APUSH Ch. 19

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John Brown: Plan

John Brown studied black rebels such as Toussaint L'Ouverture, and Nat Turner, he schemed to invade the South secretly with a handful of followers, and call upon the slaves to rise, furnish them with arms, and establish a free black state as a sanctuary. Brown got several thousand dollars from Northern abolitionists and went to Harpers Ferry.

John Brown:

John Brown: was a Kansas fighter who fought for the abolitionist cause; was involved in horse stealing and other not legal activities, he moved to Kansas from Ohio with some of his large family.

Democrat problem for voting for nominee:

Most of the Cotton states delegates walked out and there were not enough people to get the two thirds vote for Douglas.

New England Emigrants Aid Company:

New England Emigrants Aid Company: founded in 1854 Organization created to celebrate the migration of free laborers to Kansas in order to prevent establishment of slavery in the territory. Which sent about 2000 people to Kansas carrying "Beecher's Bibles" or rifles that Harriet Beecher's brother helped raise money for.

Panic of 1857:

Panic of 1857: Financial crash brought on by gold inflation, over speculation, and excess grain production. Raised calls in the North for higher tariffs and free homesteads in the western public lands. Wasn't as bad as the 1837 panic

Buchanan and the Democrats:

Pres. Buchanan antagonized the Douglas Democrats and split the democratic party into two. Until then ended been the only remaining national party because the Republicans were sectional.

Pres. Buchanan accusations:

Pres. Buchanan was accused of not holding the states together in the union by force, one of the reasons was because he was surrounded by process of earnest advisers. He did not believe that the southern states could legally secede. One of the reasons that he did not resort to forces that the tiny standing army of some 15,000 men was urgently needed to suppress the Native Americans in the west.

Who seceded President Pierce?

Pres. Pierce had been seceded by James Buchanan who was is strong Southerner.

Sen. Charles Sumner:

Sen. Charles Sumner of Massachusetts was an abolitionist, delivered a speech called "The Crime Against Kansas". He was largely disliked and hated on South Carolina senator Andrew Butler, who was largely liked.

Sen. John Jordan Crittenden:

Sen. John Jordan Crittenden: of Kentucky proposed Crittenden amendments to the Constitution propose within days of South Carolina's the sessional vote, and was designed to appease to the South.

States that seceded:

Six other states of the lower South, though somewhat less United, all seceded: Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. For more award to join them in the spring, bringing the total to 11.

South Carolina seceded:

South Carolina had threatened to secede if Lincoln became president, four days after the election South Carolina's legislator voted unanimously to call a convention. Meeting in Charleston in December 1860, the delegates agreed to leave the union.

Southern Democrats nominee:

Southern Democrats organized a rifle convention in Baltimore where are the northern states were not represented; they selected John C Breckenridge the man from Kentucky. His platform favored the extension of slavery into the territories and the annexation of Cuba.

Southerners on Kansas Nebraska scheme and it's turnout

Southern spokespeople were angered that they had supported the Kansas-Nebraska scheme of Senator Douglas with the unspoken understanding that one would become slave and one would become free.

Southern land owners in Kansas

Southerners sent groups of well-armed slave-owners to Kansas. However, taking slaves to Kansas was a bad idea, because there was a war going on and the land was soon to be voted free.

Tariff of 1857:

Tariff of 1857: Lowered duties on imports in response to a high Treasury surplus and pressure from Southern farmers.

Supreme court ruling on the DS v. S case:

The Supreme Court ruled that since slaves were 'private property' they could not be able to sue. Ruled that: o A majority of the court decreed that because slaves were technically private property, they could be taken anywhere and still be enslaved. o The Compromise of 1820 was unconstitutional all along, congress had no power to ban slavery from territories.

What happened in Lawrence? When?

A breaking point came in 1856 when a gang of pro-slavery raiders shot up and burned part of the free-soil town of Lawrence.

How many slaves in Kansas and Nebraska in 1860? Out of how many?

A census in 1860 found only 2 black slaves out of 107,000 people in Kansas Territory and only 15 in Nebraska.

Lincoln: start of career

After reading a little law he emerged as one of the better known trial lawyers in Illinois. He served one term in Congress in 1847 1849. Until 1854 when he's 45 years of age he had do nothing to establish a claim to statesmanship. At the Philadelphia convention of 1856, Where John C Fremont was nominated, Lincoln actually received 110 votes for the vice presidential nomination.

What could south now do independently?

An independent South could develop its own banking and shipping and trade directly with Europe.

Pottawatomie Creek and John Brown's response to Lawrence:

Angered over the recent attack on Lawrence he led a band of followers to Pottawatomie Creek, in May 1856. There they killed 5 unsuspecting assumedly pro-slaveryites leading to harsh retaliation by the South.

What was another argument about where the western land should go to?

Another argument was that the land should go to stable pioneers in exchange for risking their life and health for developing it.

Bleeding Kansas:

Bleeding Kansas: 1856 to 1861, civil war in Kansas over the issue slavery in the territory, fought intermittently until 1861, when it merged with the wider national civil war.

When did Kansas have enough people to apply for statehood? Who were the majority of people?

By 1857 Kansas had enough people, mainly free-soilers, to apply for statehood, the South devised a document called the Lecompton Constitution.

Who was the judge for the case?

Chief Justice Roger B. Taney from slave state Maryland

Civil war in Kansas? When did it merge with a larger war?

Civil War in Kansas began in 1856 and continued until it merged with the large-scale Civil War of 1861-1865.

Confederate States of America:

Confederate states of America: 1861 the 1865, Government established after 7 Southern states seceded from the union. Later joined by for more states from the upper South.

Constitutional Union Party:

Constitutional union party: 1860, formed by moderate Whigs and Know-Nothings in an effort to elect a compromise candidate and avert a sectional crisis.

Crittenden Amendments:

Crittenden amendments: 1860, failed constitutional amendments that would have given federal protection for slavery in all territories south of 36°30' where slavery was supported by popular sovereignty. Proposed attempt to appease to the south. Pres. Lincoln rejected idea.

Dred Scott v. Stanford:

Dred Scott v. Stanford: 1857 Supreme Court decision that extended federal protection to slavery by ruling that Congress did not have enough power to prohibit slavery in any territory. Also declared that slaves, as property, were not citizens of the United States.

Details on Dred Scott v. Stanford case:

Dred Scott, a black slave, lived with his master for five years in Illinois and Wisconsin territory. Backed by abolitionists, he sued for freedom on the basis of his long residence on free soil.

Which two groups did not support the free-land idea? Why?

Eastern industrialists did not support the free-land idea, fearing underpaid workers would move westward. The South also hated the idea, stating that people of the free soil party would fill up the land and would tip the balance against the South.

Why did Buchanan win?

Fire-eaters threatened Northerners that if they voted for Fremont they would succeed. o It was ultimately better that the South did not succeed in 1856, Abraham Lincoln handled the situation better than any other president could.

Free Soil Parties response to Shawnee Mission Gov:

Free-soilers angered by the South's win, set up their own government in Topeka.

Freeport Doctrine:

Freeport doctrine: 1858 declare that since slavery could not exist without laws to protect it, territorial legislators, not the Supreme Court, would have the final say on the slavery question. First argued by Stephen Douglas in 1858 in response to Abraham Lincoln's "Freeport question".

Freeport Question:

Freeport question: 1858 rias during one of the Lincoln Douglas debates by Abraham Lincoln, who asked whether the court are the people should decide the future of slavery in the territories.

Harpers Ferry:

Harpers Ferry: Federal arsenal in Virginia seized by abolitionist John Brown in 1859. Though Brown was later captured and executed, his raid alarmed southerners, who believe that northerners shared in Brown's extremism.

Outcome of John Brown revolution

He killed seven innocent people including a free black and injuring 10 or more other people. The slaves, who do not know of Brown's rebellion, did not rise up and brown and his followers were captured by US Marines under the command of Lieut. Colonial Robert E. Lee.

Lincoln; details of his win

He was a minority president, 60% of the voters preferred some other candidate. He was also sectional president, because in 10 Southern states he was not allowed on the ballot.

LeCompton Catch:

If they voted against slavery one of the remaining provisions of the Constitution would protect the owners of slaves already in Kansas.

Violence erupts in Kansas Territories

In 1855 the Kansas territories erupted into violence between pro slavery and antislavery factions.

Shawnee Mission

In 1855 they had to elect members of the first territorial legislature, pro-slavery supporters went into Missouri to vote early and often. Pro-slavery supporters won and set up their own puppet government at Shawnee Mission.

Homestead Act: when? how much money for land?

In 1860, Congress passed the homestead act, one that made public lands available at a sum of 25 cents per acre, however Buchanan vetoed the plan.

Popularity of Uncle Tom's Cabin:

It was read by millions of youths in the 1850s something later became the boys in blue who volunteered to fight through the Civil War. The novel was popular abroad especially in Britain and France.

James Buchanan:

James Buchanan: Pennsylvania lawyer, and had no standpoint of the Kansas-Nebraska act.

Constitutional Union Party Nominee:

The constitutional union party met in Baltimore and nominated John Bell Tennessee.

details on eradicating slavery: what the U.S would need

The federal government cannot touch slavery in those states where it existed except buy a constitutional amendment, and an amendment would need to be defeated by one fourth of the states. The 15 slave states numbered nearly ½ of the total.

Where did states meet? What did they form?

The first seven seceded states met at Montgomery Alabama, in February 1861 and created a government known as the confederate states of America.

The Impending Crisis of the South:

The impending crisis of the South: 1857 anti-slavery tract, written by white southerner Hinton R. Helper argued that non-slave holding whites actually suffered most in the slave economy. Hinton R. Helper, a non-aristocratic white, hated both slavery and blacks.

Details in Critten. Amendments:

The slavery supporters were to be guaranteed full rights in the southern Territories, as long as they were territories, regardless of the wishes of the majority under popular sovereignty.

Southern extremist view of Douglas:

The southern fire-eaters regarded Douglas as a trader as a result of his unpopular stand on Lecompton Constitution and the Freeport doctrine.

Who was the Confederates president?

They chose their presidents to be Jefferson Davis, A recent member of the US Senate from Mississippi. He was a West pointer and a former cabinet member with the military experience.

In the Panic of 1857, how many businesses failed during a year?

over five thousand businesses failed within a year.

'Weak points' in nominees:

♣ Buchanan was looked down upon because he was a bachelor because his fiancée died. ♣ Fremont was looked down upon because he was an illegitimate child, also he was a Roman Catholic.

Some reasons for leaving union:

1. Secessionists departed from the union left for many reasons, mostly relating in some way to slavery. They were also scared of the political balance to tip against them. 2. Southerners were also dismayed by the success of the new sectional Republican Party which friend their rights as a slaveholding minority. They were tired of criticism from the free soil party, Northern interference, ranging from the underground railroad to John Brown's raid. 3. The low tariff of 1857 has passed largely with southern votes the Southerners were afraid that northern Republicans would win control of Congress and have their own oppressive protective tariffs.

When did the Supreme Court enact the Dread Scott law? What did it do?

1857 the Supreme Court's Dread Scott law extended formal protection over slavery in all the territories of the west.

People who came into Kansas:

Kansas was the terrible example for popular sovereignty; newcomers to came into Kansas for either what's removing pioneers in search of richer land or groups of Northern abolitionists for free-soilers.

LeCompton Constitution:

Lecompton Constitution: 1857 proposed Kansas constitution, whose ratification was unfairly rigged so as to guarantee slavery in the territory. Initially ratified by proslavery forces, it was leader voted down when Congress required that the entire Constitution be put up for vote.

Lincoln Douglas Debates:

Lincoln Douglas debates: 1858, a series of debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas during the US Senate race in Illinois. Douglas won the election but Lincoln gained National prominence and emerged as the leading candidate for the 1860 Republican nomination.

Why wasn't Lincoln in office by then?

Lincoln although elected president in November 1860, could not take office until four months later on March 4, 1861.

Lincoln v. Douglas:

Lincoln challenged Douglas to a serious of joint debates, and Douglas excepted Lincoln's challenge which lead to seven meetings known as the Lincoln Douglas debates.

Lincoln: general background

Lincoln was not born wealthy, born in 1809 in a Kentucky log cabin to impoverished parents, he attended a frontier school not more than a year, was an avid reader, and was self educated. He was a splitter of logs for fence rails. He married into the influential Todd family of Kentucky, and he and his wife did not have the best relationship.

Succession and effects of Uncle Tom's Cabin

London and Paris seriously considered intervening on the half of the south but they realize that many of their own people aroused by "Tommania" might not support them.

Free Soilers in the Polls?

Many free soilers boycotted the polls, and without the abolitionist.

Preston S. Brooks:

Preston S. Brooks: South Carolina wanted to challenge Sen. Charles Sumner to a dual. On May 22, 1856 he approached Sumner at the Senate and hit him with an 11-ounce cane until it broke.

Know-Nothing party nominee:

Protestant 'Nativists', organized the Know-Nothing Party and in 1856 nominated Millard Fillmore. o The remnants of the Whig party and the Know-Nothings joined together.

How much did the tariff of 1857 reduce duties?

Reduced duties to about 20 percent on dutiable goods- lowest point since War of 1812.

Republican Party nominee 1856:

Republican party met in Philadelphia chose Captain John C. Fremont, the Pathfinder of the west, who also had no definitive opinion on the Kansas Nebraska situation. However, there was a large bit of anti-foreignism in the campaign due to the large influx of Irish and German immigrants.

Effect of DS v. S on large scale?

Republicans and abolitionists were furious and refused to listen to the Supreme Court. people v. supreme court

Republicans and the tariff 1857:

Republicans then blamed their misfortunes on the low tariffs and the North wanted higher duties, and increased protection. Two main concerns for the Republicans in the upcoming election of 1860 was protection for the unprotected farms and farms for the farm-less.

Democrat Nominee for 1860 election:

The Democrats met in Charleston South Carolina with Douglas as a leading candidate of the Northern wing of the party.

Democrats nominee in 1856:

The Democrats met in Cincinnati to nominate their presidential standard bearer of 1856. o James Buchanan was the person that the Democrats chose.

Democrat problem resolved:

The Democrats try to get in Baltimore this time agreeing on Douglas and going against the fugitive slave Law by the states.

Election of 1860 was essentially 2 elections:

The Election of 1860 was essentially two elections one in the north and the other in the south. South Carolina like Lincoln's victory they now had an excuse to secede.

Who was hardest hit? Because of this, what idea became popular?

The North was hardest hit by the panic, especially grain growers, though the cotton economy was still prosperous. This distress in the North helped promote the idea of free farms of 160 acres in the west from the public domain.

Republican platform for Lincoln: who it appealed to

The Republican platform had an appeal for about every important non-southern group: non-extension of slavery for the free soil party, a protective tariff, for northern manufacturers, no abridgment of rights, for the immigrants, and a Pacific Railroad for the Northwest, and internal improvements at Federal expense for the west, and free homesteads from the public domain for the farmers.

Uncle Tom's Cabin:

Uncle Tom's cabin: 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe's widely read novel that 'dramatized' the horrors of slavery. It heightened the northern support for abolition and escalated and sectional conflict.

William H. Seward:

William H Seward: was the best-known of the contenders come on base she was too radical including his irrepressible conflict speech in Rochester in 1858 had ruined his prospects.

Southern power in Supreme Court:

Yet the south, despite its electoral defeat, was not all that badly off in terms of political power it retained a 5 to 4 majority on Supreme Court.

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