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According to Rajesh Rao, Indus civilization covered a much larger area than Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations.


According to Svante Pääbo, studies of the genomes of modern humans and hominins indicate that Neandertals and Denisovans interbred with anatomically modern humans outside of Africa.


According to paleoanthropologist Genevieve von Petzinger, the cave art in Europe that dates between 10,000 an 40,000 years ago represents the invention of graphic communication, allowing messages to be transmitted and preserved.


The Younger Dryas was a return to relatively colder, drier conditions at the end of the Last Ice Age that archaeologists have used in explaining the origins of agriculture.


Which of the following sites produced evidence of a Mesolithic graveyard and increased reliance on marine resources for subsistence?


The influence of the Tiwanaku state was eventually eclipsed by the more militaristic state of _________ in the region to the north and west.


Which of the following regions of the world has not produced archaeobotanical evidence for the independent domestication of plants and the origins of agriculture?

Western Europe

Which of the following refers to an interpretation of the relationships between objects or materials in the archeological record, including how those objects or materials were deposited?


The writing system of ancient Mesopotamia using a series of wedge-shaped marks to convey a message is known as:


From earliest to latest, or oldest to most recent, which of the following is generally the most common and correct sequence of events?

domestication of plants; agricultural surplus production; state development

Which of the following sites produced evidence of the origins of agriculture among Natufian foragers?

'Ain Mallaha

The oldest known pottery dates from ______ years ago in ________.

18,000; South China

The Aegean Bronze Age dates from approximately what time period?

3000 to 1000 B.C.

According to archaeologist Timothy Pauketat, the city of Cahokia emerged around ________ with the __________.

AD 1050; formation of a religion based on the transformative powers of the moon, water, and earth.

Most of the centers of classic Maya civilization were abandoned by:

AD 900

The Upper Paleolithic and Late Stone Age are NOT generally characterized by which of the following developments?

Agricultural villages with monumental architecture.

Which of the following U.S. laws was passed to protect archaeological materials on public and Indian lands?

Archaeological Resources Protection Act

Which of the following can date volcanic deposits that are millions of years old?

Argon/argon dating

Which explanation for the origins of agriculture is based on increased population pressure in regions where wild foods were less abundant?

Edge hypothesis

Homo erectus differed from Homo habilis in which way?

Erectus had a larger brain

Match each of the following sites with the area or region of the world where each is found.

Eridu → southern Mesopotamia Xianyang → north-central China Varna → southeast Europe Hierakonpolis → Upper Egypt Mohenjo-daro → the Indus Valley

Venus figurines have been found mostly in present-day __________ and generally date from around _________ years ago.

Europe; 25,000

According to archaeologist Arlene Rosen, the origins of agriculture in western Asia can be best understood as an adaptive cycle in which Natufian foragers began cultivating and domesticating plants in response to food shortages caused by the drier, colder conditions of the Younger Dryas.


Australopithecus afarensis is the earliest known hominin to have developed bipedal locomotion.


The Indus script found on seals and copper tablets was deciphered by Rajesh Rao and found to be very similar to cuneiform and hieroglyphics.


The expanded brain size and intelligence of Hominins was first demonstrated by Homo sapiens, which had evolved by around 1.2 million years ago and differentiated anatomically modern humans from other primates.


Which site produced evidence for basketry and the domestication of tubers, such as the potato?

Guitarrero cave in the Andes Mountains

Match each of the following regions of the world with the plants first domesticated there. Each list of domesticates should be used only once.

Mesoamerica → squash, maize, and beans South America → manioc, potato, and peanuts North America → chenopod, marsh elder, and sunflower East Asia → rice, millet, and soybean Southwest Asia → barley, wheat, and lentils

In the cultural period following the Paleolithic, known as the __________, cultures in Europe were characterized by ____________.

Mesolithic; increased diversity and regionalization

The site of _____________ produced stone artifacts, bone, and waterlogged organic remains, indicating that humans had migrated throughout most of the world by ___________ years ago.

Monte Verde; 13,000

According to the film the Great Human Odyssey, genomic analysis of the skeletal remains known as the "Anzick child" indicate:

Native Americans are descendants of Siberians and eastern Asians who crossed Beringia around 15,000 years ago and populated the Americas.

Which of the following cultures is associated with archaeological evidence for the earliest transition from a foraging to an agricultural way of life in southwest Asia?


Studies of the genomes of modern humans and extinct hominins indicate that anatomically modern humans interbred with __________.

Neandertals and Denisovans

Archaeologists refer to the agricultural revolution as the ___________; the process of _________ best explains the domestication of plants and animals.

Neolithic; artificial selection

In the film Great Human Odyssey, the Yupik people construct a boat known as a umiak. According to the film, people may have used boats such as this between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago to arrive in ____________.

North America

Which explanation for the origins of agriculture is based on the domestication of wild plants and animals for human survival?

Oasis hypothesis

Which of the following refers to a stone tool technology characterized by simple chopping tools and sharp flakes dating from around 2.5 million years ago?


Which is the correct relative chronological sequence, from the earliest (oldest) to more recent, for the following lithic technologies?

Oldowan, Acheulean, Aurignacian

Which of the following cultures produced jade sculptures and carved huge basalt boulders into the form of human heads?


While Mesoamerican civilizations in different regions overlapped in time, which of the following represents the correct chronological sequence, from earliest (oldest) to latest (more recent)?

Olmec, Teotihuacán, Classic Maya, Aztec

Hominins first migrated out of Africa at the beginning of the _________________; these Hominins are represented by fossilized remains of _______________.

Pleistocene; Homo erectus

The geological epoch known as the ______________ began around 2.6 million years ago and ended around 10,000 years ago. It was characterized by ___________________.

Pleistocene; glacials and interglacials

The oldest known evidence for humans in North America is presently described by archaeologists as:


Based on the available evidence, which of the following was the last or most recent to be populated by humans?

Rapa Nui

Which of the following fossil hominins exhibits the earliest evidence for bipedalism?

Sahelanthropus tchadensis

The landmass that connected Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania during the Pleistocene is known as __________________.


The site of Göbekli Tepe is unusual in that it has produced:

the oldest-known monumental architecture, thought to be the remains of temples.

Which of the following hominin traits is known to have evolved latest or last?

the production of cave art

According to the authors of the book Images of the Past, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason to study archaeology?

the study of archaeology can teach us about valuable artifacts excavated from sites and placed in museums for long-term preservation.

Which of the following sites represents the accumulated remains of an early city, with a population of approximately 10,000 people, including their houses and shrines?


According to Sarah Parcak, archaeological sites are being destroyed by ________________; in her TED lecture, she proposes __________________.

looting that is mostly economically motivated; the use of satellite imagery in an online, social platform to discover and protect sites

Which of the following is a bowl-shaped grinding tool commonly found at Natufian sites?


According to the film Decoding the Great Pyramid, excavations have revealed that the laborers who built the Great Pyramid were:

mostly farmers from the Nile Valley, with some skilled laborers

The study of human evolution through fossils and artifacts is known as:


Analysis of the preserved body of a Neolithic man discovered in the Alps indicates he likely originated from where?

present-day Italy

Chauvet cave is renowned for its ____________ dating from the ___________; according to archaeologists and paleoanthropologists it is evidence of ________.

rock art; Upper Paleolithic; modern human intelligence and behavior

The first or earliest known urban civilizations with writing developed where?

southern Mesopotamia

Which of the following was an Upper Paleolithic technological innovation?


Which of the following refers to an interpretation of the layers of archaeological deposits and natural sediments, including how those materials accumulated?


Klasies River Mouth technology dates from ______________ and among other things, involved the production of ______________.

the Middle Stone Age; blade-like flakes with parallel sides.

Which of the following is the correct chronology of events and trends in human prehistory, from earliest to latest, or oldest to most recent?

the controlled use of fire, the production of Upper Paleolithic art, plant domestication, the settlement of Polynesia

The Mycenaeans built hilltop fortresses known as:


Based on the presently available evidence, which of the following was the first or earliest to be populated by humans?


Which is the correct relative chronological order for the following fossil hominins, from earliest to latest or oldest to most recent?

Australopithecus afarensis, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthal, Homo sapiens

Match each of the following academic fields and disciplines with the most correct description. Biological anthropology Cultural anthropology Paleoanthropology Geoarchaeology Anthropological archaeology

Biological anthropology → the study of the physical characteristics of humans and their most closely related species. Cultural anthropology → the study of living peoples and the shared aspects of human experience. Paleoanthropology → the study of human evolution through fossils and artifacts. Geoarchaeology → the study of the environmental setting of sites, including layers of sediment. Anthropological archaeology → the study of fundamental questions about past humans and human behavior.

The site of __________________ contains among the earliest-known and best-preserved figurative drawings in the world, dating from the _________ period.

Chauvet cave; Aurignacian

One of the great Postclassic centers of Mayan civilization was located at:

Chichén Itzá

Which Upper Paleolithic cultural period is oldest or occurred first?


Which site has provided archaeological evidence for early domesticated maize and squash?

Coxcatlan cave in Tehuacán valley

The Inka capital at__________ was linked to a vast empire by an extensive system of __________.

Cuzco; roads

Which of the following sites produced remains of semi-subterranean residential structures, mammoth bones, burials, and portable art dating from the Upper Paleolithic?

Dolni Vestonice

According to the documentary film Cracking the Maya Code, one of the most important primary sources in deciphering the Maya inscriptions is known as the:

Dresden codex

Match each of the following cultures with the most closely associated site.

Hohokam → Snaketown Olmec → San Lorenzo Mississippian → Moundville Hopewell → Mound City Ancestral Puebloan → Shabik'eshchee

Which of the following is the term for the most recent geological epoch, characterized by the origins of agriculture?


Match the following hominins with the most closely-associated stone tool tradition. Each tradition should be used only once.

Homo habilis → Oldowan Homo erectus → Acheulean Homo sapiens → Aurignacian Neandertal → Mousterian Australopithecus → the oldest knownterm-30 stone tools from the Lomekwi 3 site

Machu Picchu was built in the mountains by the ________, as a ___________.

Inka; residence or resort for the elite

Which of the following cultures is associated with skilled ocean travelers who spread across Melanesia to the islands of the central and eastern Pacific?


Match each of the following concepts with the most appropriate and correct description Site Provenience Stratigraphy Context Evolution

Site → interpretation of an accumulation of artifacts and/or ecofacts as representing a place where people lived or carried out activities. Provenience → an interpretation of the original place of deposition and discovery of archaeological materials. Stratigraphy → an interpretation of the layers of archaeological deposits and natural sediments, including how those materials accumulated. Context → an archaeological interpretation of the relationships between objects or materials in the same place. Evolution → interpretation of change through time resulting in different physical conditions.

Anatomically modern humans appear to have behaved differently during the Upper Paleolithic. The associated cognitive changes probably involved language and began much earlier in ________________, as indicated by _________________________.

South Africa; the use of beads, arrow points, and exotic resources.

Wheat was first domesticated in _______________ and was subsequently adopted by people in other regions of the world.

Southwest Asia

Sheep, goats and cattle were first domesticated in _________; archaeological evidence currently indicates ___________ were the earliest of these to be domesticated

Southwest Asia; sheep

According to archaeologist Gil Stein, excavations at the site of ____________ have the potential to explain the origins of __________ in the Near East.

Tell Zeidan; complexity

The Cenozoic Era is divided into two periods. From earliest (oldest) to latest (more recent) these are the ______________; the human species evolved and first appeared during the _________.

Tertiary and Quaternary; Quaternary

In what ways did Homo sapiens change after 50,000 years ago, during the Upper Paleolithic?

They produced increased evidence of modern human intelligence.

The early residents of Mesopotamia built __________, which are keyhole-shaped, round structures with rectangular annexes that might have been used for storage or interment of the dead.


Which of the following civilizations built its capital near Lake Titicaca, which included palaces, temples, platforms, and a massive monolith known as the Gateway of the Sun?


Match each of the following site descriptions with the correct site. Each site should be used only once.

Which site contained deposits dating from the Natufian and early Neolithic periods in present-day Syria, providing evidence for the origins of early agriculture? → Abu Hureyra Which site contains the earliest-known monumental architecture, consisting of large round structures with T-shaped limestone pillars that appear to have been religious temples? → Göbekli Tepe term-6 Which site contained the remains of circular, rock-walled houses, storage bins, mortars, querns, sickle blades, and limestone figurines, along with the burials of people who were consuming large quantities of carbohydrates from cereal grains? → Ain Mallaha Which site grew to an enormous size in the centuries after 7000 B.C., with a residential population of approximately 10,000 people that is sometimes regarded as the earliest city? → Çatalhöyük Which site grew into a large, well-planned community between 6000 and 4000 BC, with evidence for compartmentalized mud-brick storage rooms, domesticated barley, and cattle locally-domesticated in South Asia? → Mehrgarh

Which of the following sites produced remains of Homo erectus, indicating these early hominins had migrated far beyond Africa?


According to archaeologist Ian Hodder, settled life at Çatalhöyük was made possible by _______________; at Göbekli Tepe it was preceded by _____________.

agriculture; monumental architecture.

Which of the following is NOT an ethical responsibility associated with archaeology?

archaeologists should collect all of the most important artifacts from sites they excavate for preservation in museums.

The Acheulean tradition is characterized by:

bifacially flaked, teardrop-shaped, all-purpose hand axes associated with Homo erectus

Which of the following hominin traits is known to have evolved earliest or first?


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