Arts of Asia // Final
(794-1185) Japan's classical period Heian is modern kyoto plan of the city is based on Tang & greek cities (Grid)
Heian Period
Female style of painting Fiction, romantic stories not much movement
Male style of painting This was more emotive, active/ politically motivated
3 Phases of buddhisn 1. The buddha era; Buddha was actually teaching (true dharma) , earnest practice, Realization of aspiration 2. Counterfeit Era; Eventually the wheel of dharma will stop turning; The teachings of Buddha•Earnest practice (1000 years) 3. Mappo Era; Startingin 1052, degenerate dharma, End of dharma, were still in it
Spreading the fear of Dharma
contexts of literati paintings (time place, and occasion)•expression of thoughts and feelings •beyond history, time-space boundaries What make them "literati"?•How do they match calligraphy and painting?•Political significance?•"Four Great Painters of the Yuan Dynasty"
Yuan Scholar-gentleman "literati" artists