Art 101 Ch.2 Quiz

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In The Treason of Images, the artist combines awareness, creativity, and communication by encouraging the viewer to look closely at an object. The artist is:

René Magritte

The Triumphal Entry page from the Shahnamah manuscript, a sacred text, exemplifies the preference of word over image in _______________art


What is the content of Albert Bierstadt's Rocky Mountains?

It is a sublime representation of the mountain range that can be seen to encompass the spirit and character of the American West

Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife Giovanna Cenami depicts many objects that have symbolic meaning. The use or study of these symbols is called:


While in prison, Howling Wolf made many drawings called _______ drawings because they were created on blank accounting notebooks.


The symbolic hand gestures that refer to specific states of mind or events in the life of Buddha are called:


When a work of art such as Kasimir Malevich's Suprematist Painting, Black Rectangle, Blue Triangle shows no reference to the natural world of images, it is usually called:


The terms naturalistic or realistic art are sometimes used to describe:

representational art

The representation of _______ has consistently aroused controversy throughout the history of the Western world.

the Christian god

In a work of art, "content" refers to:

what the work expresses or means

Kenneth Clark illustrates an _______ reading in his assessment that an ancient Greek statue represents a "higher state of civilization" than a West African mask.


What is the chief form of Islamic art?

calligraphy, the fine art of handwriting

What is the subject matter of Shirin Neshat's Rebellious Silence?

it depicts a Muslim woman in a black chador, a rifle dividing, and Farsi text inscribed over her face

Naturalism is a brand of representation in which the artist_______________.

retains realistic elements but presents the world from a personal or subjective point of view

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