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which of the following best accounts for the curve on the graph above depicting immigration to the United States from Asia, Africa, and the Americas between 1882-1900

restrictive congressional legislation

which of the following was a less corrupt alternative to the illustrated trend

settlement houses

which of the following best explains Douglass' point of view in the excerpt

shared sacrifice would help advance african american men's claims to united states citizenship

the american federation of labor under the leadership of samuel gompers organized

skilled workers in craft unions in order to achieve economic gains

the Ghost Dance a religious movement that developed in the late nineteenth century emerged from which of the following

American Indian distress over loss of tribal authority

which of the following did the fourteenth amendment overrule

Dred Scott v. Stanford

which of the following most directly contributed to the encroachment of white settlement on Indians' prime buffalo hunting lands

Homestead Act of 1862

which of the following groups would most likely agree with the quote above

Midwestern farmers

which of the following would most directly contradict Brands' argument in the excerpt

Panic of 1873

which of the following was not a contributing factor to the nation's weariness with federal intervention in the south

President Grant's refusal to use military troops in the South

the main point of the cartoon is most comparable to the idea that

President Roosevelt wanted to tame capitalism and not end it

according to the excerpt immigrant women workers tolerated horrible working conditions because

a constant supply of recruits from Ireland were ready to take their places

the cartoon above is intended to express (the strong government)

a critique of reconstruction

after the civil war, some businesspeople and newspaper editors--such as the Atlanta Constitution's Henry Grady-- promoted the idea of a new south. which of the following best describes their vision for the southern states

a mixed economy no longer primarily dependent on cash crops

the image most directly reflects which of the following (battle of little Bighorn)

a native american view of Custer's Last Stand

the image most directly depicts which of the following (snake and person)

a snake representing US monopolies endangering a personification of liberty

which of the following is most explicitly referenced in the cartoon

a split in the republican party

the settlement pattern in the excerpt was most similar to earlier settlement patterns in that it was

accompanied by conflict with american Indians over land ownership

during reconstruction which of the following was a change that took place in the south

african americans were able to exercise political rights

the Knights of Labor welcomed into their labor union which of the following

all of the above

the battle of the Little Bighorn resulted in which of the following

an immediate Indian victory but long-term defeat for the Sioux as they were relocated onto smaller reservations

in the last quarter of the nineteenth century American agriculture was characterized by

an increase in acres under cultivation

the intent of the dawe's act of 1887 was to

assimilate American Indians into the mainstream of American culture

from the 1880s to the new deal the dominant United States government policy toward American Indians was to try to

assimilate them into white culture

lincoln stated that the Proclamation was based on "military necessity". Which of the following advantages did the union gain as a result

black men joined the union forces and antislavery sentiment prevented the south from gaining official recognition from Great Britain

during the late nineteenth century, politicians such as the one depicted in the image most likely would have opposed which of the following

calls for reforms to local and state governments

which of the following pairs of immigrant groups were most prominent in the construction of the first transcontinental railroad

chinese and irish

which of the following factors most directly contributed to the illustrated trend

cities were the major entry points for immigrants who desperately needed social services

The fulfillment of advice such as that in the excerpt most directly contributed to which of the following in the late nineteenth century?

competition for resources among white settlers and American indians

the data in the tables indicate which of the following (union and confederate soldiers by profession and union and confederate militaries)

confederate armies lost a greater proportion of its soldiers than the union did

The "temporary unequal distribution of wealth" that Carnegie refers to in the excerpt resulted most directly from the

consolidation of corporations into trusts and holding companies

the speech above attempts to

convince blacks to make the best of their prescribed place in society

which of the following best characterizes the conservationist approach to the environment that emerged in the progressive era

designation of national parks and forests fr recreation and managed use

all of the following account for nativist sentiment against the "new immigrants" of the late ninteenth century except that the immigrants

dominate the professions of law, medicine, and engineering

the photograph most directly provides evidence for which of the following statements

during the civil war new technology altered the way that the public and the government experienced war

the nineteenth century temperance movement laid the foundation for which of the following

eighteenth and nineteenth century amendments

During Woodrow Wilson's administration, the federal government attempted to counteract the economic influence of big business by

establishing the federal trade commission

Which figure would be most likely to agree with this cartoon?

eugene v. debs

african americans who fled the violence of the reconstruction south in 1879 and 1880 to start anew in Kansas were known as


The claims made by White and Hahn about United States policies toward American Indians in the late nineteenth century are similar in that they both support which of the following arguments?

federal officials desired to encourage the adoption of white american lifestyles by American Indians

Which of the following statements about African American soldiers during the Civil War is correct

for most of the war, they were paid less than white soldiers of equal rank

according to the excerpt the purpose of the dawe's act which assigned 160-acre homesteads to individual indians was to

force indians to farm and assimilate into american citizenship

The idea of The New South, as espoused by Henry Grady, relates to this passage in that

grady promoted a more industrial south, requiring more labor resources

the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following ideas of warfare

hard war: aimed at crushing civilians' will to resist, as well as their ability to deliver services and supplies to the enemy's armies

what does this indicate about Abraham Lincoln as a politician

he was practical and goal-oriented

which of the following was an indictment of government policy toward the native americans

helen hunt jackson's a century of dishonor

Douglass' rhetoric in the excerpt was most likely interpreted as promoting which of the following

his advocacy for african american equal rights

which of the following was the method by which John D Rockefeller accumulated great wealth

horizontal integration

in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth centuries which of the following was the principal public opponent of lynching in the south

ida b wells

which of the following was the most significant impact of the emancipation proclamation

it broadened the purpose of the civil war: preserving the union but also abolishing slavery

which of the following was the proclamations immediate effect on slaves

it did not free any slaves in areas loyal to the United States nor free any in Confederate states not under national government control

the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following views of economic inequality

it is a sign of progress and beneficial for the advancement of civilization

as depicted in the image, Sherman's March to the Sea marked a turning point in warfare because

it targeted civilian resources instead of just military resources

which of the following was true of the american labor movement in the late nineteenth century

it was involved in a number of violent strikes

which of the following best accounts for the success of the american federation of labor in organizing labor in the late 1800s

its policy of organizing only skilled craftsmen

The term "muckrakers" was used in the early twentieth century to refer to

journalists who wrote articles exposing political corruption and urban poverty

which of the following contributed most to the process described in the excerpt (a sketch of the history and resources of Dakota Territory)

legislation that facilitated the distribution of western land

which word best describes Lincoln's original plan for reconstruction, which Johnson largely followed


the excerpt best serves as evidence for which of the following developments (President-elect Abraham Lincoln, speaking at Independence Hall in Philadelphia)

lincoln sought to avoid violence over the issues that divided the country

which limited the effectiveness of the 14th amendment in providing equal protection and citizenship rights

local political tactics and supreme court decisions

second half of 19th century, the formation of labor unions was often a response to

low wages and dangerous conditions in industrial work

The leaders of the Progressive movement were primarily

middle class reformers concerned with urban and consumer issues

which of the following was a difference between the immigration from 1865-1895 depicted in the graph and immigration in the 1840s and 1850s

more immigrants in the 1840s and 1850s arrived with cultural practices similar to those of americans than did the immigrants who arrived between 1865-1895

which of the following most accurately describes a group who acted on ideas such as those in the excerpt (Horace Greely)

northern European immigrants pursuing mining, farming, and ranching

the black codes passed in a number of southern states after the civil war were intended to

place limits on the socioeconomic opportunities open to Black people

in 1861 the north went to war with the south primarily to

preserve the union

The ideas of the Populist Party, as expressed in the excerpt, had the most in common with the ideas of the

progressive movement

this political cartoon captures the sentiment that

prompted the first federal regulation of an industry, the interstate commerce act of 1887

one problem faced by many employees such as the one portrayed in the cartoon when trying to improve their conditions was the

public perception that labor unions were radical and dangerous

another aspect of the new south ideology was

racial segregation

Lincoln's 10 Percent Plan was most opposed by

radical republicans

After 1863, which of the following most fulfilled the "new birth of freedom" that the excerpt refers to?

ratification of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments

the events described in the excerpt best support which of the following arguments about reconstruction

reconstruction created only temporary political opportunities for formerly enslaved people

which of the following pieces of evidence best supports the arguments in the excerpt (Mark Grimsley Wars for the American South: The First and Second Reconstructions Considered as Insurgencies)

some groups of white southerners prevented african americans from voting

which of the following figures was dissapointed and angered by the fifteenth amendment

soujourner truth

during reconstruction a major economic development in the south was the

spread of sharecropping

The image most strongly supports the argument that Reconstruction (Alfred R. Waud "The Freedman's Bureau")

temporarily altered race relations in the south

which of the following principles did the Knights of Labor not support

ten hour work day

redeemers in the south sought to do which of the following

terrorize white republican political leaders and all blacks

the fifteenth amendment to the united states constitution established

that suffrage cannot be denied based on race, color, or previous servitude

which of the following invalidated the decision in the excerpt (US Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857)

the 14th amendment

in its report for 1890 the United States Census Bureau indicated that

the American frontier could o longer be distinguished from settled areas

The excerpt's reference to "an Indian messiah" most directly reflects which of the following developments?

the Ghost Dance Movement

Carnegie's doctrine that the wealthy have a responsibility to make philanthropic contributions to improve society is known as

the Gospel of Wealth

this image of john d rockefeller most directly reflects which of the following

the base of rockefellers empire is his monopoly control of oil

after the civil war the conflicts between the federal government and the american indian tribes of the great plains began with

the building of the transcontinental railroad that connected california to chicago

Although Progressive Era reformers held different opinions about many issues of the day, they shared a belief in

the capacity of trained professionals to find rational, scientific solution to society's problems

which of the following best reflects historian H.W. Brands' thesis regarding post civil war america

the consolidation of businesses into monopoly corporations made possible the technological advancements that improved american quality of life

which of the following developments in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth centuries most directly represented a continuation of the pattern described in the excerpt (the first tycoon: the epic life of cornelius vanderbilt)

the consolidation of corporations into large trusts and holding companies

which of the following pieces of evidence could best be used to refute Steven's claim in the excerpt that the union had done little for formerly enslaved people by 1867

the creation of schools by the freedmen's bureau for formerly enslaved people

which of the following contributed most directly to the Battle of Little Bighorn

the discovery of gold in the Black Hills

the belief by some Americans that the Civil War was "a rich man's war but a poor man's fight" was reflected in the

the draft riots in New York City

the image most directly reflects which of the following

the establishment of racial segregation in the post reconstruction south

which of the following contributed most directly to changes in the post Reconstruction south

the expansion of railroad lines

the argument against the plessy v. ferguson decision by the supreme court in 1896 was based on which of the following

the fourteenth amendment

according to historian frederick jackson turner a key factor in the development of american individualism and democracy was

the frontier

which of the following refers to the accumulation and lavish spending of wealth by some American capitalists in the post civil war era

the gilded age

The image of "Woman's holy war" most directly reflects which of the following?

the involvement of many nineteenth century American women in the movement to ban alcohol

the image of cornelius vanderbilt controlling his rail empire most directly reflects which of the following

the post civil war creation of corporations of a size not previously known in the US

the image was created most directly in response to

the power gained by urban political machines

the conditions shown in the photograph emerged most directly as a result of which of the following

the preference of factory owners for a cheap labor force

which of the following would contribute most directly to the demand for congressional legislation evident in the political cartoon

the railroad's discriminatory freight rates, which hurt small agricultural shippers

which of the following was a significant effect of General Sherman's capture of Atlanta

the reelection of President Abraham Lincoln

the use of images in the late 1800s and early 1900s such as the one shown had most in common with which of the following

the reporting of journalists that raised public awareness of social injustices in united states cities

which of the following would most directly support brands' argument in the excerpt

the rise of an american middle class

The image of the party boss most directly reflects which of the following?

the rise of political machines that provided social services in exchange for political support in nineteenth century America

which of the following best describes Grady's vision of the south

the south would develop an industrial economy

the cartoon was most likely influences by which of the following events

the supreme court decision that broke up the northern securities company

which of the following examples supports Booker T. Washington's proposal for social interactions between whites and blacks

the supreme court's decision in plessy v. ferguson

the Nast political cartoon most directly depicts which of the following

the terror and violence used by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to restore white rule in the South

the fourteenth amendment changed which part of the constitution

the three-fifths clause

which of the following contributed most directly to the union victory

the union's greater industrial output

ideas expressed by Douglass in the excerpt were most likely interpreted as supporting which of the following arguments

the war was no longer just about preserving the union of the states

the compromise of 1877 resulted in

the withdrawal of federal troops from the south

which of the following was the most significant new role for women during the Civil War

their work as nurses

City bosses and urban political machines in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did which of the following?

they provided some welfare for poor immigrants in exchange for political support

which of the following most directly reflects the secretary of interior's goals for teaching the English language to Indians

to undercut tribal culture and civilize them

the 1896 supreme court decision plessy v. ferguson did which of the following

upheld segregated railroad facilities

a key goal in the progressive movement was to

use government power to regulate industrial production and labor conditions

at the end of the nineteenth century the desire of American business to control supplies of raw materials led to

vertical integration

Booker T. Washington differed from W.E.B. DuBois in his approach to relations with whites in that

washington was more accepting of social segregation than DuBois

andrew carnegie's gospel of wealth endorsed which of the following views

wealthy individuals have a duty to return their fortunes to society

the beginning of the end for the american indian on the great plains occurred

when the buffalo almost became extinct because of their over hunting

the image best serves as evidence of which of the following (Women working at US arsenal)

women replaced absent skilled male workers during the Civil War

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