx _____ percent of the world population, but consume _____ percent of the world's resources a. 10; 25 b. 10; 50 c. 25; 50 d. 50; 50 e. 50; 75


7- which is not a reason that the agricultural revolution led to increase in the human population a. it provided humans with a larger food supply b. it provided humans with a more dependable food supply c. it further increased the earth's carrying capacity for humans d. it resulted in a longer life span and more childbearing years e. it reduced the amount of pesticide used on cros


9- a dike is a. a barrier that runs across a river or stream to control the flow of water b. an enlarged bank built up on each side of a river c. the body of water created by damming a river or stream d. a canal or ditch used to carry water from one location to another e. a structure built to prevent ocean waters from flooding adjacent land


9- how does water diversion from river affect the environment a. there may be more recreational activities on the river, which causes pollution b. in an estuary fed by the river, salinity decreases as sea water is able to encroach c. the lakes that feed the rivers may have more fish d. the salinity of lake waters fed by the river may decrease e. in an estuary fed by the river, salinity increases as sea water is able to encroach


9- which is not true of drip irrigation a. it is useful if underground hoses do not have to be moved for annual plowing b. it deposits water near the roots of a plant c. it is 95 percent water efficient d. it reduces weed growth e. it wastes more water than other irrigation methods


9- which is true regarding water use in the united states a. water use continues to rise sharply due to increasing population b. water use is decreasing due to falling population c. water use has been cut in half due to water-efficient technologies d. water use has leveled off due to water-efficient technologies e. water use has doubled over the past ten years due to an increase in washing machines

either a or d

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