Art History Review Questions

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Name/describe three specific "Geometric" works.

1.) Geometric krater is three feet tall. The bottom is open and covered in abstract angular motifs in horizontal bands has a meander (key) 2.) Amphora (Dipylon Painter). Every empty space has circles. Figures are two dimential. Specified gender and revived the art of storytelling 3.)Herakles and Nessos. Man vs Centaur- conceived larger man which equals victor. Hellenic instinct for natural beauty

41. Describe the plan of the Basilica Nova in Rome.

300 by 215 feet. 20 feet concrete walls supported coffered barrell vaults. Fanestration of groin vaults meant lighting system akin to cleresty of a traditional stone timber basiclica

6. What is the time frame of the Hellenistic period?

323-30bce double suicide of cleopatra and mark antony

1. What is the time frame of the High Classical Period? What military victory marks the beginning of the Classical period?

480-323 bce. The defeat of the persian invaders of greece by the allied hellenic city states

3. What are the dates of the Roman Republican period? How does the Roman Republic differ from the Roman Empire in terms of political power? How is this political difference reflected in portraits of Republican leaders vs. Roman Emperors?

509-27 bce. Elected senate vs dictator and dynasties. Republic was a love for greek sculpture and roman republic advertised distinguished ancestory. Rulers put on coins, used for swaying public opinion

14. Contrast Imperial style portraiture with Republican verism. What statue gives a a good example of this contrast?

Augustus as general. He wanted to be depicted as never aging. Imperial women shared this youthfulness. Imagine derived from goddess

11. What is the general theme of the metope sculptures of the Parthenon? How is that subject matter related to the Greek victory over the Persians?

Battles- shows greeks lost as well as won some battles

30. Describe the Pantheon.

Behind the columnr porch is an immense concrete cylinder covered by a huge hemispherical dome= 142 feet tall

Compare black-figure to red-figure technique of vase painting.

Black figure. No versatality. Included dark silhouettes and incesed details

5. Explain the basics of the lost-wax method of casting a bronze statue. Does it result in a solid bronze statue or is the statue hollow inside?

Can't be manufactured using a single simple mold. first fashioned full size clay model. second assistant formed clay master mold around the model and removed the mold in sections. When dry the pieces were reassembled. Then beeswax was applied. When wax cooled, it revealed a hollow wax model. Then detail could be redefined. It results in a solid bronze statue

25. What military campaigns were commemorated in the Column of Trajan?

Celebrates trajan's successes in dacia. Noteworth spiral friezes and served as trojans tomb. From battles to sacrifices to road and fort construction

26. Define and describe the Plan of Timgad.

Colony for army veterans. Became a physical embodiment of Roman authority. Used great precision. Square divided into equal quarters uniformity in structer meant the centrality of the roman government

20. Building upon the technology of the arch, what are three other architectural structures that the Romans developed? Name three specific buildings where we see each of these structural systems used.

Concrete groin vaults, oculous

5. What new order is introduced in Late Classical architecture? How are the columns of this order decorated?

Corinthian capital. Constists of a double row of acanthus leaves, from which tendrils and flowers emerge, wrapped around a bell shaped echius. Substitute for ionic order.

31. Describe the bath complex of Caracalla.

Could accommadate 1600 bathers. They resembled a modern health spa and included libraries, lecture halls and exercise courts in addition to bathing rooms and swimming pool. Furnaces circulated hot air through hollow floors

1. What does the archaeological site of Dura Europas tell us about religious practices on the outskirts of the Late Roman Empire? Where is the site and what religions were practiced there? What do the discoveries tell us about Jewish art of the period? What does the site tell us about the evolution of Early Christian architecture?

Cult buildings and shrines of polytheistic religions of the mediterranean and mesopotamia. Discovered places of worship for Judaism. Romans abanded the town. Discovered a synogogue and torah dura scenes were features of manuscript

3. Third style:

Didnt try to replace wall with three d walls nor imitat. Instead, they adorned walls with delicate linear fantasies sketched on monochromatic backgrounds -boscotreacase

32. What was the tetrarchy and who founded it?

Dioletian decided to share power wiht his potencial rivals. He established tetrarchy and adopted title of augustus of the east. Tetrarchy means rule by four

3. Define contrapposto.

Disposition of the human figure in which one part is turned in opposition to another part, "weight shift" weight is thrown on one foot

True or false: contrapposto was used in the Archaic period.

Dispostion of the human figure in which one part is turned in opposition aka weight shift tension on one side and relaxation on the other. False

10. The Parthenon's exterior is done in the ________ order (Doric or Ionic?).


9. What feature made the Tomb of Shields and Chairs at Cerveteri unique?

Elaborately decorated

6. Where do we get most of our information about Etruscan art/architecture?


9. Define characteristics of Hellenistic sculpture; name 3 ways it differs from Classical style.

Expanded range of subjects, considered suitable for large public sculpture interact with their environment and appear alive. Portrayed sleepy. The male gaze. Classical didnt exude sexuality. Classical was more rational and disiplined and they were always awake

3. True or false: Etruscans placed terra cotta statues in the pediments of their temples, following the Greek example.


5. True or false: most Etruscan statues were carved of marble.


33. True or false? The Late Imperial style was naturalized and stylistized.

False. Without individuality. Anticlassicism of the late imperial style seen in abstractistm and sylization of figures

True of false: the Greeks were a unified empire.

False: north: dorians and west: ionians

1. Name two shifts in sculpture in the Late Classical Period.

Focused more on individual and on the real world of appearances instead of on the community and the ideal world of perfect beings and perfect shrines.

42. Define/describe groin vault.

Formed by the intersection of right angles of two barrel vaults of equal size. Less buttressing than barrell vaults= needed only where the groins meet the vaults vertical supports, usually piers.

8. Define characteristics of Hellenistic architecture.

Grandiose scale and wide diversity. Soa had porticos which housed shops

Define Orientalizing.

Greek artists became exposed to small portable objects. Many motifs were borrowed from Egyptian and Mesopotamian art

2. Name 3 ways Etruscan temples differed from Greek temples.

Greek temples had stone gable-roofed temples, but it had wood columns, a tile-covered timber roof and walls of sun-dried mud brick. Proportions were different, front and back portions were distinguishable. Tuscan culmns were made of wood and were unfluted

What did the Greeks call themselves?


Who wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey?


2. This was introduced with statues of Aphrodite. Previously, it was only used when depicting women who were courtesans or slaves.

Humanizing spirit- nudity of woman of higher status

1. First style:

Imitate costly marble panels using stucco relief. Imitates hellenizations

7. Who initiated the reconstruction of the Acropolis and its temples? How was it funded?

It was funded from war efforts (delian league) pericles

Define kouros, and describe a kouros statue (kouroi= plural form of term). How are they similar to Egyptian statues and how do they differ.

Kouros is a life size statuary Rigidly frontal with left foot advanced slightly arms are by body (fists clenched and thumbs forward) Egyptian- obsessed with permenance wanted motion Greeks -liberated from stone block -nude

Compare a krater with an amphora - what are their shapes and how were they used?

Krater vx anaphora krater is a large vessel with two handles and open bottom which held wine and water mixer amphora equals common form in greek pottery; has two vertical neck handles. Used for storing food stuffs long narrow, neck

10. Explain how shading and modeling is used in Roman wall painting to create an illusion of three-dimensionality.

Linear perspective/ atmospheric perspective. Illusion of depth is achieved by increasingly blurred appearance of objects inthe distance and precise painting that wraparound view nature

3. These two artists introduced a new canon of proportions. Who are they? What was different in the new canon?

Lysippos and Skopas. Where the bodies were more slender and heads were 1/8th the heights instead of 1/7th

28. Describe the Forum and Markets of Trajan.

Markets- stone, timber-lintel architecture. Basic unit was ataberna. Single room shop coverred by barrell vault- wide doorway with a window. Multilevel Forum; glorified trajan's vicories in two wars against the dacians. Huge basilica dominated the square. Huge arch entry and gilded bronze statue

7. Define necropolis and describe the necropolis at Cerveteri.

Necropolis-city of the dead. Large burial area or cementary. Tomb of shields/ chairs

10. Name three famous Hellenistic sculptures.

Nike of samothrace, Venus de milo, Barverini faun

12. The Imperial period of Rome begins under the reign of which leader?

Octavian=augusus= control of everything

29. What important temple was built under Hadrian and to whom was it dedicated?

Pantheon and it was dedicated to marcus agrippa

9. Name the building that was seen as a "culmination of Greek Classical ideals of perfect proportions, balance and order", and was designed by Iktinos and Kallikrates. This building's plan will appear as an architectural diagram that students will have to lable.


40. Name some characteristics of the colossal head of Constantine.

Perpetually youthful. Fragment of enthroned jupiter-like statue of the emperor holding orb of world power. Enormous eyes set into broad planes.

23. What famous structure is in Nimes, France? What structural system does it employ?

Pont-deu Gard. nimes france- employs the aquaduct/bridge system

5. What are the advantages of the red-figure technique?

Red figure= soft brush instead of metal graver and varied the thickness. Expanded color range (diluted)

11. Describe the Etruscan terracotta sarcophagus of a husband and wife. How would you describe the style and what is the couple doing? Does it reflect anything about the status of women in Etruscan culture?

Sarcophagi in the form of husband and wife focus on upper half of figures. Independence and freedom. Women could go to sporting events

6. Name the sculpture that developed a "Canon of Proportions" for depicting the human form. What sculpture exhibits the "Canon of Proportions"?

Spear bearer- polykleitos

What three things brought the Greek people together and unified the culture? Name one of the most important aspects of Greek culture. How did they view themselves? How did they view their gods?

Spoke greek, olympia games, hellas and gods were immortal humans. Regarded themselves as hellas. Gods into humans and humans to gods

10. This bronze statue was commissioned by the Romans during the early Roman republic, but was made by an Etruscan sculptor after the Etruscans came under Roman rule. What is the famous sculpture and what is the subject matter?

Statue of Jupiter, Vulca of Veii- red face, one foot tall, central cella in capitoline temple

4. How are Roman temples similar to Greek temples? How do they differ?

Temples ratio is greek, overlaid with stucco ioni frieze. Differs because it added pseudo peripteral temples composed of eutruescan and greek. Round temples have travertine corinthian columns and garland freize but podium can be reached only by stairway in greek temples. Steps continue all around the structure. Roman builders invented concrete

6. What are the architectural characteristics of Greek temples? What were they made of?

The architectural characteristics of greek temple are height of the temples. Sculptural ornament was on the frieze and pediment. Very colorful the temples were made of limestone but preferabley marble. Figural sculpture played a big role

4. Fourth style:

The views of buildings are irrational fantasies=ixion room. Mixed art styles contest to continued admiration

24. Under this emperor, the Roman Empire reached its greatest geographic extent and the height of its power.

Trajan, hadrian and the antiones

8. Define tumulus and describe a typical Etruscan tomb.

Tumulous= tombs in the form of a mound. Built tomb then covered with earth. Rarely built monumental tombs for the dead.

16. Who wrote the Aeneid? When? How is Augustus Caesar linked to Aeneas?

Vergil. Aenus is the son of venus and one of augustus forefathers connection between emperor and aeneaus was key element of augustus political ideology

39. Describe Constantinian reliefs on the Arch of Constantine

appropriated classical styled reliefs from imperial monuments of trojan, hadrian marcus aurelius. Aimed to show connected to good emperors and continutiy= constantines reliefs heiractic, stiff and stylized.

19. Name revolutionary architectural elements/structures and materials that the Romans developed and utilized.

aquaducts, marble buildings, collesseum, neros golden house

15. While seemingly classical, pieces such as Augustus of Primaporta are uniquely Roman. What distinctive characteristics make Augustus of Primaporta Roman in style.

augustus of primaporta; he is not nude. depicts important victory- cupid proclaims divine ddescent. Venus is the mom of cupid

11. What do historians believe is depicted in the Villa of the Mysteries? Which painting style does it belong to (first, second, third, or fourth)?

belongs to the second style. Depicts a chamber used to celbrate the rites of dionysus

22. Name the fire-proof material the Romans used.


37. What then became the official religion of the Roman Empire?


34. List some characteristics of the Late Imperial style.

compositions are marked by figgures that lack individuality and are crowded together. Everything pushed forward on the picture plane, depth, and recession is rejected. Lifeless bodies

17. How were cities and colonies across the Empire connected to Rome?

connected by aquaducts

35. In 306 CE, this person restored unified rule of the Roman Empire.


38. Where was "New Rome"?

constatine moved old rome east to byzantium, New rome and named it constantinople

14. What was depicted on the east pediment of the Parthenon?

depicted birth of the goddess athena. Now there only remains spectators

13. What did the continuous Ionic frieze of the Parthenon depict? Where is that frieze located (look at the diagram in the book or study material).

depicts- festival that happens every four years. Athenian self worth and also only human dipiction. It is located

15. Name the building that served as the ceremonial gateway to the top of the acropolis?

dipylon gate

2. Second style:

evolved in italy. They aimed to dissolve the rooms confining walls and replace them with the illusion of an imaginary three dimentional world. -Villa of the mysteries - Boscoreale: Linear perspective. All lines converge on a single point in the paintings central axis. to show depth and distance -primaporta- barrel vaulted room atmospheric perspective in which illusion of depth is achieved by the increaseingly blurred appearance of objects in the distance.

1. True or false? Like the Greeks, the Romans were politically divided into city-states


11. True or false: Greek sculptures never worked for Roman patrons, and Romans hated the Greek Hellenistic style.


16. Define: caryatids.

female figure that functions as a supporting column

2. Give 3 examples of the shift from Archaic Kouroi to the Early Classical "Kritios Boy".


9. Describe an Ionic capital and frieze.

is a light and airy and more decorative. Slender columns. The biggest difference is the capital. The doric is plain and ionic is decorative

8. Describe a Doric capital and frieze.

is big and firmly planted

4. Which 2 of these 4 terms apply to Classical sculpture: naturalistic, stylized, realistic, or idealized?

naturalistic and idealized

The female counterpart of the kouros is: _____

peplos kore

8. Name the four buildings on the Acropolis.

propylaia, erechtheion, temple of athena, nike, acropolis

5. Choose: veristic style is a) abstracted and stylized, b) idealized, or c) realistic


27. How would you describe the Imperial style of sculpture? Is it as realistic as the Republican style? Or more classical and idealized?

recounted important battles classical and idealized i think

13. Define Pax Romana.

roman peace; commisioned public works recounted rulers deeds in order to mold public opinion

17. What is the name of the irregularly shaped composite shrine on the Acropolis of Athens? Why was this temple so irregular in its shape and plan?

the irregularly shaped composite shrine on the acropolic is called propylaia because the building was built on a steep slope. It was divided to eastern and western sections

18. How did the Romans cultivate loyalty and unity in their vast empire?

the romans cultivated loyalty by putting augustus face on coins

9. What is the French term for 'fooling or tricking of the eye'?

trompo l'oeil

1. True or false: The Etruscans were influenced by the Romans and influenced the Greeks.


12. True or false: the west pediment sculptures depicted the contest between Poseidon and Athena to become the patron and protector of Athens.


2. True or false? Roman culture, art, and architecture shared much with the Greeks.


4. True or false: Lysippos' statue "Weary Herakles" departs from the stability, balance, and order of the High Classical style.


7. True or False: the Hellenistic period comes after the death of Alexander the Great and is characterized by the cosmopolitan spread of Greek culture internationally.


7. Two orders or architecture develop during the Archaic and Classical periods. They are: _____ and _____

two orders are the doric and ionic orders

36. The Edict of Milan was issued in 312CE following the defeat of Maxentius; what did the Edict of Milan do? What was the result of the defeat?

worship any religion romans may choose to worhip and christianity became the defacto official religion in 325 bce

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