APUSH Unit 4 Study Guide

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Manifest Destiny

1800s belief that Americans had the right secure territory from sea to sea and were given that right by god

Clara Barton

A reformer and nurse who founded the Red Cross in the 1880s, also organized nursing care for Union soldiers during the Civil War

Union Advantages

Advanced transportation systems and factories, strong economy,controlled the sea, had a superior navy and were able to block off the South from receiving supplies, North had much more manpower (22 million vs 9 million), They had immigrants in their land that helped in numerous ways throughout the war

Ulysses S. Grant

American general and 18th President of the United States, Achieved international fame for his position as a Union leader during the war, accepted the surrender of the commanding general of the Confederate army, Robert E. Lee, at the Appomattox Court House

John Brown's raid

An abolitionist who attempted to lead a slave revolt in the South by giving weapons to slaves but was captured and hung after failing to do so, Attacked Harper's Ferry to start an armed slave revolt but was defeated by a detachment of US marines

There were many fights before first canons rang in South Carolina. List and explain two violent clashes between pro and anti-slavery supporters before the first shots of the Civil War.

Bleeding Kansas, violent fighting that resulted from conflict regarding whether or not Kansas should become a slave state, fighting erupted in the states killing a lot of people and destroying a large amount of property, the conflict increased sectionalism between the North and the South Harper's Ferry, an armed raid on a federal armory led by abolitionists John brown in an attempt to start an armed slave revolt and destroy the institution of slavery, He was able to make it there and killed a few people but was eventually captured by US marines. He was later tried and hung for his actions. This was an event that further highlighted the differing views between the North and the Sou

British views on Civil War

Britain declared neutrality in the war, Saw the south as a belligerent faction but not a sovereign nation, The south still got Britain's help due to withholding cotton, Britain did not agree with slavery but related to the aristocracy in the south, during the war England was neither pro-north or pro-south

Robert E. Lee

Confederate officer in the South, Lincoln had offered him to become a commander of the Northern armies but when Virginia seceded he decided to lead his native state, one of his main plans towards the end of the war was to wait for the election of a new president to make peace with, Fought/led his men in the Peninsular Campaign, 2nd Battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville (with Jackson), and Gettysburg

Mexican american war

Conflict after US annexation of Texas, Mexico still considered Texas it's own, Polk wanted to add California into the Union but it was mostly populated by Mexicans and Indians, Mexico fired first which allowed the war to begin, The US won, and was granted all the land from Texas to California, Land was given with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Bleeding Kansas

Conflict rose in Kansas over whether or not it would be a slave state, Civil war erupted in the state which destroyed millions of dollars worth of property, hurt agriculture, and cost many lives

Prior to the Civil War, politicians were associated with both their political stand and the region that they represented. Explain how each of the following represented a political position based upon the region of the country he represented. Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay

Daniel Webster, (represents the north), Federalist From New Hampshire, wanted strong federal government, wanted slavery abolished, for the Compromise of 1850, for protective tariffs, for transportation improvements, and a national bank John C. Calhoun, (represents the south), democrat from SC, for slavery, opposed a strong federal government, against the compromise of 1850 Henry Clay, (represents the west), was a wig from Kentucky, supported slavery compromises, wanted a strong federal government, defended/made the compromise of 1850

Wilmot priviso

Dispute over whether newly claimed land should be slave-free or not, David Wilmot presented an amendment stating the new land should be free from slavery, The amendment was never passed

Kansas - Nebraska Act

Douglas proposed territory of Nebraska to be sliced into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska, The issue of slavery would be handled through popular sovereignty, Contradicted the Missouri Compromise (organized the land north of the 36 30 line) which led to disapproval among the North and caused conflict within the Congress, After the Missouri Compromise was repealed, the North felt there was a loss of faith, The republican party was established

New York draft riots

Draft letters were sent to Irish Americans to make them fight in the war, Irish didn't want to fight to help set the slaves free, if more free blacks were in the nation they would compete and possibly take over jobs held by Irish Americans, Violence took over in the streets of New York, Numerous free blacks were killed and lynched, Federal troops had to be brought in to finally bring an end to it

Secession of southern states

Eleven states in the South wanted to secede after Lincoln was elected, making themselves the Confederate States of Americ, The Southern states parted with the North mainly due to slavery, they believed they would be able to succeed more and trade with other countries without competing with the North, Compared themselves to how the original 13 colonies seceded from the British, SC, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, and Alabama seceded first followed by North Carolina, South Virginia, Tennessee, and Arkansas after the battle at Fort Sumter

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Ended the Mexican-American War, Mexico gave up all claims to land from Texas to California for $15 million

Name two military battles during the Civil War that provided a major impact for either side. Be specific on the location, the outcome, and how this impacted the overall Civil War.

First Bull Run, near Manassas junction Virginia at Bull Run, first major battle of the war, Union came unprepared for the strength and violence of the Confederacy and had to retreat, It showed the Union that the war would last longer than they had originally thought and made them realize they needed to be better equipped for fighting, It made the Confederacy overconfident Battle of Gettysburg Took place in Gettysburg Pennsylvania, bloodiest battle during war 50,000 dead, went back and forth, ended with Lee retreating, Union took victory and it was made clear that they would be the ones to win the Civil War, The Confederacy kept fighting for two more years despite this

Fort Sumter

First battle of the Civil War

First Bull Run [aka, First Manassas]

First major battle of the Civil War, Involved a major panic retreat, The first victory of the South, The North realized their hope of a quick victory and end to the war was far out of reach

The American Colonization Society

Focused early abolitionists who transporting freed blacks back to Africa, Established Liberia as a safe place for emancipated slaves

Stonewall Jackson

General of the Confederate States, got his nickname for his troops who stood like a stonewall at the First Bull Run, Died when he was accidentally shot by his own soldiers and died a few days after

Confederate States of America

In February 1861, delegates from the states that seceded (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas) met and formed the Confederate States of America,They formed their own country in order to protect the institution of slavery, Jefferson Davis was named the president of the CSA

Emancipation Proclamation

Issued by Lincoln after Antietam on September 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free


Lee and his men, over confident with their previous wins, moved into Maryland, McClellan came back to lead the Union army, Two Union soldiers found a copy of Lee's battle plans wrapped around a packet of three cigars that had been dropped, With this help, the Union army was able to be the victors of one of the bloodiest days of the Civil War, This victory stopped foreign aid from possibly assisting the South, With the victory, Lincoln was finally able to launch his Emancipation Proclamation

Election of 1860

Lincoln (Republican) won because the Democratic party was split over the issue of slavery, South vowed to leave the Union if Lincoln were elected because it threatened slavery in their states,Republican victory resulted from the concentration of votes in the free states which together controlled a majority of the presidential elector, with his election, the South felt as though they didn't have a voice in politics anymore and seceded from the Union

Lincoln- Douglas Debates

Lincoln debated with Douglas whether or not the Court or the people would prevail in the case of the people of a territory voting down slavery (with the Dred Scott decision in mind), Douglas' answer, the "Freeport Doctrine", noted that no matter how the Supreme Court ruled, if the people voted down slavery in the area then that's what would happen, Douglas defeated Lincoln for the Senate seat, Douglas further divided the Democratic party, Lincoln was seen to be honorable and became a popular choice for a Republican presidential candidate

William Lloyd Garrison

Most conspicuous and most vilified of the abolitionists, Published "The Liberator" in Boston, Helped found the American Anti-Slavery Society, Favored Northern secession and renounced politics

Discuss the relationship between Lincoln's goals of preserving the Union and freeing the slaves.

Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union but knew that conflict would arise regarding the argument over slavery, Lincoln would change war plans if they helped achieve the ultimate goal of strengthening the Union, He issued the Emancipation Proclamation that made both the abolition of slavery and the preservation of the Union key war aims, He freed the slaves in the South to weaken the Southern resistance and strengthen the federal government, He also encouraged slaves to join the Union army to better help the Union win and at the same time granting blacks freedom and independence

Secession of "Upper South"

Made up of North Carolina, South Virginia, Tennessee, and Arkansas, they didn't believe the election of Lincoln was a justified reasoning for leaving the Union, The call of troops from Lincoln aroused the South and called for additional action to be taken with the help of the "Upper South", After originally voting down secession, they now joined to strengthen the South and fight against the North

Evaluate the extent to which the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) marked a turning point in the debate over slavery in the United States, analyzing what changed and what stayed the same from the period before the war to the period after it.

Mexican-American War marked a turning point in the debate over slavery in the US by creating tension between the North and South and questioning if the nation was a country of slavery or one of freedom. After the war, there was a growth in the abolitionist movement and different methods on how to decide what states would become slave states were introduced such as popular sovereignty.

Assess the moral arguments and political actions of those opposed to the spread of slavery in the context of TWO of the following. Missouri Compromise, Mexican War, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska-Act.

Missouri Compromise, Any state north of Missouri would be free and anything below it could vote for or against slavery, This allowed for the further growth of slavery in the south and also increased the growth of abolition/anti-slave activists. Compromise of 1850 California was entered as a free state; New Mexico and Utah were undecided and used popular sovereignty to decide, slave trade was abolished in DC but slavery still existed, The Fugitive Slave Law was put into place to catch runaway slaves and bring them back to the south but Personal Liberty Laws prevented the North from assisting southern slave owners in reclaiming their runaway slaves, Sectionalism increased based on differences of opinion and the North's dislike of the Fugitive Slave Law and the South's dislike of the Personal Liberty Laws

Missouri Compromise

Missouri wanted to join the Union as a slave state, therefore unbalancing the Union, Maine joined as a free state and Missouri joined as a slave state, Congress made a line across the northern border of Missouri saying except for the state of Missouri, all states north of that line must be free states or states without slavery. At the 36 30 line

By the 1840s many northern Americans had come to see slavery as an evil, while many southerners defended the institution as a positive good. What arguments did each side marshal in support of its case?

North saw it as morally wrong to own someone else and view them as property, they wanted to either stop slavery all together or stop it from spreading to the new territory in the west, South believed their economy was dependent on the work of slaves and without it would ultimately fail, they thought they were providing the slaves with a better life by converting them to Christianity providing them a place to live and giving them food to eat, they believed were doing acts of justice by making slaves more civilized,

Jefferson Davis

President of the Confederate States of America, believed in a well-knit central government, took charge of the Confederate war plans but was unable to find a strategy to stop the larger, more powerful, and better organized Union, He was unpopular due to his defiance of public opinion

Gettysburg Address

Speech given by Lincoln at the dedication of the national cemetery at the site of the Battle of Gettysburg, Key ideas included liberty, equality, and democratic concerns, Re-established the purpose of the Civil War, Lincoln framed the war as a means to uphold the values of liberty

Compromise of 1850

Southerners were attempting to withdraw from the Union on the debate over slavery, After President Taylor died Vice President Millard Fillmore was put in charge of how to handle the issue, He signed the series of compromise measures that formed debate and conflict within Congress as well as throughout the nation, The Compromise favored the North and free soil, California was admitted as a free state leaving the Senate unbalanced, Territorial status and popular sovereignty were present in New Mexico and Utah, Slave trade was abolished in DC but slavery was still present

Appomattox Courthouse

Site where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant in April 1865 after almost a year of brutal fighting throughout Virginia in the Wilderness Campaign, Ended the Civil War, Nine days later in North Carolina, Johnston surrendered to Sherman

Secession of the "Deep South" (and causes of)

South Carolina was the first to secede, Seven states (SC, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, and Alabama) seceded the Union as the "Deep South" Left because they didn't like the interference of the North with slavery, They thought they would be able to be more successful, especially in foreign affairs, without the North, Thought it was justified because the original 13 colonies had seceded from Britain

Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner

Sumner insulted those in favor of slavery through a speech, Preston Brooks was offended and angered by the harsh words spoken against his state and the Senate, Brooks approached Sumner and beat him until he was unconscious with a cane, This action put Brooks in the wrong and he resigned but was later re-elected, Sumner dealt with serious problems due to the wounds, he endured and had to leave the Senate for a period of time to receive treatment, People in the North favored Sumner and his speech and those in the South were on the side of Brooks

Explain the impact of Manifest Destiny upon the 1840s.

The Manifest Destiny encourage people who lived in the United States to start moving westward and claiming more land, even if it didn't necessarily belong to them. This lead to the US entering into the Mexican-American war. This ended in 1848 by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and gained the US land ranging from Texas to California. The adding of these territories led to growing sectional tension over which states would be added as slave states or free states

Confederate Advantages

The South could fight defensively, they didn't have to win the war to gain their Independence, Fighting on their own soil for self-determination and preservation of their way of life, had talented officers that would lead them during the war, Southerners had been bred to fight (used to dealing with animals and doing intensive labor)

List and explain two specific reasons on why White Southerners rationalized slavery leading up to the Civil War.

The economy of the South was heavily reliant on slavery. Slaves picked tons of cotton and tobacco that slave owners would then sell in markets. Without the labor of the slaves, the economy would essentially collapse. They believed they were helping make for a better life for each slave. They argued that they were brought over to convert them to Christianity and make them more civilized, going against what they thought was the heathen way of life for all black people.

Battle of Gettysburg

Turning point of the War that made it clear the North would win. 50,000 people died, and the South lost its chance to invade the North.

Sherman's March

Union General William Tecumseh Sherman's destructive march through Georgia, They ate off and used the land and destroyed what they did not use, A huge desolation of land and southern resources, Purposely targeted infrastructure and civilian property to diminish morale and undercut the Confederate war effort

Anaconda Plan

Union war plan by Winfield Scott, called for blockade of southern coast, capture of Richmond, capture of the Mississippi river, and to take an army through heart of south, it would suffocate the south

Abraham Lincoln

Winner of the 1860 presidential election, promoted equal rights for African Americans in the Lincoln- Douglas debates, issued the Emancipation Proclamation that allowed slaves to fight against the South, Led the North during the Civil War and promoted the reunification of the Union, without the inclusion of slavery

John Wilkes Booth

actor who was fanatically devoted to the Confederate cause in the Civil War, Assassinated Lincoln at Ford Theater in Washington DC While Lincoln was attending a play, he snuck into his theater box and shot him in the head at point-blank range, He then leaped down to the stage breaking his leg, and escaped but soon after died

Oregon Question

debate over who should have the rights to the Oregon territory, Britain claimed Oregon because of discovery and occupation, however, Americans also occupied and explored Oregon, Americans increasingly began making their way to Oregon and soon outnumbered the British, the issue was peacefully solved with the Oregon treaty which gave America everything under the 49th parallel

peculiar institution

euphemism for slavery that aimed to explain away the contradiction of legalized slavery in the US as it opposed the Declaration that stated "all men are created equal", Used in the Southern states to play down the negative and harsh parts of slavery

Daniel Webster

leading statesmen during antebellum period, leader of the Whig party and opposed Jackson and the democrats

Zachary Taylor

military leader during the Mexican american war, sent by Polk to lead the American army at Rio Grande and was Later elected president by defeating Henry Clay


mixed people, slaves plus slave owners babys

fugitive slave act

required that slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were in a free state, also made the federal government responsible for finding, returning, and trying escaped slaves

Ostend Manifesto

secret dispatch that stated the US would be justified in seizing Cuba if Spain refused to sell it to the US for $120 million

Dred Scott case

slave who sued for freedom on the basis of his long residence on free soil, He couldn't sue because he was property and not a citizen, Decreed the Compromise of 1820 was unconstitutional and the Congress had no power to ban slavery (property) from territories, ruled that slaves are not citizens but are property

Popular Sovereignty

the doctrine that stated that the sovereign people of a territory, under the general principles of the Constitution, should themselves determine the status of slavery

Harriet Beecher Stowe

wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin

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