Art History Test 1 Prehistoric Art, The Ancient Near East

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Name the element in the house of Skara Brae people that was used as the center of social and domestic life

A central stone hearth

What does the term post and lintel mean

A construction consisting of vertical posts with horizontal (lintel) across the top

What is a Ziggurat

A monumental step platform

Many Gudea statues have been found in Mesopotamia. Who was Gudea

A powerful Sumerian ruler of the city-state of Lagash, modern Telloh, Iraq. Under his rule, art and architecture flourished

What is the Woman/Venus of Willendorf believed to represent

A symbol of fertility. Thevwoman with round shapes exaggerates the female figure.

What does the term megalithic mean

big stone

Name 2 unique features of the Catal Hoyuk settlement in Anatolia, Turkey.

built in furniture. Split level homes.

Identity Dolmen

burial structure

Was the additive or the subtractive sculptural technique used to create the Bison Tuc D'Audoubert

Additive. Bison sculpted in clay

Name the most common material used by mesopetamian architects

Alabaster and limestone and clay

Name the cave where the first prehistoric paintings were discovered.

Altamira Cantabria, Spain

What was the most common subject matter used in cave paintings

Animals, geometric signs, and handprints. Humans

In sculpture, interconnected eyebrows in the shape of a wide V, and large eye's are typical characteristics of what culture

Near eastern, sumerian

Was Jericho an unfortified town

No, this strong fortified city predates the pyramids of Egypt.

Name 2 materials used on the skulls found in Jericho

plaster and sea shells

Name the ancient Egyptian building that is similar to the Ziggurat

Palace of Sargon II

What does the term paleolithic mean?

Paleo - old lithos- stone= old stone

What does the term menhir mean

standing stone.

What happens at the Mjnadra temple during an equinox

sunlight floods the main entrance.

Music was important to the Sumerians. Name an art object which supports this statement.

Standard of Ur. It shows them playing instruments

Identity Menhir

Standing stone

Name a great contribution to civilization by King Hammurabi

written code of law . code of Hammurabi

What were 2 tools used by the prehistoric artist to apply paint on walls

Stone oil lamps and scaffolding

Name 2 materials used in prehistoric sculpture

Stone, Ivory, bone, clay, limestone

Name the assyrian creature that had a winged lion or bull body with human head, that was used to intimidate and humble the visitor to the palace of sargon II

The Lamassu (the Guardian)

Name a reason why few mesopetamian buildings survive today.

The fragility of the construction materials used to build them. No timber or stone where available.

The apadana hall is part of which palace

The palace at Persepolis

Why is assyrian art history well documented

The tombs protected them.

Name six characteristics of near eastern sculpture

Twisted Perspective, large staring eyes with continuous eyebrows, rigid with no movement, hierarchy, figures often grouped in registers, men in skirts

Identity Post and Lintel

Verical posting stones with a horizontal slab on top

Name the two subject matters seen on the opposite sides of the Standard of Ur

War on one side, peace on the other

Did prehistoric people of Skara Brae use furniture in their homes

Yes, made of stones

What 3 architectural terms can you use to describe the features of Stonehenge

Cromlech- configured in a circle. Post and lintel- a horizontal laying on top of verticals. Megalithic-massive stones

Name 5 characteristics found in prehistoric paintings

Handprints,twisted perspective, super positioning, figures (black outlines),naturalism.

Which building from ancient near east was considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Why are sumerian cemeteries great sources for discovering the art of the period.

In the tombs were countless artifacts, cups of gold, silver, musical instruments, Alabaster bowls, and ornate jewelry. The dead were buried with their important items.

Name the famous gate to the city of Babylon

Ishtar Gate

Why is persian architecture much better preserved in comparison with mesopotamian

It was erected in stone using post and lintel construction, making it durable

Identity The Ziggurat At Ur


Which 2 countries currently have the most examples of prehistoric paintings


Identity Megalithic

Big massive standing stone

What 3 colors were mostly used in cave paintings

Black, red, yellow

Where did the colors used by the prehistoric artist come from

Black-charcoal Red- manganese dioxide Yellow-ochre

What does the term dolmen mean

Celtic word meaning table. A burial site composed of 2 standing stones, topped with a horizontal slab, then covered by earth to Form a mound.

What are some of the theories for the purpose of cave painting

Ceremonial-to improve hunting and ensure fertility.

Identity Cromlech

Circular configuration or pattern

What materials did the builders of Skara Brae use to build their houses

Flat stones. Stone slabs.

Name the material that the neo-babylonian builders used to decorate the Ishtar Gate

Glazed bricks, the glazes were made of ash and immanakku, a type of sandstone,with crushed minerals added to create various colors

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