Applied Anatomy Final

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(multiple answer) Which of the following movements are examples of eccentric muscle contractions?

slowing the arm down after ball is released lowering the leg down during a knee extension exercise

peroneus longus

superficial peroneal nerve

The increased synergist muscle contraction as a result of inhibited (underactive) agonist is defined as?

synergistic dominance


tibial nerve

thoracolumbar fascia

transverse abdominis

(multiple answer) Which of the following muscles attach to the thoracolumbar fascia.

transverse abdominis Gluteus maximus Errector Spinae

In Janda's Lower Crossed Syndrome, which muscles are often underactive (inhibited).

transverse abdominus, gluteus maximus

According to the Unit 1 article review, The most commonly reported sport-specific postural adaptations of the trunk and hip region are lordosis and anterior pelvic tilt?


Assumption: Force reduction should proceed force production.


Gluteus maximus concentrically generates posterior pelvic tilt.


Gracilis is one of three muscles that attach to the pes anserine.


Muscle imbalance often leads to changes in joint position altering function.


Overactivity of the hip flexors (iliopsoas) can lead to functional weakness of the gluteus maximus resulting in synergistic dominance of the hamstring group


The MCL is often injured due to a direct blow from the lateral or outside portion of the knee causing knee valgus?


The gastrocnemius is intervated by the tibial nerve?


The iliotibial band can assist other muscles of the knee to generated both knee flexion and extension based on the angle of pull.


The pelvic floor musculature is activated by asking your client to create a upward contraction similar to stopping urine flow mid-stream


The tensor fascia latae and gluteus maximus attach to the iliotibial band.


Would overactivity or tightness of the short head of the biceps femoris create a functional knee valgus position.


Trendelenburg's gait is evidence of quadratus lumborum weakness?


Winging scapula is often associated with shoulder retraction.


Right internal oblique functions to decelerate:

left trunk rotation with load

What nerve innervates the gluteus maximus?

Inferior gluteal

Movement at one joint causing changes at another neighboring joint" is an example of what important concept in human movement?

kinetic chain

(multiple answer) Which of the following movement(s) occur primarily in the frontal plane?

lateral (side) lunge jumping jack

(multiple answer) Which of the following muscles produce right trunk rotation.

left external oblique right internal oblique

The left external oblique produces:

left lateral flexion

(multiple answer) In Janda's Upper-Crossed Syndrome, the following muscles tend to be "tight" or overactive ?

levator scapulae pectoralis major

This exercise is used to activate which of the following muscles.


spinous process of lumbar spine


adductor longus

obturator nerve

Which of the following bones does NOT make up the pelvis?


Which of the following movements are created by the left quadratus lumborum with the distal extremity free to move?

pelvic elevation (inclination)

Which of the following movement/exercise requires primarily an isometric contraction?


Rectus abdominis along with the gluteus maximus can produce what concentric contraction/movement at the pelvis?

posterior tilt

iliac crest (ilium)

quadratus lumborum

The contraction of the agonist via the stretch reflex causing relaxation of the antagonist (functional opposite), defines?

reciprocal inhibition

Which of the following muscles performs the antagonist function to the errector spinae?

rectus abdominis

pubic crest

rectus abdominis

Which group of muscles, when working together produce out(up)ward rotation of the scapula?

serratus anterior-upper trapezius-lower trapezius

(multiple answer) Which of the following muscles are considered part of the movement group (functional muscle divisions).

rectus abdominis erector spinae

The wrist is proximal in relationship to the elbow?


A stabilizing muscle primarily performs concentric type contractions.


Hip abduction is defined as a return to the anatomical position in the frontal plane.


Kyphosis is an increased lumbar curvature of the spine.


One human movement assumption is that efficient movement is expressed through proper core stability but not individual joint stability.


The activation of the stretch reflex by muscle spindle input causing the same muscle to contract will also send a signal to the antagonist or functional opposite to contract as well.


The anterior cruciate ligament is considered and extra-articular knee structure.


The anterior talofibular ligament is most commonly sprained during eversion movements of the ankle?


The femur-acetabular joint is classified as an amphiarthodial joint.


The rectus femoris attaches to the anterior superior iliac spine.


The sacrum is part of the appendicular skeleton?


The sagittal plane divides the body into anterior and posterior sections


(multiple answer) Which of the following muscles are considered part of the movement group.

Rectus abdominis erector spinae

landmark to lower extremity ASIS greater trochanter ischial tuberosity tibial tuberosity

Sartorius gluteus medius biceps femoris rectus femoris

Which of the following muscles attach to the ischial tuberosity.


A bony tubercle is defined as a small bump on a bone often a common place for muscle attachment.


A common compensation indicating transverse abdominis weakness seen in Core Assessments is the "belly out" position.


A functionally weak tibialis posterior is responsible for an increase in over-pronation of the foot/ankle complex.


According to the article by Padua, MKD was improved during the overhead squat with the use of a 2 inch lift?


Anterior pelvic tilt often results in a client/patient presenting with increased lordosis.


As discussed in class, muscle imbalance definition "B" is best described as a tight or overactive muscle causing antagonist muscle weakness or underactive functioning.


Eccentric contraction can be described as force deceleration?


Hamstring providing force assisting the gluteus maximus in hip extension is an example of synergistic muscle action?


Knee flexion is defined as "movement away" from the anatomical position in the sagittal plane


Multifidus functions as the antagonist to transverse abdominis contraction.


Muscles in the movement division tend to be overloaded and overactive.


One advantage of closed kinetic chain movement/exercise is that it creates co-contractions increasing joint stability.


Open kinetic chain is defined as the distal component is free to move independent of the moving joint.


Open kinetic chain movement generally creates concentric muscle action where the insertion of the muscle moves toward the origin.


The ACL prevents anterior translation of the tibial relative to the femur.


The drawing-in maneuver is evidence of transverse abdominis contraction.


The muscle spindle plus spinal cord mediation is responsible for the activation of the "stretch reflex".


The spring ligament supports the navicular bone from excessive drop during weight bearing.


The vastus medialis and vastus lateralis have attachments to the linea aspera


Transverse abdominis contraction pulls on the thoracolumbar fascia to create LPHC stability.


Multiple Answer: Which of the following muscles have an attachment point to the linea aspera.

adductor magnus adductor longus

Based on lower extremity pronation distortion, which of the following muscles are inhibited or underactive due to a tight gastrocnemius?

anterior tibialis

Multiple Answer: Which of the following are true regarding the actions of the tibialis posterior .

concentric inversion eccentric eversion

Multiple Answer: Biceps brachii produces the following movements.

concentric shoulder flexion eccentric elbow extension concentric elbow flexion eccentric shoulder extension

Multiple Answer: Which of the following muscle action(s) are true regarding the gastrocnemius/soleus complex.

decelerates dorsiflexion stabilizes rotation at the tibial/femoral joint assist knee flexion during the swing phase of walking provides dynamic stabilization to anterior movement of the tibia

tibialis anterior

deep peroneal nerve

landmark to upper extremity acromion coracoid process bicipital groove ribs 3-9 supraspinous fossa medial border of scapula

deltoid biceps brachii latissimus dorsi serratus anterior supraspinatus rhomboids

Multiple Answer: Which of the following are concentric muscle action(s) of the tibialis anterior .

dorsiflexion inversion

Left gluteus medius produces what actions when landing on the left leg

eccentric control of left femoral internal rotation and adduction

(multiple answer) The gluteus maximus produces what muscle action(s)?

eccentric hip flexion concentric hip extension concentric posterior pelvic tilt assist hip abduction

(multiple answer) Rectus abdominis produces what muscle action when the upper extremity or trunk is free to move.

eccentric trunk extension concentric trunk flexion

(multiple answer) Which of the following muscle(s) if tight or overactive would causes altered reciprocal inhibition of the transverse abdominis and internal oblique?

erector spinae latissimus dorsi

The inner 1/3 of the meniscus is very vascular and amendable to surgical repair.


vastus medialis

femoral nerve

Eversion and inversion of the ankle/foot complex primarily occur in what plane of motion?


gluteus medius

gluteal nerve

IT band

gluteus maximus

greater trochanter

gluteus medius

Multiple Answer: Which of the following muscle(s) will decelerate femoral internal rotation.

gluteus medius piriformis

Which of the following muscles function primarily in the frontal plane?

gluteus minimus

Multiple Answer: The hamstring group produces what concentric actions?

hip extension knee flexion

Increased tone in a muscle, creating changes in the length-tension relationships often leading to muscle imbalance and ultimately kinetic chain dysfunction is a result of:

increased activity of the muscle spindle in the agonist

Which of the following motions occur at the sub-talar joint?


Which muscle contraction type would facilitate optimal recruitment of the transverse abdominis.


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