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Rotten boroughs

sparsely populated, aristocratic-controlled electoral districts

In 1775, what did Dunmore issue?

Issued controversial proclamation promising freedom to black slaves and white indentured servants who joined Loyalist cause.

What were the two British opposition parties called? What did they complain about?

Radical Whigs and the Country Party. Complained about huge war debt and how banks were getting rich off of the country's money.

In North Carolina, 1776, what did the Royal Governor Martin do? What did Patriots do in response?

Raised Loyalist force of Scottish Highlanders in backcountry. Patriots prepared lowcountry militia and defeated Martin's army and captured Highlanders.

What kind of issues did the Sugar Act raise? Vice-admiralty courts?

Raised constitutional objections and issues. Merchants prosecuted under Act were tried in vice-admiralty courts, which were tribunals (courts of justice) run by British judges.

Was Pitt's plan accepted or rejected? How did the ministry recognize the Continental Congress? What proposal did the ministry reject as well?

Rejected plan, did not want a third retreat from colonial resistance. Ministry said Continental Congress was now illegal and rejected Lord Dartmouth's proposal to send people to negotiate a settlement.

What did King George III issue in 1775?

Issued Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition.

Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

1. Boston Port Bill closed Boston Harbor to shipping 2. Massachusetts Government Act made colony's charter void and prohibited most town meetings 3. New Quartering Act ordered new barracks for British troops 4. Justice Act allowed trials for capital crimes to be transferred to other colonies or to Britain

Patriot writers drew on which three intelellectual traditions?

1. English common law (rules protecting lives and property of monarch's subjects) 2. Enlightenment rationalism (John Locke's natural rights of life, liberty, and property and French philosopher Montesquieu's "separation of powers" among government departments to prevent dictorial rule) 3. Republican and Whig strands of the English political tradition (John Dickinson's letters to urge colonists to oppose parliamentary taxes, Whigs creating constitutional monarchy, widely publicized arguments in newspapers)

What were the four groups in the colonies that were especially interested in westward expansion?

1. Gentlemen that invested in lots of land investment companies were petitioning crown for large land grants in Ohio country. 2. Officers that served in 7 Years' War were paid in land warrants and wanted sites beyond Appalachians. 3. Indian readers who received large grants from Ohio Indians and hoped to sell land titles. 4. Thousands of squatters following the roads cut to Ohio by Braddock and Forbes campaigns during 7 Years' war to take up lands in hope that they would later receive a title to them.

VA's Governor Dunmore organized two military forces, which were:

1. Whites (Queens's Own Loyal Virginians) 2. Blacks (Ethiopian Regiment, enlisted slaves who fled from Patriot owners)

When did the Great War for Empire begin and end? Where were the British Empire's interests in?

1756-1763. Interests and responsibilities extended into the continental interior of North America.

Popular Sovereignty

A belief that ultimate power resides in the people.

Tea Act of May 1773

Act provided financial relief for the East India Company which was deeply in debt and had a huge surplus of tea because of high import duties, made British tea so cheap that it was less expensive than the Dutch tea because Britain canceled import duties to Ireland and America.

What did Benjamin Franklin propose after the Stamp Act was passed? Was this accepted or rejected and why?

American representation in Parliament. Both British politicians and colonial leaders rejected idea because it was too radical, argued that colonists already had virtual representation in Parliament because some of its members were transatlantic merchants and West Indian sugar planters.

What terms did Lord North set forth for Americans? What did North impose on Americans to make these terms effective? What did he order General Gage to do?

Americans must pay for own defense and admin and acknowledge Parliament's authority to tax them. North imposed naval blockade on American trade with foreign nations and ordered General Gage to suppress dissent in MA.

As Patriot writers argued that taxation without representation made colonists slaves of Parliament, what did Franklin and Otis argue?

Argued that chattel slavery was a violation of slaves' natural rights.

Reasons for resisting Patriot movement? What increased their fears of patriotism? What kind of people arose out of this conflict?

Belief that Patriot leaders overthrowing British rule only to advance own selfish interests. Worried resistance to Britain will undermine all political institutions and begin chaos. Fears increased when Sons of Liberty used intimidation and violence to support boycotts. Loyalists emerged from this crisis and remained loyal to British crown.

What two states claimed Pittsburgh and what did they do there?

Both Virginia and Pennsylvania claimed the region. Pennsylvania- organize county govs, establish courts, collect taxes, but no militia (pacifist Quakers). Virginia- Royal Governor Earl of Dunmore organized local militia.

Why were the British concerned about Native Americans? Why were they concerned about the Proclamation of 1763? What did British politicians worry about with the colonists? What did all these problems lead to?

British concerned about Natives because Pontiac's Rebellion nearly overwhelmed Britain's frontier forts. Only strong military could hold land-hungry whites from moving west of the Appalachian Mts, across Proclamation line. British politicians worry that colonists won't be loyal anymore now that they no longer faced threat of French Canada. All these problems led to more debt for stationing troops.

Boston Massacre (1770)

British redcoats fired into crowd and killed townspeople. Redcoats cleared of charge, Whigs protest imperial power.

How did Americans identify themselves in the mid-1700s?

British subjects

Britain's military victory also brought what other shift in policy? What did the ministers who served under George III fear? What new land did the British conquer?

Brought shift in policy: new peacetime deployment of army to America. Ministers feared possible rebellion by French Residents of Canada (Canada was Britain's newly conquered colony).

What action did Franklin call for?

Called for return of the pre-1763 mercantilist system.

Virginia Royal Governor Earl of Dunmore? Dunmore's War? Result of this?

Clashed with House of Burgesses, defied crown. 1774: defied Burgesses and crown by leading Virginia militia against Ohio Shawnees at Point Pleasant, Shawnees defeated, Dunmore claimed Kentucky, called Dunmore's War. War was neglected backcountry colonists's independence from the crown abandoning them.

How did the government collect taxes? How were convicted smugglers punished?

Collected taxes by doubling size of tax bureaucracy. Smugglers faced death or forced to become indentured servants in America.

Where were Kentucky settler's political loyalties? What did Virginia agree to in 1776?

Confused loyalties. Many supported Dunmore and hoped to get recognition for claims from crown. Later on most realized Patriot's emphasis on liberty and petitioned Virginia's rebel government and asked to create new country and include Kentucky settlements. Virginia agreed to organize 6 new frontier countries and send arms to Kentucky, Continental Congress followed suit.


Defenders of American rights

What did delegates demand instead of Galloway's idea? What did they approve of, and what was it about?

Delegates demanded repeal of Coercive Acts and said that British control should be limited to matters of trade. Also approved a program of economic retaliation, in which Americans would stop importing British goods in December 1774. If Parliament did not repeal Coercive Acts by 1775, Congress vowed to cut off all colonial exports to Britain, Ireland, and British West Indies.

What did British reformers demand of Parliament and why?

Demanded that Parliament represent a broader spectrum of property-owning classes to reverse government growth and bring them liberty and rights.

Did Americans support the Sugar Act? Why or why not?

Didn't support it. New England merchants made fortunes from smuggling French Molasses. Merchants claimed Sugar Act would ruin distilling industry and vowed to evade tax by smuggling or bribing officials.

American resistance only increased British determinism. What did Lord Hillsborough (secretary for American affairs) do after MA assembly's letter opposing Townshend duties reached London?

Dispatched General Gage and British troops to Boston to strengthen government in MA.

What did Americans fear when the Sugar Act was passed? What did Americans now think?

Feared that British were becoming more powerful after ending salutary neglect. Americans thought they were second-class subjects of the king, with rights limited by Navigation Acts, parliamentary laws, and British interests.

What three new mainland colonies did the Proclamation Line create?

Quebec, East Florida, and West Florida

Continental Association of 1774 and Solemn League and Covenant

Established by First Continental Congress to enforce a third boycott of British goods. Solemn League and a Covenant was the number of men and women supporting nonimportation.

How did the Great Awakening affect protesting of the acts?

Evangelical Protestants were roused by a Great Awakening and hated British military officers and royal bureaucrats.

External and internal taxes? What did Townshend decide to tax, internal or external?

External taxes were taxes on trade (such as Navigation Acts) and considered acceptable, while internal taxes were taxes within the colonies and not acceptable. Indulged Americans and laid duties only on trade (external).

Where was Gage's authority limited to? What did the Patriot-controlled MA assembly do?

Gage's authority limited to Boston. Assembly met in Salem to openly defy Parliament, collect taxes, strengthen militia, assume gov.

Disputes over domestic policy led George III to do what? Who demanded that imperial reform needed to continue?

George III dismisses Grenville as prime minister. Grenville's allies demanded that imperial reform continue, even at gunpoint.

What system did Grenville start to impose on America? What country had this system as well? How did this system work?

Grenville imposed centralized imperial system in America like the one in Ireland. British officials would govern colonies with little regard for local assemblies.

Why did the ministry also do to America in 1762 that involved the Royal Navy?

Instructed Royal Navy to seize American vessels carrying food crops from mainland colonies to French West Indies.

How did King George III respond to Boston Tea Party? In 1774, what did Parliament do to Massachusetts?

He was outraged. In 174, Parliament passed four Coercive/Intolerable Acts to force MA to pay for tea and submit to imperial authority.

In 1775, what position did William Pitt now hold and what did he ask Parliament to do? What did he expect Congress should do in return?

Held position in House of Lords and asked Parliament to reject its power to tax colonies and recognize Continental Congress as a lawful body. In return, Congress should acknowledge parliamentary supremacy and provide permanent source of revenue to pull Britain out of debt.

Why did farmers suddenly have interest in imperial affairs, when they didn't before?

Imperial policies increasingly intruded into the lives of farm families by sending their sons to war and raising their taxes dramatically.

In Massachusetts, what did James Otis do?

James Otis was a republican that persuaded a House of Representatives to call meeting of mainland colonies against acts.

In 1767, who did George III assign to head a new government? Since this new head was ill and often absent from parliamentary debates, who did he put in command? What was the difference between Pitt and Townshend?

Named William Pitt head of new government. Put Charles Townshend in command. Pitt was sympathetic to America, Townshend was not.

What did Gage do in 1775 with his soldiers? Who confronted Gage's soldiers? What happened afterwards?

Made soldiers capture colonial leaders and supplies at Concord. Riders warned Patriots about this, and militia confronted British regulars at Lexington and Concord. British retreated to Boston, but militia ambushed them.

What did John Adams appeal to in a jury trial for Hancock in 1760s?

Magna Carta (1215), and that new acts violated colonial liberties and rights provided by the British Magna Carta constitution.

American's opinions of King George III? What did Dickinson persuade Congress to do in 1775? Who opposed this?

Many blamed him for supporting harsh legislation and ordering armed retaliation. Many hoped he might mediate conflicts with Parliament. Dickerson persuaded Congress to send George III the Olive Branch Petition, pleading king to negotiate. John Adams strongly opposed this.

What was colonists reaction to North's compromise?

Mixed reaction, so in 1765, American leaders accepted Parliament's authority.

What were some violent solutions to complaints of the Stamp Act? Sons of Liberty?

Mobs demand the resignation of stamp-tax collectors. Sons of Liberty: Boston group burn statue of tax collector Oliver and destroy his new warehouse. Bostonians attack house of Governor Hutchinson (related to Oliver), who defended imperial authority. Farmers seized tax collector and force him to resign office. New England riot anti-monarchy.

Stamp Act Congress (1765)

Nine assemblies sent delegates to congress in NYC. Protested loss of American rights. Challenged Stamp and Sugar Acts, said only colonists' elected representatives could tax them.

What movement became crucial for American women involvement? What was their role? What were these women called? Did this movement offset loss of British imports?

Nonimportation movement. Reduced imported goods consumption, produce large quantities of homespun cloth. Called Daughters of Liberty. However, did not offset loss of British imports, which made millions of yards of cloth.

Scioto Confederacy

Ohio Indians (including Shawnees) pledge to prevent further expansion into Ohio in 1770s.

Who accused the Tea Act and why? Who joined the protest and why? What fear started to arise?

Radical Patriots accused British of bribing Americans with cheap tea so they would give up opposition to tea tax. Merchants joined protest because tea was distributed to shopkeepers, excluding wholesalers from profits. Fear of monopoly arised.

What was Hillsborough's stance on westward expansion? Why?

Opposed westward expansion, believing it would antagonize Indians to no benefit of empire. He also owned vast Irish estates and alarmed by numbers of tenants leaving Ireland for America.

Who committed to a pacifist idealism and why?

Pacifist Quakers, Germans, and Angelicans due to religious beliefs. Queen's County (Long Island) didn't send delegates to a Congress because they were neutral and wanted to preserve family property and independence.

Why did Parliament suddenly realize how ineffective the Stamp Act was? Grenville's successor, Earl of Rockingham, did what to compromise to pacify the colonists and help British merchants?

Parliament realized that Stamp Act was doing more harm than good to British exports because of colonists' boycotts. Rockingham repealed Stamp Act and reduced duty on molasses imposed by Sugar Act to a penny a gallon. Then, pacified imperial reformers with Declaratory Act of 1766, reaffirmed Parliament's power and authority to make laws to bind colonies and people in all cases.

What other act did Parliament pass in 1774, and what did it entail? How did it affect American peoples?

Passed Quebec Act, allowed practice of Roman Catholicism in Quebec. Act extended Quebec's boundaries into Ohio River Valley. Reignited religious passions in New England, where Protestants associated Catholicism with dictatorial royal government. Angered land speculators in VA and PA and settlers.

What was the second act that Grenville passed in 1764? What act did it replace and why? Why was the previous act a failure? What did colonial merchants do rather than pay for this previous act?

Passed Sugar Act of 1764, replace widely ignored Molasses Act of 1733, which set tax rate so high it made trade unprofitable. Rather than pay for it, merchants bribed customs officials.

Continental Congress? What colonies refused to send delegates?

Patriot leaders created this new continent-wide body in response to Coercive Acts. Twelve colonies sent reps. Four recently acquired colonies: Florida, Quebec, Nova Scoria, and Newfoundland, as well as Georgia, where Royal Governor controlled legislature. Assemblies of Barbados, Jamaica, and other sugar islands were more fearful of revolts by Africans and declined to attend.

Second Continental Congress (1775)

Patriot leaders gather in Philadelphia. British troops attacked American fortifications on Breed's and Bunker Hill in Boston and dislodged Patriot militia. John Adams created continental army and had Washington lead it.

Who were Patriot leaders? Did everyone support patriotism?

Patriot leaders: wealthy Virginian/NY planters and landowners. Opposing: tenants who hated patriot landowners, poor people, Regulators in North Carolina backcountry and farmers in eastern Maryland due to social conflicts.

What did British merchants and manufacturers do when the nonimportation movement was starting to affect Britain? What was North's compromise and what was his reasoning behind this?

Petitioned Parliament to repeal Townshend duties. North compromised to repeal most of Townshend's duties but retain tax on tea as a symbol of Parliament's supremacy.

What did the Sons of Liberty do to protest Tea Act? What was Massachusetts Royal Governor Hutchinson determined to do? How did people foil the governor's plan in 1773?

Prevented East Indian Co ships from delivering cargoes in NY, PA, and Charleston. MA Governor Hutchinson determined to land tea and collect tax. Foiled plan by disguising as Indians and boarding ships and threw tea into harbor.

What did PA's Galloway propose and what was it similar to? Did this proposal get carried out?

Proposed new political system similar to Franklin's proposal at Albany Congress of 1754. Each colony would retain assembly to legislate local matters, and new continent-wide body would handle general American affairs. King would appoint president-general to preside over legislative council selected by colonial assemblies. Plan failed by one vote, plan was too peaceful.

In seaport cities, what did Sons of Liberty do to those who imported British goods?

Published names of merchants who imported British goods and harassed their employees and customers.

What act did General Gage press parliament to pass in 1765? What did it entail?

Quartering Act of 1765, required colonial governments to provide food and shelter for British troops.

What was the second act that Townshend passed? What did it entail? What were his intentions to this?

Revenue Act of 1767, creates board of customs commissioners in Boston and vice-admiralty courts in Boston, PA, Halifax, and Charleston. Townshend intended to undermine American political institutions by using parliamentary taxes to finance imperial admin.

What did the revenue crisis force General Gage to do, which led to what in 1772? How were settler's relations with Ohio Indians?

Revenue crisis forced General Gage to cut expenses, and in 1772 the army abandoned Fort Pitt. Settlers had tense relations w/ Indians.

Colonists reactions to Townshend duties? What did Puritan New England encourage?

Revived constitutional debate over taxation. 1768- MA assembly disapprove Townshend Act, and Boston and NY began new boycott of British goods. Puritan New England encouraged domestic manufacture and discouraged purchase of foreign goods.

In the 1700s, how were taxes shifting after the Great War for Empire? Excise taxes?

Shifted from land (owned by Gentry and aristocracy) to consumables. Excise taxes were sales taxes on all ordinary goods.

How was the Sugar Act similar and different from Molasses Act? What did Grenville do to ensure taxes would be collected?

Similar in that both had to pay tax rates on sugar, but Sugar Act set taxes lower than Molasses Act so that merchants would pay and still make a profit. Grenville tightened customs enforcement so the taxes would be collected.

What did slaves do in Massachusetts after colonists argued about their natural rights? What happened in 1773 with Virginia slaves? What was James Madison's viewpoint of the matter between slavery and natural rights?

Slaves submitted at least four petitions to legislature to ask if slavery could be abolished. In 1773, Virginia slaves hoped to win freedom by supporting British troops that would arrive in the colony, but plan was uncovered. James Madison knew how important it was to defend colonists' liberties without idea of natural rights to undermine slavery.

What were some peaceful solutions to complaints of the Stamp Act?

Some compromised, not confronted, and petitioned for the Stamp Act to be repealed. Some had peaceful resistance by boycotting British goods.

What did southern delegates propose in Continental Congress? Northern? Middle?

South: feared British constitution overturn and system of dictatorial government, and advocated new economic boycott. New England: independence-minded, demanded political union and defensive military preparations. Middle Atlantic: favored compromise

Who had a higher standard of living? Who was in debt to British merchants and what did they fear?

Southern slave owners had higher standards of living. Chesapeake planters were in debt to British merchants and feared prospect of political submissiveness to British officials.

What act was passed in 1765, what kind of crisis did it spark? Why did Grenville pass it? What did the Act entail? Who was taxed more?

Stamp Act of 1765, sparked first great imperial crisis. Grenville passed it to cover cost of keeping British troops in America. Act required tax stamp on all printed items and taxes the rich heavier.

What did Virginia Gentry support?

Supported demands by indebted yeoman farmers to close law courts so they could bargain with merchants over debts w/o threat of legal action.

Why did Congress support radicals to invade Canada? What parts of Canada did or didn't they invade? What did American merchants do according to the First Continental Congress and how did Parliament retaliate?

Supported invasion of Canada to prevent British attack from the north. Patriots defeated British in Montreal, but failed to capture Quebec City and withdrew. Merchants cut off exports to Britain and West Indian sugar islands. Parliament retaliated with Prohibitory Act, outlawed all trade with rebellious colonies.

Why did Parliament pass the Revenue Act of 1762?

To enforce collection of trade duties (which colonial merchants have evaded for decades by bribing customs officials).

Why did Hillsborough want to make Proclamation Line permanent? How did the colonists react to this?

To preserve Britain's laboring class and control costs. Colonists frustrated and angered by this.

What did Townshend support? What was the new tax legislation called, and what did it entail? What did he hope after passing this?

Townshend supported restrictions on colonial assemblies and Stamp Act. Passed Townshend Act of 1767, which imposed duties on colonial imports of paper, paint, glass, and tea. Revenue to pay for American military expenses and to pay salaries of royal peoples who had previously been paid by colonial assemblies. Hoped that royal peoples would better enforce parliamentary laws and follow king's instructions.

At the end of Pontiac's Rebellion, where did people travel and what land did they claim? What did they rely on for protection?

Traveled along Braddock's and Forbes's Roads to Ohio River and claimed land around Pittsburgh. Relied on Fort Pitt (Britain's most important frontier outpost).

Before vice-admiralty courts were established, how were merchants tried when accused of violating the Navigation Acts?

Tried by local common-law courts with friendly juries that often released them from blame.

What did George Grenville understand? What did he pass in 1764 and what did it entail?

Understood need for imperial (royal) reform. Passed Currency Act of 1764, banned Americans from using paper money (local currency worth less than British sterling). Colonists no longer paid in printed money, boosting profits and British wealth.

What did a Middlesex Country Congress urge in Massachusetts? What was the result of this urging? What did General Gage do in response in 1774? What did militia guard and what was this militia called?

Urged Patriots to close existing royal courts and transfer political allegiance to House of Reps. Armed crowds attacked Loyalists and ensured Patriot rule in New England. General Gage ordered British troops in Boston to seize Patriot armories in Charleston and Cambridge. Militia, called Minutemen, guarded military depots.

What did Treaty of Paris in 1763 give Britain?

Vast new inland territory in America.

Who was the first formal body to complain about these acts? What did Patrick Henry do in 1765? Who did he compare George III to?

Virginia's House of Burgesses. Denounced Grenville's legislation and attacked George III for supporting it. Compared George III to a Charles I, whose tyranny led to his death in 1640.

Samuel Adams and other radical Patriots did what in 1772 in Boston? Committees of correspondence? What was the purpose of these committees? By 1774, what did colonies declare, and what was the only colony that didn't have a committee?

Warned Americans of imperial domination and persuaded town meetings and assemblies called committees of correspondence. Allowed Patriots to communicate with leaders in other colonies when new threats of liberty occurred. Colonies declared independence in 1774, and only PA went without a committee.

Who encouraged mobs? Examples? Who led the mobs and where? Did these intimidate royal officials?

Wealthy merchants and Patriot lawyers (ex: John Hancock and Adams). Led by middle class in NYC and in every colony. Protests also in Britain. Intimidated royal officials.

What did PA's John Dickerson lead?

Won approval of petition expressing loyalty to George III and asked for repeal of harsh parliamentary legislation

Who wrote Letters and what did they do? Who wrote Common Sense in 1776 and what did it call for?

Wrote by John Dickinson, aroused patriot resistance in 1768. Common Sense - Thomas Paine, called for independence and republican form of government and insulted George III and the monarchy.

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