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The March of the Mind Know: William James 12. Describe some of the intellectual achievements of the late 1800's.

Advances in public health and increased philosophy and psychology like that of William James were some of the major achievements. There was also the choice of selecting courses in higher education.

Receding Native Americans Know: George Armstrong Custer, Bozeman Trail, Sitting Bull, Battle of Little Big Horn, Chief Joseph, Geronimo 2. How was the West "won?"

Aggressive attacks, fear, inhumane doings; custer led a party into the Black Hills of South Dakota and announced gold so greedy gold-seekers would come. Indians were killed by white diseases and the buffalo decline.

Miracles of Mechanization Know: Mesabi Range, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison 8. What factors made industrial expansion possible?

An abundance of liquid capital, natural resources: oil and coal, cheap labor: immigrants, and easier transportation of raw materials and goods: railroads.

The Urban Frontier Know: Louis Sullivan, Walking Cities, Department Stores, Tenements 1. What factors led to the growth of cities in the second half of the 1800's?

Architects like Louis Sullivan and new inventions like the electric elevator. Commuting, trolleys, and immigrants. Industrial and urban lifestyles. Electricity, indoor plumbing, and telephones, department stores.

Garfield and Arthur Know: James A. Garfield, Charles J. Guiteau, Chester A. Arthur, Pendleton Act of 1883 11. What new type of corruption resulted from the Pendleton Act?

Arthur passed the Pendleton Act of 1883 which made compulsory campaign contributions from federal employees illegal and established the Civil Service Commission to make appointments to federal jobs on the basis of examinations. Because of the act, politicians were forced to look elsewhere for the money and they often turned to big corporations.

The Business of Amusement Know: Vaudeville, P.T. Barnum, Buffalo Bill Cody, Annie Oakley, James Naismith 21. What forms of recreation became popular from 1870 to 1900?

Because baseball, football, croquet, boxing, bicycling, basketball, Wild West shows, circuses, minstrel shows all came to be. Vaudeville and minstrels performed.

Cubans Rise in Revolt Know: General Weyler 3. What was happening in Cuba that caused Americans to be concerned?

Because of the oppressive Spanish rulers and a crippled economy, Cuban rebels launched an effort to fight for independence in 1895, using the scorched-earth policy against cane fields, sugar mills, and passenger trains Americas business interests in Cuba, atrocities committed by Spanish authorities, and Yellow Journalism served to galvanize anti-Spanish sentiment in America.

Beef Bonanzas and the Long Drive Know: Long Drive, Wild Bill Hickok 7. Why was cattle ranching so profitable in the 1870's?

Because there was a very high demand for the leather and meat obtained from cattle.

The Birth of Jim Crow in the Post-Reconstruction South Know: Redeemers, sharecropping, tenant farming, Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson 9. Analyze the data in the lynching chart on page 513.

Blacks who tried to assert their rights faced unemployment, eviction and physical harm once reconstruction was over. Blacks (and poor whites) were forced into sharecropping and tenant farming. With white southerners back in power, by the 1890's there were state-level legal codes of segregation known as Jim Crow laws.

Carnegie and Other Sultans of Steel Know: Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan 11. Briefly describe the careers of Andrew Carnegie and J.P. Morgan.

Carnegie was in the steel business, by 1900 he was producing 1/4 of the nation's Bessemer steel. Morgan created a reputation for himself by financing the reorganization of insurance companies, railroads, and banks. Carnegie, was trying to sell his business and bartered with Morgan until they agreed to $400 million dollars. Morgan went on to buy other businesses and develop the first 1.4 billion dollar business, he was the first billionaire.

Darwin Disrupts the Churches Know: Charles Darwin, Origin of the Species, Fundamentalists, Modernists, Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, 8. What effect did the theory of evolution have on Christian churches?

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution caused many fights in the church and modernist clergymen were thrown out of office for belief in it and many people didn't believe it.

The Appeal of the Press Know: Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, Yellow Journalism 13. How did the ability to produce newspapers inexpensively change their content?

Cheaper newspapers meant that newspapers could now appeal to the coarse majority who could now afford them and content became riddled with scandal, rumor, and human-interest instead of serious issues.

Churches Confront the Urban Challenge Know: Dwight Lyman Moody, Cardinal Gibbons, Salvation Army, Mary Baker Eddy, YMCA 7. What role did religion play in helping the urban poor?

Christian socialism was planted into the minds of the middle class for future reform; city programs like YMCA helped the needy. Catholic leaders got growing influence to assist reform movements.

"Old Grover" Takes Over 14. Assess the following statement: "As president, Grover Cleveland governed as his previous record as governor indicated he would."

Cleveland was a supporter of laissez-faire which made businesses and bankers happy. He supported big business and fired many Republican office holders to make way for deserving Democrats. He also attempted to fight pension-grabbers who were attempting to collect pensions from the Civil War. He vetoed several hundred of them.

Cleveland and Depression Know: Grover Cleveland, Depression or 1893, William Jennings Bryan, Sherman Silver Purchase Act 18. What could Cleveland have done to lessen the impact of the financial turmoil?

Cleveland was the only president reelected after defeat, but he was the same old Cleveland. Debtors were up in arms, workers were restless and the advance shadows of panic were falling. Businesses had been overbuilding and overspeculating and the agricultural depression was continuing. Free-silver agitation had also damaged American credit.

Spurning the Hawaiian Pear Know: Queen Liliuokalani 2. Why did President Cleveland not want to annex Hawaii?

Cleveland, as an anti-imperialist, opposed annexation as an infringement upon a sovereign nation and tried to restore the Queen Liliuokalani.

The Iron Colt Becomes an Iron Horse Know: Land grants 1. What were the advantages and disadvantages of government subsidies for the railroads?

Disadvantage: railroad companies would sell extra land and make money off the land that was paid for by government aka tax money; they also withheld land from other users until they knew where other tracks would be and how it benefited them. Advantage: railroad companies were able to expand further west; granting land was a "cheap" way to subsidize a wanted transportation system, because it avoided new taxes for direct cash grants.

Building the Panama Canal Know: Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, Philippe Bunau-Varilla, George Washington Goethals, William C. Gorgas 15. Why was the Panama route chosen for the canal?

During the war, it was shown that the lack of canal meant that their navy was weak. Creating the canal would reduce travel time. The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty granted the US to control the route. Philippe Bunau-Varilla was an engineer that significantly reduced the costs of building the canal.

"Little Brown Brothers" in the Philippines Know: William Howard Taft, Benevolent Assimilation 10. In what way do the Philippines show the good and bad sides of American imperialism?

Emilio Aguinaldo fought against the US for the Philippines. President McKinely chose William Taft as the civil governor. Taft chose to pursue the benevolent assimilation, which would bring the Filipinos up to date on the current civilization. Roads, sanitation, public health, etc all improved under this policy. America followed the example of the imperialistic nations in Europe and tried to conquer the Philippines as an imperialist colony that they would rule either directly or indirectly.

Southern Europe Uprooted 3. Why did the new immigrants come to America in such large numbers?

Europe seemed to have no room for them-overpopulation,unemployment. The dream of having a full belly everyday, freedom of military conscription and institutionalized religious persecution. Savage persecutions of minorities. Russia persecuting Jews.

The Clash of Cultures on the Plain Know: Indian Territory, Sioux, Great Sioux Reservation, Tenth Cavalry 1. Describe the effect of westward expansion on Native Americans.

Had a negative effect on Native Americans. Three changes: Native Americans were forced to live on reservations. The buffalo, an important resource, rapidly declined in population. Military conflict between whites and Native Americans resulted in many deaths.

Rockefeller Grows an American Beauty Rose Know: Kerosene 12. How was John D. Rockefeller able to become so wealthy?

He used horizontal integration, he was known for it, and trusts to monopolize the oil industry with his Standard Oil Company of Ohio.

The "Bloody Shirt" Elects Grant Know: Ulysses S. Grant, Ohio Idea, Repudiation, Horatio Seymour, Bloody Shirt 1. Was General Grant good presidential material? Why did he win?

He was considered a Northern war hero. Grant won because of the Ohio Idea which at the time poor Midwestern delegates called for repudiation in greenbacks.

TR: Brandisher of the Big Stick Know: Big Stick, Bully Pulpit 14. Give evidence to show that Teddy Roosevelt was an unconventional president?

He won the Nobel Prize; he was a part of the Rough Riders, his Big Stick policy, his aggressiveness.

The Farm Becomes a Factory Know: Montgomery Ward, Combine 11. Explain the statement, "The amazing mechanization of agriculture in the postwar years was almost as striking as the mechanization of industry."

Historians generally agree that the Civil War was the first modern war, meaning the first in which technology and industrial strength played a significant role.

Makers of America: The Plains Indians 6. How was the cu1lture of the Plains Indians shaped by white people?

If the Indians didn't listen to the white people, they were cruely punished. Indian land was taken over by the whites and their food/material/weapon supply was dwindled down.

Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba Know: Insular Cases, General Leonard Wood, Walter Reed, Platt Amendment, Guantanamo 8. Describe American treatment of Cuba after the Spanish-American War.

Improvements in sanitation, transportation, and education were taking place. Insular Cases stated that American laws and customs weren't necessarily extended to the new territories. Walter Reed and William Gorgas attempted to rid the islands of mosquitoes and yellow fever. In 1902, America honored the Teller Amendment of 1898 by withdrawing from Cuba, but not without forcing the Cubans to insert the Platt Amendment into their constitution of 1901, saying that Cuba must stick to American judgment on diplomatic and economic issues and giving America Guantanamo Bay.

Apostles of Reform Know: Edwin L. Godkin, Henry George, Edward Bellamy 14. How did writers in the 1870's and 1880's try to address the problems of their time?

In magazines, newspapers, and novels writers promoted social and civil-service reform and honesty and economic growth were also promoted.

New Horizons in Two Hemispheres 9. What were the outcomes of the Spanish-American War?

In the 113 days, the US got recognized as a major world power. John Philip Sousa's music gave a new sense to the word 'patriotism' as the nation literally marched for freedom. A stronger military force was also recognized as being necessary to remain a world power.

Imperialism or Bryanism in 1900? 13. What issues were important in the 1900 election?

In the Republican convention of 1900, McKinley was re-nominated because of the victorious war, increased prosperity, and protection of the gold standard. Theodore Roosevelt was nominated for vice president in an effort by New York party bosses to neutralize their hardheaded governor. The Democrats nominated William Jennings Bryan in Kansas City, who charged that Lincoln had freed 3.5 million Africans and that McKinley in contrast had enslaved 7 million Filipinos.

Makers of America: The Puerto Ricans 7. How has U.S. citizenship caused Puerto Ricans to be different from other immigrants?

Instead of being a technical "alien" in country, they already have citizenship. Despite being new in the county and knowing nothing (like other immigrants), they don't have to go through the naturalization process.

The Supremacy of Steel Know: Heavy Industry, Capital Goods, Consumer Goods, Bessemer Process 10. Why was steel so important for industrialization?

It held together the new civilization:from skyscrapers to coal scuttles and it provided food, shelter, and transportation. Steel making (rails for railroads) identified the dominance of "heavy industry," which concentrated on making "capital goods". The production of steel became a major market.

The Fading Frontier Know: Francis Parkman, George Catlin, Frederic Remington 10. What effects has the frontier had on the development of the United States?

It helped encourage the opening of many new opportunities for immigrants to be successful; led people to believe that vast, new areas of land should be filled; and caused a huge population increase. The frontier also promoted industrialization.

Mining: From Dishpan to Ore Breaker Know: Pike's Peak, Comstock Lode, Silver Senators 5. How did the discovery of precious metals affect the American West?

It led to the increase in western movement, and also created a more industrialized society in the west. Gaps between political parties widened, since diff parties had diff views on the values the metals, and the "American dream" was more in grasp, since many people became rich from the metals.

The AF of L to the Fore Know: American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers, Closed Shop 20. How was the AFL different from previous unions?

It was founded by socialists, like Samuel Gompers. The AFL became a union organizing skilled workers. Gompers realized a successful union wouldn't succeed if it became a political organization so he concentrated on the main issues: better wages, better working conditions, collective bargaining agreements, shorter hours, and safety issues.

The Blaine-Cleveland Mudslingers of 1884 Know: James G. Blaine, Tattooed man, Mugwumps, Grover Cleveland, Ma, ma where's my pa?, Rum, Romanism and Rebellion 13. Explain how character played a part in the presidential election of 1884.

James G. Blaine was linked to a corrupt deal involving federal favors to a southern railroad and some reformers joined the Democrats. They were nicknamed Mugwumps. Democrats chose Grover Cleveland known as "Grover the Good". The Republicans found out that he had an affair with a Buffalo widow and she had an illegitimate son with him.

In Unions There is Strength Know: Scabs, Lock-out, Yellow-dog Contract, Black List, Company Town 17. What conditions existed in America that led Jay Gould to say, "I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half"?

Job security. It was extremely low and workers were so easily replaced and they knew it. People always searched for ways to keep their jobs so they could support themselves and their families, strikes were usually ineffective and often detrimental to the strikers.

The Hallowed Halls of Ivy Know: Vassar, Howard, Morrill Act, Land Grant Colleges, Hatch Act 11. What factors allowed the number of college students to dramatically increase?

Land grants that allowed the development of multipurpose institutions with programs using the elective approach throughout the country. Also, there was philanthropy.

Cleveland Battles for a Lower Tariff 15. What were the reasons behind Cleveland's stance in favor of lower tariffs?

Lower barriers would mean lower prices for consumers and less protection for monopolies. It would also mean an end to the Treasury surplus. Cleveland saw it as his duty and overturned the tariff.

Depression and Demands for Inflation Know: Panic of 1873, Greenbacks, Hard-money, Crime of '73, Contraction, Soft-money, Bland-Allison Act 5. Why did some people want greenbacks and silver dollars? Why did others oppose these kinds of currency?

Many did not want greenbacks and silver dollars because during of the Panic of 1873 which caused inflation. Some wanted it because they believed that more money meant cheaper money causing rising prices and easier to pay debts.

Dewey's May Day Victory at Manila Know: Teddy Roosevelt, George Dewey 4.Why did Commodore Dewey have such an easy victory over the Spanish fleet at the Philippines?

May 1, 1898, Dewey's squadron, with 6 new warships, sailed into Manila harbor. The 10-ship Spanish fleet was completely taken by surprise. Several of the Spanish ships were so old and rotting that they could barely float. Dewey's forces quickly defeated the Spanish fleet, without a single US sailor dying. On the Spanish side, around 400 sailors died. The Maine, which most Americans than believed had been destroyed by a Spanish mine, was avenged.

Families and Women in the City Know: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt, National Women Suffrage Association, Ida B. Wells 18. What changes were occurring in the women's rights movement?

Newest leader Carrie Chapman Catt stressed the desirability of giving women the vote if they were to continue to discharge their traditional duties as homemakers and mothers in the increasingly public world of the city. Women had special responsibility for the health of the family and the education of children, the argument ran.

The Farmers' Frontier Know: Homestead Act, Great American Desert, John Wesley Powell, Joseph F. Glidden 8. Did the Homestead Act live up to its purpose of giving small farmers a descent life on the plains?

No, because 10 times as much land that actual small farmers got was taken by greedy land-grabbing promoters. While a big amount of farmers were able to make successful lives with this cheap land, most of it was procured through fraud by business people.

Makers of America: The Chinese Know: Chinatowns, Chinese Exclusion Act 12. Why did most Chinese immigrants come to America?

Opportunity, gold, suffering in China, the European imperial powers forced their way into the unstable country.

Artistic Triumphs Know: James Whistler, John Singer Sargent, Mary Cassatt, George Inness, Thomas Eakins, Winslow Homer, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Metropolitan Opera House, Henry H. Richardson, Columbian Exposition 20. Why is this section titled "artistic triumphs?"

People were artistic and so there were many painters, scupltors, and operas etc.

Varying Viewpoints: The Populists: Radicals or Reactionaries? 20. Were the Populists romanticized, or were they truly "authentic reformers with genuine grievances?"

Populists were authentic reformers who wanted to change their society for the better. They wanted things like free coinage of silver, income tax, direct election of senators, secret ballots, etc. Many of their reforms are now in place today.

The Impact of the New Industrial Revolution on America 16. Describe the positive and negative effects of the industrial revolution on working Americans.

Positive: farmers and independent producers were becoming wage earners, it gave women more independence, and connected nation more than ever. Negative: it brought on more corruption in the economy and in politics, widened class divides, and increased urbanization and the poor conditions in those urban areas.

The Lust for Learning Know: Normal Schools, Kindergarten, Chautauqua 9. What advances took place in education in the years following the Civil War?

Public education continued to grow; the idea of tax supported elementary schools that was adopted on a nationwide basis before the civil war, was still growing; Americans became more accepting of the fact that a free government cannot function successfully if the people are ignorant.

Class Conflicts and Ethnic Clashes Know: Great Railroad Strike of 1877, Denis Kearney, Coolies, Chinese Exclusion Act 10. What was the significance of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

Railroad workers faced tough times when wages were cut by 10% in 1877 so they went on strike from Baltimore to St. Louis. The Federal Government sent in troops to force the workers back to work and over 100 people died. The failure of the Great Railroad Strike exposed the weaknesses of the labor movement. Unions were fractured by racial and ethnic boundaries.

Revolution by Railways Know: Time Zones 5. What effects did the railroads have on America as a whole?

Railroads created a huge market for raw materials and manufactured goods. It also encouraged industrialization and urbanization. And encouraged mining and agriculture, took farmers to land and goods to people, started cities, created more millionaires, and created time zones.

Makers of America: The Filipinos 12. Were Filipino immigrants welcomed with open arms in America? Explain.

Some were welcomed, especially those whose skills that were needed at the time, like nurses. Others did the same thing as the Mexicans and either came in illegally or came in on visas, those were not as welcomed.

Wrongdoing in Railroading Know: Jay Gould, Stock Watering, Pools 6. What wrongdoing were railroads guilty of?

Stock watering: enabled railroad stock promoters to inflate their claims about a given line's assets and profitability and it sold stocks and bonds in excess of the railroad's actual value, other corruption such as bribery was also present.

America's Course (Curse?) of Empire Know: Anti-Imperialist League 6. What were the arguments for and against the annexation of the Philippines?

The Am wouldn't give the Philippines back to Spain because the Spanish were known to mistreat the Filipinos. The Philippines couldn't become self-governed because the competition for power would tear the country apart. If the Am take over the Philippines, it would give off the impression of a totalitarian regime on part of the US.

Spanning the Continent with Rails Know: Union Pacific, Central Pacific, Paddies, Leland Stanford 2. Describe how the first transcontinental railroad was built.

The Central Pacific started building in Sacramento and continued east across Sierra Nevada (mostly using Chinese immigrants), while a second company, the Union Pacific Railroad, built westward from the Missouri River, near the Idaho-Nebraska border (with Irish immigrants). The two lines of track met in the middle.

The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction Know: Compromise of 1877, Electoral Count Act, David Davis, Civil Rights Cases (1883), 8. How did the end of Reconstruction affect African-Americans?

The Compromise of 1877 marked the end of the Reconstruction era. The Electoral Count Act agreed to let Hayes take office so that they would remove federal troops in two of the states. The Supreme Court announced that the 14th amendment only made violations of civil rights by the government illegal and not by individuals. In the Civil Right Cases (1883), it said that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was unconstitutional even though it was approved for almost a century.

A Carnival of Corruption Know: Credit Mobilier, Whiskey Ring, William Belknap 3. Describe two major scandals that directly involved the Grant administration.

The Credit Mobilier was a scandal involving the Railroad companies and The Whiskey Ring was a scandal involving a false number of whiskeys produced.

Prelude to Populism Know: The Farmers' Alliance, Mary Elizabeth Lease 15. What steps did the Farmers' Alliance believe would help farmers?

The Farmers' Alliance operated free mills and gins that small farmers could use. They believed in graduated income taxes, sub-treasures-warehouses, and government ownership of railroads.

Pallid Politics in the Gilded Age Know: Gilded Age, Grand Army of the Republic, Stalwarts, Roscoe Conkling, Half-Breeds, James G. Blaine 6. Why was there such fierce competition between Democrats and Republicans in the Gilded Age if the parties agreed on most economic issues?

The Grand Army of the Republic was a politically potent organization of several hundred thousand Union veteran soldiers who continued to vote on the Republican side. The Stalwarts faction was led by Lord Roscoe who gave votes in return for kickbacks and party service. Also, Half Breeds was born and caused the Democratic and Republicans to separate.

The Farmers Take Their Stand Know: The Grange, Cooperatives, Greenback-Labor Party, James B. Weaver 14. How did the Grange attempt to help farmers?

The Grange in the late 1800's helped farmers by getting them organized in relation to their crops. They helped the farmers figure out what they needed to grow and when they needed to grow certain things to get the best prices.

Binding the Country with Railroad Ties Know: The Great Northern, James J. Hill 3. Explain how the railroads could help or hurt Americans.

The Great Northern was the only one that did not receive huge land grants unlike the others. The rest were the Northern Pacific Railroad, the Atchison, and the Southern Pacific. James J. Hill was accountable for the building of the Great Northern, and he understood that the success of his railroad be determined the location.

Varying Viewpoints: Industrialization: Boon or Blight 22. To what degree is it possible for common people to improve their status in industrial America?

The Industrial Revolution in America was both good and bad. Industrialization brought an increased volume and variety of manufactured goods and an improved standard of living for some, it also resulted in often grim employment and living conditions for the poor and working classes. But its very possible, rags to riches stories were rare but not unheard of, like Carnegie.

TR's Perversion of Monroe's Doctrine Know: Roosevelt Corollary, Dominican Republic, Bad Neighbor 16. Explain the similarities and differences between the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary?

The Monroe Doctrine stated that foreign powers could not be associated with Central America, or get the wrath of the American military. The Roosevelt Corollary said that the US would intervene in Central America and collect the debts in the stead of the European countries.

Labor Limps Along Know: National Labor Union, Knights of Labor 18. Explain the similarities and differences between the National Labor Union and the Knights of Labor.

The National Labor Union included unskilled farmers but didn't include the Chinese and they didn't try to aid women and blacks. The Knights were created in 1869 as a secret society and included all workers and only prohibited "non producers", their goals included economic and social reform and new/better codes for safety and health. They didn't like industrial warfare and wanted an 8 hour work day.

The Drumbeat of Discontent Know: Populists 17. What was the most revolutionary aspect of the Populist platform? Defend your answer with evidence.

The Populists adopted the Omaha Platform that demanded inflation through free and unlimited coinage of silver at the rate of 16 ounces to 1 gold ounce. They also called for a graduated income tax, government ownership of railroads, telegraph and telephone, direct election of US senators, a one-term limit on the presidency, the adoption of initiative and referendum so that citizens can shape legislation, a shorter workday and immigration restrictions.

The Confused Invasion of Cuba Know: Rough Riders, Teddy Roosevelt, San Juan Hill 5. Describe the fighting in Cuba.

The Spanish-American War was very unorganized. Soldiers were not properly uniformed. The Rough Riders was a cavalry unit organized by TR, they were apt riders, but poor planners. They eventually had to fight on foot because they didn't account for their horses.

The Era of Good Stealings Know: Jim Fisk, Jay Gould, Black Friday, Boss Tweed, Graft, Thomas Nast, Samuel J. Tilden 2. "The Man in the Moon...had to hold his nose when passing over America." Explain.

The atmosphere in the United States was so corrupt that people couldn't even stand it. Jim Fisk was a bad criminal that obtained millions of dollars by conning people out of their money. Alongside Jay Gould they were unstoppable and resorted to selling gold.

Deflation Dooms the Debtor Know: Deflation 12. What problems faced farmers in the closing decades of the 19th century?

The farmers of the West became attached to the one-crop economy - wheat or corn - and were in the same lot as the southern cotton farmers. The price of their product was determined in a unprotected world market by the world output. In 1870, the lack of currency in circulation forced the price of crops to go down. Thousands of farms had mortgages, with the mortgage rates rising ever higher.

Unhappy Farmers 13. How did nature, government, and business all harm farmers?

The good soil of the West was becoming poor, and floods added to the problem of erosion. Beginning in the summer of 1887, a series of droughts forced many people to abandon their farms and towns. Farmers were forced to sell their low-priced products in an unprotected world market, while buying high-priced manufactured goods in a tariff-protected home market

The End of the Trail Know: Helen Hunt Jackson, Ghost Dance, Battle of Wounded Knee, Dawes Act, Carlisle Indian School, Indian Reorganization Act 4. What did the government do to try to assimilate Native Americans?

The government used the Dawes Severalty Act, which granted Native Americans citizenship if they displayed American behavior after 25 years in the country. Also, the Carlisle Indian School destroyed Native American culture: the children were taken from their families and taught English culture instead of learning Indian culture from their families. The government also outlawed many religious practices native to the Native Americans.

The South in the Age of Industry 15. How successful were Southerners at industrializing?

The had limited success, often limited by Northerner industrialists, but they succeeded with the invention of the machine made cigarette.

The New Morality Know: Victoria Woodhull, Anthony Comstock 17. What evidence demonstrated a battle raging over sexual morality?

The ideals of the Woodhull sisters like Victoria's belief in free love, which she proclaimed publicly; she was also a divorcee, stockbroker, and a feminist propagandist. She and her sister published a far-out periodical called Woodhull and Claflin's weekly that claimed Henry Ward Beecher had an affair for 4 years.

Class Conflict: Plowholders versus Bondholders Know: Fourth Party System 18. "The free-silver election of 1896 was probably the most significant since Lincoln's victories in 1860 and 1864." Explain.

The outcome was a big victory for large business, big cities, middle-class values, and financial conservatism. The Republican victory of 1896 also started a Republican hold on the White House for sixteen consecutive years.

The Far West Comes of Age Know: Boomers, Sooners, 1890, Frederick Jackson Turner, Yellowstone 9. What were some milestones in the "closing" of the West?

The population of the United States had increased & many nature preservation became an issue, like the founding of Yellowstone in 1872.

Coxey's Army and the Pullman Strike Know: Coxey's Army, Eugene V. Debs, Pullman Palace Car Company 16. Why did President Cleveland send in federal troops during the Pullman Strike?

The strike was broken by President Cleveland because the railroad workers had stopped the trains, harming commerce in the US.

Varying Viewpoints: Was the West Really "Won"? Know: Frederick Jackson Turner 20. Which criticism of the Turner Thesis seems most valid? Explain.

The thought that the Am character was shaped only by the western wilderness. The railroad expansions, cowboy lifestyles, and precious metal rushes shaped the United States, but it didn't necessarily define it. The culture of the United States was also defined in the eastern cities, where many centers of activities occurred.

Postwar Writing Know: Dime novels, Horatio Alger, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson 15. Did the trends in writing after the Civil War make it a good period for literature? Explain.

The trends after the Civil war had realistic historical context that made it effectively capturing.

Narrowing the Welcome Mat Know: Nativists, Anglo-Saxon, American Protective Association, Statue of Liberty 6. In 1886, what was ironic about the words inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty?

The words' welcoming ideal contradicted the recent federal laws that refused the Chinese and undesirables (such as criminals and paupers) from the nation.

America Turns Outward Know: Josiah Strong, Alfred Mahan, Richard Olney, British Guiana, Great Rapprochement 1. What factors caused America to turn its attention to the world beyond her borders?

The yellow press of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst described foreign exploits as manly adventures. And TR and like interpreted Darwinism to try to expand and dominate

The Hayes-Tilden Standoff, 1876 Know: Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel J. Tilden 7. Why were the results of the 1876 election in doubt?

There were many doubts of the election of 1876 for many reasons. Rutherford B Hayes and Samuel J Tilden was against each other. Both parties sent statements to Lousiana, South Carolina, and Florida. Another problem is no one could count the votes because the senate was a republican and the Speaker of the house was a Democrat.

The New Immigration 2. How were the new immigrants different from the old immigrants?

They came from southern and eastern Europe: Italians. Croats, Slovaks, Greeks, and poles; they worshiped in orthodox churches or synagogues and came from undemocratic countries, they were illiterate and impoverished, and they liked industrial jobs.

Reactions to the New Immigration Know: Political Bosses, Social Gospel, Jane Addams, Hull House, Settlement houses, Lillian Wald, Florence Kelley 5. How did political bosses help immigrants?

They got them jobs and homes to live in in exchange for control over their votes. They also helped immigrants get food and clothes, escape minor crimes, and helped get schools, hospitals, and parks built in immigrant neighborhoods.

The Gospel of Wealth Know: Social Darwinism 13. How did the wealthy justify their wealth?

They justified it by claiming social Darwinism and the Gospel of Wealth, they believed that the rich were meant to be rich and hard work had let them deserve it.

Makers of America: The Italians Know: Birds of Passage, padrone 4. How did Italian immigrants live their lives in America?

They lived in cities and kept their rural upbringings, they kept chickens in vacant lots and raised vegetables in small garden plots between tenement houses. Tightly knit communities that had opera clubs, Italian newspapers, and pizza emerged. They were industrial laborers-longshoremen and construction workers. Had padrones- labor bosses. Italians stayed longer than intended, not well educated.

The Trust Titan Emerges Know: Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Vertical Integration, Horizontal Integration, Trust, Interlocking Directorate 9. How did businesses organize to try to maximize profits?

They used horizontal integration, trusts, and interlocking directorates- placing officers of a larger competitor on the various boards of directors of competitors, to maximize profits to their full potential.

The Liberal Republican Revolt of 1872 Know: Liberal Republicans, Horace Greeley 4. Why did Liberal Republicans nominate Horace Greeley for the presidency in 1872? Why was he a less than ideal candidate?

They were a reform-minded party wanting to purify Washington and end military reconstruction so they nominated Horace Greeley. He was the editor of the New York Tribune, but he was emotional, petulant and unsound in his political judgments. He had also made many enemies from printing stories in his paper.

Unhorsing the Knights of Labor Know: Haymarket Square 19. What factors led to the decline of the Knights of Labor?

They were involved in too many ineffective May Day strikes in 1886. In Chicago they were accidentally involved with anarchists since the Haymarket Square Bomb occurred in during a Knights of Labor strike. Another fatal handicap of the Knights was their inclusion of all workers.

The Billion Dollar Congress Know: Thomas Reed, Civil War pensions, McKinley Tariff Act of 1890 16. Explain why the tariff was detrimental to American farmers.

This tariff brought problems for debt-burdened farmers who had no choice but to buy manufactured goods from high-priced protected American industrialists, but then had to sell their own agricultural products into highly competitive, unprotected world markets. Republicans lost many of their seats in Congress due to the hated tariff and groups like the Farmer's Alliance received some seats in Congress.

Government Tackles the Trust Evil Know: Sherman Anti-Trust Act 14. What two methods were tried by those who opposed the trusts?

Those who opposed trusts turned to trusts and labor unions. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act helped.

Bellowing Herds of Bison Know: Buffalo Bill Cody 3. How were the Buffalo reduced from 15 million to less than a thousand?

Through the hunting for their furs by the white men (from westward expansion), hunters literally shot them out of a moving train and killed many.

Booker T. Washington and Education for Black People Know: Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Institute, Accomodationist, George Washington Carver, W.E.B. Du Bois, NAACP 10. Explain the differences in belief between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois.

Washington's self-help approach to solving the nation's racial problems was labeled as "accommodationist" because it didn't directly challenge white supremacy; instead, it promoted practical education and economic independence. Du Bois demanded complete and immediate equality for blacks in society, economy, and life.

Railroad Consolidation and Mechanization Know: Cornelius Vanderbilt, Pullman Cars 4. What technological improvements helped railroads?

Western railroads were successful due to the welding together of the old eastern railroads. Cornelius Vanderbilt invested in this business, and he offered better railroad service at lower prices. Pullman cars were introduced, and provided housing for people that traveled using railroads.

Roosevelt on the World Stage Know: Russo-Japanese War, Portsmouth 17. How did Teddy Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize?

When Russia and Japan were in a warring state over the Manchurian area, TR was asked to arbitrate the situation. TR mediated the situation, but in turn ruined relations between the US and Japan and Russia. In addition, TR mediated another dispute in North Africa and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Prohibition of Alcohol and Social Progress Know: Women's Christian Temperance Union, Carrie Nation, Anti-Saloon League, 18th Amendment, Clara Barton 19. What social causes were women (and many men) involved in the late 1800's?

Women's suffrage, temperance/prohibition, and animal protection.

Literary Landmarks Know: Kate Chopin, Mark Twain, Bret Harte, William Dean Howells, Stephen Crane, Henry James, Jack London, Frank Norris, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Charles W. Chestnut, Theodore Dreiser. 16. What did many writers in the late 1800's have in common?

Writers such as Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, Bret Harte, William Dean, Howells and Chopin began to connect their work to some of the realism during that time (that of an industrial society).

Cleveland Breeds a Backlash Know: Wilson Gorman Tariff 19. Is the characterization of the Gilded Age presidents as the "forgettable presidents" a fair one? Explain.

Yes because many of their actions and policies did not help the nation, but instead put the nation into more financial turmoil. For example Cleveland's dealings with JP Morgan scarred his reputation and he also passed the Wilson-Gorman Tariff in 1894 after pledging to lower tariffs.

Republican Standpattism Enthroned Know: Dingley Tariff Bill 19. Did McKinley possess the characteristics necessary to be an effective president?

Yes, he accepted the commoners beliefs, he related and won.

Golden McKinley and Sliver Bryan Know: Mark Hannah, William McKinley, William Jennings Bryan, Cross of Gold speech 17. Was William McKinley a strong presidential candidate? Explain.

Yes, he was wealthy, which is a plus and when going against Bryan he had more means to get his message across.

Government Bridles the Iron Horse Know: Wabash, Interstate Commerce Commission 7. Was the Interstate Commerce Act an important piece of legislation?

Yes, it banned rebates and pools and required the railroad companies to publish their rates openly. Most importantly, it set up the Interstate Commerce Commission to help and enforce the new legislation.

Makers of America: The Knights of Labor Know: Mother Jones, Terence Powderly 21. Were the Knights conservative or revolutionary in their ideas?

Yes, they were revolutionary in a way. They were against the rich and condemned them as parasites. They denounced wage slavery, and tried to achieve the cooperative commonwealth.

Hinging the Open Door in China Know: Boxer Rebellion 11. Was American involvement in China beneficial to China?

Yes, while there was the Boxer rebellion: when the Chinese citizens got angry and violently protested foreign rule of their cities. After this rebellion, the Open Door Policy was accepted and China was free to trade with everyone, especially the countries that were outside their borders.

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