artist management final

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If the artist-songwriter's song generates $20,000 in royalties; and that songwriter has a standard publishing deal with their Music Publisher, how much money would the Manager make with 20% commissions if the artist co-wrote the song with one other person?


If an artist's song appears on their own album that sells 20,000 units, how much money would the Publisher receive, before splitting share with the songwriter?


If an artist's song appears on another artist's album that sells 20,000 units, and the compulsory rate of 9.1 cents is applied, how much money would the Publisher receive, before splitting share with the songwriter?


If a songwriter's song generates $20,000 in royalties; and that songwriter has a standard publishing deal with their Music Publisher, how much money would the Songwriter make?


If the artist-songwriter's song generates $20,000 in royalties; and that songwriter has a standard publishing deal with their Music Publisher, how much money would the Publisher make if the artist co-wrote the song with one other person?


If an artist-songwriter's song generates $20,000 in royalties; and that songwriter has a standard publishing deal with their Music Publisher, how much money would the artist's Manager make in commission if their management contract includes publishing at a 20% commission rate?


If an Artist receives a $25,000 Advance and the Recording costs were $75,000, how much money in commissions would their Manager earn if they were a 20% manager?


The industry standard for the Booking Agent is:


In current industry standards, an artist manager's commissions are typically in what range for established and major artists:


Royalty rates for new artists can range from what to what?

13% to 16%

When contracting with a minor, the state of Tennessee requires what percentage of a minor artist's income to be put aside (withheld) in a trust?


How long is typical before a recording artist sees their first royality check, if ever?

2-3 years

Royalty rates for more established artists can earn up to?


When contracting with a minor, the state of California requires what percentage of a minor artist's income to be put aside (withheld) in a trust?


According to our class discussion from the book, a manager spends on average how many years developing a brand new artist to the point of generating "real" income from the various revenue streams?

3-5 years

The industry standard commission for a Business Manager is:


If an Artist is paid a 10% royalty for each album sold through iTunes, and the wholesale price is $7.00; then the artist earns how much in royalties each time an album is sold?

70 cents

An Alternative Artist Management contract, which we discussed in class, is best illustrated by which of the follow:

A contract based upon number of albums

Other provisions that should be included in a standard Artist Management contract should include all of the following except:

Allows a member of the band to be managed by another management company if they decide to do a solo deal

Which one of the following is not one of ASCAP's top five qualities that increase someone's potential to become a hit songwriter?

Amount of commissions

An Artist Manager's services to the Artist includes providing advice on all phases of the artist career in the entertainment industry except:

Determining which songs will be released to radio

Which one of the following basic fee structures is designed to give the artist the option of receiving a guarantee or a percentage of the ticket sales:

Guarantee versus Percentage

Which one of the following organization's responsibility is best defined as "a company that licenses songs on behalf of many publishing companies in the US, and then collects the royalties for their use to be paid to the Publisher."

Harry Fox Agency

Former American Idol winner Phillip Phillips sued his management company, 19 Entertainment because he claimed it is in violation with the California Talent Agency Act (as outlined in Chapter 6). Knowing what you read about the CTAA, which one of the following items listed in his lawsuit would actually be a violation of this Act?

His management company procured personal appearances for him without being licensed as an agent.

Which one of the following organization's responsibility is best defined as "licenses the use of copyrighted musical compositions for public performance and then collect royalties for the use on behalf of publishers and songwriters."

Performance Rights Organization

Which two industry people would be the most likely ones involved in negotiating a Tour Sponsorship deal on behalf of the artist.

Personal Manager and Booking Agent

In the Business Framework for the Artist, which one of the following would likely be chosen by a solo artist who declares that they are in business for themselves?


Which one of the following Alternative Forms of Business is best defined as "In this business form, individuals declare that they are in business for themselves and they are their own bosses.":


Former Sony Nashville CEO, Joe Galante noted in an interview shortly after he left his company that at an industry function he was having a conversation with someone who he had previously done a lot of business with. He could see the person looking past him while they were supposed to be talking to him. It was obvious that the person was looking around for who else was in the room. This type of Realities of the Music Business is best represented by which of the following:

Reality that the agendas of many people in the business determine whether you matter to them

When an Artist agrees to give their Manager a Power of Attorney, they are agreeing to allow management to do all of the following except:

Sell artist's contract to another management company

Which one of the following organization's responsibility is best defined as "collects and distributes digital performance royalties on behalf of the owners of copyrights of the sound recordings used on satellite radio or the Internet."


This same clause (as the answer from the above question) is also important for the Manager, in the event that what happens?

artist dies

Who does the Tour Manager take direction from while on the road?

artist manager

The person responsible for finding a date to reschedule an engagement if it cancels

booking agent

The person responsible for securing concert engagements

booking agent

A __________________ handles the income and expenses of an artist, and makes sure bills and taxes get paid:

business manager

The person responsible for making sure the artist's crew, expenses, and taxes get paid is:

business manager

The person responsible for managing the administrative business functions for the artist is:

business manager

The person responsible for reviewing the performance contract when there are changes to the legal language of the contract

entertainment attorney

A Manager's expenses to the Artist may include their office overhead to run the Management company.


A Mechanical Royalty is the money earned each time a song is performed.


A Tour Manager is typically paid a 10% commission from the artist's touring income


A conflict of interest is illegal if a Manager fails to reveal it to the artist in advance?


A manager is entitled to take commissions on any tour support given to the artist from their record label.


An Artist Manager is entitled to the full commissions of the NET income that an artist makes from touring.


An Artist's contract with a Record Label is on a non-exclusive basis


An artist's advance is not considered part of the recoupable money to the record label.


Booking Agents are typically paid an agreed upon salary amount from their artist.


Business Managers are only paid commissions on the recording and publishing royalties they help collect.


For a brand new, unsigned artist, an example of a short-term goal might be to be nominated for a Grammy Award.


If an artist decides to create a music video, they must pay for the entire amount out of their advance.


It is against the law for an attorney to work on behalf of both the artist and the artist's manager?


The Tennessee Protection of Minor Performers Act is a law that prohibits a minor artist to being bound to their contract agreement, allowing them to walk away from the agreement at any time.


Tour Managers are paid a 15% commission of the Artist's touring income.


Tour support is commissionable by the Artist Manager


Tour support is commissionable by the Booking Agent.


Which one of the basic fee structures have no tie-in with the ticket sales?

flat guarantee

In chapter one, we talked about the four functions of Management. Which one is best defined by the following: "taking the resources needed to reach goals and use them efficiently to achieve success?"


The first recording of a song by a recording artist on an album is granted what is called a __________?

mechanical license

What is the name of the royalties earned by the songwriter each time the song is sold as one of the songs included on a recording?

mechanical royalties

In term of the SWOT analysis for an Artist, which one of the following is typically seen as an external force/impact?

opportunities and threats

In chapter one, we talked about the four functions of Management. Which one is best defined by the following statement: "assembling the necessary resources to carry out a plan and to put those resources into a logical order?"


The royalities generated when a song is performed on the radio, in a restaurant, at a retail shop or dance club is called what?

performance royalty

The person responsible for the general management of the artist is:

personal manager

In determining the State of the Industry, Managers should do their research, utilizing trade publications and services to gather the information they need. Which one of the following would a manager go to if they want to gather data on ticket sales for performances?


There are severeal major "powers" in play in the Music Business. Based upon the book and class notes, which one more accurately reflects the following description? "Radio programmers have power with their listeners by deciding which songs to play and the number of spins for that song."

power of access

There are several major "powers" in play in the Music Business. Based upon the book and class notes, which one more accurately reflects the following description? "The power of legendary status artists such as Aretha Franklin, the Rolling Stones, and Paul McCartney is found mostly in their what?"

power of artist's body of work

Which one of the key players in the live entertainment area take the most risk for a concert?


Who is responsible for providing the artist's rider requirements on the day of the show?


Who is responsible for securing the appropriate permits for a show happening outdoors?


In determining the State of the Industry, Managers should do their research, utilizing trade publications and services to gather the information they need. Which one of the following would a manager go to if they want to know how recordings for a similar artist have been selling?


All artists' management contracts should, for the benefit of the Manager, have what type of clause, which is basically also known as a severance package for the Manager.

sunset clause

When a song is licensed for use in a TV show like Grey's Anatomy, the royalties earned from that is called?


Who is responsible for making sure the PROs get paid after a live concert event?

the venue manager

Regarding an Individual's Right to Publicity, artists have the right to control the commercial exploitation of which of the following items below:

their name, their likeness, their singing voice

In New York, the Protection of Minor Performers Act requires that Manager-Artist contracts not be more than:

three years

"Advancing" a show means taking care of all of the details needed before the day of the show.


A "draw" is considered an advance payment against future royalties and is recoupable under most circumstances.


A Manager's plan to represent another similar artist as the one they're creating the artist career plan for can be seen as a conflict of interest.


A Power of Attorney is a document that gives someone the legal authority to sign documents and make contractual commitments on behalf of someone else.


A key component of branding is an artist's Image.


A management contract often includes language that allows a manager to end the relationship and cancel the contract should a key band member quit the group.


A target market is made up of consumers and potential consumers with whom the artist's music connects creatively and commercially.


According to the California Talent Agency Act, a booking agent must be licensed to negotiate employment contracts in the state on behalf of an artist.


According to the book, a "subordinate goal" are those that when they are achieved, they help support a larger outcome.


An Artist Manager cannot commission the recording costs used to make the artist's album.


An Artist Manager cannot commission the tour support given to the artist


An Artist Manager is allowed to take commissions on the Artist's Advance.


An Artist who owns their own record label and markets their own recordings will see a faster return on their investment.


An artist signed to an "all-in" contract means that the specific royalty rate being paid to the artist includes the royalty payment to the producer of the recording


An artist who has reached "Superstar" status or whose earnings exceed a particular gross amount will often renegotiate their management contract to lower the commission amount to as low as 10%.


An example of a long-term goal for an up and coming artist could be to become a headliner.


An example of a subordinate goal might be when an artist wants to learn to play an instrument. That goal supports the goal of being able to play that instrument during he artist's stage performance.


An exit strategy is the plan a manager will use when the business relationship with the art it needs to come to an end because the business isn't there anymore.


An immediate benefit to an artist being signed to a recording contract is the means to quickly increase their public profile and build a larger fanbase.


Artist Advances are "loans" against future anticipated royalties.


Artist Career Plans should typically not be for more than a three-year time period.


Confirming hotel rooms and travel arrangements is a part of "advancing" the show.


During the Planning process, another word for "daily tasks," are tactics.


For a brand new, unsigned artist, an example of a short-term goal might be to write more songs to expand their set list.


For an established artist, an example of a long-term goal may be to tour internationally.


If an Artist has a 360 deal with the record label, they will owe a percentage of their sponsorship dollars to the label.


If the record company pays for any aspect of live performances, including the artist's costumes, hairdressers, makeup assistants, etc. then the entire amount becomes recoupable.


In Tennessee, a contract with a minor artist requires the contract to be approved by a judge for it to be valid; who will then regularly monitor the effects of the agreement on the career of the minor.


In a record label's 360 deal, it gives the record company a license to use the artwork created for the album for other products.


In a typical industry-standard contract, an Artist Manager can charge back to the Artist for their out-of-pocket expenses for costs associated with doing business on behalf of the artist.


It is standard practice that an Artist Manager enters a non-exclusive relationship with the Artist.


It is standard practice that an Artist agrees to an exclusive contract arrangement with their artist manager.


Non-internet radio stations (in other words, terrestrial radio) must pay performance rights royalties in order to play songs on the air.


One of the key questions the book mentioned that a Manager might ask a potential Artist before signing with them is "How did you resolve the last conflict you had with someone?"


One of the key questions the book mentioned that an Artist might ask a potential Manager before signing with them is "What expenses will you pay and what expenses will I be responsible for?"


Per the contract, an Artist Manager isn't obligated to seek or obtain any employment or engagements for the artist.


Primary role of the Record Label is the exploitation of an artist's sound recording.


Regarding the royalty pay out, singles earn ¾ the rate of an album.


Royalties paid to artist from the sale of their single or album, are a percentage of the wholesale price of the recording.


The Business Manager for an Artist is the person who monitors and receives the checks from the Performance Rights Organizations.


The Harry Fox Agency has the ability to periodically audit record companies to be sure they have paid their publishing clients royalties that are owed.


The Market Segmentation said to be the hardest of the four segment we talked about, is the Behaviorist Segmentation.


The Record label provides all financing necessary to create the sound recording for the Artist.


The budget the manager prepares in order to support the artist's career plan should be for a three-year time period.


The expenses being charged to the Artist are payable back to the record label only if the recording earns adequate income (royalties) from the project to pay them.


The purpose of a "settlement meeting" is for the tour manager and promoter to count tickets and review the promoter's expense sheet.


The recording contract requires the Artist to pay for all of the costs of recording an album.


The responsibility of paying the record producer is the artist's and is done through the artist's royalty earnings


The standard artist-manager contract offers the manager the option to extend the contract beyond the three years, to an additional two to four years, provided they both agree to the extension in advance.


There are many gatekeepers that an Artist Manager must deal with to help grow their artists' career in the music industry. The Receptionist at a Record Label may be one of them.


Tour support is money given to the artist from the record label for the purpose of helping offset the losses an artist incurs while touring.


Unless they have event insurance, a promoter generally has no recovery for their losses following a cancellation of the show.


When a songwriter signs with a Music Publisher, typically the songwriter agrees to write exclusively for the Publisher.


When an artist's manager is hired to work for a Management firm, they are agreeing for their artist's commissionable income to go directly to the firm, and not to them.


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