APF: Male Reproductive System Worksheet

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18. The specific role of the hormone LH is to stimulate the ______________ cells to produce ________________.

Leydig/ testosterone

The prostate produces a fluid that is alkaline/acidic.


External to the head of a sperm is the _________________ cap which contains ____________________ required to penetrate the zona pellucida of the oocyte.

acrosomal hydrolytic enzymes

The pH of the fluid secreted by the seminal vesicles is ___________


At the terminal end of the vas (ductus) deferens is a dilated region termed the ______________.


11. Spermatogenesis begins in males _________________________(time).

at puberty

41. The __________ is the tapered posterior continuation of the corporus spongiosum. It is attached to perineal muscles and enclosed by the ___________________ muscle used during ejaculation.

bulb / bulbospongiosus

36. The two small pea-shaped glands that are embedded in the urogenital diaphragm are the ________________________ glands. These glands secrete small amount of fluid with _______________ that acts as a lubricant. These glands are homologous to the _____________________ glands in the female.

bulbourethral / mucin/ Bartholin

47. The bladder sphincter is relaxed/contracted during ejaculation.


42. The ____________ are the two tapered portions of the corpora cavernosa. These are surrounded by the ______________________ muscles.

crus / ischiocavernosus

28. The contents of the spermatic cord include the ______________ nerve, the ______________ artery, the venous plexus termed the ________________ and the ___________________ (duct). It also contains fascia and the ________________ muscle.

ilioinguinal / testicular / pampiniform plexus / vas deferens / cremaster

19. The hormone that works in a negative feedback manner to the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus is ______________________.


The cremaster muscle is an extension of the ______________ abdominal muscle.

internal oblique

10. The cells that are in the interstitial space surrounding the seminiferous tubules are the ______________________ or _________________ cells.

interstitial or Leydig

49. The embryologic system that persists to form the female reproductive system is the ____________________________ system.

paramesonephric (Mullerian)

44. Male erection is due to the __________________________ nervous system. Male ejaculation is due to the ________________________ nervous system. How can you remember this?

parasympathetic / sympathetic Point and Shoot!

The type of epithelium found in the vas (ductus) deferens is _______________________________. There are ____________ muscle layers lining this tube.

pseudostratified ciliated columnar three

39. The attached proximal portion of the penis is termed the _______________. The portion of the penis that attaches to the pubic bone and ischium is the _________________.

root / crus

In males the ________________ and _______________ pass through the superficial inguinal ring.

round ligament ilioinguinal nerve

2. The testis lie external to the body within the ______________.

scrotal sac

32. The _________________ are the pouch-like structures posterior to the bladder.

seminal vesicles

31. The three accessory glands of the male reproductive system are the _______________, ________________ and _______________.

seminal vesicles prostate bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands.

Which two structures empty into the ejaculatory duct?

seminal vesicles vas deferens

Which substance found in fluid from the prostate gland is a natural antibiotic?


What substances are found in the fluid from the prostate gland?

seminalplasmin citric acid prostate specific antigen

7. Each lobule of the testis contains 1-3 __________________ tubules.


25. The vas deferens is one of the structures found in the ______________ cord; it ascends and enters the pelvis; passes anterior to the _________________ which are descending to insert in the posterior bladder wall.

spermatic ureters

The cremaster muscle is found in the _________________.

spermatic cord

FSH functions to stimulate the process of _________________.


Within the testis are the seminiferous tubules which is the site of __________________


8. The large cells seen at the periphery of the seminiferous tubule and contained within the sustentactular (Sertoli) cells are __________________________ which contain 46 chromosomes (23 pairs).


14. The process in which sperm change shape to result in the final mature form is termed ___________________________. This process requires the participation of the ________________ cell.

spermiogenesis / Sertoli

40. The vascular space that surrounds the penile urethra is termed the corpora _____________________. The two vascular spaces superior to the urethra are termed the corpora _____________________________.

spongiosa / cavernosa

In males the contents of the spermatic cord travel through the _________________ in an opening of the external oblique muscle.

superficial inguinal ring

The large cells that span from the periphery of the tubule to the lumen are the ___________________ cells; also called the ___________________ cells.

sustentacular/ Sertoli

1. The primary gonad in the male is the __________________.


The interstitial or Leydig cells secrete the hormone _____________ which has receptors on the _____________ to promote spermatogenesis.

testosterone/ Sertoli or sustenactular cells

There are _____________ junctions between the sustentacular cells.


The prostate gland produces approximately _____% of the volume of semen.


Each day approximately ____________________ million sperm are produced.

300 million

13. By the end of meiosis II there are ______________ spermatocytes (sperm) that contain _______________ chromosomes. These are double chromatid/single chromatid chromosomes. The percentage of male sperm is ___________%, the percentage of female sperm is ___________%.

4 / 23 / single chromatid / 50% / 50%

Sperm can live for ________________ hours in the female reproductive tract.

48 hours

17. The process of spermatogenesis takes approximately __________________ days.


The anterior pituitary hormones _____________ and _______________ directly stimulate cells in the testis.

FSH and LH

48. The embryologic system that persists to form the male reproductive system is the ___________________________________ system.

mesonephric (Wolffian)

16. The tail has a small neck region and a midpiece which contains ________________________. The terminal portion of the tail is a _____________________ used for movement.

mitochondria / flagella

45. During male erection blood enters the vascular spaces due to the substance __________________________ which results in vasodilation of the vessels. Once blood has entered the corpora cavernosa there is compression of _________________ which maintains the erection.

nitric oxide / venous vessels

Mature sperm deposited in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules are able/are not able to swim.

not able

15. The parts of a mature sperm are the head which contains the ______________ with 23 chromosomes.


37. There are approximately ________________________ million sperm in an ejaculate.

200-500 million

There are approximately __________ to _____________ lobules in the testis.


27. The ejaculatory duct is only _____________ long and empties into the _________________.

1-2 centimeters prostatic urethra

What are the functions of the sustentacular cells.

1. during spermiogenesis they remove excess cytoplasm for developing sperm, 2. control the movement of sperm as they progress through spermatogenesis and release them into the lumen 3. have receptors for testostereone 4. provide nourishment for the developing sperm 5. produce fluid for sperm transport 6. release the hormone inhibin.

20. Effects of testosterone in the pubertal developmental phase include:

1. skeletal and muscle growth 2. development of axillary, pubic hair, chest and facial hair, 3. increased size of testis 4. deepening of voice.

The maturation process for sperm takes approximately ________________ days


46. Ejaculation is due to spinal cord levels _____________________.

L1 and L2.

38. Once ejaculated semen coagulates and then reliquifies due to proteolytic enzymes. True/False


9. The process of spermatogenesis occurs within the cytoplasm of the Sertoli cell. True/False


True/False: Sperm that leave the epididymis are able to swim independently.


Why do the testis lie external to the body in the scrotal sac?

a lower temperature is required for normal sperm production.

4. The smooth muscle that is a layer in the scrotal sac is the ___________________. The skeletal muscle that is found in the spermatic cord is the ___________________________ muscle. This muscle is an extension of the _____________________________ abdominal muscle. Both of these muscles function in ______________________ of the testis.

dartos muscle cremaster internal oblique regulating position

23. The small tubules that connect the seminiferous tubules to the epididymis are the ____________________ and __________________.

efferent ductules and straight tubules.

The seminal vesicles empty into the _____________ along with the vas deferens.

ejaculatory duct

21. The part of the male reproductive system that is comma-shaped and lies posterior and superior to the testis is the ________________________________. This structure functions as a ____________________________.

epididymis storage and maturation site for sperm

34. Substances secreted by the seminal vesicles include ________________ for nutrition for the sperm, ________________________ that results in dilation of the female cervical os and a protein that causes coagulation of the semen.

fructose prostaglandins

43. The tip of the penis is termed the _____________________ and contains the _______________________ . The foreskin of the penis is termed the _________________________.

glans / urethral orifice / prepuce

The hypothalamic hormone that triggers spermatogenesis during puberty in males is _________________

gonadotropin releasing hormone.

3. The male scrotum is homologous to the female _________________________.

labia majora

The seminal vesicles produce the (largest/smallest) amount of fluid in the semen.


The dense irregular connective tissue of the tunica albuginea invaginates into the testis to create_________________


12. Spermatogonia develop into __________________________ which contain ___________________ chromosomes. These undergo meiosis I. By the end of meiosis I there are two _____________________________ which contain the 23 chromosomes that are double chromatid/single chromatid chromosomes.

primary spermatocytes / 46 / secondary spermatocytes / double

35. The walnut-sized gland immediately below the bladder is the _____________ gland.


Which proteolytic enzyme produced by the prostate gland is used to liquefy semen?

prostate specific antigen

30. The three parts of the male urethra are the ___________________, ___________________ and ______________________. The portion that is the shortest and is located in the urogenital diaphragm is the __________________ portion.

prostatic membranous penile membranous

22. The type of epithelium found in the epididymis is ___________________________________.

pseudostratified ciliated columnar

33. The epithelium found in the seminal vesicles is _______________________________.

pseudostratified ciliated columnar

29. The inguinal canal is the oblique passageway in the anterior abdominal wall. The deep inguinal ring is an opening in the ________________ muscle. The superficial inguinal ring is an opening in the __________________ muscle.

transversus abdominis external oblique

5. The capsule of the testis (and ovary) is the _________________________.

tunica albuginea

6. The tissue termed the ____________________ is used in the descent of the testis through the inguinal canal and into the scrotum during fetal life.

tunica vaginalis

24. The thick-walled tube that connects the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct is the _____________________.

vas (ductus) deferens

26. The two structures that empty into the male ejaculatory duct are the ____________________ and __________________________.

vas deferens seminal vesicles.

The spermal head contains hydrolytic ezymes required to penetrate the ________________ membrane of the oocyte.

zona pellucida

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