apush chapter 19 20

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McKinley Tariff

highest protective tariff ever proposed to congress

jacob riis

how the other half lives

jane addamas

hull house in chicago

san juan hill

most famous SA battle were TR led his Rough riders to victory

USS Maine

mysteriously blew up leading to Mckinley declaring war on Spain

W.E.B. Du Bois

contributed to the issue of racism. not so much like booker T washington

pendleton act

created a system in which federal employees were chosen based upon competitive exams. This made job positions based on merit or ability and not inheritance or class. It also created the Civil Service Commission. Under Chester A arthur

pure food and drug act

created food and drug administration

interstate commerce act

created the interstate commerce commission. Outlawed higher rates on short hauls than long hauls

johny hay

the primary author of the "open door notes"


"liberal republicans" were known derisively by their critics as _______

johny hay

"splendid little war"

Gentlemen's agreement

Agreement when Japan agreed t curb the number of workers coming to the US and in exchange Roosevelt agreed to allow wives of American Japanese men to join them. Japan agreed to limit immigration

Josiah strong

American Clergyman who preached Anglo-Saxon superiority and called for stronger U.S. missionary effort overseas. Expansionist who blended racist and religious reasons to justify American expansion

Walter Reed

Discovered that the mosquito transmitted yellow fever and developed a cure. Yellow fever was the leading cause of death by disease in the Spanish American War

Puerto Rico

Given to the US by Spain as a payment for the cost of Spanish American war


TR was most famous for ______

The Sherman Anti-trust act

The first law to limit monopolies in the United States. This wanted to create a fairer competition in the workforce and to limit any take-over's of departments of merchandise. purpose was to break up trusts (broke up unions)


William McKinley waged a ____ ____ campaign

the Boxer rebellion

a Chinese revolt against foreigners led the united states to join an international expeditionary force to put it down

Pancho Villa

a Mexican robin hood. He was a rival of president carranza of Mexico. Mexican revolutionary who killed many Americans in Mexico

rough riders

a group of volunteers in the spanish american war led by TR Roosevelt

the Bull moose party

advocated women's suffrage

alice paul

advocated women's suffrage, author of the equal rights movement

Root Takihira

agreement between US and Japan. Agree to respect each others possessions in the pacific and Japan agrees to independence and integrity of China-partial victory for open door policy

16th amendment

amendment-graduated income tax

spheres of influence

area in which countries have some political and economic control but do not govern directly

yellow journalism

exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensation and to attract the reader


extended a countries power and influence through military force

Roosevelt Corollary

extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United states that the right to protects economic interests in south and central America by using Military Force

Ida Tarbell

famous muckraker who published devastating writings about the standard oil company

De lome letter

infamous letter that contributed to the Spanish american war

open door policy

issued by secretary of state john hay that reaffirmed the principle that all countries should have equal access to any Chinese port open to trade

ida b wells

journalist that was outspoken against and brought awareness to lynching in the south


journalists who attempted to expose the evils of society and corruption

teller Amendment

legislation that promised the US would not annex Cuba after winning the spanish American War

platt amendment

legislation that severley restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the US the right to intervene if Cuba got in trouble

Foraker Act

organic act of 1900, US fed law that established civilian (limited popular) government on the island of Puerto Rico, which had been newly acquired by the united states as a result of the Spanish American War


part of republican party led by james G Blaine that favored reform


part of republican party led by roscoe conkling that favored machine politics

Emilio Aguinaldo

philipino revolutionary who fought in the Philippine american war against united states resistance

social Gospel

powerful movement in Protestantism, goal was to improve cities

the grange

provided social and economic opportunists for farmers. Sought to end Monopolies in railroad, wanted government ownership of businesses

Queen Liliokalani

queen of Hawaii who was forced out of business interests.

Boxer rebellion

rebellion in Beijing china started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the foreign devils. Secret society of Harmonious fist

Munn v Illinois

state governments can regulate industries when in best interest of public


sterilization of certain individuals. Mentally retarded, criminal, etc.


supported high tariffs


supported low tariffs

Dollar Diplomacy

term used to describe in the efforts of the US to further its foreign policy through use of economic power by guaranteeing loans to foreign countries

the crime of 73

the decision to discontinue the coinage of silver was referred to as _____

pension program

the federal government in the late nineteenth century was not an activist government; a major exception to this was its ________ fro Union Civil war veterans

Alfred Thayer Mahan

the mmost outspoken advocate of American naval expansion and author of "the influence of sea powers upon history" "He who controls the sea controls the world"


the people party's movement is more commonly referred to as_______

stalwarts and half-breeds

these two groups competed for control of the republican party

coxey's army

tried to create jobs for the unemployed but this made no progress so he announced that how would send a march of the unemployed to the capitol

guam, cuba, and puerto rico

what did the US gain in SA war


why was hawaii attracted to the US

robert la follette

wisconsic experiment, incom taxes on inheritances, initiatives and referendums; regulated railroads and industries


writer and creator of the yellow press. Deceived the people to believe the problems in Cuba were worse then they actually were. Newy York Journal


writer and creator of the yellow press. led people to believe that the situations occuring in Cuba were worse than they were in reality New York World

Upton Sinclair

wrote the jungle which led to the meat inspection act

Ignatius Donnelly

wrote the omaha platform

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