ARTH test 2 reading quizzes

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Which of the following are important tenets of the Protestant Reformation? Select all that apply.

Bible as ultimate source of truth, Salvation depends on individual faith

Wright of Derby's use of a very heightened chiaroscuro was influenced by which earlier artist?


In 1481, Pope Sixtus IV commissioned a cycle of frescos for the walls of the Sistine Chapel. The subject matter focused on which two figures?

Christ and Moses

When completed, Dürer's Four Apostles was placed where?

City hall in Nurembourg

In something of a false dichotomy, Venetian painting is often associated with an emphasis on color, while this Italian city's painting is associated with line/drawing.


The central building in Perugino's Christ Giving the Keys of the Kingdom of St. Peter's is based on which earlier structure?

Florentine Baptistery

Which of the following best describes the function of the gopura at the Meenakshi Temple Complex?


The nine scenes that Michelangelo painted down the center of the Sistine Chapel ceiling are taken from which book in the Bible?


One of the ways that Martin Luther made the Bible more accessible to the masses was by translating it into:


In Dürer's Four Apostles, he depicts two of Martin Luther's favorite saints in the foreground. Which of the following are those two saints?

John and Paul

In the School of Athens, the philosopher Heraclitus is actually a portrait of one of Raphael's contemporaries? Which artist does Raphael immortalize as the "weeping philosopher?"


The foundations of genre painting were laid in the 16th century by which artist?

Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Michelangelo's paintings on the Sistine Chapel ceiling reveal his deep understanding of which other medium?


Martin Luther was particularly inspired by which of the following passages from St. Paul?

"The just shall live by faith alone"

Guidobaldo della Rovere, the owner of Titian's Venus of Urbino, referred to the painting as which of the following?

"the nude woman"

In contrast to Florence, Venice lacks a strong fresco tradition because of which of the following?

Venice's climate had an adverse effect on fresco painting

The destruction of images is called which of the following?


How does Veronese explain the inclusion of the offending figures in the painting now titled Feast in the House of Levi?

he used artistic license

Rubens' Elevation of the Cross shows the characteristic attention to detail we associate with Northern European painting, but it also shows the influence of which of the following?

the artist's travels to Italy

In the Dutch Republic, dissections often became a source of public entertainment, and viewers would enjoy food, wine, and music when attending. (T/F)


During the 17th century, Dutch genre painting was weakening in popularity, largely in response to the growth of mythological scenes in painting.

challenged the status quo in art, organized exhibitions and displayed works of art

In Anguissola's many self-portraits, the artist emphasized which qualities? Select all that apply.

chastity and virtue, skill as a painter

Which of the following are features of Caravaggio's Baroque style? Select all that apply.

emphasis on physical reality, black background, focused light source from above

After the Council of Trent, the Roman Catholic Church focused its efforts on which of the following? Select all that apply.

eradicating heresy, reaffirming the doctrines of the faith, evangelizing (spreading church teachings)

A popular subject among Baroque artists, the biblical figure of Judith was exiled by her own people after beheading the Assyrian general Holofernes. (T/F)


The Academy had very little influence on public taste and the popularity of artists' work. (T/F)


The Meenakshi Temple Complex is the most important example of Buddhist temple building in India. (T/F)


The Protestant Reformation led to an increase in religious art in northern Europe. (T/F)


The Roman Catholic church ordered the destruction of religious images because it argued that they encouraged idolatry. (T/F)


The four areas of human knowledge represented in Raphael's paintings in the Stanza della Segnatura (Room of the Signature) are philosophy, mathematics, poetry, and theology. (T/F)


Though the central focus of Holbein's The Ambassadors is the sumptuous portrayal of Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve, a religious interpretation is also suggested by the inclusion of the Eucharistic wafer. (T/F)


Vermeer was extremely prolific as an artist, creating hundreds of paintings, drawings, and prints. (T/F)


When in its original location, the figure of Christ in Rubens' Elevation of the Cross looked up to a separate image of the Virgin Mary. (T/F)


During the Edo period in Japan, the word ukiyo came to mean:

floating world

In contemporary reviews of her work, Angelica Kauffmann is repeatedly praised for which of the following characteristics?

masculine spirit

Which of the following features of Titian's Venus of Urbino may connect the painting to marriage? Select all that apply.

myrtle bush and dog

In Baroque Rome, what could almost guarantee fame for an artist?

receiving an ecclesiastical commission

Pope Julius II was known by which nickname?

the warrior pope

Michelangelo and Raphael were painting in the Sistine Chapel and the Stanza della Segnatura (Room of the Signature) at the same time. (T/F)


The School of Athens references classical antiquity through both its subject matter and painted architecture. (T/F)


Woodblock printing was known as early as the 8th century in Japan, but was used primarily for printing texts. (T/F)


the Enlightenment can be defined as:

A philosophical shift away from traditional religious models of the universe and toward an empirical, scientific approach

In Holbein's The Ambassadors, the dagger and the book are often interpreted as traditional symbols of which of the following?

Active and contemplative lives

The function of the Sistine Chapel is:

Pope's private chapel

the primary subject matter of the Rococo paintints was


The two philosophers at the center of Raphael's School of Athens are:

Aristotle and Plato

Academic art prioritized which of the following? Select all that apply.

European tradition, ancient classical art, historical subjects

Which artist does Veronese cite in his own defense?


Traditionally, the Roman Catholic church recognizes which of the following as the first pope?

Saint peter

Madurai is "ruled" by which god and goddess?

Shiva and Meenakshi

Contrapposto can be defined as which of the following?

The Classical convention of representing human figures with opposing alternations of tensions and relaxation on either side of a central axis to imbue figures with a sense of the potential for movement

Atmospheric perspective can be defined as which of the following?

The effect of the atmosphere on objects observed in the distance, causing them to diminish in appearance through a bluish-gray haze

Located in Kyoto, Japan, the Ryoanji temple complex is dedicated to which of the following religions?

Zen Buddhism

The most recent restoration of the Sistine Chapel paintings took place during the 1980s and 1990s and remains extremely controversial among art historians and conservators. The most striking discovery of the project concerned which of the following?


which of the following characteristics are often associated with Mannerism?

compression of space, intellectual complexity, elongated figural proportions

The subject matter of ukiyo-e imagery included which of the following? Select all that apply.

courtesans, landscapes, kabuki actors

The word "renaissance" means "rebirth" in French. What was being "reborn" in Renaissance Italy?

culture of ancient Greece and Rome

Elevation of the Cross is considered a masterpiece of Flemish Baroque painting. Which of these features are especially Baroque? Select all that apply.

diagonal line of Christ's body, extremely dramatic representation of the biblical event

Though Rembrandt depicts the anatomy of the cadaver accurately in Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp, he takes artistic license in other ways. Where is that evident in the painting? Select all that apply.

dissections would have started with the torso not the limbs, the dissection would have been performed by an assistant while Dr. Tulp lectured

With what did the Holy Tribunal take issue in Veronese's painting, now known as Feast in the House of Levi? Select all that apply.

drunkards, Germans, buffoons

Cythera is a Greek island believed to be the birthplace of Minerva (T/F)


During the 17th century, Dutch genre painting was weakening in popularity, largely in response to the growth of mythological scenes in painting. (T/F)


In Christ Giving the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter, Perugino uses continuous narrative to show three different moments: Christ giving the keys to Peter, the stoning of Christ, and the Last Supper. (T/F)


In Venice, the technique of using oil glazes derived from the work of Spanish painters. (T/F)


Most female artists during the Renaissance were sent to learn painting under a master painter. (T/F)


Some of Titian's paintings look so much like Leonardo da Vinci's that they can be difficult to tell apart. (T/F)


Which of the following are characteristics of Vermeer's art? Select all that apply.

intense preoccupation with light and optical effects, women in domestic settings as subject matter

In Renaissance art, figures are often shown with a attributes that aid the viewer in identifying them. St. Peter's attribute is which of the following?


The Reformation led to the growing popularity of which of the following genres of painting? Select all that apply.

landscapes, genre painting, still lifes

The original function of the Stanza della Segnatura (Room of the Signature) was:


Which of the following objects in Holbein's The Ambassadors is often connected to the turmoil of the Protestant Reformation?


Which of the following features set the Taj Mahal apart from other domed tombs erected by the Mughals? Select all that apply.

monumental scale, expansive gardens, richly ornamented white marble

Painted as his reception piece for admission to the Royal Academy, Watteau's Pilgrimage to Cythera introduced a new type of painting called the fête galante. This can be defined as:

outdoor entertainment scene

Titian's mythological paintings are often compared to which of the following?


Pope Julius II commissioned which of the following? Select all that apply.

rebuilding of St.Peter's, Raphael's stanze(rooms) in the Vatican apartments, Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling

Located in Agra, India, the Taj Mahal was originally referred to as:

the Luminous Tomb

The Council of Trent was convened in 1545 and addressed, among many other things, the use of religious images. The official stance of the Catholic Church was that images of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and saints were acceptable "because the honor which is shown them is referred to the prototypes which they represent." (T/F)


Though minarets have a functional purpose in the context of mosque architecture, their purpose is largely aesthetic at the Taj Mahal. (T/F)


When Dürer converted to Lutheranism, he did so at great risk to his career because he no longer had the church as a patron. (T/F)


Wright of Derby paints scientific experiments with dramatic effects usually reserved for religious or historical subject matter. (T/F)


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