Art History II Exam

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Stainless-steel spire

Diminishing fan shapes best describes which element of the Chrysler Building?

George Washington

Greenough sculpted which contemporary statesman in the Neoclassical style by portraying him seminude and enthroned, as Phidias depicted Zeus in the famous lost statue?

The redesigning of Paris under Napoleon III

In Caillebotte's Paris: A Rainy Day, the setting is a junction of spacious boulevards, a result of what major urban initiative?


In what period was Art Deco in its heyday?


Jacques-Louis David's Oath of the Horatii can be said to be a paragon of which style?

René Magritte

Jasper Johns's Three Flags has strong ties to what Surrealist artist who produced a work incorporating the words This is not a pipe?

. Arts and Crafts

Members of which movement dedicated themselves to producing functional objects with high aesthetic value for a wide public?

One depicts multiple, different types of horses, and the other depicts one horse multiple times.

One of these works is a painting, and one is a series of photographs. How do they compare?

Abstract Expressionism

Post-Painterly Abstraction was a postwar American movement that grew out of which style?

Third and Fourth Styles

Robert Adam used elements from which Roman wall-painting style to create the decorations of the Etruscan Room at Osterley Park House?


The clearly evident brushstrokes, the attention to light and atmosphere, and the loose handling of form in Impression: Sunrise qualify it as a prime example of which artistic style?


The colonnade of the Roman temple of Jupiter at Baalbek in Lebanon provided the inspiration for what building?

Georges Seurat

The color theory of 19th-century chemist Michel-Eugène Chevreul had particular influence on which Post-Impressionist artist?


The conclusion of the debate in the French Royal Academy between advocates of color and advocates of form resulted in the ascendance of which style?

Andrea Palladio

The design of Chiswick House by Boyle and Kent is regarded as a free variation on the work of which architect?

AT&T Building, New York

The eclecticism and dialogue between traditional and contemporary elements found in postmodern architecture is seen in the which building?

Abstract Expressionism (WRONG)

The great diversity of individual parts, unified by monochrome paint, distinguishes the dynamic compositions of Louise Nevelson's sculpture from what comparatively restrained contemporary sculptural style of the 1960s?

Joseph Wright of Derby

The painting A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery was done by which artist?

Paestum and Syracuse (WRONG)

The renewed interest in classical antiquity of the 18th century can be credited to the archaeological discoveries at which sites?

French Rococo

The rustic setting, soft light, and feathery brushwork of Gainsborough's portrait of Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan are elements of which style?


The severity for James Stuart's Neoclassical Temple of Theseus in Hagley Park takes its inspiration from the ruins he visited in which modern country?

English travelers

The vedute paintings of Antonio Canaletto were intended for which class of patron?

Both works represent night scenes. (WRONG)

These paintings both depict New York City. How do they compare?

The vanitas painting

What artistic tradition does the Superrealist artist Audrey Flack draw upon to make a poignant commentary in Marilyn?

The flatness and attention to the picture's surface

What aspect of The Tub reveals Degas's distinctly modernist exploration of the premises of painting?

The continuing segregation among blacks and whites in the country (+ ANOTHER)

What did Robert Frank's images in The Americans, such as Trolley, New Orleans, reveal about life in the United States in the 1950s?

Industrial Revolution

What event transformed the economies of continental Europe and North America in the 18th century?

Op Art

What is the term for paintings that produce illusions of motion and depth using only geometric forms on two-dimensional surfaces, as in this work titled Fission by Bridget Riley?

Abstract Expressionism

What was the first major American avant-garde movement of the 20th century?

Conceptual Art

Which 20th-century art movement maintained that the "artfulness" of art lies in the artist's idea rather than in its final expression?

Jackson Pollock

Which Abstract Expressionist artist famously created paintings composed rhythmic drips, splatters, and dribbles of paint?

Mary Cassatt

Which American artist principally painted women and children with a combination of objectivity and genuine sentiment?

Roy Lichtenstein

Which Pop artist excerpted a page from a comic book, a form of entertainment meant to be read and discarded, and immortalized their images on a monumental scale?

Frank Lloyd Wright

Which architect created a building that represented organic architecture and was inspired by the shape of a snail's shell?

Pop Art

Which art took as its subject the mass culture and familiar imagery of the contemporary urban environment?

William Hogarth

Which artist can be said to have translated English literary satire into the visual arts?

Cindy Sherman

Which artist employed photography to address the way Western art and media present the female for the enjoyment of the "male gaze"?

Vincent van Gogh

Which artist explored the capabilities of colors and distorted forms to express his emotions as he confronted nature?

Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin

Which artist illustrated the views of Rousseau by painting quiet scenes of domestic life that honored the simple goodness of ordinary people?

Robert Rauschenberg

Which artist made works that he called combines, such as Canyon, illustrated here?


Which artist painted Summer's Day, a depiction of two well-dressed women in a boat, using the open brushwork and the plein air lighting characteristic of Impressionism?

Edvard Munch

Which artist produced both paintings and prints whose high emotional charge was a major source of inspiration for the German Expressionists in the early 20th century?

Edgar Degas

Which artist studied the photography of others, but also used the camera consistently to make preliminary studies for his own work?

Gertrude Käsebier

Which artist was a leading practitioner of the pictorial style in photography who became famous for photographs with Symbolist themes?

Paul Cézanne

Which artist, known for his still lifes, bathers, and landscape paintings of Mont Sainte-Victoire, declared he wanted to "make of Impressionism something solid and enduring"?


Which city was the artistic center of the Rococo style?

Richard Hamilton

Which early British Pop artist explored how advertising shaped public attitudes and combined elements of popular and fine art in his work?

Ana Mendieta

Which feminist artist used her body as a component in her artworks, as in Flowers on Body, illustrated here?

Contrasts of dark and brilliant colors in painted decor

Which is NOT a technique Bernard Neumann used to adapt the Rococo style to ecclesiastical interiors?

Auguste Rodin

Which leading French sculptor of the later 19th century was known for a Realist sensibility and an interest in the effect of light on sculpted surfaces?

China painting and needlework

Which materials and techniques employed in Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party explicitly relate to the work's feminist content?

Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

Which modern building is fully exposed, rather like an updated version of the Crystal Palace or sophisticated factory?


Which movement included artists who express their individual spirit, rejecting the optical world of daily life in favor of fantasy and imagination, as seen in this work by Gustave Moreau?

The lines throughout the painting are curving and fluid. (WRONG)

Which of the following best describes the formal elements of this painting?

The lines in the painting are predominantly curving and twisting.

Which of the following best describes the quality of line in this painting?

In both works, the horses are depicted in strict profile. (WRONG)

Which of the following best describes the scenes depicted in these works?

Only one of the photographs was made using soft focus. (WRONG)

Which of the following best describes these two photographs?

Cold and desolate

Which of the following best describes this landscape?

Straight line is the predominant formal feature of the mural painting. (WRONG)

Which of the following best describes this painting?

Stormy and violent

Which of the following best describes this seascape?

The yellow line starkly divides the narrow space.

Which of the following describes how the artist has depicted this scene in a dining room?

Background made hazy and less detailed

Which of the following is NOT a technique Wright used to focus attention on the scientific instrument being demonstrated in this scene?

In one of the paintings, the brushstrokes are looser and lines less distinct than in the other.

Which of the following statements best describes these two paintings?

In one photograph, the figures occupy the majority of the space in the photograph, while in the other, the figures occupy less overall space.

Which of the following statements describes the overall composition in these photographs?


Which philosopher believed that the betterment of humanity lay in the advancement of science and the rational improvement of society?


Which scholar wrote Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Works in Painting and Sculpture and established a model for the analysis of stylistic evolution in art?

Three separate scenes arranged around the doorway are connected by overlapping figures and forms.

Which statement best describes the uppermost section of this mural painting?

The colors are natural, evoking the colors of the wooded setting.

Which statement best describes the use of color in this structure?

The vertical and horizontal elements echo the natural features of the site.

Which statement best describes this work of architecture?

Guaranty (Prudential) Building

Which structure best embodies Louis Sullivan's dictum "form follows function," expressing the relationship between the building's interior and its exterior?

Antonio Gaudi's Casa Milá

Which structure visually expresses its architect's approach, in which the building is conceived as a whole and molded as a sculptor might shape a figure from clay?

Eiffel Tower

Which structure was built for the great exhibition in Paris in 1889 and was originally seen as a symbol of modern Paris?

Art Nouveau

Which style developed out of the Arts and Crafts movement and adapted natural forms to the needs of architecture, painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts?

Impressionism (WRONG)

Which style of art best describes James Ensor's large-scale, multi-figure canvas Christ's Entry into Brussels in 1889?


Which style of art had its roots in Impressionist precepts and methods, though it was not stylistically homogeneous?

Gestural abstraction

Which term best describes Joan Mitchell's approach to Abstract Expressionism seen in this Untitled work from ca. 1955?

Benjamin West

Who became the official painter to King George III and was a founding member of the Royal Academy of Arts?

William van Alen

Who was the designer of the Chrysler Building?

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